THIS WEEK AT THE AUDITORIUM Mary Pickftml playinj' tlio part. t)f a little castaway iu a tragic ro- uiaivco of tho sea. “Neal oftlm Navy,” eomos ovi'ry Thnrt^dav. Tlui second is ontitliHl “Tho YvWow Packet.” J. L. LANCE DEAD Thursday—“Tlio Survivors,” the ‘irst opisoile of the Patho serial \eal of the Navy, featurinf? Lillian Loraine ami William Conrtlei}»h, ;,r.; hIso a fnnny conu*dy entitled • VVhen Mice make Merry.” ij^aturday—“A Hose Amon^ thej T. Ij. (larren of Seliea was iii ‘5riers,” a tbn'e-|mit I’athe (’olor! town last wcmU and lolil i>( tlu* >p«*eial, featurini; pnstty little j dt'atli on Wednesday of .1. I *, hielde Saunders. I liiuice, a^»‘d 71 ytvirs. Uev. A. W. Monday—“Twelfth Xii^Iit,’’ the .MeDaniel etnubicted the !vinir'»i • nnnal Shakespearean ]>l!!y yriven SiTvji e !ro;n l'athey's<’reeke]mreli till'students of l>re\aiil Instl itn Knilay :tnd intt‘rini‘nt was • ute. I in tlie ehnreh cenu't.'ry. I'nrviv- TJiurstlii\*—‘Hearts Adriis,” a ■ vev; ai\‘ six tinU'jrhters and tv,i; ! ivc' part I’araintMint I’iifuri* wiih's.ns PENROSE LOCALS Too late for last week. On last Tuesday nifjht a wcMdc aj^o the eonunittee of our seluMtl district nii't. with a nnmhi'r of the I>atrons and formul i ted plans for the reconstru(!tion of (Uir school hons(* inside and out, iiaintin”, etc. It was tleeidt <l that a {ieneral ter- rat’ini;, leveling and (ixin^; np of theeanqnis sh«»iild bed<>iu> at i)nc«^ It was detertMiru‘d that a dornn- ti»ry .should he huilt just iss soon as pussil>le, and for wineh jiuriM)}:f t!u‘siiTii of >^.‘175.110 was i-ais‘il in nireiin'_r jts a !>»■•;• eir.irr. If I was further de« i(U‘d the Diversiiieil Ads Are Business Builders One cent a word for first inserti<»n; one- half cent a word fctr each suhnt’»|uent insertion, each initial or abbreviation counting as a \v«ird. 'r i )l{. SALIC—Jersi'y milk cow. Mrs. Sarah Mnll. :!^i :itp.|| Wi‘'. PA Y cash for l(*j^s—Miller Sup ply <'(uiijia'ly. L'-ll-t((^ 'Town b'{ ,, I’arnis and timber lands !«>!■ sale.—V’r: Ilk ,h nl.ins, Bre vard.. tf ■ "■ jc’iurrij should b<‘ workr.l uViT and I'pijY Hi-itli’s band lotion for paintrd, an,t A. r. ami A. H. 1a.lay. | ,-]i;,( iu‘d ]>a:u!:^. Alallrodie i 4 I;u-mbers oT ib.‘ eonnnitl>'i', it ,n.; ; „n-sent.vu1h..ab-.:u-eol 1be.-b;;ii-;, ^ flil.vj .1 '1^ Okk d il man. W. L. T;t 11. ’ v. v. lie eorlui.Mt «: r’iuniM'1 .nic.-; ; i'm']irf>e!!t owini' *it» t he il;!;. '' '' '' - U .. .. ■ ( 1 !■ M- r ' :i,ln‘V N.-ws. I !.is wui', nn}i'-li!!» e. \ >'. v\ . r., ■ ! iJarkcr, .!. lb Ssinit'.H'V :;nd I’rin. ' ^ A .W fi J J \ ou 1<» hno'v I bavi< a / w !•:>! A. i’. Mi‘.rh.‘ll to so!ici) lunds f.'W b'-nl!-, (»j' »iiie left. ; i, ■' 0M joint purp{<st'S i>i the' Sniitb'.- Ibirb; r t^hoi>. l! ‘J.‘.-‘.‘tc. « ! r!iT.reli and tbf >ebo..b / ? I ^ ^ -i .4^ - ■/ \ ■ ; F ’r ‘ '> \'iV c:,!! :si Aikm e- 1 ;coo!;.‘-. uiti \\ b’1;uirf j;;; 1 | f| 1’: tnv 11-*>•riVO ) fiTrp 5 • ' f 1*^1 I t'.ri i (t'licl*.'#. Ma.Tt S*r-;*'.. t.bonc <V.i. !tiic;g i/U-'iF.Cii''»G htilivj— EuHu ''o ti< Il ;■ 'viillfi' .'''•ip- j| ].1\ fO; Ti s'ft r ib'.i <•• Sbhi i Annual Shakespearean Play Twelfth Night Presented By the Pupils of the Brevard Institute at the I Brevard Atiditorlttm ch. 6th, 8 p. - V \ fc.„, ,,, , . . I * ‘ 1 i ; i 1 • I . I' lor niMirnKiti.ui \n r-'^ard ; .0 hojr! and I-aI'liili-r bous«- m-. — i'i'' r.tMiinoi!:!! !"ns. suni'-ier 1.'.'!, bavo’ < b'oru: t > Mi ■ :' Tier {b. lU'-;. I,i{. 1 - fc <u>f W iiri.v'-v. iniu: !it*ei! ♦'ur!risi:*'<i .VL'i ni'-, a!)il tbusi-| Mrs. \\ . 11, l’..-iv!‘ tu'Siriiip' lisri! 1 lirir ]ibKV's, ra1-‘<:nid I'b.oni" t hr ntmili.T of iirojili- ili.'v ran t.e ,< \ f WX » {<1 srll:;.^. iin'vard. ‘i is AdiT'ission: 25 cerit^, CftiMren i Rese.fved Seat3 35 cents. O’: M'l’e at {’ler.ieiirs. Ddo'/.s <>!)en at P- '' ... 3&iacrs..'3ar 3?' I I !J./ the vc:r;c:-?J‘'cr, v;e h''r.d?.e arc g'rov/n £ ‘A t^y rrcdicers thr.t \ve know, ar.d %’e knoiv their nieihods. i‘hLt is the reason we buy iVoTii thcin. X'.icn .yot: desire to i^joceries cf the dependable kind order £rcm The p:yt’2±^c?, for ir- .‘stance. th«4 we sell arc Cvi^iiled te bs of /he <>rades. eomtr.i.ti:. t.' lu iit tu;r Sum nior lb>T:u’S i-'.ihifr, it: the A^ent (.i ti;.‘ Si ■■'.U her p. Kaiiv.;; ■ at o;u‘r inui li'l <m( tli:s Iti.-rnk in t-'i'-b-r liMt v;:' ivay t :in i stai't in solicitiM’f Siiiit'!!, r;i bsv4;i< orJ- rs I'-i* [ubi'ieal iiv.r oils, ijri-(.;isrs (STid I'ainls. b'ry or ('.‘.'jinii'.-ion. ire-;s'i’t 1 !■> *i'- *! > < i 1 ;. t ' ' , ('It ■ veb, r-.ii. ‘ •. ;; '.‘tis | fk.v' %■* ra ris *. I - 1 st ra in ; i’ATi 'tCS Ki'i: SA i:rb b- b ;■ I W i-1| PREPAREDNES : IT p i i V.i * -4« Phone 1 I'i'. ! K,:- .'1 1 ‘K X : .-Cll twi.; 'fe3 'cs i\ u n * .V a. L >•* 'i ‘ i| ‘ r .- S ^ y I i; ti ri M:. N! 1. r ? . i : a , ? I ■' i :ij I v E? prepared for tough^ muddy roa. by si‘pp!ying yoi:rsdf with our iirst-cl:"" ,T< 1 ; \ £*•, J ;; , I . I i;-, li iW',:'b- ,06 I. ■»■ , ;.■» i\ 1 ariy all !.iiui b ’■ s M b ■ >' ; I' .. <' i‘ I 'I'. A 1'^ ST':-; r- X *>i2> I. 'i .M ,-4 4ka.»^ IkiMK'' BRiDLES SADDLES BLANKET COLLARS COLLAR PADS HARNESS OIL OTHER FI I? T "J*" A I ' J" ■ r . ft, ^ i ■ i . »? f H' I. nX isJ h T MO I (jnh Ihc jicrcn-s fun oJ nuats, j i ^ • ... .. ) hut i-pcc:aiiies i::c i') i>c hats at In:.- j store. Suecibrcad t t -fc » ^ I, II W 31 c!:itueri livers, | etc., are here lor ytsur e'Mbvnieni. Ta s!\ squabs and bnb'er;; ibr \our dinner parties. I'incsi haiiis ar.u !*.r.ton. c K L E Ji H E P A L A\ ■ ( , m/ X11, ii. ] nnit' III. • > 1 ■'* ran i'M’ ? '1 b;: ; > ion b. b - Vt !b'-\‘ b.-. :~lU \''l NS'i' | * n'.-'iKis-«iT‘> f'V I i‘; it i| Il ,ri’s|i,:s- noti.’^'S ■ | ; III ri*!it ■' Jn*r dit/.'• n j M X 'j iie XfiCS I REASONABLE PRICES ITCHELL * ^ : v'fj-'-;;;> (-.•nt-- ■:i I!: :i ]i( iwt -(i n^ail reet'ipt ! b i ■ -1 re.■(■]!>!>, %vit b 11 I 11, \v. 5 (11 ■= i I V< • you .'i.; !«' I bsto .iH-l W..M V. F. r FjflY A :\ I sofiil I b?usv bo!Ill 11 prccai’ja to do all kinds -J JL C%.t J b.r*'. -ird WfS« o(lu*r ‘i‘I :<>r,.' «.t i ii;i • yed ii >t \ :i 1 torn'toi). 'bi_:!it .-i.'iw fall .^at- C!’_v,iriwtli iOr llic people in.:'!« '•! ot any p.irt of Transylvania v-ounty, anu will hanole a num- bcr cf useful and practical kitch en and household appliancea. Let me iiviire wiih you. GliAY HAlIl, City Maricet Pr.onc 47 ALLISON 6* YONGLiE, Proprietors T. Z. Osteen ig and Electrical Suj BREVARD, N. C. 'i ■ 1; ' ■ - -... 1 •P,:\V Is;■ ■■■'.' ; !.-i ; i ; ( "r.;, ;-.n I .'L ilil.' '■! I.I.- N l;..‘ «i> '..■(.-.i A. ;. lii'r i . , :i jiU' tl.i.-f r;t t-r >•■'.1 jii i::,.:;:.- ;,i \ / lit I !•• f‘ K;-il ’ <•'■11..: j'lir u.--*; <•■ inir in iii-x 1!. I’uiti;'oun<!. It will Wiring and Elcctrica! Supplies’ Sri ut' IS excrl- lf!it I'"!' faiii"-; h.iir ;iiul v\ ill n.ak.> I.air M.i'i ;i’.>l k1i>.';>\. It \4i;i :j'>* (.•i.Ioi* tlio Hcalp, in i!ul hU-'ky or };i'e;ir'>', afid dot*a nut lull Ml't. Since the roads b^gan to dry out soid four .Ford cars to one customer. We have ordered a car load of cars to supply our friends arxd would be glad to figure with you on a Dodge or a Ford. Let us figure together that you may your order before the spring rush. KING LIVERY COMPANY Agents for Ford and Dodge Automobiles. Auto Supplies and Accessories. f»iSS A.PPI.E ELACKb'CRRX OHUQASa LEMGH, PEAtM. FiES O mm F^yiTS ANO iERRIEi FOi YOIM miLE f.-.a mmm. Philipp’s Bowery :o.- e 24 loes Reading cr Sewing Tire Your E^fes? ! If your vision is pcrfect you' hould be able to or read sew , vvith perfect comfort. I The first indications of do-; c-ctive vis!(>n are iisiiaJly smart-, ny: eves, dizziness or headaches, | ^ • I md warninj^s of this kind should lot be neglected. Properly fitted glasses are the mly sure relief from ailments of 'lis kind caused by imperfect yesight. Our glasses are specially ’^round to correct your particular 'fects of vision und will give ou a degree of con-fort beyond our expectation. V. H. Hawkins & Son Opton'. t/iuts and Opticians r - ‘b^ f !uti U'80 iEN 0^'V!bLK, N. C. F. E. WILLSON, President ALEX WILLSON, Vicc-Prcsidcat J. R. WILLSON, Sec. & Trc J. R. Willson Lumber Company WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Lumber and Builders’ Supplies B. P. S. Paints Stains and Varnishes Windows, Doors Mantels Wood Fibre WaU Plaster Clinchfield Portland Cem nt Vulcanite Roofing Alabastine Wall Finishes Grates and Tile A complete line of Framing ^'Transfer Brand'' Red Cedar Shingles, extra clear f Hendersonville, N. C. Phone 231 ^xiXZ'SiTir.l^'BZtX \

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