SYT.VAN VALLEY NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. I, , i >i.tiiat lll.‘ 'r.ilnr.-s'' of it !UtU' , I ill.' ;:ivc|- t!ir riiii>riniM!'--s nt' s|»intu;il I ; , . !i Imu l!u' ."ul'jfi t ol lll^ t;itl li\ I i I;,, !l I! I li;;' IS, m to aiioMl- -h . t" r'i,i!'li:h Im'Iw.'.-ii |i«'rMtiis an iii.t:1'1- i. ai'l.- ,1,,, ' 1 . I'.rli all' III 11.1 111 IT null iiallv '\( lii-~i\.-. i, I ,i| .11 It'll t' M'Is l«* li'.-i'l l'> llif aliaiiii.'imirnt of ;ill I i : ,il i'!'lrr i1 111'. !iiii - a j u-l i lit at i> mi d' .'ia\T\ ■■ ! . I" It I'a'!' to a Imv^oUmI, |iai>Tnal m'IF- > -Ill 11,..1 ; "I 'M'liial aullionlv. It wouM .(‘(•111 t,- . ■■ II; ’>"1 or ni'ralitv ihal tan ju''it'\ il.-clf la lll"UlMl|. Ij 1,..,,]^ t ' ’'''.''’I! p‘T-o'.- Ill whirli aii\ (!: :V('r.'!iri‘ \\!;n;i ,;iriU''- ;i|i\ I.,-- . r I ’ 1^ lll'll'it.! 1:1 “ li;i1 l!!r." ;|||i! n.ioj.t^ i!„'. ^ . .V ' . of u 'il III III.' . a .. of p. >v,,u-^ in ,., , j ^ j ^ 1 ' - . • ' . ■ i '. I . V,! ■ I . ■ 1 I \ o I 1; 1 \s ■ ; 11.11 I o :i 11 11, , ^ ' ■: ‘ I" - ' 1 .1'. ■ ln-i ,rl' L /....!• .1 I 1; i u 11!. "M \ lit ii Ml r'-,\ ■ . M^V ' iNIIIMi lONAL UPPtlL ]fl STAIE )l)NMfSOP Lesson (Hv I” O, SI' I .1 .1'I: I', l>ll(.tnr ol It" Si 111...) I I.Ill , in thn M. oi|> I'lia.. I II lllc III ( '111. » (t * i»I' \ t I >; 11 ^ 1916 \S • H1 * I ») N • ’.% r j • 11 >, |- I' I) 1 o n . LESSON FOR NOVEMBER 26 A LIVING SACRIF ICE. EVERY MAN. WOMAN AND CHILD EXPECTLD TO TAKE A f’ART. (i!VE PLAN WIDE PUBLICITY •fi .If, ■ . !,. ■! i«rl\ I 'ii ■ : ; M . . I I 'S."- Tl NT l;.„, III-; li; ;• 'I a >1 N Tl \'i' i i. . ' I v,„|. ImmIi.- ", I • .1' I • I ■',11'1 uiitc tnfnt Fxprctf’d To Bp Grrnt 1 .' a 1' I; . r . ( ' .' i 1 i-; i. « K.^n I 1 K \ “One Day For Ttir Orp'i.Ttis” Move- ctfd To Succcss. • iij (B W. • ,st r,MCE THAT HOLDS SHAPE” $3.00 S-^-OO S4-50 & $5.00 ano'Jvom'in Save Mon* ' \ v W. 1- noimJa.-* shoos. I ■ • sol Tilt' n» tut* \\ »>i Kl. 'Ai'.ifiT ;■ ■f! Ill (HI. ! ^. :i, i-.i i' i 1 ''• p.iiJ • ' T'*hf qii,. :■ tll.lTl 4,1 art- !.’• 1 f’.cv .irf I • : \ tiip ’ - in:. 1 ■1 (niv, V»-W Miur ‘•tl I >1 = '• . ,u.-. W , : ^,-t Nh.w....; ■ ■ . ’ » r»tiirii miti' . . r- I i : 'i . !•' s.HI ,'ni '1 . 1 .n'V d.f t:;" )• ^ . -r is y: ■ r t'v n',.':.. , ; I- ;.-r, r \I- it; r i .'f ., .it IV -.i-M; >. v 1- V ' : t’ - var,- : n .r .; I. ■ n. vv t'ri .in I ' i : tli. ptM' r-.. ’U-v \ \ r'. V— '3;^ f / I 5UHM : iS V; V 'I'hf tir I I 1 ,'h'i].tIT- (if 1 hi• Icf- I . !i :o!il inII- 1 r:titin- t:i -'iit IOl- 1 ■ - - ■ .'! tin- 'III i .i, :iii li 1 !■ r.oil ■ r : i ’ ■■■ I \ i- • 1" 1 " II-- I'll.. I: ■ ■ ■ ■! I I ir. ... ■ I .Ii 1- I '1:11 jii 1 i !i. .11 H .11 ! . • . I • tl. :iii>l I|. •: ||. li^, ' 1 I . I . . ' II! , -I I. iM I I '1 .!-:i I-! i ■ :i I Mil ; . . ■ ■. I 11 I 11. • ■ Ill'll I T tip F" K I'lOft ;i 11! ,'l to Gratltliilf’ ( \ V i ■ ' 1 ' ■ . ■ ■ ■ I ." i I. I . I I I - I ■ ■ I 1 ; I ' X- I - . ■! I ' i : ( . ,;i ..-I li.-l.:, ; r, . MI •• ; ' I ■ ■ ' ■::I I"■ ;i 11 viiu: • . , 1 (,II|| I.. I..' :: I'll fur -1 i-\ ii . . I ■ Ii.ip', r ■ 1’- 1 '■ 1I ( l':i 111 11 ( - 1,. I't '. fcl;.- .- ; 11. ; , t 1,. .'I ■ b I-- !i I ! • >!ll- I 1, : .! I'll ‘ '1111 i i ;o i V M i. .. IV'. ■ I,' :iM .. Ii- ' :-"i ■■ "I I'li'iy T) I > ■ \'oi ' ll ( ' :o ai 11 ,1 ) I j ill Tl * II i-iH' ion i I ;i Hi>1iii 4.1) \ i-i v 11..01 11’, :Oi ,Oii I I ■. : I. I r . 11! I ■ 't , 11. I . I . ^ ' i' ■:. ■ 01 1.1 !,. 1 ; ''I I I . I', r ; \ 11 ■ I si \ I .' i. 11 :i \ ' i; ■ I 'tl ,• ' ' ! ii • ■ :l I ' :iI ■ ■ • ; ' . ■ . . I: ,1 , . -.I I ' ■ ■ I; ...o ! il.i- ' ( M . ■ . I ■ . ’ li I--: ■ ■ I O' ' ■ ! !. ' .I \ \ 1 ' ■ 1 I > ■. ’. 1' i i I . I I ■ I I M . 11. I ; I ' I‘ 1 :nr ;i ' ' - v. -I • - : I' ( I| ,1 ■ \ I -' .1 ■' ■', .11 I.: i I :i ^; :; | m i! >• v 1 n*.i . i'.. 1 :' ■ H!' . :t or I.. ! 'I i,,o.1 ;,1 ■ > - ,1' 1.1 I !.i \ ■ I,- I I. 1 1 i. .r I ■! ^. I: . II’ ' ■ '■ o > ■ ■ 1; I ■ - '. -1.1 ■ ■ Ivifi.f v*m w.n i, f.iU* M«» mh** «• V i-! :i J m .1l»o\s »* :iT I of i|uaiii> tor t ho |»i n o, • ,1 , ; Ml. , ,1 ^ II 11,^, ■ I- ^ ' •' ' ' "• • ! ! ;• V I .1 :i ' lilt ifi ; rij ' ’ ’ ■ ‘ ' ' ' ■ *’ " ‘ ■.I . ir.r it 1 1 !. : nf ’ t • . ■ ii; r. 1. \ -l.r.i;.. ; W • . • I !.. b ' o: - . ■ I . ! ,1. A i , ■ -I 1 •111- I ■ '. : ! i-.-t 0. ; fir Til. . ■ . i l:. ' 1, ■ ' r . ■ .1 ■ a ■ ; r- !■:. ' ’*:• -. . ■, . , !• 5 t" iii I ' • '•••■' -n.■ 1.1 - . i-M-> 1 • il..-r I > ‘ ■ " I , . ■ , . . . ■ I ' .0 ' ■ ^ a ■' ' I : I I ■- !. 1' ■ -u;\ !>i'. ,1 , 1 t, , 111. I i‘ii, !,f ij r ii ' ■ -a.rl- I ■ : '-■ . .1 ■ ■ . i - i. i-:t.. .! • . ■ : ■ I ‘ III ■ I -,1'. -1 1' ; :-I' ‘ LOOK F‘.'( \V. I. Doii^lr* n«nir ai>d thr mml piice • ipj'i! in ihr boUom, Royi’ Siu'rs ^ Bei.) ' t*-- A ■ i1 rr,--a^7,^/ $3.00 $2 60 & $2.00 • 1 . 1- vii.,., I .... I., I, I on. f —— j Louisiana Consol'd ■ ‘ >.'t M \ a:\-\ I S L n.'i :i’ Co. of Nt'vrtda^ Thlt .. .l'k> n -.f 4 ■ -y ' dut.... -. ! ' I. it-i I. ' hf 1 LOoc. r ;uR H.’i^ . .- n.l a, ^ frann V -n I !\ an i Mr- ■ . I Tel, 43.^:-! 1-! PHOVlD E' !ir.. -t N ' 'lay, . • « ’ i r. ' M ..: ' ?.• til- ; M.i lli A’! . t He used a pebble in hi3 day. to keep his mouth moist — 4i WRIGLEYS WRIGLEYS CHEWINO GUM % fl WKKiLKV’S iiivvs us a \\ hoievSome, anlisept ic, refrcshinji^ confection to take the place of tine cavc man’s pebble. \\ v help (fcili. hrt‘alh, isppetite, (ii4istion and deliciously saotlu r.ioiilli and throat with this eli'orrn* swft t nu'at. I ill \V I ir-i '. .•'iM'.irrni 1 u;»ni to Hcnl Vt-m llnif of t t III. Si 11(1 a f..i il \\-n. VVii^ii-s .Fi- Co., } ;i' • / K. - .1 ! 'o. The Fiavor % ynx(r RiFLliS When ycu look over the siglits of your ril^c and see an animal like this silhouetted aa i n s I the b ci c k - ground, you like to feel certain that your equipment is equal to the occasion. The majority of success ful hunters use Win-" DiinHllliililloillllii i he.mer Rifl. s, whi.:h shows how they are esteemer.. They are n;ade ia various styles and t;air.:crs ai:J ARE SUITABLE FOR ALL KirJDS CF HUNTING iiiiiil; ... :i!oliiilil r I . ViOTHER. ATTENTION: Din*-t fr »m t; ^ Mp At a Saving of 5l) to 1(H. ?o ( t I The Flavor Lasts in tlu* •:sua!' : ^ ir.ij.'e-.Nut'' there i- cirlded to the : .!»-nl ' f \vliol«‘ vvheiit, tlie rart‘ llavor f ‘ rf‘atiru4 a most un- 1 h( p.ilalt* never tiics of it. , v. f.' re have fouri(j that Grape-Nuts is the jijosl niitrilious and delicious cereal food know-n. Every tyhle .should have its daily ration of Grape-Nuts. “There’s a Reason” .1 r-i li. ' \ ;1"- . 1 : :'l ?l.. • , .-. o, 1.. : .. I-'. . .i . \ ! I .■■ i.. r I--' 1 in- !i it 'ir •' I.- I '! ' li: - \. ir::,!..iii \' i!i] r v'.'.’-i !’■ tli-* "i' ►, l-.l,. ( I I •’lo J '. ■ ill !•>■ i ' . Ti'i iiiiij.l.iUU ii-.--r I;-..- hlli . 1:1 1 !;*• >.\ ;t. 1 O.;' I'.ir t liul ••I. . --i-i, l.iiji - ' ( I'itus (.1) l':;- 'M ;u,il I riliiilalio!! (V. T-"!. Tlif L; on ' ii-.i.iilupr' l!:- Ihr** I.'ii;,' in .1 r niM'ni >r ri!'?'r \\1..t--|o. iIh- In,-' ! ■ ..i!i li ;j: :rn 11'.ua th-' h;. ■ S.iiTii'-^. •r-'ir''-'- :ili ! :iilv>Tsi!V ■Of Mil T.- for i'|'.ira1iiiL' larii fri’in .if ihl'if Im.-', .'^Olin ' j !I1i*S -' I :Oi|ii..: 'mIIU '•.'I.Mini'-ii. ii,- r. I tr.'l'lil.-ii iili". (S.-I- .I'l'-hliH ■_:-t . 1; (»') 'o:i'iiMi,!i_: in ili> .'-■■houl ')! |.' \i-r i\. IJI, S! IM'!! ;i. ij iL'f!)'. ; • [It r- 'V*Tin;- I' !' (I .nlo' r_’-|i. (7) ■(li'.rn M iio-[li! :i i: I y" (v. 1I ■ ; I pur-^ Ui'il K ■ Army Sardine Sandwich. 1-N’i:;. 1', I- Imiii'^s .ili'l ':>in I'r'ilii mii' Imx of - iiriiiiii'-. ;!'i-i t';i''i.o,iii!'nl oltv,- oil. ha!',' t.'a-pii'itiful jui.-.\ saiin* • it ,:r,i'.i1 •inioii nr i'tw ili-iip- oiiimi Jlil' t*. >alt .\1.\ Will. r^'i- nil lill' ii',:-..i| lu'iail. 'J'liis ''aniln il i. .“.ifrvfd (III La'llis’ ilay ulioar'i tin* lia11i^'^!up. To Remove Scorch Stains. All trii'f> of til*' diiniii;;!' lionc hy toil hni an iron may lie iiiiriily r«‘- ninvid li\ ilanipfiiln}; with inTtixide lit' h\ilroi.'.u. thfii and put- in till' Min t«i dry. f: : - to ft? !- V 'i'i; at'!' ' I X’.iii I'.o-.; 11. •• \ o‘.ir : o; I' J •i-ir .ipn. ..I- ■ ‘' • T (': K ■ u! ■ r! 1 i r n l' \; r f>.(> io :• o;; 'hi- !'a-;- .if •• II- '‘arniti!.' i:i;-a' i' .- oi- a si’ l'-i- il .y inoro. o' ...(1 'T \.'-i .1.' I li'Oti >■ 'I’.il-.f it 'hi'"iu-'i ^ 'I" - Inin II .1! i.iij/.' - individaa'.,' it f M tio’ 1 :r, 'ri f! I of y- lU: ■ -i. 1 ' : ■■nil'll’ that »; •■a a’ •] nf ,i|',(.r, vi>iiii ..-oil In fli:. ':..o, .. ni’-nf .M.iivi r. •» •-■a will. v. pra\'i : I (M ' oij I’ • I! 11;',: 1: . ’r.'■ 1 :• ' ' ; ■ ’i> :-'d 'a, ’. ■ !■. Ilf.- 'i'-:- ,o’. • A'.a j'. 'li; : ■ o|!i .- •. .i t.M . ’a. i.i • !i,-r If*'-, ti'-'ii Ni’.\ oil Ui !ii.' ! --x' T’la’.ii- i;;\■ i- 1 \ '11 ; i■!■ • ■ 1 • -’ i>vh” oh'T\ in .Nort h ■, .li!,:t Edgpfnont-Newl.Tfid A.ssur*ed. I."i!(iir ro.i 1 I’nn. .\>‘\v'nnit f., Kdu‘'niont i' annoi:'n r- 1 .1 ~ a ty Thf' ■•Xvi'i’v (■oiiiiiy ma'l ■■uminis ■-;on tias s.-i-iiroil tin appi'i'p'int ii.i! of ;,ii,j it liot’ii T*'- oniii'-inii'ii ’hat tlif I'fil'M'al Hii;hv%ay (■oninii> i '^inn i-onirif'utr «ri.niMj m this furid. whii'li ili(' promotprs of ihp rnad art' I contidfMit will hf» piv.’U fnr this pur ; piisc. 'riiis road to ho huilt from I Idiivillf’ to Kdgt'mout, instrad of i I’inola, as vras first conroinpIatPil. and will travprsr a part of the N’atlon «I Foiefif Reserve. Goia Ring for Bai.* F-"or-. :i T j: . .• i:. ^ 1 - o: \ lil’l -I I I!-.' ; - . ; I . . ■ - ■ ; 1 Hi..I . : ... 1•. ■ : ' ; I f i 11II. r I .' ! ',11 I i: ’ I •. ..pi:-.:- :,.| 1 ■ - !';-.'i:!i|i-' ■! I’.ab • ~ _\ iv. Al. . In :ni'ai in-i. . o. p . , • I- . ..rr. .... \. .’i !.v I ' .-■i-:." (- ■ f . ! t a r- »; St CO. •1 I -..Mi: 0( h I SI oo \* m. G. Johnston Co., Mfrs. 1200 rfidK*- Ave.. N. S. PitUburgh. Pit. Maiiohrtisrer Wants L.:'r';:;;!'",:;; • r * n, Ji: 4 il 1 «»MU) WILL BLY -.1 f..'ii.irtli'ii .ir^ t-m ► Jill.I.Ktt. Ji: ii 1 oMUi !ia. i l" :»i'l s.i: ili-d ■ ■ .-tt.'fs w :h •' ('• I-.' ;-.\| I .in.I : Tl- ^11. u. l.«- H.i'i >:h I ifV,..anJ. o|i.i> I > I FI DKIP.X ; i.n n .n-; 1. .'• -I. u> •' 1. I’.." •- ^iiii'l, .1,:. r- Wu . '.-I- I’HAMHKU, ,iy V ItK* frt.v I- a» »f K: ! Kh!,. >11,-,.. H Pie 1.';. J.H.r-, 1;r--allJ .5c. Kidney Disorder (HV pi:. V M riKia E., Tli,-‘ ihovi -iniplr iih-ilii.iN ii'-il- !i 1. > I h I - :.! ■ :'. ■ I ■ I i \ »• \ i> I i. ■: 1 fI'ffiliti^' aii> ili'-orili'f (if ;!i,. jpraaii ‘■;y>t,‘in 'J hi' iiuTo drinkiin: a can "f hot uat'-r .'a.h nioni.!i_:. i-o'n'y of [un-i- wati-r all ,t;iy, .mu! a iit'li* \nuric tn'l'ofc ,-v,>r\' nu-al * fi'Und tin- iiio-i i-tTrrti\,- iii, ..u- oi o\f.-,’o!iiin;: kiiiiit-y ti’onMi-. would tir.-ur if thi- kidn,->s diil not work day iind n;i,iu in s.-paratin:; poisons ;ind iirn‘ arid fruiii the Mood. Tin’ daiii,'' r sij:nals ar‘ l»a,’k.irhc, d,‘l>r»'ssioiis pain.'^. lu‘.avincs>j. drowsi- iK'ss. irrilahility, In'adjn'lu'.s. ,'liilll- ih's.s- rheuniuf' tuin^o.s, sunlK'n Ji>lnt.‘ or Sifu’c 1( is snrh n simple to step into your fnvoritt* drn>; stor.‘ and (Uttalii Anuric, anyon** who eann^stly (lT‘slres to recaln health and new life will waste DO time In begiDolng this treatment. "ROUGHonRATS W N. u., CHARLOTTE, NO, 48.1116 VIR{'iNl.\ WOMEN SIIOILD T.AKE THIS ADVICE I Mi‘ii ‘F.iVo-'-. f'r I ' ..I : : . , tr ‘ v>i,v; ■ :: :am I!■ i-.vri ,-inil 1 : '1 I..' hi .p froiu a n s 11 ;i r • *■. 1 W-IS ;.0 l.l\k I'rullj all : : y r- .ailili • tl:: ! Ill,' ur,' \v a^ nior-' ni.-.i’kod I il a V e ]• f t n ih>t only Tiiadi- tiKTo • •onifortabK‘. h ti t ha\ t- tiiTii able td do all (ht' worii for niy family ainl taki' in sew- iiiLT hosld.'s."—(JKO. W. L(»N(.i- W KIX, S-O) Oliiey Koad. Send Pr. V. M. Pierce, Riiffalo. N. Y., 10 ,’flits tor trial package of Favorit® i'rescriptlou Tablets.—^Adv •>