Sylvan Valley News SUBSCRIPTION PRICK One Year $1.00 Six Months Three Months ,50c 25c NOAH M. HOLUOWELL - Editor and Publisher Money Payable by Check, Stamps or Money Orders Friday. March 3, IQKi From Our Friends If yi)u vviiiit soincthinii; and don’t know where lt> find it, try a Diversified ad. They will do almost anythin^: frt>ni findinji a life companion to a more temptnary servani. VV’hat about carryinji a little Buildin;' ami l.oan? It’s a fine tiling aiul especially fi>r the man i»f nioiierate means. Better look into it. 'I'ransyh ania coun.ty farmers are }.;iven an <*j>s)orlur.i(y to en- coviraije a ijootl thin,^ in the propt>sed co-«>nerali'* c crean>ery. The News is always j'liul to hear from its liif' family of n*aders on locml topics of interest and lh<*re- ft»re quotes (extracts from letters aeeomj»anyinj.' renewal subsenp- tions. Sirs. \V. ( '. liatson »>f Norwalk, (’alifornia, anu)n}» other thiti'’s, writes : “'I'lu* S. V. a wrlennu' vis itor to our home as 1 SrevMiil used to h»- niy home. I assuredly likt* thi^ elianm' in the ])ap»'r.’' Discusses Roads s. < >. <*illfspu‘, who Is in thu mercant'li' businehs at Marshall, wri ffs as tullows : “I am vrrv well jtlcascil with your pii]H-r aii«l think it one of tlu' hcNf wcfkly jiapt rs in tlu* Stati-. •*lam very much inifrt>>tr(i iti t lit ‘ roads iiiovt-nu'tit in 'I'raii- sylvauia enmity aud luipt' tlia! suiiu plan cau lu- turniulatid \\ \\f r;;U hi ivf St mu Snows, free/es aiul heavy raiafulls are fine develop j^ood roails sentinient. jusi now. I he> IIIII-li ; I Would Xi'tttl plkr Snu'Jl politicians are only in their own * ij^iU. Speaking Out” Pleases Him. “! v.i>!i to co:;‘4:atidate : ou on the Nev.s. 'S ou are cerL!in!\ doin^ a *iooil wcrk.aiu. v luit \\ i .dl neeil !■> some (»s;e who is not afraiil to Speak o;i.' writi"-' an eniiui ■•iastic Ni'ws snhscriht'r. If “speakiru’ oui” uil! work wonders. [>ut \our ear !o t'u* fjround aird ii-ien ft r w ht oinia;!. Ri^lit or wrrui;:, tliere'Il he nc» sittinif a-s.’-.nidle oi (lie fencv' >vish us. Fathering the Child. I'ver and anim Jli% >*e is the man w:l!i "hrii^ht" ideas w h«» wants to pahr. idi ihr-.nrrh i!u iksjr.jper, hut wants hi* name ith.- he!d that the edit »r i=: ;> a\Mimi- [tarenihood wii'i its hlessifius ur aht:>os. The t ?’.tor oi the News has hi! > luHid'. fnil in takinj^: care of his ov, p. me:it:.I ft v. hieli iik';:iis tlnit no ojiinionated ariicle.s will !u* imi'iished unless will datid\ them. Write the N\'ws y^nir opinii>ns. \\ i' will puhissh them, hut the antiir.r’s nar.s. rius. .t!-,-: ai>pi ar. Efficient Com. Ill issi o n ers. I-ilit^*r Scn!e!!<.- of'anion < Voser\er u ipes his ohi rust\ pen on til; i^Kv i. « f I.! . i Jito i.i! hrcxflu". uui phi!oso[>hi/.es ihusly, a!u' pr<'\ ities ” toil \\ hok'-.ome food f;>r- all asj^irinii- |x>nticians to taivc to heti \\ ith ani till the offices of Haywood counts tluT< is phuc so ini}v riant fo tl'.e taxpayer as tfiat td’ i-ount> »nin:issionv r. vahu- «-! a liolia;. and w 1 pro\cnuav aiul «>i:u'r rile ' )\ s ir>\\ rut iflHul rt . ;s.’ lu I'dc.i iitipiiivt iiifiits likf \ cry itiurh In >< «■ a niati i'tiiit t lin »ui;h t hr cttunly t n>m 1 tlir i M l’ li rsnu riianty lint- tn Lakf- iii.Xi.way. . t.. i htT very valuaiilt'| tiimiI wituid [if irtini Br«*\ard ttij •Itdifs <«a]t anti ctiiiMcct with tiifj i»nr tnnn South ( arolina. 'I'lifs*-j i \v(» riKK 1> ."himill hr huilt oUf^'imd; I'radrsantl it prtiprrly imilt tliry] Would i»rlH !/urd rt>udllltiu tlir rn = lirr year aiid wtuild in'iirlit thri vvLt>';r rouiily, and most rvri'v taui ily v.iiultl ;;rt >titut‘ um’dI the rttads ! lu traV(‘llULMo liifvard. ' '■ Editorial Page, Innovation. ' Ml>S tJiai-r J.iiiilson ?-ruds rt ll-’ „'ratulatii>n> trnn Walnut id<-f t hr Nrwsa iiuisi val- Uaijlr :i>sr; and Wullltl Irrl tjinlr a iu>S Willi'(lit li. rt' I li n.;„I ith'TrasI rl a. Is airs in, ilrrvartl. •■My sistrr and I have hrrii pass- itiL' thrund v.;ntris in thr S..ittli hut havr intrri sts iii i'.r< - vai'd and v^hatrvrr is tor thr ])rotr- Ti-ss atul drvrlounii ut ol y«(ur tov. ii IS oi Hitri'i'st to us. \\ t' rXIirrt to r. turn at an rarly tlatr to i-i-oiiru ' lur si udi". ••’riir 1 Irrvartl ]!.i]irr lias ikiss*-i1 1 hr- I'u-! i! a ]ir> -■*'>> i •^iur'r wr '!;u \'r hern a VOiV iH w it;rni I" drsiTviiiLr iii'rtir.-t Cl ‘ ion. will vrd au_\\va\ win Ji lo<*k;u;j, u •'A n I; o. : 1 .1 I i! .'--U tiood men. men who knov> the o a: t!;e same time are for road im- ad\am ements, should he elected. »• t’el.i. hut is siuimefullv aeliimi in The Good Roads Agitation. riie \ews briefly .’Xpr^'ssrd rrijrel fast week tliat politics !iad entereii tfie canipaij_’n lor *jood r rads. I ids spealis a ur*-‘-it hi : v<)hnr.‘, f >r I'ransv h ana p. fie are well enough acquainted wilh politics to know tic ; it lakes all t*.;s >n « uT of s'ome people. I'his countN ami 'espt‘t i.ill\ i?r \ ard h..s some mi^luy hij.^ tiuic peanut i>> iiitieiauN wlio Ind J sheir pt>litii aS aspira.iions tar above all thin;4s els >, i‘\ en to th'-r; tiH'dation ot cojintx-wide ['roj^iress. l he\ are sat'.sfie i so ion;' as tiU \ can he the hellwethers, hut will not jt)in in the march <•! prir^res*. when some oih* else carries ttie oeli. i hey wai i > hr h ade:'- itu ex i J» ntly arc unfit f a d‘-rid.'il innova t!o!i. and s;i!t-r l>rrVani is |>''»r»fll o* >(t ir,;in\ nat’.iT’a! rr--!nir;’r<. i\ (jiiisitf sri-iicrv. unsiir]Ki~-rd rii nintr aad ti;r ofa* 1‘ ol rrll >.iri;sl al.d rl\:-‘ llir, your |''i]irr sliould ui’vrr lark for i!r;iiS ft' i^.'i.rral intrrrst CLGUCESTERNLWS L:il-'ayrtlr (iallo’.vav, wl-.'. hrrn sr!-ii:U'-'y ill wiili h' ;irl llir. i> soiip' lu'tlrr this Wr. k Mi>s <’alHr <;ailo.\aV '.a yij»? eiEN WITH I \nd.T !'• at I.- in " i<- A’ldrrson. I' -ti.ii!. who i i-'U ' in nun.' ur. irri:u liU !>V VI"!! Io - at t'li'T- Svlv.. Iliis tiiat th.*> \ seltislj pcilitlr..! end'.. I’his ct-aiii'--- v. is tt» • ,< that threaten- lo hinder drplored. It is this one thin”- rt)uds pro;^ress in '! rans> I\ unia. li ‘driT reepul” will only turn a tlea! ear to the petty iu!t sire'.nous work •tlit'sc self-a.spirinj*', ^eif-hvoosJ- in^-jitney politL ians a;-, iioj-e^r, wi- w ill have better roads, other wise poor ohi i "an \ for ;■ }^t)oti h n^ w hiie, ■S w a t t h *>nj -a! 1 p> d i ♦ i c:,• i) s, ih*af ear and h t’s ijo forw ard, the |>el:iion and h-* ;? liki y llounder around in the nuiii t^an h! ioads. "ous. (.-ive to {fuMi 1 urnrd ill iiui- l'r> iiii a \o-rk t'rr t'r;rmis and rrkt I i , i ryii- hi and. lii i"inan 'r.,1 Ina.^'r r’a;;>ia:n oi' Hit I \ ■ ’U to i ; !,i, ■! irj ‘St r f, 1 ji'r I i I ti I prr <»,1 ('n 1111 w 11»■( ■ i> workini;- thr nrr'-'i mini^- oil iv'iii'hi’ii's I i’.'rr. i\iusry }.lrrrr a'al 3.1iss .‘-•■i I:** [ >i - vrrt* wri-f Taarri.'d at li-STna!!. 1’u<'s- tlay. I'rU 3.1:^s hr!-r.-.-a « ;oll,r.vav of I.lnti- tyrc vi.d*. d in thi> srrtirn this Wt-rk. Kah.h \:i.ld;rlon , ;■ ( -..nry I'.-rk is his sister, Jwis. (ialluNVaV. » h.-i:-. a!ni witf, M,' t lir < Ir.ntoiainn t i.r ruuiit v .1. a tr\v soanii bliO'.s nn hrl hrad w ‘ I, ii a lia nsuirr. Slir i> )-r[toi‘*.-d as savin.ix Ihsit t1,:.!"iir'> thri'Ht \Va" ac I • it i r n t ;i ’ 1 _- ^-‘jt in: ! hr st‘u i'i! •. 1' hort’ ;i rat r-'i a - .I ■i:! 1 hrr*> i tir!>"S. County Physirian \V. (i*,nl cl-iSi'il thr woond and .'“^hn-iST |’;rk- rlsifiiiT hntu'-':ir M i iaivl:.- n>‘ and }ii- i- -U 'kt ov ' s 1 n v.-ift ,■ IIii to town, !;i:v-d 'iidit il :n. ■ ".-rd To h:i \ ^' \i J -» 51'*! • •> . Fa vors Qrga n i ^a ^ion. If Editor SentrUe of the Cant«)f; ()l;serv,‘r keeps up at this rate he is iJToin*' to yet an early seeojid io f’ae folh)win5^ motion: e are l.i'artd\ :£; fa\or of the ortrani/atiovi of tlie weekly newspa|>ers n the matter we sii^^est that, just as soon as a sufficient r.undier of persons have indorsed tlie »>i ’.n, a meelin*r lie hehl in Canton for the per fection of the or«ani/aii<.!i. The f'ditor of this paper will he f*lad to eniertain the nc vvspaper men on that occasion and w ill pledj-e them a free iliirner at the well known Im perial liote!. in achliticm to this, we w ill -uarantee the vis itors a trip thron-h ihe plant of the -reat Champion Fibre Company located here. (.ant(»n is one of the fe*v towns in the entire state that has n<»t been effected hy the hard times story. Over here we know nothini^ hut prosperity, and it will he a j^reat treat for eduor.s from towns so niiicii less fortunate than Clanton to pay a visit ttj a. real projjressivc place. \\ ill you cfjme.'' (jet l*-}*;et!ier, set a date and let iis hear from y(ju.” iN fMRIGN Statements of Marion (’iti/='ns .\re Always of Interest ttj Our Readers. 'rl:--!!ir.-t om'in, r.i'rvard !''-r.-nliy i': ;■ thr pnr|:-.)sr id' in-LMiii.aii;,'' a (•=!- ojtrfa! 1* rrrat:!>-ry did In a t;:k * any sliai'r altimni'h i>artii's il'upi n*',i;d' rs*»n\'illr lalkrd !lli‘ jMMtirT over wifli a niimhrr ot in- trrrstrtl rlti/.ms. A Ur i t'dl;r will ht‘ lirld in il.'Tl- th-rs; m •% iiir on th'- lies! .Mi»nd:i}' in ;..aTch oif Itir - oj' i.r:ra;;:/. 1! 1 iir crraiurry, If parties whr. hi'.'- n:ani!tsvrd aii intfir-t i;:!- nii)\» fi'riit a nv: r!iii:,’’ will 1m- Ir-lyiu” from W’esteni Carolina j weekly jtapers witliout j^ivinj^; credit. The ('.a/.clte jMUilrd loi itself aud cut us off the exchaiu^ej aud now the Citi/cu is payin;^ for j llu' urws it }.’,cts from Ihev anl, as j il should do. I 'Ihe werkiies are krcril\ awarx*: *d tin* iajustitr heri-loforr s]ioki-u ‘ ot aud that hahil the Citi/cu has! ot not rxchau).;in;>; with thrwrrk-^ lies lik<.' titluT dailit-s do wilhout v;rttiu5.; live advrrlsdne, in irlnru.- Ihe Mit;*lull C*»uut' Manner: co]>ird tlu- Xrws thuiHk-rlmlt aud | saitl; *' \\ e h ll l<>r Ihr tlr.d likr ,i 1< 'b^.trr. 'I'lir Clu-r. .ker Seoul r«>]>ird tlu- Xrws jail aiiil saitl tin.- '■saint- jlifit-,’' niraiiiui.*^ lhal it didn't rn I I'l'111 ai'.r au\- such rxrhalii'r pfoim ' sit uni. 'I'lu- jacL'-on L'ti’inl\ j iun';il siu.l; "A k'W ii'ioi'r -'hot . like oiu- liltk- I iarai;ra pij I,;-! v*'rt.-k a,Tid il will no! hr nri'rssar\' tor ihr Svl\-aii X’allry .Xrws i,. rt-^o; t l'» thr use- id' i>o’k hruw juicr. 'I'hr .\-!u i la- cili.:. u 1, PUT ONLY Scent IN OUR BA'MFi mcRE/\SE r WEEKLY. > „ next CHRrS'iMAS IF YOU JOIN OUR CHRISTMAS BANKING CLUB YOU CAN ALSO BEGIN WITH ONE OR TWO CENTS THE FIRST WEEK OR TEN CENTS AND INCREASE YOUR DEPOSIT THE SAME AMOUNT EACH WEEK. YOU WILL THEN HAVE NEXT CHRISTMAS: 1-CENT CLUB PAYS $ 12.75 2-CENT CLUB PAYS 25.50 5-CENT CLUB PAYS 63.75 10-CENT CLUB PAYS 127.50 Vt^E ADD FOUR PER CENT INTEREST. YOU CRN DEPOSIT 25 OC 50 CENTS, OR $1.00 OR MORE EACH WEEK: YOU WILL HAVE ALL THIS MONEY V^^ITH INTEREST AT FOUR PER CENT ADDED NEXT CHRISTMAS. COME IN—V/E WILL T'lZLL YOU ALL ABOUT IT. COME IN AND GET A CH15TMAS BANKING CLUB BOOK FREE. ird Ear&kmg CeisipaEy ' er::vahi>, n. c. | TjmKEsa«!rj!anns»ti-»r=?itiiTaOTKriiK»i«*s*io»B«aaBtB«isi«iBnB«**aB!r*i=Bir«=s!=si«»sa«ci ''ajT'.T'.Tesac^iUEzsrnsiMBaiDUNBamc^r ill I { S i\ Wc would advise country people who arc coiiicm- pLiting: the installation of v/atcr lines and other pltmbing; iacflities to have their work done before summer ccmes on with its rush of v/ork. We would be g-iad to furnish estimates for both city anc country work. Automobile Supplies. lust received, a large shipment of Diamond Squeegee Ti •ead Automobile 1 ires, casings and automobile ac cessories. Several iiiakes of bicycles for sale. Wc are well equipped with a new lathe for making; automobile parts and for doing expert repairing. W. b. Bishop & Co, Tinning Generiil Hardware Plumbing Yoe Meed a Tonic 'I’ll manv ot niir rradrrs thr istrrrtsot .Mariuii arr alnntst' as ta- iiiiliar as tluiM‘ oi nur uwu tnwn, aiul 'XV iirr naturally intrrt'stt-d tt» ' rrad id hajijirmncs tlua-r. 'I'hr fol- jliiwinir rrjM.rt ii’oin a vvrll-i.iuiwn .and rrsprrtrd ri-!-idrnt will h-- help- \ )*'10 Mi : fu! to nuiH hrrs I if mrn aud wonirn : ; herr in 1-jrrvjtrd. : I .1. A. LauirhrulKr, shrrilt, Firm-j juiin'.!; x\vr., Marion, X.(’.. savs:i j ‘-'i V h.irk arlu- i and tiir KiiiUry .-t - j IT. rions pas-'fd too Irrtpii-ntlv, uh ; i liiiiTii'-me t*> i^rt nil at niu'i'.t. l>oau‘s I l\idiu*y I’llls lirlpi-d nu* from tlu- j first and hy tin* time I liad !;nis]ii*d jdiir htix. fhr pain.s had Irl; mv { *i>iidv' and my kidnrys wrrr in j^ond I shape ' Prirr .‘.Or. at all dralrrs. Don't Erfcctive Sr(tti'nihiT 2u, T>15. Schcdulr [jtiblislu-d a-; inrorraatiMii. Niit guaranti-ril.” No, (« Xo. S Masti-rr. 'I'iiiit- Xu. .^11 II .Hi .S 4.S 11 LS .S I 11 .^11 ,=^.^ 11 ,=i.^ 5 .SO 11 5't 6 U5 1! to (.in 11 .\sla-vilk- .Ilfmltrsuiiviilr. \’ale. Shot- ('aniUMi. i:i(i-A-ali. - .i5illntyre renri>.sf (. 2C b 2^ (> ( (i i'l -0 HavidsDn Kivv-r I 1*.^ •2 .ih 12 1(. I. ] 2 5.^ (t 5(1 12 .'(i 7 no 1 Oi 7 12 t M 7 ,^(1 I ,'5 i*is Sriica {'luiryfR'ld ('alvert. Riisman (,)iR-bec. Lake 'I'oxawav Plans are on foot for a rncftin^-this week in accordance with ; ‘‘ mnrdy—! ’ irrt lioau's Kidney Pills—thrsmiirj ... ... , , . 1 • 'i II n . ‘ v\ t'sr Ui‘ntliTs<>!n'i!K'anti I >iiv . jt'iril Mr. I jfi iLrnri(ti_M‘ hiul \ or x. n. 7 an.i De 115 fiuape tt) ap.tKUinceine'di ol the mecllu*^ for or^runization i uiti.m-n < ■* . l’'->ps., l^uiTalo, X. I i-a!i.uv.iv-^ an,i n.-i-u an- the suR^restion of Editor Little of Tryon, and the News hopes to in next issue. II \5 S 11* : V 50 3 (10, '» .'’.s -1 .V) . .?() 1 .' 1 I '» 27 1 M ’> 21 -1 2.S I ■ ') \5 -1 1‘) I 9 O') I 12 (10 1 (11 ,s 57 -1 0] S 5U 5.5 ,s .vl Hi i> 27 .> i S 21 3 3:’j S 20 2*» I iS (>S S IjS j 7 .^>0 ,> ( 0 I an* st ft'f Tlicrc are times in every woman’s life when sli needs a tonic to help her over the hard places' When time comes to you, you know what totisc to take—Caaitii, the woman's tonic. Cardui is com posed Of purely ve-etable ingredients, which act ^'ently, yet snrriy, on llic we.'^kencd womanly orgrans, and helps build them back to strenjrth and hea’tli.’ It has benefited tlKuisaiids and thousands of weak* ailin" women in its past linlf century of vvonderfui success, and it will do tfie same for yon. You can’t make a mistake in ta!;in2 The Woman’s Tonic Aliss Amelia Wih'on, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark., says: “I think Cardui is the greatest medicine on eartli’ for women. Before I bej^an to take Cardui, 1 was so weak and nervoits, and had such awful dizzy spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and as stronjx as 1 ever did, and can eat most anything.” Begin taking Cardui today. Sold by all dealers.'^* Has Helped Tiiousands. ! Y.—Advertisineiit. .1. U. Wooii, Oiv. U.-ISS. .Viifiit. V.\ri;s. 'I'irk'jt A^'eiU.