THE TIMES, PUBLISHED KVKRY THURSDAY. BY YOUNO A OrUNTUAM. -HARD TIMES" N'th Cadina education i reich In r n in ' h- to; To n 1 of th 1 1 1 tr of 'm i h-" c'io ' jo niv opening 'he fall omton. all with bright prfwiw. and the t.odnt enter with ldrhro-rfc and their mot., to i. ouward fin I unvirl till tlic top In reashH. The legM'atnr? of Alabima, have s-ihraiUel a fall to -the .vote of thp pople for -the. tix,v paid by Mir whitft rac to h Y!en lI alone for theod nt-itlori- of their children, an ! the rVl r to (oo'1 th tax they par in edu-.atinz their children, .t i said th white will aet about 8 per 5nt. and the ne jro 1. per cent. . . . . .1.. gonrv. ann I then asKen uic paries who Imd paid n.c, to advance money for their bills until I could get imf rency from Raleigh in tle shortest poHAibte whici. they did. As rasc a possible, I have refunded al) i.hee advances and eyery member f the party is repaid, except a few Tlmm I have not yet heard from. U has required time to ascertain the amount due each one. and I have been very busy with a great variety f .work connected with my official du'i and tnv ordinary atftirs. j This statement will. I hone, ex pi the matte-Jto peoolo w' are willing to do justice. "L?ke all men who serve the publi. 1 hare some enemies and rivals who have giadlv seized tliM orpo-tunity to distort mv conduct, and slander my character. The' are deriving evident satisfac tion from their n malicious per firmanc and I assn-e them they are welcome to enjov their dirty occupa tion. E. G. Ha-rell. ,N'ws-ObserTerChronicle. I I our section of North Carolina, and in all the Southern State3 have their scho h. public and private, with at least 75 per cent. )T their free school fund paid in, and gi Yen them by the whites. They have their churches where they, can. worship God accord in; to the dictates of tieir own, pe culiar. oiwicience, and most of their churches are built with funds giyen them by the whit efpeople, and ;they &s a clrs work less than we do, and when thav do work they are always well paid for tKir IaW. Yet not one out of every fifty ever has e i.ougli when death c mes to bury him-ieir. In our own little village in the pas? six ears something: like leu or a dozen deaths have occurred and tun one of them had laved awav sufficient warnings to pvy their burial expenses. their resort wa to be. buried by the icounty. or the white people pay their expenses, and 'yet ' the Northerners say the. South gives them no showing. Why the neu roes even s,o and vote against the very class or people that enacted the laws to give them schools D' I 100! i . To lay there are" rn re good schools in operaMon. more student? attend-' inz tlnm. more nice churches, and mil of tn lure a pastor, more peos -pie lire In iintid hooves, drive good Tories and ride in busies, more merchants, .moro bar-room-, more fac torle, more politicians, more people doint nothing, more nviney issued, more .surplus o tton...ra r mn want n'fhe, mtrn grumblers, mo-e farmer, more newi pper-, moro people reao ikAtQ. ra re Steam b as, more rail rttadi. mor peopla tra1, more bank fatlurt an I more peophLJcniW'wIiat'n tHe financial trouble thn the United States hat vr peon or known, yet with more of errTthinj. more people erf har'l timtM than ever before, whflithlt! Conf rjt has hwn debatinsr silver nw about foar weks and not any frtt iilTtr bn tent out, they have hftifkt np any rtilrotd. nor Paid a w rd about the tnbtratury bill, nor tven repealed the Sherman act of IW), lint thoy hare passed 9ome ft Ut g peechs of eloquence, and ptnl to nit tilrtr that we poor feU lawt pthi our taxs with, tome time it tto past. Now-they ought to pro. eTtodo tonjething. glre us free tilrkr. if you don't we are not going to let that Rrtraofdiuarv session of Hongrtti e on muoh longer. We l'opulittt nerer hare aeon Congress, but we know what It ought to do, and exactly what the people need. Now 4o at we tay, and the good tlmea will roll In on n and our land, like the wares of the ocean, on the float ln ship, in time of storm. A Card From Col- Hhrrell. The Htorm Su idav Night and Monday- During the night Sunday the storm struck hero and our oldest citizens say they nevr knew such n steady hard wind before in this sees tion it continued all day Monday un til about 10 o' clock at night when ' the rain partially ceased and the wind subdded. no serious damage was done so far as we haye heard more than the blow ng do'n of fen era trees and cronsof all kinds, Ih ooking ovei the reports from other )oiut8 wj notice riht ranch damage along the coast from Flordia to WiN mington. In Wilmington two wod mildlngs were blown, down and the i i wires very rancu raageu. . nnr Sonthport a sterner has anchored in bad condition, hut 'relief went to jits rescue. The Wilmington Weather Bureau said tho wind blew at a ve loeitv of 72 miles an hour, and the j waves were higher on the shores than ever seen before. It is reported that Charleston received heavy damages bv hicrh waer. and the wind there J - was yery hard. Accidentally Shot by FooliglWith "a Gun- Raleigh. N. C, Aug 24. Tne violence and persistence ot i i . i . mbbca miuie on me, ny certain par Uea in the State Is my excuse for making this plain statement of facts.' which I respectfully ask tue press to copy. of equal capacity with the whites. The question now is, should the white men, or is it their duty to educate. build churches, protect and bury a class of people that naturally hate and denounce us as oppressors, and oppose every interest that would, be for the upbuilding, of the Southern Whites and might be a benefit to the nesrro race. It ooeurrs to the writer that they "getlo mul'h, and our pe pie treat them too well in"pto;orLion to their appreciation for it. The Purchase Clause voted on in the House- The vote on the repeal of the" pur chase clause of the Sherman act of 189 came up Monday in tho House the vote stoud 209 for and 109 & gainst. This is one step in the right djredtibn go on with the good wortc and confidence of the people will soon be restored eyery body will go down to work and busincse will be good. Let the senate carry out the txample the House has set for them. DEALER IN, PURE DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY. TOILET ARTICLES i , ! - PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFDLLY COMPOUNDED DAY OR Mil IV' E I KEEP IX STOCK ALL THE STANdABp PATENT MEDICINES, I - PACKAGE DIES. 'DIE W DS Al STUFFS j PERFUMERY! COLOGNES. BAY RUM. FLORIDA WATER, : Extracts for tho Handkerchief. : : I it OUR STOCK COMPRISES ALL OP THE POPULAR ODORS. ; 1 . t : 1 TOILET AND FANCY GOODS! TOILET SOAPS, BATH SOAPS, FACE POWDERS, INFANT POWDERS, TOOTH POWDERS. SACHET POWDERS. TOILET CASES.. DRESSING: AND: FINE: COMBS. There wire two grounds of com plaint In regard to ray management! at Averasbom on a visit, both of the of the Teacher's World's Fair trip. 1. Some of tho members of the party failed to' ecure sleeping car ad other accommodation on the route. ThU ws due to the Tact that a lar?e number of perann joined the pnrty on ho day of departure, without previous not-lee. tlttiA swellins it imubr hey tad mv pwor to provide necessary aocommodations. It wan perhaps an error to permit them to Join without notice, and I frankly on fens it, 2. I had received money in ftd vanoe to pay bills in Chicago fbr member of the party, but reach,. Chlcio. I waa quite unabU to ! pay theae bilu, because I had deposited the funds in hanks in Raleigh nd Newhemto be draxvn, by cqrtifWfi check, while jr (ildcio nerde. Last Saturday morning, at Averas boro, llenry Barnes and Milton Uarnea. two boys 18 nr;20 years old and cousins, were in front ;of F, A. Parker's store, when a man by the name of Gilliam Lucas came alone going hunting. Milton Barnes took the gun from Lucas and wfis careles ly running on some foolishness to Henry, wtien Jbe jxiintert (fie ganj to wanls him and asked Lucas If the gun was loaded, but before any an swer came the.kot was fired and took effect in the right breast, and went through his lung. Dr. Sexton was. at once sent for and the wound dressed. The ball wa probed for but not found, lie is still living and may get over it, but very liule hone for him. . He is a son of Mr. Joe Barnes of FayetteviliiJ. and was boys are considered wild and reckleas. It is simply the recording of another Herious accident, if not fatal, by the careless use of a gun. The sad affair was much regretted by the entire com munity. Tne Race Question- The race problem Is a q e?'ion which often claim the attention ol the Northerners and our own Couth i ern people. The North on eyery oc casion throws slurs at ug. for the ways in which the negro of the South Is managed and treated, simply be NQTIUE. !CiC ?. By virtue of a decree of the Supe rtor Court r Harnett count)', eranted in a special proceeding, wherein B F. Shnw, Adm'rof J. S. wa plaintifTand the 'tteirs at law of J. S. Sugs werev !Hffendants, being a proceeding to subject the said of rea! Ksiote to saltf tric1iay debts. I Will. Oh Monday, the 2nd day iif' October. 1893, -at the Court House dxr in LvUiugUxo expose to sale, to the high est bidder a certain piece or parcel of land, di scribed as follow 67 JBaXJSJElEBl Hair Brushes, Clotli Brushes, Tooth Brusheo, Nail Brushes, Flosh Bruohes, i Dust Brushos. White-crash Brushet Marking Brushes, Artists' Brushes, Camclo Hair Pea oils. CALL SEE US! AND Your Patronage always appreciatd, and no . mat IER HOW SMALL YOUR PURCHASES. YOU MAY REST AS acres, adjoining the lands of J. K. Stewart, C. D. Stew:.r. and Benjamin 6UREO IT WILL BE OUR CONSENT AIM TO SELL .YOU -Till? Johnson, it being the I ann upon which .the said Suggs did live on in Grove BEST GOODS THAT CAN BE OBTAlXiil) AND LowoiHhip. Harnett county, N. C. Terms of sale one half cash, and the balance payable In three months. Title reserved until all the purchase money is paid. ... Aug, 31 1393.. B, F. Shaw, (Vnsignee. CK' Cgj;D. H McLean, Att'y. i AT LOWEST fiICES W. L. DOUCE-AO OS SHOE mTOp. Da yoa ww them? es sxt b nd try I fib j Cost In tho werld . 04.00 03.50 02.50 '2.25 02.00 XJ2U0 2.00 mica 00 7G Bora .. i s irsa k . mm - jr .... , i . IfjTdS vtnl t fas CSESltilCL cab h tU UUxt tMnr tsafl paty t IbO, bj BjtJ, t3i3, U.CO t ISSket. Tier CI iU ti cuilca mxi tai look trt uj litX f yea fth b ccucnihi h mr fct wr. eau.e lluvpeople .North are ignorant Urklti!,?iiMtXtftttanllMkfe1rlthyM Uy. of the fact, they juu rer back and Tf I DOPfrr. A ft Crti3j Cai. sidby Irftw tin Lh(ir irn .(Irui.n until il... W Ih fill JM?li! i:A T. . I I p. i,w ..I . . rkl I - -- OT thO-. it OtllnTi rtfTO jit'Pptt:d ill r t!t daruey uM 'dwi lh dom -iuiui j-i : F,$rr 0 C o. mm . i ra il) m m Puolic thai I shall contume hnsi uess at Dunn. N Q., jn the shop for- , merly occupied by R, A. Johnson. 5XU AL CC3I L3TSAa 8L2 na QAI LEE HARDWARE CO . SOLE AGENTS. DUNN, N. C. June 2Dlh 1 BROW 3 IRON BITTERS cures Dyspepsia, -In-. ! T keep on hand CARTS. WAG jONS. BUGGIES. HARNESS, i WHIPS, etc.. ill of which I offer rery low for CASH. REPAIRING of til kinds done at,' Moderate prices. Order by mail receiye prompt tention Hcping by fair dealings to tR a portion oryour patronage, I am, Yours BespectfuIIr. J, A. JOHNSON, d i a t i o a 4t3 b i 1 i t y . ! oh:, , -

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