THE TIMES. THURSDAY, FEHRUAHY 11, 1892. MATTERS OF LOML INTEREST. Churches. Presbyterian Services evry firrt Sunday at 11 a, in.. ami 7 p. m. Rev. G. a. IIouoii, Pastor. Methodist. Services the 3rd Sun. lay at 11 a. m., ami at night at 7 p. m. First Sunday night at 7 p. m.Sundar. School at 3 n. m.. Prof. F. Parlor Superiutcnileut, Rev. J. D. Peoram, Pastor. Primitive Baptist. Services Sat urciaj and Sunday morning before tlie third Sunday in each month. Rev. IJuknick Wood, Pastor. Disciples. Services 3rd Sunday in each month, morning and night. Sun day School at 2 p. m., every Sunday. Prayer Meeting every Thursday night. Rev. L". XV. Howard, Pastor. . . Baptist. Services every Sunday at 11 a. in., and 7:li0 p. in., except the Third Sunday morning. Sunday School at 9:u'l a. in., It. G. Taylor, Snot. Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening nt 7:30. Kev. W. F. Watson, Pastor. Free-Will Baptist. Services on First Sunday at 3 p. mM aud on Third Sunday at 1 1 a. in. Kev. 1. A. Johxsox, Pastor. Mr. E. A. Parker returned -from a a trip to Rocky Mount Monday. Mr. J. M. lieatx-, with the Smitli field Herald, us a visit Tuesday. A good many of our citizens are attending court this week. Dr. John McKay of Dickenson spent several days in town last week. Mr. Henry L. Cook of Fayetteville wai ia tt. city lst week ouj legal business. F. P. Jones Esq., and Lee J. Best Kiq.. our two legal lights are attend ia court in Lillington. Mrs. Hid ley Gardner died near liuirfi Creek Academy on Friday niLjIit of last week from La Grippe. The County Superintendent Mr. Cauipbell will be in Lillington Thurs day the 1 1 tli to examine the white tea.ehera, and Friday for the colored t-achers. Solicitor E. W. Poti and J. H. Pou Esq.. of Smilhficid and Judge Connor of Wilson spent Saturday night at tile H(jlel Devino en route to Lilluig tun Court, which convenes this week. 'The Free-Will Conference was in session luesli' and Wednesday' h'Te, a go.d many delegates and preachers were present, we" will give "proceedings in our uext issue. The I'apiist Parsonage on Broad S'rect will soon be c mpletc 1. It is a nice structure and will add very ranch to the nppeorauce of that sec tion of the town. Mr. Joe P. Cal Iwall is now editor of the Charlotte Chronicle. It has bfen a good paper but now with Mr. Caldwell at the helm we are sure he will give to the people of Mecklen bu c a still better paper. Mr. J. A. Campbell, Principal of Buies Creek llih School, paid us a call Saturday on his way to Spring Branch church where he preached Ho tells us his school is' good, 1 10 students enrolled. The town authorities are having s -nie good work done in the way of ciean'iness to I he back yard?, vacant lots etc. Our town should keep an eye on that part of the work and prevent sickness. Mr. Mordeeai Parrish of Grove Township, this county, is the health iest ruaa in the Saie. He is the lather of S living children, is 63 years old. and never has been confin ed to h h room a whole day since he can recollect. We have on our table the first number of the Atlantic Methodist, publ:. hed at Wilmington by L. L. Nash, D. D., and assisted by Revs. C. B. Jerome and H. B. Anderson. We are sure with the above gentle men at the helm, it will he a good pa. per. Its columns will be devoted to Methodism of North Carolina, anjl especially to help Grace Church of Wilmington and to pay the debt, or help. There are a good many people in our town who do not patronize the paper, still they pretend to want a good papejr and to such we" would 883' shotvj'our faith by giving us your subscripton. We want the Times a welcome visitor to every household in the town and country. We pro pose to labor for the town and its iterests. and by your support and as sistance we can accomplish some good. Whatever is beneficial to the town is hvncfici'il to its people, s he us your advertisements and Valentines on band at Hood Bros. Mr. H. H. Poe, of Pot's, was in to see us Saturday. Mr. J. W. Smith is on a business trip to Burlington, N. C. We are sorry to Lear that Mrs. J, R. Tew of Godwin is very 111. Onion sets 15 cents a quart at Harper & Hood's Drug Store. Send jour girl a Valentine on the 14lh, and buy it from Hood Lro3. I he editor will sell a lew old pa per? at 25 cents per hundred. Call at the Times Office. The best 5 cent cicr in town is the Checker Brand" at Harper & Hood's Drug Store. Harper & Hood's Drug Store is headquarters for all kiiids of garden seed. Landreths Garden Seeds, all kinds two papers for 5 cents at Hood Bros?. Drugbtore. j Mr. Jas. F. Le and wife of Ben son, N. C. spentruesday night with Mr. Erasmus Leo of our town. Dr. (). L. Denning is the luckiest and happiest M. D., in town. It's a girl. Some thief broke into Messrs. Campbell & Drew's confectionary store Sunday night and took them selves something for to eat. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Burke returned Monday from an extended trip to Fayetteville, Re 1 Springs and Max ton. Tbe editor went up to Lillington Tuesday7 and .added to the '1 imes list several new subscribers. - A faded and discolored beard is untidy and a misfortune. It may be prevented by using Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers, a never failing remedy. Mr. J. W. Bales of Lillington lost a mule last Wedhe.uay by a bull hooking the mule to death, he had them both in the field together, aud the bull killed the mule. The ladies and friends of the M. E. Church at Lillington gave an Oyster Supper at the residence of Mr. O. J-Spears Tuesday night for the benefit of the church. Court in session this week with Judge Connor on the bench and E. W. Pou Solicitor. They are dis patching the business with care an I rapidity, and will finish the docket by Friday. Many women find ".reat difficulty in arranging their hair becomingly, because of its liar ;h arid coarse tex ture. By the use of Ayers' Hair Vigor! the hair becomes solt. plaint, and glossy. The Vigor is the most cleanly of all hair preparations. The person who will give us in writing the best definition of a kiss by May 1st 1892, we will send the Times I j-eaa fre-. We will keep answers and publish them at the end of each month and have three good judges to decide. All answers will be forwarded to the Times, Dunn, N. 0., Lock Bok. No. 127. Let us hear from you. Some Unbleached American wa3 so kindly disposed on last Monday uight to pay a call on our Pot Mas ter, Mr. G. W. i ox. and finding all had retired, they quietly took the clothes off the wire and have not lieen so good as to return them yet. On the same night we learn they paid a similar visit to Messrs. J no. L. Phillips and J, W. Lane. We hope the rascals wili be caught jct. The Butcher. If you waut to know the butcher Jim Worrell is the man, His place of business Is on the Bight Hand. He sells them btef And saus ige all on time. When he goes for money They cut up a shine. Hamilton is waiting To get a little breath. When he gets ready He'll raise them from the yearth. They took Hamilton up For selliug bad beef, Now the talk is The beef they can't. eat. Hamilton can't go further. For fear the cow has no tongue. But says he will buy Some cattle from Mr. Young. He takes them to the pen. And stands them in their head When the beef comes b xck, It surely won't be red. To have something funny, I want them to trv, Hao.ilton has been here enough. To root pig or die. There was a little sausage, A little on the float. I think enough of it, Would j-nt : n-v -n a h! A New Entorprise. Messrs. John A. Mcir, Co Lave opened an edge toi rfcCtory fQT the tnsrufa during of all vin of turpentine implements such as bao. dippers, pullers &c. They have par chastd the site formerly occupied by Rufus Parnsh, and. have put in 4 forges, 3 emery stones and a com plete oulSt. When the full capacity j is run the machinery will turn out : from the crude material about 20 doz. implements a day or 240 in round numbers. Mr. Owen Houston one of the finest machinists in tbe county will superintend the work and all work will be d ;ne in first-class order. We rhould encourage such a:i enterprise as this in our midst, and we predict for this new firm a success in their undertakings ia this line. We hope this is the commence ment of larger manufacturing indut- i tries. Ee&olutions of Respect. Whereas, We, the officers and members of Luckuow Lodge No. 1 15 I O. O. F., have heard of the death of the moi her of our worthy Treas. Bro. R. G. Taylor with deep regret. Resolved 1st. That in her death we recognize the hand of God and bow with humble submission to His will and know that He doeth all things well. Resolved 2nd. That we tender to our worthy Bro. in this his sad hour of breavement our heart felt sympa thies and commend him to the All Wise Creator for comfort, and that his loss is her eternal gain. Resolved 3rd. That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon tbe miuuies of this Lodge, a copy be published in the Central Times, and a copy be eent to tbe afflicted Hro. J. B. Holland. P. T. Massenill. V Committee. J. W. Jordan. Died. At his residence at Gatneys X Roads, Mr. J. R. Wood, a worthy and esteemed farmer breathed bis last on Wednesday Feb, 3rd. He left a wife and family to the mercies of this world and to mourn the loss of a father and husband. Mr. Wood was a brother-in-law of two of our townsmen, Messrs. J. J, Wade arid Henrj' Pope, and has a host of friends in the county. May the family in their sad hour of affliction look to the Great and Good Shepard for comfort. His body was placed in the family burying ground on Thursday at 3 :U0 o'clock. Dr, G. W. Earle, Pickens, S. C. writes: ' I recommeded B. B. B. to a man who had suffered for years with a malignant ulcer . on his leg, that seemed to resist all other treat ment. After using four or five bot- .ties thu ulcer began to heal and his leg is now sound and well." 1-m I5 8 jcpi:i and Liver Complaint Is it not worth the small price of 7oc. to froe yourself of every symp tom of these distressing complaints, if you think so call at our store and get a b ttle of Shi lob's Vitalizer, eve ry battle has a printed guarantee on it, use accordingly and if it does you no good it will cost you nothing. Sold by B K. Hood & Bro. We have a speedy and positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria, canker mouth an 1 headache, in SMloh's Ca tarrh Remedy. A nasal injector free with each lnttle. Use it if you de sire health and pweet breath. Price 50c. Sold by B. R. Hood & Bro. Aujincr tUift education. Why do so many people we see around us seem to prefer to suffer and be made miserable by Indiges tion, Constipation. Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Coming up of tbe Food, Yellow Skin, when for 75c we will sell them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guaran teed to cure them. Sold by B. R. Hood & Bro. FOR SALE. One good farm horse, one second hand Huggy and Harness, one Cart, one Milch Cow, very cheap for cash. Apply to E. A. Parker or It. A. Hales, Dunn, N. C. Oil. What a Cough. Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Con sumption. Ask yourselves if you can alfTd for the sake of saving 50c-, to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shi loh's Cure will cure yonr cough. It never fails. Tbis explains why more than a million bottles were sold the j past year. It relieves croup and whooping cough at once. Mothers, do not be without it. For lame back, ride or chest use Shiloh's Porous ' PlasVr. S-.dd bv B. R. Hood & Bro . FOR 8ALR. Ten Acres of Land fronting Maiu Street in the town of Dunn. There is a good 5 -room Cottage, two Stills and Distillery Fixtures In tunning order on said land. Terms easy. pply to J. T. CORBET T. Jsn l- Dunn, N. C. JAMES H. POD DVARD W. POU Jr POU & POU ATTORNEYS-AT-La.. SMITH FIELD, N. C. Practice In State and Federal Courts. One member of the firm will always at teud Lillington Court, and will go to Dunn whenever business should reouirc "Antidola" will speedily relieve Headache and Neuralgia. A trial will convince you of its merits. Read what Rev. W. Ji-Ful ford, editor of the North Carolina Baptist, says : Some few weeks ago Mess. A. J. Cook & Co., kindly sent me a trial bottle of Anttdola; the other day we had occasion to resort to it, and found almost instan : relief from a.i attack of severe nervous headache. Try it." Manufactured only by A. J. Cook & Co.. Fayetteville, N. C, Price 20c. a bottle. For sale by B. U. Hood & Bro., Dunn, N. C. NOTICE ! The firm of McKay, Lcc & Co., having dissolved we, J. Lee and E. J. Lee, will continue the Hardware and Furniture business at thu same old stand, next door to Young Bros., under the name of Lee's Hardware Co. We, by honest, square dealing and polite attention to our customers, solicit tbe patronage of the citizens of Dunn and surrounding country. Very Respectfully, LEE'S HARDWARE CO. We, the undersigned, have this day formed a copartnership under the name and style of Strickland & Gordon, for tbe purpose of tarrying on a General Mercantile Business, in the town of Dunn, county of Har nett, N. C. This 9th day of October, 1891. H. J. STRICKLAND. J. O. GORDON NEW GROCERY STORE. I have opened a New Grocer' Store on the corner of Broad and Wilson streets and invite the Public to call and examine my stock. I have a full line of choice groceries and will sell as cheap as any house in town. Bring me your Country Produce, and get the highest prices for it. Respectiully, J. A. REAVES. MARKET REPORT. Cotton. Middling Low Middling Stains Turpentine. Virgin Yellow Dip Hard 6 5G $2.00 $2.00 $1.00 Country Produce. Chickens 1525c Eggs : 12 15c Hides 4(a.Cc Corn 60c Peas G01.00 Butter 2025 Hams 1012 St. Tltm Dorm Cared. VIII Bam AXDB&4.S, CL Co., Cal., Fob. 1889. Vt har. 13 itiri old. was bo affected by St. Yha TnA thax hm ooald not KO to school for 1 ymiu TvobottlM of Pastor Koemgs Kerve TmIb rMtor4 bis health, 'and be ia now at- MICHAEL. O'CONXEL. A Terr Bad Case. J XH Hrwif a&xBT, Mi, March 8, 190L My danghtar had epilepsy bo severe that aha voJd have or T fits erery 24 hoar a. Ixnme UAtely after nalof Pastor Koenig's Kerra Tonic tha si ! lis decreased in number, and in lesa Uua tvo weak! tram taking the first dose they anttraly onainl. Befora using this medicine her Blind was vary weak, bvt now mind and mem ory an foEy restored, and she is entirely cared ta fits by the use of this great remedy. USA. J. H. ANDKEWS. FREE .A YaHNftbto Book em Nerroni PI r i - t - sent free) to any address. and poor psaenia can aiao ommij this naodlciao free of charge. Ptator of Fort Wayne, Ind, eince 1378. &ad Uaow prepared uncUr hi dirscUou by tbe ttOCftIC MED. CO.. Chicago, 111. Sold BTDnrzfets at SI per Bottle. CfcrSf. attaa.91.Ta. 6 BotUas for 89. - me tjtrrtiQnioo re ATI ptnranTio:;Tg Hor-J! prj'.oi; 'Ca Urn J, ATTORNEY AKD COUNSELOR AT LAW LILLINGTON. N. C. Practices in all Courts where ser vices are needed. State or Federal. 0 R. J. H DANIEL. DUNN, HARNETT CO. N C. Specialist in the treatment of skin diseases. Best of references can be furni-hed upon application. Cones- lonaence so'.iciwd w"lll;tt. 6 (UP STAIrfS"?? BLOCK. FAYETTEVES " c- LEE J. BEST, A t (ornejsi t-la xr D U N N, N. C. Will practice in Harnett, and ad joining Counties. Special attention given to collection of claims. .May-l-tf. Cape Fear & Ycidkin Valley Hail way Company. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT DECEMBER 27T1I, 1891. NORTH BOUND. No. 2. Daily Except Sunday. Leave Wilmington, 9.30 a m Arrive Fayetteville, 1.45 p m Leave Fayetteville, - 2.15 pm Leave Sanford, 4.2 p m Arrive Greensboro, . 7.35 p in Leave Greensboro. 7.55 p m Leave Walnut Cove, 9.41 p m Arrive Mt. Airy, 11.57 p m No 4. Daily Except Sunday. Leave Kennettsville, 8.30 am Leave Maxton, 9.50 a in Arrive Fajeteviilf, 12.00 in No. 1G, Daily Except Sunday. Leave Ramseur, 7.25 a m Arrive Greensboro, 10.03 a ni Leave Greensboro, 10.35 am Arrive. Madison, 12.55 p m . No. 12, Daily Except Sunday. Leave Greensboro, 10.20 am Leave Walnut (Jova, 1.50 p in Arrive Mt. Airy, 5 35 p m SOUTHBOUND. No. 1, Daily Except Sunday. Leave Mt. Airy, 6 00 a ro Leave Walnut Cove, 8.11am Arrive Greensboro, 10.00 am Leave Greensboro, 10.30 a m Leave Sanford, 1,50 p m Arrive Fayetteville, 3.40 p m Leave Fayetteville, 4.10 p in Arrive Wilmington. 8.30 p m No. 3, Daily Except Sunday. Leave Fayetteville, 4.12 p m Leave M ixton. 6.32 p m Arrive Bcimttsville, 7.45 p iu No. 15. Daily Except Sunda'. Leave Madison, 3.10 p m Arrive Greensboro 5.15 p m Leave Greensboro. 5.35 p in Arrive Hainseur, 8.4J p in No. 11, Dally Except Sunday. Leave Mt. Airy, 2.10 p m Lease Walnut Cove, 6.15 p m Arrive Greensboro, , 9.25 p in w; E KYLE, J. W. FRY, Gen. Thss. Agent. General Manager, ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Wilmington & Weldon Eail Eoad and Branches. C0N2EHSRD SCKEOOLE. TRAINS UOIN-(J SOUTH. No. 23 No. 27 I rast Mail Daily Daily. No. 41 Daily oxfc'un Dated .Sept. 2 'OJ . I' M 1 1 M JAM Leave Weldon l i ;:o 1 5 44 6 40 I 7 47 Arr. Rocky Mt 1 40 6 35 Arrive Tarboro.... Loave Tarloro... 2 18 .. P M 12 58 6 00 P M 2 18 Arrive Wilson. 7 00 8 17 Leave Wilson - Arrive Selma .... A rr Pay et t e v i lie ... 2 30 3 TO 5 "0 Leave 'oIilsloro. Leave Warsaw Leave Maa-nolia.... Arr. Wilmington. :s n 4 li 4 27 6 00 7 40 9 00 10 00 10 14 11 45 8 40 9 .15 TRAINS GOING NORTH. F NoT 14 I Xo. 78 ! Dally, j Daily. No. 40 Daily ex Sun 1 bojiV I AM AM I P M Lea. Wilmington.. 2 10 9 15 1 4 00 Leave Magnolia.... 3 .'7 10 57 5 40 Leave Warsaw 11 11 5 5." Arrive Gol.lsbort. 4 33 12 05 g 56 Lea. Fayetteville.- 9 10 Arrive SI ma 1103 Arrive Wilson - 12 10 , A M . P M r ftlj Leave Wilson I 5 14 I 12 f8 j 7 48 Arr. Rocky Mt 5 37 1 30 f 6 itl Arrive Tarljoro-... 6 :.0 2 18 Leave TuTioro ; 12 T8 ; f M 2 55 Arrive Weldon 6 33 9 35 Daily except Sunday. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Weldon 4 1 in., Halifax 4 21 p m. arrive at Scotland Ne!v5 15 i in. Greenville 6 52 p m. Kinston 8 00 p in. Kcturning. leaves Kinston 7 10 a m. Greenville 8 25 a m. Arriving at Hal ifax at 11 00 a m, Weldon 11 25 a m, daily ex cept Sunday. Local freight train leaves Weldon at 10 15 a in. arriving- Scotland Neck 105 am, Gaeen ville 5 30 p m, Kinaton 7 40 p m. Returning, leaves Kinston 7 iO a ia, Greenville 9 55 a m, Scotland Neck 2 iO p m, arrive Weldon 5.15 p m, daily except Sauday. Train leaves Tartoro, N. C, via Albemarlo &. Raleigh R R daily except Sunday, 4 40 p ra Sunday ap m; arrive at Williamston, N. C. 7 18 pm and 4 20pm; Plymouth 8 30 p m.. and 520 p m. Returning leavea Plymouth, N. C. daily except Sunday 6 00 a m, Sunday 00 a m Williamston 7 '0 a m, 9 58 am. Arrive at Tarboro, N. C. 10 40 a m and 11 20 a m. Train on Midland NC Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C. daily except Sunday, 00 a m; ar rive Smithfleld N C, 8 30 a m. Returninr leaves Smithlield, N. C. 7 30 a. m. arrives Ooldsboro.N. c. 9 ?0 a.m. Tiain on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 5 V, p ni arrives Nashville 5 53 p. m, Snrirnr Hone 6 30 Vi m. Returning, leaved Snrintr Hor.e 8 00 a. in. Nashville 8 : a. m arrive Rocky nonut 9 15 a- in.! daily except Sunday. on rlinton Branch lerves Warsaw for Clinton, daily except Sunday, at Ih p to and 1115 am. Returning. lave Clinton at 8 i.0 & in and s 10pm connecting at Wrrsaw with Nos. 41.40. Z3 and Southlrfund train on Wilson Fay"ttville Branch ia X i 51 Northbound la No M. Daily f xccit Sunday. Train No 27 South and II North will stop only at Rocky Mount, wiUon Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No 7! mak". clos- conncetion at wellon for all points Nwrth daily. All rail via Richmond and dally except via Bar Lln. also at nookv Mount daily -xctt -un-dav.with Norfolk ainl Carolina fo .sofflk aud aill points North via Norfolk. JOHN V. DIVINE. Gen. Supt. T. It. TCSNI.Y.Gn"ral Minaa-er T. M . l-MMF.RSON,T.-i.:2' VtsiiS.':r. to Di Store ! HOOD M O S, WE NOW HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK OF IN TOWN. Toilet ARTICLES, CONFECTIOXAKIKS. ETC. SCHOOL K new TWO- PAPlKfOH FIVE CEM ' CALL AND SEE US. VERY RKfJPECTyULLY. HOOD BROS. w. T. MEADOWS, of Granville Co., Mang'r. J. W. BROOKS, of Person Co., Tieas. Liati MANUFACTURERS OF DIRECTORS : Durham Co., P. H. Masr, Granville Co., J. J. Meadows, ALL Person uo., J. w. Brookn, Chatham Co., C. R. Hcott, Granville Co., O. K. Murray. ' . Factory owned andcoutroUed ty alllaneciuen. Manafactoroji tobacco cpeial?r ' -Ailianc trade. Business agriitn, Allianctt ExcbanK hikI all1.tlie btor-s and wjrtho should rt our pric llata aud aamplna at once. Nothing better tiia onfflunimt ness." yP. A. L. U.." "Hayseed," "Tip Top," "Clodhopper," nd -AHjco yavortu," "Polk'a raToriU" branda. Will be pleased to help our brothers from any point in the United gtatcC Itt regard to tobacco. Will send sample free of char-fro. Address. DURHAM. FARMERS' ALLIANC M'F'G CO.. - - DlTRUAK, S. O Mexican-Mustan A Cure for the Ailrfents of Man and Beast. A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, tho Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every ona requiring an effective liniment No other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations.. No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang Liniment. Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers have it. CD YOUNG ill In jut Tltir ii 6116 BOOKS, Crop G-AHDEIf SEEDS; J. II. MEADOWS, of Durham Co., Sec'y luu.ituu tu.u GRACES OF CBEWiilG TCiACAO. iniment TO B ft-ff S. mil "V. i