V A - Reclaiming Arid Land. The special committee of the United States senate on irrigation and reclaim tion of arid land says in its report : "The first step in such a survey, the water sources and supplies being as certained, is to locate the reservor sites for their conservation and the lines of main canals and ditches needed for the proper distribution of the same." And it adds, "Congress should provide for the same," that is, this kind of a survey. Ex. Dr. Ki'mer's Swamp-Root cures a'l Kidney anl Bladder troubles. Pamphlet and Consultation free. Laboratory Binghamton, N. Y. One reputation for doing thing well la worth, more than a thousand promises to do well in the future. Teething- Children. Nothing on earth will take children through the trying ordea! of teethin? so pleasantly, and to very surely and safely, as Dr. King's Royal Germetuer. They all like to take it, and it acts like magic in meeting the troubles of that critical period. Thousands have tried It and It has never been known to fail. It take no more wind to whistle than to itfh, and whittling is far better for the lungs. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., Props, ot Hall's Catarrh Cure, offer $100 reward for any ease of catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for testimonials, free. Sold by DruggUts, 75c. Khiloli'a Cure is sold on a guarantee. It cures Incipient Con sumption; it is the Best Cough Cure; 25c, 50c, $1 In 1850 "Brovrn'n Bronchial Troche" were In. trodnced, and their sue cess as a cure for Colds, Courtis, Asthma and Bronchitis baa been unparalleled. If afflicted wih Foreeyes use Dr. Isaac Thomp son's Eye-water. Druggisss sell at 25c per bottle. Bank of Enffland Oddities. 1 , Among the curiosities which are oo casionallT shown to favored visitors are some specimens of ancient notes, a number of them for denominations no longer in vogue, such as 1, 15 and 25. There is also carefnllj preserved the oldest surviving note, one of the ' year 1699, the amount being written with ink, says the Pall Mall budget. Another curiosity is a note for 1,000, 000, ($5,000,000) which was required for some transaction between the bank and the government, but in this case, too, the amount is written with the pen. The longest time during which a note has remained outside the bank is 111 years. It was lor xzz, ana it is computed that the compound interest during that long period amounted to no less than 6,000. TW i nnitfl a labyrinth of vaults ' where the disused notes are stored un til they have reached the necessary maturity of five years. They are esti mated to weigh ninety-one tons, and j number about 77,745,000, filling 13, 00 boxes, and were of the original ! value of 1,750,626,600. The Bank of : England note is a legal tender for any amount in excess of its face value, but not for less. Thus a person might re fuse to take a 5 note in payment of a debt of 4 19s 6d, though, as a matter of fact, it must be remembered that bank notes are only legal tender as between members of the public, so long as the bank pays in gold on de mand. If such an unlikely thing were to happen as the bank being unable to redeem its promises to pay, then its notes would at once cease to be legal tender. Even as it is, their legal ten der quality does not extend to Ireland or Scotland. Bai.- KELIGI0US READING. TEMPERANCE Some Virtue In Colored Glass. ADTICI OT A SUCCESSFUL MA5. i I i.nfhe habit ot Cenerosity may be cul StfM,lke 0ther habit3" AnJ I have felt f 13 a great mistake to put off being gen- " - " J uu. xn me nrst place, you lose the pleasure of witnessing the good that you may do ; and again, no one can ad mlnistery our gifts for you as well as you can do It for yourself. It la a great pleasure to be brought Into personal relations of that kind, and to make people feel that you hnt thlt PhUonthropist In the abstract J,h&t you are interested In them per sonally, and care for their welfare. In that way you benefit them not merely In the natural way, but you make them feel that men are really brothers, and that they were made to help one another. Not only is that feeling agreeable in itself, but it will be apt to prompt them to carry out the princi ples themselves. Put yourself into all you do, and let others feel that you are there. Do not only contribute to a charitahln rKiw v, go yourself and help. It may seem an in- you will come t u " worm an inconvenience. I erhaps I ought to say a word about the companions a young man should choose for himself in life. You should try to make com panions of the best people you become ac quainted with. In order to do this you must have eomething in yourself that may be a re turn to them for what they give you. It is not necessary for this purpose to be a genius, or to have remarkable intellect, or extraordi nary erudition. But be yourself and be a man, and learn to think of others before yourself, and you will have friends enough, and of the best To be inti mate with the magnanimous and the noble, aids to form those qualities in one's self. A man is known by the company he keeps, and i Ki U1UW wuas inenas you nave, will be able to form a very correct idea of what you yourself are. You should see to it that this estimate bo as high as your opportunity may secure. I cannot better sum up my advice to young people than to say that! have derived and arm a "pueasaxt" night Sing a song of penitence, A fellow full of rye ! Four and twenty serpenf Danced before his eye. When his eye was opene He shouted for his life. Wasn't he a pretty chump To go before his wife? His hat was in the parlor Underneath a chair, '" His boots were in the hallway, His coat was on the stair. His trousers in the kitcheu His collar on the shelf, But he hadn't any notion Where he was at himsel.. When the morn was breaking Some one heard him call ; His head was in the ioe-box. And that was best of all. Detroit Tribune JEKOUsh AB8TAIXIKO SOLDIERS IX ntDIA. The Missionary Herald commenting upon we effect of total abstinence upon English oviuiers in inaia, says : "A striking fact comes to us from India in reierence to the effect of total abstinence among soldiers. It was formerly supposed that Europeans could not endure the climate and surroundings ot India without using aiconouo stimulants, eo convinced were they of this that thirty years ago there was an army order prohibiting the formation of total abstinence societies among the soldiers. But the theory is now altogether changed. ur .English soldiers in India 20,000 are now i uiai abstainers, ana tne army reports show iuat ul mese inousanas only tuteen were Drought before court-martial the past year. niuio ui me non-aosrainora mere were 2501 wno were placed on trial. It is not many years ago since the blae-glass craze was general, and every one was fixing blue glass in his house windows, in order to prolong his days and increase his happiness. Lake every other craze that is overdone, blue glass soon became a drug on the market, but it is more than probable that there was just a grain of common sense in the idiocy, tfecent experi ments show that in certain diseases tinted light has a great effect. We all know how rapidly sore eyes will mend under the influence of natural green, and it is now stated that any kind of rash disease is benefitted by a red tint produced by glass of that color being placed in the windows. Every one knows that a good deal of comfort can be obtained from a subdued light, and after a while people generally will ap preciate the value of colored glass, even if it does not prove to have any actual remedial influence. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. A KENTUCKY MIRACLE. now la still find the greatest pleasure in my life from doing good to others. Do good constantly, patiently and wisely, and you will never have cause to say that your life was not worth liv uig. George William Childs. What and "What Not to Say. Clarence 27. Crockett ' Almost Blind Blood Purified and Sight Restored by Hood's Sarsaparllla. "Three years ago Clarence, three years old, was taken with scrofula on the head which Sradually spread until it got into his eyes and he became almost blind. We did everything !?fcIul? h done with the assistance of a skilled physician, but nothing did him any good. His head and neck were one mass of corruption, and we thought he Would Lose His Eyesight. It was then that we commenced to use Hood's fcarsapar.lla, and in less than three weeks his yes began to improve. In a short time the ?,.n! 1 T 'e,th appearance and prad ually healed, and now all are eone. and Clar- Hood Sarsa-parilla s Cures Don't say I don't feel good, for feel well. Don't say these kind, but this kind. Don't say not so good as, for not as good as. Don't say a garment sets good, but fits well. Don't say between three, but among three. Don't say above seven, but more than seven. Don't describe an unusual occur rence as funny. Don't say the matter of him, but the matter with him. Don't say try an experiment, but make. Don't say I have blaoked my shoes, but I have blackened my shoes. Don't eay had rather, had better, for would rather, would better. Don't speak of articles of diet as healthy, but as healthful or whole some. Don't say cunning for small, smart for bright, quick-witted, 'cute for acute. Don't say fix my gown.flx this room, but arrange my gown, the room. The best English authorities rarely use fix except to indicate stability or permanence. DBIXKIXO AND ORATORY. In his book. "Tim PAnnio t ?n,. With," Marshall P. Wilder," the huxnor says : Some of my. most successful work has been in the line of after dinner speeches, and I have been asked how I culd go through ten or twelve courses of f-sod and six or eight different kinds of wine and then have any head on my shoulders. The answer la very easy I don't. I never drink wine or Any other liquor. I don't want to gi re away any other business man's secrets, but I ven- iiiro iu say tnai me Desc alter dinner' speak ers In the United States are the most mod erate diners. If you will cast your eye at the table in front of some man at a lig din ner who gets up and makes a capital Speech, you will probably see one of two things either that his glasses are all turned upside uvnu vi iui mey are entirely lull, ifa other words, he has been drinking little ojtr noth-ng. EVEBY DAT PIETY. , . nere is Kenerally more of true piety exhib ited in the faithful observance of the minor duties of religion than those that excite the notice and applause of men. Improper mo tives may prompt the public duties while those duties which escape men's eyes, and are Intended only for God's observation am not likely to be practised by an unrenewed person. There was more piety in the devo tion of Nathaniel when he howA.1 ninno k neath the fig tree than in all the ostentious prayers of the philactery adorned Pharisees at the corners of the streets. The poor woman who modestly cast into the treasury her hard earned mite, gave greater evidence of piety than did the wealthy Jew, whose golden coin rattled their own phrase as they fell Into the chest. Desire of applause, pride of consistency, vcuauro, prompts to external aevot- ouuwjs, out oniy piety towards God can lead persevenngly and joyfully to the closet to the chamber of affliction and poverty to the alleys and lanes in search of opportunity to do good. This child is dutiful who obeys his father s requirements but that child is more dutiful who obeys his father's requests In little matters who seeks opportunies to please, and who watches for occasion to show his lova So general obedi ence may warrant the belief that the man is a Christian; but he fur nishes greater evidences of love to CinA whose full heart overlooks no little things I boys, yes, and other men's boys by the cider that may please or glorify his name. There I or to let tt few apples rot? Tne apples that CIDEB. Cider is one of the worst eviL: that out country boys have to cope with. The farmer who makes cider is helping his boy on towards ruin. There are many men .filling drunkards' graves, who first formed the appetite at the cider barrel. Will not parents who drink cider and give It to their children be accountable for the appetites formed by those, children? Will God hold those parents guiltless at the day of judgment? Many farmers say ? "We cannot let our ap ples go to waste." Now I would like to ask which is the greatest waste ; the ruin of your ..A0" .nd healthy child, with clear beautiful eyes. We are satisfied that Hood's Harjwparilla has made a complete cure." D MijgfjtgTT, Jr., Mnrfreesboro, Tenn. Ilaod'a PU cure Constipation by restoring the pcruuitlo action of the alimentary canal! r ) MrFI DPRC WINE OF CARDUI.J All in a Tremble! Nervous, elderly ladies use this phrase to describe their tremors, and highly graphic it Is. Nerves "all In a IremHo'i on . qnlllzei and strengthened with Hostetter's Kt.achltte.r-, The Bitters is a nervine it B lomc Ior tne nerves, and tono u fhe &e.rves rt quire if they are weak in.7..TL' n v " u "u aeaimuaiion are uj anu it rtmeaies u.nuusness ana malaria. constipation. was no piety in Peter's burst of zeal, when he uoeu ou tne ear oi tne nigh priest's servant, but there was in Mary's quiet approach; when her raining tears washed the KavirmrV. feet. The unostentatious duty of Christian- I ity, wiuse mat never win public applause -uoi, uuij mm piw-e in tue pure tenor of or- uimiry me, are more satisfactory proofs of l l'r goutiness upon the heart, than any ebullitions of piety or spasmodic starts of devotion. UNABLE TO DO ANYTHING BUT PHAT. In his revival letters, Mr. Finney tells of f, man in New York state, whose name he does not give a consumptive, poor and sick, un able to do anything but pray. Yet his inter cessions brought answers to one soul, and . 4 4 are gooa can De dried, can be preserved in many ways that are nise and palatable, and let the wormy and half rotten ones be thrown awaj Get rid of them. Never make cider to ruin the boys of our land. Go J makes ap- ?les for a blessing and not for a curse.- rovidence Outlook. JUOGK JOHN Iff. RICK itti . HE WAS CURED OF KHEU. MATISM. Crlled fr Six Year. Wltk Sciatica Its Worst Ferm. He Exsecod r. Die, But XV mm Saved la OlamUii Blanker. From the Covington, Ky., Pot) The Hon. John M. Rice, of Louisa, Law rence County, Kentucky, has for the cast two years retired from active life as Crim inal and Circuit Judge of the Sixteenth Ju dicial District of Kentucky. He has for many years served his native county and state in the legislature at Frank fort and at Washington, and, until his re tirement, was a noted figure in polltlsal and Judicial circles. Ths Judge Is well known throughout the state and possesses the best qualities which go to make a Kentucky iren- tleman honored wherever he is known. About six years ago the bodily troubles Which finally caused his retirement at a tlma when his mental faoultles were In the zenith tnelr wrength, began their encroachment upon his naturally strong constitution. a A . . . r unji ago a jLenruoity l'ot reporter called upon Judge Rice, who In the follow ing words related the history of the causes, that led to his retirement "It Is just about six years since I had an attack of rhenm- Highest of all !n leavening strength. Latest U.S. Got. Food Report, MSB! Economy requires that in every receipt calling for baking powder the Royal shall be used. It will go further and make the food lighter, sweeter, of finer flavor, more digestible and wholesome. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 WALL ST., NEW YORK. Oldest Fan of Christendom. The oldest Christian fan in existanea dates, it is claimed, from the sixth century, having belonged to Oueen Theodelinda, the princess who pos sessed a nail of the holy cross, which was anerward set in the iron crown of Lombardy. The fan is preserved in tne castle of Monza, near Milan, and snown to the tourist as a relic. It is a folded fan, made in two leaves, which snut on each other by means of -w- . . spring, it is gilded and ornamented with pearls and rubies, and bears traces of a jLatin prayer. The handle is of solid gold, inlaid with gems. The young girls of Milan go to Monza on a certain day in the year simply to touch this magical fan, as it is sup posed to bring about a speedy and happy marriage. The Collector. in Army of Pensioners. it is stated as a curious fact that there are now, nearly thirty vears af ter the civil war, 300,000 more persons getting pensions than there were troops in the field on the Union side at any single time during the war. Yet there are 700.000 arml,rnnta fnr noncmnnl tism, slight at first, but soon developing Into to be acted upon. In June, 1893, the Sciatic rheumatism, which began first with pension roll had 966,012 names and -Td P0101 ir5 farnng is the point of a rfl1,01"?01111' down the things to be dona aoout tlie farm. HQ.t70B ! ALWAYS UQTOB ! ,.?rw?l?psey:.who i'11 to commit sut eide by taking a dose of Paris green when Xr!5 beIore Jude wVffe Court of Special Sessions to-day was in deep dis- STt'i?-? ?our ho?or. tat I did . A waa uoing wnen I took the P,80D' 1 was in the horrors at the time. It distant fields in nairan nnri hMfh I Promise never to takellauor acraln M inn vais spang up as if spontaneously and It J. . unuappy man buried his face acute snooting pains In the hips, gradually extending downward to my feet. "My condition became so bad that I even tually lost all power of my legs, and then the liver, kidneys and bladder and, In fact, my whole system became deranged. I tried the treatment of many physicians, but receiving no lasting benefit from them, I had recourse to patent remedies, trying one kind after an other until I believe there were none I had not sampled. 'In 1883, attended by my son John, I went to iiot Springs, Ark. I was not much bene fited by some months' stay there when I re turned home. My liver was actually dead, and a dull, persistent pain In Its region keot me on the rack all the time. In 1890 I was reappointed Circuit Judge, but it was impos ? lo? Tm to rive a"entlon to my duties. "Mliroat to the Silurian Springs, Wakel yj8- I tayed there some thie, but " v U41VTQ1UQUL 711,150 claims were pending. The outgo for pensions was $158,155,342, a figure which exceeds all the nensions paid by all the nations in the world for all their wars. Charleston IVp.ma nnA Courier. ITEMS OF INTEREST. lacs There were sold at auction in Nev -ior recently auu.OOO pairs of curtains and 5,000 pieces. The best westward Atlantic record is now five days, 13 hours and 45 min utes, made by the Lucania. .The piston speed of the Campania is nearly 1,000 feet per minute, with a stroke of only five feet. The 60th anniversary of tlm inven tion of matches is to be celebrated during the year in Germany. Ihe Pennsylvania railroad has Minin. ped one of its towers, oneratiniy 11 switches, with electricity. The savings bank deposits in V Hampshire have risen from $41,686 -132 in 1884 to $77,024,282 in 1893. ' The Erie Kailway comrjanv has nn. tracted for the delivery of 1,000 box freight cars to cost $660 each. The only woolen mill in South AfrW is at Natal. It produces an average of 1,800 yards of cloth per month. Dye woods were first bronchi In England in 1,650. Last year the fac tories of England alone used $10,000 -000 worth. A whistle that can be heard a distant of 25 miles has been constructed in Reading for a Philadelphia car manu- actory. The Syracuse Salt Works, the most extensive in the United States have an evaporating surface of over 12.000.000 square feet. no Again I returned home, this time feelin hopes of recovery. The muscles of mZ I I For Female Diseases. ! ChewingGum Anti-Oatarrhal 4 lurea anil Fiw.nt. u www w-w A X .7 .V V ""uinaiiarn. laaiif nunn. A TeetB an.1 w.. . Dytbe MeUlcal FacultT. isn.i and Astbma. Cleanse ttaa TiTi IT T m Uahlr F.n1nr44.l cam fvaok.. c.;. V. "ur GEO r Hii v ,4 . ,r 'amP or Wal Kote. uhor. UAUt, iw w est asm slxiwv? t onic Pellets t all tVt,JJrt A BUtomMeti. , vf., -evr ivrKtity, A Guaranteed Cure FOR The Opium Habit, an7pJnnnrT4 SS? n?K CFlCa,CRK CO.. or Lo, k 11,1X3. AcstiluGa. Brines comfort and ?TMT,mirTMf r,A .ns, t0 F"011 enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. u ecellence is due to its presenting m the form most acceptable and plea ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling coldi headaches and fevera and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid nevs, LiVer Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50oand$l bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup U). only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well inform f will ' Oror. i ... . ' r w l -r suDsutute if offered. lltl n A4-h.. n.n I I 1 4. 44 . .. - uuuuuumuiy ; uui auer ins aeatn nis diary revealed the secret cause. Daily he set apart certain hours for certain ministers, churches and mission stations. Often in these pages would be found such an entry as this : "Today I have been enabled to offer what I believe to be the prayer of faith for the outpouring of the Spirit on -, and I trust In Crod that there will soon be a revival there." And not long after would follow the record of the answer, even in places as dis tant as Celon. What is more remarkable, the revivals fo' lowed in the order named, as though tn Hf any explanation but that found in prevailing PFaver- During his sickness, as death drew nigh, he was especially engrossed in prayer for the town he lived in. After he died his works followed him, and that last prayer found gracious and abundant answer in tlu place of his residence. The prayer was re corded on high, and his tears put into God's , auu, uiuugu iue praying lips were dumb and the holy tears were wiped from his eyes, the prayers he had offered came back in converting grace, and the tears he had shed descended in abundant showers of bless ing. Prayer is appointed to convey The blessings God designs tit triva Long as they live should Christians pray. j v,"'4 j' oj nuru ursi iney live. The Christian. BESIONATION. Amid the various scenes of ills, Each stroke some kind design fulfils And shall I murmur at my God ' When sovereign love directs the'rod? In his hands wifn h DuaV, "Wquor, liquor, liquor, al ways liquor ! Liquor seems to be at the bot tom of nearly all crimes. How do I know if I let you off you will keep your word? Men like you break your word very easily when you are tempted with liquor." 7 ln PTi?onZr (eagerly) : "My old mothei is here sir, she can tell you that I once kept the pledge for four years. I swear I won't drink again." TTl 4 nis motner was called and told how heis S""vp 01 recoveT. The muscles of my lf?,!Wero now reicl by atrophy to mere w 1 j? o'"o pains tonured me terribly, but it was the disordered condition of my 1 ver that was, I felt, gradually wearing my "f w.a5 ??tors Kave me up, all kinds of remedies had Ubeen tried without avail, and there was nothing more for me to do but re sign myself to fate. 1L1!ngeed, 01lm thl3 condition sustained ltFE2lr X Btimulants untU April, w?.w day John saw an account of Dr la8 Pink Pills for Pale People in tie Kentucky Post. This was something new! Amn dnL ?fter 80 maQT othera could not do so muoh harm, John prevailed upon me to try the Pink Pills. It was I fir8t wek in May the pil "ar rived. I remember I was not expected to lV0r0reihn hr or fnr days at the marvelous, and I could soon eat heartly. thing I had noPdnna tnr mi. - if' hd(mAnh!tWentyightyearsof ae) began almost instantaneously to perform its ffi&lJ tlSa?- fc1 "d. has done .0 eVer Scl was a liver u-ouiwwuuuwicBiiiii m tni.q timo nil.. sees now what liquor has brought him to I have hope for him now. I really believe he will reform." The judge listened to the prayer of the poor mother and told her to get two men te go security for the future good conduct of her son and he would let nimofL She almost ran out of the court in her eagerness to get the bondsmenMoa Ireal Witness. TEMMBASCl! NEWS AND NOTiS. Mississippi has now only four counties not under prohibition. There were 11,740 s-loons in operation in Ohio on July 1, 1893. Little Rock. Ark.. and numerous murders. Sixteen of the eighteen counties of Nova Scotia now have prohibition. fJS5,hKene?11? ie man' who can least af ford the cost who has the reddest nose. Forfhlrrv vai t V. nnn 1 . . Resienation is nn PTif4i rkA(......... I nnA 71 ' TSVl "Sa B lniperane Uj.v. . , ; v. u.iimou vinue. 1 - - "444 iuu uiu iu cnansre. Abrahnm is a plant that crows not tin from not X. Lincoln. s Aoranam wK?tUbt' the Pllls my life, and! while I do not crave notoriety, I cannet rei iuse to testiry to their worth." TJerportef oaJled nPm Mr- Hughes, the SJ8 dftst, who informed him that Dr - y. T" niom wn Buoa bene e mentioned several who have found relief In their use. An analysis of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People shows that they contalnVln a condensed form, all the elements necessary toglve new life and richness to the blood and V- . "CI1,OB- xney axe an un faUing speciflc for such diseases as locomo f ff1' Partial paralysis, St. Titus dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of la grippe, pal p tation of the heart, pale and slllow com plexions, all forms of weakness either in male J t' .aU .dlseMe8 resulting from vitiated humors In the hlooH r wiTu 7. Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or willbe Sff611 sent, post paid, on receipt of price (50 cen Iifvl011 a hAT ! c k-m n pa . . v wuio 1 1 I eel luce n. new m rronl?wa7,?P 13 British North America Sir o"wing greeting to Dr. R V, tJT'j, yinsmung Physician to the BurjPcal Institute, at rnfi NX J1 A?en Sharrard.' of Hartoey, Selkirk Co., Manitoba- whose wiw inas or ner little bov. ai4i.l. '4. . . . uuuo, iTi i Lea as ioiiows heads this Mrs. W. O. Ounekel, of Wo. 1461 Booth Seventh Street, Terra Haute, Indiana, wrlteti I had been suffering from womb trouble for eight years having doctored with ths most skillful physicians, but finding only tempo rary relief from medicines prescribed by i"V, 4 was anvisea oy a friend to take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Preserintion. which I tid, and found, In taking six bottl Prescription and two of the Golden the womb I wu trotTwIi f, TIS- "Pon- ana two ot the ' Uoiaen downffianduista ?JS fiS JS&f"1 Discory that It has .ffacted o TwonlTJPr111:,7 w.neneTer positive cure, for which words cannot ex- Personal abstinence lies at the very found ation of our great reform tw nnL " I A UWUUfO fil 6 13 a grace tnat must be cultivated Z&JS8?" .at 14 m&y nourish and nTS e. "VS tgT fhe Pass- L. Cuyler. calm and settled, under all circunstancts is 11 Peranal liberty does not mean personal ahighattainmenL YetitLs attainable?kn S l10.: nave personal rights bllori rvrt mi . . Tarieliesof Onions. Kiooo .v, 4 , . ""'u; una .4.ov mruicy wuo live unuer is ben i en in fluences. It will shed a holy balm o'er the Zrlirr16 Vife' and cheer us amid the fff,h0U,rSi.0ur r8rimage. Life has Mr "nd afflictions. Its crosses and ite riflcS Nit PP00 andits saS rmces. But in every scene of earth resignation, like the stroig and faithful ai chorthat holds the ship in safety Se storm is past, secures its possessor pace and quietness, till the darkness and danger of the tempest are over, and the sunshi of tran quil ty and joy again beams upon us. Noth ing is ever lost to the just by the exwciS, of this virtue; but it will secure to the anxTous the impotent nn,i v,aa,.i.. j . .U8 hic44H, r.. "--'j-'u, mucn v" --xo auii i-iMiwnnriAn 1 . personal liberty. We pay 363,935 tram our children. uvni maim cycles, VAV 111 AGENTS WANTED. , mucn joy, I our nminia ki ' rviiuer " "Y"-. witrssings ; our crosses r.Iea- nre; our disappointments unexpected' good- welibefnnrnl" fF God Then ' aoceItable oblations to 'Kgb IIeavea afflict, 111 not repine rt hffe,t comfort still is mh el' Comforts that shall o'er death prevail, And journey with me through the vale A liquor seller presented his bill to the ex ecutor of a deceased pi,stomr a Jll I.6,61 teachers 180,000,000 to 1 h An on M nn Uquor dealers $ 1,200,600,000 to ruin them. .nim?Tf .? wmany persons destroyed by tT plr,tB who W9n never completely in toxlcatea during the whole course of their lives Dr. Benjamin Rush. Either drunkenness wUl be destroyed In 2m i17 American Government destryed- Drunkenness an-1 free ple.-Talmage. ? m aeath "P- thWnftMteem,WOrt.byof a11 commendation the noble resolve of your pious association StZTW they ledge theoelveso ate?a& -PoSlL7'1114 0f-t0ing Sk! fln1! b96n ?ade an offence Pnnishable by fine and imprisonment for any person to supply intoxicating Uquors toThe M?i?es of any of the P&ciflA i.i.r.. 7., . 63 01 trol or protection. TS xrom an experiment conducted on ixie grounds 01 the Colorado state a -- lueBB points were oDservea: The varieties producing the greatest weigm 01 marketable onions were wians wnite Ltarganus, Prize Taker iATgeBed Italian Tripoli, Extra Early y ircu, niuie xermnda and lellow oioDe ianvers, m the order named. The varieties ripening first were Extra ariyjjiat lied, Queen, Neapolitan, White Bermuda, Large White Italian Tripoli and Pale Red Bermuda. More scuiiions were produced by the late varieties than by the early. Ex. Thebb is a law against taking more than a certain.'rate of interest for the money you loan, but there is no w gainst making your farm pay you M).1 lrioh V til .144- -y U1U sworn toy" vn said the executor iho . is sufficient evident thV k luor. When 4T! .V Mi-i.avr, M l. aj iw. n AKKAATtO IX EVERY If r.Pr,, J?' Uht Rovdver. Wu 30 lb.. We have a few boW and rirlw. Jw v 11111,1 CATALOGCK FREE. wn. former price. S3S.OO. j?cna ien cents in sumps or dreds of other articles. First come fi, Close outat Ct 4 v. .vi a m mm mu m aw mm urn ii mm miis or money for our I A nr.'r . w. m J uns. Riles, IUrolJ6kaffi W Wtjl cata- With this catalogue any one can sit in thpir. v 5557want-.,.W guarantee'it worth ten timhom "d order such things aa ng. mount, ten cents being the exact lfELURLlS CO., DOSTOn, MASS. you want a frion . . man whose children are afraid of hiaL ASKntO TBI WAT. 'L1?113 t,he way to the poorhouse?" asked answwaVsuWirveryect wM bottle is what d ri ZZ? "?-T.hi wWsky poorhouse. . It cost 0 mailing. JOHN m&nT neonlA tn v. rninM. . 4. V . . '"'- negiect their ana robs ana roos them of their very souIT' robs 'm of heir their Whn itmuiri... .. one hundred ner cenl inWot helsu9ulvnVev.KQ?or' Me., " patrol wagon. Should he pushed 'with a fine fifty cents Is added to the fine to mt for hU ride In the patrol wagon. w Anyone found In the streets of Russia in an inebriated state is imprisoned, and when wMdJrBd Z 8W8eP th Btr 'or a oay. Well-dressed men may be seen some times fulfilling this menial office. tJj Qere be an entire abstinence from in toxicating drinks throughout this country ainng the period of a single generation, and mob would be as impossible as combustion without oxygen. Hon. Horace Mann. TJ - m. x.ace uscar Jiernadotte, second son of gof Sweden. has done good service totno temperance cause in that country, we has organized a total abstinence society amoneth uMIm r-.-i. o-icij nsejf the PrIden? of t oS hace Temperance Union. Lord Roberts says of. the Army Temner- SSlt1"01 'oundeJmTnd tlotf. 8Qccaoded beyond his expecta- na- It began with about ten thousand Son m 1888' a1 APril thereTer and nearly three thousand temnerno,i. -JastoathlrdortheBrltisiTrnii,; Earit to besr makes earl to bier, receivea rrom the Bunny South. The foUow- uk w irom am. j. a. Bmitb, of Oakfuskee. -W.WVMA 440 SJ. great suffering that I so long endured." x oun truly, afflicted and As tonio a powerful, Invigorating, restoratlTS Pl4WfrTlHn II J m MVI.41 Ala, She writes : "I wan I digestion and nntriMnn thatn Kr.MtV.r n rnfaery, such as no pen 'can describe, for six strength of the whole system. As a soothing T 7J?-Jr?&Jed Jbed most of the and strengthening nervine "Favorite Pr? tiine. I expected the cold hund r.t Atu I nr-Hnfi, i. .,,..-1- ' T, i -t . M, . . r 1 ---v m uiiouuorau auu mm invailiaDlv um every day. I was afflicted with leucorrhea with excessive flowing falling of the womb "fK uown sensation pain in the small V- .,j -my Doweis costive smartinr. Itching and burning in the varina. also rJ- pitauon of the heart. When I began taking SE?1?116 J not up, only a few -- jjiiio, x vras so -weajc 1 took Dr. flerce's Favorite Prescription three ttmes per day , I also took his 4 Golden Medical Discovery three times per day and one of lsT. Fierce's Pleamnt PoTlQ , t nave taken seven bottles of the ' Discovery.' seven bottles of tho 4 Prescription ' and five bottles of the Pellet.' I took these medi cines seven months. iwmlri a day. These medicines cured me. I feel as wen as 1 ever 1 tri in n. -un. 1 - . - j 4.. l uui vi uie aocSZT 1116 and treated my case four years. Ther all they said I conld not h mnA ya J?a , w fmm v u vu m Wt t 111 VVU1U -f lli y hve. Through the will of God, and your "TTJV,rrT. uavu resrorea to tne Dest 01 uoeum." xourstrulv. mf w . n try tt . rJA I w . . sg 1 v , r 1 near wio mcti yryirKAxyjJt allaying and subduing nervous excitability," irritability, nervous exhaustion, nm-rmii prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spaxma Chorea, or St Vitus Dance, and other dif ixessmg, nervous symptoms commonly attaa dant upon functional and organic disease of the womb. It induces refreshing alum and relieves mental . anxietr and deroondancr. Even insanitv. when derjendent nnon wnmb disease, is cured by it. Dr. Pierce's Favorite PreserfDMon fa a scientific medicine, carefully comrwundad br an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate oreanixation. II is purely vegetable in its composition and perfectly harmless in its effects tn any condi tion of the tystem. For morning sickness, or nausea, due to pregnancy, weak stomach, in- oigesuon, ayspepsia ana sinarea symptoms, its use will prove very beneficial. Dr. Pierce's Book ( 168 naares. fflustratad ) on "Woman and Her Diseases," giving suo cessful means of Home Treatment, wul b mailed in plain envelope, securely sealed from observation on receipt of ten cents to pay postage, oee tne lsocsor snnrsss ox uu arac 5 Young; Wive cunothers,.Friend " nmefy hh' .Used M direl a few weeks before con hnement, robs it of its Pain, Horror and Risk to Life of both motner and child, as thousands who have used it testify. nVjjid.?ro of 'Mothers Friekd' with marvelous results. ?v -If 17 woman who has to pass through the ordeal of child-birth 5SIt,ftf7-,,,e 4Mothcrs'- F'Ei' ra fnr weeks it " HI reb cSt chiS. ItfV" "ff! d to life cf mothe, and thtld. Mrs. Sam Hamilton, Eureka Springs, Ark. "r ana ooojc to Mothers mailed free containing voluntary testimonials. irlrElfnarges PPaM on receipt of price, $150 per bottle. DOUI l.l4 lUAj Bentb Cbv by all Druggists. ULATC CO Atukti, Qa. TV. L. DOUGLAS S3 8HOB equals custom work, costing from $4 to $6, best Talue for the money stamped on the bottom. Eery pair warrantea. 1 afce no tuosu- te. bee local papers tor lull description of our complete ics ior ladies ana gen tlemen or send for . lu ft rated Catalogue giving in. structions herm tn or. derby mail. Postage free. Yon can ret the beat bargains 01 dealers who push our shoes. WC Vf'l44AXJfi1 I 1 1 III! I I 4 ML T-Ow jT ' iraur- 11 r- ATLANTA BUSINESS UNIVERSITY, UVNIA, UA. Baalaeaa Praetiee, HherU hand, dee. bead for ea.ta.anr. MACLEAN. CURTIS fc WALKER, M'a.rs. I 1 uiitS hinLai Ail filf ttai Cooga Syrap. Tastes Good, Use . y. .Nineteen, '9i

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