town m mm. ff LIrTr g J"7,"v IN MK.MOlilAM. THE The Best Shoca Dr. W. F. Hu.?s:n .f Tli A,.!,- risai tvntdo.rh ipva a'j Store was in lo-vi) last iVIilay. mark was neser more adly'J i and lo.cibly illustrated than in thej2piaCe of meeting OWL CLUB! D1HECTORV. Mr. Neill A. Barne villc, called to see us last Saturday. RnrnlnrQ - tleaL, HtUc RoSCoC CoX Which Seioil, 1 l narciays jLj j Godvin i ;iie in t,,ffVoa,l,,r:,, al ,,is fallier;i hoinc in Cox-Vk; i," u-:1,,' - - - - - $ vid, Pitt, county North Carolina on!W. 11. Jernigan, Te,.lay tl,e 0 iW rce MlS& r., t v r-.w.,!.i. -f-...,.i S'aHieep in his sixteenth year, IcavinuQU. W. I , , -,; , , V, behind him a -Father. Mother, sisler?MKJar.ce11 inir several days witti her daughter at it- Vlt. J. Fleming, l'irL-tiin. rfdnmod horn.- ni1. Alnndav.t - Mr. P. T. Master 'of their grief can but exclaim notJ PerlU V ., , . . , , ,, fiL. J. Thomson, i. , i,im- wilK lmL l,,Ine bu done' f?A. J. Culbreth, ZiU returned h T, . , ... , ...... - .. . Roteoe had liv.d with i-x s arcnts11- I. Hood, Around the Stove. Continuous. President. V. President. Right Bower. Left l$3ver. See., & Treas. Seargentat Aims. Dept. .. II. II. i H. 11. P. II. 11. P. II. II. P. Door Keener. Press Reporter. Counsel. Manaif-insr Direc- -r " -'. - - . . v w . 7 "5 - TJ and disposition Iiad endeared him-1 Items of interest discussed and Press - rs;df to all who knew him-and if altI-prcntutives welcomed at all nieet- 1 he Owl Club, seem to lv pn-g. . . - , ' , New members admitted at any espc-cislly since thei, 1 rjtnne. tVtsleep tui.4 niht betieatii a pyramutI Twenty-live cent:?. Fofrn. l had !,,n a " n.Wr1 1 The applicant niust make oath that f J . lie will never swe it. T . , . . . r d'rom birth ;om that fll derease. heart IN Each member is required to make V.e arc lad to'sav that :.nd , . r,ti. Hi.f nc 'iii h. nnucix nf , . , - , . . ... fidtseuse hut his imtience and fortitude .th , J -l V1C powcl,B , . Mrs. . I. A. banner . - little bzny which . . This mind to the entertainment of In . cm.3ro(i Jve. ianed hmi, and when the inexiaethren and tliat he will never llow ban been extremely sick for se ara!r ,!: ,.m M.-r K. u- uraninam, oec. from the New Heme fair last Fril ay b. i'P.'F. Jones ' r here for sfvpral years; and bv the ' r firiMor f He reports the fair as being a hue.. , , . , . , " . ft, ; "! 0 ,t beautv an 1 Iovelme-s ol Ins charaeteriK-I. L. Bct, for the AioaCT. irrrd Mb .Ban. LIDLUU CEHTLEIIEILr 85, S4 and 03.50 Drooo Ohoo. S3.50 Pollco 0hooy 3 Gotcs S2.60, 02 for Worklnomon. 52 and 01.75 for Doyo. LADIES AND MISSES, S3, 02.50 02 SI. 70 CAUTION If uv datlff offer 70a W. L. DaarlM noes at rednei pH. or says be baa them wit oui cno natno stampod oa taa DottOBt, pat htm aown MmuM, icaTiiii; t.jn i-ioiij Dim. ,... snow. Well their creed is not to sweat, an vwav, snow Qr pn snow. days at llocky Mount, is much better. . , , , At. Eithan he can. y uis cnamuer ne met nun wituout learw W. L. DOUGLAS Shoes are stylish, easy fitting, and give better satisfaction at the prices advertised than any other make: Try one pair and be con vinced. The stamping of W. L. Douglas name and price on the bottom, whlcii guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who push the sale of VV. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to increase the sales on their full line of goods. They can afford to Mil at a less profit, and we bolievo you can save money by buying all your footwear of the dealer advax usea Dtiow uataioguo iroa upon application, W JU I)OUUlAS. Brockton. FLEMING & CO. F. M. MCKAY. DUNN, N. C. SUMMERVILLE, N. C Mr. C. 0. Fordham. after speu several days at hU ol 1 home ,I)nes county au' taking i'i New liurne Fair rcUiriied iiome Friday. hat .,ln(. i :.or dismay; and la tne bright C'ourt&JI H. H. P. Pearsall has a new . . . ... : i . l lieaven to-day there is no Cherubt.i,e Owl's demand'au explmat. on as , who wears a brijnter Crown; riL. Wfls never known to sweat. . . . s ueais a sweeter harp than Koscoe. m . . . , asifv u The Club has beea constantly in- v; liury niia wnero agiecii trce will sj read, ; , . , , . ... its cooing Lraache v? hoad; interrupted since the last issue Wltil t he A. F. A. M. W'lmrv tiic ivi y.s twine uatiie naosses crcop.j.jppiieations from brothers, some of Tijf; let hnu reti m dr; nleep. ?i iheui will perhaps be admitted on Kejxnlar communication of I'almy- Th syidpatuy of this whole CoiuH 'fc ra L't'e, No. 147 A. F. & A. M.Cmunity out to the alllieted family Fin this the hour ol their sore beJ meuioo may ask me next legis c . i.r, iji-. p. ..u: e - ta. aiure nr :in approuunuu mi ieiu- iIumm t. rh,r r,,mv,rtir i.. (.,L loriiis lor us menncrs u uie i.exu one Friday night at 7:30 o'clock, Visitii." IJrotlnvs welcomed Lrreavement, and we can only commemiK I hi'in I n r !i'ir I '.it iti tVirt or ivIki iImhc iwhL, . . U . o i -..n .i lJIseems inclined to be liberal. If not Mr. II. Mcl). Holliday. who travelsK'" 1 1 ' 4U" LU 'uu" 4I . . - : . . r . ,f house, N vllLouL hla care aud wmpassiou. piAC ,Jl A Friend. n One of the Summerville OwPs paid He i9 an for a Richmond whole-bale conf. Snml.'iv in our town. Mr, ...... . . --- . ni!.!,v.' friond will alwavs !iive& 1ft nexmnpxrnt. V,,. Rtlie club a visit last wee'.:, him a heartv welcome whenever hell A Fried" has written 10 our na Jinccompl. shed Owl and the clud v.oted comes. p'per this week a tribute tu the life aUpin a seat on the stove, Wecmmend' character of little Koscoe -Cox; but$jmm lo au OI us owl& as Jluuu,cl U1 Just as we go o press ws learnwe beg ourselves the privilege ofiU5Sn rePute that some one of Mr. John i broke into the house rplacin one whit 3 flower of remcm Hon H. D. McLean by T. Mcssers in Grove$berance upon his grave. We kucwIPresiilent. The Sers;:int tlhas dulv inrolled him as a order of at Armes tj. l.i ? ll1l - IITI Tl Townshin while he was away fromhuu well aiid loved him much; audfcuas UU!J inrM en IHm ls " . x t , , R. , o I he Club thinks he would make a home and stole $109. iniad wc the power, there is isL00d director. His war story can't we would change, as our captoin3iu hoit We fire sorry to announce thrti4 1 .;t. him nur. in imii O W Thn Owl Cluh nnnreeiates the. dis death of Mrs. J. A. Farmer's, fathe r mmmrsttJttttinTFXEsms i n terested olfer of the noble Summer- Mr William 'Daughtririge which oc- a MAYOR S COUHT rjvilleites, but declines their kind olfer curred at Rocky Mount on the I8tli ot the jail. We thank you bretheren ult. Mr. Daugntridge was a wealthy There has been two cases tried he J but we. VTeJer. hi tent' WC Wald , , , ti . . . gsweat in the jail, planter and owner of a large real es-store Mayor Parker since our last isS tate in Rocky Mount frsue. Ida Wood all and Kate McNeill ('f5Ct Wj'"y Joe Mcwarf oi uic t! hi . I "V I II.. I. .both colored for assault and battery. JjGrove wants to join the Owl Club "; - ?3od thn r. ilnh hi4 AnnIieation nn- The closing exercises of Turlingand was lined $2.00 ami cot. Kategjier consideration. We fear that he ton school at Turlington's whose jjMcNeil, failed to meet with the abovegia disquallifled as it has been hinted efficient Principle aud Educator isS.obligation and was put on the streetg that he somtimes works enough'.to Prof, llanibal L. Godwin, will takefe" M'y th same raake hira sweat, nlace on the 8th day of March. Tne J XVn oro ifi tll nnnnM tn ,UM The Owl Glub is always willing to literary address will be delivered by people of Dunn anil its surroundinsHbear i,s Pnrt of the b,,r(Ien- Jt has our cu'tured and highly esleemedVthat Miss Nannie Jones daughter fathorizeJ I its attorney to eleel a judge T A Fanror l-o Thorj-me Jones of Johnston coun nt. anu mnu cour, in j. . V Lty will open a private school in tielownslnP m rot ation thereby settli townstna n public are cordially invited. C?Cnlbreth buildi:g on broad streelHlhe Huesuon as to where the Bio-day. Miss Nannie is a youi,o89ha11 be Iocated it ladv of rare educational attainments W t- a - each ing county Mr. L. S. Athens, of iSmnmervilleglady.of rare educational attain nients.W jf who secured a p.'.sition some t!ireefd having had seyeral years expejthe the readers find any errors in report from the Owl Club we ask vp.u. .1'td in thtt 1 .Mt neo Denart f". 1 J - ' Vquibhcd lor the responsible duties oiEfor our rcporter and he will get right . v...ww . v,,vu'viieH ue irets uis iiaun in inure. ution in trie sume de jitraininir o THilT HORSE I E.Y USING THE YiPOEseiniODUii" SAFETY-BIT.' The manufacturer of the TRIUMPH Issues an gnsuraaco Polloy elf ylc? the purchaser to the amount of 4 DO when loss is occasioned by the driver's In ability to hold the horse driyen trith DIESES iSa2?&R. tU lten&!BL99 ISIPnP ! i iii mxmmpmKMasBmKmK&zamanmmamKxamumamMzwa&mmMmmmammmBKmmKmmmm assssssssiiiSBiHBHsasMBSSSBBSiBM The Bit is IIUIiIAI.rE in its operation, and only made powerful at will of the driver. The Tir.imr.l soon understands the situation, and the VICIOUS horse becomes DOCTXC the PTJLLEIl a PLEASANT DKIVEB. Elderly people will find driving with this Eit a pleasure. Sf!n niJl. (P finfAsitinrl this Bit with the many malleable Iron bits now bemjc mua wuMtxM offered-the bar of the "Trii QTE EL, f-cd none other is safe to put in the mouth of a horse. Triumph" is WROUQHT WILL BE SENT, POSTAGE PAID, AS FOLLOW8: nkel'platiC"1 Vn. VAN ARSDALE. Racino. Wisconsin. oo 2.00 BUY SEEDS AT HOME. ' BUNCOMBE CABBAGE 106 . HYBRID TOMATO 10c JIICKORY 11 ING CORN 10 o PRINCESS MUSK MELON 10c. OTHER SEEDS 5c Price list free Address J. W Vandiver's Sons. Seedsmen, Weaversville, N. C. TRY THE BUNCOMBE CABBAGE. tf small children to a hiiiher position partmont a few days ago which pays We bespeak for Miss Nannie acarvgj' sino a vnar fj'dial welcome to our town by our bestKJ L1LL1NGT0K Tfl' I vnre hpe(ple and a liberal support in herw chosen life work the intellectual andi Mess. A. L. Byrd and M. Bell, twoc!iritian training of the youth of the liightly respected gentlemen of this.Ia,Kl. section left last Tuesday for Durham N. C. and for points in Va. to repre-H sent the nursery business, and aUo-1 the Portland Bedstead Adjuster. We i Mr, Bsnjamm Rich a prominent wish for these gentlemen unbounding citizen of this county' wa found deadfc success. u i" m residence near his mill on Little ' jeg f .River bunaay morning, supposed to-3 S. II. McRac Esq. a promiseing-"'e of heart disease. young lawver of spent.j Considerable snow fell here Sat?5 the most of last week in our townurday night and Sunday, some sleigh hearing an irr.portr.nt referee case.'ing Monday, but did not last Jong the! The plaintitf attorney was H. Mcl) snow soon melted ' nownson rq. ana me ceience 7h Yours, Messrs. T. II. Sutton, Lee J. Best 3 and F. P. Jones. B U FRESH SOUTHERN SEED. MARKIIT REPORT. Cotton. Good Middling Middling Low Middling Tui:rEx:::vF. Virgin . Yellow Dip Hard Country Produce Chickens 10(u20c ElT2S 1") 4(c?6c Corn 60 Peas CO Butter i 20(225 Hams 12i $2.20 S1.40 $1 00 BUSINESS LOCAL that the Lee Hard war- feULJiljJJDLll Store, is the place to buy Ryour plows and plow castings. Dnin DUD Messrs. I. W. Vaniiver's SonsJ We very much regret that Dr. Cha9.MWealnerviUN N. C . in the Lau K. Taylor, Prof, of Wake Forest, Col-Jjfthc tkv." 3,200 feet above the lege, who was to have lectured atVjevel. grows garden and Held s?edsy4 g Buie's Creek last Thursday night,SHl,icu are especially adaptdd to t'lenrnyi not be present on account of haWng S.outb' ThcAr Caba-e SCCl1 !.ire h?nU 111! si have just received 100 kegs of nails cheaper than we ever ftbatight before. Lee Hardware Co. y-tm i we keep as nood a lids of cook rove as ativ hurviware house 3v tlinn o i- nthorc Koonncn rl..... -...: . Innn T f lorl irnro the la cr ppe. W e hope however that4fro(n wflich the seed are n lMv$c'.ts.nVm Dr, Taylor can fill his engagement atyin a climate exactly mired to tl.e:rj nett county people would Dr. T.ivl(;r a heurtwarm v;e! ;agement atJMn a climate exactly mired to t heir 1 T Tl J fl TT TIT fl The Har-development come lo the greatest oer-3 , r i. r nA Ll Ll V II II I I l extoa fWion. Write f, pri ,i - 1 Ose H. H T vei,ome. " your supply t seed, at onc . e.,,',,., lliiV oaS slew T KurB-tu-cj JLf . 1. 1 U U ll U j iitfiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiii!!! FOfl THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS WE -WILL SELL YOU GOODS AT A SACRIFICE, WE WANT TO TURN GOODS INTO MONEY AND IT MUST BE DONE. COME AND EXAMINE AND WE SWILL TRADE WITH YOU. MING 100 ALL FOR YODR PASF FAVORS AND SOLICITING A CONTINUANCE OF THE SAME AND WISHING 0 A P ROSrEROI IS NEW YEAR, I AM, Resp ectfixLLy ir

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