Personal Mention L*‘*' 1{ FisIh'V of IJit'.iium was in Hrrvanl tins wtn-k. (J. W. Wliitiiiin'of(\*niu‘stt‘i‘WHS 111 town 'riiiUMlfiy. Ut'rtiiiiti k'llrhfii of llalsam \vhs in town \\ »‘shi riio wa-' i!i l>r«'\aitl iltls woi'U. M. A < *o'liMs from n visit to In'- brotluT iii Siuth Tar •Vina. Mrs. !’;n.l Sttiatlu-rs ttf Aslicvillo Msiti'il li' T ni )l!i«'r. Mrs. '1\ \\ Whitrniir Hi*v. .1' ■ i!a'. . .!olin S’nitii aixl •iaronr.' I’ ' sii. nt 'l lu:rs>i.iy lish iiii:: in tl - !i>-un- nu--. 'n.M i; ' r ' ‘ini I W'll TIUM't wit )l Mls> \!;j April hr. i. A'a> in I > liis s;-I ■'liort *1'!* rt il Mr. fV 1;. ■ ■ior (hi -!i on o fi-icli . tl ur.-'tla V, • !'.-r of i M ! wt'i-k vi'ilniL; i > L ! '.n 'iish. was rrii ! •' ' V., r,. : I ■ I , I« >;. f %-,1 i\>-r lia; . t . 1, . .. 1 ■ 1 riiol 1 t < I :i t. \ i! ■ :i i * i . ' ^ J ' 1 1 ! : (i. H. Tinsley of Anderson CDun- tv. S. is visifin*; liis (iaiij'htfr, Airs, liufns (\»nU\v, lii’»'var»l. Miss (irai*f .lolinson will ]»lav a viitlm solo,* ('russim; the Itar." at the !*r«‘shyteriaii ehureh Sunday I affi'rnoon. |{ev. \V. II. Davis will prt'aeh at botli llrevard and havidson Kiver (•hnrehfs next S'inday. Uev. John Hav lillini; thi* former's appoint ments at Swannanoa. 'riie I’h Irifli-a ('Irss of f he Baptist ('hureliftilertained the lltraca elass on'l’nesiiav niulit at tlie home ot ot Mr and Mr>. C.M. iKiyli* Ahout .'lii youni: ]»eople Aven* ]>r‘sent. A 'I’lie li'tdies .Viixilinrv of t he Itap tist eliureh tm nt with Mrr ('. \’. Siunt iv on 'riii'sda v i'vvent v-1 wo laiiii'S well- ]'n ~ent. \V ehiireli* was discu>scd. Fruits wen* .•'er \ fii 'I’iie mont hly niiM‘tiTi_or tiic V. ij. e!as>of till* tlaplist Sunthiv seltoo] will lie tii'hl at Tlie I'esidence of Mrs 1’. S. (\ii"r noxt .Mimday at ■ I ■ > c]i II-k . rin* m.'mhi”s ai'c rc- '|1U n!|..1 to take !hfir needle wi.rk with I hi‘m. i;<>l*t.S. .font's <*f Washin^l-'ti. n.i-; aiiii'd to t!i*‘ of emrl esi’l i!revurd,Wiio I ihl: tit'll?. l--r I h;- .\pjia- l;t"h!'ni |t,irk re'MTVi*'. "rlii’old lt;r<'e (•, -,i .if .\ttortx-v A A \iann- ■ ’! " a I' - • . I - ‘II Miss Irono M«>iitf't)inery and tho children of Imr setiool f^rade will ri'mler Kdith’s l>rram, an Operafta for ehililriMi, at. lh»< nn-st, Mr^. ; (iriein;;ius Wt‘re ]»resent 'I'lu’ pT‘o I fj:ram eoji^istftl of n do >atc on t a«‘ «inestion. '‘|,’esoIv( d. 'I’liat tii* mV 1 hs and l“^**nds of the aneieiits have hern of lu iielit to mankind.” j'I'ht* tii*i;afive wi'i’f the .^ucees^fnl eontestants. 'The elt!f> \\ill me»-t with >irs. .los. S. J^dverstein on April IS. Mrs. < >ra lj. tlones rnTertjiined the 1-3 ( ), IJook eluh 'I’linrxiay alteroon. and the suhjeet, an in I’olities," i)ro\< d inlevt-.^tin^ t >all present, ( haries hraver, ! at the ri uufst of Iho memhers. •'ave a \ery interestin’: talk ^-n th»> , salijt'■ t of ‘■ Woman 5i:.d Li’i^isla i tion. Mrs (ioii(|e i‘tieaf ham rend I a iiajier pn']iared hv Miss .Xathalie I I’orsytho un ••i'hr I’ru^rrsot Wom- ! an SiilVra'.re ’* I'hr invit.d ;^nie>.<> Wen- Mrs n(ikw'orth strtiet, the hoii.s»< heretofore >)Coupied by lliil iard H«>oth. I Mr. and Mrs. A. II. l\iTi{;, Miss j Irene Worley, <'larene<* I'ool and ^<’larenee Duekworth motored to (ireenvilh* Siuiday, where they vis ited the son and daui;piist ehureh Sunday nifzht i in t he a t»sei:ee of The pastor, Hev | A W. M»*l>aniel, who is eonduei-j iP!4 a st'ries of revival rnei-tin^s at I l’is:.'ah Fon-st <'onsidrrahlt> intrr- i‘st is hi'iiuj; taken in the rt'vival. 'mJnM ^ .11 >hnsi *n. served. :';e^a l.iirrhe and >iisS .'lay l{t‘l'rt'>liiiient s wi'i-f '-ER'S SAILORS 4S iy< V| 4 ^ • Tl 7 uNb YT T TMh JL m JLaMlrffi JL ’\k JSm Si ... ' 'ffiiirN * Jrii 'Mu' st\ics shoun licre- u it!’ .'.re oiilv ‘'A o oi the 1 !U;iiiy we i t. ;-.! I;: .•'I'ri, ;'.r.■! '.y ot;*; • .Sv'i. r<} .HI s ^: v'r i* c:irr> iiiiilinery ;ii it • ;al . 3 raJi m I: * P ^ 11* Li y !k; '"I : -v t.i* tt- w c: 'i aid. I im t: f LuKlkercliici 1 itv.'ii - S i IS( ' » I *;'-s i lumhray Ooi»e-tii‘-i ;!;ino Silk Iiosi*. StyU‘s anti [^rires altract- i\o. (':»nu‘ iti and inspcct our ‘^oods. Jfotngml Laundry Iron r -.M' .,pniif; a,iI = '■]>' wjtii rihho'is. licucrs ~ Tuu i)t' the ap- ;,rc sire'VII utmvo. m f 1 rihiiuiis a. f draiit-d J l»nni. (Ilpatrick & Ssiloway MILJ.INKRS Next I)o(;r to the Ikiiik I5RKV ARI) In new di'd rcp.iir work ihh spiiiig, rcnicnibc' I'lit I a *11 rcddy to wire yc;-:!- house diid lurnls'i clcclricdi cc^u'lament. ]-ir;st-clj,ss work at rcaso::- abic priccs. Let me ii5>itre with you. i\ Z. Osteen Wiring and Eicctrijal Sr.ppiks BREVARD, N. C. Diversified Ads Ars Business Builders (hv.’ rent a word far first insfrt'-ia; one li.ili < 1 at a wonl I'ur < ;n h .sulcrqarat ia.-ii-: lion, f:!rh iiiiti:il or alihtcviatioa ('(>!ir.!inj>: as a word. W i'i i‘A (‘a"h inr lo<_--s ■ Mi Her Sup ply ( '(-mpanv. ! j t ;e S.\LI-]—1/i' s (■•■nt.- 1 ar-r,. II. I*. .1. v>a 11. 1 7 -te I'l'!! S.\i,F—Froh it;ilk r.ev. \p : .!y to 11. i la IIi ^irtt* !. Ilr- vaiai. ;;j til' 1’ evn !«>rs, fnmr and ii-n’.i-r iaTai" for '■ale. — i-’rank .iciikins, l?i'^ - va rd. N. ('. l ‘ -■! will hav)‘ pl.-iitv i>f j* . t ir.i ii'aily hy .1 i.iu' 1-t ; }.]. Sinsa rd . I I.: i-H »i: ; ;i ,i M ; ATS i':!!] a* .\i l-.-n I N-i'.i ■!<-., .,](> Wjiirniiia' 'rara^.'. Main s;rei*i, plion,;' V ! tn- v^'AN ^I^;|| A ii'iod whii;' i' lit-ip wilit hoii-r w*irk a ; = >! rhi I N !■: thr ! ,;i: ■■ .I-’,- .ii r. ■ ‘ \ !i.- 1. >vf ; ; t ■ . - J. s. M. !-!.• i ; < i i-'r.■!;. } •.■( . .1 .i't IS, ISifvarii. K l. ! : ■: pd SA!J\—f'■ .’if nf J.V1I.:: !r a. i’ t-i ilaiJv. I - .'lini.:' as l.i”h a-- < 1- ■!. t i iiit :< i- J a ’ , V 1! ■ Tid' . .;| t;e r'. i!a\''' f'r-t f!a?>-' Nu:i*-v :i l*-.*a ■ f*-r A]>ril ! -i (f'-li \ - i . ‘ • s ! ; ^ ("I ■~ii. 'I'r n " Wii! M. H:--':. 1 t.-uore-t. (ia — ;tp W,W1’K'>—llu-i. :• to r;:r.'- u> m Transvlvaiua eoinitv. ,.\ 'f: -.1 ))U'-i!r‘--s alri'adv (islit'tl. A-i ]'tr.']» siti*: Ma rliineV o., A'-hevilIf, ! .‘-lie at night with violent cramps in the stomach, or sharp pains in the chest, or f ai n t i n g spells and, s u i f e r i n g agony, keep every one awake? Most of us have. Al! the trouble jj^VER had one of the can be avoided by hav- family disturb you ing on hand a few cheap medicines. We will gladly give you a list to procure and suppliy you with all the articles named. A simple cure i ^ in time may prevent the necessity of a serious one iatcr on. DO NOT NEGLECT Tfi!S DUTY i3uckworth Drui- Cotnpany I^rescri 131ion Druuuists ii i'honc s.-= 85 't- iirisoiif o r'ij ''‘Hu ! |i f f w « ■' K iil i'. € J. hJ ( /' W-.'iii- UiNiNG the beneficial qtialities of iicur is cne of the easiest ihings in the v/oi'ld to dc. So far as we are con cerned v/e supply only the kinds that are refined by iLe latest methods. Flour of every description, by the barrel or by the pound, me piO^acts of the best kiiown rniilers. C. C. YONGUE, The Grocer Phone 41 iFasmers Supply Company HARDWARE, FURNITURE, STOVES . ggiT^'trrim aaaS®®6«BaaeBi AnRACTIVE POULTRY NETTINC PRICES I All sizes of netting selling at prices made before the big advance. Last August we bought a half car load of this netting, a car load ship ment direct from the factory being broken at Spartanburg, whereby we saved considerable freight. This wire was bought at a price far below the present prices but we want to dispose of this stock at once and will give our customers the benefit of the old prices and the saving in freight rate. The following prices will be charged: \ Foot High, Cost Per 150 Foot Roll, $1.00 2 Feet High, Cost Per 150 Foot Roll, 1,50 3 Feet High, Cost Per 150 Foot Roll, 2.25 4 Feet Hi^h, Cost Per 150 Foot Roll, $2.75 5 Feet High, Cost Per 150 Foot Roll, 3.25 6 Feet High, Cost Per 150 Foot Roll, 4.25 Along with this we can sell you the best of wire fencing at attractive prices. When you come in to buy the wire let us sell you a good, strong post hole digger, $1.25 and $1.50. FARMERS SUPPLY CO. Main Street Brevard, N. C. mm m