the: T IKIES, i Inccrsoi!"Jse banker's par.iv. rrMSIIEI KVKUY THUIiSIAV, BV YOUNG & GRANTHAM. Cy if the Sherman law. was not re- j I .vi.inii r--r tutu in'i'H' -.- Under Ue aiming drenmstan-, : . . i! ees I have li.s-. nd, and "" l' F: .,,u. i i,olu it is u:neeesan i" :i i iu i vain. fr the of h Alliance mounding tki r 1"""s :l 41 ! .. - mvs;;f t!i aviuiimsiraliot 4l I for rne to s 'V tb-a the hope f ingr.a; oceis.,jed by E, A. Julms-m. T0.SA1 TO II Punlic that I shall continHb busi ness at Dunn. N- C in il'.e sl op for-; wis of tbo.thev nTre-nt. ; (r lJft aV ' TllU!5SrY .I17I-Y 27.1.. !riMjioin2 fillv .mo hair f tl.c nn- "hft ! - - ril,U out! vru'l I:il- Tl.n extra session of Con ires con voneaonthc 7t.h of Aui4. then fnnai)Ci:d q.S'ion Washin"ton will be wnrme 1 u;. . . . . . Tl:f It'l'll - ' t wbatthv had t" exp-ct, mi Ji.isg.rai r '.row Some admiring Scotchman Aberdeen, Scotland, has sent Presi dent Cleveland a Shetland poay 33 inched high as a toen ot esteem, The Winston Bank which failed will re-organize. There were 2.000 xhare in the st ck an l th ? stock holders voted to pay 23 per cent, on the share and start up again. n't loll n! ... . : . iln fi-;t n?!ii,i.ll lit" vur Aii'ii'ict; i " tera.KMr o , the audject 1 have seen in the Stale. U 5s time your order was Ihriniri"!! every ato'ii or its bdluoncf ! f. bear. It should use every mean possible to let it b i known tin, thcr, is yet -i not her and entirelv v,rl I in the tliM and !.:m-s of toil, whose int -rest demand attention as Bellas lh-at conibiniiion ! nio-.ev dealers, stock brokers miblers and in no sense atfeeied j my r lt. in the pren:ses. !!... r..r u iiiuMvc mav "i""'! ' m the repeal of lh:.t lavv I have; no .r. jr. -will ni. o a uretit w:ty. Ibn !ei ih jz a t'.iev may. it uuaW be tiy 'anie. endeavor ti do ,my bty lu'niHintaini.r the c.-.ue of the pep pie by j'-eservin the i haraoter of t heir money and ncroasiiv; it a bun .lance. Very truiv yours. j Z. B. Vanck. Charlotte Observer. 1 .. .i speculators wh.i assume lor v.hmii se'.ves to con titu'c the -business ni leres." ol the la!;d. Juilie Hovkin of Clinton, to.ik un- ,, ;l,e next p!aee I was lad to to hi.nelto! the 1 3.1 abnuerhalf in YC.X, Llie res dutions of vur Alliance, h person of Miss Ada Rodders of Concord As he has added a better hall he will of course be a belttr Judge. Th3 first bale of cotton made this yeaj was sold last -.veck in IIou3ton, Ter., ftnd brought about 150. says the Clinton Dsmoerat. It was then shippe 1 to the World's Fair, North Carolina olfue seekers are still getting impatient. They think Mr. Cleveland slow in some of the affairs. Hit when a man wan.s an olllco he jrets in a hurrv. SENATOR VANCE ON SILVER- GOM3ROOX, Neau Black Mountain, N. C. ' July 19.1893. R W.Elliott. E-;q., Secretary Meck lenburg Co Al'iance. Sir: I have received a copy of the resolution of Mecklenburg Alli ance, adopted by a recent meeting.' urging Senators and Representatives to stand by the present silver pur chasinz law until some satisfactory substitute shall be adopted. I observed this action with great pleasure, for two reasons : In the first place, it is the exercise of one of the most valuable and legitimate func tions by which the Alliance can b3 made to subserve the interest of the farmers the concentration of their whole influence upon the issues of the day. In view of the notorious fact of combinations among all other branches of industry and in every " form of capital, I years ago urged upon our agricultural classes the im portance of such organization as , would enable them to make their vast but widely scattered and disjointed strength felt, promptly and cllieient in legislation. Now, the prcscrva vation of silver aa a part of our cur rency is one of the" most vital of all the issues which our people have been Railed upon to decide for half a centi ury. The enemies of silyer money haye displayed a wonderful sagacity in their tactics.' Though scattered throughout tha civilized world they have obeyd a single voice from head quarters in London. From New York the word come? down the line to all American capital and the re sponse is immediate. What is known as the Sherman law is the only legis lation on our statute books which binds us to the use of silver, and the cry is raised for the repeal undor va rious pretences, all equally false. The banks, stockbrokers, bondhol ders, chambers of commerce, ct id omae enus, clamor for its repeal and urge the calling of an extra session of Congress to assemble arnl sit dur ing the dog -day's for that purpose bseauss they concurred with. my own most serious conyi jtions. Many ye-rs ao. after as thorough an 1 im partial examination of the question Us I was capable of making, I cam to the conclu-ion that the use or silver as well a gold, on equal terms as the b jsis of nr currency, was best fr he welfare of the people of the Uni ted States. This view has governed my course in Congress. The facl that, nature sometimes ilded more of owe metal than of the other, thus causing a discrepancy in their intrin sic values, did not. disturb me; for I lvarned fioin history that for nearly three hundred years during which a ratio between the two mi tals was fixed by laws, the fluctuations in iutr"nsic value had never exceeded 3J per cent, and that soon after that law was withdrawn great and material fluctu ations immediately bean, vhi ;h will doubtless continue so long as we treat Notice- ,: There will be publihd y the Ail rnl number of the Puooukssiyt: South, of Rio'mono Va.. an article on the best, most acceptable, safest, and stablest eirrenuv which can1 be issued, showing h nv a largely incren3 ed volum.) of paper money can be eireulatedgoud alike in all parts of the United Statts. convertible into roio at w 11, sind et release two-thirds ot ihtt present stock of gold and nine parts out of ten of silver. i The rame number of the paper will contain an article showing how large Mini. nnts of money can be expended (without leaving interest charges.) making goo! country roads in! all parts of the Union, and create, pros perity in all part3 of the United states at the ams time. j There will likewise, be several oth er interesting aiticles for agricultu rists, miners manufacturers, and busi ness people. j The. Pkogressive South is the best monthly paper for the agricultu- T keep on ha.d CARTS. WAG-j ONS. MJGGIKS. HARNIS.: WHIPS, etc.. nil of which I offer j very low for-CASH. REPAIRING of til kinds done at Moderate prices. 1 Order by mail. : receive prouqtf. at tention. II p:ng by fair dealings to share a portion of your patronage, 1 am, ' Yours Respectfully. J, A. JOHNSON, Dunn, N, C. Mch30. m tCTTJAL COST USSS XHA11 51.25 fEUQAI, LEE HARDWARE TO., sole agents, dun'n, n. c. June 29 h lv. If you F feel weak and all worn out take BROWN 1 S IRON BITTERS TP I ilii LABIBS one metal as of fixed and standard rial and business people published. value and the other as a commodity. It is not necessary to go over all the grounds on which my conviction was founded. 1 simply wish to assure you that ny opinions are unchanged Recent developments which seem to have unsettled so manv silver ad vocates and make them give way to the repeal of the Sherman law, has rather strengthened me in the deter mination to yield to nothing to the rnono-metalists, wnose schemes I re gard as absolutely selfish and unpa triotic. The "panic," so industrious ly advertised, is known now to have been created by them; and will be known hereafter as the rich mm's panic; the explosion of the Indian bomb is already discounted as the rasping by the government of profits of coining silver rupees which here tofore had been reaped by British merchants. The coining will go on as largely as ever, only the Indian government will pocket the 40 per cent, gain and not the merchants. England does not dare to demonetize silver in I na i a. which alone mikes her demon qVxzq it at home. There is not spare gold enough in the world to replaceHhe 900.000,000 of silver in that country. The attempt to do so would bankrupt half of Christen dom andElgland well knows it. The suggestion is pure bluff, and can on ly disturb a politician who holds a vety weak hand, Nor have the alle gations so distressingly shouted that the Sherman law was causing our gold to leave the c untry had any ef feet on me. From the beginning I knew them to be false. Goid went out because we owed it abroad and the balance of trade was against us. Shipments of wheal have turned the tide and it is now coming in. Some of our securities did come home and Price one dollar per year. Subscribe now. I UNIVEKSITY OF IT. j C. EQUIPMENT-Faculty j of 23 reachcrs, 11 buildings. 7 scienti fic labratories, library of 30,000 vol umes, 31G students. INSRUGTION general courses, 6 brief courses; professional t . courses in law, medicine, engineering and chemistry; optional courses, j EXPENSES-Tu:tion $60 per year. Scholarships and loans for tbeneedy. Address, PRESIDENT WINSTON, Chapel Hill, N. C. June 29-2m, i. AYE ARE NOW SHOWING THE NICEST LINE OF-DRESS GOODS EVER BROUGHT TO DUNN, AND WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO ASK OUR LADX FRIENDS TO i ? - . - CALL AND SEE OUR MAMMOTH STOCK. Go to Young Bros, and buy Rich mond Brand Gaano and u.ake a good crop, - i OUR LBftSE IS COMPLETE IN EVERY RESPECT AMD WE GUARANTEE. TO SUIT . ' EVERY ONE. Have you seen Fleming & Cos New Goods? They haye the nicest line of Dress goods in town" and prices to suit every one. take off geld in payment, but this hurt nobody except speculators in alone. Tariff repeal, which formed j them, who were fearful that the price j in chief issue of the oast campaign.! would fall and thev would lose mon-i iro iTii.tfil iitli Kiek Ihinlnrhn !r(.n - 4 C ' , J . - - - -r"w--w . v f I ' ( is thrust to the rear and interest ofjty. But even those which did come ! will hnd speetly and permanent relief t Sirenslli and lloaltll. If you arc not feeling, strrong and healthy, try Electric Bitters, If -La Grippe" has left weak and weary, use Electro Bitters. Tins remedy acts directly on Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perform tueir iuiicitons. I! vou THANKING YOIT ALL FOR' PAST FAVORS AND ASKING TO DE I!f I1E11ED IN TiiE FUTURE, WE IRE, YOURS TO PLEASE, FLEMING t-anitnl is place.! in front, lo bo Iealt ! from abrond came in ctmsenucnen of '' lakiua lilcclnc Bitters. Obe iriaS ! - ' " . ? 1 1 . .... rn twill 'iC .' ' w ICO V'U i r li'.L- J ' -i " V. 1. L'i - p ; j' HUT t.-'.Y:i ! H t .-vr ? -" ; - t A 2 -1 '4