TIMES. f AliY '), 1S::J OUTERS CF L:.'L INTEREST. j 1 . . ! M kt i '1ST. r-'r i"os tne 4!Ji Sun- ci4V : ll anl ft "'.r''t m. 7 p. in. i y r,i s.m'Jjv r.i-hr S::t0 p. m. Sun-lav ; :o at 5 l- ., Prm. ! II. Iirkr, riute'.i.K'itt, j Ki:v. .1. D. K:nu.M, Pastor. 1'P.IMITIVE DAITIST. S.TVIO'iS Sit uvn S.mday njoruingi V-fare tin lii'; ! Su 'dAy fyi To-h month. Ukv. lJuitKKjK Wood, Pastor. Si'rvijjcs 3rd Sunday in c:h month, moiiiiug and night. " Sim tUr S ': '1 :l- i- - every Sutid.iy. T. .V" M'-aUug ;veri- Tlmrsday niht. J;kv. C. W. 1IoVAKI, Pastor C, W. B. M. meet jvcry Monday id.rht nfiM-the 2nd a:id 4tli Suinliy. in each B att 1ST. Horvicds every 2. id and 4th S.u.J.ynt 11a. in. i:id 7 p. n. Sun iUr 6-'mnA at &:33 a. in., TJ. G. Taylor, i' t. Prayer ilectijig every Tlmrsdaj tveui.i at 7. j II cv. W. F. Watrox, Pastor. p'rkk-W'.LIj Uahtist. Services on jj- -i!U Saiiday at lli o'clock a id on 4th &j:!.!jr i p. in. Kev. H. A. Jpiixso.v, Pastor. LOCuL. l!r. Jus, Per.r9alj. we arc sorry to say, is on the sick list this week, t f We are glat to sta'c that Mr. J, F. f-.vrii, Uie harness maker, who has bee. i suiferiig with Uhcumati-ni. is nhie to be at work kgain. The city authorities should see that the turjentlne stills and saw mills arc well forty ed agcinst fire bf.re tl ey are allowed to run in :he corporate limitjj. Last Friday morning was the cold-:-t of season, the therinometor regis tere 1 4 behiw zeroj The freeze has blocked business oiT every kind, sto) ed Iho county tuails and made the irains yery irregular. . The good peopljp of Dunn did not fail to see after tfee poir, sick and Ltcdy, during tlnirc.'snt cold snap. They contributed aihenilly for their a d. and many b'ds of wixd were distributed aaitmg the unfortunate jn ou.- ruidst. j On the 13th Gov. Carr and other Slate ofiiccr? wer iur.guratd. The degulature gaye iUi lor the inaugu ral expense, Tlje attendance was not so Urge &6 woul l Itave been if the weather had jceii j;Kd The New Kernel journal devotes one w tX', side tXi the 4':e Fish and Oys aniiouneemoit, of er Fair wkicheom ty Feb, 2()Lh and It will perhaps uicnces in that c dioids five daysi eclipse any one ever held in the ci y on the Neue. j Miss A idie V 1 oJmg, who for some time has rcen in the Railroad office here, left last Friday for Elm City, where she visits f tends, and will ac some other point. cept an oliice at Jliai Addie ina4e many friends while here wiio leave. rcuret to see her - Mr. Kul'us Jec'nigan will open a frst-class barbershop uext doar to C a. McDouAl'ds this week. He has a idee new patent cLair and every thing eomfortablis for his enstomerr. His work guaranteed to give satisfac thm. call and gi(e liiia a trial. One of our ywg cri tne 'cr t ight while talking to his best girl during a spasmodic convulsioa told her in a taffying; way. she was' eweet enough to eat, and the young lady replied she eoiM cat. Oh. my vountf iiian even the ild maids and girls that dun't look weet can eat. Tiik TiMt8 ftsbes our town every success and wejrecognize the public spiiit of Bome'of the business men, hut there are same benefactors that wouid greatly promote our town if the people would come together on them. The one most needed now is a well organized and equipped Fire Company. Thl town authorities ought to take" Ihia very important question underjeonsideration and by the aid of the citizens we might soon 1 have some protection from the mu-'u dreaded and expected fires wo will sooner or later have to visit us. We have plenty ofjgood material for a Crst-class company who will take lisht hjld if tKp property owners will s-tart, the thingtn riiht shape. The little fire we jut experienced in our iaidt is only ttj fore-sight of what we n-ay-tiion have. So "in time of peace 1-ropuro for war," is an old and trao Ts it U the cmnii ii'S-s will l,e n.u.,,1 i auoihcr co' nun this wei.l . ICV. Mr, S.UlmoilS Dr. J. H. l)ani.-l. Mrs. arrived yesterday even in-;. hoar.! i.t Simmons Winston had the misfortune of an flf C.f rr G t . i " e "'iiay. Alarms fiir- nitnre establishment worth $40,000 weut up in flame. Mrs. Kntc William, ,l,MM J Miss Bessie . VIMIM, 41 4 1 1 4 Robinson of Wnrsnw are veiling the family, of Mr. Jas. Pe issil! " " On a. count of the snow and bad weather Rev. Mr. Newton failed to fill the appointment announced week. last Unless we see a better b d soon the Times considers the orTor from the Chatham man as the bet and! tt.inL- l. i.i ... si . I tuiiiix m; is iTuuiivti in mt; vourt Court . Hou:?e. ! The- annua' repot o.' The vr rage circulation per day of.b''"g near where the door ws, The The New York World for the year ! infant WftJi about four feet from its was 330.4C2 a figure unai proached by any other newspaper printed in the English language. The ti.lal number of advertisements printed during the y ar was 890 975, an increase if 107.3G9. The increase in the number of columns of adver tisements was 2,097, Wre have quite a number of little accounts against delinquent subscrib ers and would appreciate it highly if they, would come in and settle up. It requires something more than wind and gas to run a paper. Our legislature is gradually but iureh' moving along, no bills of very ureat importance have been passed yet. Gses3 though they can find enough of something to keep in ee-sion the 60 days and get their pa. The travelling men arc out on their Spring trip4?, and no place on the Snort Cut has the pleasure of enter taiuing more of them thon our town. Almost every evening some half dozen or more get oh at our depot. Business men always find a buaiuess olace. Notice is hereby given that appli cation will be made to the General Assembly now in session for the pur Hise of forming a new county from arts of Ilarnet', Johnston, Sampson and Cumberland. J.F.Phillips, H. W. Jernigan, Mordeeai Lee, Wni. Culbreth aid others committee. This Jan. 18. h, '93. Supreme Court Justice J. Q Lamar died Tuesday evening at Macon, Ga. his native State, Again the nation is Called to mourn the Lss of another great and good man. lie was ap pointed Secretary of Interior under (Mevt land's administration and after wards to the Supreme Court Bench. In Memoriam- . On Tuesda) eyening at two o'clock ifter a long and painful illness of nearly four months Rev. R. A. John son departed this life. He wa 40 years nd 10 months old at the time of his death. For 20 years one of the mot prom inent and highly respected ministers of the Cape Fear Conference of the Free Will Baptist church, his life was spent in striving for the eieva tion of his fellow man and the glori fying ol his Creator. Born and raised in Johnston coun ty, four years ago he came to Dunn and established his carnage manufac tory and up to the beginning of his illness las s-uceess was uninterrupted. At the time of his death he waa treasurer of Palmyra Lodge A. F. & A. M., and with fitting ceremonies the sad mambera of his lodge laid him to rest. Dunn looses one of her best and most pragt essive citizens, the widow a kind and affectionate hutband, and the bereave I children a loving and indulgent father. The TiiiKs tenders its heartfelt sympathies to the widow and orphans in this their Uouj of bereavement and Lomraendg them for consolation -10 Him who doest all-things well. .Would that all of us wero as well prepared to stand before our God I As calmly and 'serenely as the sua sinks behind the evening clouds to shine for other worlds so he left us to take his place among the ransom ed of God. Grifton- The town of Grifton can lay claim to more division than perhaps any Ismail place on the continent, It is situated in two counties, three town ships, two congressional districts and two judicial districts. The creek running through the centre of the town is the dhUing line be ,..n.v. Pitt and Lenoir counties. l H V o Greenville UvlivCtor. Buraed to Death-' Home, N. C.. Jan. 21 h. 13DJ,. Oil Hie night f Hkj 19:h of Jan. IK93, Wiley Peacock, wire and in fant, his Mule brother nd his cousin. j a 1 colored, were burned to dc ath and the house which thev lvej i:i. The said Wiley Peacock w.ts a tc -ant of Jeremiah Lee, Owing to the l,'e was i:ot much passu,-, and it "J " l"u"" UUL unl, "'ern-i ; " . "eKb irvce 1 very rast ad in a short time about inir f 0.,,1 ri x .. ' ; seventy five persons witnessed the j awful ceene. I It was decided that the origin of lhu fire was accidental, Some of ,he ! near neighbors said that they saw the light of the-firc about 11 o'clock, supposed it to be log heaps as Mr. Lee was clearing. The bodies vere all found very near where they were sleeping ex- i cept one of the little bovs who whs parents. The remains were taken up and placed m a neat bos and nicely rap ped and buried. -The said Wiley Peacock was a good, faithful and peaceful citizen, and a good hand to work. - lie had been living wiih the said Mr. Lee for the p ssed tnree year? and had made the arrangements for the present year. Public Dsbato. There will be a Public Debate at the Dunn Academic Institute Tues day night Feb. 7th. Qdkuy: Which has done the greatest evil to our countjy War or Intemperance ? AtTarmative A, B Harrell, E. L. Lee, J. W. Smith. Negative C. H, Dollar, C. ' C. Fordham, B. K. Mason, The public are cordially invited to attend. II. II. McKay. Secretary. Miss McDonald Killed at Greens boro Jan-. 19th Miss Lina McDonald, a teacher in the Normal and Industrial school of Oreensboro, was run over by the! train Monday evening on the C. F. & Y. V, railroad. S ;e seems to have been on her way, at lunch hour, to v i -i l a friend about l miles from the Institute, and to fchorlcn the distance was walk ing down the railroad when thu train came alon, and she failed to get far enough off the track to escape, or the suction drew her under the wheels. She was will known in the State as a teacher. She graduated at Peace Institute some five years igo, and had taught in Winston, Shelby, Con cord and the position she then held in Greensboro. She was a sister of Miss Katie Mc Donald who once taught here and is well known in our town and her many friends in this community will hear of her death with much regret. The State Eoad Congress met in Raleigh on Jan. 19th, '53, Gov. Carr. as his first official act, opened the Congress. More than 300 delegates were present represent ing SOcouuties, Hon. C. B. Watson, of Winston was elected permanent chairman and Dr. H, B. Battle per manaut secretarj. Gov. Holt ad dressed the Congress m appropriate words Many papers of great value were presented and resolutions look ing to 'he improvement of public roads wero introduced and referred to a committee on resolutions com posed of two from each congressional district. After full consultation, this committee made their report, the following being a suramarj. That the public road should be maintain ed both by taxation and by those sub ject to road duty, also by the con victs from the various counties through the county authorities or the penitentiary the expense of main taining them to be borne by the counties or as tue legislature may direct. Also that each county or group of counties should employ a competent engineer or expert in road building and own improved road ma chinery, The plan of the National League for Good Roads was outlined and the organization and establishment of 0 State Association and Townsbip Lea gue to co-operate with tile National League was left with the following committee. 'Messra, Cbas, McNamee, J. W, Wilson. F. H. Busbee. J, A. Holmes. W. E. Ardrey. This com mittee wa also Instructed to confer with the committee fiombolh branch es of the General Assembly now in session. -Much anthusiasm and interest pre vailed in the proceedings of the Cos:-j gresa, It was a conservative uooy j ' i' ' i I " i mi win Mini f-rrj-! . KWJ wf.s delern.ined tome looking to the improvement o? the ; if- public -nads of the State. The i.er-f i . to' best men id the State. Sucu n er.-ti7 :Uiurs well for the fuleie welfare tit" the State for it was eo . ceded that imi:r,iP.l r..o.!a v. r. -.f tl.T tle first importance to all our pie. peo NOTICE OF LAND SALE. channel! . i 153- virtue ol a power of sale con-s remember our line is comiilete. Ficm-taine-l in a certain hmrtirase Dc?dj'in? & Co. made to J. AJ Taylor by J. T, y' Cor-J belt nd wife, -.and duly regir"lere.l ini Hok F, No. 2. Pages 87 8 r.. . i - ? i of Harnett count, I will sell at pub- lie sa'c for cash at the Court House) . i . a door in Lillingco i on the 6th day off February. 1893, at 12 o'clock m 2tf8u et 11 al t etuinS & to s. small tracts of land, adjoining each If you want a nice Hat buy it from other in the edge of. the town ofleilI(t; & Co., wheae you can get it Dunn, containing five acres upon.j.t.ap which t;;ere is a splended dwedin'f'; . 1 ., . . , , T Fleming & Co. will sell yon a nice house, it be.ng where the said J. L..; J f, , 1 . ' ,. . il bullu:: Si.oe for $1.00. i Corbelt now lives, to satisfy 6aids r I Mortgage. 1893. Ttds 3rd day of January;! J. A- Taylor, Mortgagee. F. P. Joxes. Att'y. Jan 5--'.s. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE, t Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of It. M. Cannady, Sr. deceased, before the Clerk of Harnett Superior Court, all persons indebted to the said estate are notified to make immediate paymmt to the un - dersigned and all persons holding claims against the sail estate are. notified to present the same for; payn:ent to the undersigned, duly verified,, on or before Feb ruary lOih, 1894, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their res. covery. This Janu .ry 3rd. 1892. L. M. RyIls, Administrator. L. J. Bkst, Attorney. Jan 5-6w. NOTICE OF LAND SALE. By virtue of a power of sale cons tained in a certain Mortgage Dee made by II, B, Pope and wife! to T, F. Sanders, and duly re corded in Book ."D." No. 2, Pages 3i)0-92 records of I Harnett - i ii. couiity, 1 will ol the A 6th i day oT February, 1893, at 12 o'clock m., a Court House door in Lilliugton 8e0 at public sale for cash the following properly, to-wit : One tract of land; in the town of Dudu containing five! and one-half acres be the same mofv or le?, it being the same upon whic' the said 11. B. Pope is now living Aleo one business lot and store houafs ou the corner of Broad and Wilsoji streets it being the same where UrB said H, B. Pope is nuw doing bus( nes?. rhis the 2nd uuy of JanuarV T. F. KAXDEK3, s 1893. F. P. Poxes. Attorney. Jan 5 ts. Mortgagee, f si NOTICE OF LAND SAL3, I 1 4 By virtue of a power of sale coili? tained iu a certiil a. Mortgage Dceu made by Burrell Coats to D. A. L$ and by the said D. A. Lee regu transferred to 11. U. Avera, wnj said Mortgage Deed has been duty recorded in Eook ,4D," No. 2, Pagti 504-6 Recoids of Harnett county, j will sell ht public sale for cash t the Court Hi use door in Lillmgtoli on the 6th day of February, 1893, t 12 o'clock m a parcel or tract "yf land in Averasboro townsbip, IlarJ nctt countj', containing oO acres, 19 satisfy said Mortgage.- This the 3a day of January, 1893. j II. C. A VERA, 1 AssigneeofMortgagee.il F.P. Jones, Attorney. ' Jan-5-ts. . 1 - -j II Eecently Murdered. f" Mr. J V. 0ena continues to work work for Messrs. J. H- Ballance .& Co.. ia the J. D. Underwoofl store pn Broad Stieet, He has recently mur dered High Prices on fine hand ad machine made Harness; Bridlls. Saddles. Collars, Whips, Lashes, etc. etc. 1 He gives his own personal and special attention to repairing, satis faction guaranteed. Call and see him at his place of business. 'fj -: Jan 19 lm. -4i Attention Farmers. The Hardware Co. of Dunn, K, C,is headquarters for Plows land Plow castings. Ii For Axes. Shovels, Trace Chains, liaises, horse and mule Collets at Lse Hardware Co. ca-1 Fleming & Co, have the best d cheapest FLOUit in Dunn. BUSINESS -LOCALS. FLKMING & CO'--. IS THE C H K A FE.T PL AC1-: 1 X TOWN. I f ou want the. best Shirt in towo Jiibti y the "IU) si Blue" at Fleming & vo. . - j i ' . ' . ! I We have the n:iest line of Neck-' ?ilvare in town. Fleming. & Co. If vim want i;i;e dress triminfrs. if j We have now the latest style of Ornamental Rut.rnr.s Corn, nnd rs i n til 1 n n f ham I w-f . . -.- iki Im i Flem ing & Co. If you want an all wool shirt you Ill f m m Fruit of the Loom at Fleming & HCo's. for 9 cents a vard. j If you want a nice Table cloth buy it from Fleming A C.. at 20 cents per yard. If yon are in necVTi of Underwear remember 3-011 can buy wool suits at Fh ming & Co's. cheap. i If you want a nice pair of pants buy thesn from Fleming & Co's. whe,e ou caa Scl theru cheal' If yuu wat-.t a nice pair of 40 cent Lsuspenders buy them at Flemiag & Co's. for 15 cents. , Ladies, if you want a nice belt buy it from Fleming & Co. '1 Fleming fc Co. will ell you shoes cheaper than anybody in towu. Don't forget that we have the nicest line of clothing in Dunn', and that we will sell you a suit cheaper than you can buy them elsewhere. Examine before you buy. Fleming & Co, Fleming & Co, have Ladies Shoes from 50 cents per pair up. Fleming & Co. have just received a nice line of cheap dress coat, over coats, ets, call and examine before you buy. Where did you get that coat? A Fleming & Co.'a cheap store, for $2.75, and it's all wool, Fleming & Co, carry a complete line of Gent,? and Ladies Miles Dress Shoe. WTen Eabj waa sick, we gre her Castoria. Whea she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When aho became Ulaa, she clung to Castoria. Whan ahe bad Children, she gave them Castoria Fleming & Co.- carry a complete line of Dress Shoes for both Gent' and Ladies, The nicest line of Furs eyer brought to Dunn is now at Fleming & Co's. . Fl?rrdpg & Co. have just received the nicest of Trunks, Valise nd Grip Sacks ever brought to Dunn, and they will sell you a leather Va lise for $1.00. Be sure you see our goods before jTou buy. G, K. GRANTHAM, Notary Pub lie, will take Private Examinations and probate papers. All kinds blank deeds and papers kept on hand Of fice in D, H. flood's Drug Store. Onion Sets. lied and White at D H. Hood's Drugstoie. ' When you go to Dunn and want Drugs don't forget that you can get what you waut at D. H. Hood's New Drug store at rock bottom prices. All kinds of Garden Seeds by weight at D. H. Hood's New Drug Store. Did you knowthatD. H. H.od had moved his entire stock of Drngs, Seeds, etc. in hi new store just two doors above his old stand f He has the prettiest and most comfortable store in Dunn, and his customers are treated with curtacy and politeness as well as receiving the yery lowest prices. Try him. Fleming & Co. have just received a nice line of Clothing, A nice line of Curtain Polls just received at Fleming fc Co.'s from 25 cents up. Buy your Onion sct3 at D. H. Huod's Drugstore before tuey are all! gone,- - ii-ii iira " J ' - - - - ii.ii,--. in ii "-'i' - i - ' inn for Infents "CutorifctBBo wen adaptM to chOdren that I recommend it an srjprior to ccy pre&cnpiica fcacnrn to me."' IT. A. Accsra, II. D., Ill So. OzTord St., Brookiyn, iT. T. Th" w of 'Castoria is to nnlTprsal nnd Its merits so well known that it sepsis Turk of nBpereropation to endorse it Few are Vim intelligent families who ao not keep Citoria wiihla easy reach." Carlos Kartyv, D.D , York City. late Pastor BIoomicLgdale Soformed Church. Tex Ckstxck it i m n - POE'S. HARNETT COUNUY. N.C REV- J- I. CASP2ELL Principal. BBS. J. A. CAMPBELL, Assistant. Ninth session opens Dec. oth, 1892. Good building 139 enrolled last year. Over 250 enrolled since school was founded; 30 of whombave been teaching. Vocal Free, Mq sic and Pennmahship 50 per centi discount to minsters, their children, orphans, or the child ren of widows. Tuition from $1.00 to $3.00. Good board, including washing, $6,50 to $7,00. For circu'ars or other infoimaUn. apply to the Principal, nor 17 '92. A .Million FrielUlM. A friend in need is a friend indeed) and not less than one million people have found just, such a fried as in Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Ctughs, and Colds. If j-ou have never used this Great Cough Meeicine, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful curative pow ers in all diseases of Throat, Che and Lungs. Finch bottle guaran teed to do all that is claimed or mon ey refunded. Trial butt'.os free at Harper & Hood's Drug store. Large bottles 50o, ar.d $1.00. LAND SALE. By virtue of power of sale contain ed in a certain Mortgage Deed exe cuted to K. V. Young by John Holmes and wife, Aiueline Holme.9, and duly recorded '"n ti.e Register of Deels office of Harnett county I will on Monday, February 6th, 1893, sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Liilington, N. C., one tract or parcel of land sit uated in Averasboro township con taining 103 acres more or less, for a better disenption reference is made to the records of Harnett county. 'This January 2nd. 1893. E. F. Young, Jan 5-ts. Mortgagee. II. s. MACHINE. The Machine is capable of knitt ing from to fifteen thousand btitches per minute, it will knit a .stocking heel snd toe in ten 'minutes.' will knit all articles needed in tha housfjliold from Suspenders to Ladies Hoods, Stockings, Pulse warmers. Scarf. Legins, Afghans, etc,, and also all the Fancy Stitches such as Tidy Chevrons, L-tiice Iiibbed Bar and Diamond Stitches and all work that is nsually done by any other Circu lar Machine. I. W, Wade, Agent. Will be on sale at J. J. Wade's store every Satarday. Jan 19 '93. 1 .MARKET BEPORT. COTTpN. Good Middling j Middling j Low Middling 7 Tcp.pextine. Virgin Yellow Dip Hard H 9 $1.60 1.60 1.00 COUXTUY PllODUCE. Chickens 15(2;23c Eggs Hides Corn Peas Butter Haras 12 4Cc CO . eo&i.oo 20Q25 12 Fleming & Co. ere suspenders at 1 cents. Eelling nice hi!dren Cry forPitcher,3 Ctstorla. and Gh!!dren. Sour Stcaaaoh. thajrhmA. . Kills Worm, aimj o4 r.qft atca tb Ifninit ir firfcTtr rrnxfratipi " For several jrae I u mmrm your C&storia. ' aud autoTaIAra ciujilte d ho act i( h5 LayuDf ftsjimtjl t results." Ets-rur 7. Paaasr fL$ ComuxT, 77 Kfbrut Ete&see, &PV Ye& -1 i r i - " -. i ii m rm - in turn in i.m urn n I LEE J. .BEST. DUN N. K. C, Will practice ia BuriuiU. ted 4 joining Counties. Special tkCMtiou iiven to collection of cliums. W. E. Mrscmstf, Jcnesboro, JS. 6. HDRCHISON I mil ATTORNEYS-IT L4i7 "LILLINGTON. H. O. Office fronting Cart ApfU-il-M." , D H. J. H DANIEL, Has rat with a Kit vsmdsSsl rsfp cess in ths treat oat at sf Taster. Write U kla ftf ausf U phlcts on Can mt aai Us J. A. FARMER. ATT0?.KY m CCiNSElSa II UQ DUNN, IT. O. Circuit ; Hrultt son a.id Cumberland. Collections a spoiaif4- Prompt attention girt to ail ness placed in hand. aich-M-'1.3 A lAttlc fiiirl Kxprlcaca in a UgltlEaotlse. Mr, and Mrs, Lorn TVeeoott keepers of the Gov. Ligbtkoas at . Sand Beach, Miss., and euro witq a daughter, four years m4. Ifrt April she was taken down with Mtft mm a utcsulM mm& : and turning inco a Tcvet. DsvttMt nt home and at Detroit ktl4 fuw, but in vain, sh? gresr woxsa SAfUljv. until she was a mars "kaasUkl J bones." Then she tried Dr. XU New Discovery for ConsuaiptUwi 44; after the use of twa and a kalf JmW tlc3, was completely ctrs4, SJm say Dr. King's New DlsosvMr Is worth its weight in gold. jta jpujr get a trial bottle frcs at liaf cr h Hood s Drugstore, ' 11 ' i ii i n m i i nm S'reagtk und MleaUU ' t If you are not feeling strrsof axi4 heallhy, try Electric Bitters, U "La Grippe" has loft weak &n4 vsajrr use Electr c Bitters. This nmls acts directly on Liver, StQmaaa Ml Kidueys, gently aiding those ogaas to perform their functions. IS ja, are afllicted with Siok UttiioiiM, jq will find speedy anil paimtntat lkf bv taking Electric Bitters, Oat ULsJ will convince you that this is 'lij remedy you need. Lags boitliu twsy Iy 50c. at Harpsr & IJoo4' JDrs-j Store. NOTICE. By virtue of a power of sale conv tained in a certain Mortgage Deed executed to J. M. Bass, Jr., by Ed win Jones and wife, and duly traDi ferred to E. F, Young. I will on Monday, February 6tlt, 1393. sell to. the highest bidder for cash at the Court House Door in Lillingtoo one tract or parcel of land situated ia Averasboro, Harnett county, N. C. adjoining the lands of J. A. Taylor, S. T. Barefoot and others, containing 25 acres more or less. For a better digcription reference is made to the Records of Harnett county. Tula Due. 3lst, 1892. K. F, Younq. Assignee of Mortgagee. Jan 5 ts. i Children Cry for Pitchers. .CwlorfaJ, It will pay you to advertise The Tikes. ia 5 5