u . ;',v reared to Triut Your HEAD--, XOTK HEADS, MtI: UO ALL K1XD OF JOB NTING AT IIAIW TIKE PKlCES. ,re an .iinfrf"e. circulation vliUz a splendid advertising Til Hi 1 GRA5THAM & PITTMAN Proprietors. al Timer PUT YOUR'AD "PROVE ALL THINGS, AND HOLD FAST TO THAT WHICH IS GOOD." $1.00 Per Year la Advance. IN iTHE CENTRAL TIMES AND SEK VOCtt BUSINESS j PROSPER RATES REASONABLE. VOL. IV. DUNN, N. G, WEDNESDAY, MARC H 13, 1895. NO 52. VVOID BulK, Soda ! Baa, spaa spoils good flour, Pure soda the best soda, comes ; $2Ja only in pacKages. bearing this trade mark2p- It costs no more than inferior package soda never, spoils the flour always keeps soft -of imitation trade marks and labels, j insist on packages tearing these word Wl AN d. hamme R SOTA! Nlii: only by CHURCJf & CO., New York. SoU by grocers everywhere.' Write ior Arm and Hammer Book ol valu-Jjle flzcipos - FREE. c c t . YOU WANT BARGAINS OVER YOUR EYES,, GO ELSEWHERE ! YOU WANT BARGAINS ON YOUR BACK, TO Tl m FAYETTE VILLE, N- C- RKAT CLK.A RING SALE PREVIOUS TO STOCK TKIIsf C?T -. . . , . is t he. a Oa ing Sale in the fullest meaning of the word, all will , t ,e.r i Ivan tage to purchase, even if they do not require the ood.- t'diate use. ' f(illiwinii are some of the Gteatest Bargains olfrtred, a, prices unnarei iu msiury in raycLtevuiu ury ijrno, I rude. SCEDWTJMM J, 1S03, AT S A. M.. still closing ou! the entire stock AT an 1 BELOW COST, prev Now is your chance Ti-r liargams. THESE GOODi- fork flaking. GO! UR BIG STOCK HAS GOT TO BE REDUCE Utt BIG STOCK II AS GO T ''' TO BE REDUCE D. 3T LISTEN AT THESE PRICES Town Directory. M.-y A. R. Wilson. C mm 4oners-K. F. Youne. J. II. Pcf Dr. F. T. Moore, D. D. Hood. Mar....! VI. L. Wade. CIl Until Es. MethodistRev. C. V. Cain, Pas- tor. Service at 7 p. in., every first Sun day, and II a. U). -and 7p. in., every fourth bumla,'.- ' rraye!-iiietinir every Wednesday liight Mt 7 o'clock. Sundsiy school every Sunday morning t 10 o'clock; G. K. Grantham, SuiJr'witenl dent. Meeting of Sunday school ' Mis sionary Society every fourth Sunday afternoon. Younjr Men's prayer meet ing every Monday night. lresbyteriau Rev. A. M. Hassell. Pastor. Services every first and fifth Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. n. Sunday school every Sunday evening at 3 o'clock. J. .A 1'earsall Siipertntcn -dent, " ' ' Dteciplos Key. J. J. Harper, Pastor Services every third Sunday at 11 n.. in. md 7 p. in. Sunday school at 4 o'clock Mr. . Ed Ballancc, Superintendent, Prayer meeting every Thursday night t 7 o'clock. Miesiona: y Baptist- Sund;iy Kchocl every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. II. G. Taylor! Superintendent. Prayer, meeting every Thursday night. C. W. Newton pas'on. Preaching every second Sunday, morning and night. Free Will Baptist. -ReV. R. II. Jack on, Pastor. Services every Fourth Sunday at 11a. ni. Sunday school evcrj Sunday evening at 5 o'clock, Erasmus Lee, Superintendent. Primithe Baptit Elder W. G Turner, Pastor. Services evry thirld Sunday at 11 a, in., and Saturtlay before the third Sunday at 11 a. u. i.orxJES. The Lucknow Lodge No. 115 I. O. O. F.. meets eveiv 'l uesday night at 8 'clock. R G." Taylor, N G.: J. W. Jordan. V. O.; . C. McNeill, Seere; tary. f Palmyra Lodge. No. 157, A.F. & A. M. Regular communications every third -at in-day and every first Friday night. Visiting Masons invited to attend. J. Pkaksaix, Secretary. Professional Cards- Lee J Best, j Attoksey at Law. Dunn, . : N. 0. Practlcea In all the eonrts. Prompt atten tion to all buslucw. i&n-1- ' r ARl'ET DEPARTMENT, all wool. 3 Ply Carpet ai 77c I wool Ingrain ai 44c I wool Ingrain at 53c. Ingrain at 38c. Ueav Ingrain at 38c , -.. . -. . : . o. m&LUllg Ut IOC. Ittaire Carnet at 21c. o- DRKSS GOODS, V. A Wh'te Sheeting at 4c; 5c, ed'Hoineopun at 4c; 10c Dres iam at 5c; 25c Scotch Plaids 34 in, 6Jc; Doub'e-width Cashmere 10o 35 Wool Serge .wide all-cdor, He; Best4 uung- au colors, 7c; All wool n, worth 75c our price 39c; La lies , Cloth in bice and -worth 66l-, our price, 24c; 36 ack Wool Serge worth 40c; lice, lie; One Hnndred pieces .. all wool Satin-finish Henri- Pl'tli. che ip at 90c , ail colors, pdce, 63c. ai t lii'Mj. cdlara and slceviv made of the very Best Materials, anr1 y the very;Best Workmen. Tlr-a i the greatest bargain and sacrafice ii stylish Wraps that has ever been pul in prn t. ONDEUWEAR DEPARTMENT $2.00 (ail woo ) Men's Undershirt :it98c; $1.50 (allVool) Men's UnderC khirts at 75 cents; $1.25 Red (all joI) Men's Unlerwear at 50 cents jWe have full . suits of tl e above a isami pric8. e pcct lo close ct our entire stock of Gentle m en's Un derwear at once. Ask to see them o o res goods of i very descrip- ?t )our orj price. CLOAK DEPARTMENT. je have about One Hundred nnd ly Ladies' Cloaks remaining. lit 10.00. $12.50, $15.00 these dl sell now for S7.4&. Wc about Twenty vfi ve worth about to $3.00. these we will close Po, Wc also I. t Twenty Oo' M I. v-ioaik we wm close at your ;riCP. f. At tlm prices unoted above L:1i " . i 1 11 . in a few riava rlp on tho . siock. These are all New en received 6ince November WE HAVE OPENED A LADIES UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT Which a Saleslady has ch irge of. Vre show Full Lines of Night Gowns Chemise, Drawers and Corset Covers Ask to see thetn. Price guaranteed the lowest in this department. D. H McLean, Attouney at Law, Office next door to poHtoffiee, DUNN, N. C. General Practice. Will attend the courts it Harnett. Cumberland, Jhntou and Samp on countie. i . iluvklen'" Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, iiuises, Sores, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores Tetter, Chapped Hanks, Chil'.blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruption, and pos tively cures Piles, ; or no pay- It is guaranteed to gHre perfect satisfaction or money refunded.! Piieu 25 eents per box. For sale by Harper & Hood. christianity and war; THE Many of your readers, doubtless, who are hearing day alter day the rumors of war from the far Eist have asked : -What effect will tlis have on the civilization and religion of these nations!" Rev. H. Loomis. Agt Atrerican "Bible Society, writing from the ground itself, Japan, gives in answer which I beg leaye to codn dense and quote for the benlfit of your more thoughtful readers. He says in substance: It is too early to foretell what will be the result. As far as can now be seen, it will give precedence to advanced ideas in civilization and reliffion like nothing: else. ) lie am of Japan can doubt but it is her pifr pos to make an : end of the wretclied state of political corruption that lias so long cursed and impoverished that unfortunate people. And when the obstacles were found to be too yieatforthe men engaged in the wo-k of reconstruction, one of - the first statesmen of -Japan was appoint ed to take i he charge of this most difficult, and important undertaking. And to Court Inouye with two Chrisiiaa assaciates baa gone to Koiea lo fully establish a new and better order of things. No belter man cuuld have been fuund for -such a position. ' and his appointment uieaua that this 'country is deter uii ed that her demand tor a belter order of tutngs iu K jrc is uot to be thwarted for the waul of competent men to carry it out. And wuatever way the war may end it is likely to be a benefit in the 2nd to China.,. Nothing but the most crushing defeat. the complete hum bling of Uie native pride, and tho en forced conviction that other nations are uot only tueic evuals but supens or will ever arouse that people from their lethargy and couymce them that their laud is not the cemer ol the uuivers- a i the most tavored spot Uuder ucavvii. buch a reyolu Lion in the puUuu inind wul bt cost ly, but it will iu time lift the veil ol pr:dej prejudice, aud error, and open cue wny lur a belter day tUau ilie iauU. ol isiniui has yet kuuwu. But toe beat and tiiost woudertul faults touciu to be ihe he p tuai is i;keiv iu In glvcu t Vistiaully. luebick uuU : wounded Xjuiueac pr uoeia tio Iliied tviiu I asooolsuiueut ai iue kiuuutoa wnicu tuey uad res celveuj uiiU bo wueu 1 Uiouui iheui cop e 'ol tue scrikuica iney were tiiaeoil,) gitttty pivaaeU Lo receive uueuj. f Auioiig LliOwC at ilirusuiuia i Vaa a COluci vtuo was a btlgUl, Hue touKiiig uiai.. Outiie oue 4iad already given L.ui u --ny ol LUe iNeff lebia- uiciic, iiia lit uua icid nearly oue 'I i ; null oi'iv. lie citMes; ea Ly ui ac tio u iia'wcll aa tly Uli WolUa LUat hv w us uetply gratelul tor the gilt, auu aid that be believed much ol it. 11c Mill wiso tell lii couipaiilons what Uu Mia learaed lie bad liearu bouiclUiug ol Chribbiauiiy iroin ttie missionaries hi Cbiu', Ouw it hae neer come lo tiiui oo iuipiessivelj betre. Ou ui aieee, lus oil a1! oltiers, was ihe ! i uwuii oi iue xtd Cross tdouie. i j ueu ue mas asa.ed ll ue kueiv LUv I m uieaumg oi lUat euiuieut be rcL.lleu T f . kiittt uu uid, I aud luai junwauUj vas tue urliu ol ihe caie aud coui - utt wuiuu tuey ivcclveU. lucac; uicu ctiuie Iroui vaiioua ioviiiuib, aud wueu Ihey go uouie .1 i . . viu ten tUut lustead ot loriuie aiiu f f - dcato v uie bauds ot llieir Iocs tucj t i Uad e Kei .euced . aucu" kluduess auu t t utleotiou as uouiu uol Uive Ocu j " r ' fThc energy of a lMiiu man is judgetl by his hon.e paper !;jr the world at tarve. celVcd uuiuiig tueir onu eopiu. ObOl) Ulbtawu t4.'iliUie4.t Oe Ucilui iu UvUiu hue cue pcupiu bOiiuid uli lolclguets, HliU i i - buub i.UaliUii LUCUi (.O ICCClVe tUC I ww;..l..t,s urvlilUw AliU tUUo wuue nu' is u MibUie wo be u.eaUeU, aud i 1 Uie auiieriug uuU ueatu ui IuoUmuos khe eiianv vo be aiu, yet UoU la ev- lUentit ovciiuil..i ail lor me spread oi uia kiuvUolu Mia iue ulory Ol Ilia Ul'lC." I o o - foreign and unprogressive spirit will SCO W AND SThflk'lXRS ha hnried out of siffht. and the life 15c. Bluk Hose at 10c; 15c reg and teachtng of Him who is the ular-ma le Hose 10c; 20c B ack Hose Light of the world will be stud ed 14: lt!flr Htir ii.wa 14..- 9 hi ml followed as never before. This Black Hose 20c; 25o Black half Hose loes not mean, however, that Japan inn? Tt !.- irio 9i- Kta.b- ii.i. istnhecomea ULristUn nation iln n.iMrpn'. Un.o .t .incA But it doss mean t hat as own prices, at vour once, iiut u uobs lupau i Overgarters in Black nation they are facing toward the Sun of Ri'teousness. and the thoahtful ruling men no longer Iok with favor on the systems that have Horse prevailed so long in the land and ha e failed to elevate and purify the hearts and lives of the people- This inans, then, to the workers in Japan a larger and brighter outlook for the .Ladies' $2.50 Kid Button Ziej,ler fulnre and greater respons.bility for Saoes at $149; Kru pend. rP $2.00 , Ue use of the wisest and moat affec Shoe tor $1.37. A of our $1,50 UVe means of evangelizing the peo- Ladies' Shoe fr $1.19. I be. This 's u w an inibcralive duly, AH Shoes included in th:s Great I and the religious future of the coun- 'hte Sale. I trv deuend upon lle fljc?encT f the men and means now being osed the knowledge of Christ and Tan, 35c lo $1.C0. $7.C0 al wool North Carolina 12 4, 8 lbs. & $4.48. ?5, 00 W(x.l Blankets 10 4 at $2,48. Buggy Robes and Blai kets at your own price. o o SHOS : VR TMENf. ancUf the Very Latest Style JUu B. Entire stock of clothinor in uk KnX ..I TSi ii . . and his salvation UlUtUll JDIOCK at iO PPTlfS nn But m to Japan alone is ibis a Jfcli-IG tf. the dollar. FRAWK THORWTOAJ, yT.TEVILLE C. momentons struggle. It mean, as far as can now be seen, a new life and civilization for Korea. No one who has close'y wt'.ciied the conduct Luc more liberally lu ibe cautc o iarss':ons. I Mr. Tchi Ho. Yon, who lectured through North Carolina . two years ago in the interest of Christian mis sions in China, was the aoa of an exiled Coreaa noblemen. He has recently been recalled to his rank in Cores, and with Ids ability, educa tion, and character wilt d ubtless lake high stand in that nation s future. The first Bible printed in America was issued 1 60s by Jbn Elliott, I was iu . he Algouqsln language, but such words as "sa i" and "amen had to be transferred bodily. TLe first sentence in the Lords Prayer was : Nookum Ke suk gut, guittian utamunuch Koo we suonk." Only oiie man in the country can read ii It was sold for $2,900. The "Saur Btbie" i German cams next In 1743. and sold for eighteen shillings. Our flrsi. Englosh Bibk was issued in 1782 by Aitkin at Pope's Head, three doors abb ye the Cotlee House, ia Market Street, Philadelphia, Nw they are printed by the million, 1' been beard to make threats against the IiTe of Oliver. The evidencr goes to show that be deliberately waylaid hirn and murdered biro, fun the evidence is to tue cfTect that he was seen close by. going in tlw di : I rection of the w-wd. with! a nun ia ' his band, about 6 :30 p. m. He was ' al,, n nb-itit 9 p. ra., coating from that direction. The railro1 men are highfy incensed. ' The shops 4 ere closed to allow them so attend the funeral this up er noon. The fkithful d g followed his ilead ma ter lo the grave. The coroner's se cret inquest has been adjourned un til 2 o,clck to-nvTro fv afternoon -Morn i a.. S . j 'IF YOU WANT A KISS, There's a jolly fresh proverb That ia pretty much like this! That u mau is half in heaven f When he ha$ a woman's kiss. ;But tlieis danger iu delaying, i - An l the iveetuetis may forsake it, So 1 tell you, bashful lover, 1 .. If you want a kiss why. take it. jNever let another fellow j Steal a march ou you In this; iNever let a Laughing maiden See you spoiling for a kiss. There' a royal way to kUsing, And the jollv ones who Uhike It Have a motto that is winulug ' If you waut a kiss-why, take It. 'Any fool ina' face a cannon, ; j Anybody wear a crown, But a man. must win a woman t If Iie'J have her for Ids own. Would vou have the golde n apple ! You must liud the tree and shake ll; H the thing is worth th having j And vou want a kLss whv, take it. I Who would burn upon a desert With a forest smiling Ly? Who would give this sunny weather "j For a black and wiutrvskvB Oh. 1 tell vou, there is niagie, '; ' And you cannot, cannot break it, For the sweetest part of loving 1 Is to waut a kiss and take It. Ex. BRUTAL MURDER, re- 1 UC kUUUUi out uv.urts oi is. An elder ' in ibe Presbyterian church of Ashville, N. C supports Rev. W. H. Sheppard, the first col ored Southern Presbyterian mission ary iu Central Africa. Fourfifths of Africa is under Eu ropean pruiection. There are now; ii early 300 mis sionary societies of which 70 consist solely of women. ! In 1842 there were only 6 Protest taut Christians in China; . 1876 13,035; in 1894, there were 5O.0O0. A strong efforts is being made u. put the Bible iuto the baud of ever one cf the 40,000 pbysiciau iu Ja pan. : ' . , China, at the present time, tak en as a weole, has only one mal missionary to about a half million ol its people. . - i - Thert issues daily fnm toe press cs of the Bri'ish and Foreign Bible S c.etv n pile of Bibles ami portions evual iu height to the EitSel Tows er. j '- -j ; - .:. ' -Murch 10 -17 is set apart as -U -Without-Week in the southern iieiutHjtsi ua cii iu j. ana every member is expected to den tiimse f during that week th-tt he aiay Columbia, S. C, March 6. At 1 o'clock this mwrning information reached the city that the dead body of;Mr. Conway B. Oliver, a young while mtn 32 years of age, an em- love of the bou.bern Railway Co. lor the past. 14 years, a quiet, peace able youug Man, had been found iu a jjo of blood by searches in a most desolate strip of wods about two miles from ihe city in the surban re soh district of Shaudou. His rigbl bru8l was perforated with buckshot. fhd fjom a shotgun. Two of the slugs went through a folded newspa per and a plug of tobacco in the breast pocket of his coat. lie hail started lo his father-in-law's resi dence to lake supper and spend the night, his wife being there. The bouse was about half a mile further on! At 10 :30 the faiher-nUlaw, be-1 coming anxious, accompauieu uy others and the murdered mau's bull terrier, set put to meet him. The body lay off to one side in the bushes across the path. They passed it. AfW going some distance they; miised the dog aud came back. The J9 tpa lo meet them, barking, and flowed hi"1 tliey discovered the fjody of the murdered uiau. The dog 4a perphed himself uyon the body f hiiiltad master atul savagely re pelhed i ."tboaC wbl todeavorel to approach and would let no one come nearer Vln six feet. The officers ol the law upon their arrival had to laaso and choke the dog oefore they could examine the body. The mau's watch was gone but bis money was not touched. parties in the scarcely settled neighborhood heard voices at of two men quarrelling about 8 o'clock and .ben the report of a gun and a cry ot -Oh.yoa have shot me t They paid no attention to it the place being frequented by banters Fhe foul deed created a great stir. lie oQcial investigation has been "I going on all day. . Suftkient evi dence was secured during the day to order the arrest of T. C, Aoghlry, uuiil rcotfutly a member of the mail carrier force. He was discharged ior taking mail belongiDg to Oliver's aifi :'Ti.t'.: w! hti :are u ii.ve ea latlier izuimate. Autrj Lad 1 QI4 Health f q?fcacest gift- ' . ' ans so much more than i y'-.i imagine seriouis and Haia diseases result fromy i'i rifling ailments neglected. I Inn t rliT with IV o hir a health. Uj-ouarcfeeliRr nut rf inHi'iMat aud frenerailjr e-1 aaaatea. nnvoM, have no appetite aud can't work, begin at once tak ing the most Telia- J niediriiie.which is J Brown's Iron Bit-1 t rw A f.uf luit. i ties cure benefit 1 conies from the J raj uuic II tven't tlaiu yur Urtk, and It's pleosaut - take. c3njwns r.r 4 - .t Cures Kidney and Liver M m. 1 nee: . y : irtKIDICS, ,? Constipation, Bad Blood ; Malaria, Nervous ailments 9 " viucu at bumpwints. Get only the genuine it has crossed red lines on the wrapper. All others are sob- 4 stitates. On receipt of two sc. stamps we I will send set of lei Beautiful World' t-air view and book free. BROWM CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE. MD. ' 1-""L-- u -"-t li u u u A . u . i w 0. STATE NEWS. eertaincd by borings he could rot bring the total to more than serei.fy feet. There were lour feet unaccount ed for. 'These could only be at the tp of the buiUUng' He kocked a holo, therefore, la the lath-ond-plaster crll- Ing of the highest room, and there, sure enoarrh, h came upon another little garret above Jt. which had bra sealed up and was known to no ou In the center stojod the treasure-chest, resting upon two! rafter. He lowensl It through the lole. and then-jit lit. He computes the value of the jewel r.t not less than half a trillion vrlln.' -.At the mention of thii R-itranitic 5a we all stared at one auoi'.u-r opcu-cy-L MUs Morlan. could ue secure hor riprhts, would chanjre from a nev-.ly govrrnesa to the rich eft hoirHs iu Kr. laad. Surely It was the piece of a loycl friend; to rejoice at such; news yet I am ashamed to say thai elfi.-.u ness took me by the soul, and that r.-y heart turned as heavy as lead wlthia me. I stammered oat some few halv ing words of congratulation, and tho a sat downcast, with my head drooped, deaf to the babble of our new ac quaintance. He was , clearly a con firmed hypochondriac, and I was dream Uy conscious that he was pouring forth Interminable trains of symptoms, and. Imploring Information aa to the com position and action of innumerable quack nostrums, some of which he bore about in a leather casa In Lis pocket. I trnst he may not remember any; of tha answers which I gave him that nijl.t. Holmes declares that he overheard ma caution him against the, creat danger of taking more than, two drops of edi tor pil, while I recommended . strych nine in large doses' as a sedative. How ever that may be, I waa certainly re lic red when our cab pulled up with a . jerk and the coachman sprang down to open the door. " j Thfa, Miss Morstan, la Pondicherry lode," said Mr. Thaddcus Sbolto, aa he handed her out. In this place, on last Tharsdat morning after a Irngering illness. Mrs. alary Rawls Gilliam died aged. 29 years.- Tarboro Suutherner. A telezram waa received here this this morning anhouncieg the death of Mr. L L. K:tchen in Portsmouth. Scotland Neck Democrat, - i Mrs, R j; Lyles. wife of WV FL Lyles, died yea ted ay morning at 4 o'clock,, at her home on houth Col- lege street, afler an illness of sever al weeks. -CharIott3 Observer,. The late Jno. W. Wadsworth left no wilL liis. eslute is valued at $150,000, at the least, aud may be uio:e than that. Mr. Wadsworth had life insuxauce policies to the amount of f30,00o Cbsrlotte News, The bouse of Major W. A. Illouni at Chocowinty waa burned Fiiday, March 1st. with a very valuable liJ brary and elegant furniture There; was no insurance and the loss is es tinated at between two and three; tbtsand dollars, New hern Journal. - ' ' 1 ' I Mr. Nelson Price died at bis borne In Grose Creek township on the 23 d ulL. aged 70 years M4. Jere: m ah Wentx died at the borne of bis suin,inlasy. T!in. J. 1). A. Xrpt Monday afternoon, lie was proba-' - bly the oldest citizen of the country. being in his 93rd year. Anson county does not propose lo be overshadowed by any , other county iu North 1'aroliua, or any j wiere else for that matter when the matter ol old negroes 4s under coc sidt ration, a d she comes to Uie frout this'week with one wh has not only been Gen. George Wasoingtoui but knew bra personally, ami was present at bis funeral. The negro in question is Ucle JoUa Will ams. whtji for 21 year (.as li zed on tkti. liickett' ilantation In LilesviTc bownshin. jh; old man, according to bis story, was bora near Peters burg, V a., in 1783, and is now ill year old. tie . saj that be saw Vsniulon boUi at tue bme of, bis maaier and in the city of Pirbiirg. Wa " , ' 1 CHAPTEIt V. TnK TBAOEDT OF PONniCnKnUY IDOK. It was nearly eleven o'clock when we reached this final stage of our night's ; adventures, i We had left Ihe damp fog of the great! city behind naaiid l!ie night was fairly One. A warm wind, blew from .be westward, and j heavy clouds moved slowly across the iky, . with Half a moon peeping occasionally through the 'rifts. It was clear pou.Th, ' to see for some distance, but Thsddens Sholto took down one of the aldo-lamus . from the carriage to give ua a better light upon our way. Tondichcrry -lodge stood In its owa grounds, and was jrlrt round with a very high j stone wall topped witn broken glass. A single narrow iron- . clamped dooir formed the only means of entrance. On this our guide knocked with a peculiar postman-like rat-tat. "Who Is there? cried, a gruff voice from within.) ! "It is I. McMurdo. You 6urcly know my knock by this time. j There was grumbling sound and a clanking and jarring of keys! The door swung heavily back, and a short, deep-chested man stood In the'opening with the yellow light of tho lantern shining upon his protruded face and twinkling, distrustful eyes. ' j That youj Mr. Thaddeus? Hutiwho are tho others? I had no orders about " them from my master. . "So, McMurdo? You surprise me! I told my brother last night that should bring sqme friends. : Ho hain't been out o his room to day. Mr. Thaddeus. and 1 have no or ders. Yot know very well that I murV , stick, to regulations. I can let you In. but your friends they must Just s top where thejr are." -'!. This was an unexpected obstaclo Thaddeus 6holto looked nbout'llim in a perplexed j- and helpless tiirtnuei. "This is too bod of you, .VcJ lurdor ho said. "If J guarantee thorn, thnt is enough for you. There ii tho youtix lady, too. Khe cannot wait on the pui lie road at this hour. V j Very sorry, Mr. Thaddeus. said tho porter. Inexorably- "Folk -may' be friends o youniaidd yet no friejids o the master's, j Ho pa3 s me well to, do my duty, and! my duty I'll da I don't know none o your friends. j "Oh, yes, you do, McMurdo, cried Sherlock Holmes, genially. "I don't think you can have forgotten' me. Don't you remember the amateur who fought three founds with you at All-son's- rooms en the night of your bene fit four vears back7 i "XotMr. Sherlock llolmes! roared the prize fighter. ;: 'God's truthl hovr cotUd I have mistook you? If instead'' o' standin there so quiet you had joit stepped up and given me that cross hit ef jobs, voder the jaw, I'd ha known ' you without a question. Ah, you're -one that has wasted your gifts, you have! You might have aimed high, If you had joined the fancy. "You see, Watson, if all else falls me I have still one of the scientific profen ' sions open to me," said Holmes, laugh ing. "Oar friend won't keep us out ia Ihe cold now, I am sure." j : "In you come, sir, in you come you and your friends, he answered. 'Very sorry, Mr. Thaddeus, but orders are very strict. " Had to be certain of your friends before I let tbem in. Inside, a gravel path wound througb. desolate grounds to a huge clump of a bouse, square and prosaic, all plunged in shadow save where a moonbeam struck one corner and glimmered in av. - Krret window. , The vast size of tho . tiding, with its gloom and its deathly silence, struck a chill to the heart. Even Thaddeus Sbolto seemed 111 at ease, and the lantern quivered' and rat tled in his hand. j . , "I cannot understand it, he said. "There must be some mistake; I dis tinctly 'told j Ilanaolomew thai wo showkV be here, ami y-t there Is nrr. Tight in hht window. I do not know what to mak-of It." I s- '.'. Does he always guard the premlsea In this "way? axked Holmes. I "Yes; he has followed my fatber'a, custom. He waa the favorite son you. know, rod I sometimes think that my. father may have (old bim more thau . he ever told mc -That is Uartbot ouew s wisow. cp there where the. coonsbine strikes It is quite brijbW .

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