CITY MARKET FRESH MEATS A first class liiK* of fn'sh meats, steaks, roasts, stews, chops, mutton, sausaj^e arui dresseil fovv!;s always reatly for prt)mpt delivery. Also a of su;;ar curcil hams, break fast bacon, boileil liani, ftc. We have m ule t'ur jnirket sanitary in every respect, anti \vith our expericni'ev! ir.-*at cutters vve are prepared to {^ive you just the cut you i!e -ire. (iive us a call. ALLISON & YONGUE TELEPHONE 47 Stale Bread or Fresh Bread. Most iiersoiis don’t like stale bread BO well as fresh, though niuny con sider it more dig«‘stibl(\ As a matter of fact, fresh brea«l is just as digest ible as stale, if it be chewed as much, but its very softness is a temi)tation to chew it too little; hence i*. is swal lowed without the admixture of eiiougli saliva to digest its tlareh. Stale breiid, on the other huiid, is dif- ii-vq- ramiy of tli‘- r,r:i!H! tliiiner j-'Jvu -lunn aily (>ii SI. I);ivii]'s (i:!y. After i]i>- :ilp. jier ihe drUiU inn jo:-, afcoriipanitd l;y .'.V- tile mascnt of l!ie fusile'-r:’. At (1 \\:lh rosettes of and liluc? ri!>:n«n, marelM'S around tlie table. ;ar- ryi;i;; a plate of Ireks. f-;v.‘*-y f>!IU‘er or j;i:e; t wlio lias n<“ver eat-'i' one b«. i'’«tre i'A o'lli.Ufii to d;> se, I'Satidiaf; * n !i;s i-hair wiih oik* feot oti the ta!-!'v V. bile tlie •’nnnm'-r'^ 1. at a roH be- Initd bis elijiir. H»* •:? t'/.-n eoiiFi'!* red a trt'.e \V(‘i;;hman. All ilie toasts ar-:i foupltd wiih !hf natrie ol' St. I>avid. It is mueli the sauie way that tl.e tor.: t wiih lii^liiarMi le.T.c r.^ is (Irunk. • !’i< h ;r;a ;t i taiid:; '.'. ith one foot on <■!!!• ir a,;»ii cuie on ilie i:ibl<‘, and 'he pij; r... a-iiipliiL:. iln- n r;in. I ENTRY NOTICE in a rnjrthffiy (lirfrtinn with the Caivilcr I line to a stake in an acl in the ( i .!. !•'. i nttrs ami nsylvaiiia. state <.'f (iirerliim to I’u' CiH.ion lint; tIuTi'.f v. ith ; N'irrtii I'aioliiiM, in l)unii . k tewnshi;). Ciss<»n Inic to t!i»- Ix-jfiniiiiu' so :is to in- j on the \va,ters of ('arK.. >;■* n;:tn is honi a Sikli; lie !ip. .•ei.'.e?^ e:; ' by tiit' <'• !'■ niony known as "iKilr'l,” or liiv’ahan of ihe rwor". i'^- i!('iay.*ii uniII l]i.' e.-tjKJUlar:' !'• n ; (■■■ ! v(-ars ais. r. * i ,., Afit ;• y (-very SiMi tvl'is “Sin; ’ i:i^ I'i '‘"r'! I ! wi;'-!! -I ■ ■■ i: ,■■■! •>. • • •, . ■ •.. I, • , ■ '«! *' .Vl- I":. tra;.!jr-1 ii;,:- a iKihlary r<‘ii"i' ';;; '•(in':.)' ; ^ • I,]'. A.' ta> ;i liLhiin; rri-eii, is oa*- ul :-o::aiis’eri'y: tli-- par' it.-. ;'’!h ■r*':;ts ar-' b'linid i'> -taui ti>linvvo and \vi!i«*, tJuju^h ('nl> v:-i.. ortiieiioK. ob: ervo fcL*-:- lutt 'I* .I'll’.un, if'' 51! ^ ' S ii Ta I ii it Si f -A.?., t 7' ■ -> Is U 6. ’ a y u u 1 - 'V i A fie);! Oco- !o Ban!;. •! i;r T . -;*5 ’1 ^ “ j ^ iW ' "ri t'. m Ji na: Cwa vV a 01 U a » H I’ ? 11% ctl / . Crary, lozatcd on the cast side of the .public road leading to D^cr Park Home, and known as a pari of Jic L, C. Ncill home place v/lH hz soli io the higlusl bidder September 25, 1915, at 3:00 o'clock p. ni. T:ic michincry consists oi the lollowing:, and would be called brand new sti. ;r on earth will you ,:.o;ain have the cpportuniiy to buy a brick plant at auction, cspccuilly a new one. Just lo-Dk what Brickton and Fietcher are doing, and they have no better clay ihan we have. The brick business here can be made one of the besc, and no on: can dis pute it. So you can buy thij plant and pay as you malie brick and sell them. Oiiw iiir,nwi‘w, J.\^acliii;vf cost »^oDO»ijo. One Rug Mill cosj :'150.C0. One Granulator, cost S275.00. Three Brick Trucks, cost .S45.00. One Hoisting Drum, cost 550.00'. One Clay C ir. cost $“5.00. One Motor, cost 531?5.00. Belts. Pulleys, Shafting, etc.. cost S’00.00. Many other articles not me:';tioned, ii'eluding; the big 1 < • locatea in. ■n the outfit i he ni;..chirery Vv ill be sold by the piece and as a v/hok, going to the hi :st biaaer one way or the otii*- Vv'e nave aiso cut into ei-int nice residence lots the land on which the brick nlant is located and will sell them at the sani: t’rn: to me highest bidder, first selling the lots separiuly and 'nen as a whole, confirinin^ t!ie bid that brings the most money. Terms of this sale will be: One-third cash, six and iwelve mvonths ■);■, deterred payment, note ar.d approved security at six per Cent la’.erest. Nov/ as to the residen IwC 'ts. they ar. as nice as can be had any where; one and one-iourth miles from Brevard and one one-iourth miles from Pisgah Forest just right to build on and work at either place. And you can buy them at your own p be stteh an oppori‘,:nlty for you to buy a lot for a home located like tnese. Now we have named Saturday, September 25,, at 3 p. ni., as'the time to sell the lots, machinery, house, ere., so all wmo are interested can be there. As a furtlier inducement to have the largest crowd that ever attended an auction sale, v/e are going to pay the wagon cr auto or any other one vehicle that will bring from, Brevard the largest num ber oi people over eighteen ye.irs old $5.00 in s^old. We v-/iU pay the same to the party at Pisgah Forest v/ho brings the most people to this sale, one load or a d-ozen, so you use the same vehicle, erty has been placed in our Iiands to sell and must go to i biddv:r for one-third cash, balance in six and twelve months, miss it, if you do you will sure regret it. 4 xiO U i V./ 1 • 1 [■*i*" r*' A on't zYT.-JcrMKjSi'aai"’ ‘.xsiSiatoMB.Kt.‘a;.iLSiaA ziuiEjJz^zsiaziiCrorr-,,: CAROLINA SPECIAL AUCTION SALES CO T. W. WHITMIRE, Auction AV^Ci- • life?