THE TIEflES, Published Every Thursday, bY YOUNG & GRANT.IAM. THUKSDAY. FEBURRY 11. 1892. LADY KILLED IN MEMPHIS- Sorae weeks 030 Memphis, Tenn., was slartiei over the act of one of its society youn Ulie, a Miss Mitchell wbo moved in tbe best circle of the tity, cut tlie throat or one of her beat friends, Miss Freda. Waul. The two younjj ladies were school girls to gcther. graduated at one of the High est Female Seminar fs in Memphis. ' and seemingly were what we term chums, and were much devoted to each 01 her. TLc facts in Uie case are rather strange. It seems ihat Miss Mitchell fell in love ftiiu Miss Ward i.nd determined, after a 1 ng courtship, to marry her, but oa being informed that women 'could 'not marry women uader our laws, and besides the objection' of the two families interfered. She pre pared to kill Miss Ward, and while he was out driving one evening wi h a friend. Miss Johnson, she met Miss Ward and sister, Miss Mitchell de liberately jumped from the buggy approached her lover, threw one arm around Ler neck, pulled her head back and with a razor cut her throat from ear to ear, Miss Wards ei3ter Iried to prevent t'ie death but she al so received a slight wound in the breast. Miss Alice Mitchell and Miss Johnson who was out driving with her have been arrested and are now in prison in Tennessee. She will no doubt plead insane when the trial comes up, and we think, she must have had a streak of insanity orae where, because the young ladies that we have known always prefercd marrying a man, especially those of North Carolina, and we suppose the sane Memphis girls are like those of our own State. m -MONEY IS NOT EVERYTHING. He who depends upon wealth alone to lu ing happiness and contentment is on the Way to a success that shall surely prove a disappointment. There are some things that many will uot cannot buy. such is life and 'health, and friendship, the greatest blessings of life. Many a man has vtoiled year after year to make his xway to riches and position, only to Uind at length that that which is bet ter than thete things lies right at his threshold. Such was the experience of the merchant who found himself called upon "to sniftr the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune." His bu.-incss had for sorae time grown bad. and from bad to worse, until lie at length became utterly bankrupt. Through it all, however, like many other unwise men, he had kept the condition of affairs from Ins family, determining if possible to bravely weather the storm hiiu-eif. liut when all was gone, the matter could no longer be kept a secret. 'My dear," he said, as h? confront cd h s wife, with trembling voice and Ji tggard face, "I au ruined; every thing we have is ia the hands of tft& jshentr." The wife was silent for a moment, .and locking calmly uj in'o his face, aske.l. "Will ihe sheriir sell yo.i ?" "No; oh, no." "Will the sheriff sell me?" "Oh. no." " Will the sheriff sell the children?" "Oh, no." "Then why do you say everything is lost? The very best things we have ever have possessed still re main; health and strength, and and we yet each other. Of course our money is gone, but we can make liiiothtr fortune if our hearts ami bads are left free." And sustained by the example of his noble wife, the merchant took new couiage, and ag-iin started bravely forward, ami today is in independent v.icumsiaiicts.. There arc- borne things b -iter llian mo; ey. Sel.cul, From our exchanges we see that Mr. 1). I?. Hi uf Ner. York stems to . . ce a.-ti'sir.:: j::;!jU m our State. Char- bitfe hiis frjMU'zu :-. club, and j i iti 1 i-? cuiis'uiei : nil tiiC samei idea. Who the nominee will be we cannot say but we want the man wh- can do the most lur the party and :arry the full strength, if that be Mr. Hill, then wo say hurrah! tor him, iT it to Mr. Cleveland, we say less have him. or if it be some other good man we say we :ire with him, but we be lieve Mr. Cleveland is the man for the masses f the Mouth. j ve ; To create an at !e-i!e. a d ri OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. Mr. McCreary of Kentucky has of. fered an amendment to tbe rules which has becd adopted that is of vast importance and one that will facilitate the transaction of business. The rule, as offered by Mr. McCreary requires that every appropration bill shall be reported at the long session of Congress within eighty days after the committees are named and at the short session within forty days. This gives the members an opportun ity to study the appropriation bills to see whether or not they have been constructed in the interests of the people or in the interest of the rings The Post Office Committee by a strict party vote bu directed the bill to a reported repealing tbe subsidy bill passed by Czar Reed's Congress, Sub Committees have been appoint ed by Mr. Springer, chairman of the Waj s and Means Commute, to re pare and leport bills removing the duties on binding twine, cotton ties, sa't, lumber, wool and tin plates. There are serious differences of opinion in the House on tbe silver question among Democrats. Mr. Harter of Ohio and the Eastern De mocrats are bittrely opposed to the passage of a free coinage law. while the Western and Southern members demanded an absolute and unconsti tunional from free coinage bill Four fifths of the Democratic members are elected upon platforms declaring in favor of free coinage of sliver and it would be cowardice of tho rankest kind, one that would insure defeat, for the party not to carry out the pledges it has made. Nothing else that could be done by any possibility make up to the party the less that would be occasioned by the failure to pass a free coinage bill in the in terest of the money leaders of tbe East. Representative Grasy of North Carolina has introduced a bill to re duce the President's salary. He claims that all the officials of the Goycrnmcnt are too highly paid and proposes in the interest of the peo ple of the country to reduce the Pres ident's salary to $25,000, All sal aries from $100 to $167 per month Larc reduced ten per cent.; after that they are reduced twenty per cent. Mr. Pickler of South Dakota made an exhibition of himself on Monday, lie demanded a verification of the call of the roll, claiming that no quorm voted, and when Speaker Crisp informed him that there was no rule under which that could be. he kept the floor until Ire was com pelled by the Sergeant at Arms to take his seat. The Supreme Court has righted a great wrong that was commuted by the partisan court of Nebraska through which Governor Boyd, who was legally elected, has been kept for more than a year out of office and a man retained in it who was not even a candidate at the cime. The only dissenting voice to this dicision in the Supreme Court, strange to say, was that of a Democrat, Mr. Justice Fields, who dissented on the ground that it was a violation of State's rights for the court to interfere in the matter. Mr. Thayer, who holds the Governor's office refuses to vacate it until a mandate from the Supreme Court reaches him, and that cannot be before the twenty-ninty of this month. Mr. Thayer is a Republican, but he is doing the Democratic party a great deal of good by sucu conduct as this. The Supreme Court also decided that the anti lottery law, passed by the Fifty-first Congress was consti tutional. There are many lawyers who believe that the Supreme Court in making this dicision has given way to the clamer of public opinion rather than decided upon the cold, legal questions before them. There is no doubt of the fact that, uuder this dieision if a majority of Congress should consist of Methodists or Bap lists or Catholics or Presbyterians, they could forbid all papers of the opposing denominations being put in mails because they were detrimental to pubhe morals. There is a fight in three of the seven Congressional Districts ol Kansas between the Alliance people In fai;t' oaci Congressional district K ... . . . . - at'"" wMutr;inz ae.egaies. a t e.L has beMi t.rnanizt-d because some of U:j delegates are opposed to the sub-Treasury plan. Prof. McGee sayi it is only a queation of time when the ocean's in roads will engulf many cities, and possibly Slates on the Atlantic sea board. As it is only a question of time when this mundane sphere will shiives up. burst and go out of buai. ness, the Professor's prediction will not be apt to cause an' immediate dep.-eciation in th vain of real es LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Nobth Carolina, Harnett County. In the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court. Notice is hereby given of tho incorpo ration of The Consolidated Lumber Company: that the names of the incor porators are John Gossler, Uufus W. Hicks, II. McD. llobiiifnn, Jas. C. Mac Kae, Jas. D. MeXeiU an 1 a. li. William; that the principal pi lee of business shall lie at Spout Springs, North Carolina; that its general pm pose and bnsiiu ss is topurchisc, manufacture and sell lum ber, to produce and sell spirits of tur pentine and rosin and to carrv on a . general merchandise store and business in Cumberland and Harnett Counties, with the right to buy, lease, hold and sll land. That the duration of the cor Kratiou Khali Imj thirty years. Thai ihe Capital Stock U 1 8650.00 of First Pre ferred, $1007..00 of Second rivlVrml and $ 10,030 Common, wt'.h the privilege to increase the capital .-tock of any series to an mm Mint n t to exceed Fifty Thou sand Dollars in that series. This 7th day of Jauuaiy, 1S02. GEO. E. PiUSCE, Clerk Superior Court. N. B. The stockholders in The Con solidated Lumber Company are not in dividually liable for its debts. II. MeL. KoBlNSON, Sec'y & Treas. NOTICE OF LAND SALE. By virtue of a power of sale con tained in a certain Mrigage Deed executed b John Holmes nd wife. Amelia, :nd duly registered in Bok j B No. 2 Pages. 459-61 records of Harnett County, I will on 12th day f Marcu 1892 at the Court House door in the town ot Lillington sell to the highest bidder for cash a certain tract of land in Averasboro Township Harnett County contain ing one hundred and three acres be the same or less This January 22nd 1892. Nathan McLamb. Adm'r Setii Hodges Dec'd. F. P. Jones, Att'y. Jan-28th-4t. MORTGAGE SALE OF LA'D ! By virtue contained in a Certain Mortgage Deed exeewted by George W Hunt and wife, to Re N. Mc Kay on the 16th day of October 1883. On Monday the 4th day of April 1892, at tho Court House Door in Lillington, N. C. I will sell to the highest bidder for cash, the lani's conveyed in said Mortgage De.-d. consisting o," twenty-gix acre- in Up per Little River Townh p, Harnett County, N. C. For further discrip tion see said Deed recorded in lwk "L." ae 210 of tho recorded of Har nett c -unty. Feb. 5 h 1892 L. B. CHAPIN, Att'y for Morgagee. Febllth-4t. A D M I N I ST KATO US N OTI CE. Having qualified as administrator of Rory McNeil, deceased, late of Harnett comity, N C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 27th la of January 1893, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please mtke immediate payment. This January 27th 1892. SA RAH M. AND R EWS, Administrator, Feb 4-Gt. NOTICE! SALE OF LAND! By virtue of a power of sal'i con tained in a certain Mortgage Deed, executed to the undersigned on the 29 day of October 1891 by J. 1 Corbett and M. H. Corbettand du'y recorded in the olliee of the Register of Deeds of Harnett County, in Book D. No. 2, Pages 4.W460. I wilUn the 29'B!i day of February 1802 at the Court House Door in Lillington, N. C, at 12 o'clock, m., sell at public sale to the highest bidder for cish a certain tract of land in the town of Dami, being the house and lot where tin said J. T. Corbet t and II. H. Corbett now live. For a more definite description of sa:d land see Book D. No. 2. Pa-ics 15S 460, Re cords of Uarne t County. This Feb ruary 3 I 1892. L. J. BEST. Feb-4 4i Mor gage1. H. I. MCDUEFIE, General Insurance Agent, FA YETTEV I LLE. N. C, REPRESENTING The Niagara (Fire) of ew York, Or ganized in 181. Assets over $-2,000,000. The OniEXT (Fire) of Hartford, Coin.. Organized i:i 1S72. Assets f,000,00). The New York Life, of New York, Organized in 1845. AseU $116,000,d0. AND OTHER- LIFE, FIRE, ACf AND LIVE STOCK COMPANIES. Insurance placed anywhere in Cumberland and adjacent c 'unties. Office Room No. 10, Thornton Block, Faycttevi'.lc. X. C. Feb-4 1892. Wba Baby was rick, we gre her Castoria. When she wa a Chit J. she cried for Castona. Whn she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Vffcen she bad Chll.Iren. she rove them Castori Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A marvelous cure for Catarrh, Diphthe ria, Canker month and Headache. With each boltle there is an Ingeni. ovs nj.sal Injector for the more suc ces .ful treatment of these complaints without charge. Price 50c. Sold by B. R. Hood & Bro. Khiloh's Consumption Cnrr. This is beyond question the most successful Cough Medicine we have ever sold, a few doses invariably cure the worst cases of Cough, Croup and Bronci.itis, while its wonderful suc cess in the cure of consumption is without a parallel in the history of medicine. Since its first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a lest which no other medicine can stand. If you have a coagh we earnestly ask you to try it. Price 10c., 50c, and 1. If your lungs are sore, chest or back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plas ter. Sold by B. R. Hood & Bro. POKIWE. I have used the within remedy (Pokine) with great success. . Jamks H. Lassiteh. I have ned the Pokine remedy (prepared by W. T. Cheatham. Jr.,) in case of Sciatica with the result of positive relief in a few hours, and believe if used as directed it will ttfect a permanent cure. J. L. 11. MlSSlLLIER. March 6, 1891. For the benefit or the public I unhesitatingly recom mend Cheatham's wonderful remedy. Pokine." to all sufferers of rheuma tism. It has produced marvelous re sult in my case. 1 was a sufferer of the malady for five years; and after taking a few lo!tlcs wae entirely cured. Very respectfully, ' W. W. Dowtin. Henderson, X. C, March 7, 91. M n. W . T. Cheatham : Dear Sir. My wife was down in bed will rheumatism and the Pokine I bought of you gave her relief after inking four doses. She bas not been troubled since. It is the best medi cine she ever took for rheumatism. Respectfully, Zack Davis. Mu W. T. Cheatham : Dear Sir. I have been afflicted with rheumatism, time and again, for the past thirteen years. I have re ceived more relief from "Pokine" than any medicine I ever took, and therefore take great pb-asure in rec ommending it to all sulferers of rheu rnali m. Very respect fully, F, G. Mitchell January .19, 189 L W. T. Cheatham, Jh-: Pear Sir. I desire to say that in Janu iry last I was down with the rheumatism; my sutlering was great, and I w.-.s completely prostrated One bottle f your Pokine completely relieved me, and I have not had any rheumatism since. My son also was relieved of rheumatin by Pokine. Yours trulj-. C. G. Burroughs. Hexhersox. X.C., Septl6, '91. Mft. W. 1. Cheatham. Ju: Yorr rheumatic cure, "Pokine,' has com pletely cured me. I. M. Green. Mr. W. T. Cheatham' Jr., Hendet son. X. C, Dear Sir. Iieing asked mv opin ion of your rlicnmat'c remedy Pokine. w ill gladly state I deem it the only medicine of its kind on 1 he market that will accomplish that which is exclusively churned for. it Beins; a sufferer of rheumatism, I consequent ly tri- d many remedies, untd finally relieved b- Pokine. Very resp'y, J. A. Kelly. Price $1.00 per bottle. For sale by Druggists. Mail orders filled promptly by W, T. Cheatham. Jan 6 tf . Henderson, N. C. FOR SCROFULA scrofulous humor in the blood, ulcers, catarrh, and consumption, use Ayer's Sarsaparilla Tho most economical, safe, speedy, and effective of all blood-purifiers. Has Cured Others will cure you. A Household Remedy FOR ALL BLOOD and SKIM DISEASES Botanic Diced Dcla Ur,irpc scRoruu, ULCEUS, f ALT uurgs RHEUM. ECZEMA, tvery form ot naltguat SKIN Idn being atBcMioat U Urlaj up the tysten and retterliif the cestltiitteii, hen Imyalre treat any causa. Its atmast pamatjrol keallnf raaHlaa justify aa Ik guaranteeta curt, H directions irt fol!oe4. h i i xik x rut 13o r m C for Infants "Cutori Js bo 3 frdAptd to chOdr tis.t I recommend it m superior to ais j prescription fcno"wn to me." II. A. Aechzk, K. D., Ill So. OxTord EL, Brooklyn, N. T. Tb tut of 'Castoria' is CO unlTpreal and tta merit so well known that it sennas s r. rk of mperercation to endorse it. Feir tretna intelligent families -who tio not kep Caitoria within easy reach." New York City. I Lata Taster Blocminsdalo Eelcrasd CLurch, I f 11 A- DR. BOYKIN'S. THE HOST RELIABLE WOR Destroyer in XJse. Messrs. I. M. & I?. Y. Pwcll, piomincnt merchants in- Colnmhsw. N. C. wrote 113 1:1 July, 1837, that "Rev. Mr. T. C p'v I awn rlt-'td one ilose of lioykin's ' Wcirui KiUer,' and Llie result was 37 wor;:is. ile wi liiS ali interested to know ii." Di Hoykin. Carmer & Co., B;iUimro, very relinhle customer of mine, ;:vo child last week ami the re-ult vas 35 with etill better results: 75 worms fro be large. Read the following fro?n ;ie of the most prominent cv. 1 best known riiysicians and f: imers in Sontli Caiolina. lie v.rjfes: -1 h -.t a neuro by 10 years old vo w him. look two or three do-svs of 'Worm Killer,' and parsed 3GG worm?." Dated, Rid-ewav, N. C, May S K 1SS4. II. I;. EiMUNiS. M. D. Mr. H M. McDonald, of Lagrange, N. C. ssv. Mr. Hoyki?is "Worm Killei' breught ovt-r 100 worii-s from on- child in ii a tieijitib rhood; ano that it pives universal sa? isfaclion." lie se!ib more of ii ban. all othe worm lEcdieines. Price only 25 c-nts per bottle. Dealer put you off with 10 other. Ask get it. Any D. can prescribe it ' BOYKIN OARMER . 1 !". ; . THE ABSOLUTE FKEEDO.M FROM OIL OR STICKINES MAKES OUR TOILET GREhWi ONE OF THE MOST l'LE vSA'ST AND IIE VLIXO A G E N I S T II A'i HAS I5EEN INTRODUCED FOIJ - Chapped Lips, Facs or Hands. GENTLEMEN WILL FIND ITS US 3 A FT E R S I i A V I N G SOOTHING AS WELL AS ALLAYING ANY IRRITATION. ATRIAL IiY YOU J'A S I T AT ONCE A HOUSEHOLD ' NECESSITY. A. J. COOK & CO., ' PROPRIETORS. FA YETTEVI LLE. - - N. C. IdP For sale bv V.. R Hood & Bro. Dunn, N. C D c. 3. if Did You Ever See A 'PLEGID DIRECT TO CONSUMERS. It tll pT yo to act oil prisca and In e-Jt ihi u hiea h tha latent cmboiacst ef .irr dciixt Ub. c. voriepuaatce tcTiiea. w . at eoce to nismntcv, em emcieui at a perfect attssiuaccu n)j , v ijj hm m i-- 5 f - .. :J' .... .. -twa;;, t.-n 0 .mW k I t .-.. w,. Jl.wW:lKi,j ,- '5 w-3 v?i) r jrJm J-'" 'SII l5-'i-;.ii4Cbr- rfZrzA.vmx1. WE SELL. I and Children. Cast or! a ciwes Colic, C5oc.fpation. Eour Stoniacii, Diarrhoea. Lxuctation, iluia Wonaa, gives sleep, and promotes al tVi&aout iajunoufi qmLccuoo. vor serrral yen -3 I haT recommended your Ostoria, ' .-.d liali ulnrays continue to d- tn as i0l;as iiivariai-ly produced baneflcial results.' Er-B-ix F. TAXOim, M. D., - 'XTia TYintb.rop," troct aiid Trh Ato., KevrTorkCity. WOEM KILLER. VPIMIiniTfin T7 TUP 'lliniTT" -: o :- ck ( i;i:i k, N. C , Mny S'X 1884. ' M1. Donr Sirs: Mr. A. Ru-Ul, b a half tc:is -Ji!'il -'Worm Killer" ton vonn. Mr. Darnel l'mea .-used 11. in mo ch I; of course mv salrs will Vturs tiu'r, ' K. S, SMIL' U. D not, let your Drui-it rr Genera! 'Box Id.'s V"rm K Let" and in:.ny do. & CO., daltimore. Md. A POPULAR FAMILY. Jttsnif: : " How is it, Knte, that you always Boom to ' CHtch on ' to' tho last new thing ? Do what I may, j ou alway3 eeeni to get ahead of me." Kate : " I don't know : I certainly do not make nny exertion in that direction.'' Jennie : " Well, during the lust few months, for example, you have taken up paintingr. without any teaclicr : you came to tho rescue when Miss lAiftirjev dwcrtcl her Delate class bo suddenly, mvl certainly v. e are ail lmprov in?r in urrace under your instruction: 1 heard yo;i telluivr Tummy liiccs last evening: how his club nifi'le n:.stnkes in playing- bnccball; you scn to Oe up on all the latest 'fads, and know just what to circumstances; you entertain beautifully; and in the last month you have improved so in health, owing-, you tell me, to your physical culture exercises, where do you Kt't ail of your information from in this little out-of-the way place? lor you never ko to the city." Kate: Why, Jennie, you will make me vain. I hnveonly one source of information, but it is surprising l-.ow it inocts fall wants. I very seldom hear rf anything- new but what the next few days briu? me full information ou the subject. Maie? No I Matraziocl And a Kieat treasure it is to us all, for it really furnishrs the reading: for the whole household: fattier has friven up his mnjfuzine that he has taken for years, as he eays this one privea more and lA'ttc-r information on the subjects of t!i day ; and mother says that it is thai that makes her f-ueh a famous housekeeper. J:i fact, we alt afrree that it is the only really family magazine published, as we liave sent for samples of idl of them, and And that one is all for men, another all for women, and another for children only, while this one suits every one of us; so we only need to take one instead of several, and that is where the economy come3 in, for it is only a year. Perhaps von think I am too lavish in my prair? ; l.-ut 1 will lot you seo ours, or. better ftili. i-e-rl 10 cents to the pub lisher, V.'. Jennings Demurest, 15 East 14th Street, New York, for a sample copy, and I shall always consider that I have done you a jrreat favor ; and may lie you will le cutting us out, as you s iy we have the reputation of beinjrthe bet informed family in town. If that le so. it is JXnivircct'd rumiiy Magaziu that doea it." njc;i ; 7 iii.r :1:I...n'i. i ( ,mr . J 5.. Mrs. A.' u U9--:fij.,'.irp. I-jil p.-rti. ii!jr, t Jtilrt yen ,;J, if co.irilr c s:o I -r-h-'. rh. r-5 ha.r.i U a art. AM-tm. V- . A !. .;., .lit-r L-ltt. Ji.njBta. UiUnr. f en rvs:F.r'S? i. 4 fax m4?m t 1 I ''"- ' . V- -??-".1 7n,rm .' .ill. I h'Ath r? r, i -n t- y u 1111 &fS XRfi'ir i'n: thEnewyoei: iTrn!7i I U K One Dollar a Year. Contains tbe best features of any Weekly printed. M. QUAD, late of tbe Detroit Free Press, writes a paje of matter every week. SEND FOR SAMPLE COPY. THli WEEKLY WORLD, Dec 3 tf New York City. 20,000,000 ACRES Of land will be opened to settlement in Oklahoma and Iiuli:in Territories sonn time during the -coming year. This is the last large body of government land ever to be thrown open to free settle ment in this country, and jou landless millions want to keep your eyes on it. In order to do this you want a Territo riai newspaper, which will give yon all necessary information about when the country will open, the nature of the lands, where the bet towns will be loea ted, etc. SEM) $20O For a years subscription to THE TERKITOKIAL TOPIC An eight page 'weekly-newspaper" con taining Territorial and general news, and devoted to the interests of agricul turists; it is reliable in every respect, and will keep you fully posted. Kaeh subscriber is entitled to a copy of the LIFE AND REMINISCKNSKS of JEFFEI1SOX DAVIS AND GEN. JOS. E, JOHNSTON - By distinguished men of their time. Iu trodudtory py the Hon. John W. Darnel, U. S. Senator from Vir ginia; Edited by Bradley T. Johnson, formerly a sol dier bi the army of Northern Va. The lives of these Heroes of the South ern Confederacy are in one roluine of about 700 octava pages, beautifully U lustaated and Handsomely Bound in Cloth and Gold. A $3.00 book, which will be sent free on receipt of 2J cents te pay postage. Address, THE TOPIC, PUKCELL, IND. TEH. N. B. Sample copies of this paper sent free on abplieation. ; for. vnn MILLION BCCAUM IT Always Wrta. EctnonlmJ, Hindsoo. ' Durabl, and U PtrlMt.1 EVERY ONE GD1RABTEED. C3EYROOC DOVBI.B LIFT LA UP. Ita prUrtpW, mttnloa, mtl torlal finlih ud pnnM n- ftLMB SDjUllBf kMM tilat th yablis. iwt kr r Mw at, mlar BB4 k mbt1b4; Am mf OB f 7mr Aaalct HEY ROSE LAMP) A M FG. CO, IT. I0T7X8, St. n CURE! S2)a ON RECEIPT OF 60 CCBTG WC WILL MAIL A BOX OF III THI ONLY INFALLIBLE CURE FOB Tetter, Gronnd Itch, Itching Piles, Ring Worm and all Itching Skin Diseases. lliaaaaaHBBaaaaaBaaiaaaaaaaBBJBaBHaaBaaBaBaaaaaiBBMHBaMBaHaaa If yen hava TITTER, H matters not haw long It hu axltted. TETTER1NE will as earUlnly car yoaasyou use tt Harrnlass, Painless and Fragrant nnriTV BrandKl If yoa Kf diMtlnd ItlUIICiT with th roalt BrrDea Sontbera Bank of tha State of Oeorcla, Chat ham Bank, and National Bank of fcavannalu J. T. SHUPTRINE & BRO. SAVANNAH, GA. l!Mt1!lJliliJ!l:lii!l'riil!l li!lirM:i:i:i:ri;t;i;rua:i:ui; OVERMAN'S ISPEGIFIG OXYGEN! IS THK 44 DREATH OF LIFE." I 0xrax3riata lifriTifUS aaaatafairaaifi iwatart viAeat HouTNiif. arxcuioj- nnim.l mdiAt S d Oxjfm treat- 3 seat tut iiaaa ? M of tk MM, 5 throat ami las g s The ImkalatioBa S Mataia S.rmi- 2 eidas an4 iaia S fectaaU, in ad-S aitieatthbet?! known specifics for tliM 4is-S ; easeeatniag tao nmUj ly iaiUtion rif-nt U s u MUMUMtM, aaaJuar is a roaiTivx 2 CUBJB. tprataSpMiflMaM:diaCaUraaa4$ s Hy-Frr. Vet a pUat Moaieiaa. f hTcUiau rt 5 yroaeriaa it ia ttoir sraotloa. g lONLY "oxygen D IN USE. J lie- Si-l t WtaktatSl. AUaata. 6a. SI Bb.Ur aalMtac. Osaka, Haa. H m r.. Brwf. Vomlrwttjjir. H TT - m rSaa VOIlif tL.tmmmwn wUl brin 7on by ntttra mail a owr f r- Uaonal, explaining the treatmeat ta fall. Bead 3 for It if yan priie aealtiu r nrnnin 11 r r M IIULiULIi u UHLU 'Sir! i Jaj 4l 0 1 ?r GOOD CHEAP. ) I Jf ffu ill CWrL3 5 Xs. I JAHKH A5THMI 50N8UMPTIONI J J 80nlCKITlS I u fe ,- t : . "v.