V .-J ....',"' THE pOUNTY UNION DUNN, Harnett County, N. C. Kircr(l secoidlng to postal regnla bu at the postofice at Huini, JjT. C, a.-i-i-ii:t! class matter. , ADVANTAGES OF D UNN. . K7 GRANTHAM, J, P. PITTMAN AM, 1 Editors. IlXOIlN AIVOl E JIE.Vr. Mjf All communications must reach us ou .Tuesday -veiling:. Notices of Church eiitalmneiits and all other jiuticea ol like manner froin which revenue to bo derived, vrUl te charged 5 cents -er liue. , - f BuBinesB -ra! will . made to regular ad vrrtiHers atBceiitH per Iflie. Lpcala without regular advertlsementa will be charged 72. peuta ier line, - ' Subscribers will be cut off at the exidration of their HUbscrlption unless we are notiiied and no j aj.J-r will be discontinued until the yubHCrintton la paid up. Coinmuim-ationa must always ha"e the author's name slyued.' and" must be written plainly on one siue . pi rue paper. jPsJTAdvertisii.g rates furnished on ap - plication. P$FNo Itgul notices inserted without posh t advance. ' . ' Xo cointimiijcatiori will pe accepted puless accompanied by -the ;v liter's intme. &2i-All advertisements inserted four f. ire-s.-ive wf'ks will be counted one month, .and w ill le inserted and c harged until older, d- discontinued when the jame is not j-pec.tii d. TERIRS CF SUBSCRIPTION. Three-Months........ 25 Cents. Bix Months 50 Cents. pne .Year.....'.. 1.00. Sent hy Mail. Payable in advance. Dunn, N. C, r May 8 1895. SUGGESTION. Kin ou . County Union : With tho next - administration of pur town, it is the wtiters suggestion i liat the To.vn Clerk' keep a record of .'V al Statistics" making a record of all hiitbs and deaths, giving name, age, color, date of death and cause pf de.-itb.. The e records would soon become valuable and would be in keeping wjtu tie spirjk pt intelligenpc, A BI-ILF SKL'ICH OF THE ADVANTA- . ots Dunn i.as oveh otiieii TOWNS. i As we all hn.iv, every iowji has its disadvantages as wt 11 as its tdisnN -a.s. We name u few of ti e adva it- a"t 3 Dunn o.fers to the manufacture ers, and wid Le of gie.a omen;, lo tLose wishing to locate in the sunny south, where there are no blizzards, strikes or earthquakes, to Javest their money. ' 1. It is situated in the midst of the best farming country in' the Stale. As a general thing the farms ers ore fell-to-do. have all the nec essities as7well as a fe the lux- tries, : 2. " Labor i3 cheap, can be had at remarkably low figures, as uur isC pie want to live and let live. They work hard and are economical. 3. Dunn 13 surrounded for miles and miles with the best and nicest timper of all description, grown in" this country and could, without much expense, be used to a great advan tage. 4. Itsiail road and water fuciii lie?1 are noV surpassed, being located ou the trunk line of the W. & W. It. R. He Ccpe Fear river runs near our town, which furnish es ail the water power necessary', both com bined oiTer quick transportation to any part ot the United Slates. Our town is gradually but steadily mov ing along in this line. 3!-.--it sZSr :.:-. S-i 'Xvi"ir,'trjfl-" VVA. - ri;. ---.-vu- I. LEADING ISSUE. . Before Clerk of i . "llarmu County, j Su,"er:or Court. S HU.l't".''a:i!oii in.beli lit of him- f Sluy 4th, 1825. ) The r'bigr-aiion . of .C'iiunieiortor ! . .1 ii , ,i. . .i i ;-! j t f t lit I It. now , the n,ir.iin "f. wisPj ; LewU Uec d. r C.d- ' n,.lni,.i ,ru t h a : I ha ?i-.inrri -fr:l fill of ISCo witl be tliat of finance. The i'fiiends i'.f "old arc' organizing on the of silver hmiu i1 sai.t to be in the Lt'Is of ! iue Presides. t. ?lr. Ii'.c-vf ll' re:-- tgnuimn wtt5iianu.'in fever ai- uzy i0ne sMe hilc the fiiends ago. This gsntlcMiian-baa 2ng been fars t0i,:.T likewise Hie most tousiitun; "reformer on ilie ; lt, geems r.cvr' thit the silver men. f-omr,i.s.,ion. Tie is a very ahlc rasn ljare Jn lhe a:,jtMly. gomeiiat 'b .t it at.d l-ul'-done all in l;is ! wr t(jL;i! irj! t"rt w, !.r jtliem t'i remain there. Tup -friend 3 iof gold will have Ythe irflaence of !the national .Administration to snp - that carrv ut tbc letter sir.I tbe -pi.it of the law. V Us Ciirr.mujtionrr Ly man, however the cs is dinerent.l He housed the power "of hU .effiee jj therJ a3 rcli a3 tha' Hheac- r the opportunity cfTvrett ror"Naldl al y,. : presMe! tne . svaiicerucm oi nitneii il:U,,l bas already written a !emb?rs ofLw family. He is a re-H,e Chicago business men publican dnrin a reiiblicfii' t.". in- I ;f)1 : istration ar.a a i.iii,;-. .-, u:rt' during a deraccr.V it admiuistrutio::. He T:a3 long been v ry unpopuiftr v. itii al! genuine civil ,erv;jq refujcrs Ur. Proctor,' tie eh.-.irinu'i ff the Commission will retain bis ofjice, With this exception t!i ' cou ;; -ssjon will be thoroughly re-orgaubd Comptroller Eckels. U :-roi;.l:,nl in the movement to convert tho un- try to a gold standard He is in ti e of the t Clevcs letter to -favon'np lolo. . Our Sta'e declares m favor of free iuoimn'C of iioh and silver1 at a "ratio of lG'lo 1 as nfarly every Southern 'V.a'c dues a:,d she .viil fiiit on this .rotiTid' in li.j next e!eetib;i. ' NOTICE ! j Having rjuallfi 1 a adi!iinl.?tratQr D. f,, ., i . 1". A. .f tile estate of It. A , .. i ii -i i , i!"ii-s'.M, . notice, is hereby ivn te nil persons holding elaiuu tji;ii'.-t -an! rotate to present t lie same J VT Pipkin. Adtu'r. ox t-ewis i , I'ipkiss deceased. ' A treditor Mil -having been f.Ied In at-wve enti-.l. d caa?e by S D. B-iehanon. hi In-half of himself and all other crcu- -r- ; 1 f ctaed. notice is hereby, Civen io an creditors of sa.'d estate H appear before me at mv oiti.-o i:i Lili:gton, on or be Ijvc the"-i.:x .Jav of Jaiio Ij5v at the Uunrof 1 oV! .-ek. i and file evi- tie:.ces oi iheir el.1:::-. ' his April 3rd Lv.,r,. ; F. M. jJcKaY. " Clerk JS'.iperior Court. " E M urebinson, Att'y., lor plaiirflt!'. Durihanor . al0-6w. ' NOTICE ! Having duly qualified as the executor to the last will nd - testament of David Lee, deceased, notice is ht-rehf given. to all persons holding claims against said e.-tate to present the saaie for payment, iuh verriiied on or before the Uth day of April lSyG or tiiis notice will be pleail in bar t if their recoverv. All persons indebted to said estate are hereby notifi ed to n.ake immediate payment of the same. '1 his April 6r!i, 18-p. ; ' . ,J. 2l. Lee, Executor. F. P. Jones, Att'y. a-IO-tJvv-pd. KOliCE OF LAND SALE ! -Iv virtue of a power ot sale contained io a certain Mortgage feed, inader S, VV Parker ana wife to jli s. Lane, and s oil f -i - i - .... . t i. i l'ivoa ri o lit lunik (i n a i i;i ' r V est making speeches id advocacy iU.-j i n H." hl:ore the 2 Uth day ' of 1 records of Harnett county, I. will sell tt- i : - .1 . .- t . i,. . ; . f . ' i - . ....;! i u.-. ,...,.1,.T ! rtf niibiii' sale for rash, at t he Post X lilco t)i 1.1 a. iKf s t! is i.im ni' i s ill j ; II ; ; j i i o: i n i un in.-, i- i; nut jm -ii.,.':ii i - . . j t-". , i ih.i bar of" theit-- rwoverv. All person the town oi l:mn,;oji jthe; lt :l.iy ie eame.oireciion. m jveniucity ana , nmi. jmie 181)5, at 12 o'clock M. that va! 777i7 Xvi TTER-DA Y EPIDEMIC, An alarming and destructive cys clot.p passed through Alabama a few days ago. Much property was de stroyed and several lives lost. - P 1 1 on. 1J E Cartee, a v.erp- promi nent attorney and Collector Internal Revenue, for the Western district died at Asheyille Sunday morniDg after a very brief il.ness. Small-Pox is now reporled to be in Virginia, from which one deaih bus already re-ulted. The death ic cured at Staunton, Va. o. The Florida legislature has taken a good step in the introduction and passage of a bill, prohibiting prize Cjiling jn that J;tate.4 The bill D: s passed the Senate and will without a doubt pass the House. It is not as strange as it may ap pear to some to read nf to mucii crime in our land. Poor fallen Lu man nature is not a good nature. Is any man safe from sin andciime who is "out of Christ?'' May he not be templed u! some point that will tend to his undoing? Look at the news papers, visit the prisons and permen liaries aud reformatories Tcnnesste. Hoke inillt has gone South to promulgate the same doc trime, so de.tr to the present Execu tive. Every resource of the Admin istration will be exerted from nw until the convention meets ',n the in terest of "s. und money." ( The ''silver men,' are no les de termined to press the claims of bimel alisni, 'J'he West is for solid silver. The South has always favored free lied to make immediate payment of the same. ') ins April the 2!st", ISqS. .11." V .IKKNIGAX, Adui'r. IX, B. N., C. T. A. F. P. Jones, Att'v, j a 21-Gv. LAND SALE J ot uable lot and residence in the towh of,' Dunn, on the corner of Broad and Klkmi street it being the same place where the said YY Packer and family how live. Also one other tract of land in btewart s Ureek' township. Harnett county, " con tainitig thirty-six acres, be the same more or le-s. baid lands are Hilly lo scribed bv meets and. bounds in the afore BUY YOUR SPRING DRUGS 1; ) SAME STAND. Complete stock of Drugs. L-iweat -r- - ... G..nni!iiinnD trx no f hoi- ro filTn.l U.. I'.rin.T viinr i irni;iiuiivuo uir uf -" t mis uti,ti liv i i.'a:. We make tbe celebrateItcb Cure. NO CURE NO Complete stock of gatdeuseeds Fiesh atock-T.VRlFpQ. v Use Borox on your meat,. We have itfinely. powdered. S ATISF ACTl O fS GUARAiMTej to 'all patrons that buy their Drug3 and sundries from q. I am, yours to please. D. H, HOOD Jan-16tf ; Lfiim J i' -l . i I will oh the 1st Monday in June, 18&5 sell -.it public out-erv the fell. wing de- i nhi n.ortHsre deed reference to which - 1. ....... r . fr TTllT. ...... ... I. T' - . .. . . . seri'.i.'it n acis (ii lai.um i.unngioii low 11 ship, 11a nett county, N. C. j 1st traet The James Ilailey land, eon taini: g2s am.'s.-bt i:ig in said township and hounded us foUow: Wet side bv. nr. J. T. P.od.gers; East bv S li Waddeil: coinage. The masses of t he people South by Mrs. lt G reason;- West bv C want more money, which to them -i,u":ul i means anything but a gold standard. tll;ning 'IS acres in said township und bounoed as follows: rvorth bv b A bii.- The fight will be a desperate one with new and unlooked for aligu-j merits to follow. , Mrs, Cleveland, accouipanied byj her two little daughters, will leave; the city early the coming: month, toj- o ' s.pond the summer at Gray G-iblcs; -o The town of GtreenyilJe is to be sympathized with in her town 'elec tion last Monday. Three black, greasy, rusty negroes were elected in her town election. Sueli pills as this stifle and choke decent white men. Think of this white men. o Marion Butler thinks the only way to hejld his party together, ut.t 1 Ihe rext election is to go through the country an i make bitter speeches. He may keep - some of the people blinded until then but there is a good many he cannot lead any further. It is a wise step tor any' man to leave that party. Sociul equality is rot what the white men of the South want. The pourts in Raleigh have settled the noteel Cram case, of which cir cumstances most everybody is famil iar with. Mr. W OCram is a wealth) business mnn of. Raleigh, to which place he came aoout 20 years ago and married some, time afterwards. Dur ing last year a woman made her ap pearance in Raleigh, and, claimed to be his wife. She brought suit -for 6evetal thousand dollar od the iourt only allowed her $1,500. -r rr. According to figures prepared by the enrolling clerk of the Senate. 70 bills bet-amp laws during the iin session of the Fifty-third Con gicNS. Daring the entire Congress l-i23 measures ware introduced in iie two liose.' A detail statement lioa that lets than 6 per cent, ol in lull- wnnduced during the Con gress beet uie laws. of lust and debauchery and get the answer. There io a fearful mania for murder and rape. Isjit surprising? Look at the. court'recoiels, Ovrr 8, 000 murders in 1SD4. and but little more than 100 executions by the regs ularly constituted courts. What, a deael failure! The Baltimore Herald, noting this mania for homicide tdls this: I "The police authorities and courts in three Stales are investigating hor rible murders, where young girls have fallen victims first to felonies assault and tLen to homicide. In Massachu setts, Maryland unel California three outrages upon innocence Lave been perpetrated I almost simultaneously, while, as if to sccentuale the tal of crime, a butchery Is reported from New York sluui3 and Dr IJuc!ian'n has reached the end of the appliances known to criainal lawyers to - delay nuuishment and defeat just'ee." ! Men commit the most awful c imcs without any after manifestation o! compunction. Some go through the farce of a. profession of rel gion, bat the truth is thai the worse, oliendcrs ara monsters in human form,-ami are calm, self-contained, callous aud vrili die "gamecocks" and go out of life into internal punishment with not. much more of c-nscious fear appar ently than "elunib driven cattle." Yilming'.n Mssscne?. mon; 10 a.-t by Mrs, :M-Mc-Ka; South by T X McLean, ' ! The -ale will take phtee atj the court house door at 12 o'clock M. Terms of sale stated on day of sale. J. II, Pope, bherilf. DE2I0CUACX STILL LIVI3G Most of the cities and towns of the State held their municipal election MotuL.y : nd the majority of them went democratic bv nooel lare min: bers, Kiitwit'nstanding some of ti e charters of the towi-s weie inte ferred with by fusion legislation which gave the republicans a'.:ei pops con trol of everything ia,ay of e'ection machinery. Tins is a just repute to them tor their evil work. Democracy will live on anel prosper for its pans eiples in Ue worels of immortal Vance, the loved Senator of this State, who has goi.e to his reward 'It cannot die for it is truth, and i truth cruslicel to earth will rise again." You can fool the people one time, and lead them astray with ptomises that what soever the' ask they shall have, but when they see that their leaders ;ave gone in for cliie es alio not for the gov ? of Lie masses, and that they can't improve on our record, but raise taxes, make more olfices .tnd spend more of the Statea money, those who wandered away, turn their faces back to the good democratic party, the friend of t!:e people, and vheon!y party ho has built up the ales intf-re-t. v ; Alreadv the summer home on tl.e! A I ..I u 1 ...l.Jl coacu oi u?lacolclL is ticiug iii.nu-j rcr.dy for the occupancy by the IVcs-j ident's family. ; j Miss Herbert sailed for ; Europe! I ! Wednesday,. and will fpenl a num. ber of-months vLsiiing plr.ces (f in terest on the other side. She wdl be eetertained at a number of the Amer ican legations while in that country. Senator Don Cameron is here. He says Pennsylvania is for free silver, n. p i iiiii i lit u ij i;uiiivna iuuu liij.ji Massachusetts is here, who swyg t!i;.u his stale an el New -Hampshire will both go fur free silver. This looks as if a tidai v. .v, e jn favor of free silver will sweep the country. There may to clianges ou account fif tue htret.uous efforts put forth1- by thq Ad:viin s'.ratio!i in .-the hjttrest oi gold, -in this program, b:it 'Jtete is no rcasoi to believe there will be any mateiial change -in the sit twit iup. priori to iLc r.ext iien:';ential election. The pre-ident h.a.s wrilten a stroni lo'.ter to Gov. Stone, of : Mississippi in w hic'i he cay? ' a departure fruni the ''sound memey" policy meirij defeat for the dci'jocn li:: lyx'y-. I I am r.ow d.oing business in the store formerly oeeupieel " by B. M. F. Coats. I invite all my friends to call a no. cxarr-ino ni-y goods and irices before you buy. Mv motto i quick saletij proc s and smali Be Mire yon call anel seei me, t;urs to piep se DUNN, N. C. ap-i'i-tf. My tock of Spring and Sumra-r Dress Goods inow ready for inspection and consists of ail the new and pretty styles in Organdies, dotted Swiss, Linen Lawns, Du.mes. Ppics, IVcalosJ otner patterns. ," -..' t Notice of Dissolution. Bv mu ual c.onseat I have this da seveied wy connection. With th-e L' e Hardwate Co. The business will f;tili continue under the inn name of Lte Hardware Co. Re-pcctfuliy, V L Lee. "cl rr.ii.ou-I '3. a.c': cs.s!li- THE TOWN GFf DVNN. A Puosr-Eiious Little City Jusi Over the Northern Sampson Lkse LUNN M AIHvi'j l Corrlcted Weeicly. T i i e f o 1 1 o v i n g v c r y co m p 1 1 1: i .-- n t r; r ' write up of Dum appeared in t:.cj last issue of the Sampson Democra which is very much appreciate.. j Dunn enjoys the disti ctii.i of being the largest town in tha. S ntJ to its age. il -a as founded in 13S7; j and row i(u i:Lers , something likef! 1,000 inhabitants. It-is si uuted inj Harnett county jiist over the Samp-i son line, and almost in sight of the: corners of Harnet', Johncton an i; Cumberland counties. .' j At one period of its history ij C-r:i (kslS Peas Fodder Chickens V-ro -i , - l - wc;it,-u xi sute 50 to GOo. '.5 to CUc, CO to 1 00 75 c. 13 to 25 e. 8 .loTli-j. 15' to 25r. 10c, 10c. Clo- per bu. nun. is hereby had. This-April 2y't.h, 1895. jIks. C. Lane, Aiortga.ijee. F. P. Jokes Att'y .' mr-27-4;. r NOTICE ! Ty virtue of two curtain . mortgages est.euteil to iue by J. F. Phillips and v. if e ami registered in Registers otliee of Harnett countyroneiu Book II No 2 paa:e oi'j etc., the other in Look J No 2 pages l.il, 1.j2, 13.1, I will sell at public salo to the hlgiiest bidder at tha de-pot in Dunn, N. C., at 12 o'clock JL on Tuesday the 1-Lli day of May ISj-l, thti. following property therein conveyed. to wit : s First Liact Leing that portion of Lot N'o. 4 in Block P. in j)kr.i of town ed Dunn w here J. F. Phillips and wife fonnei ly'lived, aeljoining the lauds of Dr. F. T. Moore, Moses Tripp et alst being tiie land ConeVeJ ia the moitgage lhst abm mentioiicd. Second tract Be'u:g all of original Tcsideut Lot No.- o, in Block 8. in the plan of the said tewji of Dunn,, being the lauel conveyed ln tljie second mor tgage :djove. mentioned, anel for the de scription, terms etc , of this . 'mortgage' ref'.rc'nee is here- y made to Cqok J No 2 pages 131 etc and to Book Jl. No, 2 pities ilCy i tc. in Kegirters e!'Jce of Itar iittt co'ifitv Terms cash. J'h's April 10th, "95. ' L. J. Best, a-lu-to-jl. - - 'Mortgagee, SALE OF LAND ! Under aid by virtue of a power of sale contained in a mortgage 'from J A ilorgai'i anel Bessie Fi Morgan, his wife to W tJ & A B Stronach, which. n:cr- tgago is dnteel March- 22ud ISSO am! re-gistercd in book P.. office of r.-gister ot deeds oi Uarm'tt county,1 we the said morte'gees vt!l on tho 18th hiy o.f Ju!y 1S:!5 at 12 o'cl ock M. at t-hu ; court house do; r in Liiling.ton sell at "pid)llc out.cA to the 'highest bid icr a certain trace, of latiu elescribed as follows -Viz: Lying and beias' in ll'u i.ett courd v. X. C. in Black liiver township on the West side oi the Raleigh itoack JJeginniVg at a .-fake and pointer (Colters corner) on the South prong of the S .'Idlers Branch ;u.d runs up-said branch 28 chains to a corner in .McLeods line, ' thence, mi his line and past his corner, wi;h ..John ilatiiews lint; oath Gb3 E 35 30 chain;, to a stake ami -pointer on the West : side oi the Raleigh road, ilumcei North 5 E 1 chain to a -take and pouuer, thenc. West 22 E 2.30 chains' to ii stake in the Uuleigh roud, thence ui1 said road West j l-l "i3 ehains to a turn in s:wd road, iheiice V .oJ E 4 chains 25 links to :t take (Cai,.pboirs cornel) !i.i -Carters line, llience .as Carters hue N .-00 VV. Tt-riU.- of -ale c:ish. W. C, & A. B. Stroxacii, - Mortgagees. , Alex Stronacj. Att'v. i Aprli l td'.. 'ji. a-17-4t. In connection with ray DRY GOODS 'DEPARTililENi i t I have ope red a i jy-1 LLINERY AND A NCY j Q.OOD - JEPABTMl and ani prepared to give you Ihe latest novelties in Laliag, Childrcns 'HAT S Amm B '-t J ' . i : ON WETS. Silks for Shi't waist and Dress Ttimmings. Luce? and Bibboni, Our line of Swiss, Nainsook! and Hamburg embroideries aUlwf eel's in beauty and quality any ever-exhibited in Dtihn- ! we can-give you a goou article m siiopers, uoiserv, uorscts, UnrJ Gloves,.) Fans and in fact everything needed to complete a la-lies' i Call and exa;nine our stock beforejpiirchasing elsewhere. Yours to FLEASJv 1 DUNIT, 1ST- C You The Ecst Shoca for tho T.f.ir.t. ?.fmnv . J JZ i'A. iUZ, A Litter M Ham, new Cotton " Cof.,e oiigar rurpontine. Y. D. LG0 Scrape . $1.10 oi.. t" bbl ! HALL OF VWLL'ABLiO LAND. By virtue of the authority contained in a mongage.deed executed ou. tiie X$ih ! d iv ol .Mine P;p2 to the uadcl-si-rued !.v Uenry i'ope and wife jaid reeVrded ixi the oilice of tlie ReuL-tcr ofj- Deetls of ilarnelt county in Book "Fi" No. 2 j'a-es 29 to 3Jl the tindeivueei will rcil at the depot of the vifLon and Florence fehort Cut ltailroid ijn the town of Dr.nn, N, C, at public a'uctipu on Thursday the tlh day of May) L'yo the follow ing described proix-ity to v.it: The. two ho:i.-esa:.d .:,- m the. s'aid town of i.ooi now occupied ov rurus lioi'.en and ileiK'ersou William-,, aiso 12 acres of land situated on tue V. tt . F. Short .'ut R. R., in the direction-of Fajette ville Z5 chains from the center oi the corporation of the town of Dunn, the same hav'mg'been surveyed ou the Sth day of Am ii by W. 11. Dianhan. A plot of the .-a me can be seen applv ing to I he .-aid W, 1 !. Drau2han. Toe n ) i N 0 V "r.Js, Over. Ouo Plillion f ooplc wear tu V-L L. EJou:ias 13 and $4 All cur shrcs are rqaallr Tbf v gtvu tiij it-it -val:e for th moner. I Tacy oqual ca-itoiu sl .oen in style and lit. I 1 hiilr r.-ftarins- ruulitioa arc unsurpowil The pri ;oa ii-o uujform Ptarapedo i. Fr(,ia 9t t.) 2 , favrd cvor owcr i l ' ..r... si .... r. .nniir. tunmv ii 'V 5 S5,S4,SS.E0 cor. T, in n.-EPfl Cnir ani K Tk a M. .w m ' wow : u It your fieaf you, wriw " - s FOR SALE Y E. F. YOUN J ";v,'SVH suffered from an unlink iv hnnm. ,1., - h it it low t oar .ttlri i ... J n-l be led to think yoa can get the bdst made, i sul'- u"ld ...iKepkico at the said: depot at Oil lii Uas LOW hettlCQ UOWll to gtsod.- f n-qt iittislic-J end 1 ..-,.1 .l ,. i ... 1 i e i J , 4 o clock p. .VI.. of a? oo.i tucreatter a.- healthy progress. It has over tLirtv pTOSt PCOUitir busings bouses, two hotels, ih for at-erescff.-.toftIt churches: Missionary Baptist. Freej! t?reftit ItAintSX Will Baptist, Primitive Biplist, Dis-Jj l!yoflSbSI ciple, Methodist, and PresTTyt-rian ;H Sewiri-' '?-at-t:L-.e tha i- nct-:d 1 . ' I tr Ts-or-d over tor its dr,rn. an exce'lent Ecfiool tinder thn nvnJ! twrlty. Yr,avMttli3crethat acemtnt of Prof. D. li. Parkr-r tirJi i pentiue distilleries, efraw mills, m i-! V Lsg.lt KUnn.ng L. vPou Attorney. Cuine shops, one newspaper, the Coiu ' ' There f& r-oii t tht ty Union, three lawyers, a foindrv r it, l: -iW-v otV'.-i" and a tool factory, and. a fun.ifi e V-7i l'i?""' "y tiie train going -.South about that! hour a i rives at D.tun, Terms will be &ii'ered io suit toe pt!-ci!.x-ur or. can be, a-eer- i tail led' by : applying to E. W. Pou. ruiiihiieid.- N. tj. - I J)V :i ri .'ei i ii' n I w 1 1 li nviWnf,ic.r nn other, properly owned" by the s"i.f Henry Pe.e can be iwHi-ht by applying to the .-aid L. YV, p.m. . 1 , A In iue, Mortgagee. a-10-lw. The found ry and tool if.ctory is owned "md operated bv t!ie J. A. 2HcKay Mfg. Co. and makes plow castings and t.urpeiUli. j tools of alii kinds. It is a commendable e:i I north Carolina, ; jiai;nltt col'xty. ' ill tl.e likUter of t he i!( iiiin t,-,.v I the K.-jtafe- of B. Jtii h, dxea-ed. EW i-i'QME jTOWHOMITMAYCONCKUX:! oii.;e i- imi'iii .riveu in;it tiie un- saRA!yD: BARGAiNS. 54 m : '" I - -;.' ! Moods must & will bk so stock of We have just opened an elegantand carefully selected,; Dress Goods anel Trimmings at price lower than ever. We still carrv the laryre3t 3fock of white an y ts and Lacey'i" in the county, and make a specialty of filling ord. rs for buru rj When in neetl ot spool cotton, sewing and 'embroidery-silk mall1! colors, Remember that we are headquarters for-veyerytning; don't forgewto look at our Sea Inland, percals for shirt waists. SIKVFst STJOFK SI1()I' e ciiti.u lo uae bi.a i urges'. a!t-oesi eecieu.i"civ " , It 1:?3 Aaforr? Tes'oa, Dj-vM Fee?, a!n;o ;heV;a-; - l.;::rr,-.!'-:-;':- 1;'n!;-f ':i,.i1;!r!i,,r..of n-1 ak snuinhat ,-uu buy, j Sityfef.tandir:.-J-.r:.i'i-.v:-fflhm'l - L'cn. fi-i- il..s da;. Id- u i-i t;;n oiUee -f l . ,r , c.-i j as'.aU-j c-t;4-V. r uu.-i- ixicucu ta ; the eh-; i; ,,f the - Si:p--rioi-: -u'r.r of I Li-- 1 a Cie-ierat i.if-rchat: ailse S- lish- str. clieap, We carry a complete line of roeirl43, Sn'uff and Sie away a lara end oea il in1, nictare iree witu every ivcr It is LmyqssibU tb mention every ore like burs. Because we have a thin? H: A GHA5ICE TO MASS S333EY! n i.ic tini.s an? hKni. l.in Ik-sc i-i n cinirt hw. It in 'he lait iiiu.it h I:..iveiii.k?!7ol:irnrt.:ii:tax 3 UiV in-r ; TZ:.72'. .r !fa1t:.:,io.,iei,;u;ii,!;,i UCciut' of thit VCtl Can r..ill4ii,r noH nf. n-W floit. df . ionmdtltlon. J term isc and cnvivs a bi-R .md i : . . ........ ..."i . 4 Vrp it hml; mr fr;o,ia ...- i.J.,5!,- r.., rnc, l h.-ril na.ron?e J . . r I, . j. , ;e'.;i-e o:'.; i.u i i.-u.. : ! : re e : : -! -nl... t ..... nn-nuj iv'.i'ui j 4 , m.iritvt i,..ir,.n.i.T. Mr f..r, I.- TrlK M4. tb!?. ..V. Iir :liMHiiri l.SK - -o--.ie.i t-i -'v :in;-. - d i .le.-'.i'.,..- ... ! nn.l-.rv,.-.-t!. !!.. ..., !' . .;,.,Ani! tfla: . I manager, is a practical: rr.-chimst! lirlCthIWJ Zuult:: - A-aia thankini onr . . c-. - i ... i-T.i-r . -' . iv.i-"ii,iuic iuu'-. ! lis I! ILU l T e '(imniis Miss Madiiue Pollord i s iinne to Europe. ' Wooder who l.ei.iuiit Ceii) will be ? ... v. , , . . . v -. av -,-....( I :i A .-iflsro. I i:ur i-aw u:;.iuiij l:iko likr 3 j . r io. Wii-m any v. .itii"ii (. me wju-U tl Jin- S ttl8 Ou-rbiiy ou rifbt ;.. a n ue rau u.Hko ; g and thorcuhh umlerstauds i:'.-: no'eioiiK at tiie pi-(i(:v f;r the Ciiiubx ih.-r ei.ii 3 ' business. He V 11 t'o: . hi ! lave ir ii.-:u. W i i- to tai:n- lfs. tV . Cut en- " . ItilM. Oliio. and lliov will fi-i.il n ii i irrisi.ir. iti tn .. : ii. i... . . .. . . ... . -1 a'.. , , .i' .. .. ,-... tik .urn cirr, iKjuy vniiut u iuy. 1 case io e.o I will nukf KI.Imki thin eu.r rv A V? i v . l"OK SALE BY t I o:i." t,5," i a:y I a k' of M.tv IS05. Z. Pic.!, .VVdm.-t:H'or of B. Bic n.T .-. L .ve.ei'i.-,,. i e ! and all and respectfully soliciting your patronage in lb f"iur?,j ; 1 "We rem rin. oMrrt oV tu b -downkd. 4 l)i:i:o Stvl D- Jl. ML. I a ' m a ?r fv$ &i.GQ' no m-i,:: ary -.t-i n u-riTtf.

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