THE TIMES Ol FICE Is "Fully Prepared to Print Your LETTER HEADS NOTE HEADS, FVTELOrE. 5MTPINO TAGS, CARDS, DODGERS &C. PEJIEMBEU WE DO ALL KIND OF JOB PBISTIKO AT IIARD TJME PRICES. $ye liave aa Increasing circulation, hereby gifinff splendid advertising Town Dirctory. Mayor A. R. Wilson. Commissioners E. F. Younsr, J. II. rrne, Dr. F. T. Moore, D. U. llood. Marshal M. L. Wade, CBURCIIES. Metnodist Itev. G. T. Simmons, Pa& tor. Services at 7 p. m., every first Sun day, and a., m. and 7 p. mM every fourth Sunday. Prayer-meeting every Wednesday night at 7 o'clock. Sunday school every Sunday morning at lb o'clock; G. K. Grantham, Snperintenl dent. Meeting ol Sunday school Mis sionary Society every fourth Sunday afternoon. Young Men's prayer meetr ing every Monday night. Presbyterian,- Rev. A. M. ITassell, Pastor. Services every first and" fifth Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school every Sunday evening at o'clock. Dr. J. II. Daniel, Superinten dent. Disciples Rev. J. J. ITarper, Pastor. Services every third Sunday at 11 a, m.j and 7 p. m. Sunday school at 4 o'clock, Mr. Ed Ballance, Superintendent. Prayer meeting every Thursday night ? 7 o'clock. Mi'sionaiy Baptist- Humlay school very Sunday morning at 10 o'clock li. d. Taylor. Superintendent. Prayer" vit-eting every Thursday night. Fre Will Baptist. -Rev. S. II. Wor ! y, Pastor. Services every Fourth S'i,.day at 11 a. m. Sunday school everv S'l.iday evening at 3 o'clock, Erasmus Lee, Superintendent. Pt.iiiKive Baptist Elder Bumice YVool, Pastor Services evry thiriJ Sunday at 11 a, tn., and Saturdaj' before .,?rd Sunday at 11a. m. LODGES. The Lucknow Lodge No. 115 I. O. O. F.. meets eveiy Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. R. G. Taylor, N G.; J. W. Jordan, y. ip. ; . C. McNeill, Secre; tary. Pahii3-ra Lodge." No. 157. A.F. & A. M. Regular communications every third Saturday and every first Friday night. Yi-uting Masons invited to attend. J. Peausall, Secretary. FrofssionL Cards- Lee J- Best, Attokxey at Law. Dunn, N. C. nciioM in all the courts, tion to all tmsiuesa. Prompt atton jan. 1. V.'E- Murcliiscn, Attquxey at Law, JoXESBOKO. - - - C. Practices In all the surrounding counties. D. H- McLean, Attorney at Law, 0&e next dpor to pfitjtofll,-"?, DCNN, N. C. (irnrnl Vrartfc. Will attend the courts pf Harnett. Cupiprud,JlinslfU andtfiimi cou couatiea. Dr. X H. Daniel, Dunn. Harnett Count-, N. C. Oncer a socially. No other disease treated. Positively will not visit patients .a adistanc. Pamphlets on Cancer, its Treat ment and Cure, will be mailed to any address free of charge. J AS. PEAUSALL, COTTON BX'YEli, REPRESENTING mm ML SPRIT Si, AT DUNN. B2NSON. FOUR OAKS, VADK AND GODWIN, N. O. fiflice at D. H. Hood's Dm? Stcre, 11 DUNN, N. C I Ira fPoor Health means so much more than you imagine serious and 1 fatal diseases result irom trifling ailments neglected. Don t plav witn iauirc : f greatest gift heaiux llfOaiTCICCIlIlK . t: Brown's out ot sorts, whi m ana generally haustcd, nervous, X nave nu ii'ltcijic and can't wort, inethemostreiia-x medicinefwhich i5 f Brov-u's Iroti Bit- ters. A lew Dot tles cure benefit comes from the J very nri aosev won't ttaxn jrr J teeth, and it's I pleasant to take. It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver NctsralxU, Troubles, Constipation, Bad Blood Malaria. Nervous ailments i Woraea complaints. Get onW the rennine it has crossed red W lines oa the wrapper. All others are sub I trtutea. On receipt of two ac. stamps we will send set of Tea Beautiful World's Fair Views sad book tree. BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE, MD. i i J Iron Bitters V N-Tr-rr-ir-. J. H. DANIEL, Editor and VOL. iv. J list From Georgia TAKE TTIE SIDETRACK THEN ! To kcep in the middle of the road" Is good in each dominion; But not so wlien a rattlesnake Is of the same opinion. Say your say, an sing your song c This old country moves along. Rain or shine, an praise or blame ! Gets there, brethren, jest the same! Day an night She's rollia right! Ain't this country out of slo-ht? COTTON ! COTTON ! This Country may be npside down, But keep on your Collars; Cotton's foiling into town Bale for twe-aty dollars. Here's your cotton white as fleece ! Every bale yor. reu.ler Buys the gab a dress a piece. Old man one suspender! This is tbe way a Georgia weekly exchange views it : 4 We don't care nuthin' 'bout the slump Some day we'll win it back; The 'possum's climbia up the stump. The dogs are on his track.'' OKE OR THE OTHER. Who is that fellow with his hair all over his face ?" "Don't know. But if he ain't a joet, he's a football player." A correspondent wants to know who wrota the poem entitled. -The world is Full of Beauty?" Don't know b'.it it must have been the man who oet on the eleven. winning WHY HE WANTED IT. 'Why is Smith always singing, Give me the OM time Religion ?' " "Didn't take up any collection in those days." Thanksgiving passed off p'easanth in Georgia. There's no election that 1 ay. Politeness Won the Day A gentleman from the West told a good story the other day of a meet ing between his dog and an organ, gridder's rjaoi:kcy that will bear re peating : 'One day an Italian organ-gnndcil. accompanied by a trained monkey, wandered into our town, and the man stopped before my house to plav Tne monkey was an intelligent littV fellow, and w-3 attired in a jacket r.nd cap. While his master wnt :zrindlng out the music the monkey hopped down from the organ when ho had been sistina. and jumping the fence caiue up into my yard. lie it ucc p?ed by a fox te rier ol mine, and the dog ma ic a rush at !i'm. The monkey awaited the on set with such undisturbed tranq dlitv Lhat the dog halted wilhin a few feet of him to reconnoitre. Both anim df took a long, siu-a ly atare at each other, when suJd?nlv the monkey raised his paw and gracefully saluted his enemy by raising his bat. The oifjc; was magical. The dog's head aud tail dropped, and he sneaked off iuto the house, ana would not leave it until satisfied th.v. ".is polite but mysterious guesc h il departed. Harper's Young People The Newspaper Its Value To produce a papc: requires the liberal patronage and good will of the merchants and citizens in general, but it must be remembered that the newspaper business is the most res cpro.-al ot all of trade. It not onh' expects life, bqt gives out life id raturn. For the patronage whicl , . . i solicits and expects it. will carry ! tra'le to counter or business houses i i.rcturn. Its business and the pco. i i ... k r,, .,. :Q .flri.. the otner. In appealing thus to the good people of a place for their sub scriptions and advertising patronage the newspaper is not soliciting bare favors, but it proposes and does re turn all the patronage it receives in measures well filled, pressed dnwn heaped up, and running over, SeK ected. 25 Doxes of Oranges, 15 barrelts App'cs, 500 units will o-- soli al Denuin & Highs' by Xmri. tome and get a bargain in frait. U Proprietor. -PROVE ALL THINGS, AND HOLD FAST TO THAT WHICH IS GOOD," DUNN, N. G, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1894. NEWS OF 01 STATE. , Maxton Scotish Chief: Deputy Collector W. P. Gibson and Marsha J, C. Parish captured a blockade distillery belonging to W. J. Bar field, uear Lumberton last week, to gether with two barrels of syrup 'and a small lot of whiskey. He was run ning it under his kitekin, using the chalmney as a smoke escape. . He run hi3 cane mill and evaporater in connection with his distillery. TLey were all captured. Deputy Collector Gibson reports to Collector Simmons the seizure and distruction, in Montgomery county of an 80 gallon illicit distillery. The supposed owner is Sol. Hay worth. The owner wa3 not present bat the deputies captured 75 large "porkers'' that were confined in a pen near the still to ba fattened with "moonshine" beer. The hogs were driven a lot of stuff carried aay triumphant ly. Raleigh Visitor. Shot a Qatamount. The dogs of Mr. FiDdley Haney, who lives in South Clinton, recently ave chase to a "varmint" that fres quented the woods in Mr. Haney's neighborhood. The animal was treed n a pocosin and Mr. Haney went in and shot it. The "varmint" prove! to be a catamount, or what is com monly know r.s a wild cat. It was ibout three feet in length and yen closely resembled a smll tiger, Clinton Democrat. ..Burglar Caught The burglar who stoled a watch from an employs of Messrs. North and Watson at Greensboro lst week has been captured. When arrested he attempted to resist and tried t. get a pair of bra?s knucks out of hi pocket. On his person were foumt a lot of burglars' tools, a pirimy, key ho!ds. and lots of keys. His name is Ralph Uamler. He was wcli Iressed and appeared to be about 35 years old. News & Observer. Burned to Daath- Mis3 Flora Dowell, a beautiful yound lady about 18 years old, wa burned to death Sunday evening. Ilei elolhin" caught on fire. All the racm bersof the famil'- were away attendi a burial. All of her clothing wa burned from her body. She lingered a few hours and death relieved her Pilfering. Tt was indeed a horrible ight. NcY3 & Observer. Confederate Monument. The gmnite work for the North Carolina Confederate Monument, from .h Mt, Airy quarries will be shipped to Raieigh this week. It It- will be put in place as soon as i! arrives. Tho ornamental work i being carved at Baltimore, and U cearlv ready to ship. The statu tt and the medallions of bronzo, whic have been cast in Municti, will r.rrivt ibuut January 1st. The cost of th complied monument will be 25 000. Of this the State two years ago appropriated $10,000. and the Idie "iave raised 7,000. They have had to do this through two years of ex ceeding7 bard timas, and all things considered, have done remarkably well. Eight thousand dollars re mains to be raised. But the ladies, God bless them, will never rest until this eight thousand dollars is in h ind and the monument built, paid for and unveiled.--News and Observer. Two Stores Bobbed The Thieves Captured Rocky Mount, December 7. Thursday night two stores were brok en into by thre-j burglars; one a 3'ouug white man and the otier. ucgroes. They entered lluckuev Bros.' hardware store Vv breaking the glass transom oyer the door. They took three pistols and cat- trirtges, five fine razors and a nam- ber of fine pocket knives, ridge & Rohbins store was Hauht entered 1 1, tninrlnD anfl t r 1 ". I" f.f ! uv luc uu.-v wt.u - pants, a pUol worth $12.50, pocket knives, shoes and a lot o, J-r taken. Officers got on track of the thieve and followed them seven or tighj miles inhe country, 3ud they were ' brought back to town. They were j tried before Justice Tilley and j bound over to the next term of court. The young white man says he is frmo Virginia, and his name is June. The outlook is very good for t - e jen. itcrstiary, and tne negroe-. will -.nmnanu liim. -Tt will ottibblv some time before luev nu snarize any An Assassin's Cowardly Attempted- Bkntoxville. N. C, Dec. 4. A cowardly attempt was made one night last week to kill Mr. Porter Dupree, one of the county commissioners for Johnson county. Mr. Dupree was sitting by the window at his home in full icw of the would' be a9sasins vrhen he fired a load of buck shot at him. But for the glass in the wins dow, which changed the direction of the shot, Mr. Dupree would have been killed, the ft.ssacsin beiDg but a short distance- distance from tbe window when he fired the gun, No clue to th2 perpetrator ot the deed has been discovered thu3 far. It is 6aid that about two years ago. one Thorn'on bu It a gin not, far from Mr. Dupree's and that the gin was burnt. When Mr. Thornton com menced to rebuild, a threatening let ter was sent to him warning him not to rebuild. They accuse Mr. Dupree of writing the letter. This is thought to bs the cause of tbe shooting. Burglary The residence of Mr. Jacob Solo mon was at his store on Gillespie street, and Mrs. Solomon had gone out calling, leaving the children in charge of servant girl. Between 7 and 8 o'clock the girl entered Mrs. Solomon's room to put the baby to bed when she was almost frightened out of her wits by seeing a man run across the room and j imp out of the window. She screamed loudly and quite a large crowd assembled, but ;ne robber l ad disappeared, taking villi him several articles of wearing apparel. When discovered be was to the act of opening a draw which contained a considerable amount of mone'. The girl thinks he was a jo'ored man. This is the third time in the last few months that this house a been entered by thioves. Fays tr-villo Observer. . Fsll From a Second Story Window Tuesday, the 26th, ft the Oxford Orphan Asylum, Maggie Bell, of YYilniingfon,, one of the inmates, ibout 13 years old, fell from one ol he sccond-slcry windows of the main ouildino to the ground, a d'stance of ver twenty feet, causing a corns oound dislocation and fracture of the dbowj -int the eharp extremity of one of the bones having been driven .-ompletely through the flesh and dun. An operation for the removal of the elbow joint vas fouDd neces -ary. IJpyond slight confusions no fu'ther injuries wore found as the re--ult of her fc.irful fall, and when last .seen the young girl was resting quietly and comfortably, Oxford I-edger. Cutting Scrape- Saturday evening as Mr. Jack Klhridge was driving home, he over 00k h;s v.agon and found se.-ited thereon a negro man that had been working for him, but who ha d stop ped under unfavorable circumstances. As soon as he discovered the fact he ordered the man to get down, as he dhl not keen a team to ride such characters. The man alighted and forthwith began to curse and abuse Mr. Ethridge. When this abuse be came unbearable Mr. Eihridge jump ed from his buggy and begin a flog- i?n" bee. The darky did not. relish j this and closed 'in After a short aTiirrcrlfi the two men fell to fell to the, ground. Almost immediatedly the fiCiro rose and fled, when it was di-s covered that Mr. Ethride's arm was badly cut. and thai he was bleeding 'reedy. The wounded man was brought bank to town where a pby- ieian soon put things in order. Advaate. TntrvH rwH nn THUS a little Girl- Quite a sad death occured near Su'.phcr Springs Institute Saturday afternoon. It, seems that three men, who were distant relatives of widow Hall, went jtf er bome on j Friday evening io They were pret j full of ,.res,llator . and cne gave !l(ir I three-yeaTold d-ioghter some wh:kv which fhe drank, and later nl:ei a little bottle full and let her have it. She bank aU of the con'ea'.s ;u l the next morning cite me need hiving spasms. Dr. llorton was sent for but arrived loo Sale to be of any ser vice and the'.iil i diei that afternoon at 4 o'clock iu great agon v. I in 13. iriliv. -!.' aiiii:, n.i-v there ! a Uw r r,:u' ll.nn . be ' thpv h--uld 'rece.v- f'fi lic!:t fii of r: And a. o e r L livun GENERAL KEVvS ITEMS.- Train Robbers- Charleston, Dec 7. A special to the News and Courier says that an attempt was made near Jiorence. S. C, last night to wreck the north bound passenger train on the At lantic Coast Line. A piece of timber fourteen fset long was laid oa the track, parallel with and between the roils. The engine, mail, baggage and first class cars passed over tho obstruction, but the sleeper trucks caught the timber and dragged it for a mile, when the trucks of the sleeper were turned across the track, tearing up the track for several huns dred yards. The train was running sixty miles an hour, aud had it left the track at this point it would have gonodowna 35 fool erubinkment and resulted in great lossofiife; as it was, no special harm was done. Senator Hill, of New York, was aboard the trs in in a special car. Star. KILLED BY A OANO OF NEOROES. Savannah, Ga. Dec. 5. A tpecial to the Evening Press says that B, T. MauUlen, a bailiff in Brooks county, was killed by Jerry Jeffreys and a gang of negroes. Mau'den tried to arrest them, when they shot him, Jeffreys aod three others have since been arrested. Suicide a dat befouehismakriane Mountgomery, Ala. Dec. 5. Hon, II. N. Sudj;e, one of the leading cit izens of West Alabama, and a prom inent lawyer, committed suicide at his horre at Entaw last night. His servant on goinj; to his room found biro dead shot through the temple. The pistol was in his hand. Ilewas to have been married the next day. Swallowed Carbolic Acid. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 4. Mrs. John Tilor Cooper, wife of one of the Atlanta ex-Mayors, swallowed car bolic acid this afternoon and died to night in great agony. . The fa.aily physician says it was suicide. Anothei of the seven attending phy. siclan pronounces it an accident There i3 a good deal of mystery about the death. Horrible MuRusa of an Italian. Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 5. Mike Caboo, an Italian thirty years old. was found murdered near this city this morning. His head had been crushed in wiih an axe which was lying near, besmeared with clots ted blood. The murdered man was found lying on an old pine bed stead outside a shanty used by ten ders of a wood-rack located there. Three Legroes have been arrested, and await the action of the Coroders's jury. It is said one named Swanson owed Caboo mono v. nd that the two men had recently had a dispute over the matter. Bishop Haygood III. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 4 Bishop Haygood, of the M. E. Church South, i3 dangerously ill at his home at Oxford Georgia. He altended the annual conference' of the church at Home last week, but was too ill much of the time to preside. Tbe symptoms ot his case indicate pneu- j monia j Ghostly Georgia Stories U'hilf .a fnrmpr in Houahertv coua tv wa- crossing a creek late at night he heard strange voices and then the splashing of a horse's hoof behind him. And vet, no other be in2 and no horses save his own, were visible. When he reached dry land )e stopoed bis hot pc and listened. j but the noise had cea-ed and there ! wa-s no sound other than the hooting of the owls. In Towns county a young medical stuile;.t wrapped a white sheet around his body and pla:ing n human skull on hi3 head, knocked at tht door of a nero cabin It vras some time be - ftre the nea:ro and hi3 wife could bz prevailed on to npan the door, and when the ghostly apparition was disv closed they jumped from the window and fl:d to the woods A negro who is said to have "the evil eye" is circulating among the negroes of Liberty county. He -charms" them and cures diseases by .1 Tl1' V lDO villi? 51L LiiCiU. ami " !t. j mi ure rca3-rab!c. he is said to ie coim lare feums from the cred $1.C0 Per Year la Advance. NO. 41. Some Southern Stories. A negro in Leon county, Florida, received a pair of shoes Saturdaj J which ha had made to order. They ... 1 measured 14 mcnes in lengm, 05 inches in width and each of the shoes weighs 2 pounds and 2 ounces. Tne negro weighs 200 pounds. James Holley has crowing upon his place in Orlando, Fla.. a coffee tree two years old, which has just be j gun to bear. It has twenty-two btrs nea upon it now, and if it continues to grow in the future as it has in the past, a good crop is expected from iv next year. ka is the owner of the greatest car- I - . . j ' . - I losity of the bird kingdom a white quail. The very rare curiosity was . , , . . , j . I idled by a sportsman a day or two aon a snort distnnnp from th citv I an nrnhPrl tn Mr. RUnrh.arrl who will place ft with a taxidermist at once to preserve it. This albino of J the feathered tribe is certainly a curs iosity and has boen the talk of sport I sman ever since its capture. The oldest resident does not re-1 member when water was so scarce in I Hartford, Ky., before, says the Her- family wells have been dry for weeks J that were never known to fail before, The public wells but barely suffice for drinking purposes, and they gens erally give out late in the evening. Water is being hauled Irom the creek for laundry and stock purposes and the situation is getting more ser ious eveiy day. At Jacksonville, Fla., a woman I mashed her ringer Sunday, for which a man turned in a fire alarm, set the bells clanging, the horns to blowigg aod Chief Haney to spinning over the pavement with the big horses to the bose w&gons thundering behind. J Of course it was an accident the mashing of the finger and the alarm as well, -When the woman pierced the air with a shriek the man thought that she was screaming because of a I fire, so he pulled the knob and let it go at that, calling out the whole fire department. I t in tt.. i . i. - r i v dromon xy., uaa bu intra uuj taking his age into consideration, in the State, He is nine years old, is four feet three and one half inches high and measures thirty-nine inches around the waist, fourteen and one- half inches around the calf, and twelve inches around the arm. and tips the beam at 131 pounds. His name is Mullen Metcalfe, a grandson of the late Captain Ben Freeman, the famous Kentucky river captain and pilot, who was a very large man. If there is another nine-yearsold boy in the State who can beat Mullen's mcasuremeuts he has not been heard from. Much has been said and written about the burnicjr railroad fill of the Kichmomd. Niciiolasville. Irvine and Beattvville. near KWs station. Estill county, Kentucky, but it will be news to many to note ths fact that this place has been on fire exactly one year, notes tne lucumona ran-1 . ..... n- 1 t, tagranh. Ia conversation with a re- ident of that section the informa- tion was gained that the place is hot- terthar. ever. Some time since it wes thonaht the names had ceescd. v but lately there has been something like a rekindling nndersround. There is no apparent danger; about the on ly damage done so far is the burninj of ties, vhielj several limes. have been replaced Is it eternal fire? Up in Galloway county, Kentucky, t i mere nves a man wnose name is Uncle John Wyatt, and according to the Benton Tribune, he is over one. hundred yeais "old, and is now in 1 good health. Sixty years ago he had j his fortune told, and the fortune tel. ler t-Id him he would live to be over j one hundred j-ears old. and that he would be married seven times. Time cashed on, and now he is oyer one hundred years old, and two reeks ago he buried his sixth wife and i? now on the market for hi seventh one, and he saj-s when the Cfcremwny is performed that unites him to his seventb wife then he is ready to die. Clean Current and Citron, Batter Nits. English- Walnuts a-d mixed "1 inui; at Denning aad Miggs. Prepared to do any Icinfi of job' Work' from a 7 Column Paper to a Shipping Tag. The Food oie mure. -'Do yoo predict thai U our milk, eggs, meat and flour will ia Uae future be made in factories? I ..wk- f r it and .. j r - J better to make the s&ma material than to grow them? Tbe firt steps, and you know that it has always tho " first step that coats, yon must rev member, since I first succeeded 1n maklnfif fat direction from Its ele ment8, I do not say that we. shall . nn !RU1 r.fMt. t on nor do I bay that we shall ever give you the beefsteak as we now obtain and cook it. We shall give yon tha sneaking. Its forms will differ, bes 1 fa ... ... . ... cause it will probably be a tablet. Dnf U roil Ka n t-oKlaf rf anv Vk1nP uuk 1 V Kilt ww touiv v ui ww , . m ,,, 1 thik entirely Satisfy the epiCUTH can senses 01 vuo iuiur, iui jui must remember tnat. the beefsteak of to-day is not the most perfect of piQ- tures either in color or composition. "Tea and coffee could now be made artifically," continued the professor. u me necessity suouiu arise, or me commercial opportunity, though the necessary supplementary mechanic cal invantions, had been reached." "The essential principle of tobacx bacco, as you know, is nicotine. Wa have obtained pnre nicotine, whose chemical conltitulion is perfectly un Iderstood, by treating salomlnc, a natural glucoside, with hydrogen. Synthetic chemistry has not made nicotine directly os yet, but it has yet, and the laboratory manufacture of nicotine may fairely be expected at any time. Conine, the poisonous. principle of hemlock, has been made synthetically, and it is so close in its constitution to nicotine and so clearly of the same class that only its transformation into nicotine res mains to be mastereb, a problem which is not very difficult when corns pared with others which have been solved. The parent compound from which the nicotine of commerce will be made exist largely in coal tar."- From an interview with Professor Bsfthelot, , the French Chemist, in McClure's Magazine. Tf,, nf RoilW Hftttnn. 0 s los r by fare every year 8 heavy and cotton insurange consequently comes high uecent experiments at waco, iex- a, 8aw8 tne Atlanta Journal, seem to Prove ltl a great reior m in tae baling of cotton for shipment is at uand- one toat wlU 8tv0 mactt protection against fire and reduce ins surance rates very materially. By this new method cotton U baled un der powerful pressure in cylindrical packages which exclude tho air. Cotton packed in this way not only I occupies much less space than tbe ordinary compressed bale, but is pro- I nounced as incomDU8UDlc as a log or mm m wuuu AC was ,oUna Umt y pulling up ino nDro m one 01 inese cyiinancai - m . t 1 balcs thc cotton could easily be ignit. ed but Qst M 600n the looae coU ,on Darne "e nre went out ana vne " . .... .. I halA ana rrortll 1 nnhlirE. " i""" j The Waco experiment is attracti Dg moch attention. In my opinion of the 0011011 experts who witnessed it. a complete reform in the balling of cottonwill be brought about by this new method. Hold on Boys. Hold on to virtue, it i- above all price to you in all times and place Hold on to your go d character, for it is and ever will be your best wealth. Hold on to your hand when you are about to strike, steal or do aq improper act. Hold on to truth, for it will serve well and do you good throughout eternity. Hold on in your tongoe when you are jast ready to swear, lie, or speak harshly, or use an improper word Hold your temp r when yon aie angry, excited or imposed upon of others are angry about you. Hold on to your heart when evil persons seek your company and in vlte you to join their games, mirth. and revelry. Hold on to yonr good name at all 1 1 aces, for it is much more valuable ?ou than gol, high place, or fi$h enable attire, Ex.

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