The Central Times. f- T T T v-v ....- - - t "PROVE ALL THINGS. AND HOLD FAST TO THAT WHICH IS GOOD. $1.00 Per Year. In Ad vanco VOL. IV. DUNN, HARNETT CO., THURSDAY MARCH 1 1894, NO. I. n. d. n. UAMhL. Editor and Proprietor. y DIRECTORY, A IIAPPY.IIOME. Town Oefickrs Mayor. E.. A. Par ker. Commissioner. J. II. Pope, J. C. Cox. P. T. Massengill, F. T. Moore. Attorney, F. Wade. P. Jones, jlarshal. M. L CJliitrclief. Mk Rev. Geo. T. Slairaons. Fastor Srvicett at 7 p. ru.. every First rtunday, and 11 a. in. and 7 i. in. every Fourth Sunday. Vrayer meeting every Wednesday night at 7 o'clock. Hunday school every Snndy morning at 10 o'clock. O.K. Grantham Sunerintendant. Meeting of Sunday-School Missionary So ciety erery 4th. Sunday afternoon. Young Men's Prayer-meeting every Mon day night. FRF.BfBYTERlAV Rev. A.M Hasgell, PaRtor. Servicew every First and Fifth Sunday at 11. m n i ? t m Sunday school every Sunday evening atlUt life With full armor on o ciock, ur, j, it. muiei, sunerenaant. A holy place is a home. Whore loved ones are gathered round. Where mother, and sister dear. And brothers and frienu are found. A holy place is the hearthstone. Home's innermost mats are there. Laden with hlos-ed benison. And bellowed by loving prayer. A holy place is a home, What clustering joys abide Where the cradle of our infancy. Was rocked by our mother's side. A happy place is a home. Where children's pattering feet. Go glancing in shade and sunshine To Hie music of pleasure's bent. A holv place is a home, Where the youth have wooed and won, And wed and gone to the battle away, no Rtraln on nntrv,5nT I - ' J -" -" r i ihere Disciples R?v. J. J. Harper, Pastor. teervicea every Tnira sunaay. at 11 a. m and 7 p. m. Sunday school every Sunday at 2 o'clock. Prof. W. C. Williams. Superintendant. Prayer meeting every Thursday night at 7 o clock. A holy place is a home. Where manhood has settled don. Witlfblessings blossoming round him And love for a priceless crown. A holy place is a home. Whence the old and young have o-0ne Mission art Baptist Rev. N. B. Cobb, CD. lo rest trom their wearv Inh-.r rastor. u'i . i . . . Kervices every Second Sunday at 11 a. m. " 1 c me Daiue OI lire IS ilone. and 7 v. tn. Hunday school every Sunday mrrning at 10 And oh. from a IiivpIv Prayer ineetiong every Thursday night at When parted fntu those we lovo. 50 O ClOCK. 1 A1.1V Wrt (Til ti man.- i I Of OUT Father's Frfk-Wii.t. Bai-tist Rev. J. IT. worlev. I Pastor. KoBEHT h.rMTTxrn T.w s t ... 11 I v - - i'4J. services every f uuriu ruiiua m, 11 . u. Sunday adhool every Sunday evening at 3 o'clock. Erasmus Lee Superintendant. Primative BAptist Elder Burnice Wood Pastor Services every Third Sunday at 11 a. m. and Saturday before the Third Sunday at 11 a. m AFLOKiDA VENICE. 3111 Arp Raves Over the Settlement Known as Clear Water. Indeed is not a sinrrle Drivate earriaire in Clear Water; no driving around and -aimg WIUS. XI ; can sail or row. It is all air and water Spring- seems fairly upon us now. The oleanders are in bloom and the odor of of the yelllew jesmine perfumes the air. Fruit-bearing- trees are all in bloom. I sw an alligator pcv.r trsje in full blossom. It was eighteen inches in diameter. Its fruit is something be tween a banana and a muskmelon ami is eaten with salt and pepper. Cabba ges grow to twenty-five pounds in weight and tomatoes are large and colored to perfection. Something- is glowing all the year round and yet na ture seems to have her seasons here as in higher latitudes. And now let me say to numerous correspondents, who have asked a hundred questions, that I have no typewriter and can only say that I have no interest whatever di rectly or remotely in booming Clear Water. I am not a real estate agent I have no land to sell, but the more I travel and the longer I stay the more I am satisfied with what nature has done for this place. I have an earnest desire to own a winter residence here. where my wife and others of the family can come and bask in Florida sunshine and breathe the salt air of the gulf. It ; m i a t puhsitue to live as cneaplv here as have fourteen in all and every one says he is content. My respect for the toll ers increases with age. Longfellow's you can't walk you j most beautiful poom is his tribute to WHITE HOUSE FURNITURE the village blacksmith But still there comes a time when we want more money and less work. As we near our three score years and ten and the limbs get stiff and the blood gets thin acd col 1 we feel like we have fit enough as old man Candler said to Dr. Miller after the first battle of Mfr nassas. The old man was over seventy, but he fought all day like a lion. That night he was nearly dead and sent for the doctor. "Give me a discharge, doc tor, for I have fit enough." Bill Arp. P S. I should have stated in my last letter that the Cedartown bonds bore 0 and per cent interest while the At lanta bonds were only 4 l-2s. If the Atlanta bonds had have been 6s they would have brought US to 120. HUMOROUS. I is f EE J. BEfcT, L ATTORNEY. A LAW. DUNN. N. C. Practice in all the Court. Prompt attention lo ".11 business. J 25 I y A NEW LAW FIRM. D. 11. McLean and J. A, Farmer nave this day associated themselves, together in the practice f law in all the courts of the. State. Collections and general practice solicited. D. II. McLkan, of Lillingtnn, N. C J. A. Pakmeu, of Dunn, N, C. May.lU'93. nil. J. II DANIEL. I) DUNN, HAUNETT CO. N C. Practice confined to the disease of Cancer. PoMtivclly will not visit patience at n distance. A pamphlet On Cancer, lis Treat- mentand Cure, will be mailed to any address tree of c arge. lie Goes Visiting: In a Ball Boat Out Fishing Trip lie Discover That There are Thirteeu in the Party. on I E. IfKWN ATTORNEY-AT LAW Will Praciice in all the surround ing counties. JONESBOKO. N, C. Aj.riI-21-92. II MILLINERY AVE YOU EXAM EN ED THE BARGAINS iuISS MCKAY IS OFFERING IN LADIE'S. MISSES AND CHIL DREN'S HATS? SUE ALSO HAS ON HAND A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF VEILING. LADIES AND.MISSES CORSETS. INFANTS AND CHILDREN'S 'Ai's, MERINE VESTS, HOSIE RV GLOVES AND MANY OTIN THINGS TOO NEUMERCU MENTION. AND ALL A'l i A IV I j:s EU To Yesterday we visited the North Island, or Palmetto island, as it is called, and spent a happy day. There were thirtom in the nartv. We dident know this until we were out at sea, and it disturbed our tranquility, a lit tle just a little. Philosophy docsent drive away our superstitions. This was the longest sail we have taken, and we carried enough lunch along to feed us a week, as we thought if any thing should happen to us like there did to Robinson Crusoe we would not starve. Tt was a delightful sail of five mPes, and Mr. Whitmore's little boat 'Columbia" plowed the waves eagerly and sometimes threw the pure salt water over us and made the children scream with delight. Mr. Whitmore, our Swedish sailor, said: "It vas wer ry healty dis zalt vater." Indeed that is what give this place its name and reputation the continuous flow of pure salt water into the harbor from the numerous passes between the islands. It is always coming in and going out, and there is na stagnation. These islands are long and narrow. On the west side thej' are fringed with a beautiful beach, just as far as anywhere and a cottage of six rooms can be built for $1,000. There is a good bakery here, and with good bread and butter and fish and vegetables there is no lack of food. Uncle Dan McMullen has been living here fifiy-two years and Bays it is certainly the healthiest region on the globe. I go to Apopka and Oakland and Kis simee this week and then to Iverness and Crystal river and Brooksville, all of which are said to ba lovely. I am studying Florida without a book, but somehow I have no desire to be at the grand opening of Mr. Flagler's new ho tel at Lake orln. It would be a scene too bewildering for me ana too deple- xmg. i nice sucn tnmgs at a distance. But I like the hospitable, unpretending towns, whose hearts are warm and the people live in close communion. These are the people who fight our battles in war and respect law and order in times of peace and preserve the common wealth. These are the humble, con tented people to whom Burns and Pope and Goldsmith paid tribute and whose graves Gray immortalized in his elegy. These people have their faults and their prejudices, but in time of trouble I would rather depend upon one of them than upon a score of purse-proud aristocrats, ilow thoughtful thev are. of their children's morals. "Mr. Mc Mullen," said I, "ii it won't pay you to market these ornnges why don't you make wine of them. I see it selling in town at 50 cents a quart and it, is nearly as good as sherry." "Yes," said he, "1 know it makes gook wine, but there is a lot of grand children growing up around me and am afraid to take the responsibility I am not a prohibitionist, but I dou'l want to lead my own flesh and blood into temptation." He lives four miles from town and the ground beneath his beautiful grove was yellow with the golden fruit. Late returns from the sale of com mom oranges have discour aged the owners from gathering and boxing and hauling to town and taking their chances with the commission mer cna.uL. iiie o.uuy.uu'j ooxes tnat a the eye can reach, and the surf is ever lashing the sands shore, leaping and month ago were supposed to represent lapping and foaming, coming and go- $6,000,000 of profit will hardly reach mg ana moaning. i ne young ioiks brought their bathing suits along, and rejoiced in struggling with the white capped waves. Some fishermen have built a palmetto house near by which is both a shelter and a hiding place. It is prettily thatched on top and on the sides with palm leaves, the stems of which are woven and interlaced like the basket makers do it. All around are groves of palm trees whose beauti ful umbrella tops shaded us from the sun. Beneath their shade we ate up everything we had brought. As I walked along tnc shell covered beach I saw a man just a small speck of a man a mile away, and I thoughtTt must be Crusoe's man Friday. Soon 1 saw other specks move out from the palmettocs, and these seemed like the cannibals who were getting ready to roast a prisoner. But they all plunged into the foamy waters and Mr. Whit more said it was a bathing party from Dun Eden. This whole island is made of -hells distintegrated shells and I should think would make good phos phate. Every gulf storm throws a new cat upon it. or taices awav one. ine the half of it. And yet everybody wants a grove and everybody who lives here or winters here ought to have a small one for home ornament and house use. I have never ceased lo ad mire the exquisite beauty of an orange tree in blossom or in fruit, and if I get a home here I will have a dozen bear ing trees transplanted to my lot. What is Florida for but to enjoy ? This de licious climate was given it by a kind providence to restore the invalids ol more northern latitudes. How many people have I asked "what brought 3 0U here ?" and the almost invariable an swer is. "I was suffering from lung trouble or asthma or catarrh and I am cured," or "My father or my mother was suffering and moved here." Cer tain it is that I have improved and our little crand-child is now a picture of rosy health. To save one precious life j is worth more than the travel and ex- pense of getting here. But how about the summer ? I don't know from experience, but our Carters ville friends who have lived here for several 3-ears smile at the idea of the summers being any TIow many foreign languages can your wife speak?" "Three French, German and the one she talks to the baby." Tit-Bits. "Are you certain that Hale is going to marry Miss Frost, of Boston?" "Yes; he's having steam heat and stoves both in his new house." In er-Ocean. "There's a peculiar thing about Mrs. Fret t." "What is it?" "She has been in a pickle all her life, and yet she doesn't look well preserved." N. Y. Press. Benedict "Why won't she marry yon? Is there another man In the case?" Singleton "I'm afraid there is." "That so? Do you know who it is?" "Yes her father." Boston Trav eller. She "Do you really and truly love me, Harry?" He "Love yon? Why I even nave a iondness for that nuisance of a brother of yours." She "Oh, Harry! You have made me so happy! Boston Transcript. "Do you think," said Willie Wish ington, "that it actually hurts a man to be hit with one ef Cupid's arrows?' "No," replied Belle Pepporton; "as a rule he merely becomes senseless for a time." Washington Star. The Emperor Francis I. of Austria was once present while two of his sons were quarreling violently. At last one of them said; 'You are the greatest ass in Vienna." "HushI" said the em peror, "you forget that I am here. To-Day. Fogg "Ther's an example of the bottle working a man's ruin." Fygg "Humph! Whisky?" Fogg "Nop; ink. Jury awarded the girl fifty thou eand dollars damages in a breach of promise suit on the strength of the let ters he wrote, and it took every cent he had to pay it" Buffalo Courier. Irish viceroys are stripped of their sovereign attributes as soon as they reach English waters. The following story is told of Lord noughton and a lady with whom he was acquainted. They both found themselves on board the Holyhead packet. During the voy age from Ireland the lady treated the viceroy with ceremonies respect., So Rcon, however, as the packet entered nolyhead harbor she said to him: "Now, Bobby, you are no longer a vice roy, so take my bag and make yourself useful." London Truth. The earl of Derby, while -walking on his own land, once met a eollier. His lordship inquired if the collier knew he was walking on his land. "Thy land? Well, I've got no land mysel'." was the reply, "and I'm like to walk on somebodv's. Wheer did tha' get it fro'?" "Oh." explained bis lordship, "I got It from my ancestors." "An wheer did they get it fro'?" quer ied the collier. "They got it from their ancestors." was the reply. "And wheer did their ancestors pet it fro'? "They fought for it." "Well, begad." laid the collier. Mjuaring up to the lia ble earl, "I'll feight thee for itl" . The expenditures for furnlablng the Wnite House have already a mounted to very near a million doN lars. Of late years the appropria tions for this purpose bare increased enormously. When John Adama be came the first tenant of executive mansion Congress allowed fifteen thousand dollars for fiimitnr During Jeirerson'a administration an additional sum of fourteen thousand dollars was granted. When Mr. Madison came in fourteen thousand .dollars; more ; was provided for the sama object. Thn the Hritish swooped down on 'Washington and partly destroyed the President's horse with fire. The catastrophe rendere.1 it uecespary to send twenty. six thousand dollars for ro furnish', ing. etc. To this sum tbirty thous and dollars was added under Monroe. After John Qulncy Adams was in. augurated. Congress gave fourteen thousand dollars more.wPh; six thousand dollars extra for furnishing and finishing the east room, which up to that time had been as a barn, being utilized as a laundry and nur sery. The appropriation under Jackson was twenty.ix thousand dollars, under Van Buron twenty thousand under Williarr Henry Harrison six thousand, under Pierce twenty-five thousand, under Uuchan an twenty thousand, and under Lin coln twentv-nine thoussrid.. At the conclusion of Lincoln's term of offlce:the White House was in a very bad condition. Things had been allowed to go to wreck and ruin; the furniture needed repair and renewci.and a liberal provision of money; was required to accomplish a general restoration. Accordingly Jongrtss appropriated seventy a.'x thousand dollars r., ... . , wt ""ipurpose while Andrew Johnson was PresU dent, and added fifty.nine thousand During Grant's first trm it allowed ior the aamo object successively sums of twenty five thousand, twens tyfive thousand, fifteen t0ou8and twenty-flve thousand and forty.five thousand dollar.. In the .course of his second terra eighty. five thousand dollars more was spent in way the AAma Under Hayes the amount r,rr. vided for this object was nine thous. and dollars; under Garfield and Au thor one hundred and ten thousand dollars; under Cleveland. la hir first administration, eevetjty.fbur thous and dollars; making a grand total 0! nine hundred a d ninety -ight tb ana dollars thus far lurnisiuiiii the home dents. of ous- expended Tor our Presi- A SNAKE STOKY f lit t fihflmtn croT 1 w 1 n nriin 1. nnn Knorr, ,n nnrur i.onrma m r a n h around these passes where the group- f and his wife both say that the cooling ers and pompano and Spanish mackerel breeze from the gulf never fails them I J is GUARANTEED. abound. It took us only half an hour to make the outward trip, but much longer to return, for it was sailing against the wind, and we had to tack and retack all the way. It was a day to be remembered, and all the thirteen were landed safe about sundown. Every day somebody goes out on one of these island excursions, for they are cheap only SI. 50 for the whole party. There are no horses to feed or run Th Death of m. Sxlrm -tTlxard." The Man of Iron," otherwise "Oiica the Wizard." was one of the persons put to death during the witchcraft persecutions at Salem, Mass. His real name was Giles Cor2y and at the time of his awful death he was an old man pnst eighty. When accused of being a "wizard" (which tb alern lunatics have considered the masculine of more oppressive j "witch") he calmly met their charge and cooly informed them that he would die rather than admit that he had ever had communion with evil spirits. He Mr. AnsnnnrrVi I day or night, and 1 will believe any- was put to the peine forte et dure (death thing they tell me. Mr. Anspaughisj by pressure with huge weight), his a plasterer by trade and has held more j fortitude during his dying moments mortar over his shoulder than any man ! winning for him the title in the first in Florida. He is a horny-handed son, line. N. V. Times. of toil and those are the men who have ! no talent for lying or exaggeration, j Consolation. She Oh. Georjre. W hen I want the trutn wunout aissim- j that noma i;rooks girl taw you ki&s "I nev r r nhznl ih. 8rnth the iitin.t .i m ui rem, vaUon man. aid .J,i, F. i huripM,n to iht orridor man at the Lackde, "omil I witnsed a test or it on a suramboau Among the passenger was a man who hal a black rattlesnake in a boa with a glasa lop. The n,ak was a rv vicious one. and ,uid vrik'etL.-gi V btreerany one, aj rrac t. j .s owner ot the fepnk ng.d u t ;ne in Lie crowd i. w,;f j jH ti, t. , I he g ai-s and let the Mitk-- sr ; . i here c Ud iut t-. i. 1 . mere was not a - r - On 1 1 : .w , he ton k. ew what H, snd t ' t ... A t in ti- j ItV ii: f r. :. ; . f. j f. V, net fit t fun 8 mply fi'IiOV'. could ijot ulation I inquire of Lewis Anspaugh. Work is dull now and so he and his good wife are taking boarders. They me last night." He Thath all HrhL She won't say anything. I kissed her, too." Detroit Free I'res ii ecli t a-. It be doLe. 1 i.M.iict a di-uner than ittiot, M d v. ill of r corf Hrcd. t i-

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