' f ijjj r THE TIMES, Published Every Thursday, by YOUNG & GRANTHAM. THURSDAY. JUXE 9, 1892. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET- fOU OOVEKNORi KLIAS CARR, of Edgecombe KK LIK1TKNANT OOVERXOK R. A. DOUG M TON, of Alleghany. hit reclifiTARV or state: OCTAVIUS COKE, of Wake. FOU TKKASUKEIt. DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. for auditor: U. M. FUltMAN, tif Buncombe. OR SUrEKIXTKXDENT OF PUBLIC IN STRUCTION : , JOIIN C. SCARBOROUGH, of Johnston. rOK. ATTORNEY GENERAL I FRANK I.OSBORNE, of Mecklenburg. 1 RESIDENTIAL ELECTORS FOB THE mtate at large: C. B. AY COCK, of Wayne. R. H. GLENN, of Forsyth. fOK JUDOE TWKLTII DISIRICT : CEORGE A. SilUFORD, of Buncombe. THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER NO LONGER THE OFFI CIAL ORGAN- The following interesting letter 4"rom President Polk to the cbair nmn of the executive committee of the State Alliance of North Carolina, has just been received a the Econ oinist goes to press. It needs no ex planation : May 31, 1892. -Hon. S. B. Alexander, President Ex ecutive Board North Carolina Sttile Alliance. iUear Sir and Brother: Having learned that your executive board at its recent session in Raleigh, N. C, expressed its dissatisfaction with ilie attitude ol the Piogressive Far mer in its last proceeding issue to ward the People's part, I hereby tender the resignation of that paper ns the official crsran of the State AN liance of North Carolina. While it will remain as true and loyal to the Alliance organization and its prin ciples as it has ever been, it cannot .and will not be circumscribed in its -advocacy of the methods which only can bring relief to our suffering geop?c and which have been so overwhelmingly indorsed by them. In thus versing Us official connec tions with he State Allince it in no measure abates its allegiance to the principles of our order, and will ever stand rcadv and willing to ex tend its full and hearty co-operation jto all the officers and the brother .hood for promoting and maintaining the principles which we have es "jpoused. - - Fraternally "yours, L L. Polk, Editor Progressiye Farmer. National Economist. On Monday the Magistrates, .School Board of Education an J Com i)istioQers met in the court house at killing ton for the purple of electing a County Superintende.it of Public Instructions and a Board of County Commissioners, also to adopt the basis for giving in or listing taxes. The present Cammissioners. Messrs. J. M. Hodges. Ed. Smith, N. A. Smith. .W. F. Marsh, and F. J, Swann rere re-elected, and we think a good election. Prof. J, A. Campbell was then re e'ected to voeceed himself as County Superintendent. The -present Board have been efficient nd careful as to to the affairs of the count'. They have wisely and judi ciously applied tle county funds, therefore wc rongratulate the Mag tstratos for their wise selection and placing these gentlemen at the head r f our county again. As to the Su perintenrfent, no man in the whole county culd fill the position vrtth ctore honor to ike people and turn elf. Ho is in every way qualified, iiy)g actively engaged in the school work. He has raised the standard of our free schools, and the teachers dre now nearly all first grale so that Harrietts educational faculties are sgual to aJiaust any c .unty. dim THE TEACHERS' ASSEMBLY. USEFUL INFORMATION FOR TEACIIER9 AND TIIE PUBLIC. In reply to a great many letters of inquirj received every day by the officers of the Teachers Assembly concerning the arrangements which have been made with the railroads in regard to the assembly certificates this season. Hugh Morson, presi dent, and E. G. Harrell, Secretary, gave the desired information to the public as follows : The rai-road rates are the same as heretofo-e; only about one and a quarter cents a mile. Tickets are on sale from June 18th to July 3rd. good to return until July loth. The annual fees for membership are $2 for males and $1 for femates. These amounts are not to be sent- to the secretary, as heretofore, but at his special request the railroads have added a membership to the railroad ticket, and all who attend the assembly pay the fee to the railroad agent with the price for the ticket. When you reach Moiehead City the secretary will take up the coupon ai.d issue an official ''certificate of mem bership', without charge. This cer tificate alone will secure for the hold ers the rate of $1 per day for board at the Atlantic Hotel and free ad mission to all the exercises of the assembly, special lectures and enter- tainments. To all female members of the assembly who have paid $2 to the railroad for certiScate coupon the secretary will return $1 00 when tick, et is presented at Morehead Citj I his new plan or tickets is an ex cellent one and saves much troub'e and delay nothing to do now but buy the railroad ticket and go to the assembly. This is going to be the largest, and best session of the Teach ers Assembly. The programme is a most excellent one, comprising some of the most attractive features in the way of instruction and entertaiument that can possibly be provided in an educational gathering. The Atlantic Hotel and the assembly building are thorough'y repainted, while there are many pleasant Impiovements for en joyment on the sound or in the surf. The teachers cordially invite every friend of education in North Carolina to meet with them in the assembly. to enjoy all the privileges and pleas ures with the teachers and upon pre cisely the same terms. . The pro gramme has been prepared with a special view to interest, benefit and enthrtaln both the teachers and the puclic. "The assembly opens on June 21 and continues in session two weeks. The celebrated crayon artist and humorist, Frank Beard, has been engaged for June 22, 23, 24. and Rev. Thomas Dixon will lecture on July 2 and preach on Sunday, July 3. A number of other noted speakers a: eon the programme for other dys during the session. The inter-colleg iate oratorical contest and the instru mental music contest for sold medals will be very enjoyable and spirited occasions and are exciting wide spreaJ interest. State Chronicle. cataloqueIf the UNI- VERSITY. The catalogue of the University for 1891-92 is a very handsome and readable publication. During- the year past there ware 248 students, a gain of 50 over the year before. Of these 55 were students of law and 18 medicine and pharmacy. There were 27 students who were graduates of colleges nd were pursuing advanced. or special, or professional courses; of these, two were graduates of Oav idson College, two of Wake Forest, 2 of Gqtlford, 1 of the Univers ty of New Brunswick, and twenty of the LTniversary of North Carolina. The most popular course of study seems to be the "Course in Philosophy which requires Latin but not Greek. There were 57 students of Greek. There were 9 stidiiits in Engineer ing, Weaic.glad to obserye that six Brief Courses of Study have been established for young men who are not able spend four years at the Uni versity. These brief course give special preparation for bn iness, for farming, for teaching, for journalism, for the study of law and for the study of medicine. The Clinton Caucasian, of which Mr. Marion Butler, President of the North Carolina Farmers' Alliance, is editor, commends the work of the Democratic State Convention and will support the ticket. "The ex tremists both waj'8," it says, "would have preferred a different ticket and platform, but the medial line be tween Ihe contending factions was very nearly struck." While, in its opinion "the pla'.for bi covers nearly enough of the ground, but is not sps cific enough, the nomination of Elias Carr interprets and eularges the platform. Franklin Times. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. 11 Wilmington & Weldon Rail Road and Branches. C0K0ERSE0 SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. ItfO. S3 I Ho. 7 I No. 41 Fast Mall Dally Dally . .Daily. ex Bud P M I F M AM Leave Weldon It so 8 41 6 00 Arr. Rocky Mt, J 1 40 6 36 7 03 Arrive Tarboro..... $ In .. ....... P M LeaTe Tarboro . It 58 g qq Arrive Wilson.. 7 00 "f40 " Leave Wiljwii J 30 Arrive Selma 3 M Arr rayettevtlle... 5 10 Leave Moldsbore. I 3 1" I 7 40 J a 30 Leave Warsaw: I 4 11 .... 9 30 Leave Marnolia. 1 4 7 j 8 40 I 9 41 Arr. Wllmlugton. 6 00 9 I 11 25 TRAINS QOINQ NORTH. I No. 14 No. 78 No. 40 Dally Pally. Dally, cx Sun A M j A M I P M Lea. Wilmington- It 35 t 15 1 4 20 I r Leave Maptiolta 1 54 I 10 57 i 0i Leave Warxaw 11 11 I 15 Arrive Ooldnbor - t 55 12 05 7 10 Lea. Fayettevllle.. Arrive Set nia ........ Arrive Wiln 9 30 11 35 12 80 l 3 3f i 12 5S I t 4 3 130 I A M P M 8 01 8 39 Leave Wllnon. Arr. Roeky Mt. Arrive Tarboro-... 2 18 12 58 Leave Taboro. Arrive Weldon... 5 01 2 55 10 00 Daily except Sunday. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Weldon 4 00 p m.. Halifax 4 22 p m. arrive at Scotland Neck 5 15 p m, Ureenvil!e 6 52 p m, Klnxton 8 00 p m. Returning-, leaves KInston 7 10 a in. Greenville ft 25 a m. Arriving at Hal ifax at 11 00 a m, Weldon 11 25 a in, daily ex cept Sunday. Local freight train leaves Weldon at 10 13 a tn. arriving Scotland Neck 105 a in, Gaeen ville 5 30 p m, Klnston 7 40p m. Returning', leaves Kinston 7 iO a m, Greenville 9 55 a n. Scotland Neck 2 20 p m, arrive Weldon 5.15 p m, daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tartoro, N. C via Albemarle 4t Raleigh R R. daily except Sunday. 4 40pm Sunday 3p m: arrive at Wllliamston, N. C. 7 18 pm and 4 20 pm; Plymouth 8 30 p in., and 50 pm. Returning leaves Plymouth. N. C. dally except Sunday 6 00 a m, Sunday 9 00am Wllliamston 7 30 a m, 9 58 am. Arrlvo at Tarboro, N. C. 10 40 a m and 11 20 a m. Trains on Southern Division. Wilson and Fayetteville Branch leaves Fayetteville 7-30 a. in., arrive Rowland 12,15 p. in Returning leaves Kowiana lj.ia p. m. arrive Fayette ville 5.15 p. in. Daily except Snnday. Train on Midland NC Branch leaves Qolds- boro, N. C, dally except Sunday. 600 a m; ar rive Smlthfleld N C. 8 30 a m. Returning leaves smitnneia, a. u. 7 so a. m. arrives Goldqboro.N. c. 9 30 a. m. Tallin on Nashville Branch leaves Roeky Mount at 5 is p m arrtvs Aashville 5 55 p. m. Spring Hope 30 p, in. Return! up, leaves spring noie 0 ou a. m. nasnvuic 8 35 a. m arrive Rocky nonnt 9 15 a. m.! daily except unaay. Train on clinton Brinch ierves Warsaw for Clinton, daily except Sunday, at 00 p m and 1115 am. Kcturning. leave Clinton at '20 m and 3 10pm connecting at Wrrsaw with WOS. 41,40,23 ana 78, Southbound train on wilon t Fayetteville Braueh Is No 51 Northbound is No 50. 'Daily except suiiaay. Train No 27 South and 11 North will ytor only at Rocky Mount, Wilson Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No 78 make! close connection at weldon for all points Nrth daily. All rail via Richmond and daily except Sunday via Bav Line, also at Rooky Blount daily except San day, with Norfolk and Carolina for xoffolk and all I points North via Norfolk. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen. Supt T. R. KENLY. General Manager T. M. EMMERSON. Traffic Manager. Cape Fear & Yadkin Va'iey Rail way Company. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT MARCH 29TIJ, 1891. NORTH BOUND. No. 2. Daily Except Sunda'. Leave llmington, 9.50 a 111 Arrive Fayetteville, 1.55 pm uwive :iyetreviiie, 3.00 pm Leave bntiford, 4.25 p m Arrive Greensboro, 6.55 p in Leave Greensboro. . 7.15 om L.tave walnut uove, 9.00 p in Arrive Mt. Airy, 11.15pm N"o 4. Dailj- Except Sunday. Leave Dennettsville, 12.40 p m Leave Maxto'i, 1.27 p m Arrive Faycteville, 2.57 p m No. 16, Daily Except Sunday. Leave Kamseur, 7.25 a m Arrive Greensboro, 10.05 a m lieave Greensboro, 10.45 a m Arrive. Madison. 1.05 p m No. 12, Daily Except Sunday. Leave G reensboro 10.10 a m Ieaye Walnut Cove 1 .55 p in Arrive Mt. Airy 7.55 p m No, 14, Daily Except Sunday. Teave Kejinettsville 1,00 a m Teavi- Maxton 4.25 a m Arrive Faj-ettcville 0.55 a m SOUTHBOUND. No. 1, Daily Except Sunday. Leaw Mt. Airy, fi.00 a m Leave Walnut Cove, 8.11 a m Arrive Greensboro, 1 0.00 a m Ieave Greensboro, 10.30 am Leave SaHford, 12.45 p in Arrive Fayetteville, 2.0G p ni Leave Fayetteville, 3.04 p m Arrive Wilmington. 7.05 p m No. 3, Daily Except Sunday. Leave Fayetteville, 2.11 p in Leave Maxton, 3.32 p in Arrive Bennettsville, 4.22 p m No. 15. Daily Except Sunday. ' Leave Madison, 2.45 p m Arrive Greensboro 4.55 o 111 Leave Greensboro. 5.15 n in Arrive Raitiseur, 8.10 p m No. 11, Daily Except Sundas. Leave Mt. Airy 2.10 p m Leave Walnut Cove G.15 p m Arrive Greensboro 9.30 n m a. No. 13, Daily Except Sunday. Ive Fayetteville 10.15 a m Leave Maxton 4.30 n m Arrive Benncttsville .05 o m W, L. KYLE, J. W. FRY. Gen. Pass. Asent. General Manager. R. O. Hotfman, editor Times. Rocky Mount, w.ites: "l am pleased to say that Botanic Blood Balm is Uie best appetizer and tonic for delieate people I ever saw. It acted Ukk a charm in ray case." To overcome the marks of age, all Hua have srav beard abould iou Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers. tbe beat and eteanest dye made for i coloi.ing bjown or black. r : ; ! lll -I- '' I W -m. mm W T -k. h - - hsv- 'mmr . - for Infants 'CMterlH k ntd adapted to ehfldren that I recommend Um superior to anypreacripikn known to me. H. Aanrra. H. D HI So. Oxford SC, Brooklyn, X. T. -The use of 'Caatoria' to ao universal and Its meriU so well known that it of gupererogation to endorse it. "w arethe intiifMnt t amine who do not keep Caston within easy reach Cablos Mattt, D. D., pastor Bloomincdale Jstatonned Church. new votk wit. Tin CsirrAcn H.L MCDUFFIE, General Insurance Agent FAYETTEVILLE. N. C, REPRESENTING The Niagara (Fire) of New York, Or ganized in 1851. Assets over $2,000,000. The Orient (Fire) of Hartford, Coin., Organized in 1S72. Assets $2,000,009. The New 'ork Life, of New York, Organized in 1845. Assets $110,000,000. -AND OTHER- LIFE, FIRE, LIVE STOCK Insurance placed anywhere in Cumberland and adjacent counties. Office Room No. 10, Thornton Block, Fayetteville, N. C. Feb-4-1892. THE NEW YORK LI One Dollar a Year. Contains the best features of any Weekly printed. M. QUAD, late of the Detroit Free Press, writes a page of matter every week. SEND FOR SAMPLE COPY. TH WEEKLY WORLD, Dec 3 tf New York City. MARKET REPORT. Cotton. Middling Low Middling Stains Turpentine. Virgin 2ml Year , Yellow Dip Hard SOLI 2.30 1.70 $1.60 1.00 Country Produce.. Chickens Eggs Hides Corn Peas Butter Hams 3 15(,25c 10 5 601.00 20.25 10 f FOR ALL LADIES YOUNG, OLD OR MIDDLE-AGED SHOE. Expands from 1 to 1-2 inch over the hall and joints thus avoiding the strain and discomfort ex perienced by . wearing other makes. No Other Shoe so ef fectual'y prevents and cures corns, bunions and tender feet. Tliey Preserve Health and Promote Life. Dampness from wet sidewalks and floors can not pass throughthe soles A narrower shoe can be worn. Matchless In style. Fit and Durability Low Prices. Take no- aabutitate. Consoijdated Shoe Co.. Mauurrs, Lynn, Mass. For Sale in Dunn by Fleming & Co. Mirtle M. Tanner, Boonville, Ind., writes: "I had hlood poison from birth. Knots on my limbs were as large as ben eggs. Doctors said I would be a cripple, but B, B. B. has cured me sound and well. I shall ever praise the men who invented Blood Balm were born." 1-m. Subscribe for The Times, onlv ?1 a year. Central S-3 and Children CMtorln cures Colic, Cxmstfpatloo, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, yiiia Wormu, pTe sJoeP promotes a WiUioUbinjuriouB medication. J For eereral years I hare recommended your Castoria, ' and sLall always continue to S0110 as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. Pardm. M. Tie "Wlnthrop," 125th Street and 7th Are., New York City. Comtakt, 77 Mdbbat Stiuekt, Kkw York. A POPULAR FAMILY. Jetcotk: "How is it, Knte, that yon nlways seem to ' catch on ' to the last new thins ? Do what I may, you always seem to get ahead of me." . Katk : " I lon t know : I certainly do not make any exertion in that direction." Jkxnik: " Well, during the hist few months, for example, you have taken up painting. -M without any toneficr : you crime to the rescue when Mis fataive !e?ertcl her DclJirtc class so sikMohIv, ami certainly ivt arc all jmirov invr in rraJe uu lor your instruction : I heard vu tpiim,! To:ii;iiv Valines i:x. eveniiifr how his clut made mibLaUcs in ilny:nir baseball; von set-in to ixni on all the latest fr.lu,' and know just what t. ln umicr itll circumstances; vou entertain bv.-iutil ully ; and in the last month you havonnj'rovcu fo iu health, owing-, vou tell' me, t; wxir physical cultureexereises. Where do yoii jret all of your mloruiation from in this l-.ttlc ut-oi thc way place V for you never jm tf thoLit y." Kate: '"Wliv, Jennie, you will make me vain. I have oiily one source of in format ion, but it is surprising how it mets Ml wants. 1 vcrv sel'hun hear et" anylhmjr new but what the neit few dayi briiiff me full information Oil the, subject. M.isiic? No! Mag-aziue! nl a irroat trensure it is to us nil, for it really f miiihc-s the icauinjr for the "whole hous'ohol.l ; father has (riven up his magazine that he has taken tor years, as he says this one pivej more- nnl better information on the subjects ol" the d.-.y ; and mother says that it is that that makes-her such r famous housekeeper. Ii fact, we all r.jrreo that it is the only really family niHtra.iue published, as we have sent for samples of ull of them, and Dud that one is nil for men, another all for women, and another for children only, while this one sufts every one of us; eo we only need to take one instead of sevcrnl,.and that is where the economy conies in. for it is only $:J.OO a. year. Perhaps you think I am too lavish in my praise: but 1 will let yost&ce ours, or. better still, send 10 cents to the pv;b lisher, W. Jennings Dcmorest, 15 East Jfth Street, New York, for a sample copv. r.nd 1 6hall always consider that 1 have done you a jrreat favor ; andinay be yon will le-euttin(r us out, as you say we have the reputation of being the best informed family in town-. If that be so, it L LVtinurest'tJ FaiaUy ilagazuw that does it." mm V Recommended sts the Best. IX Le Mabs, Plymouth Co., Ia., May, 1889. I ouffered from temporary sleeplessness from overwork for two years, for which I used Pastor Eoonig's Nerve Tonic, and can recommend mju as the best medicine for. similar treats tes. F. BOKNHOBST. Chancy, Tenn., October, 1890. Owing to a runaway about a yonr ago, my son was thrown from a wagon and severely hurt abont the head. For many days ho was entirely beside himself and raving, and needed continual watching. At this time I learned of Pastor Ko. nigs Nerve Tonic and at once ordered a bottle,. After I had given Mrn the second dose be feil into a quiet Bleep and ceased raving. The next day he waB much better, and when he had used up the contents of the bottle he was entirely re stored and is bo still. FRED BF.rskw eft. A Valuable Boole en Nerron y ii.ea."fes sent tree to any ad-tress, and poor patients can also obtain this mecticiRO free of charge. This remedy has beea nreuarGii by the Keyerend Pastor Koenijr, of Fort Wayne, ind., Biuss and snow prepares! uuaereis direction oy tae KOENIC MHO. O., Chicago, 111. Sold by Druggists at. lrer Bottle. 6 for r TJarge Size, S1.75. 6 Bottles for S9. t?3r a n n tu m 3-. - a mil m Hi ItlMlilM (Th Queia of Fairies ) FOR LADIES. STRICTLY HIGHEST grade; DIAMOND FRAME CUSHION and PNEUMATIO TIRES Warranty With Every Wheel SEXD Y0UB ADDRESS F0S CATALOGUE ARIEL CYCLE MF6. G0.,oo,sM"N' Scientific American Agency for - CAVEATS. "w r4 dbsicm patents 'tVT COPYRIGHTS, etc TDinc MiBira. For Information end free Handbook write to MUNN Sc. CO- 3C1 BROADWAY, NEW YOBC Oldest bureau for secnrln patents ia America. Every patent taken out tit ns is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in tne .ireest cirec!ati'-.n of any scientific paper In the ririd. tpfen'li5 i!iu--trtfcd. o iritlliKent m,ui s-i-.'itd be f,:b-,ur :. WeeSrir. .1.00 a 'i.'o :x m.-.nt ii5. Aadres MljN'N A CC CiiijatX-S, Sti i..foau;iiv, :.t iork. mm . mil ARIEL ' q J 7 "x. irr DRUGS! DRUGS ! DRUGS 11 H D 0 D ; CARRIES THE LARGEST AND MOST CO PLETE LINE OF IN TOILET ARTICLES. COLD DRINKS SCHOOL BOOKS AND STAT IOWA R Y SAVE MONEY BY BUYING OF US. VERY BrXPECTFULLY, D. II. HOOD. Mexican Mustan A Cure for the Ailments of Mao and Beast- A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, fHe Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every oaa requiring an effective liniment. No other application compares with it in efficacyi. This well-known remedy has stood the test ol" years, almost generations. No medicine chest is complete without-a bottio oi Mustang Liniment. Occasions arise for its use almost every day All druggists and dealers have it. 1 Y 0 1! X R k CO. GENERAL FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS Plej lonlon liverpool & olobe, Virginia fire & marine, north carolina home and sotjthertj Insurance Company of Louisiana. Also tne Old Reliable PENNSYLVANIA MTJTTJAL Of Philadehia, ' The Best Company m Existences OFFiCK in YOUNG BROS. STORE. IB 0 ALL SKIN BLOOD DISEASES- The Best Household TfrffyW, Once or tmmtgm cki ymjt tiM my tern needs purglBe eX tike impui. ties wfeidbk clopr tlae TtfieL. Cob childhood te ooL mum cejne3- rnirn irlfri tliri an Bin ldi tsinty of g-oed molts ft P.AShepberd. Nptfoi, Anient ie. i838, wrte.- I dejnd on, R C. for t&c preawation SJNaod-aa,w"-veBOtll! nr Write for Sllutratd -Book of Wonder- VOX CO . Atlanta. fentfrea, DUNN. CONFECTIONARIES, AND OF ALL KINDS I Liniment -:o iesentixig 1 FOR AXL BLOOD amd SKICll D10EASEQ o) To) j wwm i.-4 If rltnM SCft8fUUktCCtS. SALT 6 4tt MaMnttaJ far. N ' MMdiftM iflw4. 8EHT FREE -JliJ2l V BLO0D BALM C0 UlnU, U. ' d,-vt'4Vyya 1 1

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