WHITE STim LINER \V1m‘Ti tin* m*\v ln‘- f'an iM'hlisliintj tlu* X<^\vs t*n .laiiu- iiry •>, hist, lu‘ t-ot his aims at I iv.'w sul>scri])tiiiiis durinj^' tin; yrur, llM? of \vlii(,‘h havii lu*i‘n s ■curod. i Durin}:: tins tinu» V'.K! rt'iu'wals huvo SAILED FROM MEW YORK WITH i» ado. ENORMOUS CARGO OF | ^^ithra(^^ innri* Ihun tvvo-thinls j iMiii atnloTily (uir third of thr» yrur MU NIT I ON S. j s^diu*. iht'ui«iia*rt‘im nt sets funv i and lixrs Ins idral at H'O iiiiw m:1>- scrincrs durinu' tiu* fvdl y«'tir. NO AMER!CA^!S ON BOARD r!u‘ hoiuir I'dll for tiu* jnist tli;tu' \v*<’i-.s i»uh>\vs: Ntnv Stsbscrihcrs Ciirried No Pasccngcrs. Mt!'..—V.'iihi'i C:;;•:> Jcurney of Hcf Destination. rcw of nC J. H. ;■ iiir.iH V J. i-'. 'i 1u;m;.is 1'1'r : liufi- r.\ i; j :i‘. vvti» - Ik I*!: i ill :: n, Jri . | . .■ !■■ (h l>5-. I! n=ie ilv ■ r. 1 \v 1 i- ( "O-.i: 1 wi:'; l.i\ !,*U- ;ul \' i-i l;u . •he V- 'I >!o. ■ (i. » h r I- li. i.r.;vU'v A!s:.. J. L. I c!I V, iiiif Si;u Mrs. R. Zin'iuir' t . S'lai.fs 1h lilnii SiiiiN Ivalrli 1^. i‘ishcr }!. !;. I'i.v. Ut .1. t . Slau I V •■11. ■ 1 ,i !i*. 1 "It.Ii!v;‘ ' 1'. i'. I "i ‘ 1! I i> \- Mrs. ?,!v.lW- Trnv ,\! inii<(ni \v. K. ! trail ('V’- h ;i I.;- V ’ i' ■ \' ;i*o' \ ur two (■;' d :-i' iiTr'ii t , 1 ;i ; I 1= t.’lU 1 (h, • t<t;i’ oi: l;t J *• l>‘' t r! I--, ■ tilile lit*:; !■'. U.‘. yiibiiKi Vi'i I-: t'fd fi.a. ( yui- ■ W:,;!- 6i;ii i ;Ik i>!i, Ariil ■ lil* vu> • ^ . 11'l-iil ii; It , wii’M’i a i!ay It ; t 1; I ■ ‘ u t !*■ I'i' ii- :hr .'Si * oast main building was covcnni witli ('o? tri'-lit shiM^U'K u f«>w wt-.-ks hiir t!i»i old riH»f was iir^irclcil s;nd stayed onsoloiij; that ihc rain cM.nit;! t 111 oujrli and ruint>(i the. *»vtn lu-:id I Cfiliis^. (^S'.iito a lot of Hu* has .s'.volit'n and f;:lliMi dt)\vt!. 'I’nc, { iot us on llio doors art* all brol'Mii, the doors aro o|)-.*n ail the .i’.sst a f«*\v years a;.;o 1 ht'n* was a nu-t; library plactHl in llu' M*ij'xd hoiisf. Ah l)^>^l I n'Kuiiil'iT 1hm> Wi-rc about oau Imndrt tl nitv Ijooks in it. 1 thonyjht ms f was tunintin^ tlm broken tU-sks and windows 1 would st'o bow niai'.y library l.ooks U'ft. I toiin*l o!vly oiu; biiok ar.d a ft'W of another. 'I’hcii I leokfd arouinl iin the wall where not many luontlis a'^omuny beaiiti fid ];ietiires were taek.d ti|i. J saw a ft'w lo(dvin;r fairly wtdi ; .^ome cut and t(»rji up. I •^a.w a lew i-cnl- tcr'-d o\t*r tlie floor. W ho '!’d this nri'vinl <v 1 I do ?M»t know ; it was n«>t all dojio Iln vaiu'j’l' se('!tis as if soim* \ :nu(, \\'a.sli. I' lie Las hci'u nsJit;: l he sehool house Chirrvrul.l I as tarne). i noti ced whtTc they Hiw.;i(l i hiid siiol rhroe.!ii; n;:;ny wir.dow bti'v:ir«i j A’hilf h»ok’n:^aiHl tin>.kiriy -11:\ iT 1 hi'a fi'air.< f tf i lie ^'*hi'< d br.ild-j Bn v.-.nl. IMi inaiiv tin ■ of | :,;.-i.ard rk l>r.:fs. ii. !.t. L. . ;adl ! f'Y’' > t.i ■ 1 •! 1-- -vtli lu'v makes caeh I j»ar» d the j)ltins for the work o ^;c'. iiltv of a iiii.sde-1 done by thii Pick* ‘ ^ * ;H!Ual = '!'ho ]jres< nt ii«rdwar«' the lid ioiriintr room fornuirl.v U:i«‘a sutiie accordinLj to la [It rson so failin': I'n j mt^‘illor, and suhjiK't fi» tin I tien presi-riht'd by la w. , j For tlii! eonviimnc)! t»f 1 lie ta .v ' iis a r«‘st.! in ant will t>e I payers, the un(!i*r;iirn d will ce- inlo one* hir!:e store? room jcfive tax list.-; ai il;i‘ f dliiwiiij; on tin; diO's set oppo.-^ite U’F. I'/\Y ('AS!i for lo-s Ar.’lt r Supply I . Company. 2 1 l-tff ! * *'*. • FOR SAIJ'I Firi;l class milk iDv/. A|)ply j M?ty 11. |.s, I'.l, i!(l. to W. 1-. .-Xiktn. 4-21-tfci Davidson iiivsir P >.st OlVu^e ; May FO!i S.\LK One yoke o.\t‘u 5 years old. j St-e J. R. Haiidiu. 5-5-2tn l*on‘Kt, !!ro\\ n-J'att* n ?< -o.s’ stoni: ?4ay *M, '27i. houKc. S«>ei This Aj)ril ‘>(lth I'.IIC,. 'I'. II.(J V1.L<,W\V, I'lJLi’S .$1 piT <l<»Z!.ii, ;'proii?<*(k I li- I''- I*a .\'1on, 12 vari. tics. .1. .I. .Miner. 1 2S .^tp I'Oli RKNT New Groom liankic Nit holson. 1-hp! l'Ul\ SAI^tC I’air of mu! lime. . 1-. Dillard, I'ink Beds. I‘0[\ S.\LK Cash or on time; 5-pa'^se'i:r< r I « at. ! iio . !!. Shii)m: ::. f !::-2t • 'I'OWN LO'l'S. farnT^ aial iiinlier laiuis for .Kal.. I rani: .leiikiii;;, IJrevar.i, N. ( . li' List 'Pakers und .\.''he.‘j.sor;>» of ftrc les; easli or on I ' = wi.shi]). FOR KKNC ee!.'! V iv.an. Six-room ei,ii:i}'e; hot and i ,Vi !I !'■( ati'i*. i H. S ll:-2ie Seia ;■ ; i .alv<- ittv.av. .,y t'alei V ' tl '<e I and ;> to huitd t 1;.-! i srhtei’ pOi t,;.,,jvlry I'-t drv s'.lit nO HJROWARE 00. TO Siim ITS STORE C;)rp;':'.ler-N Next to !)<> ;!v!t .‘y <*f fJrevj'ril IJardvv'ure (>.j;r(p;my's lU/nie: New f inn; V. lire Lines i;> he AtU:C<l. lar!;e ^ T: . leadin-^ l'» story or tiir buihiin,:; inodeled ^■o a^ to l(‘ad ni- t*'-**' •'* ecnfer of thi; bif^ store frofit, t a- u:-. .‘nt to b.-in after an S toot drop ,fron. thefnmt. (,n either side wdi b(> I I f.Hit plate fxbiss fronts ''ith I pristn Klass 10 feet bijili In thfhdiby betw«‘eii the stejis and th(? str(*et will lie entrances fin either side ;o tlie htoriv 'I’he floors of the two biiildinj;> will b<‘taken orit iinil drojiped I j tht* level <d‘ the street. I ‘‘ i.pp*T stfii-y will be ren;o'Jt‘l<Hl t<»i' o;ii< e pur]>os*^s. MV. lioyle stat;-s lhat allei atii.i - v.iM la- ••on>ji]i-ti (i by .1 u»y> stit \\ ’tirh ];i V. ill s1o< k up '■ litu s (;•' hardwmri* ite ha; i', 1; sevi-ra l r;Ot :-■* /I f 1 ,’v.* ’ijJ- and ; In'ii 1 i U- '‘d a: !>. Mn-. ).. IClu r \V. I >. Huat !•'. I 1 \\ . I .1 hins .<usaii:'ia:p (»-oli .'!k;. ... H. -lol.ii.-ien (ei'l i I'les , 1. . .‘1 «■ l’-:t i.-;:: iti (! r<'vi ■ m‘1 | Faj.;.ii're ' iiuU.-'C was I hi- iiiu s' ’Uiit ? ' * . :i;- tv' 'i i!: j.uhli!- M'hoiil hie],!;:i r i:i : .la<-!.:’.!-v <-ou..t > ; but i! U i.Mi ■-a:«sl 1 hadiv in the r; \I io vr:;rs ;is ; 1 j r'':ui'.* f'lr t!)e .*<2 ;ur .1. S.'llr^'mli. lil. : / te- isissrsKi-Eft; 8 m Renewals ■rvtvi i,i I ■ |U11 iiip ii- !H>l yet m> ft"' ri’- :■ .1 1'-a. it.< Mrs. A. M, I'o'.l, i!. I’, .i.wv: }». ihitu'an r-. ! ir.'U*!'. a;r >1 ati‘ •n-.e . Ill- n ! '.V • Ij, a ■!'. i !.• I- 1. O', hi !•:. '1. \\ l.iiiTiirt Mis,^ Cr!ia V* hitiiki; ;,s. t\. .ihlJef. .! f». iv’eid ! . V. .-•ite*- Vitri! i.ai>:'; 1'. \::(.‘e:s:ip V». i‘. Jn;U'- S. Ui--!'r;r.' Wei. -i/rj-’i'h \\ . S. !'lii ;•. Sr.. J. !.. v!ry L. O'-i.i-r. e. i'. -n .■ i ^ * I !'t . A:!'-. !■;. W. .t.w-ii i' -Miu \\'. 1'. iiail I’ev. ,1.. .a. K;n.- hsii t;ic ■! wa: lai'i' ie>. r.; .'.shrvd'e ! i-'a;^ti'v. S. ('., h'-r | i . . i CnItUi.-.i i (•. I I'est t il'-. i (\. d!'s\s iM'i- \\jiido\\s lelt, Hr.-sar! :H'd not inueh house. !’:e\; ivl j •■'I'wo of .laokson's hti'iness land, one of .hjrksvtn’s bif.'*.;i*^t inou- . I 1-f Meixio ntid .^iort'ari—^ 1 ;ia VO ou'>t--a lot t.-t liitihoi-i brev;.r(l . ‘ ,, , , i Hre'",ir '‘I''"'* '‘'’'k. they bavoj llrevard. !C-2 i ‘‘S'' tinili.-r and wiU i MR. .vNIi' I'NiMtian i e:*-vo 1 h-'ir ;-aw noil up horo thisj r.lai.tyr« * V,oek. 'I'lioy aro d-•! 11^ i juiie a lot Sapjjlijri joi’ wttri-. on tao t'JuistaiJi rri'ok I'oad bake 'lo>..r>iae , -ilH.y can luovo then* sawn>i!l o'l! ( (.lom!.i;s. (i;!. I J. fts., iiradof 1 ho «*!o<d\. abou. AslU'Vilie ; i,ii)fr;v, S. I l‘'OK S.ilJ' Oi*l newspaper;, tor 'sirriiir.! tires ;■'.!(,! etSier ptirpH.srs, «erit;, " pply ill .\i-vv:. ’ 12 1' ( • ‘ovio a n?!ou!:i:os tliiif i V . 1 i b( .ijiu altor;;ti> -{U" '.v ii. I' t »ll S.\Li- ^. >. (> I'.li”'! Rcni \.riler in fur i,;ir!\ r.-'nu wi-.k; ,'!lO aad OTily easn. .\pply al ;*.'<avs oilii'i". i^l2-l‘'e I'Ol; KI-'A’r One ei:dil-rooT,t hoii-. o:i South ( aichvt f'.irnished. licr,. i <»r i;*nav 1^,!^ p ■fill i.t th>- ro.\t If'.v days on l!io liotno th - r.rov.ard liardw tr.-.■ nipauv ro.-'.iV.iuL' 111 too eoMihlin'' uf the oaiia<'it'» ol th>' stori' room frnl viiiinj.:: i-oTo o‘'iui.;o iious ano rn- !<t^d,;j t o ' 1 ua,r I ■ ts t i> :>ocniiilesh1 H'o t h- iJir-1 allal io!i I,i so V'■ i a 1 ■ outi ;i.|,lut« d linos of hardvvaro. I ■ A .Ai*4. ;; £*:irc.Tr ■Int a j Iv II. Xorwi ThBy are 0^11 boosters and deserve vcur iias pia- open ''I'JiulaiKl Jiotnc" hir j'ri \V,'.1 Ma,ia sireel, alnKit .vlay i: <ni :ipp! tfjil i(,a. Vi’, 1 i ■li W’ rc Til. with a'M; i' \nhev. X'.w 'i el !< I ii V s. SI’.K. i^2 1 »r* a rt! C/n rr;. tieli’ i-ak'.- 'i'«t\ C 1til'ii • Siir.n,er'-iti-., S. i'.;.s!ty. S.*'. l>aiMs\ iiie. S. C. .. - F.re>:.i'»i t-uiitain >' iew, Ai k two and a hali'r!iil(>s fr< ro fhi- < :id Ha!d nsMuntani. 'I'hi-y-!>■ > hml-d i'rot;s fialsa m 1 >'o 1' ‘ Svlv;: r> oa r :,1KN: WAVTi Ji r,.. r. ^v pla.o ten !iou''.-. r>i"' <*'iV. »; t Ivnrdoytt! Ihire.au. Ta. <’.>:.;paii'-. 'Aliitne-.*, N. C. ;”'>Jlp • Ir. and .'v'eoly 1 ’ ■ . ‘. vr Utik*. Ontdi fl2£SKQL 2JBUni33l it /Tf. V* I ^ ' ’ii-v I* iiast : hno V. a Ine ■ ■ vt '..ooks. ' ]o'/-(lr;ri!i;r tiio i F!'’i„si! FISH -y Fi;d;i t:i*l i L!:FLl R!VZ;? mmA am crops r'TKia,, !;:e- ret urn-,-d fri'Mi 'i. Hi I; r V/ r:ir; ami (ira iv . 13( t tj;; of j iti. ;i ill h VV* t',- 'i'h. (-* pi‘ ■lo '1: . ' !iH ■ 'I’iie .hiokst’T. ('i u!uy .Icurnal oio- s: ondont ,;i tor -vo wriri ; -follows, wiiioil wii! bi’ nf i!, = or ■■ I ! \"vv roa'Ior.' in that .s.oc1 i<■!, ,Ioh.; :v!. V.h'-Ii !:• Olis li C.'eenvilU -.iienl t!ie eek-eiu i'iiver. .V lar;:e auniUer !>;' yoiii!:-; pee;-!e ai- te!:'ud, tlie I'oriiiiit Ui. er.ieiU e:a rei>e:i a* Fiailiand !:;-t;tvile ia a vveek. 'i'he \ taai.t: Woman's ,'uixili;.ry v.-;;s en- i.-rl;*infd at liie !.oii;e <;!' Rev. 1-L ,'Jli.soii !a.-<t S;itrnlay aiu ;'!i'>ei;a .\!r. .vih'.'^'iij an inte^l•^^ilv.■; tail; ai’tev v, iiieh re- t're hmeni,-- were .serv. d, v>;is !;, |!a’'t. ^i;a^,•V.'. oai 'M-i:,,y. = i lu'je.- ;i d' ;i-:d pr veoi' oo' r- I’lu'm- : ■ . i. t;:- \ V J..;- tr-a: 2'.' Iiiii'at* -d. la-.-i;-. !. ipt < W;a- t’i & per r ! fjijaii! ili«' laiFiier '! p'‘iev*s. U S.'.'.r. l-’ii'e two-VI i-id \>-i!l do Weil I'I 'v,,rk r:'Xl ;’aii, ii.-.s ’'le’) ridiii a and w.rkt d to In;,;.a: «; lira- Iirn'id mar-.' ■■.iiij nifnih-'ia! t I>’ re I'i'i--Ted tr.itti;’.;; hi.r^a. -Sf. A. w. I! n.T, .'in F ■;*? " y- ! .S3^. •w ' ■r'c..'? j; ti.,,. rj S' li.. i CA i-ai': ’ -f 4*1 ie.ds L--; ot's ■o I It- iinta!n*. is 1; V.‘l s’t! Jt~ A \a /- ■ r~,: w* «■ 'Cl# 7 ■ \ * I O T iATOR EOrtS^H Urges Tl'r.t Add i tick's I T.’^cpr Be Or- d'rcd to ."t Of.c?. W:;- ;-^a. G r;.l Far: ’ I;;;s rep'tfiat h‘r f-aa i-s I:- Tlo* Ip^•^tio: '.f <T!ili;if; .(..II ;-f t!r- Na!i- -.ul Caard is •. ■>, .t V, a \ ■ a Utl *'< *t!io i‘ot i >»;* :---.ft!or:hir ihic.-r tlia; Lii'. I'l ■ n . .o ■:o:i :: t jJalsai*’ (Ma.v’o i- ■ ■ } io <;rofvo h':-:.so. '! , ■ V. r’oa visit'ai t.ho .xeho 1 iio-iiso i k ! a m tr to r, - t v ;rt t' i. • . . 'luL;. ■ ■ : th*' IL-^a to (i ri o.-,li ^.:i:so. ! ot .liUtMi o;'-'}(toon v.-iu<i’Ov paeos !u*ol.' ii n:t aral r'.>;n- I. >'U do>ks ]wa,k< U. 'fho 1 U do>U-. that :;>ain iinbrokon a ro o.ir\>’0 broliy that tIioy 1.>ok liko iboy had ]>oon w.-fd illtv voars. 'I’ho I'.', aiah ’a 'I and ;>■. va ti' (in. e:.v iiii- ''rid.ty. r.eai 1' t : i’.revard :ti^ ai! ; •tnred ;s!!e*i l-is 1 ;a adioa •t' V p-ireiits. .Mr. ami .’dr,'. .M.i (;■ : Su.a’.iy. W. I... C-ii.'-li has ''■-■rii re,:u’rir." hi dweli'i.,;. -'vi , ; i. a \ ai.e-.'. \\ :'l Ru.-her a .'d i i’ ■ :aa der'.aV.ViOe \Vi 'e I«; -. i r F.d. Shi;im.;a ;s v. rv sii's. .\ii.'.ses Ju',ia .•?hu!ord a:M; -nevM [far It.!' .D-'-v.ird iii'siitu;e visuri] .Miss Shu ^^SMTOIAXPAYEBS; liST YQOii PBOPESTY ! .e- ....- 'd Ilea.- Sii.:n::«v. : 1' o;;vor.- of ip'ov.ird :■ '.vn- h.Tobv t • iMak'- ill! ]irop.Tf,'* •Ov\;o- I by aLiy i. 1 '■ 1 b 't h roa 1 a n<» . ■ ha,t i;i:;y !'.■ ■ o.l’joo' to ill ii;t' U!i.Io;',-''i,na‘'' li,st- and a.S'e.ssiij’s <d \’ard i d;.riiii; tin* 'no-itii of ^ tit ' .a’M c;.ia!:a-:. j'i i> MI-- rn » : ii.'r.i ‘ ii! o;or>< *!ia! ta :*.!!! ion la kiO's lownsh^l '.lav I'aili. Failure to eial; li.'* unn r.■turn I’MPOn.TED .^oods should always be chcsen with the g'r^alerit care because they iire so oliien open to insir.:iotJ:* adul- teraticn. V’.'e jget our teas and coffees only ircm dealers on whom v/e can de pend. Ptsrchas? from our store and you knoviT that yet! v/:ll g'et the pure article. C. C. YONGIJE, The Grocer Phone 41 ■■It 1 i! nve\'T a : ii’ la 'd V V.. I'V ill ..e f,;. tl lery n-'-’a !;•; r.. ; fa- . i. I iM-naiia’ U. ? Iii Oil !a t!-" or oii'.lia.'”'.. ■■ ■ ♦»rl(a!i -tJ ..f r-,. . ro a..y vitual u<ii. rair/a ■•:nu‘o: ’.a- hf' eaiiito’ f".;a^o \vha’ ei>!ifi rr ; a- to. t tie hord-” Soer- l..o; vvl;a** strj. v.a "I ve:'0;j:.a..’.ia.':mat fioii t'lir !.ii Clenn Spri •.*i *» «?; • I’ V * Uy tl- tile- burjiei [*. ! • ■'I.. a-v ^•^.)a^ t arlil *' > k. r ary it' tiu ro is- iu»th - K ♦ f (..lOl'c :'.d l‘'ra.i.-’itau'a* k .J. ^:a;^■d a. sraioinetit t,; I i^sM>Sh.-i£XiBS)sscrimsss& xasittQCsr;- O o m?' IT7 Jl 'V. ^ 1J w A K fc, BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA ii: la i t. OOi'- he O^rf.Or- ^ ..,,y iji-iii V.a.lell :-a!l!.l;Ut to 'o ia-u of protoi tuiv- .\iu ... (n- t!a‘aO‘d a-^ i-iv-iiiU-:- o-y. "l! 'loo : he apitarm; at ad r’aaaii'M- wirli the ; ; I tla' S.'!i.iii'r. "liia' ('ar i; I ■■f- -ir.ti-i’ ill M ii—ipii ■ onrn I pi »■«! UTi •mw rmrnri ■n'mn I 1 a. yane-riiMH at i .1 - ;, he ■* pro 1 , (lee»i!).f(; t.. .'UV tifii!!!-' til in- a.-: tliai tho iaspira ('t.dii.ai-as ra.id or the raai- ha-i i-joim from ji-J JL' X I' i *** ■■> i \ ttio .Ai;'.--!'!. an oi th*- i--*:’d<-r. T(; n:ako ai*y atnaimee'n-'at. tie said ■ni‘*r'-iy wor.ld 'sorvo to tdcM k tho in- vcitip'af j?. C: eg \ ■•fr A t 1 v:iO. < li ! rc- J i'J X .A ({ t 'U” i';. '-•i> iitf'.-'.jc? ■I A'ihi A\ir ..''pwk*!- liii' le.': !• 'r li-' t > tieRlrny crop coti>j.^ Ii sra’iis . y . 1:;e . atlaco I’i::' n r. 'U ii raunl-.. /" Of..' yea cyei c fi-iht t-- r erc ftct n ^ y ?!» Fowl. •- < ii’^rxwr ‘a'iiil;:--*: -g a. ntw prlt:rr*'!t* r f caI;l*/'(K ■} :.j:.!-..cs a .K / J /v'y'' '• hc'’u r it A {-' ■ I ' ... .. > ou <-an innL-o a ‘ ... iw-’nit ii*. i. « ^ V" ii 'h)!!. //- i I^fcor •'««. ;.i ^ ; I. ..-ir.inUe thi i'tno ii' -if' trr.-nev '• j r iroi’cy fWr t p’!s the Tvlicfe clfiT- i- I U s fr:.. Kcr.-i a pe?*.ul / i J a... i: : y b:*ad a..d li.'.K <.; yi.a;- '.•..■•laii ar-i tac ”rui (I t T!«)t '•liTi'ii'ic ycia* c"■<»,*» yits Uwtir 'i'iew ol Xo. 60 Buckwye Disc Cultivator. j c‘> T!«)t •liTi'ii'ic ycia* c i v.il! :>(■ refit;.detl. I Ii'et tui'b »o*'. T* {oa I It’s }r;v. Kcr.'i a po?*.-.: 4 FOOT CULTIVATOR 2-FOOT CULTIVATOR :i. tise I'l;" 1:5 v;illj *' r.'o. CA’K’^i.'** <•* j .I’iir rcL:imir.--'I c' "O 111. 2 -r i.K-'i;thi.-;; I r;;.oal..J be rnauituintd.”! ire n.oL- \ FOUR MORE LEADERS OF IRISH REVOLT SHOT Lotaior.. Four more of tJv loadorp of tho irish rt volt aavf' lioea soiitciicpd to (loath hy tlip Du'alin e.iurt nio-'Ual and f*xo( ntf‘d. accordiiia. t i .ei off'ial stateuif lit. They woro .a lius Col bcrt, F<!iiuuh1 Kon'. Mieliafl .Malhjii and J. ,1. Hevhton. Nimtoon uther.*-- coticf'.-nc'd in the in.sureetion were senlf!!ieo<! tu doatii hut tho seiitenr-e was cntnnath ti to variou.'-- terms of penal seivittide. Two others were erriuittod. Want More Troops on Border. i San Antonio. Tex.—Army offirerF ! here are hopoful that the Gleiui! Srings raid will s rve to arouse the 1 War Departrnont to the prrsshitr neerl j of additional troops for bonh'r patrol j duty. The nine soldiers atUiekod at Glenn Springs belong to tho P’oiir teftnth Cavalry that has been patrolling: H streteh of nearly 400 miles of the wildest country along the Mexican bordfci*. Troops and detaohmerits ol the regiment are spread out from La redo almost to Sierra Blanca. The -BUCKEYE DODGER'^ is the only Pivot Axle, Disc Guide Ciiltivator made. It successfully ovcrcomcs all or the many objectionable features common to other Disc Cultivators. FERTILIZERS WE HAVE PLENTY OF B. B. B. GUANO, A LITTLE OF 10-2 AND 6-4 GUANOS. NITRATE OF SODA PAYS A BIG DIVID-ND IF RIGHTLY USED. IF YOU WANT A CROP USE A GOOD GRADE OF FERTILIZER. WE HAVE IT. $3.00 $2.50 I -FOOT CULTIVATOR $1.25 JUST RECEIVED NEW LOT OF BUGGIES ONE-HORSE WAGONS HARNESS MOWER RAKES BINDER TWINE BINDERS GRASS SEEDS OF ALL KINDS Don’t order C. DOYLE Brevard, N, C.

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