Render Unto Caesar thj 'iiinM that are baesaxs, Unto God, God's V()L. 111. DUNN, HARNKTT CO., THURSDAY, OCT. 127 1891 1. NO. 33 I LL IKREOXQUY, y t . . ttifiii-t' rY .1.-11. 1 .1. ' w - Lj1aW :U Wl.e moral kiris have Kicn r upHv animal. " ' A story liicli luis lV'-rn jiiven gen eral circrn1uiti." da1in' wi'h tin U.atod State "Senate -collect! vol jr I ( !UsuIar Cirr.-;JprM,atfur.) I'm S'lwWoI.ew. ui t c .iljiv when the extraordi nary sosV,n oftl.. Fifrv third Con- trr coin ueoeed to bo. then; hnvr .n'i-lfiirtfi hiking to cmnpromi-o in Hi . matter of ff-incil le isl tmn. l'tit until now :ho efforts h.d oven appearance of inrff. ctiveness and the i..Mi.iMT.ion tacked cirnest suppor. Hut. it eem ns 'though' the move oward coinproini-c had k- r rrs u ", u:.. iUfi"e wll(, , L :,.t.n.l(M.V.; ' janxioimf-.r k-ai-latou in.Ut that Im.tIh .Kkv. O. t. SIMM). r.Mtor. U"" ' n n.iver m;i, will nav to nrreivler a liulft or that for . Phimitivk, RAtrfST. S.Tvue t- j,r.i n :iu;V "rtVjJJ Wt1'11 .M-ri tly (hin rMvmltln eHfJt mnth i v BuitH ick. W6n, Pastor. ; :irii, mninlnff aiu! tilht. Sun tluySohwr t 4in m.. every Sunday. Trivrf MtwtMip vr' Tlmrl iv nlht. HKV. J f 'lARPKK, l:t-tor i W. H. M. mwt very Monday nlsht lifrrr thi- iud and md;iy in .each mouth. . " lUVTlsrri Srvkr every 2nd 8un ,l v at 11 a. tti.V a d 7:30 p. ift. Sun Kcliool at iiJn a. in., U. G. Tay!r, Hut. I'rarer Merting rvry Thursday ,v.nhit T:3(K ItHV. N n. Conn, tator. rnftRYTuiAK.--Kvery I t 'Sunday 1 a. m. and 8 k in. ItHT. W. P. HAMl'fTator. which the3' contend or the Resiin will be resultlcss. The proposition ! likely to be adijpted if frank ex prcA8ion of opinion by 1 leilators r prominence have art v value will ' le far from 8atisfVctry t.o those it represent the silver interest,- but it will-be very iuiioIi better for them than the mere unconditional repeal or the, silver purchase law of 1860. It seem. as though an agreement will te rcchel by which, the purchase 'of silver-will be suspended until 11 the. silver now m the vault- of tiie Treas ury Department has been c ined. and when thai ha been accoihplished (i;. will take Rom.'thing like eight yearn to do it at the rate of $1,500,000 a month) the purchase of silver is to bt resumed at the rate of 2,000,000 ouni cea per month until the total silver si.tieti iiat when n man ron t ue a tneiidier if thai btniv one of 'the 8-n t il ri'quUite'of-his maibersUip was n hore and fcarriane, to wait for ' iiu everv afiemtMin outride the iorth ern wing of the Gapi'ol. - It is tru that a 1"iij line of equipages fclaMda iKdore the Senate winir -of in after "iion. and that a ljirner-pronortion of the Scnalocs nle home behind - their .own throti!4reda.han.m-Qibers of the other House. "' Rut there arc se'v oral Senators fwrib patronize 'public vehicles while Vice President b e venson :nv:iriably?sings into a gr-'eu car after the adjuirnmcAit, hauV out a six lor-a-qtirtet "ticket, and reads the aft n(Mti papers until the c-c reaches his Iiote.; - j . . . Rep-ated calt3 on Attorn e3' Onle J to "smash a trust, just as a guararw if I iill If s Mr i IfS-NOT A ME DUT : FACT THf 1 H'REE & LARI. HAS WOW LM: -S'T.O'G f iitSE f L At2- gBst best selected; : aw CO 1V1 PLETE STOCK. QF CE W RAL ;: ERCHAWPISE;: ElfEK SHOWW I IN buww- CONSISTING .0Fi TH"E FOLLOWING- UR DRY GOODS LIKES. E IS BETTER Limi tee of, good faith, haye not produced - , r : , . . . t. j :v v.-..r - - , ' tesults as yet.; It, is-'altiilctfier tREiSriEft11 AND S 10-.. -PER - CENT": sib'e that the Attorney General. dos rpjj EYER BEFORE ;QUr 6tOek Of BOOTS Mli not desire to take any step wmch may ? . . ' ... -.x- ,. . - . -. add t,. Ue unplr uess condition which is already prcU and mens fine diess sXoV. online of ..heavy. i'Blioes is ty.weii dL-oraercd. v, . ;.. .. f nnexoelIediandwd-neYer rf orffet the little ones thuv Mrs. Cleveland is out- again j and - : . -;- , . : - Sunday nii Xuirintenilnf KkV.'J. H. WortLRY, IVror. currepc'. in the country is $300,000. 000. The coropnxBiie also provides l..t Jl. tl L. . 'a. fcuab Mfrp iii uc, immeniateiy, a gob? bond issue to theex'ent of $200,- ). a., far recovered lhat uSes tist haye shoes-. e. hnve everr .tyte t qaal.ty in med-ye. an occasional drive with1 the PrdsN youth's hats, from 25 cents tb$3,0b We have added, to oor usual stock dent. The baby, too, i8 doing well. nlce am weIl bought lincof. Clothing and Gents furnuhlnfr oods. It wild iue toiai purcuasc 01 stiver joui . - ., , , . . - . " . . lion by the Treasury Department for be to our lntere8t to 8ee U b3fore ya b clotlJ,n ff we have . d the month of September was 2,746,; antl noting out new fco.m w Biow yuu. . . . 500 ou aces, leing l,755.fi00 less than OUR LINE OF HEAVY AND FANCY-GROCERIES is always eon the moiithly quota 4,500 000 oqnc We haye al8Q adddod h to opr bpBlpMf andr ncial es. Thu is the third month in sues v- lr - r " 1 J "OTUir . Tl -'-.XI -- - "- 1. Ynnn-XfilXslimm-.- WJ. I. L 1 1ni1nmnt8 on ttutlerv. iiaila and axes. ' c1aimVlm a .tufflcicnev f both meU cw,on "uicii.iue V" ' " " " , - f . A . - li.-1. g, Gooiira, . DENTAL Stma-EON. 4 Graduate of Vanderdilt UnivertitVi ' Dental Dpartmtnt, () iltr his services to the public. OKle roma on 2nd flor Gkm1 'win it K8Xtog buildifti, Dunn, N. C. " Jml'lMf. MORC SON . . - ATTOBNET-AT-LAW . Will Pfaciicc in all tbe surroand ing counties. . .. . . - . . : JONESBOUO. N, c. - L : A NEW LAW- FIR1I. D. II. McLean and J. A. Farmer cave this day associated themselves . locther in Uie practice. f law in all the courts of the State. Collections and general practice solicited. D. H. McLean, of Lillington, N. C J. A. Fabmeb, of Dunn, N, C. ?iw93.r' iT A: : . if m & 0 U. H. DANIEL. ; ; :o DUNN, HABNETT CO. N C. " Has met with most wonderful sao :es in the treatment of Cancer. Write to him for one of his pam Alets on Cancer and its treatment. Forilalaria, LivorTroa bio, or Indigestion, uoo BR0T7N S IRON BITTERS ka U. tl per bctU. Otnainehss oa crccea rsa uatt on wrsppss. al; 'Hi at the- administration will zre. in advance of legislative ac tion, to such a cooipromise is not at all Ukelv. for the President has do r clared with all neceatarr emnhais his deire to hare this sesnion do nothing but repeal unronditiona'Iy he- obnirious silver pucchase ail. But iTsach a compromise came to hlin with the approTal of both Houses he would undoubteilly sign the bill. Thai a compromise like that outlined would ?o through the House of Rep reacntatiyes is certain; Ah at it will go through the Senate is quite probs LI oie. i i rTTnmnntr nr mrrT tiixttjt. iue stiver oratory or uepreaeta-I T.-nm i tire Breckenridge, of Kentucky, filled the House once more this week for the first time since the blue grass orator became a conspicuous figure in the public eye. There was a gen eral rustle of sensationalism in the air. jur. urccicenridcre s tones were never mellower nor more magnetic. his Dicturesaue oenods rolle-i ont 4,What is the news rtown in tne oil about wiggled into tn old settieraeni. with rhythmic plentitude. his white settlement concerning of religion and which the same it is bound to wiggle locks tossed above flashing blue eye8. PoI-c3 general, and the Third everywhere in the run of limo. Of Party in particular." saj'a I to Aunt course it aiot'none of my . funeral, Nancy one, night after supper. I j do but still I kinder like to see the pro loye to sorter wind up the old lady a cession pass by. The sooner it is talkiu machinery and then stand from dead and the buryin is over with the under while she lets the check , rein better it will be for tife country in down and turns herself loose. common and the people in general: 4I never ve- have como up to that j neyer did - like the Thiid party, pint where I wanted to be a man and The name of the thing isienough for rfrinlr wh?ktv and ttear breeches and .Vnej it is'. the r. devil. ;If -you will P"or want of space we cannot mention in da Vail oar TinVTare, VTSd and fallen below the limit prescribed by the Sherman law. j The snivriiliitirin ua tn tliA nontonf'iA ofGovenorNfU-then'scoramumcation " "'" ---'j- . w.,, yu u to President Cleveland, which drew ft?f ortirg poods. Tot most heartily invite the trade to catae and (aspect forth hia recent silver letter, is j not OQr stock, and we will guarantee to make PRICES TO SUIT every oat, HIcaIv fui hn arntlfiod. It is believed ' . to contain certain statements hardly e mat gratefully thank the trade at large for their past li!Tal patronase, advisable to publish in print. The lie is frequently passed in Congress. In fact there are many persons whor incline to the opinion that misrepresentation Iras a general circulation in that body. j and hope by our increased efforts to share a greater ratio the cooing ccssonj M REMAIN Y01JRS TRltT, . PARTY- From Adiiin Down to the Present Day The Devil Was First Third Party. :1 inmy ears, nor blinds on ray eyes and I can't help from pickin up a few scattering politics com in and goth. As for the Third Party, it has 4 jest The. Federal elections bill was a con- genial subject to him. and he had a greater incentive to distinguish him self than usual, because there were strata of coldness through the audi ence. In the beginning of his ora tion Mr. Breckcnridge attempted to dispose in short order of Representa tive Johnson. "With these words," he said, referring to the Republican, "I dismiss him and his speech Quick as a flash the man from Indi anna was on bis feet. With a tone that rang out sharply across the hall he shouted : "There are other things the gentleman would like to dismiss." Then, after a pause, "Bat tho people wiU not dismiss them." The Ken tuckian made no reply for a moment, when he said : "I do not know to what the gentleman refers." The Republicans laughed at his answer; then they trooped almost ananimoss ly Into the cloakrooms, leaving but empty seats to the silver chaired ura- stirred up trouble in tba Crct fan.. ilyahd brought sin and ' borrow aid ruination . on - the 'wnole' dTecoycred humsn race J Adam ahdre -bad a pleasant home to live InJ with plenty of everything around- thecx,: aad 1 e kon no doubts tby "was getUa alocj, m oore smoother and happier tbca any man or woman ' thai eVer: II? t&, under the sama. roof from that day to Ubis. But about that time thW ThI M Party the old devil tfa came In and tempted Ere. and Eve she tcaptedV Adam, and Adam he fell, and from .vote,-;says the old lady between the take all the back history of the world I time the human family went fluffs from her pipe, "and I am not and the human race from Adam down ' " ""ocuerai acraumax and J ; i one of the sort to be forever meddlm to the present day and generation mvself along with the politics, l am you will mighty soon see where your a woman, and more than that, thank Aunt Nancy is right. The first ap the Lord. I aao a she woman. . I love pearanco of the Third Party was in to go to all the big meetms and quiU Heaven, where he tried to get up jl tins and logrollins and barbecues, split amongts the angels and run a and smoke my pipe and talk and sideshow on bis own hook. He was pass off the time in pleasant confab- a kicker and a bolter, forever and ulalion with the neighbors,- but I am eternally stffrin up a mess and run more than wiliin to let the men folks nin on the independent ticket. He do the drinkin and cossin and votin. got so big and flew so high till by And yet still at the samo tin-e, wliile and-by he fell and the good Lord I ain't no pollticiorter. and neither pitched him overboard. the son of one, I don't near cotton -It was the Third Party that everlasting ' confession cent of sin and sorrow and troubles a'tribuhu tions. It was -"likewise also the. Third Partj-ihe devil -that brocgbl poor old Job down to rtjs and tzhz and biles and a gri fitf yfo- hi-, self and eYerybody else. If you. would take 6nly"prticni?r J scilcs. yoa xxiirsee tfit fcl llyJd'l'aHy tis, always beep.a afghty bad cj. It generally tskeaj&pi three to stir cp . a rale bad mes vand'tbe third party always "does Hie deyilmenL' Fraas;--nin Times.