ELlilA3 A FULL Lltm -OF DRUGS, SUFF. TOBACCO,. CIGARS, ETC, PRESCRIPTIONS p.aaT S-0KA1S T J. TiTORNTIl flAHOLINA. 0 II r Q J RAILWAY. i CON'DKXSKD SCHEDULE. 5 IAS Mil North Dovsd. I No. S iPaily Ex. I Minday. DEALING IM GENERAL- T&ERGHAMBISE. GQUBlTUiQ OF G"Oods, G-rooeries, etc. 13 ry ! Leave 7iliaii'f-n ' Cna. in. Arrive k z: t"vitl? II Civ Lat- i'a ttevi !- IN :-7 " Leave r'ayetlevili. Junction... '.IbM'l " Leave Saii..rd Ill j? Leave Climax. 1 j. m. A l rive Cirec nslforo - j c.i " L.-iire Wreenstoro ......... 2.5" Ia-&c oKiidaie 3.4(J ' Arrive Walnut Cove ..... j " Leave Walnut Cove i 4.33 ' Le.ve Kuril Hall S.ttl " Arrive Mt. Airy... l ? 5 " DO YOU NEED A PIANO ? DO YOU NEED AN OKGAN ? GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, NIC E PRESS SHIRTS, WORK SHIRTS. HOSE, NECKTIES, Collars, Cuffs and Hankercliiois. MEN'S AMD BOYS' CLOTHING. -Lil IKir Ts T TliE VERY L0WE3T irices- Also a Fiue l.inc of Shoes OF A'so a fine line of ladies DRESS GOODS which i am sellling at prices suit all. flive ;.1C a c:J! a::o I cruarecice that you will fin my stock ofooJs perfectly .satisfactory boM, as to quality and priceamarked to suit the tiras Very Reaped fully, " J. D U P 11 E E , T No. 1. South Bockd. Dally Bx. bunday. Leave Mt. Airy 3.4 a. in. Leave Kural Hall.... 111 05 Arrive Walnut Cove '11.5 " Leave Walnut (.ove ; 1 1 . " Leave Stokf s-i?.lc iU.'M i. m. Arrive Uroeiisl-aro '. !l2.t3 " Leave ireeiistK.ro j 1 0; LeaTe Climax. ...a - j l.:0 ' Leave aiiToi t. ! .'U7 " Arrive Faypttville Junction j 4.i3 Arrive J-ayetteviKe - Leave Tayotteville 4.45 " Arrive Wilmington i 7.55 NOKTtt ROUND- THE TIMES. 1 T Peai-sall of Ke.imr,5ville,- arc visiting af j often v. see son ami daughters who the home of our esteemed townsman, jseem to be enroled . of this treasure j Mr..T:ini"S Pears UU - .T. M. lou, E of Smithfield, passed They fail to realize how sirec'ton-? it is. They ay to "do r'i-hr." to be kind, but ithioiiijh Dunn enroute to Ullington ' tiuvv edit inanciirMo oHhesof b.v whh-h Pi uLisiiKD ' Every Thursday. l:r-t Tuesday to attend the Superior , would brighten the sunset hour.-: of tlf fT!eiel':c mer' to sell ami 'col feet for WANTED. Our territory having been enlar ge-1. we. want a few more hn?tlii:cr "c- Leave Betinettsville.'. ... Leave iiaitou '. Leave H'-d Kr.rinj, Leave liejpe r. His.. Arrive i'ayettev'ile No. 4. Paily Ex. Sunday. 71") a. n. WRITE US A POSTAL, FOR CAT AO GIT PRICES- A.? I Eiftl Htl Fin- HEIJABLE INSTKD- MEN TH. I!0 HASTY GOODS SOLD, 25 YEARS IN BUSINESS, BEST FACILITIES FOR BUYING AND SELLING- v From one to three years for payment freight paid warranted will rent you one nn vil paid for. ,.... i.l: - i.tn .WM Hi? ' 8 5' in WWW Socku Bound. f No. 'I;iUy Ex. Miii'lay. ! Court. oear mother. ! Mr. Willie MeKethan, of Faj-ettcvilK j They love Jier, of . .juie th.ey do- but f-. eoim.mnieation wiil W. m-t- ,vl:o hus .a vWlin the family of ! the onward tokens are withheld r, wnle a..:onii.aiued by toe vii-i te , IIwIJ. , ,L ;;.rn, returhed home hist "Often she sits lonely, missin- herearly Tuesday. i friends, perhnus i.er husband, gone to tf3rX -nbseriber's paper, will he ,lis- j Miss M try K. Robinson, of Westbrooek, ! the heaveulv horn-; and her eliihhen n.iiliiiiied mud all arrearages are oaid. i , . . , . . . Af T. M ... . - ' n ; Mio lia.-. Ween vi-itiue; Mrs. l. 11. Me- immersed in care or ple-isurc, are appar- ft-iTC'andidat.es1 announeements will ; Lean returned home last Tuesdaj' to the ently oblivious of the fact that the one. to I,.- m-erted for )?2."A etish iu advauci-. j regret of her many friends. j whom they owe ino.-t, whom they love BaY-Advertisements will he inserted! nn" invuit mir :ev.-r :)u:iS iaost , is icit to uesoiation of r-psrit, year- al i iollowh: rates : .91.00 per iu-h per ; fneiid, .Mr. I. MeN. MrK;iy on or.r ! ning for a word of tenderness from her i.i .ieli. Bu-ioess Locals, 10 cent- per ; street last week. Mr. McKav has Veen ! own children. i: . r . . i- lii-f iki.iti-ti.in iiu i i fnT' til?" 1 ... ... ....- .... ...w.. ......... ... spending siuet titiie. m Tarboro in the i-.vli niu-.t-eiliniiT week. hpeesal iate ; 1 - ....i.le f.n-vearlv advertisement-. i buv.ness but returned home lat Leave Kyettoille Leave H"ji Mills Leave Keii Siirings Leave ."-i ax ton , Arrive Ber.iW.Vrtville . j i iZ i. iu .' r..0- " I 1 1! SOUTH OF PHILADELPHIA WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD WRITE TO TH; RALEIGH BRANCH OF i.!ii)PF i DATES i I HOUSE, MILLER i Wd, m, RALEIGH, N- C. i North Bocsd. t!ie Singer Sewing Machine Company. Will pay salary and commission and furnisi) a nice light running wagon, aqont must furnish horse and roa5'e 'Vn-'iv" u,'ee''su,' i 9 I Leave Oreer.sbor i .! i.40 ouu.ou doiuj. uad or address, J. B. CO LEMAN. A't Kaie:ai(. iN. (j. . I No No. li. l)a.Iy Kx uiioay. Leave Ilamseur ......... Leave t'lin-ax i i. ave Stoke:;da!e j Arrive MatUson 6.0 a. in. ... 10. ... ll.5o SOUTU BjCMD. Progressive T NSTITUTK, verk to rest, a while. Local Brevities. V';til atieiUi et ; the ad of Mr. A. .io!i;!-.)ii in this is.-ue. In V.'Hmington on last "VVuduestl ay, ' M.t'.eoe yu May, Ph. G.. ;f the .Marine IlospU d t Miss ,Iate P.eruant at -the ! r.-sidei;ce of lir fat her Mr. V illi.'.ni If. Show vo ir mother that you love her Let your aU'ection wran her around like ! a garment. Speak the kind, reverent, chc-erfel word now; see that she lias every co-iifort now; .soon it will be to Kte. n tie-eve 'in twilight si; close . side her. Clasp tho pale li.tud.s. Touch I... i-.Tj.. . - .... i . t .i. . Tii.- fnU pio.-eetengs of (he Superior; :):,i-d, K.iit.r of the Morning S'.arnt : v UJU LUU-'- J,'-I!,kl- u,a -ui-t wiil appear in our next issue. j .::v, A. M.. and arrived in f);uin a ievv j so'K1 1 he whilc !,,ck wHl L'! uhI 1U ' f M.1 V, ' T;tu ; , " " eral days wi.h ids mother. Mr-. Lou J. l" -ther-, yes wiil be ..ther et.lc.mn. He h:i a plendid hiccb. , - J , u, ? hw. T!.ea .ir. McKav is a ircntlemnn ,,f ;tne wowis ami aet.s oi anecrwi. wmen riins wortlu bri-ht, sreot b-manl v aod 1 -'w Phie, cannot riv.u-h her. lor .-.tie eiiejp. j See ad. of Sinircr Sewing Maehine ; 'ui!p:in in another eoinaoi. Xow is j Ktn-t. lie ;ra; uated at tie; Coi;:; . ever mare can you speaS- .f 5rH-l- I'd 1 on v!iab!e of the time for a live euerelie y a.mg mau j .St.,i0ol of pi;:1nn-.eV !u is2. with I o 1!VW to hi'r or in'! lonu !l iU'1 to get a position. hnmors standing at the head of his't hiss k'i-uw.ss for your mother. How you The Sim'et Sew'ni Machine man of of thirty, sn-.d last year owing to the I,iuu says tie is not an agent, he i.s a j reputation o: tins -ehool or I'harmaey .ilesi.iau ki the fm mtmv. l-ei...'ss. See j a.nd the sterling wortli of M: McKay, lam if v.U need any'hing in his line. he wis appointed as Pharmacist in the .sarnie Hospital oi v. inn;np;toi oi wnicn Joel II. Srri.-kl i'.id, of S nnpso-.!, was .-f.;e T. S. ;..:n!n'si,.:i.' lolland last Tuesd ty for retailing whis- lie has tilled with ahilrty and has not I only ret! 1 1 1 credit to himself, out, to ;,v without iie-nse, and t , . i was ) ) ill ove: .- I'ed. ral Co:!i t whi;h will meet m v.v;ii. i ;gton in November. V h. .John A. McKay received a tele gv.nn from KUiott, Ark., last Tuesday ai.nouneing the death of his brother, Mr. W. i. McKay, which occurred there last Sunday. Mr. McKay is a son of Dr. John A. McKay of our county. J. Ii. Colman, Esq., District Agent for the Singer Mfg Co., for the district of Raleigh, came to Dunn last Friday to award to their elticient salesman, A. 1. thos; h chose him. It is nectlh'rfo for in to say anything as to JVicUstry, for the McKay family is not only known in the community of which they live, but throughout the Stare as one of the oldest and best families to he found, while Miss Ber nard is a lady of rare beauty and grace lovable in maimers, Rtid character, be ing possessed with ali those qualities that takes to make up a good and pure woman.. She recent 1" graduated atone of the best schools of our country and comes like her noble husband from a family two well known for carmeut. be- will then need such blessed L.'un ries! They will be as a benison of peace. Farm ond Fireside- Blessing Others. TInMightfulne;s of our inihionee for others will :dd to our own wealth of goodness and tengtii of character. The singer who breathes a pure, sweet song it . .. hn lMilltll I I 1 l1TrA I If) v 1 m 1 w in. ..... 1- . j j daughter of that gentleman i:ioiiirMi:;uiu..i,..,.. ...... - ! ...i,,,,, . ,..w ,ftl.r l.v .Imv-iI.p ivpoi t for the close of the fiscal year j ; whom we read after day by daj- ' Kilitor of the Morning Star. June :;oth We congratulate A- i. ui'oa hr success. Kev. Mr. Mc Murrey, of Smith field spent la-t Sumh.v in our town, lie and Rev. A.M. Hassell exchanged pulnits but I (o rhat iami of living light owing to the continuous rains all day sun day he did not preach. V'e learn that Mr. YcMurrcy is doing good work on the SH.iiltii.-lii Mission.- He has caused to bo t ... ti d two churdn s where they was none and his tiehl is looking bri-ht and fair. p.iav cheer a hundred hcart- i;id ec the siig was b it the -expression of the gladness of his own heart. The tolker who speaks a gentle word which inspires some one for the right has added wealth of soul to him who heard and heeded. The writer who pens a iioble thought may reach a thousand hearts, aye, many a day after the writer forgotten Every day I rev', so:;' e thought from some pure Chri.-tian ::ian or woman, and feel thaukfui inai such thoughts were written. My treasures of memory are full of wealth which others have bes towed upon me. Thank God for the rood men and women who are cons 1:1- W'e wish for this happy couple every tv a;1(Hn,, something to the happiness bles-diig that can be hestowed upon of ,mm;l!i;,vf Good thoughts, kind deeds mortal., here below, and when lifes fitful xvllk.Js soo.; wij, tl n a:iib-io,l har- fever is o'er, mav their sp.ii its be;i.;.ed ! , , t' .i.i- n..i..(.t,.,- How About This? i "We will give one year's -subscription j 've sok-sd"ie to Tirr: TlMKS for the I5rt water. nclon ArHvi''ori;eu3t.V.V.l' received at. this oiiice. AVe will also j L.-ave wrt-eiisLo:-.. ?ivi. o:i v.vn-'s sii!'.sci-iir".-.r. f...- l.r. ! Leave ("tiui.-.x ..... - ; , it' V 1 . I Arrive Kam.seu gest mcllon. inev must he grown in i iiarm-tt, or adjoining counties. ! MIXKIJ. IDai'y Kx. ; IJiljFALL TERL: 1.; 0 i.- iu. J 1.2. " I ..!: f.'ORTIf BOUND COXNEOTIOX Trains 2 viu 4 connects at Pryi-tt-vin. 1 Junction withta? Atlautic Cuu t Line for J j.omls North p.fiM K.idt. Train isTo. c-nnvets t S.iulord witn tlit; Seaboara Air nine. iNoi -t i, C a i 3 JIM lll'j ITjTIII v r j ? Jflrtf it a...i f : ami Souilt' l.o'Jiui, an.i at Ureenshor.) : i t i 2 Whif!.'V or Tih"CC ! J-i,th I-omni. anl at Walmit Cove well ti e j !i SjSi 3 5kn e r . ' 1 KorfeU ft Western-11. K,. ft;r VVnistfaesaJ'.-m. q ( . ? ak 5 2 r root tree; .o to cure ijam xn. 1; etmi.ects at Maaison witii tiie 1 iJ hi. i.iis.n10rl 1 ... SorfoJk & WV.sTeni K. H., for Roanoke and al! j , ,. i..uiij..ine fr wni. i o!ms x.,rt!i ac.: v.-est. ; haoits ; ?'2 (or cainna: tobacco habit. I mlttii 30(tni connections. Wmm mfflERS, FiiTBFOL SERVICES, CBARfiES.SiOijLvi: -! F O K P A It T I C U L A R S, A DDR K .S S DUITIT. HAFilTETT CO., NORTH CAKOLIrf. .,'...,-. f -'' l ( ui .,.: 'i-i I 1 rani r.o. i eou!!fc?t-5 ...t a aimic i:nw witn -A....c&- U thM-.ng. lov. . tli Norfolk & Wrsoiii U. R., for Roanoke au l all l oitits North aini West, aui at Or,:-n.s- " " horr- v.-ith tiie Rielimoii'.l & lat;v:llo R. R.. I I Norii. a;il .Sou' it Iiouii'l and at S:uifr(i ".vl tii ! j tre Sc-;.Loa.'.l Aiv Li;;e for a.i j.oinis Nerth i a;..' .; -atn, ai:. at rayettevill.-i .Junction with j 1 the Atlaa:ic Cc a.-r-t Line for Ct.ar!eto.i. Ja-'k- ; ; so:ivi 1. ai'.e. u Flori-Ja . ioi:its. Train io. ;- ! ....... .T. ....... ...1. I ........... A.. Line f'tr Charlotte, Atlanta and ;iir i.oints ! j.w'.VRy. v. it: kylk, Ge- "1 Manager. Qen'l l'ass. Ajrent. I I if. f hi IV' hi B 2 1 5 a it i d 1 n n I an going uur, of business the first ! of January, and if you have any work to ba done come at once.' 1AM GOING TO hive some fine buggies for the fall trade which will be neat, good and substancial, and yon wi;! do well to call on me before purchasing else where. Respectfully. J. A. JOHNSON. JAS. PEARSALL, COTTOX BUYER, REPRESENTING Mil ALEX.. SPRDKTl SON, AT DUNN, R3XS0N'. FOUR OAKS, WADE AND GODWIN, N. C. AlTice at. D. H. Hood's Drug: Store, U DUNN, A. C IMll Jd7 mmm La n t 51 t a ; w u m a 3 R 3 a S I K 3 & WILMINGTON AND WKL'DON AND BRANCHES A.N I) I LO REN CE R A I LR0AD CONl.KNSKO SCHEDULE. TRAINS (; 0 1 N fi SOtJTCI. PATKD July 8,1 -Oi. c'3 : A. M.: P. M. Leave Vt't-leon: ll.r.i : 3:i: Ar. Rocky Mt.j 1:02 J 10:20 Ar. Taror,- ; S:i0 Loavt'. Tarl-oro: 1J:'j5 : ; a. a;. Lv. Rocky Mt...: 1:02 : 10:20 : Leave Wilson..: 2:08- 11:01; Leave Sel ma....: 2:5.: .- Lv. Kayettevi..: 4:5: lt.Sl : Ar. Florence....; 7.-3S ; 3KW :00 ... t 6rUGGI3TS,'. DUPJPJ, G, It t. k! V j xL)y) S.J sciioo! supplies at It is vvith lhe deepest .sidncss th it we have to announce th:it death an'Miu vi-it- i j ed, o;;r f sir town on, last s-nnday ino;n- S -; Sea wr-0am i o i fresh lot of ntec c.-.n-ly ju n iA. nt Harper it Iloo i's. : P. M. : Leave Wilson : i'.t : Lv. OoldsJiovo. j S;0' I Lv. !:s ijoiia... 4:L ; Ar. Wihiiiii'l'i: : 5. Ml : ! P. A. M.- C: :r. : -; 0 : )';.& : TRAIN.' OCl.N'i NORT.'I DATED Juiy bth l-i(4. We take pleasure in anr.onncinp to the public that we have t?nlprgel our 'tore, and have added materially to onr stock of Dru7. V !i rn nisli anytliing usual'v found in a first-clnss Drug Sto-e. It' ddiiion I: . .n !ar;e stock of DRUGS. CHEMICALS. PATKNT MEDIO I n K.. ou will find a nice line of TOILET ARTICLES, ' PKFUVKRY. TIONKHV. &c. We have ami keep in stock Toilet and Med:cio1 Sn.ai f. Co, Hrusl.es, race Powder, Tablets, &c, and a Hue of CANDIES. Also Fine Cigars, Ciioroots, Tobacco, and r.vfC. Also LAMP and MACHINE OIL, and many other uscft:1 ana . . tioncd. We thank onr ip.iny friends for their liheral patronagiv and im pt n... n all to call at onr Store when in t ecd of anvthin in our line. We re v..r: the stringency of money, and make pik--s to suit. Conn- in nod se o- w. you come to touu. You -s, Respectfully, HARPER & HOuD. : A. M. Lv. Floronce.... 7:-5 Lv. tayHtU'VU' V)-Z"i LciVi1 .Selma : j l Arrive Wilnon ; 1 CO Mf; I 1 ! P.M : : V- ii':"', ; ATTETSOiy ! ATTENTION ! 'lie Incessant Rain. ! inir an i elainied. atiother of its hriht".-l I ilovver.s and on l:it Monday evening at i i O X a.. 1 Ji. -fi- O J t J J t I 4 o' lock not: funeral prcsc-sion We .1.. not renu-ini.'e.r of pceiinr as ! M glided' its way to G re'n vvo-d, end anoth- ! ii:iu-h r;.in fall in many years as ha- fell i mortal was -ni.l ,!own to rcsiuntil lies- ; widiln the passed two weeks and the re. i ljro;ioa t-t:i:ip:cnts niornhij; shail awake u!t i ereat lainaire to rowin. crops j jn;. ,.n g,,,-,,; inmiortallty. Mrs. . I. II. s'l.'iimlu'l.'ape 1-Y:u' river and destruction j j. irke iu st ; the rad:a::t dann of wo nt .nilK :. ud hridnv?. ! at H i ri ei .v. I have accented the Apency for th LIGHT RUNNING DO". ING MAt.'i.' i.. THE 5 EST .ACill.VE, THE M A X K v? :l:. f parts of tin Coat Li'.'-" (manhood and amid the blossoming Ov.hei-to the wash ont at I'd ick river j of .ol,t.s briuhict and sweetest llowers r.-n-1 KJ. iw.0!l smmnor.ed to join the psd i ... . . . . e unrarous, no trains paseo vwt i ..t-ij-r's tttat sleep in too .uei.i iuu:,; i. ...,,r,'n- ni-dit with ex-I i, l-i.id. he was piv. :rcd t r of a throng!! frci-h until yes- ! th . s,,lU.1?.:is for !.c of;eii eMMr.-s.-d ; :u . i t.u;-uTeat lopes an.d therefore ti;e way j Not Know it was ;nt;;u,i:i,0 o hrir wond d..ne. j lt vrn Loaded- ' Mr liurke was the oeiet dn;-!::cr oi , , , ,,-vi thut rood in, in. Mr. Arch a 15. G tdwin. " !;i-t Monday evening .tiv -1m1""1.- . ; t.a ,.f A - Sr , and was loved bv ah who Knew Iter .-.,:: u;,s examining a pistol oE . I. - . .. Willi ! .Ii! .!K i il'Mvllc ' illiu, i r.i.i'i nv - ' ... ii iu!. Store, ".U aVil Ul J ' : , ... , . ,. t1 - " o purchasing the same, - - . , ' ' " . COUIltV was mat .u:.,.e, ...... ----- --, , .1 1... 1 ). 11-.." !. IU'? fl l.'M.tS ' ' ... .... ... . - - , i...:m... .... . . . "'.en i en . .... . O. , . ,.r.. .,' 1,., . ... I .!! ... ..f... . . ..I..- ...II II. . fc. ... . . . . V' . . . . " ill V:lOM' III, ......t ... , . .. r ...... IV. " :1 ', . ' i' f i.V .iiiis 1 1 . '.i: ieiif v'!:i!'!"-d it and the re'UL .! ...; .... i .j.) .,.,r!..r h:iil in his Mi'is.vl ..... .vi.n r-eeivel :i - v.i- t'li. ri ydei ius of intnn as sent for . to mourn : . .. 1. ;is lt Wa- : CO'.IIlO: i . u.-eplv in 't i th.;t Mr. .ia'-ksoii is doiu a ;u e.-, d J,-. expected. the Angel 1 1 . . . :.. i.t. .I.;.,!. V.'c ' mot lit r.fii.i,u;-i.s. L.'.;..-v. .si in-- i.-v-"- . . . well : Iocs to ilun ami v, nen f.k li : Uisfes-- -!in i f inav ; ne !.uui.n'.:r- i (J. .rl; conn- uviv i :4iey he ready ei:d w.iii-: i;,g to m.ect n- i" !:i t.i.. '".V Ptrsonal- ! when no at. enters. a:id to all we 77 Miss IJattie Grim'S Charlotte Mrs. G. H. P-rkcr. ! extend our deepest - i 1 , ..in ro the v re:d coiunter and th-'.t ( 1, i:.-5 ... -.vi:r w : . ..er'i all t 1 H2's ; "''"' ' ' i:,-v. .f. J. I hi-; . oTSmithUeld, spent audav and Monday in town. Divi.ie ; 1 i T 1 .1 - I ihu-p,rc noo-s. ? rrl ? U G 1a:m;-- i vrr i P 0? . I Arrive Wil-,.;:- 1-lfi ? - If-.-T .... til Z'SS-Z'JC V&?ZA A hit-of new tin !. seed j:t received i 7? . j . j I i ! ; . : j ' ' SS ON y ..j . - j ' ": -iv I .r ZZ fi J -t-.r-'- It -' re tiluin fit , world- - - . . . 1 . . . . . e j . 1 i 1 1 a - t . . .-v i j v . . . . . : - - - : : ...... : .......... ..... - -r- - jrv .j i-...,.. -..rr-.-..... ... ...... ONEHlGH.U4CL.A.L.UD ,? , ( A, wec,..-..., ; , lrV'l ? T? YOTI V ICY,-!.E. Apnlyorwrireatoncetol j 3 . g j t ptUyt,,w !,r ;y,r.u-.-t j , - 1 XUU ' - i ' 1) ".TIN. MclvAY. J Z t ' 1 w ,lyTh tmh .-rvy ,.:.!y t.vst e!-v 5 - - ' - 1 k I " t- J t I I CfJ rT i --.r-- N-:-.:i::-? I'uni.Mii e.-.. !;..!.. -IttK.:. : -rz- "--..-.rr ":.-r rj-r .. .. 1. .. .. ... - I ' iei-i 'C' . N. C ' 1 p ; I i TU.i-: x G,-..::-t. Ki '-it ! - jn Us. we'liuve thou and the l,st. p I ' ! -..cts with trams on ftcoth.nl .v,j oOO r " IE.' 65S? Superior rUterUtt ''",'! v' - I i S'V;; vL-?:ai..jxr itr-ic:-cm.:' !L-h!rifoiSvwarr2nted ff Mnvl mansfaiD. . - teancn C , X . ; . N c;;(lft!!v ,x,,ilt Suoo.y.c,, . :,5:ar 1 V irTiJM .' ..... .... - -- - . -. - a ; rive .kii. -- - r. i i m -c - . i -1 a I - e:tmvnt. wh:rh reaDy . nivs ri(. . . ih, -an,; - - - a. r, ; ; . A, ;.:IU; I wi:l .-j-rn5fr ' OI I R O S MTCCfS i Mui'Ht'nV i:Vj.. i!j..'arr!v.'-s .N-'-.-y... :.. : M JWM X V 5X:i:- ' r;iM' a,der reasonable conditions. r-r,F.K Pa?a , .rriveVl; lii'c;:' l""ui;tV: f. a. n. .ia'iy r v.- J V gSY KW : n :u..' P .,! BnciTiacc Trtllada 1 Traii-on ' sn, rrv.LI , o:-. - K. u-av AJ - CrlAC? fT Vft . '. uScuU!llf Tirnv C Write for catalog. : tr.:n.K V-..LJ::1 srr,Vy Lv' ! lX KSSSSBaS3 WTgT- Bk-ke-??ir, Shorthand. Ferirspjp .srd !; Tr:vir. cl.iit. Kriic!r Icva t fifli WS sv-r.d rui-re money ta the mteteu ef . ri.,.t..;, n:lv. -i-t mii:.! . . f.t: i-.... .. h 1 IV lur Kr!p'c7ni-n,ep?.nm3t ih-.a tia.f toe U-jsir.cs t iiri.iT I av-, l I.iiN.i. :: trt;. e . ''i..- j IV Coilrw.V-ne in, tuition. 4 ws ty or s...ohd . . ri, ' . , . s !;.... V r.,..:.,.hrpl.l.,pir.iscsaii loi?'"!'.!! i.'.-v.. .,.-.. ;- . e.- . i I M.ir.ha ftOrll i (Jreec, N. C i ,.( L iw Se! tie ;tn:cr . i. M' laid M rearsall f the (.oast; As we . - -. Saturday : V ir. Janie.-. rcarsall- . i:-. '".! . weyil;,d in;. re town the ucst ; mor.-th u lie lo hve o perfect, .-o j lei Cl Z' ' the J i'.rc initio1.! i';. i.i .' a yc.u: .l:. 0 a mon: li. e-.-... itUn ;th. Adire. : I'i'.ivf r.-ii v. M.-:i;.-.d S.-I.i;! :oe. f. r L - n- ! s. VI- nvil' 1 iicn.s r-c; - old fUti II tesch9r. eOOstndentspastycaT.no -vacation: en'.cr ary trw?. Ckeap Board. .e have . j;t v nii1;i rc ; t S..? .ir.v v a r"..r- recently prepared book. especially adapted lo j,,,, ft .! ! ay 1. . .' o ct !n, -i. vreiut HOME STUDY. xTitii Xr Is ai! ." r..;i..;, iraih a U.i .Nor- 1-2 oik I unc'n.Uvudnjr as a !i uher'.s the Lve L t 'abides f.iat where all else wavers..; But i Chaind 1 1 ill, li. i' clerks, etc, report: en j . i.i Write us and exnlaia : " ' i'"- " our wantl." B.-We pay $5. cash for aU va- j daily ex ej t fu.ty Jncies asbook-keerers. stenographers teachers. n. , ', L, ',m ' U " 1 rffvl ta ns, provioeo we mi sane. , .. T a. 1!5.-1 sol Tr ilie .i.-.nnger Highest Bcfisrs al the World's Colambiaa Expasitlsa. &.s3 twc-cat at imp for our 24-pace Catalosve A work Art. Monarch Cycle Company, Retail Salesroom. 3 So Wabash Ave. Lake 4 fUIsted St5.f CHICAOO, ILL, 51 a Retail Salesroom, ato Wabash Ave. Lake mnd tlMStea 3U., WiiWAW, . iw l """" ' ' " " " 4 i i I t. i ! Mrs. Fillyaw of W;hninrto:i. and Mrs.

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