THE TIK1E8,. 1CBL!3!XED KVKBY THURSDAY, YOUNG GRAKTilAM. BY The Pr gressive Farmed says sem General Assembly found motto, sse Quam Vid THURSDAY MARCII.ISOS. homeofour exchange says there e to things that a North Ca.osi. a legisliturc wonV go aga nst and that is'the yaller c!g and Je Kanicta. member of the Ioer bouse or the the Stale Icri" oo a bottle in a drug store and it was adapted without any of them know ing what it Was Why don't Hie all Wise Editor of the Progressive Farm- toll tia tlin f NOTICE TO ADMINISTRATORS AND GUARDIANS. All Adraiaistiotors and Guardians who bad not made their . final settle uieut at the time of the rjecen burn in of the Harnett county. . Court House, are hereby noticed to come forward and rcnerr their bonds or make new bods. Geo E. Prince. - Clefk Superior Court. " Mch19 4t.pd. LEE J..BPST, D U N K, N. -. - Wi!l practise Earaett, ad a joining Counties. Spesial attention I'iven to collection of clama. Uax-4-UL for InfnntQ nnd hlldroq W. K. McacBii. . Joaeaboro, KC iSHstHi. it w. 1 adapted to cMreB that I recommend itaa cpewor w NOTICE ! SALE OF VALUABLE LAND, The Progressive FarrmT and Golds boro Caucasian a-c forever giving Cleveland and the Democrats down ihe country. They !blb harp all the while about 1 he p omises the Demo crats have made and failing to carry out. but never do you see a word aotdn-t the Repuolicans and they have been running the affairs of the country for 30 years amTnever kepi a proraise.yet, although the editors of these two papers baye pot lounu iu out They are too huy looking af ter the Democrats.-. They make won derful charges about how the ;tbird party was counted .u"u "in Sampson and other sectionsof thetState wien they know tbe c.-iW" sustain th ra. Rut it is very natural when a man get oootaueu uc;iuin" iiiouse tioor iu xaiuiiiuu ii everybody else lne;saroe way. . 12 o clock m., sell at puDiic saie the htehost bidder for cash a certai Sundays Chronicle, of. the u, hract cf land in Neills Crsek Town gives quite an interesting article- on Harnett county, adjoining -the the adoption of a btate motto ' our hand5 0f W. M, Sexton, James A legislature of 1893. Bftth houses J hn a d others. containing 90 passed the bill by a unanimous vote. c hem lbe .lract of An$. on The bill says the words 20th of Miy which 8aU j L Johhsen and wife 1775 shall be placed in the upper resije(j t the execution of said Mor part of the State Coat of Arms, lliis t(y9tTe jjeed. For a more definite is. a just rccgniza!ion of the effort or digenption of said land reference is 'Castssiakaoi kaxoirn to me." H. A. Amcxx, a. HI So. Oxford SL, Brooka, K. T. intAlharent - Kew York City. Lata Paitor EIoomiidaI Eaf ormd CSiarco. Sour Ewt8co, w? KjaA4 yCRCHlSOH d-f&APi produced Jjeaea J "For feTPial jvats' I Jfew .nflnria. acd ahaEalwafr Jo ao as ttba laTariaUy J Savvy. ASHkr.&e Office frinting Coart pril-tl-8S. I) E. J. H DANIEL - By virtue of a power of sale ' con tained in a certain Mortgage. Deed executed Feb. 23rd, 1892, to the un- dersignejOy J. L, Johnson and wife. L J. Johnson. I will, on the zunaajr PflCOMH SUPER ii . . . Has set vith nasi yaafcrH cs cess in the fcwatnait e Cs. Write to hid fer cad cf tb phlets on Caaeer an4 its tksa. nf Anri . 1893. at the uoqrt . " - . a r at to THE BEST DON'T FAIL PHOSPHATE IS FOR ALL CROPS. " TO TR1 IT. . FOR SALE BY . YOUPJG BKGTHERS. NOTICE, J. A. FA It MM, ATT9RKET 1KD COHntaOJ U DU1IK, it. q. r Circuit j Harnetli JhactBj Cass son add Cumberland. 7 - Collection s a special I j. ' J n Prompt attention ivca to alls ness placed in hand. Specimen Ce&e. d cor. We aatherixe our aurartLMd drtf- our fore fat hiFs iu " their rftjrt for the neret,y ma(ie to Book1 F, No. 2 first declaration of 'American Inde- lg0 etc in Register of Deeds pendence. The act also provides that ol rjarnett county, This.March 21st the Latin phrase vEse Quain Videri" lg93 is adopted as the States motto, and shall be engraved on the Great Seal of the Slate and at the bottom of the Coat of Arras. ' The meaning of these words are ,to' be rvher than seem to be," this is quite a suitable and typical recog-1 nilion of the honest and true charac'' tcr of our people. E Pluribua Unum. as every srlinol bov knows, -fs our National molto, meaning "one among many. Every Jtatt nas now we mm of Harnett county. T will sell at pub il a motto, ana almost eery uuc gale fQf cagh ftt lhe Conrt Houge o o-.i -L : . 1 1 ? ...... . 1 aim it iron, iroin lug suuuic Page Having qualified as Admimitrator office 0f joon Dixon, Sr.. deceased, late of Harnett countj', N. C, this U to notify all persons having claims agaiust the estate of said deceased to exhibit tbem to thi undersigned on or before the 1st day of Feb. 1894, or this notice will b5 plead in bar of -Itheir recovery, All persons Indsotea n U n .n,r1 antsla arill r-vl m mn TV! lra Bv virtue of a power of sale con r - Ai;r rr immsdiate payment. This Jan. 31, made to J.. A, Taylor by J. T. Cor- J 1893, Ben Dixos, hett antl wife, and dulv re&fistered in I feb2 6w.l Admr. Book F, No. 2. Pages 87-8. Records - T J, H. Pou, Assignee of D. W, Fuller, Mortgagee, L J. Best, Attorney. Mch23 4U c ; V NOTICE OF LANri"$ALE, ri Clifford, etr Cassal. Xfi:.V" 10 M11 ur- uview wae doubled vxti Neuralgia d try for Cent.iapti, Ceifflls b4 I o. v . Colds, upon this oonditiea If RKnraittiam. kU'Stontach was dtsr- w dered, his Liver was affected to an NOTICE. that Latin terms are-sUfcrteT: than En nosC Lltersrv door in Lillington on the 3rd day of April, 1893.. at 12 o'clock m.V two giisn, mereiore iitisw u tractg of ,andf adjoining each societies use i.aim.Tnra 10 tuc.i . . Q ed of h9 tQwn of Dunn, containing "five acres upon motm and the same thing fs found on nearly all medals': " Curiosity has been "stimulated to learn the origin of the phrase. It is first found in Cicero in bis essay on Friendship (clu 2G( though it is not there used in the sense now usually attached to it, He says, "Virtute enium ipsa non tarn multi praedili esse quaui videri volunt," -the trutti is that virtue is a qfiality which not 60 many desire to pdsessas to de sire to' sever to possess - or literall, for indeed not so Jnany wish to be endowed with vinire as wish to seem to be." :: "The phrase, however; is a strik ing one and being "caught " up was adopted as a in6ttor'l that best col lection of mottoe- -extant, the c6ata f arms of the British peerage, no less thart three, noole( htuises have adopted it, to- wit i The. Earls of AYinterlon, Earl Brownlow and Lord Lurgan, . - 4It has been adopted by inany as sociations.' especially literary socie ties. In this State itTs said to be the motto of one of thesdcietles at Trin ity College, and witfi'modification by one of the societies &t Wake Forest, 4The sentiment and the phrase are good enough. Let North Carolinians now make it as memorable and ss diatinenUhed as inv that has ever decorated a royal banner or the shield of a courtly knight Among our sis ter States it can proudly take its place between the Sic Semper Tyr annla. of Virginia, and the Animls Opibutque Paratu. of. South Carol, pa." By virtue of a power of sale con- tained in a certain Mortgage Deed 'executed bv A. F. Surles and wife Ida Surles to the undersigned and alarming degree, appetite Call away, and" lie was terribly reduced in flesh and strength, Three bottles of Eiee tric BiVUrs cured him, Edward Shepherd, Harrisbarg, I1U had a running sere ri his eight yearc standing. Uuiiaff three It - botl lea of Electric Bitters aa sere boxee Bueklen's Aznie Stdve and bis leg is sosnd and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had 9 re Urge Fevei sores oa his le, doctors said ke was incurabla. One feotUa Eleen trio Bitters ant ene box Bucklea's Arnica-Salve eured him entirely. Sold by harper & Hood Druggist, are afflicted with a Cough, Celt r any Lung. Throat r Chest troadle and will oea thia ren?edy as directed, giving it a fair tria, and experitiet no beeifit, y&zsaaj retarji the bottle and have your money fsfended, tfe could not make this offer dii we aet leg ef know that Dr. Kiug'e iJev-Discovery could be relied on. It never ditaf pointa. Trial bottles free at Harpw & Hood's Drug Stored Large - sU 50c and $100, which there is a splendcd dwelling duly recorded in the Register of house, it ocing where the said J Corbett no Mortgage. 1893. lives, to satisfy This 27th day ,of Feb. . T. j'LTeedi office of Harnett county. Book said D", No. 2, Page 332, etc. I will on JTA. Taylou, Mortgagee. F. P. Jones, Aityi Mch2 Aw. 9. " - - EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. ' HaviLg qualified as Executors of the last Will and Testament of Nav than Douglass, deceased, late of Har nett countj, N. C., This is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned "on or before the lotb day of Feb. 1804,, or this notice will be plead in bar of the r recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make, immed iate pay menC This Feb."l T893. Sila.9 j. "DouQLAssT? J, B. F. StjbwautI Feb23 4w. - . 0 Monday tbo ?Qth day of March sell to the higkeit uidder for canh at the Court House Teor in Lillington one tract or.parcei of land situated and lyin in Averastoro township, Har nett county, containing 8 acres more ! or less, adjoining H, A. Hodges, Y, T. Weaver, G. R, Hodges and others, and for a better discription reference is made to the records of Harnett county This Feb. 17th, 1893 ; E. F. Young. Feb23 4w, Mortgagee, NOTICE North: Carolina, Harnett county. NOTICE OF LAHD SALE Executor. Strenfftlt ond EXeaUU. : . If you are notfeeling 5trrong and- bealthy. try. Electric Bitters,- If La Grippe has -left weak. . and weary. Justices Court, Hectors creek Township. Before D. E. Green. J. P, T. B. Crowder and N. M, Band; trading as Crow- der and Rand J. S. Holt, It appearing to the satisfactien NOTICE OF EXECUTION-SALE- tbe Court that the defendant, J, . I I BARBERS NEW PATENT - - -. - - - ' OHAIR-' y: SHAVING and, HAIKU CUTTHSTO Done in FHISTCLASS Style. ' -.J - Come and see m, ' , ' . RespectfuII jr.' v" ' .RUFUS A iERQAN. ; Mcb9 '93, . j w - Holt, is a non-resident of the State of North Candina and he cannot af ter due diligence be fouad within the tate that be has property therein and it further appearing thit plain- On Monday the 3rd daj of Aprik 1893, I will sell to the highest, bid der for cash at the Court House door in the town of Lillington, one-lot Of land. 45 acres of land, adjoining' the By virtue of a power of sale con tained in a certain Mortgage Deed made by Dr. W. . Strickland and wife to Dr. O. L. Denning, and bv the said Dr. O. L. penning transfer-! to Dr. J..JI. Benton, whidi said Mort. gage. Deed has . been recorded in Book B, No..2j)age 349 records of Harnett ccmnty, I will sell at public sale for cash, at the Court Honse use Electr:o Bitters. This remedy .door in Lillington on the 18.h day of 1 acts directly on Liver, Stomach aud.LtjBK1h .J893, at 12 o'clock m. one tiffs have a cause of action against Undf of w Bllxhlird said aeiendant. it is tnererore oraer- eu uuwc ui aui.wsi.tuu u Fuu- thfl lxnd of j. S. HoltL4o Satisfy iisueti.once a ween lor six wes 10 uw.ppcr lection. Issued fmm a. rpsrwf published in the town of Dunn. N. C of Harnett ooanty gainst J. S, Holt and in favor of Unton J Cen- Kldneya, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions. If ou are afflicted with Sick Htadache. yoe will find speedy and permanent relief by taking Electric Bitters. One trial -rill convince you that this it the taed'Vou need. Large bottles on lySOcvat Harper & Hood'Dreg Store.. - - storaJnuise and lot in the town of Daap. known as the Dr. Strickland aiore - This Feb. the 14th, .1893, J. H. Bentox. Assignee of Mortgagee. . F. P. JOSX5, Atfjr. 'FebJ6 4w. c tral-Life Insurance Coapaay. --Thit the 6th day of March 189S- - C. ilcABTAK.herifr. Mch9 ts.. . f r notifying the defendant J. S, Holt to app2ar berore the undersigned on aiuray tile 25th day of March, 1893, at 12 o'clock tn. at his house in Hectors e reek township to answer or demur to the complaint of Crowder & Raud for the non-payment of the sum of thirty -one dollars and thirty-1 A Good Opening for a UempapSf. two cnts with interest doe by note. We wiU mU our entire outfit cheap. And let the defendant take notiee a 7colanin tb,t tr ee fuU to ppe,r and w.wer UaX of Dupl.r Typn good will, or Jemnr to .aid copUlnt the relier et0. Tera : fatthu dcron4ed tbereia will be granted. partlcaiark addrcsj,4 - - - - ThU"ilUit.tUrpTFeb, 1893. . . Tns-Tnis, I-ebl0 6w. t P.O. Bfcx,145: . -vr t . t i I j