Se."I IN YOtTR NRVS EVKRY .week. Must keacu cs by j - " Wedsesday Morninq. v"7 zar Um Least Kanatj tfgLVY MARCH Ctl,t lys. FUFCT ami HE TIMES. ISiews Prom 1 ' rTL ,1 3.K!S - - t ""'t - . 1 ' 1 " " 1 ITTMAN. ) OWN AND CODNTT. WRITE OS ONE SIDE OF THE PAPER ONLT. ALWAYS SIGN YOUR NAME TO ITEMS. -Our V ib we o .wMwll&rs arc . r a rfet ympaiuy ir our- 8 W bney, O0B PROPOSITION. w are of the hard often call tlera, and hard to get BO ell ai all others who bare we make you this pro.o- and hope it will .-enable many who d not take inu iimes Ils your home paper and Lrht to take it, it: will interest n, your family, j -ill tnke almost anything in ,y of country produce ior a suhficriplion. uiuc-tens, t-sgs. com or anything you have - ,1 ill nllnir ou Cn spare- " . f,,T-'rnarkct price for the .nr,p"rt aid many rew sub r8toour I. at under this prop nllnw us La adi n. just- i"-'- ' re will also accept money frorx r. McD. H spent fcumtayj in KayeUevtlie, r Baltimore Jobber ls busy day day. Send in your orders. Ransom .Bridgers of LeMay a town a day or two this week. Vrch the time for the Doya to leir kites. He careiut wuu ure. Nancy Pope, an agtfl lady ol Un is right uk, at her home- re sorry to note. too our young men contem- attending an oyster" supper at njjUin Friday night. J jou know it was against the sell cigaretts to boys ? 'A to the wise is sultteieut" hly a few days for the legislature ing about relief. They will ail guliome to work no more. ssClsu'le narrell, who has been h extemled visit to friends m LncvS. C returned home last are sorry to announce to death rs A'miey J. Strickland of Mi wfiHliip; Sue was G2 .years f in.l a much Hived Christian la- 0. A. Johnson, one of Tur- lun's best farmers dropped in to is Thursday and left a dollar for Iimes. Call again Mr. Johu- Some'of our merchants ing their spring .oods. for their advertisements.. are receiv Look out Sorr.c of our correspondents Lave failed to send in their items for the past few weeks. We hope they will gel them in uext week. To make plenty of vege able you must plant in time, and work them well. To make your business pros per you must advertise in TiJiE, and work your business. The Rev, Mr. Cane did not preac at the M, E. church Sunday night, on account of not being well. His con gregation worsuiped at the. -Presbyterian ehurcu where they heard an excellent sennou by Rev. Mr. Hussel. Mr. John Duddley of t3ass, Samp son county, was on our streets to day. He i9 a Demoi-rat of the old Kind. He celebrated his 63rd birth day yesterday and has voted H.c straight tricket ever since he was 21, He is no Douglass man. much. , A bill has passed its third reading in the Legislature providi g lor the charur of a railroad lrom Sanfo'rd to LtlTngton, to be known as the San- ford, Lillington and Eastern. The people along the section of this pro jected line netd a r-ad and are hd xious to see the wor!c begin for it will open an outlet for them and "be a great convenience. Thf first quarterly meeting of tie Dunn circuit Tor the current year, will be held (0. V.) in the Method is: church of this place March 16 to 17, Quarteily Conference and sermon on Saturday niurningj Preaching on Sunday at 11 a. ra. and 7 :30 p. m,. Sacrament of the. Lord's Sapper after the morning sermon. The Presiding Elder. Hey. Y. II. .Moore, D D , will jcondu. t tlie services. The public cordially invited. ' A cow was run over by the fast mail .S.mth bound. Sunday night and broke her. tola ly to pieces. We notic ed late Monday evening the had no' been mived from the spot vhere slu was killed, near the depot. The ho- a were making way witii the body ad inadt; it u disgraceful figt, This shows up carelessness on the art ot some one and whose business it was u move her, should in. the future b -inorc oarefid. It should be some D. li. Ho d.of Dti ir-.tCame up to oor luwn ik tmlav. : All are looting forward to the lit eray contest Fridv night next at Turlington Institute. Mr, E, II. Woodall, of BensoD, pent Sunday in town. Mrs. F. C. Hyman and little chil dren returned from Sumter, S. C. last bundaj'. Mr. Will Hyman, of Atlanta, is vis ting his sister Mrs. G. J, Robin son. Piulo Junius. Troy villa Items- "We are having real March weather. Mis-rs Thos. and Mack Stewart spent Sunday in SmiihfieiL Come ugain irU the goods that were mentioned are plentiful yet. The Farmers in this sction are getting a move on themselves, when Jie weather will admit. That beautiful and charming j'oung lady Miss Keps3' Coats, of Johnston, iapendiui a few :as- with friends Land relatives in this section. The TiME3 is a welcome visitor in our homes and we w sh for its editors unlim ted streets;. snidek. ones business to look after such such scenes are not pleasant, fur )iSfeerd3'. for the r. D. N. Steward dropped in to jus Saturday while in town and tiraged us by saying The Times improved under i's uew manage- kt -Thanks brother. id you see them run those lit plored boys that gave us . the j 11 music last Thursday. They do like the idea of being, left by the Jr, G. K.'Granthaa, one of the ors of this paper, lett fast Thurs f..r iUlpigh. He goes up to act fijjbt clerk in the Simpson drug- Uiss Nettie Harncs has accepted 3 jition as teacjut in the Prgres3ivc Vitute. She takes the place of r. Corriuer, who resigned on ac Jut of his health'- rof. C. W. Corciher, who has le jnany friend during his stay png our people, left Tuesday for ijb, where he wd ptudy medix t is with regret that we announce It Mr. W. 11. Lane is quite s ck li an attack ' of pneumonia, "We e UugU will soon recover, for we pa lijiii very mu;h. lr. McN, McKav, of Dickinson ? accepted a position with Mr. 1). Hood In the drugstore, where he 1 be pleased to haye bis frier da l and see him. to SMITHFIELD NEWS- li. lare gallurihg of people, several W call your special attention r? M.ra, J. H. P. pe 'in this i f f traols of IanJ Si)U, RC. Slia has a nic and well select.! i . stock of millinpr,. cr,! t nil an Lieutenant George Vick, TT - J - j B .. .... j We are sorry be3ond expression t chrouic e the ex'reme illness ot Mrs. W. L. Woodall. TLe Rev. Mr. J T. Pulliaro has just closed a series of earnest preach ing at the first Baptist church here. He left Sunday for his lofty moun tainous home where he will remain for two weeka. . Mr. Uarry Ihrie, Dunn's promis ing attorney came to-our town Sat urdav. We wou'd be irl:d that he w-ould make femitLfield his pciina1 nent hoim;. We were sorrj-'to he&r that Mr. W, Harrison, our clever editor, was 9 ightly Indisposed Sunday, but ver gjad to see him up and . going Mon day and Tuesday.. Mr. J. II. P rkerour e'ever accom modating grocertnau spent Sunday in Selmc. i . . . j Ah I Junius saw the man of smiles j Thurs'ay. Mr. Ed. Sanders, he is marrie i ! Senator Edward S. Abell came up from Fayct:eville Monday morning and returned that evening. He res ported the extreme illness of his lit tle nrl. he too looked pale and thin! lMnday was a busy day, here. Dickinson Jottings. All the F;ira:rs -ofo delighted to se spring open. All 'of them plowing lliin week, Sorry tha' Dr. J. W, Pipkin 01. the sick "Mat this week. Miss Delia P. Johnson, one 01 Buun3 Level charming young lad es. who has boen visiting her aunt Mrs, Dr. McNeill, retur: e i to her home last Friday to the regret to some 01 our young men. Mr. D.-McN. McKav. one of our boys .left Thursday lor the thriving town of Dunn, where he has accepted a position with D. H. Hood, druggist Wish him mue'a success. . . Sir. 'S It. Wshbu:u accompanied by I'jat charming young .ladv, of Hunn;VLev 1 section. Miss Mattie Pipkin was the guest of Health) Forest last Thursday. Miss Irene M. McKav, who h:i been viitinr relatives in . Wake ooufity, relumed home last week 0::e ri tit boys ialui's Creek while relursiuig from a visit to his best girl happened to" 1' ose his hat i i ih creek, it being so d irk he could i.ot find it. he had to stay in the 1 eig.-b rhood all night and go 'lack 1. est mo ning and get it. "ile should take witrning " . The latest turnout is a white steer harnessed to u buy with u . collar ed buv dn , i'g, with two. young la dies riding. - Tds was seem last Frida-y. Dr. W. M. McNeill was railed, away 'I hursday to see Ids neice Mrs Dr. J. W. -Atkins, of Lilhngto"' Glad to know she is improving. ' Clement Ansil. WASHINGTON LETTER. IspecUl Coreflpoudence of Central Tlmea. I - ; . j Washington, D. C.f Feb. 23rd 9 5. - . j When the Senate meets at 11 , clock to day it will not adjo iro again until the clock shows the boor of noon next Monday. To-day the navy bill will be discussed, and bes tween now and the final adjournment there will be a numb3r: of recesses, but they will not be jf long duration. The Senate will be m session to morrow, bat unless there is a pros longed talk upon l. he navy bill pnby conference reports will "be consid' e.ed. The appropriation bills are being rushed througti wilh all possible dis patch. The appropriation of this Congress will app one billion dollars ion dollar country four years ago, and and expenditures crease. Senator Ransom ox i mate a total of "This is a bill- v as Tom Reed said its necessities neccessarily in- - s friends con: in ue to speak in the most gratified terms Mexican place of bis appointment to lha Mission. His fitness for the i conceded by every one. He is suberblv equipped He tell3 me the climate is way desirable, the arouud the Capital ma being u.ore eleyated ihan the plateaus in the piedmont sections of for the position in every high table lands of ihe Montezus iorth Carolina. It nativ aoon !s Congr0S4rntijourns. - Commoiiore Kirkland U, S. N. of Jlillsboro. North Carolina tjs iw.i pioiuoted to a rear Ad mi ral. ". "-.!' j Ensiurr Klin Anderson,. U. S. N of Wumintoo, N.C. has been pro muted to a lieutenant. Bo h promo t:on are deserved. These eentlc- ' - . i men represent the best Revolutionary stock in the state. j Shitetord and Slroul are here learning how to "hold down" the seats to which they have been elected in the House. j: ; A new order, about to be issued by the Commissioner of Pensions will stir up the hornets in certain Souths ern States. The order will require two witnesses, as well as the pension claim and tdfi iavit-i that he did not 1 r serve in the Confederate Arm Cjlaimants from Marj-land, K 'ntuclcy and Missouri are not required to pro duce the witnesses ior are those from tiie Northern State-', Virginii, Nor h Carolina and South Carolina Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Missis 8ippi, Louisiana, Arkansas and Tcxs as are espi ciallj named. f W. L. Douglas S3 and 4 Shoas. All ir Ufa ere rfial'r MtUAuuni Tory fjrm tarn oen vaia ior wo moot mtIm auaiiUr torn mnstci nrl. Th Nlces u luLLform ittmpol oo bofc yonr a lr tfinx titppij jottwvi nn.OO PcR Shett. 3ui Ua.po ssa lit, wffUKBsai. ftO C-l "?K F.t i..J s, UfflCS 3, ZAiK Z MM IT jrour :plT mct mvvif V. L. Douglar, Brckta, llt FOR SALE BY E. F. YOUWCJ SHIT? YOUR C JUHNSTON COUNTY NOTES. At Rest. v At the home iif her father, Mr. John II. Uurkje, in- Dunn on the evening of March the 2nd at 5 o'clock, little Annie, was borne away on the wings of the an.les and safely casried to the warn? embraces of her Saviour "anU the welcoming arms of her saint ed mother, who a few months ago preceeded her darling child to the realms of everlasting light and glory; May we not hope that this family circle, so broken on earth, may at last be re united, not a member miss ing, srourd the great white throne of heaven, "Suffer little chi dien to come'un t me. For of such is thekingd a. of heavs en." is a healthy j place atid as the new Minister will take Mrs, liuiiawia. Miss Ransom and 0 .elot'hs jo:s vith hint, he will I have a pleasaut time during his two i years service in a! ioreign country. 1 have b en much amased at the. way some of ih j Nortu'ern and Western papers spesds of li'iyx as aged". He. is one of the '-youugesi" meu in our delegation it No one to see him would ever connect him with the infirmities of-old ag. He is; erect, alert, and his'wide experience with men and af fairs is ah that suggests the, sixty eight years spent on this earth, II. s vast influence in the Senate, and his popularity among: his colleagus is what secured this j appointment for him,' j Tue future allignment ol political parties is giv ng all thoughttul peo ple 'much concern,' In the next cam paign there will be three parties on the ifield. The quesiion of finance will he the leading issue and "silvsr" will be the slogan of whao promises now to ue the strongest party, Bi metalism will sweep the South and West uuless all signs fail, and the preseut outlook is greatly changed If a tide of unprecedented prosperity were to sweep, over the country the oldl rival parties, democratic and republican, might meet, in solid phalanx and fight it out once more, buV there is no .prospect of such a tidal wave of prosperity as will make this probable. The House has positively refused to take up the Williams vs Settle con testtd election oiise- There is no l' ? . . I 4 tune to "consider 11 iiiruier. a year arid a half ago. the case could have breen settled by straight meth ods. A man cannot afford to finesso forever unless he holds a "straight flush or three acres at least I I use this ve. nacular because it will be readily understood by every one connected with the case except Hon. Fredenok Woodard and some of the attorneys, Judge Graham for exams pie, LeaCiiburg, N C, March 5, 'do, Glal to ape such nice, weather for the last few days. I The farmers are catching a move on thennelves and turning up the soilt Mr. J.-T. Wood, continues, to be vjrv let oia he has been connnea to h roota for about 3 months. r'Ye eorrt spoadent" spent a day or two of last week visiting in Stewarts rav section Harnett Co. Mr. Albert Stevens and 8:ster.j Mrs. M, H. Holland, of Aberdeea. Moore county, who' "oave been m Leuchburg for several days - returned to! thou home among the pines one day-last week. ' -; Rev. J. A. T. Jones and Rev. Wm Stephenson two Primitive Baptist preachers preached to, a very large at leotive congregation at Mr. J. T. Wood's resideuce "last Sunday. ill ha.e been ruminating as Bill Arp.says over the contest between "Biliie.'' the editor of the Smithfield Herald and "Jntiiui" the author 01 the Smithfield news, They should remember the "Golden Rule and not treat each other so bad. Mr. .'esse Morgan of Viiginia pass ed through Leachburg this, week en- routs lor hi old home near Benson. Snys he will return to Va-, about the first of April. S. Je ber. In our article last week rcla'ing to u"viling of the Bcntonsyillc Ftiumcnt we stated it would take sceMarek 19th which should have e the iOih. Gen . Wade Hamp 11 wul bo tiworator for the occasion. Hirouh an overs-ght last week,' eve W tu mautioa that Mr, A. M. Herald, was to to sec us a few Vi ao'i His face-looks familiar in pr-int Sjol. hawinir Rprvml i(v'P"ii s in the sajoe ofBsj. It was iv rrofthe he vj 'ami not of the H't "L01.20 I of the celebrated Horner school, son of our esteemed representative Dr. J. W. Vjick, was here Mqnday attending the 'and salts in the interest of his fither. ! Wc were all deligh'ed to see Miss Alice Abell iii church Sundav she has jiTsi "returned from an extended visit to her sister Mrs istssette, m Kashyille. Mr. Allen K. Smith our clever Register or Deeds made a business trip to Benson Friday, The ex-editor of The Herald Mr. A M. Woodjdl spent several days in t jwa tins week. School Close- A ra-.d time is nro:ui3 t I to tl'ose - who atiend the scluwil cUim on nex Frid y night the 8dt, tausiv o. ir. D. N. Stewart in Dtst.iet N-.. 13, near ar. t'.srroll Averas, known as Avera's school house. Mr. D. H. SIcLean or our town is expected 10 deliver the address, am music t be furnished by Dunn t:l ent. All are inv.ted to attend ni enjy the o.casion. . The txercises will consist of R' ci ta ions and Declaaations. Ui:l You Kver Try F.lectrie Eitteis as a remedy for yo.;ir troubles? If not get a bottle now and et relief. Thi ine!ieine has been fo:uui to be pceuharl y adapted to ttie re The anoointment of Hon. Wm. L t Wilson of West Virginia to be Post-. m.ister General is well re.eived here. Mr. Bissell retires because of pressing business duties and to the -incere regret of the Frenident who Post- lief .md cure of all female complaint.- es' eetns him . most highly in-tcr General . Vil?on was otfere even thing in sight by the President an'i c!wse the portfolio of il;c r-.-ft ol'U-e Lef ar ment as ii rank other po-i;i( us. and kept him i-fu' h: i.e. H :is an alienmu - ' Uni v-r.ilV, a' prom::- : LEGISLATIVE NOTES. The following are a few of the most important bills that hve pass ed lhei. third readinst in ti3 Sentte since our last issue, Bill to incoroorate the Bank of Paiboro passed third reading; Bill to change the line between Graham and Macon counties passed third reading. , Bill to appoint oolton weighers foi Wake county passed ibird reatling. Bill to repeal the chaeter of New ton Gmve, Sampson county passed th rd reading. ' . I Bill io authorize levy of special tax to build a new jail in McDowell cbuntv passed third reading. i Bill to authorize the city ol Greens Uoro to issue bunds passed third read ; Bill to levy sj)ecial tax to build a j.Ul ia Alexander county passed. Bill to RDuoint trustees ior ine Gr .ded School at GouLboro, passed Bill to amend the charter of the town of Snaford and Jonesborp, Moore county, passed. Bill to ntfow Sampson county to levy a special tax passed third read- ihg. Bill, to mcur,Krate tue towu 01 Athcrton,Ipas9cd third reading. JB 11 to authorize the commissioners . :f Meek.e,nburg t change the site of the-county" court houe passed. Eggs, Butter, Poultry and otliei? prodiace to ! DAVIS, HILL & CO., 308 lOtli Street N- W. WASHINaTON, D- You will receive highest cash prices, we ony ouirigni or nan- die on commission. "Quick Sales and Prompt Returns." Commission for handling gooda five per cent. "Send lor our Price List." Feb. 6tf. BUSINESS LOCALS . i ' Everv person who buys a 10c, bottle of machine oil from Gain3y Jordan will receive a nice nickle placed key ring, j Any bo ly wiping to buy or hire n good mule for lSDo, will do well to see R, G, Pay ior. All persons are hereby foi bidden to trade for a ctrtam note given to J. W. Flowers. Adm'r. by j.' A. & J. IvJ Stewart for $23.00 dated 29th of June 1892 to be due 6 months afttr date. J. W. Flowers. j Poe's. N C. IMPORTANT i ! i I ' i 1 i NOTICE 1 11 Look to your in to rest arid iavej money. ' j. II Ml, Harper & HoqcI are. still at their old stand -corne R. R. and where you will BROAD STl.KL'P find the largest most com pletefuck of I ! Drugs, Toilet Articles etc., to be found in the county. 1 Alao i: -a ifo .a , f 'd Fancy and slick Candies,' Stationery, Lamps ! and Lamp Snuff, Tobacro Ao. School Books, goods. Cigars, ; Also a full : grown. line i of frsli Northern My store is hfeadquarteia this Spring for all kinds of again jVflLLINERY 1 AND JPANCY QOODS- I have a full line of GARDEN SEEDS & ONION SETS all of which we ofTer at greatly re duced prices. Thanking all for past favors, we ordially inv te a'l to come and txs amine oods and prices. We guaran tee satisfaction. . 1 . ' Remember the place. j ! HARPER & HOOD, nUNNj.N.C. Jan24tf. in the latest SHAPES and STYLES, at prices to suit the HARD TliylES. nHILPREX J ; I can suit the children in Hats, Hoods &c. of all ages. . Call and examine my stock. Thanking my old customers for past patronage . and exteuding an iuvitation to all, I am. Very truly, MRS, J. II. POPE, j Dunn, N. C, mr-C f. Ilapiir. and esder of the 'a ill reform u.ovementj in ihi- CU'itn A Virginia jur took a few ai - lii'i! to Yesrulate.DMbates to certain 1 1 dt. ds in Mecklenburg county passed ird re 1 ding. Bill to jrovide a dispensary for the towii it Hickory passea luir s t'e .di g. (U i a " rillman" dipen ; -.rv iii:r is provided for.) I ldi ;o exie id the limits of tbt ' ti 11 of Weldon, . l I It.. Mt K T JOTEL QIVIrTE, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. o o This is to Inform the publle tbat the abore nuined Hotel has been llenovatfd, ltpr.irrii.-hed and Carp ted throushout .mil r til snare no efioit to please everv one who stops with me. Special attention grveu to traveling men. Soifc:ti!i juldic patronagegenerally I am,' yours to'plesUMr. J N (. A. O ATES, Proprietor. Miss Lizzie Ca'.dwell, Lumbertoon N. wrf la'roost lielple. from rheumatism until she used the She s now a walking advertieemen of 1 virtues. o It will cure you Fomale or rent. Agents wanted. ' John N. Webb, latp" manager Atlantic ElectropoUe Co. 723 llth-Bt; Waanington, D. Advertiaetaents. like some Amerin can girl wabts. are oflea uquecxed nto too small a space to bi attractiv JUST ARRIVED. Our new JOB PRESS and lb LATEST JOB TYPE male FOUNDRIES', and we are pREPARK ) in lo do vour work as MiiAT. ana CHEAP as you can posa.bly get 1 nn in t h .S 1 A K r 1 .1 or thr Byrd. e rreisarr of Harneit county .i .. t : Secret of Beauty is health. The secret of health is the power to digest and assim ilate a proper quanity of food. Bin t protect deer in Mitchell This can never be done when ules to render a verdict of -guilty 1.,..-. in the case of the A.juia Creek trMu , o-Ue ,lnWalM.M j f,. Inw UtC robbers. A:Washiogton jurv ae: b-j , Comina;MWr xvr5tC8 , from UOyOU KnOW XniS T e aled as mauy days tiefore it p.' j i,ulxiu, Neb., as flh.w.; -'After try- ; Tutt's Liver Pills are an abso- ing ottier medicine 10 wliat s-emu loi . . , , be a very obetiiirtte c-jngh In our t wo '. lute Clire for SICK headache, dyS- ' ... - r, ior iitlit-r moififiiif fill- vh:ir stfniiil in-. r .n iwn, 1 1 no nnrrjiri .nt iii'ilivc i um "'k""" " r ! , , ; ,v -V. Mnti. Caot. llowuate "in ocent 5: 1 .k;i.i. ,v. trit iir ki..r'- Ww ..ri nr u-iiiw ,rt ill fliri'i't luni hiii-p lil'rf r L c ! uiiiv - - - - CCIU'IM HWili iviniT ?trytgtU and tune to the organs. If yon have lo.-sof apietire. coastipa tio'n, head.ichf, fainting s-p.ell-', or are l ervous, leeple-, excitable, inelaneholy troubled with dizzy ?pell, Electric ltltc. is ihe medicine you need. Health .i .d rength are guaniuteod by its nseft Larg bottles only fifty rent? at Harper fc Hood's Draj Stpre, uimn to ousirue the l-w li a way that wou"d have iiven L rd Coke the nightmare every ti-tel the end of two !.iy tht pepsia, sourstomacn, maiana, r,I!"" ""1 I constipation torpid liver, piles. A Ynlin7'.r.i inrv ran he deoended : coverv and at l :- 1 M tcr fiitlrlv lft lliem. e will 110 i ' 1 1! . .iriuV, ir LorfLer. -as our HMF COnStipatlOn, lOrpiU IUCL, itice prv- rtiat U eurn wh re all oth r iaundice bilioUS fever, bilioUS remedies f iii." Sl?nd F.. W Mi-ven-. J . 3iat- (Jwu-Ui) ut ive thi gnt ness and kinarea aiscao. v Mr. Cleveland i gomg t 2t . i..edkaie a trial. it is guarau:e-d a .d ,. ., ... .irr o ! tilal i o'tles are f ree at urpf f" u . Cr.h .a on anatiwr banlios 'P s j ,a)! , . lu-.uur u!T 5.c. ,nd tW Tutt's Liver Pills WE do o ur own work and ask no man any okM in Style and niices. A. d dress THE Tlf.lES JOB OFFICE Dunn, N.O