THE TITLES, 1ublisiii:i) KvEitY Thursday, by young & gra::tham. tsicksday june 2d. iso."?. WHAT A NEWSPAPER IS. Some people lo n t properly esti mate the value anl importance of a newspaper. How man' families are there in which" you fn:d none not even the county paper, whii'h every one ought to real, and for which few men are really too poor to pay. It m:ikc3 no litfeience whether you lilce the editor or not, or whether the paper reflects your individual ideas of polU tics, religion, economic and social questions, there cannot fail to be .much that will interest and benefit you in the course of a year's reading. A9 some one has truly said the news paper is the cheapesc thing a man can buy and will pay the b'ggest re turns for the amount invested in the long run. It costs less than a post age stamp less than to send and re ceive a letter. What good does it do you? It instructs you and broadens your views. It interest; your wife, and educates your children. It comes to you every week, rain or shine, cilra or storm, bringing you the news of the busy world. No matter what happens, it enters your door every week as a welcome friend, full gf sunshine and cheer and inter est. It opens the door of the great world and puts 3011 face to face with Us people and its great events. It shortens the long summerdaj's, and and it enlivens the long winter nights. It is your advisa, 3'our gossip and 3'our friend. Nomanisjast to his children who does not give them a good paper to read. No man is good to himself and his wife who does not take a newspaper, and the local coun ty paper should claim his attention, challenge his admiration and com mand his support first. Ex. BED SPIDER OB LIGE OR COTTON. Every season as eoon as the hot dry weather begins in earnest, the Experiment Station receiyes com plaints of the damage caused to cot ton plants by a small red mite which roost farmers 'call a louse. This is scientifically, known as Tetranychus telarius. It is a true mite which lives on the under surface of the loaf covered by a while silken web. It inserts its beak into the veins of the leaf and sucks out the sap causing the leaf to turn red or brown in spots producing what is called "Rust." The leaf eventually withers and falls off. This little pest is so small it generally escapes notice until ' its presence is made known by the rusty appearance of the cotton leaves. Remedies: Probably the most satisfactorily remedy is to send men through with baskets or bags and pick off all rusty leaves, carry them away with their infesting mites and burn them. As they live on the un der side of the leaf onlv it is difficult to use spray against them unless one has a nozzle that will throw the spray upwards, fcueh a nozzle attached that will throw the spray upwards. Such a nozz'e attached to a T rod is made by the Field Pump Co., of Lock port, N. Y. It ie illustrated in Bulletin 84 of the N. C. Experiment Station. The Kerosene Emulsion made ac cording to formula No. 6 of the same bulletin is the best insecticide to use. but unless it is well made, the kerosene is apt to burn the leayes. A reliable ready prepared emulsion can be bought of V7 S. Powell & Co., Annapolis Juuction, Md., as cheap as any one can make it. The tobacco decoction wil. also de stroy these mites. It is made by boiling tobacca stems or powder in water for half an uour at the rate of 1 lb, tobacco to three gallons water. 21ix five lbs, of flour of sulphur with 10 lb, of freU lime and boil together in five to ten gallons of water for half an hour. Add this bnilinz hot to twenty gallons of dilute tobacco decoct'on and use at once. Instead of boding lime aea sulphur, fu'phide of lime nnv be bought at ti e storps. One lb. of thi powder should be well mixed with 1 quart of ordinary soft soap and the whole then fctiricd into twent' gallons of the hot tobacco decoction and used at Should the weather turn wet those mites will - soon disappear as they are unable to withstand much moisture. UNIVERSITY OF N. C. EQUIPMENT Faculty of 2.j rcHohers, 11 buildings. 7 scienti fic labratoric.a, library of 30,000 vol umeK, 31 G students. INSRUOriON-5 general courses, 6 brief courses; professional courses in law, medicine, engineering and cueniistrj; optional courses. EXPENSES Tiv lion 60 per year. Scholarships and loans for the needy. Address, PRESIDENT WINSTON, Chapel Hill, N. C. Jur.e 29-2m. In warm weather you need fans, buy them from Fleming & Co, If you need a nice Diess Shirt or any other kind 3'ou can find it at Fleming & Co., Flemir.g & Co. carry a complete line of Dress Shoes for both Gent's and Ladies, If 3'ou are in need of Window Shades but them from Fleming & Co. Dupree and Lane will sell 3?ou a Barrel of Flour for $3,90 cents guars anteed alright. 300 pairs of Shoes at Degree & Lane's at 50 cts per pair for Ladies all solid, Our line of Underware is complete and we are offering a bargain, in this line. Fleming & Co. I have a brand new Singer Sewing Machine for sale cheap for cash, or half cash and good time on balance. You can see it at D. H. Hood's Drug Store. G. K, Grantham, ism CIUAL COST LESS THAI! SL25 PB GAL, LEE HARDWARE CO., SOLE AGENTS, DUNN, N. C. Sirengrtlt and Health. If you are not feeling strrong and healthy, try Electric Biliers, If -La Grippe" has left weak and weary, use Electric Bitters. This remedy acts directly on Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions. If you are afflicted with Sick Headache, you will find speed- and permanent relief by taking Electric Bitters. One trial will convince you that this is the remedy you need. Large bottles on ly 50c at Harper & Hood'i Drug Store. 1 a imii Jr I WISH TO SAY TO Puolic that I shall continue busi uess at Dunn. N. C, in the shop for mcrly occupied by R, A. Johnson. I keep on ha- d CARTS, WAG ONS. BUGGIES. HARNESS. WHIPS, etc.. all of which I offer vcr3' low for CASH. REPAIRING of ill kinds done at Moderate .rices. Orders by mail receive prompt al lentiou. lh ping 03' fair dealings to share a portion of 3-our patronage, I am, Yours Respectful I3. J, A. JOHNSON, Dunn, N, C. Mch30. ZW TOUTS BACK ACTIES, Or yon are all worn out, really good for cotn inz, it is general debility. Try BKOiryS IRON BITTERS. ZX irCl cure you. cleanse your liver, ana give a good appetite. IRS. J. The O heap MILLINER, ALL STYLES SPRING- HATS, Satisfaction GUARANTEED, or MONEY REFUNDED. Call and see my stock. Apr27 '93. For Malaria, Liver Trou ble, or Indigestion, use BROWN S IRON BITTERS Goto Young Bros, and buy Rich mond Brand Guano and u.ake a good crop, .1IARKCT REPORT. Cotton. BROADWELL Good Middling 7 Middling Low Middling Turpentine. Virgin $2.60 Yellow Dip $L50 Hard 90 Country Produce.. Chickens 15(o25c Eggs 121 Hides 4(363 Corn 65 Peas , 60(jl.00 Butter . 2025 Ham3 12 FOR DYSPEPSIA, y Inaijrcrtion. Rnd Stomach disorders, take BUOWS S IRON BITTERS. All dealers keep it, per bottle. G emiine has trade-mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. NOTICE!!! Having qualified as Executor of the last will and testament of Theo pbelus Weaver, deceased, of Harnett county, N. C. This is to 'notify all persons intebted to the estate to come forward and make immediate payment, And all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or be fore the 30th day of May, 1894. or this notice will be plead in bar of Iheir recovery. This 30th day of May, 1893. J. T. Wilkix8. Executor. M cLea x & Farmer, At t'y s. June l-6w, - c Heeding tonic, op children who want btrHd injr up, should take BROVJSS IRON BITTERS. Itia pleasant; cares Malaria, Indigestion. iMlsusnesa, Liver Oorn plaints and Keuralgi Subscribe for The TiaiEs. 1 mm for Infants 'Castoria.!a 90 ttcH adapted to coairea that I recommend it as superior to anj" prescription known to me. " II. A. AacEEH, II. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooljn, 2. Y. "The use of 'Castoria i3 soun.Tersa3 and its merits so well known that it septus -vork of Fupereroffation to endorse it. few axe the inte'ligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." New York City. Late Faster Bloomingdaie fief orxnad Church. TCS CSJfTACa -: o TO WE ARE NO.W SHOWING THE NICEST LINE OF DRESS GOODS EVER DROUGHT TO DUNN, AND WE TAKE THIS OPPOKTUMTI TO ASK OUR LADY FRIENDS TO CALL AND SEE OUR MAMMOTH STOCK. OUR LIME IS. EVERY RESPECT AND WE GUARANTEE TO SUIT EVERY OWE. THANKING YOU ALL FOR BERED IN THE TO BE REI1 YOURS TO PLEASE, !' fill rl lUi&Iil IP f ELS 92 MM ! ! a 1 Mil A and Children. Ca&tor!a enres Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomuch, DiarrhODa. Eructation. Kills "Wormu, giveai sleep, nd promotes dt restion, . TTithout injurious medication. For ser?ral years I have recommended your Castoria, T and shall always centime do sn as it has invariably produced beneflcisl results." EnwiN F. Paboxb. M. Tha Winthpop," 125th Street and 7th Aa, KewYorkCitx COKPXKY, 77 JICBRAY STREET, KlW YORK. COMPLETE JS PAST FAVORS AND ASKING FUTURE, WE ARE, I J I J I ) LADIES

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