8 as C. rn:r.:sm.D Kvkky Trri:.:DAV, r.v VL-iixn a g::tii.m. 'iliriiSDAY .JANLa!:Y.-20, ISM. 'I'l.p p-njtV f a portion of Ilir rill. i:ful.-rlan''. sMtni son and Jit'in s: n counties are luakin a move fui n new :'iu;i'v. The boundaries have been part it I !y si j; jested by a com m;ttpe n;"i:i(cil by a iE.etli:iz of tl.o citizens of the above seeii'ms hel l in Dunn on Wednesday las', a: (1 sever al pe! it ions are circulating !o- siiurs in favor of the movement, ami when the proper time cones 'ami al the necessary arrangements have been made, application will be in de to the Ge-.?r-! Assembly ofNf rt'-i Carolina f . r line- cointv. the boundaries win be made known later r by reference to the l titton3 now in the hand of tee appobitad committees. 18 On . 1.00 7.90 C 93 i'O i I C!.s:a s all.jAe I during March, '92. I A W t iregory bunaul of pan I er ( $ 3.15 ; II T Sjer.rd clerk board c. Cini.iiiissioinrn Feb 1892 .1 W Loc". justievs docket F.I Swan n co commissioner and mil ape II T'Spcars stationary bill C MeArtan eMf stationa y bill C McArian s!i!f summons jurors Feb. term 1,392 ' D J l'arker wittness in Stale . vs Thf.s MeDouirpld J M Hodges chairin'n board co. commissioners & milage Josh McLean ferryman for Feb. 92 and repairing bridge Pauper list for March 1892 ANftUAL STATEMENT- LlLLiXGTOX, N. C, Jany, 10th, 1893 The following claims weic allow cd bv. the Hoard of County nmis-t-ionf-rn during fi--al yt r beginning iiee, 1st, 1891, and ending Nov. 30. 192. Claims allowed during Dee. 1S91. W A Page. Jailor, Joshua McLean, Ferryman at Liilington N A Smith, Co. Commissioner and mileage ' F J Swann, co. commissioner and mileage J ! F Stewart, Justices docket A L Haugi coin,!eeper of poor house J T KM'ng'on, ShfiT. Johnston ci. (jail fees) J no A Camerson, C S C, State vs. J T Wilkins Geo 11 1'iiniv, CSC State vs J T Wilkins C Mi-Art m SLcif State vs J T Wilkins ML Wade dep. shif; Slate vs J T Wilkins W CJ Slo'ie witness Style vs J T Wilkins, Y S Jackson witness State vs J T Wilkins Pauper list for ,Dec. 1891, $ 5.50 24.50 5,20 11.85 1.00 28.20 2.50 1,96 .45 1.50 4.90 4 90 CG.20 Total during .March .'32 $191 94 Claims allowed during April, '92 A L BnughvOin conveying G W Workman to Asylum $ 5.00 J A Green kecpb g Liilington ferry. March 1892 20,00 I)r Ii T Spence examination of GW Workman 5.Q0 W L McLean lumber for bridge .80 li T Spears clerk lo:ird co, commissioners Mch. 1892 13.80 C MeArtan, M Smith and N A Smith J.-.il repairs 300.00 C MeArtan conveying prison- to ami irom smithfield . 25. 7u II T spears Keg. of Deeds Jack McXuy asst. at Liiling ton ferry. Aug. '92 H T Spears elk board co. com m ssdoners. July 92 H T Spears elk board Co com missioners', April '92. II T Spcais elk board co com missioners. May 92 II T Spears elk board co. coin mis ioners. June '92 I M E Dixon rebate on costs 11.70! an,i is(I8D0) MeN'air Matthews duplicate 2 00 i w:,ler f.r No. 312 j W A Page Jailor 46 20! A Bau-hcom deeper poor house L L Turlington list taker Grove ;iune '92) 20.00 C McAri an ho'ding Au -list court '92 " 30.GO J T Ellington s! tT of John- 1 ston co. jail feus ' 52.80 j Fa . per list for S p. '92 75.90 D U i N. 1 Wo AC ADEiriC INSTITUTE, 25.75 G5.70 1 I . 'J 25,25 29,21 4,13 2 80 23.90 5.25 One of tho CHEAPEST a d REST Schools iu t! c State, in wbkh to give your Hoy and G.rls a good PraetN cal Ed ligation i j BOOK-KEEPING j. Taught FREE For further particulars, Address i i B. K. Masov, Principal, Dunn. N. C 1 jLLIIIj UT COST For the next 30 da s ray entire CI stock of goods at the J. J. Dupree old eland. NOTICE! ! ! Total, Sept. '92 $323.14 10,50 record "G No. 2" Pauper list for April, '92 11.52 64 50 Total for I)?cyl39t $1G5.7G Claims allowed during Jany. 1892. i Jaxuauv 4th. 1892L Ed Smidi, to. commissioner and mileage $4G,80 McArtih Shtrhold'ng Nov. court, 18'il t II T Spears Clerk ljoird c-. commissioners Xv. ,1891 co. Tota) during April, 1892 $446.32 Claims allowed during Mar. 1892 J M Hodges assistance to pau Ir $ 2.50 To Treas, of Averasboro free fcr'V . , 150.00 Pauper lit for May. '92 61.50 Total for May, '1)2 35.00 II I S; car Clerk lard cvinmissiontrs Dec?, 1891 UrJno .dcLornjlck Itied. ait. to pauper I G? E Iyrd, J P, le!tan2 and receiving biide Joshua McLean Ferrytoan dur i ing Dec. 1891 j llobert Mitchell burial of pau per j C MeArtan shfT rejiaiis on court house I'auper list for Jan. 192. Jaxuakv 5th, 1892. J A Taylor Treas. A v rasboro v ree r errv 21 30 27,50 8.0 3.00 20.00 3,00 $217.00 Claims allowed during June '92. A L liaughcom keeper of poor house $37.45 A L Haughcom burial of Alex Smith Jno A Green keeping ferry at Lillingt n (2 mos.) C McArian shir notice to list takers S A Salmon holding inquest ofWUFowier W F Marsh co commissioner (no mileage) F J Swann co. commissioner and mileage U F Shaw, J P, official exami nation of T li Faucett S W Withers. J Inofficial ex amination of T li Faucett 2.00 Pauper list for June, "92 64 50 6,80 40,00 7.20 13.00 14.00 15.80 2.00 Claims allowed dwring Oct. '92 A L Hanghc im keeper of poor house 4 20 M T Rambeaut repairing bridge Geo K Byrd list taker Stewarts creek. June W F Marsh c. com'r. (no mile- ag() A W Gregory list taker Blk. River (June) Geo E Prince, CSC, station ary j . II T Spears elk board co. com commissioners Aug. H T Speaae cik board co. com missioners Sept. Pauper list for October One mull headed cow and on while 3'earling has taken up with m cattle, has been there for t5 months, llit owner-can get them by paying the co ?t'of this ad. : J. M. Fovlek. I Dunn, N. C. "SGinshams from 5 to G cents. Calicoes from 3 to 6 cents, i i'ant Cloth from 5 to 40 cents. -Worsted from 10 to 22i cents. Woolen S'nawls from .75 Vo $2.00. f '! - i A Gcod Opening for a Newspaper- We wdl sell our entire outfit cheap. A 7 column Washington Hand Press, plenty of Display Type, good will, etc Term made easj'. For f irth ei 20.00 particulars, address, The Timivs, 12.00 lHinn.N.C, P. O. Iiox, 115. 18.00 30 94 T.AVrVKAT.W AT COST. DONT FAIL TO CALL AND 1.0 a TUT? nDTTnrtTCrn it . i J-xi ' OF D B 3. GET A BARGAIN. Very Respectfully, . J. Q- DTJPKEE. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorii -4 HAS MOVED HIS ENTIRE STOCK; OF DRUGS, ETC., IN HIS NEW STORE JUST TWO DOORS ABOVE HIS OLD STAND. DON'T FORGET THIS 32-50 14 2 Uy virtue of power of sale eoa Uined in a certain Mortgage given by G. M Canos to C. A. Yoiiiio- bJU liro., dated February 3rd. 1892. and iiuly recorded in rho ofn.' it o r . I " - r-- . vii i-"J Register ut Deeds of "Harnett Mn'nii- in Un..l. 4'l T .If U' -a ... miaous auoweu miring jov. 92- will apo Feai & Yadkin Va'iey fiail- "way Company,, Total, Oct 92 Purlin i: -... icuuiimiii An i ruaiy uC18l. wt-vu. on,r0 SiM l hrnnlti-nnntr V on Monday the 20th day of Feb T;tre WlnSton, ic-oo . AJ5;ive FavetteTill, y. lfco, at the Depot in Dunn, f.re FajetieYuie, CG3DE8SED SCHEDULE. 4S EFFSCT MARCH 25 I'll, 1891, NORTH BOUND. 9.59 a B3 1.S5 p B3 In F J Sann co, commissioner liiahoar. Whh r.,r u Awive Greensboro, 3.03 n m C. soil to the ive raniHrjt 6.52 p tb or. 7 15 n l-i xi.oo parctti or la.ai situated m Averasborol M.aye nniuut tove, o.ca p.ra townslrp, Harnett county, adjoining Aiive lit. Airy, 11.15 p in and mileage N A Smith co, commissioner ami mueage 40.40 the Lnds of John PhilHns and nthpr i! 4. Daily Ksoept Sunday II f c 1 . t orv,ua oooksoi dune 'Z4O.U0 contaiuiiji' 3G acres mere or Ics. for 'W EnrrMvilIs 12.40 p m . . . 1?it Maxtoo. 1.27 D HJ rire Frctville, 2.57 p' in vw m3 .ncuuuts oi tiarnc.L conn v Total, November $471.95 This Dp,-. I7;h io- , - i - C A. iov:;o tfe Iiuo., ; dec 22 3.J Mortgagees. Pauper list for November BILLS OF COST. t No. 16, Daily Except Suaay. Lfuvtt Rarnsenr, 7.33 m A trive Greensboro. In L$ive Green-tboro, 10.45 a ui erive Madison. 1.05 nm v. r Total Tor June 1B92 $202,75 Claims allowed during July, '92: J A Taylor juror at i quest of W II Fowler J J J Wade juror at ii; ucst of W II Fowler . J R Godwin juror at inquest of W II Fowler . J C liood wia juror at inquest ofW'II Fowler j J W Lane juror at innuest of W. II Fow'er j C M.-Artan shir, travclihj; ex- 4 l.f nanj ti.n July 4th. 1892. Kd Smith ami, paid on Jail re- I,a? ' ' $125.00 II D Cameron burial clothes lor pauper C MeArtan one jail door A A Ryrd coffin rr Neill Me- Leod A L Raughcom keeper of poor "house 10.G5 j J C Alattliews jail contractor 261.00 60 30 ! J" Matthews attention to Pauper Alex Bradley ferry boat Glasg. w McLean assistance at Ldlington ferry Jno A Green ferryman at Lil li- gton (June '92) Pauper list for July '92 July 11th, 1892: . Ii F .Shaw list taker Lillings ton (June 92) i6t00 J F Shaw lit taker Anderson creek (June '92) n.80 Jno M Hodges cle.k board co. commissioners and mileage 2G.40 W L AViliiams repairing Wil liams bridge A A Dollar rep airing j Kivetta brides Total during Jany. $62.50 3 80 3,80 3.S0 3.00 3 80 1.60 49.40 5.00 1.37 12,00 1.50 4.20 10.00 3,50 .75 20.00 67 30 Insolvent bills of cost, nl! M Wr'l lv tl.f IJ..ar,l .,rC.M,ntv Canni.,iucf8 ATLAflHCj COAST LINE. .luring ns,,, year aias Nuv. soti, wHmagton & ,Wddon Bail Bead I and Branches. 1892 : Bills of cost given in monthly statement Allowed : February 1st. 1892. State ys J M By:d " " Henry M .ssey " Ehnira McLean A phil 4tb. 1892. S.ate vs Board co. com. $50.21 CCNDEfiSEO SCHEDULE. TRAILS GOING SOUTU. $1L83 Dated Feb. 28 '92. rani" Mail I i)aily P SI I V M . 1 "0 1- 5 4:i 4.67 1S92 $376.05 1892. Claims allowed dur Joshua McLean Jany. iw j $20.00 II T Spears clerk bfcard co. i Feb. rriyman. lotai uurinjr Jul.y, 1892 $560.82 Claims allowed during Au". 1892- commissioners II T Spears annual e&ateiuent lb9l A li Porter lepairing ftlcXeills bridge i W C Ivey publishing annual statement j W C Ivey public noli to be repaired" Tho3 Bryant buildi ) Laruls bridge Dr J A McI)oua!d1 attention to pauper W F Marsh co. commissioner no milage j II T Sj)ears record ojr Deeds t No. zr ' Pauper lis; for Feb. 1592 :e Jail S Me medical R C Belden list taker for T . . . jonnsonviue June 1892 $10,00 Jno U Harmon list taker for Barbecue June '92 R II Smith lis? taker for Hec J tors creek June '92 J R F Stewart list taker for U. L. River June '92 J A Green ferryman at LlN ling to n (July '92) C MeArtan shtf conveying Mrs S Johnson to As3lum W F Marsh building com for county jail Jno H Harmon. J 1 lettin" J out and receiving bridge J A Cameron renairin Cn bells bridiro F J Swann co. com'r luileago 525 j A L F.anghcom keeper of poor u use Pauper Its; for August '92 27,56 15,00 4.00 25.00 2.25j 24,95 repairing Camp and 18.00 16 00 24.85 20.75 11.00 5.00 2.00 " - D A Buie . " 44 F B Douglass " " Abram Cameron " 4 E B Taylor " " Thomas CoCleld " " D 11 Troiove " Zicliey Marks State vs May Lofiin State vs Josiah Pope Sta'.e vs Jno A Cameron biate vs Cole Cu minings State vs Doug Murchison Staje vs Lucian Norris No vjiJisijii 7ih. 1892. State vs Samuel Atkins Slate vs Andrew - Rsik-Pr Thos Dean State vs Neill McLeod Stale vs Detitha Branch (No. 42) .96 Stale vs Detitha Branch No 41 5.28 State ys N W W Smith 13 1 State vs O F Yarb oro Ami Roxanna Christian 23.03 State vs Stellie Arnold and Sol Arnold 7 91 Leave Wei Jon... Arr. Rocky Mt, $15.15 rrive Tarboro'.. A M 6 00 1 iO e 33 7 03 Leave TaiT;oro 9 71 Arrive vvuson f 1? I P M I .1 .'ave Wilson Arrive Se'ma Arr Payetfevilie. 12 SS I P M 213 ' 2 ?(T 5 '0 6 00 19.17 n 1 r, ueave oolUsboro... I 3 1" ... . ieave Warsaw '. 4 11 lo.50 Leave Magnolia.... I 4 47 o , ., I Arr- WUajiiiton- J 00 x 00 4,18 21.08 4.95 10 71 4.00 7 40 No. 12, Daily Except Sunday. rHEY EHERE! And are offering the NICEST LINE of g 0 0 b s. i A3 d is m m, Lcgi've Greensboro 1C.10 a tii L0;ve Walnut Cove. 1,55 p Ui ASijrve It. Airy 7-55 p m ri: No, 14, Daily Except Sunday. LetfvQ Brnnettsville 1.00 a m Lftjsvf Maxtou 4.33 a hi Aw-Jve Fayetteville 9.55 a m ''u SOUTHBOUND. IjjNo. 1, Daily Except Sunday. Lrtva lit. Airr. Ltfji.ve Walnut Cve, Arjfive Greensboro, Lfeiye Gretiisboro, Lfjave Sun ford, Ajp'ive Tayctteville, I.tfive Fayfttevilk AiMive Wilmington. 6 00 a m 8.11 a m 10.00 a iu 10.30 a m 12.45 p ua 2.0' o 1 3.04 p Ui 7.05 p w 7 40 8 iO 55 e; no 9!30 11 25 TRAILS GOING NORTII. 21 78 J-ea- Wilmington $13 98 am ! 4 57 .96 Leave Magnolia... Leave 'a;ar Arrive Oolv-lHbfir XTo. 1 1 Daily. Ar 12 55 No. 78 Daily. No. 40 Daily ex Siin 1 54 2T5" Lea. Fayette ville .. Arrive .-'in3 Arrive Wiirfon Total l)ill- i( nicl 1Qr0 onn .w w. ..k ivi.i oJO.i 11. T. Spears, Clk Board Co. Comm'rs. O 4 Leave Wilson Arr. Rocky Mt... Arrive- Tarl.oro.. Leave Taboro Arrive Weldon. 3 3". 1 4 O .f 9 ;-:o A M a 15 ! 57 11 11 12 05 9ro 11 .-5 12 iS : 1 .-0 : 2 18 12 E8 P M 4 20 6 02 6 15 7 10 f hi 8 l 6 39 5 05 2 55 10 00 Suminury or claims aliowed by the Board of County Commissioners dur ing Gseal year, 1892: Co, com'rs and nuleage (1700 miles) Ofticera and stationary Jailor Repair of county jail Court house rapairs Bridges and repairr Public ferries at Liilington fnd Averasboro Lilt taVrra f Tax buoks 2G.00 P001" house j Outside poor 11,85 ! i,ls r cos ' Sundries $264.25 438.17 1 110.45 703 00 10.C5 209,40 423,50 154.65 Daily exeept Sunday. . i Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Roid leave V o Min m i in.. Halifax 4 22 T ra. ar.-ive at Scotland Neck 5 15 n m, (Jrenville 3 52 p ra Kmston S 00 iv in Returnin?. leaves Kinton ? a ri,;'euvin P 25 m. Arriving at Hal ifax at U no a in. Weldou 11 25 a in, daily ex cept Sunday. - 7 Local freight train leaves Weldon at 10 15 a I.ar-rlv,Dr s?otand ck 1 05 a in, Oaeen- VIIIO D li m. KlllStOIi 7 Jim m I? .t .. leaves Kinsron 7 'JO a m rirnoiirin.. a ;;, 5." Scotland Neck 2 SO i m. arrive. Weldon 5.15 p m. daily except Snndav. i rains on southern Division, Wilson and firuniiH- crancn leaves Fayetteville 7 30 YoV "" o ,v , """'ja 12,15 p. in- Returning leaves Rowland z 15 p. ra. arrive Fayette- on .uniiaiiu u nranch leaves Oolds- . . iany xcept Sunday, 6M a ra; ar r.ve fiaunao!. -t u., 8;:o a m. Returning ; "u,',UirU- ...7irua. m. arrives Qoldshoro.N. c. 9 SO a.m. Tjaln on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 5 H p in arrives Nashville 5 55 p. in o , 1 ' iq- :teiuriiiiig-. leaves Si ring Hope 8 CO a. iu. Nashville 8 35 a. ju arrive Rocky noiiiit a 15 a. m.! daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch ierves Warsaw for Clinton, daily except Sunday, at 6 00 p m and lllam. Retarnmsr. leave C linton at 8 iO a m and 3 10 pm connect lug at Wrrsaw with N os. 41, 40, 23 and IS, j; t. a, uany itxoept bun Jay. TT 4 -w ive t ayettevihe, 2.1 1 p Ja Lehve Muxton. 3 3-2 n m Ar jive Bennttsvide, 4.22 p m !2so. 15. Daily Except Sunday. J'fi&ve 3i.'uii3o:i, 2.45 pm ArvHvi Giweiisnoro 4.W p m reensuoro. 5.15 pm Airs-ive Bainseur, S.lOpm No. 11, Daily Except Sundas. LeAvc Mr. Airy Je&sve Walnut Cove Arrive Greensboro .j No. 13, Daily Except Sunday l eftyo FavetteviUo Leiye Maxton 2.10 'p m 6.15 p ui 9.30 p io Ar -ive Be i in etu villa 10.15 a m 4.30 p m .0a p m at Prices to suit ths TIMES- If you are thinking of buying goods examia'e our ( COMPLETE STOCK, AND YOU WILL SEE THAT WE CAN . SAVE YOU 'HiQNEY.:.- Thanking our many Friends for their past '. , patronage and asking a continuance' of tho same, we are, VERY RESPECTFULLY, FLEMING' & CO. ram iNo. connects at hanford wiu Seaboard Air Liu for Ralei-b IdcserTingr Fraise. We desir to ssv to onr nUinB Norfolk and all points North, and at for years wo bave bean sellin.r East, ood at Walnut Cove wita tbe Dr. Kiog' New Discovery for CZ Ncrli & Western E. E. for Win sumption. Dr. King' New LiTe Pills, sttfej-Salen. Roanoke and all points Buckleys Arnica Salve and F.Wrri Southlound train Branch ia No 51 Northbound la N nV Ti.n exccit SunHax- ' 2a.00 , Train No27 Ponth and li North will tor G'2,83 oul: Rofay siouut, Wilson tioldsboro and points cucKieu s Armca Salve and Eler-.trio Nrib and West of Roinoks. ; Bitters, and bave never L.nriid - medies tbat sell SO Well rvr tliot K.. "ft-aijNo, 1 connecU at Walnnt Liv EM. n,.i .:r ... ' Cofe witb Norfolk & Western E R LrnM V ..Ciion. we t- itv J, ,u' do not besitato to guarantee tbem forinsiooalem. Roanoka and all evrv timo. n , ! points Norlb and West of Roanoke" wr j t, , My lo -c n . ivovvm nuaiiune, refund tbo purchase nriee if satUfar anvat San ford with Seaboard Air wV, J.. " satl8ra- T.-'J r .t , kW,- ui'8 uo not iollow ibeir uae. Liire lor Monroe. (JharldttP . A1 A.S.. ... - :: "v"! Auese remedies ve wou tbeir ret populsnty purely ou tbeir merits. Attnta and all poiuta South and SotrtU-west, Pullman Palaco Sleeping Car ca Seaboard Ar Line trains North &Dd Soqtb from San ford aud on Norfolk & Western trains North and West from ( Roiijioke, Harperfe Hood Druggists. H.OO 7.S0 72.30 Total during Feb, 02 21S,i 1 4.70 66.00 864.67 233.24 36.18 I Amount paid $3346 01 Jurors to be sup lolal during August '92 $217,05 I l),ie' Witness my baud Uy snd date above. 92, Claims allowed during Sep A Green fc rvman at Lil. AuJ- $20.00 Ih.lo:!, I'. T. Speai:, Clk lioatd Co. CoiuVs Tra:n No 73 raskf. close connection at weldou for a.l points North daily.- All rail via Kianniond and da'lv Lln. a!3f at Kooky Mount daily icpt iun-j djiy.uifh Norfolk and Carolina for Noffolk and iu fuiuia .iuriu via jorjcit. T.1.11? 'C0 TrlwN. '. c.. via Albpmarle 4 Rleiifh P. P.. daily except Sum-ay, 4 jo i ra Sunday :p m; avrive at 'l! !ai t;.n. S. C. 7 I p m and 4 i0 pia: P!yiaout t :'i j, m and SkOpia. Ueturiitnjf leaves Piuit.uth N. C daily cscei t Sunday Cu a in. sande.r 9 C a to VVilliatnatou 7 CO a xa. 5. l a m. Arrive at Tarboro. N. C. 10 ifs a ia and H iO a ra. i . JOHN P. DIVINE. Gen. Sat. T. P.. KENLV. Gt-nra! Msae T. M. UMil EPSON. Tni- ilms ?p. ? Passengers froui Wilmington. Fay ettyille.Maxton. Bennettsville and all jjwdnts sooth of Sanford.will arriye at knleih at 11 :15 A. M.,. and bave 5 hurs in Raleigii and reach home sanje day, I pple tiuia fs given passengers fbrjjreakfast and supper at Fayett evie, and dinner a Walnut Cove. ;L W. L. KYLE, j.:r. fry. Gen. P:iss. Aent. .General Manager, ! Ghprcn Cry for Fiher's Cfjtofta: 1 zo. 5oC. and $i oo S. U. Clilford. New Cassel, W!i.. ffM -trowWed with Neuralgia aud Rheumatism, bis Stomach was dia-'.r-dered, hit Liver was affects to an alurmino rfegree. appetije fell awa, and he was terribly reduced io flesh and strength. Three bottle of Klec trio Bitters cured bha. Edwvd SbepherrL Uwrlgbttrg, lU had a ruoniu ore ou hii leg bf eight yaro 8taDdjntf. Uoslpg three bottle of Khari iiv.irf m1 aiQ bosiis BuckUn's Amic &JTti ud bis lg U aounif nod weJl. " Mb PrOnuncea IXoDeleieii. Y.i i.V w From uu v.. . . U9 incwaW. 08 botUe Kee . nil .kou uv Airs Ann i . r, , . . - E. Hurd. of Groton. 8. D,, we qiiotst " ' BucWtaV 'Was taken with a bad cold, which Amica 1t8 eursd Uio eaUrcly. settled on ray Laogs. cough set inj150" "wper.A Howl Druggiat, sua cnauy tertoina'.ed in Consuxap. tion. Four doctors gae me up, say. ing I could live but a short time, j gave myself up to my Saviour, deter. mined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ores aboye. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs, and mus. i sa,0 it a trial, took in all eight bottles; it has cured we, tfnd thank God I am now a well and hearty woman." Trial bottles free Harper & Uood's Drugstore, regular BaCILEM'SlBailCA SAUE. s The best Siv9 ia th wwld for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers,. Salt TUeuQ. Fever Sores. Tetter, Chap ped Uauda. CWlblaius Coru. and all Ski a Eruptiana, aud po4itivIy cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guar anteed, to give perfect aatiafactfem. or money rt funded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by iUrpfr Uo4x 'U 'ii

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