- f mmmmmmmmmmmmZT1mmT5P-t IF YOU ARE A HUSTLER ADVERTISING P TO BUSINESS WHAT STEAM IS TO MACHINERY. That Gkeat PitorELLlsa Toweb OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOC70000000 Writo np n nico advertisement .bout your business and insert it in THE CENTRAL TIMES and you'll "see a change in business all around." ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS. o 5e-i Yorii Advertisement in Now. ,- o .))0O000000O0000000O0000000 THAT CLASS OF READERS THAT TOU ,VISU YOUR ADVERTISE MENT To REACtl J. h- ci who read Tiie Times. ENTRAL Dli. J. II. DANIEL, Editor an.l Proprietor. "PROVE ALL THINGS, AND HOLD FAST TO THAT WHICH IS GOOD." il. 00 Ter Year In Adrance. VOL. IV. DUNN, HARNETT CO., N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9,1894. NO. 24.. c Times. - 4 7 1 HE TO'V-N ih!:etohy. !I. Wir sov, Mayor. y Y.r'!, J. ii- I'""'. 'J' M .i.e., ; C iiiiiniHS oiior.1-'. , II. H" is M. Ii. V. !-:, M:!r:,'i:d. Ch ii relics. Mr.TirowsT Rc-v. ('' T. Simraonn, lu-t..r. S rvitvs at 7 p. m. evt-ry l'irt Sunday, ami 11 a- m. aud 7 p. in. v. rv Fourth Han tiny, l'ray. r-i!i . tin- every Wednesday Hiht .it T oYlork. Siih-ltty-srh'K.l vory Sunday morn-iu-j ut" Hi .'-!..ck, (1. K. Cranthara, smk rint- inh nt. Alt tiiiLr of Sunday-school Missiona ry S..kty every 4 th Sunday ufter- Do.ili. Yung Men's Prayer-meeting every Monday niht. Pkfskytkkiax Rev. A. M. Hasscll, Pastor. Services every First nnd Fifth Sun Im v at 11 u. m. ami 7 p. m. Sunday school every Sunday even in :it I ii'cliick. Dr. J. II. Daniel, rinteiident. ii i.i-.s Rev. J. J. Harper, Pastor. Ser vires every Third Sunday at 11 n. m. and 7 L. in. Su inlay-school i'v-ry Sunday at 4:00 oVieR, Prof. W. C. Williams, Su j.i rinteiident. I'rayer-meeting every Thursday niyht nt 7 o'clock. MiionakyRaitist Rev. N. R. Cobb, P. !., I'ustor.- Services every Second Sunday at 11 a. in. and 7 p. m. Sun-lay school every Sunday morn--in- at 10 o'clock, R. O. Taylor, Su perintendent. Prayer meeting every Thursday night at 5 -.30 o'clock. ri:r.i-:-Wiiiij Raptist Rev. J. H. "Wor ley, I'ustor. Services every Fourth Sunday at 11 a. m. Sunday school every Sunday evening at 3 o'clock, Erasmus Lee, superintendent. 3'kimitive Raptist Elder Rurnico Wood, Pastor. Services every Third Sunday at 11 a. m. and Saturday beforo the Third Sunday at 11 a. m. LEE J. REST, Attorney at Law, Dunn, X. C. Practico in all the courts. Prompt attention to all business. jan 1 W. F. MURCHISON, Attorney at Law, Jonesboro, N. C. Will prac tice in all tho surrounding counties. jan 1 DR. J. II. DANIEL, Dunn, Harnett county, N. C. Cancer a specialty. No other diseases treated. Posi tively will not visit patients at a dis tance. Pamphlets on Cancer, its Treatment ami Cure, will bo mailed to any address free of charge. IT 13 ABSOLUTELY The Best sewing MACHINE MAD E AND SAVE MONEY Wi: OK OUR DEALERS can sell you machines cheaper than yon can get elsewhere. The NEW HOME Is our best, but we make cheaper kinds, hiirh as the CLIMAX, IDEAL and other High Arm Full Nickel Plated Now Ins machines for $15.00 and up. Call on our agent or write us. We want your trade, and If prices, terms aud wquare dealing will win we will have it. We challenge the world to produce a BETTER $50.00 Sewlns Machine for $50.00, or a better $20. Sewing machine io- $20.00 than you can buy from ns, or our Agents. THE NEW HOME SEWISG MACHIHE CO. I'aASon. M rs. Bosroif . Mass. 88 U jnow Scttmis, N. T. ClUCAOO.lT.1. ST. LOI'18, MO. PAI.LAR, TlIAS. BAS iHAS CISCO, Cai ATLAJCTA, Ua, FOR BALE BY For sale by GAINEY JORDAN, IVWI1 WEBSTER'S IXTERXA TIOXA L A i!.r:kcTi7nis..M.'Ks J. Si. JL c .l(j'.iiiij'i.(J.Vr. - Successor of the "Unabridged." Everybody should own this Dictionary. It an swers all questions concerning the his tory. siH'llintr, pro nunciation, and meaning of words. A Library in Itself. It also gives the often de sired information r"'ivniing eminent jersoiis; facts concern-I!'-r the .ountries. cities, towns, and nat- features of the glote ; particulars con- -nun ' noted fictitious iersons anu piaces , tr:uw! .ition of foreign quotations. It is in- 'uuaiue 111 tlie Home, onice, biuui , . 'll.i..lr.u.,.. The tine a rent Standard Authority. lion. 1. J. Kroner, Justice of I . . toireme 'oitrt. writ i tio lniirti:iUonal Oictionary Is '! it rfootiou tf (lu tionaries. 1 tnnniend U to l the one great ftamlard autlionty. ' .( ' m ! ( ? by l'.wry State Superintendent of Schools Aon- in Office. Z iTA savins: of three cents j r day for a year will provide more than enough money to -t-urchase a copy of tlie International, fan you afford to Ihj without it? Have your liookseller show it to you. G. & C. Merriam Co. I'uhtighers, Sprin'jtifld, Mass. ASTBSTER'S i2f)f not l.nyelvtrihoto-l iv-rrpviTTTVlT irniphiir lx-i-niits of ancient II ' DK.VUW.-va I DICTia.W, ;riiujiliiniiwr!rmtl fagc, REV. BR, TALMAGE. rnB BROOKIiYIt DlVtKK3 BUN DAY SERMON. Subject: "Xarroiv Kscapcs.' Tkxu ;I nm vrt-rxl with thi skia sf my teeth," Job xlx., 20. Job had t harl. Whit with Mils at 1 be reavements nnd bankruptcy an I a foo! of a wife he wishod h whsW, nnlLlo not blame htm. His flosh w.-n i;on, and hii lM3nes wro dry. His teoth w.isto 1 aw lj- un til nothing but tho cnincl Somol left. H i eries ont , "I am os-3.ip I with the skin of mv teeth." J Therh h bn ion" .li!T-ren'o r' opinion about this p s ii;o. sr. J-rmo an I S m' teM an U)rs. Goo 1 and Toolvant IUrn. have all trlo l their fore.-p on Jo'.V tth. You deny my interpretation and s iy, "iVtvit did Job know aout thoeii.-imol ofthntthV,, Tie knew evrj-thin about it. Dental Rurery Is almost as old a tho earth. The mummies or Kirypt, thoat-m U of years oM nro found to-day with j?ol.l fllNn in their teeth. Ovl l and Horace and Solomo-i an I Mos8 wroto ahout the- ImporMnt factors of tho body. To other provoking complaints Job, I think, has aldvl an nXispHritln-' toothache, and putting his haul against tho Infl inW face ho s ip, ! am escapol with tho skin of my teeth."' A very narrow es :ap- yo t say, for .ToVs body and soul, but there are thoman Is of men who make just as narrow os". ip-i for their soul. There was a time whn the par tition letwen them and ruin was no thicker than a tooth's enamel ; but, as Joh fin illy es-3'ipo.l, so have th.y. Th iak Go I ! Ta ink Go 1 1 Paul exprcssfM the same Idea by a differ ent figure when he says that so no people nro "savxl ns by lire. A Vessel at sea Is la flames. You 'o to the stem of tho vessel. Tha boats have shovod off. The fl itnes ad vance. You can endure the heat no longer ou your face. You slide down on t ho side of the ve&sel and hold on with your fingers un til the forked tonguj of tho llro begins to lick the back oTyour hand, nnd you feel that you mu-t fall, when one of the lifeboats comes back, and the passengers say they think they have room lor ouo more. Tho boat swings under youj you drop into itj you are saved. 8o some men are pursued by temptation until they are puriially con sumed, but alter all k off "'saved s by lire." But I like the llgure of Job a little bette-thun that of Paul," because the pulpit has not worn It out, and 1 want to show you, if God will help, thai some men make nar row escape for their souls and are saved as "with the skin of their teeth." It is as eay lor some people to look to the cross as for you to lookto mis pulpit. Mtld, Keutle, tractable, loving, you expect tuem to becrjiue Curistiaus. You'o.ovet to the store and say, "Grandon joined the churoa yesterday." Your business co.nrados say "That is just wnat mijfht nave been expjot ed." He always was ol that turn of mind. In youth this person wuom 1 describe was always good. He never broKo tniugs. He never laughed wUon it ynn improper to laugh. At seven he wuidsit nu liounn oiiurch, perieetiy quiet, leokiu neitner to tuo njjut naud uut to tuo leit, out straigut luto tan eyes of tho minister ns thougu he uuder siood the whole diMHisslon about tho eternal decrees. Ho never upeet things nor lost them. He floated into lue kingdom of Go t so graduuiiy ttKit It is uuoertaiu just wneu the mutter was decided. Here is another one, who started in life with an uncontrollable spirit. He kept tno nursery in an uproar, iiis mother fouud him walking ou the edge ot the house rool to see if he could balance himself. There was no horse he dared not ride, no tree ho could not climb. His boynood was a long sent ot pre dlcaiueuts , his manhood was reckless nis mldjile very wayward, iiut now lie is con verted, an. i yuu go over to the store and say, "ArkWTrtgut joined the cuuroh yesterday. ' lour lriends nay "It is not possible 1 lou must be joking. You say : ".No , I Veil you the truth. He joined tod church. ' 'luou they reply, "There is hope for any of us If old Arkwnght has become a Ouristiau." in other words, we all admit that it is more diltlcult for hduj meu to aeeepl the gospel than lor others. 1 may be aU trussing some who have cut loose liom churches an I Uliiles aul Sundays and wuo have at jruseul no intention ol e comiug Christians themselves, but just to see what is going on. Aud yei you may llud yoursell eecaping ooiore yoj near lue end, tw "witu the skiu ol our leetu." I Uu noi expeet lo wasie this hour. I nave seen ooals go oil iroiu O.ipe May or Xioug liraucu au J urop their nets and aiierawmie como iisuore puuing in tuoir nets without iiavtug c.iuguc a stngte ilsu. It was not a gooi day, or taoy hud not lue right Kind ol anef. llui we ex pect no sueu excursion to-day. Tue water ts 1UU ot ilsn tue wind is in tne right uirec tKu , tue gospel net is strong. O luou wuo UidM help Simon and Andrew to lUu, saow us lo-xiaj now to east tuo nei ou tue rigut Blue ol lue sutp I aooie oi you, in coming to Go I, will havj to run against s&opuoai uotious. it is use less lor people to siiysuarpau icuttiug tuiugs lo those Who rejeet tuo Ounsnau roiig.ou. 1 cannot ny sucu iniugs. iiy waat process ol lemjaation or trial or betrayal you navd come lo your preseut statu 1 know not. Tnere are two guieo loyour n.Mure megaie Oi the iieai aui lue gaio ol tue ne,irt. ' 1 He gate oi your iion u looked wuu bolts iu 1 bnrs tntt au aroiMtngei oouid not break', but the Kie oi jour no.irt bWiugs easily oa as hiugu. II 1 assauuel year oo ly wuu wea pons, you wouia meet nio witu weapous, aud rt. woui i uo eworu sroso or wua nave, uuj wouua Rr wouud. nud uooa ior imoo-l. bnt If T "me nnd knock nt tho door of roif house you open it and give me th host 'at in your parlor. If I should come nt you to day with nn argument, 3"ou would nnswet me with nn nrtrument ; If with sarcasm, von nnswer me with sarcasm, blow for blow, ptroke for stroke, but when I come an I knock nt the door of your heart you open it nnd say. "Come in, my brother, and fell me nil you know about Christ and heaven." Idsten to two or thre? question Are yon ns happy ns you imi i to h-i when vou bMv 1 in the truth of the Christian relitjion? Would you llk to havo yotir children tr iv d on In the road in which you are now travelln i? You had a relative who professed to bo a Christian and was thoroughly consiten livine nnd dylnc in the faith of the posn l. Would yon not like to live the s-in quiet Hf nnd die the same peAcoful death? I re ceived a letter sent me bv ono who has re jected the Christian reHiron. It say: "I am old enomrh to know that the jors and pleasures of llfoaro evanescent nnd to realize the fat that it must l comfortable in old njre to believe in something relative to the future nnd to have a faith in some system that proposes to save. I am fre- to confess that I would be happier if I could exerels the simple nnd beautiful faith that is possessed by many whom I know. I am not willingly out of the church or out of tho faith. My state of uncertainty Is one of un rest. Sometimes I doubt my immortality nnd look upon the deathhe i ns tho closing scene, nfter which there Is nothing. What shall I do that I have not don-. Ah. skepti cism is a dark an I doleful lanl! Iet me vvy that this Bible is either true or false. If it be false, we are as well off as you , If it Ve true, then which of us is safer? Let me also ask whether your trouble hi not been that you confoanded Christianity with the inconsistent character ot some who profess it. Yon are a lawyer. In your pro fession there aro mean and dishonest men. Is that anything ngainst the law? You are a doctor. There nre unskilled and contempti ble men in your profession. Is that anything ntrainst medicine? You nre a merchant. There are thieves nnd dofrau lers In your business. Is that anything against merchan dise? Behold, then, the unfairness of charg ing upon Christianity the wickedness of it? disciples. We admit eorao of th6 charges nctinst those who pfofew religion. Some of tht mo?t Riff aalia iwiadlw of tb prtnt dr bay ben carried on by rnembers of thechnreh. There are men In the churches who woul 1 hot be trust ed for 5 without goo I collateral Security. They leave their busings dishon esties id the Vestibule df the chtirch as they KO in and sit at the communion. Having con cluded the sacrament, they get up, wipe the wine from their Hps, go out and take up their sins where they let oX To serve the devil Is their regular work; to serve Go 1, a sort of play spell. With a Sunday sponge they expect to wipe off from their business slate all the past week's inconsistencies You have no raorejright to take sUjh a m in's life as a specimen of religion than you have to take the twisted irons au 1 split timbers tha I lie on the b-woh at Conoy Island as a specl men of an American ship. It is time that wa drew a line between religion and tha frail ties of those who profess It Again, there may be some of you who, Ii the attempt after a Christian life, will have io run against powerful passlous and ap petites, l'erhaps it la a disposition to anger that you hare to contend airainst. nnrl nr. haps, while In a very serious moo J, you hear of something that makes you feel that you must swear or die. I kQO of a Chris tian mau who w is once so ex.isp irate I that he s ii! to a mean custo ner4 "I cannot swear at you myseK, for I am a m"nber ot the ohureii, but ii you will go down stairs my partner in business wilt swear at you." All j our goo 1 resoltttloas herelolore u ive been lorn to tatters by explosions or temper. Now, there is no harai in getting m i l if you only get m i l at sin. iVa ueet to bridle and sad lle these hot breathe I p issious, and with them ri le do.vn iujusticj an I wrong. There are a thousaud tuiugs in the world that wo oiiil to be ma I at. There is no harm in geitiug redhot If you outy bring to the forge that which needs hammering. A mau who h. no power of righteous indig nation is an imbecile. Uut be sure it is u righteous in ligu ition aud not a potulancy that blurs aul uur.ivols and depletes the soul. There is a large class of persons in midlife Who have still in them appetites that were Moused in early manhood, at a time wuen they prided themselves ou boiu:.', a "little last," "high livers," "iree and e;Ly," "hail fellows well met." They are now paying in compound interest lor troubles they collect ed twenty years ago. Some of you are try ing to esoape. and you will, yet very nar rowly, "as with the sklu ot your teeth." God and your own soul only know what the struggle is. Omnipotent grace has pulled out many a soul that was deeper la tr mire than you nre. They line the beach oi heaven, the multitude whom God has res. cued from the thrall of suicidal habits. Ii you this day turn your back on the wronq nnd start anew, God will help you. Oh, th weakness of human help' Men will sym pathizo for a while and then turn you off. If you ask lor their pardon, they will rive it nnd say the.y will try you again , but. Tail Ing away again under the power of tempta tion, they cast you off forever. .But God forgives seventy times seven yea, seven hundred times. yea. though this be tho ten thousandth time Ho is more earnest, more sympathetic, more helpful this last time than when yon took your first misstep. If, with all the influences favorable for n ri?ht life, men make so many mistakes, how much harder It is when, for instance, some appetite thrusts its iron grapple into tho roots or tho tongue and puns a man oown with hands of destruction I If under suh sircumstancos he break away, there will be no sport in the undertaking, n holiday en joyment, but a struggle In which tho wres tlers move from side to side and bend and twist nnd watch for an opportunity to got in a heavier stroke until, with ono final effort, In which tho muscles are distended, and tho volns start out, and tho blood starts, tho swarthy habit falls under the knee of tho victor escaped at last as with the skin of hi3 teeth. In the last day it will bo found that nugh Latimer and John Knox nnd Huss and Rid ley were not the greatest martyrs, but Chris tian men who went up incorrupt from the eontamlnitions and perplexities of Wall street, Water street. Pearl street. Broad street, State street. Thir l street, Lombard street and the bourse. On earth they wera called brokers or stock jobbers or retailers or Importers, but in heaven Christian heroes. No fasros were heaped about their feet, no inquisition demanded from them reeinta Hon, no soldier aimed a spike at their heart, but they had mental tortures, compared with which all physical consuming is as tho breath of a spring morning. I find in the community a large class of men who have been so cheated, so liodalour, po outrageously wronged that they have lost faith In everything. In a world whereevery thing seems so topsy turvy they do not see how there can be nnv God. They nro con founded nnd frenzied nnd misanthropic. Elalorate argument to prove to them tho truth of Christlanltv or thetruthof anything else touches them nowhere. Hear me, all such men. I preach to you no rounded periods, no ornamental discourse, but I put my hand on your shoulder and invite you into tho neace of the trospel. Here is a rock on which you may stand firm, though the waves dash against it harder man tne Atlantic- nitchintr its surf clear above Eddy- stone lighthouse. Do not charge upon God nil these troubles of the world. As long as the world stuck to God, God stuck to the world, but tho earth seceded Irom His gov ernment, and hence all these outrages and nil these woes. God is goon. Jfor mauy hundreds of von rs He has been coaxing the world to come back to Him, but the more He h.-is eo.ixed the more violeut have men been in their rsi?tan?e, and they have stepped back and tdpped back until they have dropp d into ruin. Trv this God. ve who have had tho blood hounds after you, and who have thought that God hail forgotten you. Try Him and pc if He will not hetp. Try Him and see if He will not pardon. Try Him andseo if fie wilt not sav. The nowers oi sprint? nave no l.liKitn so sweet as the flowering of Christ s affections. The s?sn hath no warmth com- nu rwi l with the uiow of His heart. J.ne wnters have no refreshment like tho foun th.-it will sluice the thirst of thy soul. At the moment the reindeer stands with his Hp .ml nostril t lirust into the cool mountain tor rent the hunter may be coming through the thicket. Without crackling a stick unaer his fool ho comes close by the stasr, alms Ms gun, .'.raws the trigger, and the poor thing tn us de.-ith ;ii?onv aud falls backward. Its antlers crashing on the rocks, but the panting heart that drinks Irom tno watei brook of Go I s promise snail never uo iu tally wcunded and shall never dle 'T vrvEit took nnv stock in dreams," said J. L. Santer, of Lex insrton. Mo., "but from recent ex neriences I am inclined to believe that there is something in the ray steries of sleep after all. About two months a?o my wife informed me that she had dreamed of a marriage nnd that it was a sure sign of death Two davs afterwards my grandfather was killed by a train at Omaha Following this up, my better hal warned me to look after my financial interests, as she dreamed I was being treated for hvsterics. To dream that I was being Treated for anything, she informed me. was a never-failing sign that I would suffer a linancia loss. In less than a week came the Sedalia Bank calamity, and I am out $2,000. Just before I left home I accidentally broke a Jooking-glass. Now I am told that I will have seven years of trouble. It has not materi alized, but I expect to receive a tele gram before morning informing me that my boy has been drowned in the river, my house has been de stroyed by fire, or that something else equally ae horrible has oo- RELIGIOUS READING. IXTHER A2TD HIS MAID SEBVAXt. Luther bnd a domestic residing at his house by the name of Elizabeth, who in a lit of dis pleasure left without giving the family any notice. She subsenuentlv fell into habits of Immorality, and became dangerously 11L In ; her sickness she requested a visit from j Luther. On taking his seat at her bedside he s iid i "Well, Elizabeth, what is the mat ter!" "I desire, she replied, "to ask your pardon for leaving your family bo abruptly; but I have also something else weighing very heavily on my conscience : I have given my soul away to Satan!" "Why," rejoined Luther, "that's of no great consequence; I have, continued she, done many wicked things, but this is what most oppresses me, that I have de liberately sold my joor soul to the devil, and how can such a crime ever llnd mercy "Elizabeth listen to me, rejoined the man of God, "suppose while you lived in my house, you had sold and transferred all my children to a stranger, would the sale or transfer have been lawful and binding?" Oh, no, said the deeply humbled girl, for I had no rignt to ao mat. "Very well, you had still less right to give your soul to the arch-enemy ; it no more be longs to you than my children do. It is the exclusive" property of the Lord Jesus Christ; he made it, and when lost, also redeemed it; it is his with all its powers and faculties, and you can't give away or sell what is not yours ; if you have attempted it, the whole transac tion was unlawful and is entirely void. ".Now.do you go to our Lord : conless your guilt with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, and entreat him to pardon you and take back again what is wholly his own. And as for the sin of attempting to alienate bis rightful property, throw that back upon the devil, for that and that alone is his." The girl obeyed, was converted, and died full of taith and hope. THE SIMPLICITY OF FAITH. An attendance upon the reading of the pa pers and the learned and able discussions which followed at tho late annual meeting of the General Association of Connecticut was calculated to impress the Christian mind with the importance of simple faith in Christ. Tho topics which usually come before this purely ministerial body are designed to be la touch" with the leading subjects of consider ation in the theological world and also in re lation to aggressive Christian work In the church. This year the scientific spirit as related to the evangelic spirit of the Congregational idea as worship, and the ground ot laith were tho leading topics. Under these the scientific trend of tho day in connection with tho higher criticism,' and the nature and place of true worship were brought out from different points of observation with varying views. Tho papers and the discussions which fol lowed suggested the importance in these times of more closoly adhering to simple faith in Christ. To a faith like that illustrated in the woman, to whom Christ said, "Woman, great is thy faith. J3e it unto thee even as thou wilt." Tho faith that is the gift of God. The faith that works by love and purifies the heart. The faith of tho common mind. Tho faith that is not confounded or disturbed by tho mysteries of science. Tho faith that trusts in God's Word, and recognizes the reality and die fruits of Christian experience is that which will remain in life and triumph in immortality. THE GOODNESS OF GOD. God is good as well as groat. O, yes, read er, ho is infinitely good to you, to me, to all. On this point I know not how to speak, where to begin or where to end. "Tho goodness of tho Lord endureth forever." It shines in tho sun, beams in the moon, sparkles in tho stars, rolls in the thunder, streams In tho lightning, sighs in tho tempest, and comes down upon us in gentle dews and plenteous showers, to water and bless tho earth, and make the little hills rejoiceon every side. Tho apple which mellows in tho sun. the vine, laden with the rich clusters of tho grape, tho bird that cuts the air, and tho insect that floats along tho breeze, are only so many varied expressions of God's unsearchable goodness. Think of tha air you breathe ; what a blessing this, inhaling life and vigor, beauty and health to every living thing, and yet so common, that you al most forget tlie gift and overlook the Giver ! Should God withhold it but a few moments you and every living creature, would pant for breath, and soon languish and die. Tho stream, that leaps from the mountain's side, and glides along through fields and forests, spreading fertility and beauty on every side, until its cheerful ripple is lost in the majestic roar of the ocean, is another expression of God's inllnite goodness. What blessings aro light and beat ! How rich, how free ! These also are the products ol divine goodness. Should God withhold them, what a dreary night would spread its mantle over this fair world, and convert it into ono vast scene of lamentation, mourning and woe. FERVOB IN RELIGION'. Fervor in religion, earnestness as a Chris tian, is ns natural an effect of tho close con tract of truth with a man's mind, as a spark is for tho meeting of steel and stone or as a glow is from friction, or as ebullition is from pouring water upon unslacked lime. lit al religion is fervent. It awakes a man in earnest. It gives light, and heat, and spiritual electricity; and the preacher should bo giving off those like an electrical machine or galvanic battery. He who is never fervent in prayer, nor in labors for souls, nor in praise, nor in doing good, then It must bo that the fire of divkie love has never been kindled in his heart. Ileal religion, like lightning, will naturally givo lighC heat and electricity. The true Christian Is charged with truth, and with love to souls; and the electric sparks will be flying off from him. If you are a good con ductor you can draw off a great deal of spir itual electricity from a good minister, ot from anv good Christian, anil he will have none the "less for it, while you will be all tho better. OUIl CHILDREN IN HEAVEN. As the shepherd thought more of the sheep that was lost than the ninety and nine that were safe; as the woman scarcely realized the volue of tho nine pieces of silver that re mained in her casket, in her anxiety for the one that was missing ; so it has ever seemed to the bereaved parents, the flowers which heaven claims in tno spring time of infancy are fairer and sweeter than any that survive the early blight, to blossom and bear fruit In the chilly atmosphere of time.' If flowers of earth exposed to blight. And withering long before their prime, Appear so passing sweet and bright, Amid the dim cold wastes of time ; How wond'rous ; how surpassing fair, How redolent of life and love. Must those, whom heaven has called, appear, 'lransplanted in the fields above? Turpentine Products. Spruce chewing-gum is one of the products of the turpentine still, be ing simply the rosin from which not alfthe spirits of turpentine have beeh extracted, and wuicn nave Deen clari fied by especially careful straining through white cotton. The other ex treme of the still's product is the waste-chips, lumps, pin needles and impurities of all sorts which are srathered up in the cotton, and thrown out witn it; upon tne ever lighted fire which burns near-by by day and night, lending a picturesque feature to the gloom of the "plney woodi" of tat Southern Unlud 8Utft (Aairlft& AfTliultuiiJt, CHILDREN'S C0LU2O, THET SCARED THE TOAD. One day a toad on a toadstool sat And "I'll rest awhile,' Bald he, For hopping about in search of a meal Has already quite wearied me." But alas ! f r that tired toad, two elves, Each with a slender stick. Came skipping that way, and with wink aa . ldh grin, Resolved to play him a trick. So under the toadstool they skipped and be gan To prod it those mischievous two And the toad cried out in the greatest of frights, "There's an earthquake ! Oh, what shall I do?" Detroit Free Press. THE WATS OP TURRETS. ."ew readers of St. Nicholas havt known the anxieties and delights of raising turkeys. I should like to tell them Borne of my experience. In April your turkey-hens will not stay together, 'as they have done all the winter, but each seems to have a separate secret, and you will often meet one in the most unexpected places, far away from the house. Then the old turkey-hen will try to look so unconscious? She just goes on pluck ing at the grass and weeds, slowly turn ing first one way and then another in an aimless fashion ; and when she is sure you are watching her, she will lead you back and forth, around and around, sometimes for half a mile. Yet-would you believe it?right here, near by, along the fence in a dump of grass, or under some dried brush, or perhaps in the middle of the pear orchard, with never a thing to mark she spot, or in a tangle of black-berry-bushos in the old graveyard on the cool moist earth is a nest of speckled eggs 1 But take care 1 Do not for the world put your hand in the nest t You must take those eggs out with a fresh clean spoon turkeys are "mighty partio'lar," as the colored people say ; but if you dont take them the crows or tho setter dog wilL You must leave her a "nest-egg," of course, and above all things the hen must not see you do this ; for you and 6he are play ing at hide-and-seek. Some day you will find her sitting on tho nest, crouching down close to the ground, with a scared look in her pretty brown eyes. Don't say a word ; trip noislessly away, and late that evening givo her back those speckeled eggs, slipping them under with your hand. She will pluck you, but do not mind that ; you and she will be friends some day. Onco I made a turkey sit in a hen house where there was many a 'rat- hole. She had been on tho eggs four weeks when little turkey-voices were heard beneath her, and little turkey heads peeped out from among her breast feathers. When I took her up by both wings, such plucking and picking and scratching as she did 1 I looked, and behold 1 not a turkey chick was there. The little things just out of the shell, obeying the wild instinct of their nature, had "scooted" in the twinkling of an eye, leaving a nest of empty shells. I hunted all over the hen-house, but no sight or sound of them could be heard, but as I turned away, I heard the old hen calling softly ; then, more softly still, came the answers, and from rat-ho!e, from wisps of scattered straw, from chips, from cracks, and from corners. the little ones came creeping back to tho nest. I caught them, though, after all, and did as an old worn an told me. "With my finger-nail I scratched off tho little "pip" at tho end of each tiny bill, and, holding the little turkey firmly and placing a fin ger in the bill to keep it open, I crammed tho little pip which looks like a piece of meal husk and a whole grain of black pepper down each littlo throat. The black pepper makes them warm. Then the young turkeys are treated to a dab of salt grease and snuff, mixed together in a brown paste, first on the top of each head and then under each little throat Their food is now to be wet corn-meal and chopped garlic or onion tops, with an occasional seasoning of black pep per on damp days. How those little turkeys like onion tops ! They actually squeal with delight when they smell ihem. What tussling when two or three are hanging on to the same piece! What funny littlo things they are; go weak in their legs, so easily npset, yet so strong in their bills. You can lift a little turkey off tho ground with an onion top, if he once gets a firm hold. St. Nicholas. An Honest Man. 'I should think," said Cawker.after Pelican' had finished a tediousa- long narration, "that our friend Pelrban would make a pefectly trustworthy cashier." "Why?' asked Cumso. V Y . 1 A i I- . a km ' ! -rir.UJvlpIfla Liffl. ThcBdShoM IfVf JK for the Least Money. jsTm - I 7 Err' &f-teV sb. S4 ifvl :xi W I S2 MlHIS ISTTffilKsS? m yij. v mm.ii ao Klines are satiation at thTp?ir advertised than any other make Try vinced The starnnin" of W. L Douglas name and price on the bottom, vy.u.i guaranteed T heir value, laves thousands of dollars annually to tho.c who yar the... Z,rl ZVnLvh the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers wh.cl. helps to increase the sales on their full line of goods They cn .ffor to sell at a im prru. and we believe you cu w ?Jm7a BK. Uaed.below. Cataloeue free upon application. YV. I 1JOUULA. ickiou. uu.. F. M. MCKAY. Y(D)y MADE - The Eit is HUMANE in its operation, and only made powerful nt will of tho driver. The animal Boon understands the situation, and the VICIOUS horso heroines DOCILE; tb PULLER a PLEASANT DHTVER. Elderly people will find driving with this Bit a pleasure. n "pi thLs Bit with the many malleable iron bits now U in UO UOl UOflTOUna ofTered-the bar of the "Triumph" Is WROUGHT STE EL and none other is safe to put In the mouth of a horse. WILL BE SENT, POSTAGE PAID, AS FOLLOWS : j PLTE 'z.oo WH. VAri AHSUALE., Commercial College of Ky. Hfe-Anl nnd Ttlnlnmn. nwnrded at World's Principal of this College, for System of Book-keeping and General Business Education. Students in attendance the past year from 25 States. 10,000 former pupils, in business, etc. 13 , teachers employed. gSr Business Course consists of Book-keeping, Business Arithmetic, Bjvntanship, Commercial Law, Merchandising, Hanking, Practice, Mercantile Correspondence, etc. Jii) - Tuition, Stationery and Hoard in a nice family, . . urltltuj and Telegraphy, are specialties, having special teacners anu rooms, ami be taken alone or with the liusiness Course. No charge has ever been made for procuring situa tions. sjLiT-Xo Vacation. Enter now. For Circulars address WILBUR U. Our Goods'-, me the Best Our Prices te lowest Unique Industry. "My town," said Henry Burkhart, editor of the Windsor (Mo.) Review, at the Laclede, "has one distinction, at least, and that is that it is the home of more United States mail con tractors than any other two or threo towns on earth. We have there a half dozen or more large firms which control nearly all the star routes in the country. I don't know how it hap pened that this peculiar enterpri.so should have sought Windsor as its base of operations, unless it was that by accident, perhaps, one Windsorite got interested in tho business, made money at it, and others seeing his fnrtnnp rilinrr nn fr.ll in linn Tli j ...... " J ' ) V A i 111 1111V. .1 all appear to be getting rich, and not one of them has yet had any sort of trouble with the Government. Con tracts are let at Windsor for carrying the mails in Maine, California, Texas and Montana, and thus is the name of our town known from one end of the country to tlie other, though our population is not much over 1,500." -St. Louis Republic. Proposed Ship Canals. Purveys are to be made for a ship canal from the lakes to the Ohio river, probably by way of the Erie and Pittsburg; the agitation in favor of the Chesapeake and Delaware ship canal is growing, and the revival of the project cf the Philadelphia and New York canal has revived interest in the (Tape Cod canal project, which would greuti' shorten the waterway between .New i ork and Boston. There are no physical difficulties in the way that could not be surmounted by engineering skill; the question aa to each canal turns mainly on the cost and possible revenue. It is con ceded that such a chain of canals would be of great advantage to the Government in case of war, and that the canals would repay in value, di rectly or indirectly, all that might bo expended upon them, provided they 6houId be carriea to completion. Philadelphia Ledger. A r.L.u k French poodle in Gavers, Columbian County,Ohio, has adopted 1 brood of ducklings, and crouches jver thern at night, like a ben ovei :hicks. The intelligent animal hae earned to modulate hi bark ao that it loundf fomttmng lirffl a auacKi L I0UILAS FOB GENTLEHEH. and S3.50 Dress Shoe- 50 Police Shoo, 3 Soles. 60, S2 for Work! ngmen. S2 and 81.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES, 63, S2.50 S2, SI. 75 CAUTION. If ary dealer hue a ' lrior - be Iiih t Im-iii wit It- out th .iiu- on thoboi :. n,n down .t'Wraoa. stvltsh. easv fitting, and enc better fr'UM M KItVlLLh. i- HP , "?S?EJ SAFETY-BIT- The manufacturer of the TRIUMPH Issu.-s on Insurance Potioy nifying the purchaser to lh amount of 8SO when loss is occasioned ly the - driver's l:i nhilitv to hold th horre driven with Hacine, Wisconsin. University, Lexington, Ey. Columbian Exposition, to PROF. E. W. SMITH, Joint SlocK, Manufacturing, x-cuurv. iu, CoSt of Full Business Course, including about !fUU. G xnoruuinu, syi'-- . . . 1 1 SMITH, - President, Lexington, Ky. raCcS AMD omjLOGm Every Ian His Own Doctor. A Valuable FAMILY DOCTOR Booh by J. Hamilton Aytss, M. D., of six hundred pages, profcsely illustrated and containing knowledge of how to CURE Disease, Promote Health and Prolong Life. The book also contains valuable information regarding mar riage and the proper care and rearing of children. SEND CO CENTS Tie Atlanta PnMisMn House, 116 Loyd St., Atlanta, Ga., and thoj will forward jou tho book by mail, postpaid CAN be CURED: We will SEND FREE hr mafl a larec TRIAL IKJTTLEr mm klSO. a treatiM on cpiiepfV. UJ2 i. SUFFER ANV LONGER I CW PostOfc fice. State and County, and Age plainly - ' AAlreM, THE HALL CHEMICAL CO., , Z9QQ i'aixsKHUtt Arcouc, i'H'irljrhia.Pi; Favorite Singer, PU Arm (Pkvj Arm Kvcry Machine hxi a drop leaf, fancy cover, two large drawers, with nickel rings, ami full set of Attachments, equal to any Singer Machine sold from $40 to $60 by Canvassers. The High Arm Machine has a self-setting needle and self threading shuttle. A trial in your home lcfore payment is asked. Buy direct of the Manufacturers and save agents' profits besides getting certifi cates of warrantee, for five years. Send for machine with name of a Lustness man as reference and we will ship one at once. CO-OpERATIV'ii SEWING MACHINE CO, A 4 1 .1 a . Aftffl slUf A. PA. TS u u 4 5 h i.