HONORS AWARDEO BY BREVARD INSTITOTE THE HONORED STUDENTS IN VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Standing of the Lanier and Adel- phian Societies as to Honors Awarded. est nnmber of points for tho con test was obtained by the Tj»n»it^r society to which was awardoil a handsome secr« tnry’s table inudts ill the Institute carpoutry shop. Sol Gallert has the ability, en thusiasm and energy to redeem the Tentli Congressional district. Vote for him in the primary of June 3rd.—Advertisement. ZEB WEAVER ASKS FOR DEMOCRATIC SDPPORT TEACHERS' EXAMINATION TO BE HELD JUNE 8 The Brevard Institute fninishes the following award of honors to its students. l>e])ortment— Bliinehe Turner, (lastonia. St'holHrship— Marii* Uatnrick, 1'llt‘nb »ro ; riieliuH Parker, DnrhaTU ; IjHinar (Talloway, llrevard. Music*—Venie .lohnson. Holcher ; | Kill'll ll:i^\vt*ll. (Jri’i iU’illo ; Wrlis, 1'un‘st ('ity: 1’t‘ari T«Tti‘r, ! M.uait rii'nM'nt ; (Mamlnu* <’artiT. j (’harlotti'; 1’i‘rra Kisrr. lu'sstMi.fr j Citv. ('uTtnui'icial deptiri!nrnt—riara I’hnris. SSo’H'SvilU*; Paul ('lytit', SpartaTj’tur;^ ; iii»sa Hamilton. Kt'Uvah : Knsst“ll \V*'lls. Forrst I'lt v : llarlt-y Pit^ixm. lir.'var.i. ] »i>nii‘stif Art ilcpartnu'nt — IMna limu. siii-lby ; K!i/,ahfth lVri*vard ; li'tMio Mf’Miim, l{n*va!«l. llofiufs ill 11(»iniT ■—W . 1^. Kt'niitulv. l’"int ; IIhjh' Wells, Kon'st ( ItV ; l-Alna Hunt. Sht'lhy : Maids' '’t)Stt)ii. Kiitys Muuiitaiii ; Paitlinr Curtis, (’andlt'r ; I'li/alu'th ItraiiliMiii. lialifax ; liaura Hannah. Ola .CustafH* Li‘atli«*r\YoiHl, Wavnes- vilh'; .U'sso Howard. Moriraiitoii iMity vVivrk Honors—(Veil Slu'f- tit'ld, iM'idsvillt': F.-rra Kiser. B<-ss(>!nor ('ity ; Kli/.alu'th Branham, Halifax: Harold .Inslic**, Hender soiivilU'; Sto\v»‘ Hoylt'. liini'olntt'ii. Lar.ndr’'' Hon(\rs—l-^dna liniit. Shelby: tIuTh Kuit'Ts. Moriroi* ; hjli/.arH't!i tiranhr.ni. Halifax. (*uinp»i.>itioii — Maiuyt: Fvu Hast- iiiffs, Halias. lieritati'.ui — iiiitli Bnu)ks, Biv- vard. Hcliafr—(\cil Shid'fieltl, Keids- \ilie. 'rt'miis—.lolin liarnrick, Forest I'll V. SEEKING CONGRESSIONAL PRIMARY NOMINATION has been away sinco January, haaf Lance lias been very sick for the j antly fishinK the Cascade I ovvei As 1 tun ])lannini; to attend the Snninu-r tScdiool at the University of North Carolina th*s sninnier, which o]>ens .lune and c«>n1innes Hi X weeks, I have deeuied to hold an examination for tea o’ch»ck. If one day is ru»t snilieient, the (‘xamination will 1h' concdudt'd on Friday. Tlie examination on the Teach«*rs’ U»*adin^ (Viursi! will not be fiiven at this time. Arranpe- ments will be made for that later, LAKETOXAWAY NEWS returned. Mrs. R. A. Collins and children have returned from Old Toxaway when' they have been visiting friends and relatives. Th»iy at- tendfvl au old time foot-WHshinf» at theOhl Toxaway Baptist church. The i)eoi»le are liking; the News for the great amount of news it contains. More i>eoj)le should sub scribe for it. Announces Nature of Campaign In Event he Wins Nomina tion; I {is Rocord. < Irreiife Xorton of ()aklaTid, who B. H. Morrow’s horse was struck hy liglitnin*; Fun«lay. Miss. 11a N'elu»ls«»n of New Sap- }diire was at 'i'oxaAvay Sunday. !\fi;-ses Ida and Bessie Miller of Cj»uebee were at Toxaway Sunday. Ira (jailoway of (^loiieestt'r has I iHirc]u!M i>^ress and wilt sin-1 eerely ap]»ri'eiute thi> su]tiK»rt (d the Hemoeratie voters in the primaries to be htdd on .Inne llMf'. 'I'o those to whom 1 am n(d ]u'r- ijonally known 1 will say that I liv«' in Aslievilh^ an*' n*pres(*nt»'d lUui eombe county in the IciiiNlature ttMir times, twi<‘e in the HitUM-ar.d twice in th** Senate. At th>*l::st (deetion my majority in linneomhe county was more than one thousand vott*s. If m>miuated it is my jmr]tose at once t«> lie^in an active or^am/.i lion of the Tenth l>i>triet and I wish to assure the Dt'mocrats that 1 Will t:iv«- all the time nei'cs.sary ansi iisii evi*ry lumoratih* means to ]>l!!c«‘ the district a.'xain in tin* dcm- orratic column. Zkiu i.ox \Vi;avi.i{. Tins :.lay I'l, I'.ik; —Atlv. CONNESTEE NEWS People tmf'ht to come out to Connestee an«l sets Frank Zachary’s corn crop. He eortainly has made an im[)rovementon MrH. S. Mull’s farm. Ernest and Jay Trott^^r of ptdzer, S. C., spent the w’cek-end with VV. H. Hogsinl of <’onnestee. Miss Eva Hogsed of (’onn«*stee/ visited friends at (ilady Branch Knn«lay. (-leor^'f! R»‘e(^e of (.^>ue lirevard Matardav. Kiven ^ . i: « .meadow, near U • K- ‘pHtru k s J. A. I.«aiice IS the owner ot a line j next Saturday niglit at k mule colt. I o’clock under the auspi<-es (,f It seems a pity that there are a j tie River Baptu^t church. Kv.-ry. few people who for s(mie reason j body is invited, don’t take the News, which should i j^en Staggs of Brevard was i,n go to every home in the county. | ijittle River Sunday. It is worth far more than it costs, j Arthur Hamilton and (Jurley Whit Henderson lost a fine mare Shipman of Blantyre visited Mr. hist week i Hamilton’s parents Sunday «i.r3JV. PK{J(;iK The deacons of all the churches i ______ _ ar(! invited to attend thci meeting i at Island Ford on the ord Sunday in j June. Papa's I)aui,inrve youi'KOlf in au esrvr :,.*.u chcfjiiu fraiue. .of inirti, Ii<- liut 'or I n;rv. iiiFtecid of tliG ^ire woik\ ‘U* j ttr or iiaasion. the suii-worshiiier of ' <^;lear seli-pos;,ession, and couiiku o *he (lay in v.idf h yon hav*' rooted <>ut he vvf’ed oi dissatisfaction with t!u;t on 'I’he Lanier Literary society \\\>n li'iUor;-in debate, in tiMniis, in basket ball, and in di‘p«)rtm«'iit. 'I'he Adel- pbit.n society pr<\diiccd the best ■ivera^c open proirram ;ind also tlie iH'st sin*;u'o]u n pn'irram and wi ii jiato—truly you will 'vonder at lU’.ir the attendance ci.>nti’>t. 'I’iie Jliiirh own init'rovenient.— l!i"lit‘'r. I which y( ’.i luivi' a!lo\v<‘d it to g'ow up; and ytm will find yoni' licaii i ,»cu to every Rood motive, \our life stroiiKtheiuMl and your \>reast ui-iied I with a pa.ujitiy anainst evt'ry trit' c o£ Time to Plant Cow Peas Cow Peas improve the land and make fodder. $2.00 per bushel. Pole or Corn Field Beans. Kentucky Wonder. Old Homestead. Burges’ Stringless Green Pod. Cut Short Crease Back. Lazy Wife. Seed Sugar or Sweet Corn. Country Gentleman. Cory. Shef field. Garden Peas for late planting. Champion of England. Telephone, etc. Cabbage Seed, Late Fiats Dutch, Drumhead, Baldhead, Surehead, and several other kinds. Turnips of all kinds. B. B. B. Guano. Don’t order C. DOYLE Brevard, N, IE. mm _Ij BBKH r>3mEseass2cv«?v-:i39iaa uaMi:£Bac83£':ijsr:sssa;;Aax:iasfs:^^ Saturday of aiiis At Plummer’s The word '‘bargains'’ is without a doubt the most abused word used today in modern mer chandising. When Plummer advertises a bargain sale it means BARGAINS—value-giving in the highest sense of the word; merchandise at less than the other stores will sell it. For Saturday, June 3: i Children’s $L50 Dresses Saturday 97c Absolutely fast colors; made of zephyr ginghams. Children’s 75c and 85c Dresses Saturday 47c Good fast colors; no substitute dyes. Genuine Ait. minumware This ware has never been sold at low prices before. Worth from $i to $1.50 each. Saturday at Plummer’s 59c See Window Display. Ladies’ $L25 House Dresses Saturday 97c Amoskeag Gingham and Percale. Guaranteed fast colors. Boys’ Khaki Pants Saturday 35c Pair. Main Street* H. A. PLUMIiER Brevard, N. C.