THE TIMES. Rnteivd a'.r iiti; " t postal regu'n- The:r Victory Will Not be P'P!:e,s "f ehnod.and lies. Mr. Editor. I onnot bring i Fermanent r.V I i ts- IlI.ltttT. m v c n 1 f encrmitv of the 'inn- TERMS CF SUBSCRIPTION 25 Cent to believe that vlie sixth instant was committed cooU and deliberately, with a foil realiza tion of what it meant. No! I can no!, so believe. It was instantly, fur mx Month -1Xi IJ:K' Y'J1 ;-, l.t l.V Mail. t-. V ivaMe in advawr. Pr.dverti-;ng rate fi.mi-li.--d on ap- ,liM'HU. -J?Xj lc:d notices inwted v:Hh''"t cash in ad en no:. itiitriv Nova Scotia. N:v. 1."). From this quaint -i-l town in the j far -Down East." I feel like lilt iug ! q doubllcs3 aw-are of the fact ,,,, my vo ce against the unholy !;'" j lhat sumelilll0, communities like in of work that wa done in my native ; (iiViluals. turn suddenly mad. Bat I state on the sixth day of November, j am possilive that the madness i3 no! To be sure, the -deed is dune." and ; o be permanent. I nm. willing to I .. . i ! ni l U -take my re; utation as a propher ''r"1,,I)RMIlu- upon the prediction that two yea nothing to be indignant; still -Lere j bence lhe ood people -of Norih Ca Xo oiriinr.t.i.:i!ioii will be Ui!'-s accompanied by ti nine. Tu t- 'jit'"! writer's J. II. DANIEL 1 Editor, J. I. 1'ITTMAN, J r.iHiif Man:; DUNN', lluriielt County, N. C. or. ire times when it is almost imposs -"ble for a decent man to choke his i choler d wn. i Mr. Matthew -Arnold somewhat ' makes the following observation: ' -L?t an Englishman or a French ! man, who respectfully represent, the jiwo great na'iona'itics of modern i Europe, sincerely asked himself what it is that makes him take pride in people oi olina will regain their sober senses and nturn to a sound appreciation of the luxqry of self-respect. For a year or two they will have to chew the cud of ignominy and shame, but they deserve it, and doubl'ess it will do them lasting good. As for the men, from Currituck to Cherokee, who. for office's sake have conspired to degrade !he good name of their State? I have only this to say; they ire welcome to their victors'. It will Ann X. C, Novkmukk 21,.1C1. j is nationality, what it is which would j la-t but a little while, and then, veri ly, verily, 1 say onto you, luey suau have their reword. ' Mr. Editor, preserve your courage, keep on preaching sound doctri-e to the people and the end will be good. Editorial Correspond an ce to the News & Observer. Dunn, j make it intolerable to his feelings to Jivmik Yolno of Wake, and Mary j paor to --ee any part of his coun- of Wayne, would m ;ke a pair i try pass under foreign dominion, and in WasLin"ton, if tkey Z bY lwo3-; lie will find that it. is the sense of ; self-esteem, generated by knowing -Hrxirii claims to be a s cial j t he .finite which his nation makes in friend to the darky. It is s,rar.-e , hhtorv. It is the sense that his peo his papsr is called "Tho Caucasian." j pie, wh:ch has done such great things. Better name it "The Dark llorsc." merit to exist in freedom and dig- I, and to enjoy the luxury of sell - respect." Tiik Pops will cut their own, j Ral afrai,lf Mr. Editor, that the throats by 183C, but the question noblef scnliraea0 of tbc fore going arises, what will become of j . . -n meet wiUi a cold we , i country by that time? Tickets were printed in New York to allow eixty Qve ballots for each individual voter. A.nd it looks fro-r the returns that the Republicans got J,hcm all in, Wonder if Mary Ann will want any '"protection" in his, when he gels to Washington? lie may nee 1 b jdy pard3 in thai great' city. Men who claim to bo honest, be cause they belieye honesty is the best policy, in't honest at ail. They p.rc afraid to be dishonest. The Populist say they are going o legislate in favor oT the poor the poor man peeds to be cared for, and we expect all the Pops will get "fat" before 180C. Senator Ransom lost two hun dred bales of cotton in the recent section, uesuies a large amount of ready made cash. The cotton was used as campaign funds, and wts placed in the hands of Chairman Pou for disposal. In Jim ourg dead' His name seems to have a rest. If we were pps, or if we were ra Is, and had to set in the Legislature with monstrous black negroes, we would give up our position au 1 ask to be excused, i; you please. May the all wise Ruler forbid that the time will ever come when the Democratic party, the Party by which .our forfathcrs stood, will come so low and do the dirty work and com mit the party crimes that the Rcpuhli cans have done in the last 30 years. J come ju-t -now from the majority' of ! the people of the Ond North S'ate,. The Old North State! How often the words have thrilled me! Iiow I used to sing to "myself: "Carolina, Carolina, Heavens blesss ings attend her ! Wile I live, I will cheerish. protect and defend her." The Old North State! The birth of American liberty, when, a whol year before the gathering of the Na tional Congress at Philadelphia, and a decade before the French Revoluv tion, there was prod-dined to the world the great gospal of the Rights of .Man; Ana in tue siruggie mat ioi lowed how true our State was to the principles of hei immortal Mocklenv burg Declaration ! And I remember how, when later on those hard-earns ed rights were endangered by the spirit of centralization in the North, our people went forth and sacreilced all for them save honor. And I re member the lose cf that historic struggle. I saw the battle-scarred veterans of North Carolii.a. from the ocean to the mountains, returning home after their four years' fighting, overpowered but not conquered, for they shill venerated the principles for which they fought, and slill re solved, come what miirht, to main tain their honor and their manhood. And I remember the bell of "re construction,"' with its Yankee bay onets and negro rule; when we were tried as a brave people were never bried beftre; when I saw servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth; wnen our wives and daughters were insulted; when our treasury was plundered and our credit destroyed; whe l cur poli tics were debauched, and the fair name of our State was made a T Lais From tlie Eleotion WE HAVE JUST COMPLETED ARRANGEMENT WITH T ORASH1D LOW PRl stench in the men ! nostrils of gods and And I remember how, at last, our people rose up and shook oirthe ty rents and the tyranny, and. felt, once more, how good it was to br free! I have said to myself a thousand times since, "HI. sod will toll. Our people had Anglo Saxon blood in their veins, the blood f pluck' and brains, of pride ai d power, of empire j and victory, and that blood asserted Ni: Ei:inthe history of time lia ! itsrlf- aiH tue Old North State be there Leen any party that did moIe j camc herself again. ' for the people than the Democrats liut SIr Editor, where is that did during iho two years of their ad- j ooJ to-day? It appear to have run ministration. We know that monrv . OUw Jt seemss that North Carolin - - . t We suppose a certain felbw ii. Harnett will tet bed tightcnings alone now, aj he wants to hi door keeper of the next General Assembly. We spec" UM like to have the who!., world and it fenced in, if he thought he could get it by saying so. L is not as plentiful as it was in years gone by, but think ol it, you can buy as much with $1.00 to-day as you could with $2.00 two years ago. We must thiuk that extravagant living is the greatest cause of all this cry ins hard times after all. Tue Republicans and Populist said that the Democrats were not true to their promises, and that thev 1411 .1 vu.i uui luum mem. e ask them what was it they lailel to do ? One says, well they promised to uio trie coinage of silver, and ' ,i;.i uo. do so. therefore the partv is cur-i iupt. and imfaiihful. Mr. Cleveland knew what free silver meant, and said it was not the best for the miss- ru f liuf ; .1 J b iw uui'i ouiy benefit the aaiu lb Will Uot UO I lans no longer enjoy the 'luxury of self-respect." From all accounts, they have censed to le ii.n'ucnccd by that noblest of all sentimai.-t?. tl r sentiment of State pride, They have conspired against, and most foully assassinated, the Slate's honor ami glory ! They have sold their birth right for a miserable mess of pott age! They have voluntarily bec.m the slaves of slayer, the tools of char actcrless demagogues, the dupes of . paid emissaries of their bitterest po! men enemies. Of t leiuselvr tiiov give us I , ' jiuneuunc wnat meir rsorthern foes oi tmrty years ago were not able to do they have Africanized ttfir State ! Shades of mighty d.-ad ! of Ire dell. Gaston and M.icon, of Rad-er ! Graham and Vance are ve still con- OF 9 C. B. HOUSE OF BROADWAY, N. Y. AftiD U O W H A VE H I S YOUR TQ THEY GAM BE HAD WITH m m She j ART FF J,L IFF. AND TO VINCE THAT WE coiy- Y O U BUSINESS CALL ON US WITH 1Xf?''S1 and get 2 lead pen vCIWl oils, or 3 slale pen cils, or 1 yd. of nic Life or a hat full of toys. Q WITH 99 you can get a paper of pins, or a paier of needles, or 1 yd. of -xtra white lace, or 1-2 (juire of paper, or 1 ool of cotton. OR FOR 99 j on can get 1 quire of extra good note pa per, or 1 package of envelop.-, or 1 .-poo of k 0 ply machine cotton, and other an tele at the same prieos. which are housi-h,;M neecs Mtics. 3 S3 isow is tue party untrue for th13 act' , , iai,rs l"aoa l"' We say nut. The l),mw... ,..t... " taI3 nelllPI WorM? Hre J stiil i--r- A I.lllll'V LADIES' VEST 20c. GENTS' FINE DRESS SHIRTS. 41c. EX TRA HEAVY GEANS i RAWERS. NICE HOSE 5c. AND UP. the expenses of the Government' 1 6 wolNbe,": ,,f !.tn I ; inle-? than two vr, oann ; Cleave ye brrtii. and Vl,a. .1...., .1... ... . . OOSOl .. iuis meau, uoes it not pumply me-n a saving of that amount soul ye so n CODS COMING IN HEADOUA RTF Rs l'Al. i "AN SHOW FROM EVERY YOU i and honore ,e brrtii. and on w: ! Y ."'c;- mu o long J1Ved. trusted, Wd U Y?V AN? All 11. : 1 I K .. 11 i Y OF d? Iwen yemuM . ,.h. , 5 R V E Iv WH.-N iN TO.VN to the people? Money saved in Gov ' iaimortat s'm3 Cln to Le- OV.E AM) EXAMINE AND RE ernment afiairs is money saved to the I "eneracy oi my ,e,ie. r-cfci. pCtple. and how they are throwing away thy counsels to run aHcr the miserable j F C SXOli ft 0 0 I RTON I 100,01 MAJORITY IN N. I riiMnoerafs slionld not become dis couraged at this large majority, ami re- member we have anotne cnanee in and let what happen that may, it will 1- understood that THE Jrt.M i:s ! ouivu 1 the place to have nice .work done. Ve submit tius aaveriie..iiem- your consideration. READ THIS ! YY wil1 be to our inierest to rcatl m7,t'Ti 55 JUST ARRIVE!?, Our new JOB PRESS and the LATEST JOB TYPE ma le in the FOUNDRIES, and we are P R E P A Pw K D To do your work as NEAT and as (1I1MAP as you can possibly get it done in the STATE. A C do our own work and ask no man any odds in Style and or ices. HELPING HAI3ID We are tauoht to deal with our rellowman JUSTLY, and to give & helping hand. This we intend to do. and we hope our efforts will meet with the co-operation of the business men of DUNN, and all oilier adjoin ing tons. It will pay you to send us your order. ' c 2 O 3 o o -t G 'J. 5 I Hi P3 I I rr1 'X. 1 r z- 2. H w' i S1 o & J" O ""3 J. A.dclress ! THE T1SV1ES I JOB OFFICE, ! IDtxith, K G ln Ui H 13 0 11! FILL BEING AND 1H A MIS II STOCK Cm pto 0 b E M I have tie PRETTIEST and CIIEAPESTMno oL :BRES GOODS AXI T.VEV. SHOUGUT TO DUS.ST. v atmk of CLOTHING. .HATS .AND SH0 J 3 T BE SEEN TO IBE APPRECIATE oooo- Grive me a call Yours to l'LEASK, F. T 1.1.1 f , DUNN, Ov9 Goods-aam the Biz Off A PUC3 T LOHSSr & uta. HI ll m N &71U