I ' 1 7 nir-T-C! laI.dbMln.rprv7bytlleL,! ! , . I I THE TIMES. !l,ire.r.no.ir or sum. ut . m ; ? ? Tl ri n n t 1 n n ,r &aKr:t:i MflDTfllVT TH HllUUfil H iUu.1 , 1h- matter. ; hy lopted. and the Senators will no , If II K I I I 111 1 U 1 Al 1 Three Mnth SSm"'.ies ami medicine rbests f r them.; TT fl - Mouth. : and their mistresses! Noj H . I I A V lJ LF 'iSi:w7;-;vanl. lnsof senator, will keep two ! lj H ft V " , 1 . - honsm here at the Government ex-: IIIIU ... . iST lvertising rau:M fun.Uhcd on ,,en8e. N more kin of Senators; J j )W , HTl piicati.... . . if . , he pensioned on the Govern. j .aaaaa UUADITY IV V Y ft " I trKlS ETSo legal Aice, inserted , fnenf .. of w,om belong lo the : y ! UU,UUU BliUUlUll llUl. 1. , j r-'p , ' ! opposite party and owe their prefer- j pt . j V " ' ' " " Voent . Welvto the fact that thev are' j j hi.!'1 HflHSHlS' ? III. Ml CifS ME HI BEING RECEIVED 2 J H DANIEL- ) Editor, Uenators and their families" while, V "V I ' f vr ihe noonle who put thera there, are J II' . ZZ rT7Z7 maibie building thai the people built J tt - AMD rve I " " The Senate caused the delay in i , I ilic F' ..We wish to informe the patrons pftsin? the Tariff Rill. The voice of , C-d ' I and friends or Thk Times that wt ( fearIeg , bulon Bayard Vance wan Democrat rfiould not Uwuie ill's- , . ;. I I u I have formed a copartnership with r4Ucd in protest, until it was silence tourajged at this large majority, awl ... , .' t . .. I I Au , Mr J. P. Pittraan, of Smithfield. for . 1 . consnira-v 1 J member l.avo at.othe cha.uo m lM)o. , , I I u'ul Sti&rHi V ;S:SSS7 0" IN A FEW DAYS 1 WS fill IE Lsf I Our object in doing gi. is that owing ; people as spoken b the uemocrauc (ihnU this,-aavtrti'inent lor i II v-1 I to tlie liberal i-atronage of tlu peoplt- ,(UHe 0f ueprescnta i yes, and Grov your conhletation. j. , I I wt ht I of Dunn and surromding wuntr:ftr ,VPiancj Tke Congressional ' ! fl 1 I 1 f1' tb' wB.ch g. to show thnt they ap ' j4 nlain proofg of thi, as, lj I Mry I nreciatemir elfrirts mnce we tojk t lwcoriM w i . I I to, change of Tiik Times We now sertion. Vance never pretended anV " ErW I want to give them a better papc ; aifection for CMerelaml. He sincere- TJ I oo I and alno owin? to the fact tbat we ,y am cufage.uly fonght him from ' j I ' a, und it impossible to attend U our i Wh(?n , aaw Grover (v Z fl omul A 4 A Tn ft 11 Yllinn ourto 5-"!' o cii in All Li p I We have also purchase a first j a North Carolina Congressman be i U1UJJXU lU XIX J.X1J. X-PXUUU j j N()VV I cbss job printing outfit, which will $jc m0 sa,) Cleveland ia nearer to . I t I be run in connection with Tiik Times, j han fi0 hft3 n inCo March A ' ' ' I 'llbt I that The. Timfs om-e i j befer for both and our state if they r4 ' UJ - 1 I nv.'.l. h the plnce to get first class work done, j known each other more intimate S mTTO fl I I We will guarantee pr ces, and will I ly. uut Vance knew t e meaning " TMAD Xixlb ! "1 I " ..comp're work with any Job office i i -fihj . wft?e whioIl Gleotel a X M , ' r"ortLtarohDa- democratic House. Senate and PresU I -- will be to your interest to read . I dent and if a ha ldful of tricksters in II I Mary AnD wants to ?o to Consrss. tbe Senate had not c'eliherately 'tried' 7 111 af II Bt,t' U btem thai ourront, the result of the -T1J-0 " A fl I () Our Washington letter is full o! election November 6. 1894. would I jV fl ci I I V Jh I i plain facts that cannot be disputed have been different. Now let us take illlJ T I have tl.e I TiETTlEST and CHEAPEST lino of T' I f by any. jour defeat like men. In two years 1 X hiK -d 9 M - 1 I there will be another election. In f jk rr V I I K' I i i - 1 1 the interium there is much work to ' . I 'J"'5 1 The "liurds' rtppcxl and snorted! , I A II ,1,i4'1 I , A ... be done south of Mason and Dixon s 111 I over suppos- d "election frauds. but VJJ II I . r , line, which has nothing to do with 4 I I I since the election we have not heard ......... K !L - II . . .wriu,omluem w,Tpscr' g - 0 feRESS GOODS TRIMR1IWC8 P I they have come to the conclusion tha' , , mi. . ,. II I ... . y marvelous ro3ou-cc9, Minos or gold, 1 , 1 I -imw I their charges was false. ,! vV II. 1 . mountains of Mica, quarries of mar- II IQT ARPIVPD II t ble. and br wn:onG, ao-es of itrirae- W Jww I I V C.j 1 j I I v.i I A Republican came into our san yal ftrrest, vast 'areas of land o fer 0ur rc. jqB PRESS and the ""H i , . , , ' II I turn the other morning with a broad Ke that every cereal can bo pnxlu i - LATEST JOB TYPE male in the "" " ' " ' II I ,'grin on," and said : Pid'nt we (mean. Ced on, it, await l e Jadicio-is man irnT!vnrtii?i- n.l o nre- fl , .-, ' II y' in the the Rep.) fool the Third Ites Lament and cultivation of yeomen A " FOUNDRIES, and we are L Kll 15ROLG11 T TO '1'L'KX. My ,k of j up fine? We d.m't care fr draill of the South. Lot this experience T) R E P A R E II V' I county olflccs all we wanteTl was to J icaeu tub people a ltsson and it will ( X ,. 1 I! r I get controal of the government agaMi. j nut be in vain that for the next two To do your work as NEAT and a9 II J Dtiu'tyou know if the Third lies ! year C. rover Cleveland, a Dmocra ff) CHEAP as you can poasibly get i' . 1 I principles was carried out don't yon j tic President his to content with n done in the STATE. Qj ii A A nm - (I ; I Jixow our country would Je in h . Republionn house or 2oo members " CLOTH I NG HAT5 ARID S"jOS I I i. I in avear?" We imformed him tha" and a Republican Senate with a safe f J 1 II n j we thought that it would be there majority presided over by Vice- II I anyway-. President Adlal K. Steve n$n, Th ' ll I . picture is not a pleasing ona but it- . I n f Why be ye disconsolate, Sir em ?exi4tenco is primarily due to the duJ A Af P do our own work and ask M , U y ft : . TT3X BE TO BEIAPPBECIATED M ed party who betped to lead tbem to j v'ua Belfl?hness and duplicity ae V "! victory, had any principal, then we UlUc,r ism ami honesty as f4 j might feel somewhat bad over our ECre U U infinlt'' Mr. Bayard who Qj V defeat, but all know, scalawags and 18 here 8a3's ue ja nt surprised at H UtTl DlMO 1-1 At1D A cutthroat, en have their way . w.ule. attributes it to th. MtLr IUl4 MMlll- but cannot all the time. delay in passing the Taritr Hill which We are tan 2ht to deal with out 0000 I '1 I de'ay was duo to the Senatorial Una fellow ra in JUSTLY, and to giver I I " I foolery above referred to in this helping hand. This we intend to do II 1 W'OTflM I FTTFR ,n- Adlaia E. and we hope our efforts will mee, , 1 H AOllUMJiUH LLllLIU ... , . , I with the co.peration of the business f J Hi jvonon gives the same reason for me of DUNN, and all other a-ij . in V . I I , j it. So docs W. Mi. C, Whitney, but ing ton8. II' I The Democrats ought to learn ; ihis oble New Yorkersays the party m It will pay you to eend us y-nur t 1 ' - ' I I J J gometliing of the Waterloo of last oan profit hy tin experience and win) x order. ' II I luesday. Six months before Cleve t in 18D6. I believe Utia is true, but j J lTlVO XXI O cX OO H II ' I lmd was nominated there were fac-1 our people must profit by the lesson j t 1 ' II j Hons in the party, the leaders of and refuao to go back i:V the old 1 mA . K" lj ! j I I which were determine to thwart his I order of th ns. At this date Ic.n 3 TJ j II I policy in case be should be scarcely reahic the fact that North P i II I nominstel in spite of them. He was j Carolina hs broken tho back bone or I A g 4q . cr. ' s j j nominatetl and ehcted. On March! the solid south. North Carolina's! I Z. C 2 4 Vours to PLEASE, . II I 5th these Democrats commenced ! financial credit waa abivo par in j ? y t j - t t ; - . . I operations. Their game cnlrainateil j New York and other great Cummer Tfi t. f ' VtS I in the desperate fight wajjed here for I cial center. The new cenaus sImw- . . c" ll . ; vV I months between a Democratic House ' Vr boundless rsource9. To Hits ' " ' p 5 f P !' f"H II I and a Democratic President on one ' she owes her goil reputation. A 3 S ? ! II I side with a few bulUheaded Senators llJPical ll' "ever yet helped I - x 1 . 11 Tl TT II I actuated solely bv ovotives or eir-! her 1 le Work of her ve rmany ad . . C JJ lj V fl ' fl Tl Of II J intrtst. on the other side. The - ded to Ler great ns,t rl wealth ari - ? I 2 f H II II II II II ha existed in the U. S. Senate a j lLe crests of her past present fu- 5" X O JJl X X U U 11 JL I conspiracy, or what amounts U ailurewe oeing. A Fuionist Legis r- O J II conspiracy, against the President ,alre won st p the syiudles of s ch ! , & 1.' ! , II and his policy ever since Cleveland j u,en as lhe Holt? and Krieses; nor j p ?! was nomirated. The reckless ex-UUeute t,,e manufacturiers of Clur- 3 I travagance of the Senate is anothv I ,otte lbe Q ,t en Citv of t'e Pied- 2. o . S J rux. . - . - . . . . - S. -C j 1 er cause .l he Waierho. The ex-! ,Dont 8 ait,tl n shut up the u- j j J" U-j ! , II 1 elusive airs of some or the swell hacco fac'r or the D ikes, ihe Car- J . j '; . . g ' j I heads who g.t into the Senate by un- ra9 ur llw 11 a,w r,or d minUt the j j 1 S j 1 5 I 8crupu!oos methods, men who neve Conme f tle sea coast cities. S. " S f sew -jo.000 berore in their lives, men Dcfat is h enough, but brave men j X , 1 ' to whom state craft and ltrty pnri... " make Uie of it, am! lean. ! y Z j fZifAAfar&.rJZJTJ tfj&FZ tism are and must ever r, main. ,m,tt 11 lw ' Willi! , - AKZ3rf0Sr 1JZ7Zaero' . . Elusoidan rays cries, added to lilc . To, Sjniaker. of uc Next j " " I V yT? I 1 wL f fl i - disgust of the peoIe. Ihe Kepub- l!"use d a inoiley crew m the Ka-j A X 1 ' I xSJ llsiis are more gviilty Uian tlw Deiu-: lu,,lic:,Fu,tiu"lrt Soratc, ther? --Cl ClXOS ' ESfeL r ocrats in t h respect, and ir the p.p. , wiU Xm t"gUtiiiics ahead iW ' ! fT.07X C ucrat-s should get ints power I Ws lhc (i - Tl 1 Hon.! THE TITilES ggJ "l lieve they would te wors-i Mill. The Ju,m S' lIei'i".n is in my hones.: s ! VTJ 71j8f j jV "3 remedy is with the pe -pie. Han;iopin,oa the worst thing that has! j btTT JUfM 7Z BEST 1 Henry Si- Ceorge Tucker ot Va.f in ibaPlene1 to the SUte of North Cam- i j JOBOFFIGEif Ou PfifCE TM L0WST AVIQjN I tioduceiiaresolutio i to a ..end the lma He 8 honP8'- able in,?u3" I ! TmmTnyrffk MdhntrDofh Co.tiiutio,, and elect Senau.rs by lo'aL and one of the best laws .--r j ijrJJ VJf & vQXm3 j popular vote, which passed thc.llo se vears ou cither side of the Rotoad JL 1XXXXX JLN ! ' ' - - j - -V T . "

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