THE TIMES, Published Evkky Tiiuiwiav. v YOUNG & GUAMilAM. THURSDAY JULY i, 1S'J3. CONGRESS TO MEE X' Washington. June 30. The Pres ident this evening issued the follow- n ir..,u.m!..n - 1 Executive Mansion, Washington. 1). C, Jane 30. 1893. Whereas, distrust and apprphcn ion concerning the financial situa tion which prevade.all business cir cles have already caused great hs3 and damage to our people, and threaten to cripple our merchants and stop the wheels of'" manufacture, bringing distress arid yrivaion to our farmers, and withhold from our working men the wrj of labo. , and Whereas. the pre?eftt perilioti con dition is largely the result of a finan cial policy which the executive branch of the government finds embodied in unwise laws which must be executed until repealed by Congress; now, therefore I, G rover Cleveland. Presi dent of the United States, in perform ance of a constitutional duty, do by this proclamation declare that an ex traordinary occasion requires the -convening of both houses of the Uni ted States at the Capitol in the city of Washington on the 7th day of Au gust next, at 12 o'clock noon, to the end that the people may be relieved through legislation from the present and impending danger and distress. All those entitled to act as members of the fifty-third Congress are requir ed to take notice of this proclamation and attend at the time and place above stated. Given under my hand, and seal of the United .States, at the city of Washington, on the thirtieth day of June, in the jear of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and ninety three, and of the independence of the the United States, the one hundred and seventeenth. Signed, Grover Cleveland, The proclamation was issued at 6 o'clock this evening. The President bad left directions for the issuance of the proclamation before his departure for Gray Gables. The determination to call the extra session in the first week" in August, instead of the first week in September, it is understood was only definitely arrived at this morning's Cabinet session, after oiv ing weight to njmerous telegrams ceived from all, parts of the country urging this course. Another consid- eration which caused the President to change his mind was forshadowed in a remark made by one of hU Cabinet officers two days ago. that if the Presideut received reasonable as- "Jau fcUtIC "ua , m uiuiiiiil rfiifni 111 li p sn r i 1 1 cti nnpr. man silver purchase law, he might be disposed to call Congress together earlier thau he had announced. It is inferred from the fact that the Presi- dent has dono so, that he considers be has obtained the assurace he de sired. Most of the Cabinet has fol lowed tne 'President' 8 example and have left the city, or are leaving for a brief vacation. Those who remain say that the President's proclama tion speaks-for itself and decline to discuss the situation further. News- Observer-Chronicle. The' President after realizing the i financial depression of all business and seeing that the cause could be remedied by Congress, has issued Lis Proclamation for Congress to con- veneAAugust the4th. a month earlier tbant ifr-w&s flrst thought Congress The! President thinks 'that Confines will repeal the Sherman Biker Act.wbich is one of ' the main-forces that as brought this almost panic on the whole United LUtes, This bill will relieve to some extent the money troubles if it io re peated, and we feel- -certai a. Congress mrill act eight on it. DR- HODGES HONORED- The following fron. the Richmond Dispatch iz in the nature of a sur prise to a great many of tlie friends of Dr. Hodges. lut thy are none-the 1 s gratified at ho s'gnul arecogniza tion f hi a abilities j. Dr. J. Allison Hodges, of Wilmmg ton. X. ".' , has; accepted the invit.n lion recently extended him by. I he faculty of the College of pHysicians Snriieons to till the ci;air of anat'-mt , if. that institution. Dr. Ho.lges was; ........ t highly recommended for the position by friends in NorMi Carolina without his knowledge, and' when it wa ten dered him a few weeks ago it was a surprise, and he requested a short time to con-itier the poi'.io.. Yes terday he wrote the faculty formally accepting their oHVr. The new professor is a graduate in medicine of the University of Virgin ia and a collegiate graduate of David sm College. He was a delegate from rth Ca'o'.ina to the International Medical Congress in Washington in 1887; also to the British Medical Association in Birmingham, Eng.. in in 1800. and to the International Medical Congress in Berlin the same year, lie has been for four ytars a member of the State Board of Health of North Carolina; is now first vice president of i he N. C. Medical Soci ety; is Assistant Surgeon-General ot the State, associate editor of the North Caiolina Medical Journal. At the last meeting of the North Caro lina Medical Society in Ralegh, he was the o ator of the occasion, and delivered a very handsome address on '-Preventive Medicine." While a young man Dr. Hodges has come to the front in North Caro lina, and is well known to the pro fession of that State. With his tal ents and learning he will fill the chair of anatomy with credit ta himself and honor to the school. He will not come to Richmond until the lat ter part ofScptember and will retain his interest in the Journal. Star. Dr. Hodgas is a native of Harnett count son of Mr. Jas. P. Hodges, an esteemed old citizen of the Little River section, his brother, Mr. John M. Hodges is chairman of our. coun ty board of commissioners, an-4 is one of the county's best business men. Besides relatives Dr. Hodges has many friends around the soil of his birthplace who wish him. success in his new vocation, and we are de lighted to see the sons of Harnett take such a stand in the Stale, and even be caUed to 611 such a J,aoe OUt of1tlie State aS Dr Hod-es haS beeD ucu tu ami I .j WHAT NORTH CAROLINIANS SAY- Senator Ramsom, of North Caro- Una, said : -The President is ri2ht. - I think that his nction was wise. It will be indorsed by the country. The financial situation demanded an extra session of Congress, and the Executive has met the situation squarely and plain. Much good may result from it. 1 do not see that any harm can come." "I think the proclamation prema ture," declared Capt. Alexander, ot the Sixth North Carolina district, and the pressure which brought It about was all one sided. We could have repealed the Sherman law last session if some compromise . measure could have been agreed upon. The situation is a grave one, but the present agitation would have settled itself in a little while, and with time to think the matter over Congress men would have come together much easier. I am neither friend or foe to sjlver, but what I want is some meas ure to relieve the agricultural dis tricts from the stress and deprecia tion in land values, and I think thai a repeal of the tax on State banks would go far toward helping us in the South." Congressman Grady, of the Third North Carolina district, was in aa argumentative imod. He agreed withCapt. Alexander that the call ror an extra session was a little pre viou, am! thought that there was no occasion or hurry or alarm. Fur tbcrnioie, although no friend of the Sherman law. which he characterize as a sham, he did not beliere that it .was entlrrlj responsible for the pan c. "What we ne d in North Caroli na is more money. We have had too nruch law-making ?n favor of the and inonev venders, and ...... . ....u-. -r T f... ...i.. .I....f ixfA.lit to hulll TllfMtl this time," said he. Mr. Grady, who i n ta:;nch State rights man fur ther moe contended tint if Congress shoufd demonetize silver the States had the riah. under the Constitution, to remonetize it. and be predicted that this would happen. News Observer-Chronicle. Nurth Carolina has so far come in for her share of the government pie. But she justly deserves all that has ieen bestowed on her. and there arc some applicants not satisfied yet. airs. Ulyes S. Grant, wife of Pres ident Grant and Mrs. Jetferson Davis, wife of Hon. Jeff. Davis, who was President of the ; Southern Con federacy, met for the first time at West Point week he Ion last. They met where their husbands both had graduated. These noted women were once far apart but time brought them tigether. South Carolina began on the first day of July to dispense the calamity juice, corn juice or liquor under the State management. No longer does the individual citizens have a right to sell ruiu to his fellow man in that State, but the government. Many a jug, keg and barrel 1 was no doubt stored away just before the bar doors had to be closed, some of them pre pared for at least 6 months. The State expect to save money now. J. DAM The Cheap MILLINER, ALL STYLES SPRING-HATS, Satisfaction GUARANTEED, or MONEY REFUNDED. Call and see my stock. Apr27 9S. Go to Young Bros, and buy Rich mond Brand Giano and make a good crop, KfARKET ePQKlT. COTTQN. SIR ELL Good Middling h Middling Low Middling Turpentine. Virgin $2.60 Yellow Dip ' $1.50 Hard 90 Country Produce. Chickens 4 15(2l25c Eggs 12J Hides 46c Corn 65 Peas 60(51.00 Butter . . 2025 Hams 12i Sirerierth and Health. If you are not feeling strrong and healthy, try Electric Bitters, If -La Grippe" has lea weak and weary, use Electric Bitters. This remedy acts directlr on Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions, ir yoo are afflicted with Sick Headache, you will find speedy and permanent relief by taking Electric Bitters. One trial will convince 3-00 that this is the remedy vou need. Large liottles on Jjy 50c at Hyper Sc Hood's Drug bure. I WISH TO SAY TO THE Puolic that I shall contintte bui uess at Dunn. N. C, in the shop for merly occupied by R, A. Johnson. I keep on hand C ARTS. WAG-! ONS. BUGGIES, HARNESS. I WHIPS, etc.. all of which I otfcr very low for CASH. REPAIRING of ill kinds done at i'MixWale prices. Order- by mail receive prompt at tention. Ht ping by fair dealings to share a portion of your patronage," I am. Yours Bespectfully. J, A. JOHNSON, Dunn, N, C. MchSO. TO WE ARE NOW SHOWING THE NICEST LINE OF DRESS GOODS EVER BROUGHT TO DUNN, AND WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO ASK OUR LADY FRIENDS TO CALL AND SEE OUR MAMMOTH STPCK. OUR LINE IS EVERY RESPECT AMD WE GUARANTEE TO SUIT EVERY ONE. (G W ALL FOR THANKII 10 BE REMEMBERED IN TifE FII1,'E IRE, YOUKS TO PLEASE, FIIIIG mm I 11. iimyT i "'UifOOlUlufci entn rmmtn RiTitotn.! XCTUU. C03Z LES3 THAU CU flaOH. LEE HARDWARE CO., SOLE AGENTS. DUNN.N.C. June 29' h lj It you feel ' ueafc and all worn out taka BROTO'S IRON BITTER a 'i o :- t COfwlPLETE PAST FAVORS AND ASKING i

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