THE "TIMES.- THURSDAY, JANUARY y. 1803 ' 8- (UTTERS OF LOCiL IKTEnESTT llKTUrIT. Service the '4th Sun .Ut al 11 a- u:., an J at nijryt t 7 p. im. K:rt Sunday nifc-ht at S:'J0 p. m. nutiuur heal at p. ni.. Prof. D. B. Parker, .Superintendent, Kiev. J. D. Pkorau, Pastor. PsilTiVi Baptist. Services Sit urJa and Ju:iday morningi before the third Sunday iu each mouth lUv. Buunick Wood, Pastor. DoiCIPLES. Services 3rd Sunday in each Month, aioiniug and night. Snn ijaj aicUvol lit 4 p. m., every Suud iy, frayer every Thursday ni'ii. liKY. U. W. Uowahd, Pastor C, W. fc. meet every iIonU3'iilit after le an J "and 4 th Sunday in each tti-j-Jtii. BAPTIST. Serrices every -2-idand 4th 9 .SuuOy at Ua. tu.-, and 7 p. in. Suu !ay ickwl at a. iu., It. G. Taylor, Su'-'t. Prayer alcctiug every Thursday vui:i at 7.' Kev. W I Watson, Pastor. T"r:k-V ill Baptist. Services on Send Sunday at 11 o'clock aud oil 4th "i jnJay ac p. ui. - ' llzv. II. A. Johnson, Pastor. LOGA:L. suow yenttr-iayl , Lst Sunday was "resolution day." The aaow fall in Duan was 5 in cbe. , - . Tba through train cinauieacc d rucjfiDg Sunday night. M9r. L. J.-Ifccl and E F, Young tteut up to Lilliugtori Monday. Mr. M. J. MeKenzxs of Maxton, w4 in lown last week. - "Mr. Martin Williams of Kenly was 'i 1 . 4& KJWU Mr, aid lire. K. F. Young spent a few da) 8 iu Wilson last week. -Wo arc glad to note that Rev. R. A. Johnson is much better, I.TOl. 15. diaon spent uic -vum holidays at Dicknvaon. Air. el. A. i Jtliuan tU o:uin:uv;iu, as in the city last week. School opened v both, schools Monday after a vacation of one week. w -r . . r p...:ii.p.,! l .'Mr. R.' T Stephenson or hys. j.aid our otlioe a pleasant call Mon- Mrs. M,- A. Hood spent a few days in towu last w:e:k with her' sou, Mr. I), llj Hood, Cotton seems to be falling oil. we hnvc uot seen but a few bales since Christuiaj.. Mr. Simmons preached his first scrmou hero, in the M 1. church Sunday nih. l)r; O. L. Denning spent a few 1as in Claytou last week on busi ness. .('"". - " Mr. McD. Holliday is spending this week with relatives and friends at Grimeslaud. N. C," Mr; Lee J. Best spent Christmas vith relatives and friends in Gulds We were delighted to see the snow come, but as much so to see it go, Tub Times makes it appearance 'again after taking a weeli of! lor U. F. Shaw of Ashburn, Ga., spent the holidays with relatives and friends in this county. Mrs, W. B. llarrell returned Fri day from Raleigh, whore ihe has, eep spending rfew days with her, fcon, Ms;. Kuulie Harrell, After sponding a wok bomo diir inr hulidava. Misses Callie t - m -r " " j -' Avera and liottio Barnes returned to jC;reen&b.-ro. Female" Collego at preeusboro yesterday.' '. Dotijjtless ftotap ot pur yonng men's heartg aro very heavy orcT-tho de- parture pf- their best gis. Bqys - we csn sympathize wilb ypa. "we've been tuxi'e." Miss ilay Harrell, pne orWilmlug. tons most charming young ladies, re .turned to lier home yesterday after apendinjj somo time with the family of Dr. Harreli. Mr. M, D. Hlgg left Monday lor Clay;on, where he will take charge ol the Drug business of M..D. Higgs j & Co. Wo regret to loose Mj. but H'f!, i : .. -V'. s?.vo.a irs I'm f'M'.lli' foathe annual statement fj i-'je. Kicli Mr. Cijai UKjderwi(il (if motul, is yiMtir.g the family of Mr. II. Q. McNcill'this wetk. Mr. K IL McNeil! of P.nrin spent'the Xmas holidays In the ;ity tvilh his hnjiher. Mr. H. C. . McXcUi- II r. E, F. i Young went to Wilson ye&terdav to' to attend the im-rriasc of his sister. ; - i Dr. J. H.: Daniel was called t. Rowland last Friday on professional business-, returning home Mondnj'. The residence of Rev. R. A. John sou caught Ore yesterday morning caufecd by a defect in the chimney, not iLiieu damuge was done. Miss Clydp Br -'tie of Duplin coun ty, nr.d Mrs Vatiera Williams o'f New.on Grove, spent the Xmas holi days in the city, guests of Miss Florence Harper. ' The Steamer TJiubria of the, Con crd Line 'between New York and Liverpool which wao tl.ouglit to have been lot'in th-3 recent storm at sea, ai.'ived ih New York last Saturday with all safe .t b ar l. ' 'lt-.c Board of Magistrates and Poard of County Com.hissioners niii hast Monday to elect 'a commissioner to Gil the place resigned by Mr. Neill A. Smith cur Representative-elect, tiitre being. 'no quorum present they couldn't have an ckctiou. ' Eymenaal Altar- CULHUKTII B12ZELL. On Wednesday December 28th. 1892, Mr. JitPus A. of Dunn's caosi handsoine and highly reapeoted young men, lead to the Hymeneal Altar, Miss Vcnie 1. Bizzell, -jue ,of Fayetteviile's most beautiful a:-d ac complished, belles. The cereojon' was performed In a very appropriate Kmanuer by Raw W. B. Olfver at the residcAce of i!ie bride's father, Mr. H. N. Bizzell, after which the. bride and trroom departed for the home of the groom's fathar, where a most ex cu leat reception was held, all present wishing a long life and au uuelouded futureto- the happ' couple, TLey came to D'inuv their future home, Monday morning, and many friends received them with open arms, the i.ope of all bei:g that all the joys and riches of a 1 nj aud well spent life attend thera. The... -Times extends i s heartiest congratulations. May tlnir lives be bke h suuim it's dream, one of infi nite i)etice and eternal y. In" Hemo'iam. On Sattirda' ino'iiiisg, Dec. 17th, at 2 o'clock, at lier hojie, Rosin Dili, Sampou county', the angel Jesus tailed from our midst Mrs. Emma Gregory, thu beloved wife of Mr. James Gregory, aged 23 years 11 months and 3 weeks. She leaves a benevolent husband and two children. Leo and Luci in, a multitude of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. While the hearts of the older rela tives and friends are grieved, how are little Leo's and Luciau's. Will they remember when they shall have grown into manhood ihe gentle voice of their dear mother ? Perhaps little Leo will, but Luciau, the baby, will never remember that dear mother of his who loved him so dearly. : ' . ' Mrs. Gregory had been confined to her room about four weeks. During tuis time every every-effort was made to restore her health, butjill in vain. God had called her to that happy home where there is. no sorrow uor wrief. She was a consistant member of the Roman Catholic church. But aUs. we may-be prudent and wise.. but we are notable to resist that call of God's, Uus passes away the glory of the world. On Sunday evening she. was taken to. the cemetary at Nekton Grove and buried. M. B. NOTICE. By virtue of a power of sale con tained dn a certain Mortgage Dtcd executed to J. M. Bass, Jr., by E1- win Jones and wife, ami duly trans ferred to E. F. Young. 1 1 on Monday, February 6th, 1893, sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House Door in Lillington one tract or parcel of -land situated in Averasboro, Harnett cou .ty', N. C, adjoining the lands of J. A. Taylor, S. T. Barefoot and others, containing 25 acres more or lass. For a be. er discrip'don- reierence 13 made to the lc .f IlRrr.ett Count V. TUiS Dec. 3 1st, 1892. . " . ' K. F. Youxc. V " Assignee of Mortgagee. Jan 5 ts. L i.k f.. . New Ye5,r Eesolutions- ; Thi is t?.e time of the yrr.r when ' ,uen l'liing over tfieir past days re- sdw li correct the errors tint they see. And ihey make loig resolu lions tliat this year will .be spe!!l in doing better for man and God But what is an ill kept resolution; whut s a violated trus: ; wiut is a broken proevser ? We should not on the sous..- tons anp street comers make lew resolutions for a new year-but in i. ... ue feecrei cnamoers oi our own ' f.m, L , I uicry muueut anu e-very ear striye to do that which our con ecience tell us are right, and then the world will be belter, for no mat ter how depraved wo tre there olten comes to us a sti.l quiet voice tkat bids up be-up ajid doing those things ) UJ on! that will not o:dy be to our world v ad vantage out be an indestructible monument to us when, the grave has closed over us and we in the silent dust be laid to rest,' 'I he first da.) of the year is not the Litne to resolve do good, but every day and every hour we should -be not only resolving but carrying out our resolutions. In June or Jlnuary, iu May or December we have opportun ities of doing g.,ol and by taking ad van tag of theeo opportunities we serve our Saviour better thau by making new resolutions only to be broken whtn the first lomptatio 1 besets'us. 2o matter wlixt bo our sphere of labor the .end for whioh man shapes his most brilliant plans and highest aspirations is to Le able when the last day comes and when he stands before 1 the one " who created him to give a reeord that is purjF, to receive frurn Hiui who holds fl worlds in his hands words of commendatiOQ and an invitation io join that choir that sings forever and forever more prtisci to llosanua. j Then away wilb Nesv Year Reso lutions. Let every day find each one of us uctive iu doiuj the best we can. Let our aim forever be to be true to tuan and God till iu peace when he has called us we may sleep beneath the sod. Then history will jrive us its plaudits, mankind will give us its praises and the God who made us his thrilling words of commendation, "Enter thou iato the joy of thy Lord." E. V. C Petition for Esmbval of Court Housa- State of North Carolina, .Harnett County. Notice is hereby given that an ap plication will be mailj to the ' next General Assembly for an act to be i passed to allow the quaiilicd otcrs of Harnett county to 'vote upon the removai of the C ounty Court House Site from Xilliugtou to the fiye mile post from Dunn on the Li 1 ling ton road in Grove township. ' I vm' authorized by the' firm of Taylor & Socumb, a firm doing A mercantile and naval store business near said mile post, to say to the public that they will give a scpuare of five acres of land to erect the Court House and Jail upon, and further n id uive one thousand dollars to be ipp icd upon the baildiug of brick buildings for Court Hous and Jail. This December 15th, 1892. A.- J. Turlington. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of a Deed of Trust from D. A, Jonesi lecorded in the offico of the Regit ter of Deeds for Harnett county, m Book C, No. 2, Pages 358-50, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, on Wed:;esday the l?th day of January, 1893. the property conveyed in said deed in trust, Uo-wit : Ono thirty hoise-power, A lieu & Cram, steam engine, and one stationary thirty-five horse power boiler and fixtures, lo' cated at Dunn. N. C, algp one Tal bott Saw HI II 1 with the Disston Saw fixtures, etc.. conveyed in saici deed of trust. Time cf sale 12 o'clock in. Place of sale 00 premises where the aoove described property is located, at Dunn, N. C. This Dec. 17th 9;2, J. N. Holding, Trustee, dec 22 '92 ts. ' LAND SALE. By virtue of powtr of sals coataia ed in a certain Mortgaj D4 cuted to E. F. Young by John Holmes, and. wife, Amelins Holmes, and duly recorded iu the Register of Deeds office of Harnett county 1 will on Monday-, February 6th, 1893 sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Lflinglon, N. C, one tract or parcel of land sit uated in Averasboro towbship con Gaining 103 acres more or less, for a better inscription reference is made to the records of Harnett county. TLia January 2nd. 1803. r V --v.-. NOTICR!!! One mull hcalcd eo'w and mw white yearling has aken up with thy cattle, has been there for. 6 moat!i$. the owner can get them by payiii ' the eo ;t of this ad. J. M. Towxeii. '. Dunn, N. C. V "Prizes-. The Prize for the largest Turnip; oflered by D, II. Hood, the Drag-M.' and See.lman of Dunn, has been! awarded: First to Ja.ules Renrdoivj weighing 100 ounces, '$2.50; second ttj J, H.v Ballance. .weighing 85 ouncc, 1.50 : third to C. S. Piiiln lips, weighing 73 ounces, $1.00. -Ti e" above named, gentlemen will please call at my store Mid get the cash, . - D. H. Hood. . V NOTICE OF LAND SALE. X By virtue ol a power of sale con tained in a certain iuortgage Deed made to J. AJ Taylor by J. T, CJor bett and wife, and duly regi.-tered iu Book F, No. 2. Pages 87 8 Records of Harnett county. I will sell at pub lic sa'e for cash at the-. Court House door in Lillington on the Gth day of February, 1893, at 12 o'clock m '2 small tracts of land, adjoining each other in. the edge of the town of Dunn, containing five acres upon' which there is a bpleuded dAe ling house it being where the said J. T. Curbett now live3, to satisfy sail Mortgage. This 3rd day of January, 1893. J. A. Taylor, jh Mortgagee, F. P. Jones. Att'y. Jan-5-is. I i . RECEIVERS NOTICE. !; Having been appointed Receiver of the property and effects of the Cape Fear Shingle Company, a corpor'a'4 tion. heretofort! doing business in Stewarts Creek township, Harnett county, N. v ,, near Cape Fear River.; au j having fiied the bond as required by the order of appointment, I will on the 5th day of Januarv, 1803, utU on the premises of the corporation! sell ac public auction for cash to ttie highest bidder all the property be, longing to the said corporation, edo-i sisting of machinery, tools, beltiug, shafting, pulle-s, engines, boilers, saws, and a large lot of other valuabd effects. Hour of sale 12, noon.. 1 All peraons indebted in any; mani ner to said corporation are notified to make payment to me: at once and save cost and expenses. j C. McArtan Receiver; .1 f P O. address liillington, N, C. - i dec 8 ti. ! 1 i u' A Good Opaning for a Newspapar- We will sell our entire outfit cheap. A 7 column Washington Hand Press, plenty of Display Type, good will, etc. Term made easy. For further, particulars, address, !"?! The Times, f Dunn, N. C,'t P. O. Box, 145. . . EOR SALE. By virtue of. a certain Mortgage Deed made to me by W. B. Norrfs, and recorded iu Book F, No. 2. Page 19-4 of the Records of Harnett cou 1 ty, On Saturday the 21st day of January. 1893, at 12 o'clock, at tie Court House Door- in" the town of Lillington I will Hell at j)ubhc sale Ao the highest bidder for cash the lafed described idsaid Mortgage, 15 lots sifuated m the town of Averasbo.xi, Nos. 1. 2, 3. 4. 5, 6, 7, 11, 12. 13. 14, 15, 61, 62 63, from one to seven. dye ing the b'ock on which R. J. Norfis now resides.-on the. east Bide of tlie Fayetteville and Raleigh road; fFm eleyeu to fifteen, on the west side.:df said road; from sixty one to j sixCyj threo. lies on the uorth side of Aver- Usboro and Dunn road. This Dec. 20ih. 1892, Joiin A. Gkeen. . Mortgagte.r dec 22 02. It' ADMU-ilbTRATORS NOTlCli Having qualified as Administrator of (h3 estate f R. M. Cannady, ir., deceased, before the Clerk of Harhtt Superior Court, all persons indebted to the said estate ' are notified .f'o make immediate payment . to the itn dersigned and all "persons holding claimg agains t:;e.-said estate re notified to make payment to the undersigned,- duly verified, on or before February 10th, 1894, cr this noice Will be pleaded in bar of their i"e ebvery. This January 3rd. 1S9.; L. M. Ryils, I Ad'ininialratol. VALUABLE LATJ 1 BUSIKESS LOCALS. FLKMING & CO'S. IS TlIE CHEAPEST PLACE IX TOWN. If m.u want lU best Sliirt in ; iiue eL i-ieiiiin' CO. .MlCUOBE KlLLPlR. -TLos2- f-urf r. ing with Consumption would do well io ?et a, iu- of IiTole Kiil-'r" nr.'1 ! Ur- tfiro , j tou late. . We have tlie nicest line of Ncck are in town. Fleming & Co. - .If you want nice dress trimitgs. remember our line is complete. Flem ing & Co. ' We. h ive now the latest s'yle . of Ornamental Buttons. .Come and ex amine them before on buy. Flem ing &. Co. If 3'uu. wait'an all Wod shirt you can et it at Fleduing & Co's. If you want a into Hat buy .it from Fleming & Co., whoje you can get it cheap. Fleniing & Co. will sell 3-011 a nice button s!;oe for 1.00. School" Books, Klates, Cra'on and ami all Schooi sujiplies "at D. II. iJou-i's Drugstore. Fi nit of the Loom at Fleming & Co's. for 3 cents a 3'ard. If you want a nice Tablecloth bty it from Fleming & Co. at 20 itl cent per yard. ' If yoa are in need of Underwear remember yon can' buy wool suits at FLming & Co's. cheap. If yoa want a nici pair of pants buy them from Fleming & Co's. where you can get them cheap. IT yi-u want a nice pair of 40 Cent suspenders buy -them at Fleming- & Co's. for 25 cents. ' Ladies, if you want a nice belt buy it from Fleming & Co. , Fleming. & Co. will sell you shoes cheaper than anybody in town. Don't forget that' we have the nicest line of clothing in Dunn, and that we will ell you a suit cheaper than you can buy them elsewhere. Examine before you buy. Fleming & Co. " Fleming & Co. have Ladies Shoes from 50 cents per pair up. . Fleming & Co. have just received a nice line of cheap dres coats, over coals, ets, call and examine . before you buy. . S Where did you get that coat ? ' At Fleming & Co'.'s cheap store for $2.75, and it's all wool, Beet "Qui nine" at D. "'II. Hood's Drugstore for 50 cents per ounce. Glove Grain Shoes at Fleming & Co's for $1.00.- Fleming &'Co, carry a complete line of Gent,3 Dress Shoe. and Ladies Miles All School Books nsed in the pub lic Schools for salo at D H. Hood's Drug-Store, " j Sqhool jBooks, you can get any kind of school books at D. II, Hood's Drugseore, , D, II. Hood will have a. fine lot of Xnias coods and fire works this xmas. at D.II. iLVv Uoift forget to call at L, li. Hood s Drugstore whe in heed of any thing in the" drug line, He will save you money. ' . Those who bought Turnip Seed from me last Spring now has has the chance of.making $5.00. I will pay in cash $2.50 for the largest Turnip; $1.50 for the eeeond largest, and $1.00 for the third largest. '. Bring your. Turnips, you may get the prize, j I, II, 11 000. Waea Baby waa dek, gftT ber Castoria. Whan ahe was a Chil'J, eh cried for Castoria. Waaa she bar am r iliss, she cluu to Castoria. When she had Children, ile s&t? Uieih Castoria Flemir.g & Co. carry a complete line of Dress Shoes for both Gent' and Ladies, The nicest line of Furs cyer brought to Dunn 13 now at Fleming & Co's. Fleming & Co. have just received j i0 ' Hm-au., the nicest line of Trunks Valise ,nd ; tho who anticipate going to house firm Sa ever brought to Dunn. ! PinS c?'lDe and Iel UJ and t: r-v will sell vou a l-U-3r Va i for Snfants "Cast en" i Ut to veil auaptod to et2iincn tht I recommend it ok superior to oxj" prescription kno-wTi to m:' H. A. Axcekk, iL D., IU Sow Oxford SL, Brookln, It. T. -Th use of Tastoria is eo nclwsal and ita merits bo well known that it seras a 'Vi-rk of Bupsrwotr&tion to endoree it. Fw atha intelligent families who do uJl kep Castoria wittua easy reach. " CasLoa SLismr, D.D., : ' New York Ciry. Late P&stoc EJoomicdaIo Ceformed Church. . Tea Czyraos a. V- aa.vaA.eA.V REV-J . WMPBELL, Principal. Bini. Jo I A. LaIhPdLLL, Assistant. Ninth session opens Dec. 5th, 1892.) Good building-r 133 enrolled last) year. Over 250 enrolled since school was founded; 30 ofwhom have been teaching. ' i Vocal Music cand" Pennraanship Free, 50 per c?nt. discount to ministers, their children, orphans, or the child ren of widows, - ' Tuition from $1.00 to $3.00. Good board," including washing, $6,50 to $7,00.- For circulars or other infoimat)ur apxdy o the Principal. , uov 17 '92. : v LAND SALE. By virtue of power of sale fon- tained in a certain '.Mortgage giveV by.G. M Capps to C. A. Young. & Bro., date February 3rd, 1892, an duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeo3 of Harnett county in Book "C." No, 2, Page 530. We willbn Monday the 16th day of Jan u;ry 1893, at the Depot in Dunn, Harnett county, N. C, sT to the highest bidder for cash one tract or parcel of la id eituated in Averasboro towns'i'p, Harnett 'county, adjoining the lands of John. Phillips and others containing 8 G acres more or lcs, for a better discription reference is made to the Records of Harr.eit county, Thi3 Dec, 17th, 1892. 1 C. A. Young - & Bro., dec 22 ts. Mortgagees. NOTICE OE LAND SALE 1 " By v!riuc of a power of sale" con tained in a certaiu Mortgage Deed made by J. T. Corbett and wife . IL C- ibett, to Mary Parker, and by her traftsered to me, wh'Ch Mortg age Deed has been duly recorded in Book T, No. 2, Page 136. Records of Harnett county, I will, .on the 2nd day of January, 1893. at the Court House Door in Lillington. sell at public sale for cash, a tract of land adjoining the town of ppnn, con taining seven acres, more oi le33. This the 29th day of Nov. 1892. J. G. Lay ton, Jr, Assignee f Mortgaee. F. P. Jones, Attorney. ' dec 1st 4w. A .15 ill 2 oil Friends. " A friend in need is a friend indeedj and not less than one million people have found just such a fried as in Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Ccughs, and Colds. -If you have never used " this Great "Cough Meeicine, one' trial will convince you that it has wonderful curative pow ers in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs. Each bottle is guaran teed to do alMltat is claimed or mon ey refunded. Trial bottles free al Harper & Hood?s Drug store. .Large bottles 50c. and $1.00. It will pay you Tue Times. to advertise in Flemina & Co. have just received I a nice line of Clothing, 1 A'nice lins of Curtain Polls just received at Filming &' Co.'s from 25 cents up, ' Attention Jportsmen: Go to Lee Hardware Co. for your Powder and Shot, loaded and unloaded shells. We now have in stock the Win chester nd Rimington Rifles, two of the most popular guns in use. Lee Hardware Co. f .1. t. , I -1. ! .. .1 OUT CIUjiifiB iiiit; ji tuiiiimit, 4irt" Cf''-k $'T V TV ft. It IT V I and Children Caaforla ceres Col! OocstftSra, Sour SLoaiach, Diarrhcea. uota&ito. ft uim yy "nan, ire Hwjt. and rtatioa. WitLout injoriou wAriintu , For MTCral rears I t your Castoria, 1 aud ahairalwaTa do si as It haa inTariahi iwortuna resmis. Eiwnr r. Pasbz JL B M The Wlnthrcp," liSth Street a&d -... tfvSMkC$, Coapxirr 77 MuKair Btu, LEE J. Rf?f5T. D U N H. C' Will practice ia HarntU, joining Counties. Special aMrif 1 plven to collection of claimju lLV-ii W. E. MlRCniSOR, ;" Jonesboro, N. O. LUiIaaa, ui wriAiii ATT0RNEYS-AT.JJLX7 LILLINGTON, . C. Orlice fronting Court IioaM. Arril-Sl-92. , i R, J; II DANIEL, U DUNN, UARNitTTCO. Has met with most wondtrfml cess iu the treatment ofCanftv. 'rite to him for on t kU phlTts on Cancer and its UftaliaAsA. J. A. FMMEB,' ITTORHEY 1KB COUKSELOR IT L1W DUNN, N. C. . Circuit : Harnett, Johnston, Saxap' son aid Cumberland. Collections a specially, ' v Prompt attention. giren to fl. busU" ness jilaced in hand." A. liittle dlrlM. KtnOrUai-Aln . ' Mr, and Mrs, Loren Tretootk ar keejiers of the Gov. Lightkoast al ; Sand Beach, Miss., and gre bLcatftd 3 i- witq a daughter, four years old. Lxtl , j & w . , April she was. taken dovn with X les, followed with a dread fl Coif and turning jnco a Fever. Doctori . at home And fit. Dofrntf. taimA k - . wovva m 9m a Hilt lit vain 'qIia am. n Jt until she was a mere VLanidful tX' bones." Then. she tried Dr. r iat . New Discovery for Consumption 4p4 after the use of twa and a Ualf ties, was completely, cired. Wkaj say Dr. King'a Ner DUcttTtrj 1 worth its weight in gold, jti jm V9J- get a trial bottle free at Uarfar q Hoods Drugstore. If you are not feelinz itTroor and' healthy, try Electric Bitterf, jj "La Grippe" ha left weak and vtarr, . use Electric Bitters; This radr acts directly on Liver, Stomach aaq Kidneysgently aiding those- organt to perform their functiong. If yof " are afflicted with Sick Headache, yoa Will find speedy and permanent rhef' by taking Electric Bitters, una trial will convince you that thiif if tka. remedy you need. Large bottlfi . ly 50c at Harper Hood' Drajr Store. ' NOTICE I offer for sale my plantation I7-. ing on the Fayetteyille and SmilhJtldt couDty road3 miles fro ta Dunn, good, dwellings,! good well of water, fit. acres cleared. The tract eoaUiat a' bout CO acres, term ona lvalf aa ba ance will give time. 'Respectfully, ; John'. G. JEBNiaajK, Dunn, N, A4i, SeleatlStyAsericsai kA CAVfATS, B MARK 3. ' fATKMTta SMTa, For In formation n4 frea Handbook writ to OldMt bsrea lot aaenrliw tiatttta la JLlMiiaa. - LTerr patent takes out br a ! broacht bforl th public br a notiea &rta U charg ta tha Lr?et ercnlatlora of ar.f. dntlit p porta tba. roriS. tjpifciilicllj tUitrato4. No latailireoa 3i V- wtwt It. WwklT, Mj3.U :'-- ;'.-.. - -('!- . - -a

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