THE TlfclSS. PrtnLTirn KrrtY Tinman v. nv" YOUVG & 1 GRKTFI VM. the die ha3 been cast ami the Presi dent signed the bill. Yc hope tba'. EXECUTORS NOTICE. Having qualified as Exci-utrix it will be good for the country, any- j r;ev Ncin McKay deceased, late fi .it! : how it is carrying out . a r the Chicago M.,rnolt. n.nnntv N (' this is lo no-I i . .. , v j - ., i dl1 f th vi'nci' on f.'i-- Tin? t 1 ?jtai Oir'ilt OviH. .S if No"th Crnn exo'vt- inv of lfgnl lffjht fco t.h nlic-i Mt.v honl 1 ft one; anito o i tho man nil urge Kim. Cono;rAM adjourned on Fridav even ing and tho Rxtra-nr 1ini-v Seion is thing of history. T dav tho mflnM will h-iv i month's vaca tion ud mt ln December in regu lar Soaalnc. Senator .Tone of Nevada, and Mr. Mahono an of E-Senator Mahone of Vin?inl&. have purchased the ?fontsforue''v mine at Ooncord N. C,. an. thav will oon hegin digging gold . ths or In thai mine i vory ich, and U plentiful, our SUto furnUhe a grU ranv metal and lota of gold silTor. L'vat Tuejdiy the election of ?v rl of thi' Wtrn an t S rth W- trn Stis were hM. Virginia and MnryUn-l vera the only Southern HtctPA. YirgiuU elected the demo crt!n tioVtt by a majority of from to 40.O3Q. N-j York has gnn rermb'iean. So ha Ohio. II . llnott jm lecto l democratic State ofEcorc EanohuetU and Xowa are onoertia yt, bai trill likely be ro pufcttc&B, i um&l la all the State elections "tbe BopultAtH have cut very small Ggure. the flht U batvreon the dem oeatU and republican. Th9 Virgin ia lection wa very important to the South, a4 ft ould give tho Populists t&e Ulsek eye to got defeated after i&afeic& etch tremendous effort . Taely they w'ere dsfaa'od, now tby nUl cry out fraud, like they did in oar ova State after their defeat. 7 Sora) time Ago the Athletic Club of Auburn, Nevr York, offered purse of $1000 to anv one who would make tfw ttip frorm New York to New Or leant in aeventy dya without a cent of money, a Mr. Williams au Athlet ic young man took the challenge, and on Sunday the 29th. of October he reached GrenaooFo and was enter tained at the Beubow Ilocse and that was his 25th. day on the round, he is making 25 to 39 miles per dy and will resch his destiny in time lo win lha wager,. In voting on the repeal bill, Sena tor Vance was against it and Senator E&nsom for. In the House onlv Mr. Bann from the 4th District, and Mr, Settle from North 'Jarolina, yoted for repeal. Mr. Grady from our district, and all the others in the Ptate were against thi measure. Each of those . gentlemen are honest in their opin Inns, If repealing the purchase clause . of the Sherraau act is wuat the Na tion needed. Mess. Ransom. Hunn and Settle are right, and if it does not work well, and prove a benefH to the country. Mess. Grady, Vance. Uran3hand all who voted against the bill are wrong, but we feel that all of those men acted on their honest convictions. Pialfr.n. an.l now men will, money j a haviRa cJai Wi,l not be left in suspense a, to the , of sai(1 dt.CCn,e,l claims aa&nst to exhibl) The Bapeal Bill has passed the Saiitte pv a Vote of to 32. Ob Monday the SOth. of Oct., at about 7 o'clock the final vote on the repeal bill was taken and the result was 43 votes for repeal and 32 against the end came, although eyerything that conlil be done to keep from reaching a yote wa3 introduced by op;ors of ropea', but the aoal hns course of legislation. inejn io uie uimersiiitM ui :iuc i 1 ill 1. . l 1 A l . t'.l.V I nope wui ui- rc.Lorc. canmS,.o j s L G 180. or thls notice will be J .nVivA nonntpr uml iri' fif 14 :1 Til ! L . times relax The bill as passed reads as follows : That so much of the act approved j July 14, 1800, entitled. 'An act dN recting the purchase of silver bu!!i;m and issue of treasury notes thereon, and Tor other purposes, a3 directs the Secretary of the Treasury to pur chase from time to time silver bullion to the aggregate amount of .4,5000, 000 ounces, or si- much thereof as may bo olfircd in eich month. at the ple id in bar of ti eir recovery. All persons indebted t. said estpto wijl please inke immediate payment, j This Sept. 6, 193. .j Mrs. M. M. ?'elvay, Exe'x.'; ( n - 2i. EXECUTOKS NOTICE. 6t.i Having qualified as Evtvntors Thos. Ma-.hiiV's dcceivseil, late of Harnett County. N. C this is to no market price thereof, hot exceeding I tify all persons Laving claims ugairiUi. $1 t r 31.25 grains of pure sil.-er, i thu estate of said deceased to exhibit and to issue in payment for such pur chases treasury note3 at the United States, be and the eame is hereby re th'uu to the undersigned oil or before tl.e 28th. dav of Sept. 1804 or t!is notice will be plead iii bur of their pealed. And it is hereby deciared to j recovery. ' All persons indebted to be the policy of ihe United Suites t continue the use of bnb silver and gold as standard money, ard to coin both silyer and gold into money of equal intrinsic ana exchangeable val ua, such equa'ity to be secured through international agreement or by such safeguards of legislation as will insure the maintenance of the parity in value of the coins ef the two metals and the equal power ot every dollar at all times in the mar kets and in the payment of all debts. And it is hereby' further declared that the efforts of the government should bo steadily directed to the establish ment of such a safe system of bi-met-alism as will maintain at all tirne3 the equal power of every dollar coined or issued by the United States in the marketaand in the payment of debts Whether this is the right thing not we will have to wait and see, but the bill stands readj' now to attach any measure that will help the coun try, and maintain the promises of the Democratic party. said estate will please make immedi ate payment. v ;! This Sept. 28ih XSOZ'. D. W. Mathews. V John Mathews. S Exr's. 10 5. ' 6L: We haye just received a nice line of all wool Overcoats and dress Coafs. that we will sell for less than it cost to make hem, after you steal tjie cloth. Be sure and see us before you buy, and wo will give you two dol lars worth for one, Fleming & Co. iiy ycur medicines at D. II. Hold's Drug Store and save money. NOTICE!. By virtue of a power of sale con tained in a mortgage deed, recorded on the 8th day of August 1891. by E. A. Jones and wife. L. E, Jones to V, A. Jones guardian of Rex O. and Hu bert Y. Jones, and to any successor she might have as guardian of the said Uex O. and Hubert Y. Jones be fore the payTment of said mortgage deed. I will sell to the highest bid der for cash at Court House door in the town of Lillington, on Monday the 4th. day of Dec. 1803, at 12 o'clock, m the following real estatae in the town of Dunn, N. C. .Harnett count3 to wit : The individual half interest of the said E. A. Junes and wife. .Lot iNo. l, in modi u. L. ac cordi Uunu and Cumberland Streets, being 3 40 x 150 feet. Also the individual half Interest of E. A. Jones and wife in or 3 23 I nnLD UNDER OUARANTRF. ACTUAL C0SX 1X33 TJIAii PSS QaL LEE HAKDWAUE CO., i SOLE AGENTS, jl DUNN, N. C. June 29th ly. ; NOTICE OF LAND SALE. NOTICE 1 North Carolina, Superior vs. Alex "McMillian. loi, io. i, in liioft; u. v. ac- i w ing to the plan of the town of j -ve entitled action. I v a. Said lot cornering on King (laV tli;; 27Ul of Nov- rtt the Harnett County ) Court. Celia Williams ) Notice of Execution le. Iv yirtue of an execution airected-i to t!ie unuersignod from the Superi. or Court of Harnett County in ; the will on Mon- 1S93, at 1 o'clock P. M.. at the court house door of said couutv. Sell to the highest By virtue of a Mortgage mice to me by the late AiiVeil Pegram and wife deceased. Recorded in Book M. No. 2. Page 4G in Harnett Co. I will on Monday the 4th. day of De comber 1893, at the Court Commercial Coliegs House ; "Cheapest &BestBusinessCollegeinthtworit door in Lillington, Harnett County, ' sy-t-m or Book.keepiaK na owni bw'jeKSS public sale, to the highest bidder for cash the real estate coutaing 246 acres, also one mule. This sale will be made to satisfy a mortgage made to me as above. T II. Burt. 10 9. 4t. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. bidder for cash, tasafisf' said execu one half of Lot No. 4, in Block O. 0., j tion'.u tuG right, title, and. interest I the same being 75 x 140 feet, said I whl"h tLe 5ex MoWillian hthe being situated and cornering on Lay- defendant, has in the following; tje ton and Cumberland Streets. For'a scribid real e3tat. u -wit : ; more dalinite diription see Regis i lra2k of Seated in Jhn- try of Harnett Co., Book F. No. 2 j son vil:-Township on the west side ,maM 1 inJ m,l lin Thi. 'm- ! f the C. F. S: Y. V. Rai!ro:U. which 9th. 1893. McLean & Farmer. Att'y. 11 9. Having qualified as Admiuistra. tor of Fannie Johnson, deceased. late of Harnett County, N. C thi3 is to notify all persons having claims against tho estate of ssid deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned 2k o VaatieD. tnU-r now. OradaaMs succcufkU w WILBUR R. SMITH, LEXIHCTOH,. 9. 14. 3;d. W, L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE ho, Do you wear them 7 When next In csei bj ? Best In tho world. 4.00 3.50 $2.50 12.00 FOR Ml- 1 rru'4i:Ivisyrtv rna trim 3.S0 $2.39 mi k 7$ FOR B8? J.7 ) P. V TU-.triiau. uc. S to V. A. .Jose?;. 4t. If vsii ur:wrt o flno nrcc SHflF. made on or before the 30th day of October sies. don't pay $6 to $8, try n)y$3,$3Ui 1894. or this notice will be p!eadi-d JrU PJa' CBStoJTiflS ' k'PQf a txr&TT I F unit lufe h a cinftffl 7ft !I A A 11 persons, do so by purchasing W. L. Douglas Shoes, price stamped on the bottom, lock for u r-H'7y VT. I DOUGLAS, Brockton, JIMJ- iias teon iieued upon under an: at f in bar of theirrecoverv. Jones i ;uc-,i:LH-!il In vor eita liiihms. j indebted to said estate will please C. McArtau Sheriff. ( make immediate payment it. This 30tb dav of October. 1893. i i Jas. A. J ones Adm'r i of Fannie Johnson. FOR SALE j Very nic line of Plain and French ', Nuts, Raisins. Orangeslictc. ' at I. H. lioui's Drug Store. MAli One medium i2e farm mule, qnai-; ities good. Will sell for cash. 11 2. O. J. Spears Att'y 4t. r resn. Mrs. R. A. Johnson. Dunn, N. C. 10. LAND 19. neon -u' j. it, :'i.iii?r let Vi':'h! it-Av-- tf?--.;.-- ; OP r-n from Dunn, u licalthy location, with !good water, terms easy, ris.ply ; "Care Central Times. f to J. SRGrS IRON BITTERS cures Dyspepsia, In digection: Debility . 2 VI I0 UJOtt Tf8 pu2 'V C T03T - o P r ; Fleming 8.31 'S3- G-t lilt 't1'' 3Many Persons e overwork or, houseboiaj?; j aown firsa overwork or, iicecw -4 a, Brown's Iron Bitters erstem, aida digestion, remove? ex;f cod cures gnaaria Get tne gtii'-'- IADIF Atedinir atonic, or childrtn wao p. should rn.)Ti s-s nuts !.-; i 4 il,

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