A38T 'L qo oq f I i ' IMMIIMI mil ' J IN - 1 YOLUHE 21 .-The Cartilage Blade. GAI1T1I GE,:S. C. OCT. j8..V. SCOTT i R-j. E d i to r & JPalil ixlier 0 ? E iiiTP.R I A L . cUliTIIACiF. An air of improvement is abroad in' Carthage, and it is evident that the is entering jan era of growth in wea'th and population that has never bee xi known to her before. The iiaht timJhas not yet arrived fur the ball to - commence rapidly, yet it is even now rolling i - Zrrnu h'uwiy. Some! new houses are be J . , , t i - ,xifl j ii ir erected, lumber is being d , v t i ,.7io ced for the erection of others. ill. nr ,indprm.inr while others ct ... ....... .0. c . .. i ....i.iij l.'ciirv rt)J7pn ol the town j. I I 1 ' : i . - . a- i J - j w wntci.-.ne the rtst and as one; H i. , i ! - 1 . ,..., ?,riiv.h?t(iii'r,irove dikI beiu-' . l . HIV tH(J' I't - piiu a cuti uiiii t::,- b;;ti kei'pKlroIlirig slowly. But this can iiever iuuke a town by it- j hidf. We see; plenty men with! e opitai tui tiiiig" their eyes toward Cat t huge with: a desire to invest in properly af'nl p'ant a buinesi, and nil (hat is necis.iiy to get them hTe,.is tsci'me ieducemeiit "cCcied b) oui citU :usi. Afid-'now is the time to cllVr tbvse inducemenfa in every wy jposkible and there are many ways in which to offer them. Jn decreasing 'the prices asked lor buildiisg'lutfi u every man who will lueatel some enterprise here Carthage .,ou'jht tp be the large&t town ,iu the ; county. It need; more mn!iuf;kturiug establish ments. It 'needs a cotton faCoryJ n tobacco fatUprv,. touacco wnie - ; , i ' , , - v, . . i , y l 4 . . . . . i foundry, p tow factory, chair lat-to 1 o k ' i- 1 1 r.i I . iv, &c. Any; and all . ci these I , . . " i U i .i would succeed ;here, because they I A i , j .Can procure the crudj umtnai i,,.ni a trmu ii n n-ri iinnii ip ; orv . i """" i i. " J l ii bt .it tlitA-dbtir. lut the oues- ' '-3 " -' '. f.i I ... j ) tion whether our cit:z;;ns djsire : to see them here and whether tiiey will make an k Trfto get them. We have .c;pital enough already here lo establish totne of them, 'then vvhynt.ti employ it?. And when the '.rail road is completed lu ii", Carthage; T.ieilitu t lor sh vviil have ample .jj'puig her products to inark'ts-bot ji -North and South. r, f, .. . ue lUCarthaeo h is JiOoL at the bl , , r r , , n c.f rived liom ison cc Jone Car. r - . i - , .i ua"e factory .and vvhat, a success it , , - , ,,' , . I I II t t i t 1 i IIU V I - ..... tage ofcon.patativeiy no faciltief ; i greater the pros - then how iuuc pect.for eiiccesfe with facilities. i .... .L.....- i,.' t r - .)'tiiz themst Ives iato an improve , iin-nt society and use every idTort toward the building up , of the town. By. a- united lilort they Vouhl inturcept capital coming in to the Siiite j and by laving out i.f J . proper inducements get it investtd'; , , , 1 n ;tructs her . delegates, they wul here. All that is needed to make .it'll town fs eiiterpriso and capital. - lii-JIoo'rr H'jnunfy.' What " ill 11 rmiirc-lief W.e ha--efojten pondered on the. tj,e proper time, conies. Lt thel-i rh:i!ips u others v. isu.e r.ttter-oa. above wbj.n:t and have tried to j Committee say what rule shall'2 IceSn"7" n- , ,0,,n eQ,Ve 01 acll" 10 SUS i govern" the. primaries, whether ma ,u w.ley vs. Cok mcn', pi. gest,; .thaj vvuld harmouiz3 tl.erjty or two-thirds, also what rule ;c Siager Mf Co vs. J. C.,Mi. . d.ir, re:,c,k oV cur party .leaders j snaj govern the conventions. And ! ?i-r,i" MfgCo. vs. p. M Su-v.-.-ert. .' Un- puity to u position Wa-are in favor of the majority;.,,., Iin(T flWrf,iPr that wo jlid injsure, its success. It has prov Riid as ye na wearying thought, K we have not obtained the consent ol our minds to .any fenkd opinion. One thing is ve ry evident to cur minds, however, that: tf these differences , are not healed arid unity of action secured, thu defeat of the party in ISS is certain, ow how aud in what j ,et a regular baIiot be taken aa(J j, Way to cffectl tfii8 IS the t.uestiom '! . m-' : t , i; . '.fil K!'A. gets a majority of the votes, id ovr . r .u. V,CIUU, loucn oninisubject a3 no elec tion comes oiTthis year, but there is much work to be done, msny dilTVrence to i be. healed, enthusi asm to be. aroused aud a general .waking up ia all quarters needed. And a yenrlihead is none too soon to commence work, Now, fet us look at the condi tion of the parly. It has no leafi er, no planVif cc' ion, it onlyr " has control of t'ha Senate, Clerk's of fice, Register's office and Treasur- cr, when it should control all, its j members seem lukewarm and care less, it is almost every year sacri ficed for personal feeling'or private grievance, its primary power dis regarded and generally in a state of innocuous ihsucUtdc. It will be l 1 il..t. It. Vlf T - Ci.. I rememuereu imu iui. v. oiu- art was eiecrea juairmaii ci ine htecutive Committee. lie -being ; : i - (head or leader. As the other j . ; members of the Committee, which . , . MS comnoaeu oi mo (lairman ui i eacn lownsn.p ornmiuee, nave the nower io XI ! I anv vacancy that 1 . . i . . . . that a meeting be called at an ear- I . 1 i . T nml fi I A rt t (Amn M-. I A lilt I J J .... .. i:e vacancy uiiuseu vy ins uctiiii It would be advisable also to in vite the members of the town's'nip n j i . . commiuees anu Kuapi borne p.uu j of action for the future. It is evj Vve,nt to Caiforn-ia to virt -relatives, ide'nt that we must work if we! While there she met C. G. Walk wish to be successful in 1SSS, and eriy, a wealthy merchant and man- it is none too soon to commence work. What is needed is re-or"aniza-tion and compel the members of 'he paity to lay aside all private! feelings and labor only for the party's success. This can be done and must be. The past must be as a sealed book and no reference made- thereto. , Many good demo crats have erred and e iused others to disregard the tri;e princihis of j the party, .md while you cannot iem to march under the ; banner by abuse and iem with thufr -missteps, i . idemccratic banner bv abuse ana i taunting them with thuir -missteps, ; . - , , !y0U can fling them back aud SO-- l 1 - . i - ' ' , . cure them uy layitu' the pa.it usitk', 1 - . J t , , ' and treating thenv as though they . ; , f m. : .1 never erred. The members.-of the. .party themselves have ii iured it 4 , , , ,. . more than any one else by allowing their feelings to outweigh tlu-ir re- Cird lor the -party's' interest. 'It if ri'n'ilv shameful, the eonditinti the!' J . ' party h now in. - liie resuit ot an; , fi'r,tnn i ennr.Iiisi vp m idi'r.rp thnt l " " " . 1 . - 1 , . Ihe ; party- has t-po orgamz itmn. One dtmocrat IvliU be elected bv . ! -. . i i ,1 , . 300 majority antr another deieatec ; j by 200. It is diheoumino; to men 3 " wua ueMru io oe-ucmycruis so ie , main in a party where so little re r card is shown for tlte success o uiy F'J w,tl l Ppeiuauou o . lit'' i. A I 5ts principles.' Iu this county it tuauy -tas no principles, it is inlestitLte of bo;h. rudder and an- i cnor. 9 We are squarely iti favor of the Executive Committee meeting and drawing up rules by which the primaries as well as conventiong i shall be governed. Let it be a ' , , , . , i " . iii!i flint ntiUJ3 fi:!."! truvnc irn in not be admitted into the conven- lion. LiCl lueir instructions Ue their credential, aud let those in - j structions bo handed in as soon as i the convention is called j order and read by the clerk when i r.aje It always secures the choice j ayi "J 0f tj.e people while the othe not. We are in favor of ailowm man a voice in the convention give him his voice in the kuu .cvju., send a unit vote. For instance, if 1.! A. B. and C are candidates or rre- c 1 ; ,..nchi nJi.Ut "'struct for A. on the first Fallot and for the strongest man on the 6 B.a-Ur otLcrs. . , , ,. , ,, . r ' IeahfclH Diewer vi. Levi Brewer. second, and disregard all votes for WolLwd T t Marv MjN&U . B. and C. In tlllS Way all rart7 76 .Osas & Minors. Morri A- C4mcn. splits may be avoided, orifaoyjTS H, J. & A. D. Mu?e v. WaiUce. split occurs at all it will be cunfin ed only to a towDsti:p. Kequire,.. . , .': ' , , J 1 1 jso V, u Uie vs. Fziak Ebe-iau. iggggD TO THE CARTHAGE, N. C., all candidates to announce them, selves publicly before the prim3 ries mt'et. Hit IS net in accord- The Comcnsdoar of Msore Co-ny ancc with the State and National feSX t rules, then We Suggest tl.ati a Con- i veniicn oe cauea to snape a plat- j form lta,I Mionf. r,.!,, tn OAvprn , , w e . primaries and nominating conven- tion3. We have heard some.fo.vor holding our conventions en mosses, but we are dead opposed to k, for we could never hope to be suc cessful with the present state o! feeling ezistinsr. " We are anxious to see the dertv ocratic party successful in lSS r "I k tfi) inn Anlif rjartn?n i" Tr t i z iticn it may easily be accomplish ed. It, besides, will be a general ekcticn and a much more favora ble year for organization and suc- i ces3. We invite correspondence . ... on ims suojeci ana nope me mem bers of the Executive Committee will cons'uier our suggestions and take -some action to tdect organ;- ition. About a ver.r aco Miss IVanche jjugu, nf West Troy, N. Y, nfactu.rer. Lventuaily she married him. A short time ago he-died, leaving his wlvdn fortune of SG, 000,000 or $7,000,090, to his wife. Mrs. Walkerly is not yet 2-5- yeais of ae. Moore Snpericr Court, Orlaber 2j, 18S7. Ctt3F' of CM Caiss. OCT03EFI TERM 1887- NTo. : Weunpsday, 1st Week.- fG Wicker'v--.' B. VT. Thon;ir;. 1 1 Larc- V3. T. S. Tl: .ma?, cdm'r. 77 Favr fc Heir.- 6 Harrison & Linton vs. N. C. Millstone rri c. , tc; , ,T. , 1T , T r , , y- icLeal Idafe Jennctt Dalrymple Mach ts. Uobesvii No. Ihur.'dsy, 1st W.ek. 4 luebardson ts. Turret fc. Hi A. II. d ell v vs. Maw Robin -. lb I ;U V lUrilllCSLi ilv.LU I' Yd. .CilLlvJ file- Q'IGCU Pr dlrrv TT iwlfV nlliprs. I 23 'froy vs. J. .- 'v. Kiddio. ! dalinK Lewis a. Ci. . Mcri-..Tf;on. W.iNh v. Ued (l1J .Minni Co. Alhcd v?. Non Fri lav, 1st V'(.'ck. i..-, r . i. 'l - - 1 T i ! i i. ! nm .:.(; i p rrs is. .1. j -r - vin: i ., ---- - - - j .v c-th,-r,. 17 Ritih1r'lson Vf- J- - & J. Tarrptt. !S K. Mktiu a others v.;. K. Morri.son a j , otlibr. 11 Canifil'dl, Tderrjiaan k Co. vs. IsAb.lI. Mcl'arland. 11 D.ilryn'ph3 vs. Bailey Luic. 51 Mcl, Kennedy vs. W. W, BroTT. ! f J I'l V U. l jJ03 wiiip ts. J. S. Blue. No. , I Saturday, 1-t Week. 11 rtoPFcr vs. Coi otliers. 31 Kelly vs. Bro-vvn. 16 Woruacl: vs. Bnchan i oiiici. 61 Lane vs. Ba?-li:m;-.n t Diiirvinj.lc. 92 Bine vs. Bray & MotTitf. 91 Worthy vs W. L. Fitter. 101 W.' L. Bitter va. Wovthy. No. Ior.(!av, 2nd Week. 8 W. B. Fry va. L. W. Cnn ie. 19 Sycncer vs. McDonald. 3. McKonzic Vt. Eennc-lt & others. 1 1 i i i 72 McNeill vs, Coz others. j I u Atl! 11. I iilHipS VS. . U. JXUoC. r, a TT Til. If It j s7 Scott vi.MjKeithan. j - 3 Thornton vs. A. McMiiian j Tuasday, 2ad V ek tn;7 Elbn-tor. Uoyeter & Lo. ts. Scott, aim & othcr- i p wiiitchua i Co. vs. piw u r , Mining Co. ; 71' wicker v. Thomie wiiii:a. Amsll aJm'p vs. MelntwU ntbr, i?7 J- w- Sco;t, Jr., adai'r v.. Scofegiiw, I No. . Thursday, 2aJ Week. I53 Allred vs.-J. F. Burns. - 55 TttCkT3. iine Mdver. 1 59 Lendsy Cagla vs. wj tia. - 1 si w- R- Caapbell vs. Catherlue ra'Jlips j Wcdnncd.T. oi.,1 IW. ' wui n:iii a oepun lucre, lor the 1 ".nxisi- t ..,r. , ... .. . SAO! . .ythers. purpos, on the d,vs ButJ duria tL,1 of Ocmhr. iW 'A i' n i. 1,9 U LKL . bur ; !i , i'tTR r- 1 niomL of -UER: V:2S " 1 i: isr w goods. tritnary. j Laaiergcr, j - ' parcels of Hn4 to tnfike suett3 iu the-uH ff fiT'irTxrri I 4 ; cArrieoa x Pinion vs. litu uo:a ouvcr - ; . ' .....w,., 11. uiutmaivwioaw: POLITICAL, jMQRAX AND SOCIAL INTERESTS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5 i887 Notice- I,0Sv; of "te ivisg the report of the building me Mine. '"'ard 1. J. 1 SIcIvee, ci a:rm.m Ii'd -f Co. Cwaraissioners. NOTICE. The creditor-; an-l (libtriV)tite3 of the cs Ut of a. J. McDonald. dectaseJ, are ni fie.l :':i tT V. J. M -DonaM, ad. of said es tate, Cie J itis fmal account iamy ofB&e, an, unless c.-cccfions be filed thereto ou or befcre FruT.y. 7rh day of Oct. 167. said J account will Le. approve J. D. A. MclQNALD, C. S.-C. The partnership lieretofnre esistfn b?-ivri-on the undeisiTnxl under the firm style oi Nerd .t Co., nt Jouetiboro, N. C., id this d:iy dissolved by inntuiil confsent. Mr. L. M. Fouehee U authorized to dis. p)e of the f,'oods, vares und merchandise j now on hand, and to make collect lone of all niortr,'-!, note?, accounts aud evidences f dc!,t fj'jiicr.illy. Ih'ise indehUd MCST settle at once. This 1st day of Oct. S. II. Buchanan. N. J. Ne:d. L. M. Fontil ee. Administrator's Notice, ITa in qualified as Administrator of the j-cattite of Fox Booth, deceased, cren- ertl notice is hereoy given to all persons in-letted to said estate, to come forward and make immediate payment, and all per sons holding claims agiinst said estate are requested to present them duly authentic i ttfd'o.u or before the 2tili day of Sept. 18-38, ol- h:a notice 'will be tdc.uied in bar ol tiioh jecovery. D. McG. Kelly, tdm'r of ' the fctate oi F. Dooth. Sept. 2th. 1.SS7. . - G. Ty v'.rtne of an crdcr of the Suprrior i'onrt ,( Moore County, we, the undersign ed, Executors of Tillmad ThomaB, decJas el, will sell at the Court Housa door in Carthage, Moore County, N. C, on Sloudaj Ooroher 4, 187, at theOioar of one o'clock p. m.. f. ir the purpose oi m.ikiur ll'-al Es- :i t e avets, t'ie landrt describes iu oar pcti, tion illed with rJio Citik ol the Superior Court ol' j Coiit.t;-. Number of aciv,-: 2 ) Tcrn:s o!' S.;le: Ciis',. ! r.ti.'atiou of L imi: On waten.f Btibb creel;, v'ac 4VU ,n ' ,"r co" 21 ' L .'. ?J, Thom.vs J.i. 1 no mas f Execat.ro, .V. E. Murcliiscn. Att'y. -TRUSTEE'S SALE. By vii t;:e of a Deed of Trn?t executed en J U. i-itU, 1 Cv-J, L'y 1 ; inrtti I ai'OUUU Vl'.Iltftone Con!p:ii!y !o the nndersianed, Trustee, I will f-i'H at public andion for f'ah on ttic iO.u d.iy of November, 18 w. j J. 10 o'clock", a. li.'.. on the pren.ues nt i'a;kcA-Moo. e Co., N. ('., the prop ! t.rtv oT snid ("ojnp.iry, consi-ting i" n trac; j oi l.'.nd of 1Z0 acicf, upon v.hioli id kHuu I ted t!-e Mill-to:;.; Q .any, iunchiit k1hjs, 1 dv t-lli ng .'i.i'is'vs, saw-mill, ratent-rulie;-j i!. iniu" mill, f.mnlrv, tl:e fil'irv-honse, find : :iu wi tui. 1 1 i!i-i 11 i(.utui-iv, mock in 11 a ie, ( ..n-.xt-rUU, w,,-on:-, too!,, naVall the otW i pers-miil rr jFrty, toother -with the fra- i''' d '-Viimny, mIho U;o ttdephonc ' u e 1 f 17 ruiito -xifcudirr frum Oumerou on 11c -.1 . ... 1 . 1 i i !ii.l A. 0. BuExizcr., Trustee. .c .-j.tcm'.iT 22 . ISS7. N.OTICE! taxes! ! Having received the Tax ; for 157, please read the following j Law carefully and remeniibor I am compelled to obey the B'lnie and i very man in the county will have ! to conform to this Liw. j Laws ok -lss", Chapter 1.37, Soc. j The ffiier-:f or Lis deputy sh.di sittend at I tils oijice, hui:i,' the laanths of Pcptenilrr j and NowKber for tko purpose ol" receiving t:tX'.--: he .shall aU-) in like m inner attend ' it It ast one d y urin the. mt.-ath of Oeto i ' cr txt s.iii.c one or wore places in eich ! fo7i!-d.i", oi" wh: :h l.j d.iys' Tir.t:.-; shall be ' given by adveerti moment nt three or more j public places, an 1 iu a newtpapar if oiie be , ublislicd in the c.Hii.tj'. j Ki.c, 3f-; Whenever tho taxe? shall b3 i. i .1' .... i i ... , ! ' m? cne.ua nBaii un- j Fr. 55: On the 1st Monti -iy in Febra? j ry ia each ver, the Sdic-iilf is directed tf. ! orTer -it pa'''d.-. ?r.te at tbs Court-house nil : ' .... i.;-n i ! I prc-vi uta year still rem ;ii tmpaiad oa the I si M Ui.l.iy in Jaunat'y precedinf. i I sl;a:l endeavor to follow t:ietlv the I ahovct laws, then-fdi e nil parties -are -i it i 1 1 v rfti!r-v f o.'J fii frt'rft f. ..vv-.i-.Tn,. 1 t i ... . . , . - - j w v. , v. w.j. i.. -4 ,UU stilt ' -cdtlf tii-'ir tixop. I v. I!! be in invof-i j lice, during the mouth cl Ociober. or you j S;in.or. Fanford. Tue.d.-ij, I Hh. I jwu-buoi-d, wunet'ioro, M.ciue.-i.t ij, lijta. m DenUen. -township, ivIbiEiij tic had Drra-l -uy, dpe Fear, Thnrvj iy, 13;h. i of D. A. McDanald a 1 other?,' In .xa J ffeiii rou, Gr-t !, Fri by, 14;h. the Oalhirine Dwd fcva?trid.Vj ! b-joa-; Manly. StrN-iT,- S-.t :r-!r, 13-.h. j ginto.tip feUte of Oaib-iritc L . uf, rrliL;!!, i 1. 1 iv, i7th. h i P'uips .vj . .-pruig, i uej..j, i -:n ol Jand wtuite i iix IV:'. t towaL?' k1- B 'at. Jien l la '.W In, sd4V, 1 iih . j psiUKg the JarJs of Orrsn OIdh un ui 0h i V "r"'S r 't'J---i y, 2 ta. ! tr?, desibel iu a .ria K. fl. Worthy I . - C " 9 . 1 , j Ciirta, Carthage, Sat-r-lay, x2a-. nar-xuoje ia;;in jo mett ice at the 1 f. .-0 , : '.. . j AT TILS I (Wc n;m) pl-ux an I tcttMt-jr thir taxed ( n w A,"eca' . " ! I will 1-e risitei fct a:;. ei: rr de; nty at oucu I . l'J Kt?fe . r !"-' n njlfru LOITHT CASH PHICFS tasfc due. -Ti.r uxes B-.ut be huual i r?3,,, to icnaU.mt. : A. u.. j 2r-.inilfT Jwkct FncM:4 for Cot- , up by the 31 Liv of ne Dovcr. ' Ps 'J V ,J0J:b5 Uoiw of llooh Kre - j '"o. 'piriu ad Crjde Tcrpa'i.. I Rnectfulrr. u.Ju.,u ocrea-i OvyugiQ r u tLe- C.!l km lii.-n . . t-4 v . , , , . , , . ' " rf0. Vj. SCOTT, Jit. OF MOORE I "- T-: - : FALL OPE-jfl N Cr OF-, MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS. L. T. BROWN & CO, S A N P O H D -DEALEUS Millinery, Fancy Goods, Velvets, Prunes: Feathers, Tips, ' iTKats Trimmed to Order. sent by mail. iviSdto;Sl!t0Ck 13 nOWOpcn fur 't!on aud our fHcudaaad thepabrcc1 Yours truly, Sept. 2S L. ESTABLISHED ISG5. will hill JofiB Lewis K A L E I G If, jlolac Use-. A R D W A H : K ? SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS. RIMS, SPOKES andlHUBS. Jiulberand Lather Bdiinj, Lhne, Cemetrt n,l Plur tJrr U SrtKL AND N.MLv The "ALL PJGlir' Cod; Stove PAINTS, OILS and GLASS LARGEST STOCK We Guarantee Conni Merchants WeHavepuroliased tRisiit fartho iu Maori county of tKc FRALEY QUILTING FRAME The only thoroughly practical Invoi? cion FOR MAKING QUILTS AND COMFORTABLES ON THE SIEV ING MACHINE. Works equally well on all. the different ot quilting. Will mnko Quilts and Comroi'tablc3 of.anv Mze, and in an inci-edibJv sho-' fim With thi QUILTING FitAMK. iHiu- is" h,o v,i:!, t'lr. operator than an other sewin-' within tin; ran- ; of tU ' .senh-- Mac'n h- I Lists Soi'r0 Clmm' Xo Fa!lliling Machine is complete uilhoul U,iS at- It is the greatest lahor-sann- inventi pftonl to bo without one. Jt will last a We propose uitmn the next 3 months, to hP. WCry femily in Moore Count the onporlunitv of examining it and testing its cffiVacv, as we .tart our a--rnt"o., in a lew days to canvass the county. Jn the mean time, if you come to Carlh-i-r. drop ia at the Ulade Oili.e and take a look kt it n The Retail Price is $7.50, Bui in order to introduce them, wc will- sell ten Family Right ezch toicnship in Moore County for the small price of .FIVE-' DOLL AMS Very JXO Jr. SCOTT, ! t tjt I ' ' ;' ValuablQ "PlCD9rtV TO BE EXPOSED TO SALE. i 1W acres, mora c-r Kjk on tS.c J 1 :i:t. rest m no l-s -rc. m or 1 office of Eep-T uf Deeds Ceck D. L t, COUNTY. ...isr. r., IN- Velveteens, Satins, Ribbons, Corsets, bustles, c. 4 Special AttenUcn paid to orders T. BKOWX & CO. IM, N. C. AXD PISTOLS The "ALL liir.HT' Wu.jo.i. ASS. S T A T P. IN T II E Gooas at'WKolU Loa-cA PK I- '7;. makes of machines and dues all manner in yrt offered the public. So far-lv tu lifetime. ian..u can in Resreclfuily, JR. and If, A, FOOTE, JR., Carthage, .Ni C. W. O. PETTY, ?007 AND SHOES, EATS AND CAPS, $c mzi i mmm cf mtmu. CO IIS, ME if,, FLOVR AtiB BACOS "lla" order, lie uau.tfc mih-. i i n k NUEIBEE. 9. 11S7. Prices LOWER Tla Irer, '. AT 0. Sl JONES9 ? Manly, f. C, where thereTcaa always b fuanii W fat : l-ce of " ; J)ItY GOOD groceries, TTAts, ; . Cp, fiboc. Boot. Ra-vly-Mjidc Cltliii. liaxdware, Glasewnre, la fttet cdj nad eTcrj thieg fouai io arst-cuiss iom, t . - - - .. - I aai prepared auJ determined a fxy in hiRhefit market price for crude tarpebtiu.' : -sud all 'kinds of country pnxlnc. . ca't Lo uii.Iem.ld in a.nj Hut of goo.J 7s taoffo, nd jom wi'rt ai mantf hy tailing on m& ichen you go l& Manlr. Jan 4 87 tf. " M GcGrJs, Better GooJs. - I bare on hand n& n daily rccci?! tag a full lino of pure Forrin and Damtslic UCER BEE1, cic&as &. tobacco, Conrcclloneri . Crackers, , Canned aOsl cr, HAM i?, b A It D lN' 1 1 ?, S A L V ? N , I and a full line of canned fo " - ou and exauiiue . . . . nns: i a: x n z .1 t n h t: "s a i ii v oa u tii i;, v e. - i II ivc fonuetl 11 parlnerhlip for the prac . i'v ( dvil J, iu th i riur l'uuit$ I . ...J- C.M.ll. , , C57"AiHiual icLuucr of ae'rtViW party ia- ciadtfd. ft'l? If Carturip Academic MMi . Prepares for College and Bummcs, Gaithago, Moore Co., N. G Fall Tenu iens Aug. 1st and Co tiuues LO weeks. M. Met;. SHIELDS, A. V,. I Prtnet- J. F. CULK. M ns. Ma uy wkll, Muslc Teacher, Term?: 7.50 to per e?!.. Aticient and Moki-ii. Language 8LO0 per month extra. 1 -r Music. ineUiditig use of ins'lrumentj 3.00 per month. Ucard -trom G.OO to ei(U)0 jx-rmoutlv I'or particular?, addrc&s cither priucV Aug. 1. tf. Saiiford Higl School BOTH SKSK?. ' " Strictly Iv on-Sectarian College VteirHcry mi l'nce$A. J Tilin E Ktllr. J. 3J.. rriuflpa!. 'irs. innie S'GilTary. lady rriatlpil. (Late o. l'ov let Kcti'Ad.) I ' M. ... . Tt:iTrrN-:-$l,Vb f2.no. 2.50 and 3 0 per tpiMiU. .Clawc each .1,00 tx ',ua. iiusic -J,ou. j; nru s.oa i V;l, ije5sin open 2nI M-n4av in ,AtJ igasl, ISfcC. For pariiculari. allrev, 5-fi tiiifurd, JS. C. R A.IL-RO AHS j iiiaftr "1 r I rf- i-- r- -rT ' -"nl'f- ytfeAitir lit i i. W. ii. ' A SPECIFIC TOR . Pr s"t T""v -fliTENSTRUATIon or JLVJ.OITTHLT SICKOTG21 lakes d"r t! CHA50K OF UFfc jrm ffff; : 1 diV i l i I I - v- . vi'il-ly . . -. . . . . t