k-ili: TiM'Lo S iD l. -VmiRY - CH US BY . Y MQttVlN;. - The Bert Shoe -tot ts Le3t Money i - Weonjt; rom ; , Our . ors. Write on oxe siee of the r APEH ONLY. Always arox your name to items. Over Oae BIHIUb rel wear the I - . VY. L. Douglas C3 and $4 Chee. . Al! oir iiwtro tctlr tirc.-.wry. Thrr rfTe Us best wmlta for tb mowr. ririMA i i DUNN, N. ?. They mo&1 custom itoca la ttyls end fit. OFre cnts. Tbe prtr ar uniform stamped cm oiu Fromfl toSJuvil ever c;lirr make. " It tout QMOer naot kupplj jro we ju. TOWN AND COUKTYf S5,04,G3.&O Cr4TB,rracH S3.fiO Pr5f? SbfS. i tc. r-m i r L pond tttf ;i . "... Xrx k, .,:i"!.ow it rain. Lver.il bales of cotton brf nc!,t to IU week. . ;oofl lcal of gaano is being car- ouiofDunn-. M.,t- Hollidav spent several ju'toan this week, k rs. Nancy J. Stiicklad is LrsorvMr. II J Strieklum 'iv'. i l ane went to Fayette- one day -this week, e'coloreil scbool Jit thii J(l iast Friday night. A v gip?iided. lSS Uary C Stewart, of Tiwyvillft. lueveral days ia town this visit ing friend? e were 11 "lad place good week to sed Mr, Wil- lours le Dollar,' a typo on the Hon Star, in town a few hi'. fcv. Bahir Cade bag resigned a? .f the Caucas on- and Mr J iiale Iyer took Lis place, .Trie Creel, a1 former resident lis place, but now of Fay t-ttiiville, ia infiii Sunday. i r,y of ;ur people who expected to lientonsyille to-day are dis- were pleased to see and 1.'!.;.ke anJ ofiMr, Jobn A Oates who a town a few days this week Lkalmir:.b!e family. j kis have recently been put in epot wLieb adds much to the kranec of the waiting rooms as Ls to the comfort of the public i . . i Wis are gett'ng a little n'umer Several were seen on the road between B'rasou and Dunn, L'JU:ld. are.&rj anxious for our cor ndei'tsr to -send u in their jilems week. Let all get up stneth jid send it ia for the next iasue. t Loie to be able J to get up the roecedinjis of the legislature n. w. eks and give it to cur read a mil. shell. . N B Hood and wife left. Sun- jo 3iend some days with ! rela- in ti.linqtim flnil In a nrp n'iit I E unvedin" of the rnmuinen t to ys ask your "pa" if you cm'. the theatre to-morrow nght i-urg man you suit your sweets "s ' ja" if you can lake Lis liter. She would "like that." e are sorry to anno ince the al illness of Kev. U W. Cain, Saslor of the 'Methodist church place. We wish for Liru a :ly recovery. j le many frierds of Mf.P. II !?an wdl regret to hear of jhis s. He was taken violently; ill r nights ago but we are glad to ibat bis condition is very much oved now. SMITHFIELD HEWS- Court adjourned Saturday at 4 o'clock, p. ni Mr. A. SI. Wood all, who spent last woe!: it endiiiir curt, left for Lhs home ic Ik-ns.jp. last, Monday. Mr. J. -A,,Narrjr, one of our pop, ular attorne 8 Soft for las o'd home near Arch r L :!go last Saturday, Mr. F. C. II. Mian returned to Sum ter. S. C, lust Monday. Sir. T. W. Mcliryde. who has been spending st;jc days here, left for his ho;r.e iu DenneitviHo, b. C. Men ,ly- ' ... Mr. U, J. Rose, of Rocky Mt, spent Sunday incur town, . Senator Fowler, o'f Samp3?n. spent one nijht in the citv on his return home. Si.er.iT Ellington lock Richmond Hell, coi r 8ei!enced 4 ears, for bur gh.ry, in toe second .legrei, to the penitentiary, the only' one . for the pen this year. t Glad to know Miss A' ice Yclving ton is itrproving rapidly. Mrs. Eure, after a short visit to Dr. Robinson, si roe the death oT his much tcioy. d wife, returned to her home in Williamston last Saturia. Glad to see Mr. U. U. 'Hood , but again, Mr. D. A. Coats, township con st.ab!e, rvss suminonetl to arrest out colored girl sbf ut 16 years old for striking an old woman about I 70. They Wi re fighting over a goat, and were tried Monday before Z, L. Le .May J, 1. L. Lit.t mar. & Co., have had new blinds: out on their windows in the front of their. sloic. eek was quite a JUILNSTON COUNTY NOTES. S at- "Raleigh Leacii3Ui:g, N. C' Ma.cli 19 "95, L'l'.ti for weather and cool weatb er pir.Ci.fcs after so much r-.in. I failed to get uj ahy noles I; st week. Giad to sec itvi pravermte'iinss largely ' attendtd .last Suudiy Shiicah church. Mr. Oscar Smith of Clayton was in this section s'ome few days a;o Mr John S. Barnes of patsed through Leachburg last Sun- tay en ruuie for Clayton. -. We anticipace a grand E ister pin- uic and parl'. ; i'here are fpiite a number of peo pie in this section sick, with chills and i ever. i Claude Steph?uson Ksq o( 'tli:s section spent Monday in Smithfiehi and says'iie dropped .into see "liiily ilie editor of the Iieruld-" Messrs. U L and S D Hamilton ol Smithheld spent f'alnrday and Suns diy in LeaClihurg to the delight of their many friends. Come azaiu boys'. FAIR VIE W INSTITUTE. s. Tro.yvilhltj a litth The show last w treat to our town. 1 ol AvCtats has killed 9 dogs in the'iast lew days, fcupposed to be run mad. . Mrs. II M. Brne3 is. quite sick .ve a e sorry to note. Rv. Mr. MeMurray, who has been a Iillle indisposed f r lhe past sew t-ra: days was able to fill his -regular appointment Mii.d y. and preaebed two Bouuii and instructive serraons; Mrs. Ktliercdge, of Selma, spent Tees lay in the city. Dr. r-rker left .ur hurtling little town Tuesday, we hope he .will soon return. MisaSallio Had ley, of Wilsen, is Visiting Mrs. V, M. Sanders this week, Mr. W L. Fulier our clever and accommodating liveryman, left for Richmond last Tuesday. Juxirs. POE'S ITEMS. K. Dr. W II Moore. Presiding r rthi District from Pittsboro, Us first quarterly metting ou charge Saturday aud Sur:da the church here. The Dr. is a , scholarly man and his people j Ml pleased. e will give extracts of ths 'aws i hy t!ie Kep. and Pop. Legist re from tone to time. We want republicans and populist to w what was done by their cheap jS'atnre and see if they endorse purse and action. ' . Thursday about 10 o'clck a as seen comma down Alain pt 8'anding iu a carriage puliel ? spaa of fine gray horses. The . was covered with a black robe uuio a Catholic Priest, crying '"ght away ! right right awav ! ! ' suon st "pped aa began to play h s h on the boys. Seemed to be p' liberal at first but s.on turned juke on those ihuL hit. and wIipm turned away from tlie carriage realized that another Jesson heea taught by experience, 6 have all been hi.rhtv ntir. i e evk ry night this week bv the ! lidard Theatre Pnmn.nv Mr i A- Hill manager aud Miss ceK,IDl the leading ladv ffjs. riuif ..i. . u iiuj a are an new ar highly entertainiag. There is Amoral feature about this The- An(l we reccommend it aa beina r,C'&S lm,in . Than wilt 'n !re the remainder of this week S,ve an entertaiament each it." If VAIl 1. 1 iven i oeen or it h?ve bem, go out ' for vou will f treat hy staunsr at home. - iuuwui oe Kayettevi'Ie. ht late Beautiful weather only cool. Our farmers are somewh with tiieir fai m work. Mr. and Mrs. J ;g Neighbors, of Johnston spent Sunday in this sec- tion. Glad to see that prince of good fellows, Mr. Joe William3 of Bar- cla sville section in our midt Sat day. We understand that there lives a young raau in tiie Poe's section -that, likes concentrated ?lye as a beverngr. Misses Mollie and Jennie Bailey oi me otewaits aouiih section pent Sunday in this s-ction. Elder and Mr-. J) T. Coals spent Sunday in Johoton. Cait. Daniel Siawart of Stewarts Academy spent Sunday in this sec tion. - ThatlKJuutiful and chanting yourg lady, M:ss Dilcy Bailey ot the Stewarts Academy section spent part of last week iti this commuv.ty. We can easily understand why the Poe'o i ems did not appear the other week. .We are under the impression the wri er's tiiue wes pretty well taken up attending weddings, pa ties etc. Did you attend the party Satur day night! There was a party, but .t happen, d to be parties who were disappoiuted. Come again boys. The school taught at t'hi3 plaee b Mr. C, II- Biggs closed last Saturd-.y u h a lare attendance and good ' 1 T T . exercises, air. iJCL,ean was expect ed to be present and deliver an aa dress, but was engaged in legal busU ne-s at the time. Many of his old 0 friends who expected to enjoy the address were dtsafppoiatcd, though all seemed to be very much pleased with what they saw ai,d beard. Snidei:. On Thursday n ght March 7ih, ?9o. the writer together with many others had lhe pleasure of Attending the concett at F. V. I., which was quite an enjoy ab.'e oceas.on t the atten tive suiiei.oe. 1 The exercises. opens ed willi a piece! ;f music, "The ages to come." That beau if'ul and highly accompli -hed liidy, Miss V. I. (Jul bretu perforuiiiLg cuos-r racefulJy on the organ, the pupils .joined in sing ing and made (some of the bst mu sic the r tor ever heard. The house was full t-i its inmost capac ty, and it the ; weather I h-.d been fair there would have been man more. The girls esijecially to be praised ja.h oi.e seeming to rival each other in appearance, also the boys, did their part with honor-to their beloved teacher and thcjmselvts. The teucher gave an opportunity to the patron to'speak a word, Mr. U. L. Hall, rose !;nd as usual, made a short, pointed and very appropriate- speech, in which he expressed himself as higuly pleased with thb exercises, assuring the teacher of his faith in" her as a trainer of the young and tender minds which has been instructed to lier watch-care, jwhich was the scnti-. merit of each one's heart, alro asking the pupils to keep their books before 'heir- minds. Then came the last and parting soh, which was very approp l :te indeed, after singirg it teaoher announced that, the conre"a tion be dismissed, after w!i:c!i w saw both pupit arid patron rushing tos wards the teacher, with tears i i their eyes o If t-ring hei" their hand, wishi g her wet'. ' j I ihmk'that a'l this speaks to us wh ki.ow both j Miss Mall and her upils that she! has been kind, and tender in her deaii-g wilh her pupil i;d has the good will and conS dciicc of all, I; now ak the pupils to -take', the advice Mr. Hall give them, nd as you have parted again, going out to -mingle, with the pur su'ts or life, m:ly tlie guardian an gels of heaveo lay a hand of protec tion on eacii one and may you all be spared to meet tyour - kind teacher when she returns to "F. V. I." 3gain. J. A. S. Falco N. C. KILLER. Tlte fusion legislature ar'iouFn without. Was that what Th-:y gfiid they oriations and le sjot them. No, eyisla are will could not raising the taxes. the Pops wanted? favored less appro se taxe3. Have they the expense of the exc ed the last one hy $5 000. Thiy increase. I the State taxes from 41c to '45c on the $100. Mr. L E Reaves pent Sunday at his home near Benson. Miss Claudia llodkTe spent Satur day and Sunday with her parents near Benson. New students again this week, 196 er. rolled this year. , , Mr. WG Hall of Falcon spent Friday night in this section. , Mr J S Pea-son, who has been leaching near Bunn's Level, spent baturday and Su. day at home. ..n,a..r.,hrlinvs ?ot lost 2oin; home from the lecture Friday ni while .olhersr fell iu the creek. We are : lad to note ihat Mr. J 11 n,.Wr n i.! iiri been sick so Ion" (1-Ult , is convalescent, Mis. A, i- Byrd is spending this week in Fayettevilie wilh her brother Mr, Alei Ftnill of Merry Oaks -pent part! of this week with his par ents near here, Mr. VV 1 Bvtd spent several days in FayetUvdle last week and return ed S-tur ;hy. - . A number of the young people ol this section attended lhe school close near Tr-ifviUc Saturday. Notwitlistanding the inclemency of the wca' her last . Friday night the A-rlomJ at Bute's Creek was fiHed with eager spectators to hear the lecture hy Dr. Chas. E. Taylor, pres ident of Wake Forest College. His lecture was able, and instructive to ail who heard it. His subject wus: The make up of a man." and was well deNvered. A number of rectta lions and declamation were delivered oy the Students, All Wl ai.te.meu uookI lecture auvi ft-.w e Snooks Benson: Sparks- ' The weather was so inclement none of the Benson people were able to at tend the lecture at Buie's Creek Friday night, : We were very glad to sec Mr, J. M. Bealy of the-iuilhfield Herald iu town Monday. Woi dar how he got aloog whlkms? to Dunn. I see our farmers have at las i de cided io use guano again this ' year frottf the quantity of tt coming here. Several of our people expect to ats lend the unveiling of the Confederate Monument at Beutonsville. Fete. 0US PROPOSITION, W are well aware of the ''hard ime3' a3 we so' often call them, and kmw thatMollats are hard to get and having great sympathy for our selves as well ad all others who have no money, wo. make ymi this propo sition, and hope it will enable many of those who do not-take The Times to do so. lis your home paper and you ought to take it, it will, interest you and your fuinUy. '- We will take jalmost. cnything in the way. of cfun.try produce tor a years subset iption. Chickens, eggs. hams, corn or anvthina: vou have that vou can spare, and -will allow vou the full market price for the same, j j ,t We hope to add many rew sub scribers to our 1 :st under this prop, osilion!. Just here allow us; to add tha twi wilt also accent "money from i f those whohave!it. L IUIIKA (1 .1 ISIIII . VO 1UIH U II UIU! '-The best Stll ng Vermtfuge lhe M-rkeU" The most reliabl worm destroyer i use. -Receipts furni-hed to any phys sician when requested. o La Grange N. C, July '87. ; Mr. J P Joyner: I gave my child one dose of Bo) kin's "Worm Ciller,' purchased of you. It Brought 306 worms. I consider It the best worm medicine made. Reset. J J. W.Thomas. I Duck Creek. N. C. - May 8th, 1894. j Boy kin. Carracr &.'Co., "Baltimore, Md. Dear Sirs: Mr. A. Rudd, a very responsible cumtomer of mine. i. gave half teaspoonful "Worm Killer" to a child last week and the result Was 35 worms. M. Drniel . Pine iised it with still better results: 75 worms from one child; of course my feales will-be large. Yours truly. E S Smith. Read the following from one of the' most -prominent and best known physicians ' and farmers in South Uaroltna. He writes, hat a negro girl 10 years old near' him, took two or three doses t the "Worm Uiller', and passed 3CG worms." Dated Ridgway, S..C, May 26. 1894. R. H. Edmnndson, M, D. Mr. H M McDonald oi La Gran e, N C savs Dr. Boy kin's "Worm Killer" brought over 100 worms from bue child in the neighborhood; and that it jiives universal satisfaction." lie sells more of it than a!l other worm medicine. Do not l?t your dealer put you off with some ether. Ask for Boy- kin'a Worm Killer and getdt. Any M D can prescribe it and many do. ISOraiB.A, CAlSIEIt CO., - . UtE m m IT yooar dealer aaao floppl V. L. Dougls..- FOR SALE BY E. F. YOUIMC. SHITP YOXJJEl, Eggs, Butter, Poultry and otlier produce to i DAVIS, HILL & CO. 308 10th Street N- W. . WASHIN3TON. D- C. You will receive highest cash prices. We buy outright or han dle on commission. 'Quick Sales and Prompt Returns." Commission for handling goods, BUSINESS LOCAI3. I "I I II I ' II I I- '.- Every person who buys a 10c, bottle of machine oil from Gainey (&r Jordan will receive a nice nickle plated key ring. flnnR ! My store is headquarte.s . again this Spring for all kinds of MEM 3 PURE NORTH CAROLINA CORN WHISKEY. O, M. KELLY'S make handled by - MYSELF EXCLUSIVELY. Special attention paid -to the shipping trade, . ; Old Rye Whiskey, Fine Brandies and Wines for Medical Family use?. , Your patronage solicited .k D. McBROWN, j ' ' : Lunnt N- C. : N. B. Other firms have claimed to handle the O. M. Kelly whiskey, Pe ware, the O. M. Kelly Corn whiskey is handled by me only. . Fine Tibaccoe9, Cigars goods all ways in stock. 4 Jansl6tf, and euj NOTICE 1 All persons who wish to vote in the approaching town elec tion ihat have not regisiered for an previous town election are hereby notified lhat they will have to register before they will b3 allowed to vote The books will be open for that pur pose until the 22nd day of - April. 1803, All persons who wish to register can call on me and do so This March the 20lh. 1895 Verv rf spec fully, M. L, Wade, llegisitar. Hon, T. R. Purnell, D. L. Russell and Capt BuckiKitchin stuck to the legislature till the last day and then had to go home without, a slice of pie The only thing we suppose was the lobby fees, the got report a PETTING ILL & CO.. Newspaper Advertising Agency. 22 School St, Mutual Kec. Bl. B stonjMass. N. Y. City When Mr. Butler -began politics in Sampson county. He was so fine and honest that he advised his followers not to vote for a corporation' or rail road lawyer. But as be branched out ii: the field and saw hopfcs of reaching the U. S. Senate by change hd work'ci and voted IMS, vj for Pritcnard ana all the republicans, that was on the FusionJ ticket. Oh! its wonderful how a man can" twist and squirm himself when begets af ter an oHi.e. The Democratic legislature of 1893 cost the State as shown by the Au ditors report SG5.97G.78. The Re form. Fusion, Rep, Pop. legislature cost the tax payers vf North Carolina $72,604.66 a difference in favor of the Democrats of $6,627.88. We pause for an explanation from our reform brethr sn,' Mess Tay or "and 'laylor and McLeod. don't all speak at once Our columns are: open. X Household Treasnrc. D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, X. Y., iya that he alwars keeps Dr. Kius New Discovery iu the boUieai.d.his lam- ilv has always fonnu the -ver' best re si. Its follow its-n.se; that he would not be YEAR READ THIS ! T "ff" will be to your interest to read :n fen" T a a a a D five per cent. Send tor bur Pii Feb. 6tf. i Hce List." IMPORTANT 1 NOTICE. your interest and save money. er & Hood , Look to Harp are situ at tiieir om stand corner o R. R. and BROAD STREET i where you will find the 'art-st and most complete lock of Drugs, Toilet A I have aull line of ii i rrn llAli, uUKr in the latest SHAP3S and STYLES, at prices to suit the HARD Ti IVIES: to be found Fnncy and r ticles etc., in the county. Also stick Candies, Stationery, School Books, Lam pa ' and Lamp goods. Cigars, SnutT, Tobacd Also a full grown. line of frsh NorLi era Ov-V'O nmiiPRETsr.'f Hats, T can suit the children in Ioods &c. of all ages. Call and examine my stock. Thanking my -old customers - past patronage ana extending invitation to all, I am. Very trulj, MRS, J. II. pope; Dunn, N. C, rcr-6 f. GARDEN SEEDS 1 ONION SETS res or an "all of which we offer at greatly duced prices. 1 Thanking all for past favors, we cordially in r to a'l to come arid exs imine cHdi and pnees. We guarau tee satisfaction. Remember the place. HARPER & HOOD. DUNN, N p. janv24tr. ASK 5'onr raaIe by Kleclropoise n ighbor about the cares JOTEL piVINE, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. .. ... s ' o -o " " ; ' . This is to inform the public that (the above named Hotel has been Benovatd, Itefurnishod aud Carpeted throuffuyui in. I will soare no efforts to. ileiu verv one w hi stops whli me. Special attention ftive i to tnivel'mg men. Soliciting pthlic patronagecuerally . 1 am, yours to.please. JNO. A. OATES, Proprietor - I .J " .-: t'haoc vfriit I roarBIsSucceeih Ifavin? the needed merit to more that m:it irnod all the dvertUin claittwd fnr MiKiii the following four reined U have readied a pjienoineiial 6ale. Xr. Kimrs'sNeW Discovery,- for coiijsniiip- tlou. Consrhs and Colds each, bottle SiiarauteeJ Kkctric Ritttrf. the great remedv for Livt-r. Stomach and Kidneys Rurikten's Arnica SaWe. the beit in lttie world, and Dr. - King's New Life Illt wtiir t. are a nerfect nill. All tliefe rem edies are guarenteeo to do iti-t what !s rl rimed for them-aud the dealer whose tuame U attachetl herewith will be glad en tell vou more of thei.i. gold at Uar per 4 llood's Drug Store, without medicine or write for Infor mation free For sale or rent . l car testimonials. . I " ' - r Jon N. Webb, late mrnager Atlantic ElectropoIe Co. 723 11th st. Wasnington, ). U. Advertisjments. like some Ameri can girl waists, are often ftjueeznt nto too small a spue to bs&'.icAStW JUStI ARRIVED Our' new JOB PRESS end th LATEST JOB TYPE male !ia t h FOUNDRIES, and we are p BE PA RE Q HELPIPJG HARJD V e are tau jl to deal witn our fellowmn JUSTLY, and to give a helping hand. TJiia we irrtendtodo and we hope our erforts will meet with the co-4iperatbofof . tlie business men of DUNN, and all other adjoin in2 tons. r'.- It will pay you to send os your order. - at DUNN MARKET. Corrected Weekly. Dr. Ki::u' ,ew Discovery is undoubted ly the best cough remedr; that lie lia. ueil it in hisiatuuy for eurht j-ears, am. that it has never failed to do all that ,U c laiuied for it. Why not try a remedy so lor tried and tested. Trial bottbs freear Harper & oocs Drug Store. Kefiul ir mzv 00c aad $1.00. Corn Oats Peas F'xlder Chickens Eggs Bat er " Weliave decrded to do wor,k . . - f - without it if procurable; O. A. Dyke-; prices never Known io ;e puouc man, drtigisW Catskill. . Y., saj sthr.t i fore. Give us a trial orar ana see Huj, new what we can saye you. .we wir give satisfaction in prices and qunlities -Address the 50c. 55 to 60o. GOUi.75 50 to 60c. 15 o 20c 12 t 150. 15 to 20 per bu ... To do your CHEAP as done in tbeiSTATK. work as NKAT and as you can possibly, get it WE oar own , work and ztk ho man any odds In Style and nricej. 4 lb ti ies jor. or i DUNN, N C. Meat.C R Side 8 lo8i:. 8c. Cotton . 4.?. OitTce , 18to2Uc. ci gar -' 5r.. ruriH'Dtiue. Y.D. fl.CO Scrape fl.10 Doctors Say; Bilious and Intermittent Fevers which prevail in miasmatic dis- 1 tncts are invanaoiy accompan- ied by derangements of the " il u (h I Stomach Liver and Bowels. j The Secret of Health. j The liver 1$ the great " driving j wheel " in! the mechanism of ; man, and when it is out of orderr 1 the whole 'system becomes de ; ranged and disease is the result. Tuft's Lh Care all liver Trczll A.

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