f -f .1 y - 5 1 h i I: r f I : li 1 THE TIMES. l)Z$ N , Htt County, X. C . jrsr the state of THINGS. NEGRO EMPLOYEES OF THE STATE SENATE: The ver 1820. bas pone down jon .Km.cline V.WJ? the chronological history ..f oar na Vecond cluW .matter. I tion as I he 'era of gt od feeling7 . period hen tjie people stoo4 hpnd in O. K. GRANTHAM, v - T. P. PITTMAN Editors 9All cotimiUctloM must reach us on TuetdAy eteuiu. . j , Notices of Cbnrcb entalnmenta and all other ,o r derived, will b clarKed j5 CCBt-per f hand and shoulder Jo shoulder for the Bpbuildini; and ainrliaraUo of human ruce. United on political principlea. founded by the ioini rtaJ Jefferson, the country pr spered und grew to greater magnitude, reached a higher social status and achieved su perior prominence in the eyes of na tions. But soon the tide of progress .... ... .1 ..4 I .. I.initnroil Kir 1Tarlilia I IT t"pd 1 rH Uents of a political nature placed jbeuts per line. j before the pepp le by the demagogue Huhwrlbera will beent off at .thee wr-tLon . ,. , . crank wnose deoend- of their subscription-uiuesiiwe rr 71 r i.d niper wui j diaconiiuQed .unbe aaU are nol yet extinct, but are ' ..:;' thJmultiolvins every year. We migbt uthur- i.ame aineo. ana rau u wr,lK:" detail the merits or dements Ol meat author a i.atne aitfnea. anu mmi. ' VUii'ly on oue side of the paper. various obstacles by which national ErSH ClVertUl ik raxes iiimuucu y K , . jA i j ftMcutioii i and state progress was impeded, and I . ,. . . 1 . ir:fjinut the views ot the people material ' .1 ,.-! roiarn mOnt Hilt. DnnCP n Lomnmtiicftlion will be acrptel p"" o . ... juilets a'ccoiiipank-d by the writer's forbids, ilowever, I .win mcreiy nuuic. i Flint a lew numis : a averv; wuu I - ' etaH jidvertiseinent3 inserted four. manv moliGcations and propositions sucixsive weeKj win oe oouuieu u p . d constructions iiiui.th; und will le r.isi-rted and charged wiuwein v,c" llllill 1 r i t t V I V . . . - . , : -. I rt peoi'le concerning government Some of the issues have long since TERMS IF SdESCniPTIGJI. hn RPttlnd. ami we do not want to r 1 . ; ! i ' Three Months'- j.2o Cents, ressurrect them by any means, DUt hix MMiihs.. i V' Utiil omt. vital issnes ' confront the . 1 ..." 9 III! ! - UIM 1CU1 1 v- time U not rpfCilicd. on the Sent by Mail. Payable in advance. Dunn, N. C, lRcir, G 1895. PLANT LESS. upodIg. Among the latter are : lhe i p raritf, annexation of Hawaii, Nicu ragua Caaal, Silver &c Scc. May the day speedily come when sectional dilFirences may be banished nevermore to return. We don't leng to live the days- o T!,p t.tmp is drawincr near when the 1820. over a-raia but wo long for fanner must put his seed jr the soil, another period of "good feeling in mid a word along the line of thought Amercan politics." fulness on the part of farniersmht be We b.cve but skiwmed history to money payed to them. , menaon ? me obstructions, that haye Farmers should ibink before tbey himiered progress it our btate and ilinf, wnai cost tney arc going 10 pei natiouai ausua, uui iuc gcmcou iui- put to, betore ttie crop is aiaue an'i j peuwueuii us "i jci guue u-mu uu put into the house, ar.d ase proper ..is ory judgement and not let the cost be prejudice political annimosity. equal to me proui on sam irop. Tbe out2rowth of which Plant only what you can c;li;yate 1 j9m by your own force, and hire but lit- x lt ha3 CtU3(d fireside quarrels, tie if any.- The lare acreage in cot- 2. It has made neighbors . and fon does not every time mean a friends er.emie" profit to the farmer. What Inswaps - d It hos helped to give our stale to do is to plant as much as he can govern rrent into the hands of the Replying to Dr. J, B. Alexander, a leadinij PopuMst of Mecklenburg, who had sought to defend the fuMon ists for electing a negro assistant loorkteper in the legislature oyer a one legsed iex-coufedera'e soldier, Mr. W C. Dowd, the Democratic inember of the Set-ste from Mecklen- Yon aaW me if my party has not hadnegro assistant doorkrepers in the last 20 years, eU. I have made diligent inquiry into this matter and answer most emphatically. No. t "Now, good doctor, come with me a minuie. ienrw x oibmcu i""u' last Saturday. bL-ing a poor man, I needed some money. I went into the office, of the chief clerk of the senate, who is s Pop nlist, to get an ordet for ny salary. What do you suppose I saw' His book keeper, a fat and sleeli negro weighing about 200 pounds, sitting side by side at a desk with the other clerks. Is this all? No. I imagine I see you pulling back, doctor, but come on. As 1 left the clerk s otflee and re entered the Senate chamber, there lay a dudisU yellow nejro stretched at full length upon a lounge placed there for the use of senators. Don't leave me yet. doctor. I went a few steps further and there in the Senate library sat five of these dusky gen tlemen, of all shade,;, iuclu iig yel low, black and tan. 1 hey bad their feet cocked on the bock-cases, or re clined in comfortable chairs, chatting and having a general good time These arc all employees of the Senate put there by your party. Is this the . - . e way tbey Keep ineir promises oi economy 'and reform? What do vou think about it, docloi? -Fx. i)R, BiiYKIN'S WORM IILLFI -The fcest Selling Vefujifuge I t' the Market." Tie most reliabb worm destroyer in use. f C Recfipt.s furmhel to aijjr pbys sician when-requested. , - r o La G range N. C, ! July -87. Mr. J P Joyner: I gave my child one dose of Boykitfs Worm Iviller ' fnrchased of VCU. It , t , .. , Brought 366 wt.rms. I ponsUer it the beat worm medicine made- Respt. 1 J. W. Thomas. DrpK Cseejc N. C. j May 8th, 1894. Poyki:?. Carraer & Co., Baltimore, Md. Dear Sirs : Mr. A. Kjidd, a very responsible cumUjmer of I mine, gave half teispoonful "Worm iviller" to a child last week and the result was 35 worms. M . Daniel j Pines used it with still better results: 75 worms from one child; of course ray sales will be large. lours truly. E S Suiitb. Head llie followinsi from cne'of the most prominent and beft known phj'sic'ans and farmers in South Carolina. he writes, Vhat a negro girl JO years old near I im, toolc two or three doses ot the 'Worm billcr and pa.-st-d 366 worms." 1 Dated Bigway, S. C, May 26.j 1894 B. H. Edmun()son, M D. Mr. it M McDonald ol La Gran ge, N C.sas Dr. Boyidn's "Worm Killer" brought over I DO worm frrnn hild in lhe nemhborhuod ;i and that it gives universal satisfaction Ho sells more of it than "all other worm medicine. Do not let your dealer put you off with some other. Ask for tBoy- kiu'a Worm Killer and get it. ! Any M D can prescribe it and many do. I - IIOVIilA, CARRIER CO., i .1BWI, T ULdLLI i PiJRfl NOBTIJ CAROLINA CORN WHISKEY. . O. M. KELLY'S make -handled by MYSELF EXCLUSIVELY. Special attention paid to the shipping trade, old Rvp Whisker. Fine Brandies w . j - j - and Wines for Medical Family ut Your patronage solicited. D. McBBOWN, ltijin, N- C, N. B. Other firms have claimed to n. M' Kellv whiskev. Be ware, the C M. Kelly Corn whiskey is handled i)y me only. is popu own help possibly tend with his without employing more labor. No farmer can make cotton at the present low price and hire his Isbor, and shonld any attempt it the3'. will be sadly and financially embarrassed next fall. Had better plant but little cotton and put the ballance of their land in corn, peas, potatoes .&c , something th.it will not r quire so much labor to cultivate ai.d will give, them meat und bread at home. i The probabilities now are that cot on Will not even be worth as much next fall as it is nowl Plant but lit . tie and make it with your own lab r and then you will ge. tle brofii.. You may make an over production of cotton andb AikxI tne market but vou will be fir better off I tq njake all your home supplies. Think fore,you act. hi ariil BfiiimiDL FILL GOODS ARE KOI BEINGV RECEIYEU - y ' "-.,"';. j ' i ' AND M STOCK WILL BE Fine Tobaccoes, Cigars mods all ways in stock. Jansl6tf, and ca.T THE GOVERNMENT WILL PRINT NO MORE BUSINESS? ENVELOPS. be- PREPARING FOR DOOMSDAY. VCoruing events past their shadows Jefore." The Fusion ists already feel that the actions of llie Legislature liave met with public condemnation. . ST . . j Some of them are trying to improve ",heir own records, and in Iher ways trying to make a solt place upon rodujed a the coun- now that it i of the ed. that, yoke of Who was i t ii i; i! which to fail Paddisun ihi resolution to the effect that try would breathe asier pongress, whith had doncj nothing ut evil, woula adjourn at 12 o'clock Mr Parsons, of Hde, tifered an amendment, in substance, that 'whereas, we. the -Senate, do not know how much we have done that d.es not meet the approyal people, therefore be it resoly we bow submissively to the public condemnation.'' Mr. White, o( Alexander, . gagged by tlie cnucus orde r to sup port the bill m make Chas. A. Cook, of Warren, a judge, that he was ex cued fnitu volii., said that IhisKnly hoU d juHpe mj. letst it be judged ! vith that judgment i measures to antnpr. The resolution was tabled, caus tup Senate fee.s tli I fvriypress for its short tprrings and n sdoiqgs. j rongre-s has done pretty , bad, we ' ate iK.uud to admit, but iu c rnpari- su with the Legislature it has bte.i a "tuning l.gut. We are g ad the , pin- has closed, and that the cUya of ; tt.e4thei are te, News aud Oo- j( s ryr. li 8 uirck says be never fond any f I - ji.v in publv. life. V try lev j! r i". n i ; very lew retire ir-n I prvblie !i!t iinui tuey art) kicked out. ;! Or carred otlt, Itepublican party. 4. The Legislature Many have prejudice against a nartv because some one who is or has been affiiiaiing with the party is a rasc&l, not seeming to. remember it is principal on which rve stand. At present ler4iocratic progress . T seems to be hindered by-the conibin- je.l forces' of popul ist and Bepublican, but the party is not dead. VY lien its principles are extinct liberty will be crushed under the tyrranictd foot of anarch. The stalwart nriny of Democracy is uncompromising, -the parvj better be out of power fr an age than to join hnnds wiih an oppo si' ion party for strength and be made subservient to opposition boss es. But lhe principles of Democracj are so firmly fixed in t :e hearts of our p?npfe that when an officer, be be constable or chief executor, ig nores the princ;ples. we can leave him olfao the ballot-box, that all may enjov the p?acc of conscience, the joys of liberty, the happiness of prosperity a:.d the blessings of AN Qitghty Got!, Amehicus. Barclaysville. N. P., Feb. 27 '95. NORTH CAROLINA LEGISLA TORS ENDORSED IN A TLANTA LUNN MARglvr. Corrected WEELy, KOTICE OF DiSSOLJJTION. Notice is hereby given that the firm hi retfore doing business undtjr fhe of of liritt & Jordiin. in the rown of Dunn, lias this day been (dis solved by nuitunl consent. J. K. Jor- d:ni lias assumed nil the liabilities of suiil firm and all persons holding claims r;iiust said firm will present lhe same to j .1. K. Jordan for pavment and all per sons indebted to said firm will make payment to J. E, Jordan at once. V.. T. IiRlTT, J. E. -I OR DAN. Dunn, N. C. Jan. 15, 1S93. f-Gr4w. Coiletg III . A lis .1 : The U ittd States Governmpnt will print no more envelope lor busi ness people. ! This practice has taken hundieds of thousands of dollars out if the pockets of the printers of tLe country. .Vigorous pro ests have been rande against the abu.se, and thousands of names haye been put to petitions asking that it be stopped. We are pleased to announce that all work of this character has been aban- r doued by the Government, and thai hereafter private ijidividuttla will be compelled to g- to . private printing tillices when they . want their envelt pe's printed The irinting bib which was approved by the President on the 12th day of January last con tains a provision which is embodied in section 9 6, as follows: . j ' "The PostmasterGeneral shall contraLtr all envelopes, stamped or otherwise, designed for sale to the public or for use by his own depart me fit; and'vna' contruct for them to lie plain or with such printed matter us uia be prescribed by the depart ment making requisition therefor; provided, tout no envelope furnished by the (j over n men t shall contain any business aJdres3 or'adverlisement."" It means that hereafter the earn ings fn-m printing of this sort will go to the printers of the country, and not to the Government, And this is as it should be. Ex. 50c. 55 to 60c, 60 to 73 50 to 60c. .'.15 o 20c. 12 to 15c 15 to 20-. idi-8 'o 8c, lgto 20c. . 5c: ' Corn Oats Peas -Fodder Chickens Eg 3 But'er Meat, C U Ham, new Cotton Coffee etigar TurpentineJ Y. 1). $1.60 Scrape' $1.10 per bu. " huti. i . 'doz. lb NOTICE OF LAND SALE. Vv virtue of the po-ftr-of sale contained in i Artain nibrteasre deed made hy O. m. Canps and wife to E.F. Young and recorded In Book 11. Io. 2, pages 18 j and 1 0. records of Harnett county, N. C, and transferred ly said E. F. vniiii- t. me. 1 wiil sell at imblic sale for cash rn th7ih.iay of uarch ll) 'S at Is o'cloclt u. at h r.iurt house door the following real estate ..wit: A certain tract of land iu Harnett county about 1?4 uiiiea from Dunn, containing Hi! acres, more or leas Aiiuisaiu huu f uliv described in said mortgage. See records Atfy. ajorijrasec. Sale to take place in Lillingtoq. X bavo the PRETTIEST i-nd CIIEaPE "bT line " bbi all be- i peed ol The atlanta negrrgs held a gral mass meelinii in honor of Douglass a fevf nighta ago, tl;anj:ing the North Carolina Legislature in extravagant terms for placing Douglass above Washington and Lee. and declaring that if a nero wanted to marry a white woman he had, a rjht to do so. We uote from, the telegraphic ac count: Carter, lb.9 pastor of the" Friend ship Baptist church, declared that he woulJ marry, a white woman if. be could, and said negroes only envied Fret Douglass because he had suc ceeded where they had JfailetL He made the hit of the evening. Norri; a uraLdsun-in-law of Fred Douglass, dryoti-d most of his eulny on Doug Imsi to the burning question of Jio Crow" cars, advised the negroes to carry their cases to the Nupreu t Cour, n t fi-al'y bronght dofh t!ie house by declaring that Fred Doug lass ranked next io Jesus Cluiit, This is tbd same spnit that actua ted the Legislature in adopting lb Dongas resolution. News nd Observer. 4-. ; III Kill: nm KEtiD THIS! 1 i wl be to your interest to read HTM l'EiTlNGlLL & CO.. Newspaper Advt rtieing Agency, 22 Schol S:, Muf a Be'. ti:dt B ston, Mass. N. Y Cty The people throughout the State are ver- much roug lit up over the disgraceful action of the lgi-da-ure last week, Many other States h.v.e ex pressed s'mpatby fur us in liiis dis grace. AVe think it time fur iitte i white men to be rought up 'to the fullest extreme when such an un worthy man as Douglass receives honor above men, whom every true Southerner loes. 'Douglass culd not live in Nor: h Carolina, as a law- ' abiding citizen after he married a white woni-iu. Whether it was ir- i norance or a lack of self-respect that caused them to id this we are unable to say. but at best it was a ".litter" to decent wlrte men. 1 NOTICE ! By virtue u a mort- crcrt r1."i"fl PVPfllttl hv J. A. McPhull & e r- . J . .... wife to J, A. lirown ana oy iimi intn- Xcired (o A. E. Rankin A Co. J will sel ir the i:xrt i!otu?e dmr in town of LiUingto.il SJ acres of laud in Upper Little Liver lo'-viu-lnn for full disciip- tion o.f said Ian I see iiook II No. 2 pages ;J37-343 Register's uitue for llarot'tt County. Tune of sal us lonaay April l;t . at 1? M. Terms e;ish. Ii. J. BKLL, Att'y for A. II: Rankin & Co- GOODS AND NOTICE OF LAND SALE. By virtue. of a power of sale contained in a certain Mortgage peed made by Jus. A. Taylor aud 'vife to E. S:rud wiek and recorded iu Hook F. No. 2, page 123. 124 and lgo, ivcords of of Har nett coitnty So. 4, I will sell at public sale at the po.-toffice in the town of Dunn on the 2tith day of Match lS'ja at 12 o'clock M. for cash the fol owing Ke:d Estate, being iu the county of Har nett to wit : One track of iiu contain ing 25 acres more or less, Doing about 2 oi 2 miles from the town of Dunn. Also 8 lots in tin town of Dunn also one horse, and two buggies. All of the above lands being fully described in the sibove referred to mortgage and also a full de scription of the same can be bad by ap- nhintr to- me iu person. This Feb. 27th, 1895. E. SWUDWICK, F. P. Jones, At'y. Mortgagee HELPINGS HAfyD Wf" are tnuoht to deal with - our tellowm in JUSTLY, and to sjive a helping hand. T,hi3 we intend to do ami we hope our efforts will m. et with the eq:uperation of the business men of DUNN, anijl all other adjoin- ! ins tpns. i I ' . f 2 ; It will pay you to end us jour crer. ' I i ' ' i We have dfecided tq do work ' a prices never known to the public be firc. Give us a trial order and bee what we can save yon. We wiP give satisfaction in r;rices and qualities i Address ?lhe ! TIMES OB OFFICE, ' DUNN.N.C. Big Day! Congress adjourned last Mondaj the 4th and as ; members nre tjonc lione to 't ake a j much needed rest, '.n-jrt:t is-relieved but where are the people ? Our noble legislature, will as, soon a- they rebeve a few more individuals ai:d change yhe Code a little in. re and add one or two more amenthiieu's to the bird aw'and get all ithe ileer in North Carolina protected, take their needed rest. North Carolina logins to feel !iat they have (done fuf them al ready cos: nearly $30,000 to tax i-'-ir95 A few day;' 2.io nc;:r Traphill, Witke- mu.'iv, this State, eivrh'i rev- , j 1 enue t ffiot r- mid a nun btr of whis-jTHE iic:chnts !n all lines of trade. key blockaders engaged in a fierce j will oir mat day give ON t!:e 3rd Saturday in b? a big dfcj in March 1: N li NOTICE,! Having this day been appointed Com luissioner to make sate ol a certain lot or parcel of land assigned to John It- Greoi y, Millie r . Ilea 'ler barati j. Jvn-nis.-and'CsiUie A. Williains heirs at law of A. B. Gregory deceased, by 'Com mis- i-ioners appointed to r;ii titio.u binds of said A. B. Qregory deceased. See ro poi t filed in said cise, No 0 4 special pro ceedings docket of Superior Court oLthe Couuiy of ll-irnett. page 2. una tor a description of said traet or parcel of land it being lot no 2 of said Report, see the same. I will on. Monday, at 12 o'clock M. April the 8th day 18'Jo. offer for cash lhe lands above referred to. In accor dance with 1113' said Commission and the order of sale. Tins Feb. Uotli lSVIo. J. McK. Byrd Commissioner. Fleimning, 1j In th Su perior Court Notice of Sale NOR I II CAROLINA tJurnet County J. M vs. D. Bascom a;rkr, Having been appointed a com missloner in the above entitled case, at the lej l'enn 1895 of Harnett county Superior Court for that purpose, I will sell . at public sale for eash, at the postoflice iu the town of Dunn. o the Cth d:iy of Anril 1SB5 at 12 o'clock 31. the Lot and buihiing thereou. known as "The Pro gressive Institute, ' located within the town of Dunn, This March the 5th, 1895. yT. P. Jones, mr-6-4t. . Commisioner. battle. The ollieers succeeded tn SPECIAL BARGAINS' CHptoring four stilts, but jifiw a lively nkir-nish, moonsiilners, In hjch no not until to all classes of men. with the A GENERAL TRADE DAY 18 than 1 "hen you can exchange &uj thing ANTED Do you want to start the .New Year in a good position th will pay you weU, provided you are a'gooo saiespian auu collector : We want live, energetic men to can vass, sell macl lines and collect. If th(?re is an agent in your community, we- can locate 5 bu elsewhere in a good section. We f.iruishn nice light rnuni. g wagon, aggiit to furnUii horse and harness u.m make a $50j bond,' We offer u gwj salary or eommi'sMon contracts, one r,.i der Ay nieh a live, energetic, hnstlinjr man' cai'i m.ikc and save monev. Men of char j aotrr-and good u.ake-np ilo Well to se cure, work vyith the Company for if ije cessful and the busin-ss entrusted is oaiioluJ honorably, they will be pro moted to ii more re-pousible position . if trust and 1 respoJMoii:.y with increased coninii-"atiou. A ldres, K. L. GREEN'. Dis.rict Agent, Ruicili, IS, C. EVER BBOUQIIT TO DUN X. ily ntook of iHSNG. HATS AND SHOES MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATE wowO- me Yours to PLEASE. K 1 III! I 1 : ' . V ' . ' . . J i ity s! o;s were eschangrd One of ; J" may bring ;to town he b'.ockaders wa killed and another ! Let B who want special bargains , j h. ITarlev. fa iser4 fatally injured. ; wmn wwwnon uuwuay. 5 WiluiiHgton, N. C jan-23-2m. OUR G0O&Z AJ9M TX BEZT act. 1 ... -' . i . "t-

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