Sylvan Valley News Subscription Price Three Months $ -25 Six Months One Year 1-00 l-AV.Vni.K i-,TKUTLY IN ADVANCK OKA L. JONKS - Kditor and rublishei MDONLICKT SCHOOL LESSONS A i-rix-i r.i.irk In tliis spiivi- imli < lliat the tinu' fof wtiioh your siihs.*i !!>ti>ni is ha'- f .'ipiri'd. ;:;iil this in' tlu- l.isl issu<- wo >\iil S'-nil to until a rvnrwa! is at FSirAY, OCTOBER 1, 1915 mmmmun Tht' Ix'-iijr.irir willi this i.-sm- no inon' LOOK CUT m HIM Mr. R. L. Wilson, ropsesentinf' tlm Hylvnn Valloy iVt'ws, is now in tlio ciiiivassin^ for this paper, and iiuidontal!V lu? has Hoinethin>j to olTer the j^ootl people of this county thiit hasni'ver hi eii olTered In answer tho uuniertnis 1114111- rics coming' in from various sec tions of tho coxiiity in rtigard to the U‘ssons for the moonlii^ht schools, the jS'ows will state that we have agreed to ])rint tlie lessons in the Sylvan Valley News and mail .s.vtion ol the >ti to bcfor.v co])iesof thepapcr(‘o!»tainitur ilH‘uv free to ev»‘ry stuuent enn.ll.Mlm | We will not tell ju.^l what the inoonlij'ht schools, hut in view j,. of t!ie tact that the nuuitli ol Ne- j (■;,]].; he sur«‘ to ^^ivti hitn jin ycuibi r has bt'cn .sclei'letl b> | njijioi tunity to e.xjil ;iii the propo >iate eoiiiinit it't* having thi> wotK < jt {jj,. (:|lVr t'ver in chari:.*, v.*‘ cannoi at thi.s tii.u'j j|p |,y ., wt'ckly ni-w.-^psijMT. print these lesst)!!s. ontrr that tht' ].e.?]»h- may \Vt* have wrilteti Hi’. .loyi.eT' • . 1 « * know jufU wiicn to cxj.ict our roj»- askin."' him to tni insh us th(' ont- ‘ ’ _ ri-senlative aliii.j:, tlie .News will line Ol tho lessoiis now so ■ ^ ews ^islu stoannouncethat ..uls that l-.tvo already he- ‘ ' tiuii \V4irk niay uso ' iu’ ]Uk j'criUni copii S of tl‘<‘ ^';lUu‘sold are n-.t at allsui.- u:i vt ii a v« ay ai tin* olliee, l>ut 1”^'* j j j ,ji ,r,.t int'orr'.al ion !)i nuniy pi arcs i*i ihi< cornHy n.'s ,i.'s;niiK tm.y til. :•■. at tlie I'ivv and 'I’t n ( oni Store: >ir> -Mary t. lilid *‘='' + j,,. ij,],;i v n !’• ■;i<! v « »» «•<•• .IW.ilmMT f..r , ,l„, l .1.! F..r luitny; ivm.Ii roui witK to wtTK nivf an tiutiine oi liisp’oposod rof.t.-s, .Next .Mon- il.iv inornuur Mr. V, il.-on will start Moi th troni !»rrvar<l, taking; in all J tiiat sertiion lyin;^ beiwtt'ii lu-reij ;ind Ki'.on, .''pcndnif^ Motiday nijjrhtjt STATEMENT OF CONDITION # Brevard Bai^kliig Company BREVARD. N. C. At t*he Close of Business September 2, 1915 Ri:SOl !<CES Loans ;ind Discounts .$.^09,168.42 Os’ordrr.ft-; 878.87 Ininiiture anti I'iiaiircs 4.(100.00 Ci’sh in Bunks and Vault 64397.61 S-^78,444.90 LJABIL! Capital Stock S100,000.0i> Sjirplii.s Hi’d iJmlividcd Profits 4,8.50.60 lliils I’uyable l.S,000.00 Rc-{)iscfaint.s 25,i)55.2^ Dividcntis Unpaid .S.S.OO Deposits 2.W8IX‘'’ S.^78,14I.90 Tui'Stl:t.\ lie Vi iil w(»rk :rosf lilt !u‘ count y lint' \]u‘ - r p,r.-vaui. For manyi . . ... : across to the l>)ylo-ton roa<l, rt ason.N tin.'', a; iioii hec";nr nee- I'ssar’’. and \U' l >uvt* iliat the wi cK, ani i)t i:i! a ro I'eporfoil. :i t nev.-arran<-ut v.iV: ] rovc ]i >p'i il.-' t 111'11 .lehi■!’.> a ri• i a>t rui"i iTU 'ji.-ndini'- 'I’urxlay nivht in thiit ] •it»n, iollowini; the lioyhstonil S( '* lar III til. i.u-Ii". t I'.r now di>- t!I'.i’iii.i.: pi.;i.t i> com!‘iilly lo.-a'.ri! a!!ii i*i afi'rss to :-ll. tlie ]k!i;>il> .tlomr li !'V t !t("asel vcs. 1 !i thi‘ HUMntinii' tin- .\i , roitd 1 .1' k to iJrt-vard on Wedtu's-J as ouninetl , , J ■ lay. i 1 nisday will he s;'cnt in‘| and around llievjird. 3 \x \v.-^ woidii xT, s’i;r'..;cst to .tl! v> ilo exiHTt tolea( h \V -t all our frit nils livin Wo iru.-t our will h.av;.^^ s.-hools u. this on 11ns m-;:o v. ill h.-, r l nund |, t h:r- : ft juiml w heii tiiin oxt ra MI as to a Volt i I c.'Uiilv lhal tliev s.'Titl it. t!io n:;i.ios and toll tlifir no-iirld :i*--: tliat .\*r. f 'j i ( ^•o;n>'ioh aT'lii lifiay !>y ('i>iuin-r '-i- n ci:v to i!>' ' will I »i' a'li who I Tir< >11 o > t .X. \\ Hi is (‘; > t* Jt all luav 1 !! uo ;I'lct;y t 111o! o>tai on auil ai = .;• t v.:-tr ihcl'O W.W |:o^::^V<■iy ! ,• I, ) ( Ii,i>j u.'-i'd o! a. thi>- o * ■ ■. I'. 'I'liis tjf co'iirse will ni>t intorl'etr v.iiii anyr.i.i- wi?-’..ini: lo ;*on-ult our t’ur>o In ii'ir opt-n lo inspi'Ct'.oi'. »i ..iiv tn;-i'dunnu;' v.'ork'in*' k.-ur.". ; that we tnay k::ve tlloso li.-,! :tr-['T a:rI thoro v. lii 1 i> ni. tifliiy w ;-.o:t t hi- tUlVO !II’r «t'i’ 1 s:-i>'is >io ciiitif 11»>•' v:. r. i. l\ rr;%'iv='d ;; .lU’ii and wo T'Mst' otkor:" i"!l. as in 1 ho ]■ ii' V- r } aliov.’i d 11< will nia y co:;'.' 1 r >% a v at «'’a'o. 'This is ti. - l)i;''''‘'s' thin.; cMor nnderlakfi! in 'I’!-.;M:-> ivania rou?i- tv'. <•; nd o:ii • wortlsy ol' ;;oiivc r:;- coiif.'-L'ei leni a.Vid ;-un:io’'l ot i vt'rv hi* reafly lo inic( i’/PuuRAPlSilii.L i:CR'Jjiw (; jj; ii[Si as Iinru. Ill' tii-rdor, tt> Honest Face i? T'iii a (i.!\ of ‘ vrors nu r;:! [! 1; tl. i J'/.iii i--f thoi-o!int>. !o tiio Icsn loa \ o t he ol:!.'i’. ■ i- I I . , ot I M*. .loyiM-r. t';t> prii.i'' ■.lO.c;- in '■ L-raUi.' W(i:!x. \ a ' \n :':. ' i' ■ a ^; .V i - i ■ i. 1 . >, >o . t. :.;.■ n. . t ^ ■ <;.< O i.!;:Vo rrrl;;':-d t i a v i-j-, j; i ^ jn ih 1 ; 1; 11* M ' ; *' l!; sorv’. ■< s II. Wi!si>n I'atolina, for tli" cnia U'.’';>,i i n !•, |ir.'.'o!,, a t:I', and he i.-- now cvn y uoinan and ciiild iii.);:. in i :if li- 1 K. iho ;’io'ri'>t this its li'ai'ir iiniilalions 'I'1 I r, \ t r i*>. a ^. ou : rierids i 11 ■ ' KGRSES Aiii} KORSESsSSE lu i:..,; ,-'vf."y OtlU;■ 11'Sy, aiio a'l^ a.^- ?■' 1 i u ■ e 1 i I a i n i' a y hi ^ i* i t n i 111 n i n I.;’r’: !oi lilly ajijvro- r’.'Ia ni'v.>]i:n)or issuo oi i‘rr':rs ty- p.-jfra]'}:!‘al. Ainitlie i’.-i:-;-!hiliii.-s • if ndsta f:e ill jor.raa.list !•■ ;'’ int a I o wt l!-i I. •I'--;; \ I ^•Ulahlo. I '.a 1 ■/1 a t.*f n ‘a t::.. ; U'l* '■:i ' S : • ■ ' o r ' i t;-; v . t ■ ^ . u ! >; ty;:.- i<- ;ui;> • : . ; i,. t.. - ! p . . - ? 1.1 'I'htvro arcM-’ion |n.^ltion^ | iii Vi'hieh e;t'di loiti-r inav rla'-'-.i. f c tiif”.*'r p. n.ii':. s to t niaivo li::.i>iii*r-it;"n . hi tho son- | tonfi'. ’'i'o !';i* or not to 1 o. lo' f t !’anspo.-ith-.n ..lot*'*, il i- ;>'.s.-; ii’c !■. j ..''J'.' erio’s," ii‘OV can ' “'.'ot lia'fiv’.'-ome h;i! *40(.h!,”'s tlio old sayinjr rc'.>:;!r'’!n<;‘ irjnnin faces. 1 his applies t<; our aiarni c!oc!;s. A lt»tid iickinjj: clock is not ::! v^.ys t!:e one that keeps the best time, nor is i!;c hand ome ;:nd nio t costly one the ht st tiri»c-keepcr. Wc at: !iot handle tlie che^ipl.v made, infe- » ( jr ( clocks sold at jieneral stores, hui v. c o'!'.*;’for t'te r.e money an hon- e: ■Ir-:n;r'e. .‘elinhie tinie-iniirlver. 'i':;-.- Atr:.v; Co;; !'’:■ ='jfisin^ an ■ a. I'!ie S;!:."^se a* fi\)nci:u! at SI 1'* and the Hi:.; iU'n «t S2.MK r-V If M W‘ u t ? — - I • I I IJ' r*, I I ■ - ■ . * ^ ► j Sctai-tinifs a p^-rr-’in nay !o;'rn wc ovoi- i't*i loit »’no ."O.i;.:io p-tpor j rhc .{ev/eler <»f 'rransvlvariia Cou-ity. .;. I - i ' ■ S.. o ! 111>r. V. ,k-on !4oi)t;. !!o.rso M'liSi' h\ ohser\ir.^.x an ^'-'itiiout i"i“i'ii m; i-..r. \\ I* Ii'i vi* h( 1 s ' i \ ; ■ ;oo,, !i !•■ 'id :: ■.l^yIviiui.'; o msa-h a! • tho 1 lof.’d r; I-.' iic- Cl ■' :. H;. o j. ft an i;.‘ n-u i*ra-.n tit t A ot :! 1 k O bar.* a I. d !;io fi rfo»>r. o ; .■ iia.’.d.'- ;0.o ■ o-t 1 suit' loat t iiaI we hail O' an** to I !lo c. till'd V;Sit til \'.: •Mat .I.;,t i;:<- :;lai ; lr:o ..:/ t ha’ la - >t . lidy , ; art* tho V. 11! ,'io woie**ni'i'd vis (' 'TU‘> who al Vvays ^I't t hrr. ■. o u t .,' - it. hi-r- 'Vt r ho may t ■1' wa tali in tZ I llo a lit ’<•> t»f a iioi> - •t :• 11 lO u;i;'it;;ai jir.d t'\■ r focnlly VO.- arr ■ !:v*S. .'it’ll It'j 1 t a kt ■a n ■ • 'i! too tiiit'T 1(1' tr;‘-0' tho , .taor v’;o»v. h.- lo V;. Vi. •]r‘r>oii, a!id ea rly i ii 'k'h ■ wril. d ! i A:i^ a lii.d.- ‘ >*] tn n Wf Ill ; .»:m'■ V'vr; ■ n !.- p;- .n;_' ]:■ ■■ ;>.»* li 11't; it ■ ■ ;> *-iOo:'. ■ :i lo A' j.r-'do. oio da\.-> v!^ll- 1 1. i 1 o i a , III : r ' ■ ’ ■ r I' >• V. hio;. !' ittv. (■ ; •! t.n. ]>!ay an ••t'lTi'rl.-.-"; ;^-n! ' in 1’.t < ’a •/hi .Voll''' tii hr f: .. (ii ■ ■ai'li i>;hor,^' fault>y .\nd Nho-aid wo n 't (‘o-.tmua ! 1 : oo (. 1 hi TEAT TiEED FEELING, ■roat i-«>r.ui\or tofori' .-t ai. i ooui; '■rari J iv.■ OFT' -r' v.'o niak-' OUliEE: i’lr.'l «:rad!' I lior 'i'la 'Ui.i.". 1> n; t <■ * r< r • i llt-.v/n i.ULL < !ri ^ iMii* s. ii; . 1 :.t ‘ 'i;r did i. > in i ■ 'tch 1 !ia ; r ra nrr it : f l hi lo'ii - I 1 ;i ir ■ t' r o\v \ h! :i ■l.ou I 1 i! ( :1 a t’;!'!.* • - .. i- 'o ; . t: 1 >i-!‘!.;,ri‘ i \v h*a>-. 'i'! r'lf.v ;;!i = l .-‘o’l r v- • ills . \v;i \. ay. a ■; ■ 1 • ■ I Id > ' 11] I ot I . I 1 ; ■ ; t-1 r!. :. I ■; I. n . r I •' ■ d ; ^ . >01:'!’ ^ •j’t 1' >tla oati hi-Hr' vry nar . \\ hit.lO.r.■. I »■ >r-■: h v !h. w 1; 1 ;; • ! . I."! < * ’ i I t i k 1 ■ ai;..: no io,dy airo !<• : u,s -.i:!.! - a- ! . -t 1,0 Whitluir-*. \i” Br a’ah \Vii:;ni;i •■. 1 I .y ir I ioui’cr.-^-1;;, S ‘i-i’ni’ 'Ir.'oio—h. .S’loth, *'a!viii S,;.: if.. ' ^<y ii:ire. Kv' ■ .'I I loroloiai. M'.llrtS. .\r, ' I •■i:-:.. t'l-. ; >;:t:;.,ro. 'vVil- a 'A'iii: nsi I V" .1.!/, J 1 li yeti arc hiuc r.nd h.ivc that tired feeling ihv'J: scn'c icikr^ .irc'vcxc: v. itl'i, the chances arc that ycti I'ct been fcuyirg ycur Groceries iicni Ii'c ' r;c'v.r-r:;jied. Lead up on seme of t/f-ii' cr0i3v.3 arc. iioic inc cii'cct. At liT ■hsi ' 11. I. > n '.o .j.n ]ia 1 • i 1 ' i: o ?\ ■ ■ (f.-r V t . . . I. 0 : 1 i: I oi i II 1 * 5 . t.-p 11. in •th-^d- I dii;. a I. Wlia ;:y ti.: . ho: ■S:‘ V. i i 1 w t . i * IV I ■ ■ * :i . n- 1- • ; -r. ' ‘ >■.; ::o . ^ . . r : !a,tj;o il. o\‘o /y ' ii ,y life. w;‘1" 1 i b; -ro r , ;r:ii i-;H- : i .'i .>:a 1...* O t ' ' ‘ O M * 01 is a jtd! :; in •a.l ;t v.-iil p av 1 t s , ;n i - t ■- ; f t-1. 1.■ it. a.’"d vdli! 11 with a I’^lit yo ^d will ..Il'l ' ’■i'ii it t- . ‘ J1 i a I , . . O : .a,5 iif |:a f-' to t--’.- t ■' >' . n : iiurr, 1 a ko a hrt ■ y, tl. at Inn !i- di;' :ir sp, 1 vinii t* i ludo J If II * t 4 hI "O l!a. hr 1 ’. i. ^ ‘ n! t ■ thin ■■ i . ■ y,)'a :; • X * i 11 h t! ir-i: ■ :p. II' '■ ■a 1 tl ! • 1 ^, u .. J: wi o' •. ■..-r h;," a •» t ii li-'ati O' ar.' :'’oin:,' io tl;;nk hr..,; tldnir 41'! ; !■.. llj.: n. :<!> an r.V er; d tkt di\ a> 1 1.0',' III i V :I riut *i ) to t li;■ :Oio;i ar t ' '’td; IS oo!M; O' 'I'iiird t I rad>‘— i .fi I ’.-rail-! ;■:> >M. L ’>a \\ iiitaiiT'o. i.i tiia : t;i: o. !:a;h M«'Call. va . '.to. !■'= < ;;-l !i ( i radi — ^ :-;i-ir . '• Kif'lt (Jrath—dar : odr.-. o t l.iii-a;*** j’isuiiL'. \'oiin Si\t]; (Irad-*—W:!a;:' <'ha’i!.':;.:;. ’■ »>oul:i a !o/itl, i !■‘ i Mr! 'ad. S.-v- ;i*!! ( — ’ k.rvin Mri 'ali. !':-ai i ditiuir •, '^od'nt* rh-oc,-. A. i’. Bol l.. ('1.1 : W o: ra 11:'; hi:PTUR£ EX'^Eni iJEBE Seele}'. Vv !;(» I'itted tiu- ijf !<ussh:, Ca!lo<:* t s As heville. GOOD AD Dti I':-:, vv O k I (■; y: o a, ai.ii t h--n laaro' ^ ■<'! riir’ii i-, a a. ai a. ■ -d’o-'y !>. • rohi d i v !.' 1.- aiiii 4 I. -. . ...i.-.ii ,,ial \>aiKod _,i,niiita!r.('or, v.'anf; !t.i Ijt-otmi.* p«»-.t- ri"..; o’o a> ;i 'Vi'n*. Kvtn' nT.urt-jne-w* . Stop war r.nd talk business. Sion lalkinj:: bard time., and taik 5j;oo<.! vricsaiid heifer Knuis. 'rimi ;\-oi;r c'ol- kir h;ose and put it in ctrcu!u{;< n. I hcro is n ere nu ncy in tlie coi!SKry liian ever Iiefoie, so lei t:s ri!t it To wcnk a!’;d nv.'.Ae the be* t : ^ar fcr lieslr.ess in (.r.r hi *< ry. Tbr.r.k- iii;» >ou for : < I'.r iilu la! patrcn.'^-e ilurir';; the j ;>t yci^r, and lui;dnji: lor ;i la";,:', r sbaivc-of :'ext -and with best wishes Xu you and yours lort: l:apry rr.ti I'N v, Yccr wc vrv, Tonr for r'io e l-nsfne* ;-. )ru.s' ConiDanv •Lj"* .1. / )!■ atuno, » I thi- ■ii;: na tllo ;'.ii a:raa I! i ;d. v.'a> nunLo inas'.or In iht* x dla: viilo. With >iirh ;ao* ta:c ronunir-.ittn had t h,. Alountaineer on l,i> d JO lilt-ilfS i:j it !■'. i‘. Ss*! ioV of ( a aifo a !id Ba.-.-jsjci'Cir ad.clitliia. thi- notad <ra>.- ovpcrt. ? v.dii ht‘a', tl:o (o'o'.-o ;’'ir‘.v Inn and p vdli roniaiT! it; .\sh«*viiIo thir'iii ia;.' oiily. *).-!ahcr .|h. Mr. M ■^^rrniatd* ^'hioltl , ^ [•.proved hy fm- ' r j V,3raeLYIL-aaStiBr,;:S.T» tr i ' »d' Wayn-. ooii ]ia])-. r a? am ouls wo 'I’n. Cannot ''ee whv he wao'.;- to ho post- i'ovloy sa\'.- ; *■ ! the .^,,,1 V,„. tlu- -t,>ud of il.o now visual and 111:.:.- aa,t Maali, ^ j apitoint- Idiitvd States (iovortnnor;* \%il! not •'' ' h. iTi niakiic4 i il^riniair. .^ tu ,,(| aitiam^h wo ixaow lio v,(-uld oaly rt'.ain a.iy o is ■ of n;]>'>urt' | Ua.. i i. to ••>t. - and .iiie and .. ^..^tinasTor. iH*rfectly. aiTtirdin*!: ioina-diate and || a!; ha : en conl.;d. d hy a n a rray 'c.ottoloto relief, hut ohisos the I 4 .1 f * . ♦ i . ’ 1 Il .It',.' laa. Have e jnvineed llie And in>w tho old oainjtaiirn ."lotran opt*nimr in t(‘r. days on t lie a veraut* | • e;o,.-• il! th«* protestants tliat th.*ir ,,f ••si teou to < iiiuy h,,* re- Caso." 'Fhis insti unirnt rect‘iv*'d 1 ct^iiidies have gotten i«ii Very llirht-^ yjv<-d. Henry Ford, of Ford fame, the tjnly award in Mmjland and j ly. \\ e art* v.'illin^ to lur,;4ive the has arinouncoil that luf can hnihi Spain, pn>duein'r n*sults without! iii' iauois tjt the etanniission aj^reat Ford.aarines (hat»y suhiniiriiu't') at surtri'ry. harmful injt'ctions, medi-1 many thiurs tor the ninnrier iu t)nt> >ixteonth tlie ct.-^t of a re^idar, : eal treatmonts t>r ]ir.*sciptions. Mr. V. hicli they ha\e knocked the sand fjiiPjri-,,\vn submarine. If he can S.H*U‘y has documents from tlu^ out ot sornt* OI the h^asttul coun-, d,, it, -sixteen to one" may a*;aiii I'rdfed Stati's (TOVernmcMt, Wash- tit'S ot tilt'stiite. \\ litlt! we have ]>oj)ul:tr in this country. ini^ton, I). f(»r iiis]tcctioTi. All to put lip with a raise of live i)cr | I charity eases without eharsjie, or if tent in this county we have heard; Just as so.on as Henry Fonl jrets any inrt*rt'sted call ho will be i^lad very little ki^kin;^ about ii. the j h:s Fortlmarines th-rfectinl the Xt!ws 4o show samt* wifliou- charire or tit .i jieo]!le rcali'/imi that it is a neces- editor h.ti.v s to havi* tm.! to 'use on, them if dt'siretl. ijiisiness tlt'nuinds j j] .-ary evil thiit cannot he avoided hy ^ or in, tht^ Frt*nch ISroadt liver on j prevent stoppin;'at any ot]i> r place j| * in this section. ■ C C YONGUE 1 J-Jjo G-lx'OCil T~> .xv Ik these days cf “high cost of livmg'’ the hci.!sewife ha,s has to econcmse in every way possiWe, and I always keep this fact in mind while fixing prices onfmy goods. Let me help you keep ex penses down. kick ini;. his lishiii!' oxcnrsions. adv it

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