TI1.K TIMES. Personal E83E2 ' . "Iff T IT TV.ll.- . - - : - ; .. . j " auaneo at Ita eM, this! . . .- I i X' h K U . I . Will v t -. .t. r. pitman". J Bit K tutor. iness Manager. iOK:aiK-n.iRnii'.s. List Wednesday v.ai, a mem ra .e DTXiSTN DUNN, N. C. rpWN AND COtJNTY. We m11 attentioi. to the local ads in tl-.;. i-iu. .! Denning & Higg. liead V.- ;iiv Mn v to state that Mrs. J. II. jt.t .i. I is xci y ill. Hope he will recover '11 o Federal court is it sessior at Tlal - i'h t Wis week hiuI several of oar cit went up Monday. V. i- received a few items from Tur ) ,. 'ton 1 ist week but by -ome means ti,.P got misplaced for which we are . ry M.rry. I o..k out f r the s'tpple.mert in Thk hi Uav iu the lives of tvr. kr hi. f..wr'.. .. ' II TrT) Mr. 8. Pi:il;,u. spent a feu- .Ur. ' mr.sl ..romin,.,,. , . ,L -r .1 A IW MCXS WC1W OI J Jl Ji H. town tins week. J 4 , a - r. J. IJ. IloilamI is attending the edei al CO"" at lialeigh this week! 'lay was ushered in by Jriglit Mention- Lee J. r, , t Esq., our clever attorney -pMit Sunday h, Kalei-h. M r" IT McLea: went up Id!ington 1 ifrs. J. A. I). McKay who has 1 en sick for e.al days U better we are glad to note. Mrs. J. Broad .veil, of Piolet Moun tain is vis.tmg ht.r utvr Mls 1L j. Strickland. Mr. J j. M. Jones,, a popular young nurseryman, was on our streets again this we.K. n bkies, son sunlight and tr.elh.w. brc ! l,,jnn ls l"ca e 1 ln ,,ue "r u,e nest ing at rospherc. tt was n gladsome j raruiin5 sections in the state. Its In- day for the happy yo-in- cki i!e, for j collon is one ,,e5ireab!e b lnS it w;.s their .-marriage (lay. majn VlnP f" t'e A. C. L. Rail Kosti Every tl.ihg wa3 auspicuous and ivit'S 1 r.n.ort .lion to all . MisMannie Atkison. of Fayet-eville ! l,etneJ bappine., of the two J" north. Just ;V mde, is viiithig friends hi our city. hearts which rrere b und together by 1 fstnl h nf l,,al v,;de awake town k",JWn tl.c holv ti of mnoTo " 1 s Wi.sjif, o mile uoru of f.e j It wai the- marriage of Mr. C C. 1 tarivinS cil3' of Faj'tftUville, Du in is i-ordh.-int.ii Mi fma i ... t!ie largest town between to. two ..... tJ nai iiui ii the resi le- ee of Mr. J. D. Barnes brother, of the bri.ie at 8 o'clock. V M. 'I (in ceremony was je: fo med by liev. Gt.i, 1'. .s mmons. pastor of the M. K elOiich at tltis rdaco. Aftpr tho Mr. Ma-.k McKay, who has been ch tkmg for -oii.e time at Tarboiough. eanii. hv.;iiL- Sitmiav. Mr. Sh i popular dimnmcr from 'l iv .. next wee. .ue.-i. ."r v , liu-ti:n.iiM. m i . ... ti.. ...... ...... i- II... i will tell you about their Xma : in the ii-t r-.: of hi.s houe 'A"- I-3. , . . , . - T.. .V.. M,l-- IJ-'-Uison E.so., of Fayotte- The many fuend-- of -'lr. V. dhani vd!e. t,as-L-l t hrou-h here T,,.,i.,t .... ii i i ii. MiM.ii.'- ! ins i e; urn iT'i t v. i!! he rami illness. Dr. Sexton i- attending him. All eoniminih ati'-ii.s' s'iit to us f(r publication nm.-t have tin; write: s name finned thereto, Wf will not pt;blih the name hut inu.t know the author. W ANTKI A position for next ji.trhya man of exjierienee in both, book keeping and elerkinjj. Will work -hMp. Full iiiforinatinj!; given by ealMng M 1 1 ii ofli e. Th1' ue of printer's ink means sue fcs-i jo buine. We were aisk. one day a geiitleniaii whj- was it that the .Jews b udlv ever in tke a business fail ure? We answered it by asking him if lie ever knew a Jew who did not do a jjreat leal of advertising. I. W. Medonabt, Evangelist of Springfield. '.)hio, has accepted an in il.iliou to Dunn, and id commene:- a eries of meeting; in the Free Will IJ.tp . ji-t church on the second Sunday at 7 o'clock p. m., December the Oth. "ongres met lat Monday iml we ire goin'g to look for better, times will we get them? Let u not depend too much upon (lie government for better times but go to woik and m 'ke them. When v.. m ike them, we know we have got ll'tni. places with live wi le aw.ike business men to uphold it. Dunn is located fi.ur miles from that mighty stream. Cape Fear River near the famous S.nyley Falls where marries, ai.upticu was slven lo'e rirer with it mighty current, has 1 . ijrl. f e ' - . Mr. and Mrs. I-'i.r ll.am by Mr. J. D. Barnes.and many were the congratu lations extended to the liajpy young couple for a Ion;; life of liappine?s. Mr, Fordham is the iopnlar and courteous salesman of Messrs. Ilarner Mis Ireiiv Kay, Harnett's (harm ing bell, radiated our town with the bewitching inspiration of her presence yesterday. Miss Irene ha- just returned from I.iehn.ond county, where she at tended the fashionable marriage of one til her friends in that county. Rev. Geo. T. Simmons left last "Mon day to attend the N. C. Conference, of the M. E. C hurch South, which met in the city of Durham yesterday. Mrs. Simmons and her two sweet little chil dren, left on the same' day to spend some time in Ralegh with her parents. Poe's Items We have a few "busy bodies" in this section. tion tor the last two years, and his many friends will icj .ice at the good fortune which has come upon hi. -a in his bavins; won the woman of hs choice. Jso better people ever lived '"n tins community, than tlie -family from which Mr9, Fordham comes. The. Barnes' haye ah ays been cloely identified with every influence which has aided in the social, moral and intellectual betterment of o:ir tittle town, a id they are an indispen sable factor in the spiritual life of the Methodist church her;-. Th're is nothing el-e in life that ni'ianrt so much to a woman s the .Poor Health means so much more than you imagine serious and i fatal diseases result from trifling ailments neglected. greatest gift health. lie : Brown's Iron : Bitters - - t If yon are feeling out of sorts, weak and generally ex V.'e have a hange of county offis j choice of a husband, and Mrs. Ford- cera this week we supp-ise. Sheriff Pope, elect sper.t Sunday in this sectisn. Mr. R.-hert G. Carroll, of Barclays- ille, sj'.ent ISunday in this section t his se-ilion. Wo are sorry to s.fnte thaf. Mr. J. jtiile item no matter wow siu II. ;s a.ji J'ltei alcd. . Dr. .1. II. Daniel, or.c of the editors i- :Vto K:i5.-i;-h this -ek attendi j; , . 'ii;it ;i!i.l oiif lv)iii, Mr. Atkw.n. is sick -lit lied, fo we are left ale:e to l:ik". the 1.1.! e t!ii-e tl"!i. We so u;' times t 'el th'it we could take the pl::ee of three i.-en in a man's eolhir but . e can't ilo so in a printing h"p. 'hri-tma 1 drawing ueai o'-.lv 20 il.ixsmon1. then the chihhv : will lie 1 ippy. Soue- i.t hers b"st !e children gci ei ally get happy too, on ih.it oc-4-N-jnjr. Hoy's reim-mb.-r that p:omii i.u m:iib' vol. i' inolber .'ltd tb it vowe on made lo your sweejh.-nt. Keej i M.ive :n vcd t Dirlinm this week it through the holidays and you ean j c wish for them success, in their J.i ep it through tM. eVf- l-tnno. Mr. ( levela d si t hi-- mess ige in to i Messrs. V. M. Montgomery.and J. C ongress Mom ay. He dea.s pi me. pa. i y f f j, S vtnrdav and Sunday with i he lma, eia. ou-stion and reco'.n- , . -. inetids some reforms. lie advocates i.m ls t.fi hp nnnnfrotnlotpi. noon tbo wis lorn of her choice. May happiness, peace and pross pe;if.v accompan thene happ3 j'oung leople all along their journey through life, and in death, may they meet in t?..i. m i .rro fi-i.d i,;a o,-,,.;ntc the creat hercafier. B. rnont at Buie's Creek church Sa'ur. A i:A."M I.ITK J,AI. .3E.T. The people of Dunn and surround, ing community had the pleasure of witnessing one of the grandest en- was ever given in evening. It was Mr A 1 i-ia M'i?briva fin.l ditfr lIi?a exi ellei.l and would rtnect crtau Ro-ia. of Wyih-i, fijieiit Sunday in j ul",!l any c'ub. lav and Sundi . W- hope our iv-.rreponda:ice at th j diih rent points i:. the county w.il send j Mr D-.n Stewart, who has been i:i in their items. Some think because. t!i y 'c!iuol at Buie's 'Crck for sometime 1 avent much nvwsof interest that w. h-fc Saturday to eii-aw in" teach n- ! wnntssmg-out oi v ould not appreciate their tt'orts. '1 ; Mt.ar iev X C " tertaintnents tliat ' i lea i far from a correct o ;e. Evcryl . Dunn, last Friday and can't work. J i : . L ing the most relia ble strengthening medicine. which is Brown's Iron Bit ters. A few bot tles cure benefit comes from the very first dose it won't ttaim your teeth, a ltd it's pleasant to take. J Fri Santa Clans J SASTA CLAUSE WILL MAKE MS 1IEADQUJUVEH AT D. IT. HOOD'S DRUG STORE i 7 again this year. I will ieave wy h.sfed.eo; j Toy?, DolU. Ratl.rs. Bill. lUrs. U4ley Fa-mh. Steresjo -s. Bilk' u p.a w It Cures ! r will send set of Ten Beautiful World's 1 Pair VIia e.r.,1 knnV r. T BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE. MD. rn a fall of 27 feet in a distance of lour miles. This water poer is sutH cient to run all the niao'uinery in North Carolina at a trifling cost and 1 olfer3 and awai'.s profitib e invests ment. Dunn has a larga number of busi ness houses ail of whie'.i d a paving business with the energy and push i Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver of her business men prosperity and Neuralgia, Troubles, success wilt wi.t.out doubt follow Constipation, Bad Blood - , ' iWalaria, Nervous ailments j -L Women's complaints i : . ii i .. r.i. i i. i I m r lUUU IS Ulc-Sse I Willi a IllgU SCllOOi , Get onlv the eenuinit hcroiKl rd and our people show their apprecia ' ttlhS'i lion of this by giving it a large pats ron age, and it is in a flourishing con dition. Most all denominations are repre sented in Dunn, having within her corporate limits six churches No special prejudice exist between our people asClbistians arid &' ork as one man, for the ad'ancemeat of His cause who teal us out to work in His vineyard. Dunn is onty eight years old a-.d there is .10 other town in U13 State that will compare with it in progress during- tuis period. Temperance and general morality are upheld here and violations ot the law are pur di'i 1 1 severely. Our town stands ready to welcome those who have push and energy but to those who have not these qualities, ! Ho; ii i..t tlni I'.bw.n f'.ir tl-.Ofti Troy villa Dots. Mr. T. D Stewart went, over to Ldliigton Monday. Messrs. A. D. and R. M. Coats i W'atcbcs, ChiUkcn Vi anos. Album Jumping Jacks, Horns. Masks, Cu,n M Ml and Saucers, Tea Set?, Mut, Vasea, BaUoons, WaRon. Carts Velocipcdas ' ""," - "' itoNail Caps, Fire Oaekcrs nnd all kind of FRUIT AND CANDIES, &C &C &C AX .tJK. II4I'S Dili STOBI2. TUKY. WILLBE. OPEN FOR YOU TO SEE ABOUT DEC, 1 $F r'i i . i in", , i I. The nicest and most actractive show ever seen in Dunn, will be opened at If 1 about i ! nl. 4iC.ii 1 i " .,,.U t- i .lion f v t i i i - f - i ! ill'- miii. oaiuu. a-La'vn ci 1.10 ' . .oil i k r. ill r 1 ivi'ii cvn L-nrinii j v ' " r- ! n J t III -1 ICfklltfl dil .A Ilk. a tin j m lou i v- v via1-- il. with typboi I lexer. Ve learn that ore of the count;, ot'iuers. who has, b -en rece :tl-elected said lb t. he oxpeeted t change llu The curtains vrere drawn at 7:30 and a song was rendered by four of took a n ip to Raleigh last week. Mrs. Stewart, mother of Mr. S M. m iC.ving !irl as he tings Lis merry so:igs on abeaulift.l sprit g morning to s't and woiHit.r. S ewarf, who has been sick for some time is no better we are sorry to note, Mr. Williasi Turlington who was rijht sick last week s improving, we ! are glad to slate. DEC. J.5TH. and continue until after Xmas, A Tableau scene was next. .rove; i. ment three quartets of an hour j ,,i Ages.' Tide was very beautful ifttr lie got in Tiioc. and ui.-de one feel astf he was ezmg Mr. b. Ii- tcw .rt went out to Lill upon the city of Paradise wi h an j ington Monday to see the ' pops" go angel kneelieg bes:de tiie Cross. J -n.t i Next, .Mrs. E. F. Young recited Mr. John I). Mathows a ad family a radical eh inge in the banking ss'em of the Fui cd St.ise-, and the lcpi-al of the Stale Hank tax. The messagv con tains a great many things. A bl ekade xvl.dskey still was captur ed ia a mile and ah df of town 1 it j'ri day night by the otlicers l still wa il 5 gallon lard stand wiiji an oyster c.ia for the cap. No xvhUkey was fouml iut a few gallons of b-cr was found i a tun. Th.. bWkaders weie not fo-.ul at the stilt but from appearances the still was in opperation the day before Some sae, who claims to know wheie of he.s aks, savs: "Gi: is ti e of few davs and full of misehief, und whosoeve: is del-eived bv them net s.:.e. When the fair girl chexveth her gum with much h-ite and siamptdh her pretty foot, then look our. She cometh iotth in the even ing with low neck and short sleeves, but in the morning she both in the led while her mother Inistlftli." We deeply regret to chronicle the con tinued illness of Miss Nettie Barnes who came home last week to attend the marriage of her sister. Miss Maggie Miss Nettie has charge of the niiHiea! department of the i'o. ket High behoof where she has 1m on teaching Miiee Sept. 1st. She luis hosts of friends here to xvlumi she has endeared herself by her ami ible Cluisltan Character. They :;;e always glad to welcome ber bacK 1 ..me and wbeu .she i pne her place auiiot be tj'.h il lieu- is a couple of guides to happines ! which some wise I rson lias laieix .ns e.oeird: 'For a lit of passi- n take a walk in the opm air: y u maytnen vp,ak totb; wind withut hurting any person, or proclaiming yoursilf to be a 'i.npVton." "For a tit of idleness, cunt the ticking of a clock for one hour, and vou will be glad to pull tl vour coat and go to work like a man. The county commissioners met in l.iliiagton la-! Monday All the othcers were proem aad presented their bo ads for acceptance. Fp until 3 o'clock I in tin liunii's Ljxel seoiioiy. Mr. J. S. Pearson 1 f t S ;tnrday t open a soho ! at liixer Dale Aoadumy We xvili for him a pleasant time and h it he m iy have sucoesa in teaching Mrs. W. M. McNeill, who has been .-i-jr'.t sick wi-.n la vripp for s uutme is iu2pro.in uow, we are glad to s'ate. We hope the good pe de of liar nett county will hive tliose old jaror ho'icr.c -at Liili-igtou cistiioned be fore another court meets. On! p.'.y how hard Drey xvere last veek, wc know whe.eol" we speak. Miss Cailie .Johnson, wh has l.-ecr eachiiig near Barclrs.ville for so.ne timo. spent Saturday ami Sunday villi her pasents near here. We suppose all the p. p. candidate ere elected m this coiiaty exc? -i Ii. T. K. Gtceu was elected in thi r.owns'iip and he is at democrat -iraight. Mo:;d.iv night the angels -came and entered the happy home of Mr. and Mrs. F. B Ilammoa, a-.d took from them their little daughter- and jarricd her away to Heaven- We extend our heart fe't sympathy to the boreaved parents, and may they re member that in that happy home above she is 'waiting and watching" for papa ami ma uma to , come and lue xvtth her f rover. Sae was buried at Bine's Creek church Tuesd i even inr. i beautiful piece wlPch held every, body spell bou d, ami it won hi have been easy to h:.c heard the drrpp n t a iin, wl-.ich gave evidence tha' ;t w s well .received. Next, came "Iiutned bv Drink." V 1 1 the characters in tli s acted their part well and deserve much credit, Fi i e and space will tiot permit us to mention the characters as they ippeartd. Imt we sliouhl feel that j -is-tice was not done dii we not in :ti . . i ii. i. .:u . ..l.l-,. ton rviOWiiaKC. lie oeiug mu i . i;. Miss fannie Bailey of tin Stewart Academy sec Ion is spending this week with friends in this section. C. II. BL'gs is le.iching near her with an tniollmcnt of forty pupils . B, Almanac- Farmer's and Planter's Alma- ac's t HABPKU & HOOD'S... When you xvnr.t Apples, Oranges, r.d si i vent of l),o wealthy merchant Bananas and Couanuts, call on Den ning & Ilig-rs. He acied his part well, and kept the 1 in...Tl.;..r o-...!. nil t.bf time. " - Rasins lo-.se. Sayers and seedless. l!i s playcarr.es with n srncisui.! i ..i,cafl at Denning & l.igit. beside fuu. it tesclies a lesson that 1 every man should leatr. well. h ( lean Current and Citron, Butter teaches the fa'l and ru'n of m inkind7 -; ,.s Fnglish Walnuts asd mixed fiom the use of strong drink. nuts at Denning aul Higgs. 25 Boxes of Oranges, 15 barrel Is t Apples, 500 Couinuts will oe sold at i Denning & Higgs' bv Xmas. Come All pronounced it a grand s-iccess . . I - 1 )... mill and It is to oe unpen m-i. t-ej m repeat it at an car'y day. Music was furnished by piano. ; - a bargain in fruit. violon and guitar. The receipts were j $29 with the esper.tcs to to be taken' A11 kinds of Candy at Denning & oU'. We prononnc ; the Dramatic- Club a splendid success and are glad tbat lligiis. 15y virtue of a certain Mortgage Tet exe cuted to tno t.2Ijth l;9:i. ty Owon Houston an. 1 wife and duly Hesist-arol in th- records of liwlsof Mort jagi'-i of Harnett county in tmok Y. -o. 2, iacr ?78. I will poll at put.lic sle to the h'erh.-st t.iddt'r at the Court Housh door nt I.illbiTton, N. C. at 12 o'clock M. on Saturuay Ui2'iid H.eeinbcr 1 91. The fol lowing property ttierein conveyed to wit: r t r u-lirt IluIwpii criti.t., fi,Q lino of Vm.i floods w bieb I A ccrtaui ., situated m th town or Jinnn 1 1 't . I 1 "" a Ullv HV ' - - . -Vsj ---- NOTICE. If you want to buy a our town posesst s such good talent, good Bycicie write to J. H. Kukman, Sm luiieui. IIAEPER xpc HOOD are receiving Benson Docs- SANTA CLAUSE will make Headquarters at their Stare. and all who' go will be shown a full line oXmas goods of all kinds such as DOLLS, PLUSH GflOIfi, FIRE Works, Confectionaries, Fruits &c as well as a full line of DRUGS MEDICINES, School books and Statiorierj. All are cordially invited to come and get such bargains a? ou have never had before. NOTICE. Ill Cli trull o-o early and select what you want, and leave word with Mr. Grantham or Mr. Hood what j-ou bad rather have me bring yo. SANTA CLAUSE. FALL ARID WINTER GOODS Willi THE : a r i Oil AT J. IMP REE ' i ii CL0II1G!! n n ran ILUUll We have oy far tha. largest stock of clothing in the County. Mens' boys . and children suits the latest egony and qualities, such as Chervots, Clay Worsteads, English Worsteads, and Caehimers. and many other new and prey'3tye8 m:oie up in Culawa-. Frocks, and Double -breast. I inrc2iaMl Ihene goods tiu-e Ie Tittw Tntrifriavr waa passed, and r-onre I citu H tltem'twenty-flve per cent, cheaper $ Iiau h 113 body -Inc . HATS , B ATS H A TS H 4TS HATS. I have them in all sizjs, shapes and qualijies, and propose to undersell everybody. Call and examine them. ' t SHOES SHOES SHOES. I have also a big line of shoes that cannot ba'surpassed in prices, styles or quality in Dunn, or any other place. , . . mi . 1 1. S. It krwll I eally ill tor several uaj, e, so.oi . , 80,ee.cd reat C!X7C to j)lease valesing but is very 111 ci, we are onj to say. 1 the ch.ldren, ainl old folks too. Tucy ' will be ooened soon. Don't forget Mr .1 W Ten:v.i has 1h-cii quite sick 1 , . . .. Jir.J. - ieu ' to come and make vour selection, for a few days, b it is reported better. j un';n"aSirh;,:w,f;S'1hr:iDoYou Want a Situation? pei ! side of her father. The friends and members of P e - 9 A nu,nber of our people attended the nt P ains e.burch have an evergreen ; Wilmington Welcome V eek, an.l rcport- orayernieetiiig which meets every S.indav nigtit. W e are g'iui to ba that thev have a good prayermeet ed a njee tune. 1 ? ..1 1 1.1 .1 ' .11. ..!..,..-. dayoidv one liono uau ocvo j 1 it r and are. Having a ooi -.nut. ; u-ssiouai oiiMiiess. ;lmo.."npUMM"dorKoV rSHue of the leaders ae.not so punet; J Sun OJcne1 a ?ook I,!' front the Aeords of tl.c ; u .1 as they m.ht be or 1 Mia lha, stons wu East Mlllu ,dd Sherift and it was . . ;c -.c I. 1 j way to us. of was given ' 11 me .uv , , loft Saturday nr the entertai iment at I) llsliy to bruiff m eoirci. , ; ; - F,1:lv njxt aTul enjoyed it to I III 111.1 IHIIIIC ! III" J"" - - 1 Ol'It SCHOOL C-IRIJS. Every school morning about S o'c'ock, a glorious tide of lo-eliness flows anong our sTeets as a number pre' tv lassies go along to schixd The Minshlnv r pple of their mern i-fMintenanctt gives a dieerful tppcar : nee to our t-trcetu, and makes the i father Mr. J. I). Parrish, who is riht. i D. i i;:r. of Sn!rhfi?M, paid our j town a living visit last Sunday on pro grocery ; " ' j attend- j uiiii last 1 the full j est extent, and would heartily leeom 1 ton, For IS years Pres ident of the renow ned C-unine rein 1 Aerasloro Township, it l.einsf Lot No 11 in Block "on W'lson and Cumberland Streets. For lull rti.eriptton, see Records of Harnett county. s:i':d I.et has a good dwelling on It. Tnaj CHih. U.W.SPKNCB, TliisNov. 2cth, J3JI. Mortja?ee. NOTICE. ' ft ; ?-'.',v-c - JSsJ -jr jT. By virtue of authority Conveyed in a cer ta?n Mortifa?-- Ieed. executed on 1 th day of HecoiaJr Ihul by R. r. Coltille an 1 .ry R. ColvilJ". his wife, to K. L. Parker and by akUl Parker laily transf"rrvd to me, I will -x-j.oscat imMic to the hix-het. t.idder'fo fish &t th'"nurt Hous d-or in LUIinsrton, N.C. on the rst Monday in Jaii'iary 1 -"-5 fl.e : lr. o-tl.o rth ilar nf id month I th followini' College of Ken- i tras-k of land: "byiiu? in rove township, Har- tiickv U'dye sit , 1 nettcountv. N.C.. a.ijoinmfr tn l.inl 01 J. . ; 3 ... jr. So-rell Thomas Fowler and other and con s.Ctv, ,." j mend that tbey play at other points, and ; U" . can truthfully say it would be a credit to : 1 almost any Opera IIone in the Stare. j It xvas the best amateur I evei atteiiuci : gives epeci.il at ten tion to securii g situations for Ids graduati s. Co-t of Itnsiness Course a!out SM. includ ing Tuition and Board in a family. Prof. Smith h-.s Taiiiins fifty acres mor- r less. Tim of sale 12 M. This Nov lth li"4. Rufus I'arrish. Ass'g-nee of E. L. Parker Morttratree. If you want to buy d'ess good. I have them fntn a calico, to the finest caciicu.ire dress in all shades and color, with trimmings to match. I have a line of Flannel and Jeans that cannot be beaten in prices, or ulity anywhere, ranging from 12J c:s. to 75 cts par yurtL-. TCJuKNISHING ri-OODJ. qu Young men, if you need anything in the way .f I uruisl Jng mma, lie re is your pNt e to get anything in that line that you may want; uch as fine diess shirts, collara, culfs. neck ties, boes, h mchiefs. and also a splendid line of uiid-rwear in woolen ami cotton flannels, at prices that will please you. -Ty INTER JB (2J0MINCK -OO0 Hit KWOOO- and if too need blankets, here is the placo to purchase them. T bare a large slock and can sell them frois $1.00 to$G.OO per pair. 0jiiHiO000000000 "NOTICE i 1 woulu ca,J 3our aitcul,yn 10 a "nc line orjeweiry mat I have just j receive! that is Crt c'ass, 6ucu as col lor buttons, scarf pins, ladies nnses By virtue .-f a certain Mortsax iwd exe-1 ,.,! bahie pins and broochas. charmf and loc. ct. filled fl irer rins. eenu' i . . .. . . . - . C7 - t fPICU inme tin-. IJ. ni.17 ii.-ti.ia;i i a i , , . - , . -- kei.t book- ecv-iin.iwif.i.liia!y wtorcd in the nenrti Iwlie aiiil miw goi-J ungei nujt ami cr.r TiUg. gents t il :llP, ladles" .iAA.l. 1 -mi r-.l ll.moft rtr,t tr in ' . . , ,? 1 LI I. 1: , . . . .. . .. neat, ladieo misses Tlie I)icovcy anil SIIss MAC. Air. C. Gernalist, druggist. Burns-i ville. Id., say-: " To Di- lv 's .New . T roe life. AS akOIl ' U..HUUI I l f) with L i Unppe ami triea ao era! year, Vice- j wmLuSlo- chains, ladic,' and misses brace lets, Jadiea and missed President of a bank; World'.- Fair Com- kil to highest bidder at Dunn. N. c . at li jnd wents cutr buttons, jerfey plus, shirt .tud," &c Imissionerfrom Kentucky, and a rclia- 1 ' ble t-usines- man. wit: A certain tract of t-nd in Averastoro li ys j uc . . . . i - iiniwr reir m u aiui i" . . . . -. cverv tay ton oi me a pleasure, coo via..- "'-; y - u nQt j The betsalve m tne worm tor v;ius, . tioU ft)r ipluk.kecping, etc. bless the lisppv school girls who move j vvs a.' r.. ' x..w.1 DicoVl rVl I : i uise. Sores, Salt liheum. Fever Sores ' h Yo. wish a BusineiS Edu-ation. or in our midst, origin an-t ;-.i:re as new , ii4t. . nr f ,r bottle a.ni berrati I Tetter. Chapped Hanks, 1 hiilblains, a knowledge : u V.l'MnU drops wl cm tir.t they spark!.: ;n the j it; a,e :lsl(! froin th,. nrst dose beg:t!, to j corns, and all Skin Erupti-un. and pos- wntragj or ltie ..y Kt;nu., v ,etlsof flowtr-, and tocder am u ,.,.t better, a-.d after usin- three bottles j j,ivt.lv c,iri.s p;,,. ,r no pay. It is:e, 0;l graduation, we advise i rctty as the plumage of a . ngel , was upatul about ag an. It iorth its to vert.t satisfaction vml to eu: th out ai;d write for c!r- wing. Maylleirlte always be a- Z". ? V.. ! . r mn,,- refande-L P.k, 25 cents nor I c-tlar, to Prof. W. B. Srr.::h, Lexhig- It is too ra'uv for much news. SaMBO" Vmon the l'l.COO successful gradua- ; Township adjoining the lanL- r,f ii. M. Lee, lMKOfOJ0O yKX00'KXlrHKOMMMMMoyMOHK0 5 . ti. lrof Sinirii -ire 100 hi b-lik ' Francis f'oats and etners. containing M)acr.j - - TJ. y' w smith,' -V.i..ei,.i .d t ie i "'fn I THANKING ONE AND ALL FOR -THEIR LIBERAL PATRONAGE klCtiNArnlraSalv.'. i College referred to, was awarded the . Xcriu, cljh Placcf sau; at ttit. j TJJ mrrr? pAgT AND 'WISHING A CONTINlTANOE OP TRKPSAMF!. i Medal at World's olutnbian Lxp-.M- j ' , " r11- . - ' J. J. D U P R E E , 1 Lright rs their faces Harper & Hood's Drug s;or box.. For sale by Harper i Hood. t.-B, Ivy TOTHE DKSIREfor Mor.j phhin, Oi ium. Whisky or Tlacco. Proof free; $5 to curej i morphine or whiskv habits; $2 Tl V V for caring Ujhacco habit. Addresa U L i it ) li. WISQN, Fleming, T;5-e. i 80 I t - i i