HARPER &UiOQD CA 3 A FULL LIME OF DRUGS, SfSUFF, TOBACCO, CIGARS, ETC, PSEIM J. I 11 DEALING m GENERAL MERCHANDISE CONSISTING OF Dry GroocLs. Groceries, etc. GENTS FURNISHING- GOODS, NIC "E DRESS SHIRTS, WORK SHIRTS. HOSE, NECK TIES, Collars. Cuffs and Hankerchiefs. ft,r0fine All EN'S ARID BOYS' CLOTHING. A LARGE STOCK OF jgQQ uF All ZESIixiciSi AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. Also a fine Give me a call and r guarenice that you THE Published Evkuy TnritSDA y . BtT' communication will be accept ed unles accompanied by tiie writer's nam'. EqJTNo subscriber's paper will be di.--I g continued until all arrearages are naid. . fiftH-Candidates' announcements will , be inserted for $2.50, cash in advance. 5tayAdvertisements will be inserted at the following rates : $1.00 per inch per iuoiiMi. Business Locals, 10 cents per Hue for lirst insertion, and 7J cents for each succeding week. Special rate iiiaile for yearly advertisements. LST 110.112?. O, the homes thai. are lost and lonely ! O, the. homes that are sad ami dreai And her; is a glass that only Gives comfort and strength and cheers Yet the wife in her home is weeping. But w ho heeds the tears that fall? And the ba!e in the era He sleeping And the frown of God oer all ! O, homes that are dim and weary! O, homes that are sad and lone! And the wife's life groAeth dreary And the lips of the baby moan! Yet the man with the liquid fire .Still fixes the killing cup; And Truth seems an ancient liar As we lift it and dritik it up! Ilow sweet, if we never knew it, Would the world where we're living be! With the sun-hinc streaming through it, W ith the cool dews falling fite ! How sweet wool I the blue kies, bend ing. Shed beams from the homes above, And the sunlight, never ending, Fall soft on the breast of Love ! But the homes aro lost and lonely, And the homes are sad and drear; Yet we know tint the Christ died only For the poor who are dyiuj here ! F. L. S. in North CarolUiu. TOWN ANI COUNTY I) km OtKATI vVCOlDiTV CO N- At the County Convention which met at Lillington on the 2d. of July it was ordered that the regular County Con vention be held at Lillington on Mon day the 20th. of August to nominate candidates for the Legislature and the different county offices. It was further ordered that the Township Primal ies be held in the several townships on Satur day the 13th. It is now requested by Jthe undersigned that the chairmen of the several Townshins hold primaries under the rules heretofore observed oh the ISth. of August to appoint delegates to repre- 9cnt their town-hips in said convention. This,July the 19th. 1S04. J. M. Davis, Chairman Democratic Ex. Committee. W are authorized to announce that the Primary meeting for Averasbore township will be held at Dunn on Sat urday, August 18th, at 3 o'clack P- M. -K.i. There was no preaching in town Sun day. We call the attention to the ad of tiie I'roijres.iive Institute in another column, Jwp dislike the idear of dunuii'.r enbseribers, but it has become an o"o-o- ! lute necesity with u. and we hope th ital. who owe us will come farward and set tle at once. We invite the attention of our road.'-in to the ad of Messrs I.udden & Iatcs S. M. Ibnise, Miller fc I'zel, Manacis. INhdo-h V C. W!i,.n iv i.itin r niivrbinrr in the wv of niano- or orjrans. v;! will do well to eoriespon.l with them Ih-- lore puichasino: else Woere. We received a i .n-k niello-1 f rem Patrick Kowlintr. colored, at Dickinson lat week the tinet we have seen t hi season.- We will nd Hive its weight fr he .says ho is goi-.is; to j;et the TlMKS DOS j! line of ladies 1 u u, DRESS GOO DS WHI0H 1 am sellling at prices suit all. . . , - wll! Sod my stock of jjooda perfectly satisfactory both aa to quality and prices.'marked to suit the tunas Very Respectfully, J. J. DUPE E E , one year for the "mil ion1' and we ex pect h-; will get it- Mers. R. G Taylor, J. A. Massengill and D- II. Hood has improved the looks of their stores wry much by erecting 'iMiiV-iune- awnings in from of their stores. We h-ain that the Ice Cream Supper given :z the Lee Hotel on 1 ist Friday night was a success. As we did not 5- iu 4hiir- in we cannot say mueli :i,Cut the rtream, but we do knew that v'1'-- there. Personal. Mr. F. It. Hall of Falcon, was in town Siinda.v . Mr. ,A. L. Ederlon, of Ooldsboro, vas in town this week. Mrs. l T. Massiugill and Mrs. E. Lee ar-i sper.di'ig -eck a ll d Springs. Mrs. 1r. Goodwin who h is been very f or .several d iys is mueh improved. Mrs. J. II. r-:rk.-: whom we announced J ni Mr. J J. W.ide, loft for the Gate City i!i-t Wi'i'l. vj; (:!. .will -lli'i'J -;oi":!' ! time. ?JL-s Lil':ic Jackson, of Fayetteviile, spent several days in town with relatives -ii week. Prof. Ira. T. Turlington, of the Tur- iingt':. Institute at Smithtield. was in town Saturday in behalf of his school. Litle Rosco and Lnla Jack-son, after pending some time with relatives in Sampson ou;ity, returned home last Saturday. Mr. Herbert Atkmson, of Fayetteviile, has accepted a position with us, ami is authorized to transact any business for the Times. Miss Lytla Adams returned home last week after spending some time with the Misses Barnes. MU Mattie Barnes ac companied her. Dr. J. F. McKhv, our Superintendent of Board of Health of our county, only reports one case of diphtheria in the count' for the month of July. Mr. Beat-, of the Smithtield Herald, was in town Tuesday. We are always glad U se him for a pleasantcr gentle man cannot be found anywlw. Messrs I. W. Taylor. C. C. McCulland. L. J. Tew and others left last Tuesday to attend the People's party State Con vention, which met in Raleigh yesterday. We have not heard what the- did. Miss Mary E. Kobison, of Weslbrqok, Bladen count-, is in our town visiting her ainr, Mrs. I). II. McLean. Miss R obi son is a recent graduate of the Statesville Female College, and her lit eraiy attainments speak well for the methods of that excellent institution of learning. We understand that two of j the teachers in this school are frem our I .... :...,. ..ri .1..,.,.. t:.. r.vui-ott t scr ,-u., ul uuh., ' ill tKl v 1 tin i J VaT. Yn!inc!,,,fs ofllnrnetl ; m v " We ore officially informed that the officials cf the State Normal and Indus trial School located at Greensboro, has limited its number to 400 students and a? yet Harnett has not had an applicant, and imles;. so.uc o uig lady fiom the count v makes application before the loth of this month, the Scholarship will be awarded to some other county. Are there .io young lady in all our 'c,.nety wljo will not take advantage of ! this -ph i.did oppoti'.iust to get an tain i -aiini', Tree? j Turlington. Tine weather and !me er .ps for whivb we should feel very tnanaldl. men- 1 ... 1 l .!. lM.Il l? eaa-'i laf - over the :mtv f.r tb.' ar- ; i.ra- oic-c from which .-Lt.il..- we i:i:i;t iu '.. iioo.l -election The oiiv;:'..' near l uni..io. i i :i ;I.OU. ! 'i p,.,.,. lvl. -n it r.i:'.:i thro-i-'i here j j , , . j f), ;i:, cx-t"o;s f.-lc. ate .... Idler and was wounded at j '..le Hai l"-r d:ii iu: '.In w ar. lb that hi ha- t-ecn ti onpi' over 1 !; i. oui.ny evi r iu-.- tin- war. be in the holders Home. lb- si,,. I'd c j Prof. Ira. T. Turlington and family of Smithtield, and Prof. I), Furling; o.i of Charlotte, and his mother of Bauson, spent several days in our section last week. Prof. Ira Turlington was down working lor the interest of his school. Messrs. S. and R. Penney, of Pratt, N. C, was in our section visiting last week With best wishes for the Times and its Editor, we are as ever. T. r. V. w. Con lher Will AssI ITof. i. 15. JParlcer In tlie , M-ti oI 711mm Cox the 3!stsic Teaciaer. The ne:;t session of this most excel lent institution of learning will open on Wednesday the 22d. of August under the most flattering auspices. The facul ty will cbnsi.-c of Professor D. B. Par ker and Dr. C. W. Corriher 'm the regu lar departments; with Miss Fannie Cox in charge, of the' music class. There is no school in the state with a better out look than the Progressive Institute. Prof. Parker is a teacher of years exper ence, who keeps abreast with the times in all that pertains to his chosen profess ion, that oft caching; while Dr Corriher comes with every equipment of a modern, enterprising, progressive and successful teacher. Dr. Corriher at one time thought of abandoning the school room, for the profession of Medicine and Surgery , but after taking a thorough course in one of the best. Medical colleges of the country he returned to his '"iirst love' the ped- agouges ''rule" and primer. This course the better fits him for the duties of a teacher; as his learning in the healing ait, together with his familarity with anatomy, physiology and other branch es of medicine, give him peculiar advan tage? as a teacher. Dr. Corriher is no stranger to our people, as for some time he had charge of the GJenwood school in the Newton Grove S'-. :;01 Hn( built up a thriving s :i:ooi fur young men and girls; fitting them to inter the best col leges of the skte. With Miss Cox in charge . of the music department the school in all it3 branches could not be in better hands. We have a fine climate, good society, with the best church opportunities, with good board at reasonable rates, and there can be no reason why our school should not be as well patronized as any school iu the state. The success of this school is as essen tial to the prosperity of our town as an enterprise our people could engage in. We hope that the tim-- is near at hand when the whistle of the factory engine, the hum of shuttles and looms will blend in sv. cot harmony with the ting ing of bells that assemble our youth to the temple of learning. When this time comes and come it will if we bid it come ih the proper spirit, we will have a town not in name, but in fact. We forget to annoui.ee that Miss Fan nie Cox will have charge of the Art de partment of the Progressive Institute as . . -c; . . well as tiie juusic uepanmeui. juv Cox is a graduate of the Kensey Female College winch makes Miss Cox in every way competent to till this position with ability. ii:i. It i- v, i;!i I'froi that v eln v.iiN- ileath oi Mr. -Moi (K-c;i'i Bell, son of Mr.-i '.ViU:- B; 'lot Sampson rouuty who lives about four miles from here. Mr. Bell vas a prosperous youu man and had been on the road selling fruit trees for -eve ml years ami this year was in Ten-ne-sec .in.l Virginia ai work. About two weeks ago be came home to rest aiui was taken with that fell disease, ty phoi'l fpver. from which he newr railed. l';ed Tesdav morning at 4 o'clock at j j. hoUv The ,liri;ll took j plaee at tie-. family rave yard ye-terday j cvc;r.:ir. To n.u-..;it. brother and sUters. we extco.'I our -lecocst vnioithv iu thv hour of tia ir K-iv avi-inoi. - , - - I When lUby wm sick, we av hr Ca-ior!a. I Wtensiiewaa.Clii:d,e:icrk.Hlft.rC--;ori. I vs , When f-V.e b-came 3'iss, rho cIust to O --toria. i , WheutieJ ?u, klio g a-, c t hem CActcrju t MORNTH YROLINA. 1 BUSINESS LOCALS- QPTinrVr books and all 7 W JLJL V KJ t 4 school supplies at Harper & Hood's. Afresh lot of nice candy just received at Harper & Hood's. TURNIP SEED. A lot ol new, turnip seed just received at Harper & Hood's. .RAZORS RAZORS. If yon want a razor, and want something good and guaranteed, call on us we Lave them and the beet. Gaixey & Jordan. How About This? We will give one year's subscription to The Times for the first watermelon received at this office. We will also give one year's subscription for the lar- gest inenon. lliey must De grown m "tlarnett, or adjoining count is To the Ladies of Harnett Comity- To any lady who will Fend me cue dollar I will send one month's tcatmenl of a perfectly harmless, yet wonderfut home treatment, whicn really cures the worst form of Female Weakness iu Na ture's own way, or for tjye dollars I will send six months treatment, Very Res pectful! v, Mrs. Martha lnndlev, Uane Creek, N. C. jn28 i m. JAS. PEAIISALL,. COTTOJs BUYER, REPRESENTING-' HIV CDDIIV1T jP, QAXI mmw aim oiiiiiiu a-oun AT DUNN, BENSON. FOUR OAKS WADE AND GODWIN, N. C. 0 ffice at D. II. Hood's Drug Storo. DUNN, A. C. O o H i i CP 1 - a a CO C ? cr c 5 9 'l-S. c I Q cn a C5 ; ROGRESSI i TT X T .T . ,i,rJlVl $ Jlil3lli !G0MPTENT TEACHERS, FAITHFUL SERViGES, CH.MS UMi i I OR PA U'T I C U L A R S, A I) U R K 3 5 ! j DUNN. HAKNETT CO.. NORTH CAROLINA Wmm OF I CAROLINA.;!) Include the Coll liege, the Univcrs fry, ; lie Medical School aul S JL the Law School, the the Summer School lor Teachers. Col lege tuition $00.00 a year; board $7.00 to $13,00 a month. Session begins Sep tember 6th. "Address PRESIDED T WlS'STOJT, Chai-cl Hill, If. C TO THE DESIRE for phhinc, Opium, Whisky or Tobacco. roof free; ?5 to cure morphine or whisk v habits; $2 for coring tobacco habit. Address l. WISON, Fleming. T xas. Notice. On Monday, the 6th day of August A. D. 1894. 1 will sell at the Court House door in the town of Islington, to the highe-t bidder for Cash, one traot ol land in Harnett County, containing alout Fifty i:cres, and bounded as follows: Adjoining the lands of Lewis 'Bailey and others in Lilliugtou Township and for further dlscription sec mortgage made by Defendant to PJantili to satisfy an execution in my hands for collection against David Meieeison and which -has been levied on said land as the property of said David MercJison. C. .McAitan SI ic riff. NOTICE. North Corolina. Harnett county, J. J. Wade vs M. K. Fowler ami w'de, Juliet j I. 'Fowler, O. R.Turli.igtoniud William - T- 1. O. 5 "V . I luthe.etcMiaenisK.lowier, ?nu , Juliet I. Fowler: You will take notice that an action entitled as the above lias been commenced in the Superior Co:irt of Harnett county winch is an aKion of ejectment to recover the possession of land in Grove township, Harnett county in which it is said that you claim an in- j Ii I Kill WJV ii iui im i uiav muiv lihu . that you are reepm-ed to appear at the I c . i. .. : .... I J . .. , i tri m ui nie omlihm ijem i ui iiiti- nett county to be held on the 4th. Man- dav before the 1st. MomJav in SeDlem- her 1S04, at the Court Houe. of sai l County in Lillington, X. C, and an swer or demour to the complaint in 5-aid action, or the Plaintiff will s'pply to the Court for the relief demanded in taid complaint. Done at office in Liili;:gtoi), the 25th. day of June 1S94. Geo. E. Prince, Clerk Superior Court. F. P. Jones, Plaintiffs Attorney, ATLANTIC COAST LINE. WILMINGTON AND WKLDOM AND UliAM Hr S AND FLORENCE RAILROAD f.'ONDKXSED SC1IEUULE i Dated Jan. ii, ism. THA1NS GOING SOUTH Su U", daiiy. vvl,i.n at ll-i7 a in: arrice at Kocky' Mount at 12-1, a i)i;;arrivo at, inriioroiit i-.-i v. in:: leave Tarbero at U-o? am: leave Kocky ' Monut at 2-5!iaai:.Uave Wilson at a in; : leave Sftlraa Rtx-l'i ? in;l.-av raj c-ttfville at j 4-i air: arrive at i'lor-.:jce at 1-0' & m. No ! 47. l-.1lv, Ioavo Wi!oon al 2-03 1 r.i; lfr.ve 4olis horo at ?- i m; t'ave Mrt.n -lia at 4-1'i p. rr.;- arrive at Wiumngton at fi--.J i in. No ;-5, rtal- i ly. lave Weldon at p m; arrive at Kocky j Mount i ih; leave Ko;ky Mount W-i'; ! leave Vilsci 11-r.-. loave Fayetteviile, t-K; p ra; arrive at Florence at No. 41. daily, laave Kocky Mount st B a in; leave Wilson at a m; leave Ooldsboro at 7-20 am: leave Mag-nolia at a m; arrive at Wilmington at. 1'J-tK) a ra, t'NoV'JjN Y and Florida Spe cial, lcavo weldon 12 -0. a in: leave wilscn 1-37; loavc Fayettevilie 1-00 a m; airivs at Florence 6-15. TRAINS OOINQ NORTH No daily, leave Florer.ce 7-0 a in; leave Payettevill'i J0-S7 a m; l-;-ave Selma 12-10 a m; arrive at uilaon 1-03 a in. No. 48, daily, leave Wilming ton U-00 a m: leave Magnolia. 10-10 a in; leave Ooldsboro 1'4-UO a m: arrive at Wilson 12-15 a m; No 73 daily, leave Wilson 1-15 p in; arrive at Rocky uount 2-07 p m arrive Tarboro 2-33 p in; leave Tarboro 12-54 p ui, leavo Rocky Mount i-07 p m: arrive weldon 3-17 p m. No 11. . ;. , leave Florence 7-05pu; leave ray ittevilic" 9-20 r- arrive Wilson 11 18 p in; leave wilson 11-23 p m; arrive Rocky Mount 12-03 p ra; leave Rocky Mount 12-03 r in: arrive weldon lS-5:p m; No 40. daily Jleave Wilming ton 7-00 i in; leave Magnolia 8--17 p m; leave Uoldsboro 9-8 p in; arrive wlison 10.. ;5 p tn. No f.0O, N Y i Florida Special, Ir-ave Florence 11-33 p m; leave Faj etteville P u:; arrive Wilson 4-30 a in; arrive weldon C-01 a ra, t DaHyoxcept Monday. jDaily excpt Sun day Theft? trains carry only first class pa3scn gers holding Pullman accommodations. Trainaoa Scotland Neck Branch Rad leaves Weldon A 40 p m.. Halifax 4 00 p m. arrive at Scotland Neck 4 63 pm, Qre.euvll! p ra Kinston 7 35 p ra. Returning:, leaves Kinston 7:0 & m. Gfenville 8 2i a m. Arriving at Ilal fax at 11 GO a m, Weldon Uiuaio, daily ex cept Sunday. Trrlna on Wiahlngton Baranch leaves Washington 7: a. m, arrives Pannele 8:4u a, in., Tarboro 9:30 a. m.: returning leaves Tar boro 4:10 p. tn. Farmele 6:10 p. in., arrives Washington 7:35 p. m. Daily except Sunday. I'otinects with trains on Scotland Neck Branch, Train leaves Tarboro, N. C.via Albemarle j and Raleigh R. R. daiiy, except Sunday, at S:00 p.m., Sunday 3:ki p.m.; arrives Flyinoth I 90 P.m. 5:20 p. in. Returning leavt-3 1 lyin- , oth daily, except Sunday. f::0 a. in., Miinsy y:."0 a. m.. arrive Tarboro 10:2" a.m. an( 11:... a. in. Train on Midland N C Branch leaves Oolds ; boro, N. C, daily except Sunday, tiiT. a ra; ar- ; riv? Suaithfield N C. 7.0 a ui. Returr.inc ; leaves smit htiebJ . N. C. H) a. ni. arrives J Ooldsboro. N. c. m Mi a. ni. Train on Nahv:lle Brar.ch l-.tves Rocky j Mount at 4; 0 i. ia.. arrives Nftslt villv: r.;0" p. ui., hipring1 li'pe ;-:i0 i. in. lietiini'iiif b.-aves j 1 arrive at K csy M unt 9.13 a. m., daily rxc i't . Kuiiflay. Trains on Latta Branch Florence R. H.b ave j LattR 0 p, in.; arrive Imi.bar ?( p. ni. Re- . tUMiin lea.e iniiil ar fl:"rt a. m .; arrive l.atta ; 1:00 a.m. Daily excej t Sui.day. i Train on I'iinloii Branch leayed Warsaw for Clinton aily, xci-j.f Sum.ay. at liHOa. :u. il i turi.ing- l-svi'J OliiiKfii at .:. i. in., ceiiutct- inir at Warsiww.ta is'.in ;.in; trains. I Train No. 7i snak" clo-e coniie.-ticu at -- ; u-u for all points North i-ly. ?.H rail via! Richmond anddai'y exc-i,: Mi:iJay.ia K.rts- j Ui'uth an-1 bay Low. Also al Rookv Mount ..o . v ,.f..itr ..i-.'ii. . U r;ir:i4l fnr Nor- I ! t'Jh didv and al! points North v:x Norfolk! I d:i:ly wi i su.i iay. I .I'-'in :-. liiviij.-, Ocn'l Suit. J. lc. lily. O nl -(ai.i jr. T. .-; . i':.i.i. 'V"T T VE NS 1 ITUTE, 1 I innTiiMor J 14. i.fc DUNN, N. O AUCfUol A&iXV. I A N 0 DO YOU NEED.A PIANO ? DO YOU NEED AN ORGAN ? WRITE US A POSTAL FOR CATAOGUE AND PRICES. I Mm Fii WO HASTY GOODS SOLD, 25 YEARS IN BUSINESS, BEST FACILITIES FOR BUYING AND SELLING From one to three years for payment freight paid warranted will rent you one uncil paid for. Hi! Hint p WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD WRITE TO THE -o -r vyp tt TiT? A 'WnF OF llsrX in WXi WJ" m LA V H ,N SECOND EDITION NOW READY! , Williams' North Carolina mm , w A COMPLETE AND PIvACITCAL . Foil THE USr OF flelic CHS TAKING a LIST OF THE PTIKCIPAL PROPER KAflES FOUND IN THE GEOuRAPHK 6K3 KiSTOa' OF NORTH CiKGL'.liV ALS3 EXTENSIVE DiClATION EXERCISES, AW GLASSED USTS OF MISSELS, FL0SA,R0Uf?TS!NS, LAKES. RIVERS, SCL'ftt3, pmimrm-.u kes, couKriEsTcwsflHD villages a mm CAROLINA, AND ftiUCHtfE Y&LU3BLE iriFCR'flaTiO.i WHICH CAN NOT BE FOUND Ifl A 'JY OTHER BOOK. I'rico, iy 2:t-2iii:i c.;2ADQ?TrD BY STATE BOSriD CFECUCATIO in Jv. ha:.o fvr GUI 8joller iu use, li Oats. For Usj iu the i'ul.lic School. n it thki.-vwut. i?kst hi.vIChkpest 1 .SB !3 roiTLABiiTii snii rtioiu.i.i ai r. -Published ry- ! Alfred Wllianis & Co.. ! 5 o o Ii I i c i s ai:f!, IllaUoai-M fV 2 'T6 TT"-5 yri T i s a g i h i g s s, g n tjs !J tJ w. b !i s - n rs s B b a k l mi DRUGGISTS, We take pleasure in announcing to the public tliat w have . ihr rt our t'lore, and have added materially to our ?tock of Drue;-. Wo chu u nisli anything usuallv found in a first-class Drug: Store. Itradditiic: large stock of DRUGS, C'IKMICALS. PATENT MEDIO I -"KS. ac, ou will find a nice line of TOILET ARTICLES, PKFUir.!-'Y, TIONEKY. &c. W have and keep in stock Toilet and Medicnfod Snflps. C 'pb-". Brushes, Face Powder, Tablets, &cj., and a Hue of CANDIES. Also Fine Cigars, Cheroots, Tobacco, and Snuff. Also LAMP :uil MACHINE OIL, :md many oth-r u.--fn! nrti !: : -ot v .... lioiK-tl. Wi- tliaiik our m:ny f; ii-i;( f;r :licir 1!.m;i! ii:itrnac, anl rci'' f 'i y i -".. all to c!i at our S:o:r- v !imi i-i t i-il of anything in our 'inc. V.. ai r aw no of the PtriniMioy of money, ami will umkn prices to suit. Come in aiil see us when you come to tovrn. You -g, lie.-iH Clfully, ATTENTION I mmm. 1 wmm ON j V King of all Bicycles. Liht Weight and Rigidity. Every Ma chinef ally warranted '4 K!gl;ast Konsrs at i S 5 -Styles XJ !V Scnl t-yo-cert etmp lor our 14- pge Catalogue A work of Art. Monarch Cycle Company, Rijii Si! bans. RELIABLE - INSTRU MENTS. SOUTH OF 6 PHIL ADELPIII A . . K ,p f H M ,K RALEIGH, N O , . - . . Practical Spelling Bok. COURSE IN OIITilOGllA Pin . ami PRIVATE scilu(Ls. sPFi.iazo-nooK in ihkunitkdst.vtk j vii.. domains uvkr i.i.iku ritACTioAi. 'v -.). UaT.KIOi DUNN, M. C. II, HARPER & HOOD. ATTEMTSOfJ! a I h.ive accepted the ARency for th LIGHT RUNNING Df--i ing .achim;, s Tin; D!t ai ac::i.. jj, THE MAiUCL?: It took the Premium etthc World S'-ll th'-i.'i for :'": . or !i jlai. Pb-as: coin-.- iu ao-'.--- r-., i,-y(-i: 'vSM .-t m, ki:ow, 1 wiil c.ih -m k'uj w t fn:ui Ui, il.ipc:tfn;ly. jmf Abso,ute,y r the Bcst' y Surerior ruterlal J ffMyK and Scientific Work- J World's CDlaisbisn Exposition. ?!? Lake nd Halsted 3ts., CHICAGO, ILL.