T 5-4 ST m B ! THURSDAY, MAY IS. ii: RATTERS CF LOCAL IHTEREST. C:hitrchH. Metiioihst. ''rvico tho 4th Sun day'nl 11 in., and at niIit at 7 p. in. First mid.iy u i? lit at 8:30 p. in. Suudav 5!iol at 0 a. hi., 11. J. Strickland, Suptriiilemleut, Kkv. G. T. Simmon's, Putor. uiVu) and Sunday morning t before th third Sundiy fit each month. IlEV. BUKNICK WOOD, Ptor. DtucivLVA. Services 3rd Sunday in rach monh. morning and night. Sun day School at 4 p. in., every Sunday. Prayer Mvtlng rvf'ry Thursday night. Rev. J. J. IIakpkk, Pastor C, V. II. M. iuet every Monday night after the "2nd and 4th Smiday In each month. Rules Adopt sd by the N. 0- Press Association. The sum of not leas than five cents per line will be . charged fr 'card of thanks," "resolution of respect" and obituary 'poetry; also for obituary notices other than those which the editor hiunelf shall give tt a matter of news. No' ices of church and society and all other entertainments from which rt venae is to derived will be charged for at the rate of five cents a Hue. &.rs J, A, Farmer, accompanied by by Mr9. J. W, Lane, is visiting her parents near Rocky Mount. Mrs. J. A. Taylor and little son, Jamie, spent Sunday in Fayetteville with relatives. Mrs. J. W, Benson of Benson, call ad un our popular dentist. Dr. Good- win, last Saturday and had some den tal work done. Many bank failures have occurred recently in the North and West which affects business in a general way al most everywhere. ' Several couples, of our young pao pie attended the Glenwood com mencement last Friday, Dr. Crowell President of Trinity College, deliv ered the literary address. We return thanks to the faculty of tho State Normal and Industrial school for an invitation to their first annual commencement, which takes place May 23rd and 24th, The Closing Exercises of the Pro gressive Institute will take place June the 1st, Rev. J. L. Winfield, editor of the Watch Tower, from Washington, N, C, will deliver tho Literary Address, Tbe Grit Monday in June the mag istrates of the count)' and com mis -gipiitfrs will meet in Joint session to elect & Board of Education and elect one commissioner to Gil Representa tive N- A. Smith's vacancy, who re signed. Rev. Mr. Sample of Mecklenburg county, will supplj the Presbyter ian chure here. He will preach his first sermon here next Sunday morn ing, and on. that day it will be decid ed which Sunday the Presbyterians will hold their services, Dr. J. A, Hodges, a son of Mr. Jas, P. Hodges, of thb county was in town Saturday on his way to spend p few days with jelatiret in the Lit tle River section, bis old hom. Dr. is one of the moat brilliant orators in the State, and is au eminent phy sician of Wilmington. He delivered an address before the State Medical Convention in Raleigh lat week which has dcen very highly comment ed on by the SUte papers, L.OCA.Li Mr. Edwin W. llcrr of Citn'-ori, w in town" yesterday. . . Mr KUlridge Lee is on a business t-ip to G-ddgboro.. Mr. W.'F. Phillips lea yesterday to sjm ud a few weeks at home in Chatham couuty. '. I The Academic Commencement next Wednesday and Thursday, a large crowd tS expected. Mis Flojence Vestal of Richmond. Va, is spending some time with Mrs J. C, Goodwin. Rev. Mr, Glenn of Elm City, came down in Mr, Oglesby's plac. aud at tended the second Quarterly Confer ence at Pleasant Plains last Satur day and Sunday, and preached' Sun day night in the M. E. church here. Mr. Oglesby's health, we are glad to say, is improving.' Lie is sojourning at Panacea Springs. ! Tuesday morning a negro was found on the Railroad near the tank, about 2 mih'S from here, in a sense less condition. He is supposed to have been hurt by the train in pass ing or he might have been a railroad hand, ilia name is not known. He was brought here and medical ex amination taken which sImws a frac ture af the skull. Drs. Moore, Sex ton, Harper and Denning performed an operation but it is thought he will not live. Memorial Services at Chicora- Memorial day at Chicora was ap propriately remembered, a large crowd met at the Cewetery, decorat ed the graves of the fallen heroes of the Con fed racy in a beautifnl man ner, and a speech was expected from our silver tongue orator, Hon. D. H. McLean, but he wtzs forced to disap point tbe audience who knew if he had been able to go, they would have heard something eloquent and well fitted for the occasion, but Cum berland court neces&itatad him to be there. . However pretty flowers were spread on the graves ot those who fell while facing the battles sound and the bul lets of( their enemy, The ladies who acted their part so nobly in the Lost Caue, love to meet even now, 9g years since the sound of the last gun was beard, and tenderly pay tribute to the soldiers who sleep in the Confederate Cemeteries. An Organization Termed. j The Commercial and Industrial Association of North Carolina, has been recently gotten up. with Mr. Alf. A. Thompson of Raleigh Presi dent, and Mr, Hal, W, Ayer Jjecre tarj. Thee gentlemen are trying to hold out inducements from our State to capitalists who desire locations for investments, or other words, de sire to advertise North Carolina's re soujees of all kinds. So its very important that every town that wish eg to induce manufacturing or show the special advantages it has or can offer to capital, belong to this asso ciation. So we throw out these explanations that our business men may think of this and if they want to build up Dunn or invite any attention to our locality. Let's get together, organ iie here and join tho State Associa tiofl. We have the locality and every thing except capital and with the right kind of effort can bring it in our midst. The editor is in corres pondence with the Secretary of tbe Association and will be able to en laige on this brief notice later. Business men of tbe town, land owners around here, what say you ? This is a chance to draw men wilh capital in our town and county. Round Trip Tickets can be pur chased at John H. Giles Barber Shop better known by the No Draw Back. Call and find out the price of on. Guarantee good work. Jno. U. Giles. Dunn.N.C. Opsins Exercises of Bait s Crock Kr'-iLiijVf i Tliuisday, Mry 11th. the closing exercise oT Buie's Creek j Academy took placp, tho d:iy wan tine, and hv !0 'cluck, the time, for the exercises to begin, h large concourse of people had gathered in the beautiful grove lo witness the coin'nienee;ueni. TLs following was tho "prog ram me: 1. Wake the Song (Anthem), by i he f.i;i!, 2. Wflcoioe (Rcc). by ""seven girls. 3. Telling Fortunes ; (Ree), Miss Alice Bennett, 4 Wilyuru8 Watermillim (Dec). Tommie Howington. . . 5. Little Cris's Letter lo Jesus (Rec). Miss Siuithie Ha'rairton, 6. Who made the Speech f (Rec) Miss Nannia. Parker, 7. Browp's Mj8take(Dee) Jimmie Stewart. ' ' v 7'" ' " .8. The Dying Soldier (Rec) Miss Thaney Barnes. 11 9. What I Learn at School (Dec) Arthur J. Edwards. 10. The DrunkaraVDream (Rcc) Mis? Flora Long.; 11. When Pin a Man(Rec) by nine boys. . ! 12. A Ser'mon to the Sisters (Rec) Mf9s Lillie Upchurch,. . . 13. An Old Fasbiencd Duet jDia) Miss Sallie1 Eniiis aud Geo H. Long. 14. Ccasar Squash on Heat (Dec) Floyd Taylor. 15: The Saloon-KeepcVs Vision (Rec) Miss Lena liobbs, . , 16. We Shall Live, Not Die 1 (Dec) J. M. Page. . r . . ;fv- 17. Motion Song, by the children, 18. The Foreclosure of the Mort gage (Rec) Mias Jenny Bayles, 19. Tlib Wonderful EJpia) two characters.. ' '- - 20. Music (Dec) P HV HodVesr. 1 ' 21. Aunt Jeuiimah's Courtship (Rec)Miss Minnie Mitchell, 22. : An Agricultural Adclre 88 (Dec) J- D, Stewart - . - r . 23. The Tendecies of the Ige (Dec) J. S. Pearson, 24. Concert. Recjtation.by the lit tle girls. 'wJ- . 25. The Ne w Preacher fiRec);' Miss Alice Tylor, - , ' v',:: 26. Hunting a Mouse (Dec), H. D. Byrd. 27. If It were not for $he. Drinlc (Rec) MUs Leola Marks,'. J 28. Imitation (uec) Lonnie,, Smith. 19. Widder Greene's Last Words (Rec) Miss Foy Barnes. . 30, Aiieu to the Confederacy (Dec) D, S. Stephenson. 31. Rheiiiatiz Medicine (Dia) two characters. '' " 32. "North Carolina's Independence (Dec) M. H. Rawls.; ' ' 1 33, Our Carolina Home (song) -by school. 34. How Richy Played (Dec) J. R. Harroan. 35, MacLaine'a Child (Rec) Miss Electa Matthews. 36: A Little Girl'f Views of Boys (Rec) Miss MamieJiyrdJ - 37. Every Man a Historian (Dec) W.R.Johnson. . . ...... - 38. Getting a Photograph (Dia) four characters. 39. The New South (Dec) G. W". Naylor. .,.-. 40. Caleb's Courtship and what came of it (Dec) J. R. Patterson, 41. Jane Conquest (Rec) Miss -Sarah E. Williford. -42. My choice for a Wife (Round) by. niue young men. 43. Peter'n Courtship (Dec) y. E, Gardner. i7 44. A Lively Afternoon (Dia) 7 characters. 45. A Negro Lecturer on Locomo tion (Dec) C. H. Biggs. ' 46. Valedictory (Dec) W. R. John son. 4 7. Good.by (Song) by school. 48. Flag Drill (at noon) by sixteen young ladies. 7:30 p.m. 1. The Village Band (Sou) by the school. j 2. The Dead Doll (Rec) Miss Civil Barnes. 3. Be miserable (Dec) J. E. Ham- ! iiton. 4. N Scts iu Heaven (Rec) Mi.s Carro Taylof; Is 5. Connting the Shingles (Dec) Geo 11. I-ng 6. Doi't Marry a Man to Reform Him (Kef) MUs Alma Bayles, 7. Patent Horse Qneller (Dec) W. S Strickland, 8. Tl.re i no Death (Deo) A. T. McFurlnnd. 9. How to be a F'reinan (Dee) Til den Johnson. 10. Trouble in the Choir, Rec, Miss Lenora Upchurch. 11. The Bootblack, Dia, five char acters. 12. How Katy Saved the Train Rec, Miss Cora Taylor. - 13, We are Four, Rcc, by four girls. 14, Ragged Recollections, Dec. Chas Rich. : 15. Leaving the Homestead, Rec, Miss China Stewart, 16. Honorable J. Mos Stubbs Views, Rec, D. M. Hamilton, 17. An Appeal to Arms, Dec, Pi A. Canaday. 18. Value of Principle, Dia, two characters. 17, North Carolina's Greatest jNeed. Dec. R. T. Kennedy. 20. The down-hill Road, Rec, Mis3 Flossie Byrd. 21. Emmet's Defence, Dec, J, A, Williams. 22 Tlie' Quack Doctor, Dia. three characters. , 23. WomanJs Fidelity, Rcc, Mis Mary Harman, 24. Sara StackpoU's Candy Din ner, Dec, A. J, Gregory. 25. Death of the Drunkard's Boy, Miss Edna Betts. 26.. Out in the Cold, Song, Miss Electa Matthews and others. 27, Friendship, Essay, Miss Nans nle R. Utley. 28. Going to the Dentist, Dia, S characters, 29. Home,-Sweet Home, Dec, A. McL. Long, , . 30. Swallowin a Live Oyster, W. B. Matthews. 31 Good Night. Song, by school. Hon. Thos. W. Mason of Raleigh, delivered tbe Literary address at 11 o'clock. His manner of speech and eloquent effort commanded perfect attention through tbe entire address, and many were tbe compliments paid his oration. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell have long since won the confidence of the coun ty as managers and teachers, Their school is among the best in this sec tion, and they are doing a grand work in Harnett county. Thus clos ed the terra for 1893. Next Session opens August 7, '93. Miss Sarah C, Williford of Samp son, won the Fountain Pen for the mo3t improviment in writing giv en by Prof. Carrpbell. I have a brand new- Singer Sewing Machine for sale cheap for cash, or half cash and good time on balance. You can see it at D. H. Hood's Drug Store. O. K, Grantiiah. Whea Bb7 was tick, w Ur CuUH. Wben ahm wi a Child, h Timd tor CuterU. When ah becaa Mia, ab luac to 1 Wbea tb bAd Children, te tr Umud EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Executor to the Last Will and Testament df Mrs, Jennette McManning, deceased. I hereby notify all persons holding claims against her estate to present them lo me within tbe time prescrib ed by law or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estaU will make immediate payment to me. This May 12th. 1893. Jas, H. McAlxl3TEH. Mayl8tsc Executor. ' NOT!-!:. I havihij been ppui..Wfd lial tkr for Averasburo tonPh?p .wilt, !h in Averasboro If'riday. June 9tb; AlasiH aturdriv, 10th; at Dunn, 12th. 13i and 14th ftir IU- purpose of taking tax lisL J. W. Licab. Mav 1 1-1 m. BUSINESS LOCALS. FLEMING & CO'S. TP THE CHEAPEST PLACE fN TOWN. ChHdren Gry for Fher's Castorfcu Those wishing cheap and Stylish lats of all kii'di ill do well to ; call on Mi 9. Bi. J.. Denning, she wll sell at cost for the next 30 jllays. If yoiji wsnt a ppoll of Silk you can get any color at j jeming & Cu.'s .Our line of Underware is complete and we are offering a bargain in this liae. Fleming & Co. In wanr. rreather you need fans, buy them from Fleming fci Co. If you need a nice Diess Shirt or anr other kind you can find t it at Fleming fc Co., If yoM want a nice Blach Suit or any other color you can Sod it at Fieming Co, If you want a nice Umbrella buy it from Fleming & Co. You will find the cheapest line of Straw Hats in town at Fleming & Co. If 3Tou need a nice Four-inhand Tie buy it from Fleming fc Co. Fleming will sell you a $7.50 pair of peats for $5.00. Call and seo them. j Have you seen Fleming & Co.'s New Goods! They have the nicest line of 'Dress gods in town and prices to suit every one. r. ... 'Whare did you get that new suit? "At Fleming & Co.'s the cheapest place in town. You can get a pair of pants at Fleming St Co.'s for 3 dozen eggs. We haye tbe nicss .line of Dress Flacnels in town. Only 8 cents per jard. , Fleming & Co. Stonewall Brand Guano for sale by Young Bros. Tr it. Tinsleys High Grade Guano has 4 per cent, of Ammonia, you should try it at Young's. Go to Young Broo. and buy your Guano. Richmond and Stonewall Brand Guano are for sale by Young '. Bros, don't fail to try them. 6hi!eW Cry for Pitcher's Castorfal We have a nice line of India Mull in three different shades blue, pink and cream, Fleming & Co. Fleming & Co. carry a complete line of Dress Shoes for both Gent's and Ladies, Fleming & Co. have jaet received the nicest line of Tracks, Valise and Grip Sacks eve? brought to Dnnn. and they will sell you a leather Va lise for $1.00. Be sure you see our goods before you bay. You can get tbe latest styles of Neck wart in any sbrde at our store, for we carry the nicest line in town. Fleming & Co, If you are in need of Window Shades bat them from Fleming &. Co. Special Notice Paris Green will kill Potato Bags. For sale at D. H. Hood's Drugstore. It will pay you h" advertise in Tin: Tzxes.