s; i T H E COUNTY UNION. i.l'NN, Harnelt County, N. (. : Eti ered aceoiding to postal re :ula- Ho.s :it the postolliee at Dunn, X. p., a? p com! $jia3o mailer. . K. GRANTHAM, ) J. I PITT MAX, 3 I or i,iiioir.s A S i : T2 1: T. air-All communications juust reach us on .Tueauay evening.- ' i A i Notices of Church entainmenta soul all other notice of like maiiM-r l-om which rcyenui: m tt L OrlyeUj rill be clii-ed J cents ir Jine. ' -l Bus'iiiee toeal.s wijl be uia-l to regular ad vertisers at 5 cents j.cr line.' LooiN without repnlar advertiseuient rvi!l bv eliargjud. IX ' cenl.-j per line,' " ' i I . i I Sn----ri1rs will "in cut o!T at the exj.iTatin of i ti fl r subscription mil."." -ve are notified Jip.l -no j.aper will h li.-ciiiliiiuod ui.tH the aubscrii.tinii is paid up.' Communications, must always ha4o the author'st in Ijn fyiirnl. alid must bii Written l.iai .Iy on one of tli paper. fVAdvertl-iug rates furnished on ap plication. JA'o It'fjnl notices inaerted without cash in advance. lo communication will be ace ptod Unless liaiMV. accompanied by the w riter . - :Mly-itr;i?iii;5- inserted siito ssive wet ks wilt be counted four one ' month, iiml will be h;Vrt-(l nnl charged j ! iiii il oiilon-il di-coniinued when, th liui'.' isjiot .-pei;i'd. . " TERMS CF SUBSCRIPTION. Time Months.... ,Si. .Mouth- One Year . 23 ( ci:t. .oO Cei,; - . .!.(.;. bent by' M:dL. Payable in advance. Dpnn, l.X. May 15 181)5 1 ,0 silver here, art thou? Thesil ver question is t:c most prominent cj-te-Litjn of the day and ever' mirvHNv in trvin" to comorehend its meat in-' ' . i jtndever y Jongue a'teirpting to ex- lain its doep and important mean ing. We admit that tks (ue3ttoa is t deep a ;d broad ror our corppr c licnion and think that many oluers wh arc raisingsijcb ?. howl ovet it u jht to admit the same. We kiivv - t!us"iiiuch. that is we want hojiast 'inone-, want a tlollar to be wortlj; a dollar, and th: is what we all want-, caca dollar to be wortli the same in the payment of al debts, let tLcuj be of what ever nature theyjmav Ie If eacu dlar is worth its full tbeu what more can we j want. AVe want the dollar rmtle and honest $ol lar, to con'ain the amouhi. of silver wLich it take to constit'ute an honest i 6ilver dollar. This is our idea' in brief of the whole matte t." We notice from the Caucasian that .some of its readers think its coluivins n e helped up, shaken! ilown and Tuning over with truth, and such truth as will lea l the -A nericsn- peo p e through all trials of life and lis t tfects will be fjltby the generations thai areto folJow. us. t There are many people'who gqt no other paper but the Caucasian, and no doubt some of them think its perfection and take in every utterance made through its columns as '.Bible truths, uttered by wen who cannot crc. , f he Cau castan may be honest in. its views but how . far its ho-iest views ex, tend we cannot state. Wc have our opinion as to its editorials and we liardlv think we are" deceived.' It has been said, "monev makes the mare go," as well miht l be said, money xuakes the maa go, and re haps Mary Ann is one f tiiose who likes, above all otlier things, the shining American E gle, and has along with tins the desire to be called Senator liutler. s a ra m soweth so sh ill l.e reap." No doubt Mary Ann will reach his high reward tu the beyond. q . The patriotism and beauty of the State should gatner :at Ka'eigh on the 20th of May to witness the un. veil! g f the monument to North Ca olina's 40,000 Confederal -dead. It is thirty yea;s since the. peerless Leo sheathed his "sword at Appo mattox, and now, while the white winged birds of peace 5 whist'e over the land, it is meet that we slou express our admiration' in pcrennial bronze for those heroes iwho laid down their lives for our altars and tires. The Landmark says North Carolina ''was the last Stat, to adopt an ordnance of secession '5 long before 3 ie did so ; thousands of her sons wre uoon the teuted fields. Nouc went in before them; none came ut after them; and the Old North State gave to the Confederacy more lives than any other of the j sisterhood. 1 .s.ili.l not; pant for war;shedid not! o o 'the fray before it began ; she did j cesse3 el-eWhere. Hurrah for liber 1. .1, Vast what she was going to d. y an,j U:0 constitution! But in the n tne worst came to the worst. She luu of your rejoicings do. not f.Vi; ba.i but little to do with bringing it lo )ray , belialt" of the Fred Doug 011. but .much to do wjtb Carrying it luss gang of r.iacpmponps fttV intreat o 4 vVhe. . Ui on.et came she - was jjal iie ignorance a-ul ' rasesHty of yuM-e;"sL I wheu Lee handed his Uie gag ,uy h0 : ..ycrrulcd , as not Witn ti Grant at Apomattox she UJ c,. mutely destroy tha 'prusperitv y tQ tuu. 0 to king on,'' Sanford of tuc t.aie and the r ghts ai d liler LH'i" ) ties ol freemen. Wi I. Mess. For Tiii Coi'nty Ixio.J THE USWX r.r AMKKICUS. lLnclay.-viIle, X. C, i. xiik soirn. father va ;i Kehel oH.er, Itl the rc.it Civil M ar of "01, hen the cry "vohmteeiV wu pro Jjlaiuie'l He replied joa iuay count :nc os.e. "With the at my he matched brayely forward ; . For his home and family in jtkf, But patrioti.sui inspired nis bosom . And hope his, commander-in-chief. Under fla of seces.-ion, in grey His manly heart, never faint For protection of home and for justice, . lie uttered hot a word of complaint. But on guard at his post of duty Under cover of l;:v, w It bout pause, lie was pierce tl by the Ui:kt !; lyouet, And bis blood was spilled for the caus2, Then 1 is b.mutr went djv. -t in defeat; Though the greatest iaiu to me Was the loss of my father m the con i!iet. ;i From war may we ever be fi -e.- My father was a Union soldier, In tlij meinoriable war of "Cl -When the call 'make war on the rebles !' He lesponded w ith bayonet and gun. lie enli-ted, beeou?ea brave odier' Fought bravely, bis life in hand, lie nought to suppress the rupture f tl e South from the Union guard. Fionf the west toward the east, bore !he conl'iet, Through battle and sorrow went be With the Unio!' banner uplifted, lie "inarched with Sherman to the hi?a." But not without hurt, even to death. lie was vt the fort when the The rebels atackc-d the strong! ey . ..hi And he was slain that day. O God ! Thoe days of cruel way, Forbid their return I pr.iy, It preserved the tiuiou entirely But took my father away. III. i;,Ai0i. X'ov these two as sizers should be, For both have been bereft of their joy; ; , . May lhey ever in Union agree 1 Ayd the blessings of heaven enjoy. For "in Union" wc arc told ''there is strength," And in Love there is never a fear iMay the Union persevere till at length The all pel foot "day Vr iil appear, .TlfE gteat evanghst I J wight prayer at Moody made an earnest Fort Worth Texas that God might send rain upon that country and.be sought his congregation of 8,000 to earnestly pray that the llood gates migiit be openad. This was at 3 p. m. vAt night when the congregation of 10,0UU people, had assoiabied in the tabernacle, ihe ram began lo fall." Moody gave thinks to Go t and the voice of 1U.0U0 throats sent a t in praise lint h)mu: "All' haU the povver'of Jeaus name, let angels pros trate f-11." A cracking was heard and the heavj' timbers began to fall, women fainted and men became hor riticd. , .One life was lost fiid many faitly wounded. DEMOCRA TIC YO TING. So. 'municipal-elections in North Carolina are not altogether a tiling of the past, a back number, a "pla'yv ed out" antique, a decayed proce dure, a Poor Uichard's almanac, an ante-dciuvan remains, a mere reui nant of the Dark Ages, or a Chinese newspaper of the long ago. They, are still 'held occasionally in this good State, and the people in sme4 looalit'cs h ve preserved unto them th.; glorioui right and p e:ious privil ege of naming their owns : masters, i : , i. 1 u . Mine u ujo ns in luc i-ng go vufu lher were regarded a3 public ser vants and . w?re "sci nominated in the. bond,") but this sort of arrangement is local and not general. Perhaps some time in this century, if ihe peo p!e can recover their lost rights, elections for municipal office will be held, ani once more Xorth Carolina will take Us place in the column of States where the rights of the people i are stdl maintained and liberty is protected and assisted. While elec tions were held at lialeigh, Fayette vill e, Goldsboro, and soire other towns we do not remember to hate heard as yzi that there was any elec tion heid in Wilmington. Are the ' .. . people asleep, indlgefe,n betrayed. ! bo'nnl hai.tl and loot that thev cpftst j . , ; "And mast Trelawuejr die, aiidnmst Tro- lawney die ? Then tl'iity thousand Cornish men will kno the reason why," Let us rejoice in Democratic sue- IL'.TEL DIVIDE. Dunn's hotel accommodation ia splendid dnd is unurassed by I hut of many cities. The hotel is under the maiiaeioeul of Air. John A, I.m.sr hour ta toi. :P 41 n 1 ! Oates, who entertain the traveling pub ic. The hotel has been handsomely j furnished with new furniture and each loom twenty six in- number, is li.eeiy carieted. Money nor tioi3 lias been sparetl in, mako g each anu . every department complete. '1 he tables are ladened with the moit choice eatables the market af foids and are attended bf attentive and polite wutemeu. The uccom modation oirered at this hotel cannot be beaten by any town of . the same population in the State. Let the traveling public make it conyen-. lent lo stop in Duun a;.U be con yiuced ttiat Ihis statement is true. History oftuk last LixasiiAxuitE. Buy one Only 10 cents. A neat; attrac ive pamphlet 1C0 page:, with ornamental cover, devoted to tl:e rtcoid of last Legislature, the worst Legislature, save thai of l$o8, ever a.otmbled in the State, 'ihis book gives its recqrd plamij- ni trutii fully. It gives facia and names arid is thoroughly reliab e. ll has been prepared by some of the best Dtmo craiic writers in the State. Every patriot, every citizen and every Democrat should have a cop'. Price 10 cents per copy post paid. Lower prices by the hund.td. Ii not on sale , at bookstore r drug store, address, E. M. UzZLEi I'rinUf and'himler. Kateigh, C, TOO II0NES71 TO BE A YER. LAW Uncle ? I). P. Oliver, now a prosper ! . . lorekeeper m a prosperous J cms slor Iowa village, once-practiced la in Ohio. Being met by an obi acquain tance, he asked for the particulars of his g ving up of the profession. "Didn't it agree w ith your health?'' j r "0!)i yes," answered Uncle David, T id n't it pay?" "FirsUrale." "Met with sullicient favor from the courts?" "AH I could ask..' Thea-.what was it compelled you to.. quit?" -Well. "I'll ell you. I was too honest."'..- ' A loud laugh from 'Jie bystanders aroused Uncle David into earnest,", ness and l.e repeated the strange staf erne r.t and nailed it, to his chop counter with his liue list, But his - cross-questioner went, on j "When did you li: d this out?" "In my very last case,"- -What was thai?". "On in which I was engnge'd to prosecute a neighbor fer killing a dog." ' "And he was acqui'.led? So yoM iosl yur case and gave up your pry-, fission discouraged'' j "No; :e was convicted." "Then" ha was yuillj ?" Nfo; he was innocent." "But didn't the evidence prove his guiit?" . "Certainly it did." "Then wby do 3 0a say he was in nocent?" ' "Because I killed the dog -mvself a few nights fgo tresspassing on my poultry, and I came to the conclu sion that auv business that j would"! aid a ' man to convict a neighbor of his own crime was not the business for me, so I gave it up. Ex. A HORSE'S ELEVEN REQUESTS. 1. Don't pound or beat me. 2. Cover me when I am too warm or cold. 3. Don't etand me in a draft. 4. Do i't over oad me. 5. Don't compel me to ! work when I'm sick. - ' 6. Don't cut aiy feet too much when I'm shod. 7. Don't over-drive and under feed me. 8. Remember that I have feelings. . 9... Don't water me when I have been driven a long distance, until 1 cool. 10. TalK to me kindly. H. Treat me as you would like to be trea'ed if von were a horse. Mis. Piuebe Thomas, of Junction Citv, 111.. w;u tol I by her doctors she had con - -innplfon and that there was no hope fvr her, but two botties Dr. king's .vew Di-covery.eainpletely cured her and she says i: saved herlife. Mr. Thos. Eng- gers, 1 3 Fiji id i Sr. San Francisco, suf- fervd from a dreadful cold, approaching eonsuinption. tried without re-ult every- thing else tifii lK)iigluoue botlle of lr. King's New-liiseovery and in two weeks was cured, lie is naturally thairkfuU. It is sm h .esnlis of which there are .am- pies, tiini prow ine w uuuei nu. raa-is ui t his nieH:iiie Li coughs and cold. Free- rial lxttles at Harper & Hood's DriK tore. Regular size ode, ana t,W). There is no doubi but what every man, woman and child has read with great interest rhat.lhe Legislature 1 1 I d in regard to ttio MortsiaLie Law. so reaa tne iiougiass aojourn fluent and mtfy other things. Xow we mvite yon to read an article ma is greatest, of all. You will learn frdii this article, not what the Lg's lalure did, but what II. W. Jernigan & Co,, will do lev those that trade with them. 'iNEST IN TOWN- o o YFj have in our store; without a doubt the largest stock of goods 11 . " . . j d greatest variety ever displayed am in Dunn. It would be the h'glh of folly for us to attemp": to mejitu n all our articles so we want you to Cull and see them. glHKTS. II I It T S. glIIRT,S. II I It T S. Our l;re of shirts-are.' the best, cheap est and nicest ever brought la'; this market. Can fit the large and small. . -HATS Our Hats iro 'OUT OF SIGHT , , . , I Prices are low and shapes of the very latest makes. Be certain you ex am it. e them, o- -o We carry a gen?r d line of ft, r :im ke?P lhe liCSt f,,r tlie !easti 1Ilon" 1 t' n t - ' i ey. 1 1 y us ov.d be convnued . ; GROCERY DEPARTMENT, We a'wavs keep a full line of fresh roce. ios to suit U? trade. ! For tlie best itramls of flour vou should never fail to call on us. j ! Thanking ail f:r their liberal! patronage, we remain, Yours ; ru ly, The foo'irg is thcj snr.aal Pt,"t.'mont o! the icceii.t.s aiul dishniu.-aeiits of the town o( Dunn, N. C, for tlie year ending May 7U;, -i :,. By hal. in foes for the year ending May l vi. Tax eeil'VtvMl Fines collected Theatvd ;kud iarks s!iot. C'as!i for Ceinc-tory lol.-i sold Liu'-jus tat 'o'!'c,ed 5 ?20 75. 3. ST. ',7 Oi. o 00 ; 21 0, . 123 00. 11 -1 Less di-shurserncuts J3i 30. By balance in Treasury for year eiidiiii? May o5. Di ST. U KS E M EX T S. To cash paid for street werk llt 5t. Prison :i- hoarl j 02. " " Town attorney SO 00. ' Cemetery work li; 15. " ' F.i'pV town hall &c i(5 -0 " " Lumber ID'15. " " I'uirii., Wcllslire d'it Zo 2S. ' .v " " " Liatintf tax . ' 1 I ii 00 " " "Town M'lrshal 2:1 Gj, Mht watchman ii.; y.!. " ' .' Commissioners 4'. 00. ' " " Mayor 100 .0. " " " Oil and lamji suplics ii C7. " " Insurance town li:tU I 11 00 i Printing and aiv ; 1 8ti.i, " " " jii.iceiriieos sui.'s kc 13 iO, ' " J:el-i!I licc.is town i 10 00. " stationery ' ; 2 s5. ' Finaece & sanitary Committee j C 10. " " ";oin. Treasurer '27 42. " " " Tax colloetor li 89. I " " Out -staudlnj order 11 II. L, "Wade,. Ton Cltlrk. DUNN MARKET. CoiutECTED Weekly. ; Corn 50. to 60c. per bu. Oats 55 to COo, " . Peas 60 to 1 00 " " Fodder 7c- " buft, Chiclens 15 o 25c. Eggs lUe. " doz. Bauer 15 to 25c. j lb. Meat, C U Side 10o, " ! " Ham, new 10c. . .' CoUon 6o. " ' : Coifee 20 to 25. j " S :gar " .Cc. " t - rurpei.tine. Y. D. " bb Turpctine VJ D 250 " Scrape $1.10 . j . ' i Froc lills. j Send y ur adJres to II- E. Baekk-ii ! & J ., Chicago, au.l get a free sample box of Dr. King's Xew; Life P'lf. A - j.-'-tj w ill eOi.vioia-you. of then: merit-,. ' rh's"" pills are easy in action and are! t particularly efiVctive in the cure. of Con-; saiputkMi and &!ck ik-.tdache. l orj Lum uml Jjwr troubles they itayc b-eii j nroved invaluable. They are gujtrau-' i tetd to be perfectly five from, every ! delete-nous substance and to Ie purely 1 vegetable. They do not weaken by tlieir action, out ry jriviug tone to sioui- ;l(-h and bowels great ly invigorate tlie svsteui. ivCiTUiai size .h-. per uu.. Sold by llariK-r & ilooJ Druggist. Xop.th Carolina, "t fore Clerk of Harnett County, j Superior Louri S IT U ichanon in behalf of him- f .-elf ud all other creditors of the I Estate of Lew is Pipkin, dee'd. Cred- vs. J W Pipkin. Ailm'r. of Lewis Pipkins deceased. ltors Bid. 1 filed "m A creditor bill having been aoove euruieu eaue o " ' in U half of bimself and all other cred itors of the Estate of Lewis Pipkin, de ceased, notice is hereby given to all creditors of sa.d estato to appear before m at mv "office in Lilliugton, on or be fore the 4th davof June 18c5, at the hour of 12 o'clock, noou, and Hie evi deuces of their cl lira-. This April 3rd I5fj5. F. M. McKay. v" - Clerk Superior Court. W L Murciunson, Atty., for plaiutfn". Buchano". a!0-6w. -1 1 ,.. ... II II , i. .1 - " M ' NOTICE ! . Having duly quali'lied as the exicutor to the last w ill and testament of David Lee, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said estate to present the same for payment, estate to present tne same ior pa. duly verriiied on or before the I I of April 1S90 or this notice w ill b -m b:tr ()f tieir rfcC-overv. All before the l itn uay plead persons indebted to said estate sire'hereby notiti- ed to make immediate payment of the same. 'Ihis April Gih, 1S)5. J. M. Lee, Executor. F. P. Jones, Att:y. a-I0-G-pd. XOT1CE OF LAND SALE ! By virtue of a power of sale contained in a'eeita'.n Mortgage Deed, made by V Parker and w iie to Mrs. C Lane, and recorded in Biok Ii Xo, 2. pages 511 13, records of Harnett cotinty, 1 w ill sell at public sale for cash, at the Post Mice in ihe town of Dunn, on the, 1st day of June 181J5, at 12 o'elocj: M. that valuable lot and residence in the town of Dunn, on" the corner of Broad and Ellem street it being the same place where the said S W P..:ker and family now live. Also one other tract of land in Stewart's Creek township. Harnett county, con taining thirt-y-fix acres, be the same more or les". Said lauds ai fully de scribed bv meets and bounds in the afore said mortgage deed reference - to which i- hereby had. This April 2y th, 1805. ! . Mks. C. Lane, Jim tgagee. j j0NI.:s Att'y- mr-27-4t. NOTICE ! By virtue of two certain mortgages executed tv me by J. F. Phillip- and wife and registered in Kegisteis ollice of Maruett county, one in li.ok II Xo 2 page j 54i etc., the other in Book J Xo 2 pages j i.H, tr2, 153, 1 will sell at p'iMin sal.; to I tlie big'. .-St bi.liier at the depot, in Dunn, ! X. t'-i'at 12 o'clock M. on TueMlay the ' 1-lfn day of May ISy5.- tbe following I property therein conveyed to wit : .1 p, tl.rtCt1M:,.Mh.lt poiti,m of L()t No. 4 in Block P. i;i plan of tow n of Duun where .!. 1 I'Llllips and wife formerly lived, adjoining the lands of Dr. F. 1". Meove, Mo.-e. Tripp et al?.. being tiie land conveyed in the mortgage tiit ahovo mentioned. second tract Being all of original re-ident Lot Xo. in Block S. in , the plan of the said town of Da:.:., being ihe laud conveyed ' in tlie second mor tgage above mentioned, and for the de scription, term.-" etc , of this mortgage I'tronce is here y made to Book J Xo. 'J. pages 1."1 eic audio Book H. Xo, 2 page.- etc. in Itegister.s ol'Jee of Har nett cou.itv. Term cash, 'i'hisj April L. J. iiek, 10; ii, ";.. a-i0-to-j4. ioitga- LAND SALE I I will on tlie lsf ilonday in Ju 'C, IS'Jo sell at public .out-cry the following dc- j scriLed tracts of laud in Liilingtoii town- ship, !la nett county, X. C. j 1st tract The James Bailey land, eon taim .g 2s ucre.-. bt ing in sai l township and bouudeil a-5il'ow s: West ide b nr. J. T. Bodgcrs; East by S K Wadde.M: south by Mrs. It Grca.-on; West bv C MeArtan. 2nd tract Geo. M, McLean land con taining "S acres in said township and bounded as follows: North by --A Sal mon: East by Mrs, M. McKuv: ISouth bv T X MeLean, The sale v. il take place at the court house door at 12 o'clock M. Terms of sale stated on day of sale. J , II. Pol'E, She rift". M-S-lt. NOTICE : . Having qualified as administrator D. B, X., C.T. A, of the estate of Jl. A. Jrhnor, decease rj, notice is here!) given to all persons holding claims against said estate to present the IsaiMc to the undersigned for payment duly verified on or before the lh day of April iSfjG. ir this notice wilLjoe pleatled in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are hereby not i lied tq make immediate, payment of the same. This April the 21st, lSy5. II. W. Jkhnigax, Adai'r. 1), B. X., C. T. A. F, P. Jones, Att'y. a2J-(1vv. NORTH C.VKOLINA, IIAKNETT COUNTY. In the matter of Mie administrators of the Estate of B. Rich, deceased. TO W1I02I IT MAY t'OXCEKX : Xotiee is hereby given that the un dersigned, Z. Rich, ridmi'.iistrator of B. Rich, has ihi.-i daj liled in the olHee of tlie clerk of the Superior court of Har nett count j his lirst annual accouut of his dealings with the Estate of Lis in testate and all persons inteiested aie re quested to examine said account and if they find it objectionable to object there to with in a reasonable time. This the 4th lay of May 1805. - Z. Rich, Administrator of B. Rich, Deceased. AV. E. Merchtson, D- H. McLean ', Attorneys. in -S4i-pd. WEW-'. STORE.- I ara : ow doing business in the store formerly occupied by B. M. F. Coats. I inyite all my friends to call and examine my goods and prices before you buy m My motto is quick sales and small profits. Be sure you call and see tnc, Yours to please, A. T. LEE, DUNN; N. C. ap-24-tf. Notice of Dissolution'. By, mutual consent L have this da; severed ia-Conor ciion with ihe 'LtC' I Hardware Co. 'J he busi - ... .. , ., .. st,!l Coniuiue under die ,,ri ness wiii rm natce ui Lee Hardware Co. Respectful I v, - - J- Lee. Mi BUY YOUR SPRING DRUCS'HERE. icAwr STAND. I Complete stock Brin vur Preset iptions to ns, they Wp make tbe celebrated Itch Cure. Complete stock of j g aide unseeds Use Borox on your meat. We have SATISFACTION to all patrons that buy their Drugs and sundries frpnj m, i I am, yours to please. JanlGNtf 1 1. lH Sly toek of Spring and Summer Dress Goods is now ready for inspection and consists of all the new and pretty styles in Oreamb'es, dotted Swiss, Linen Lawns, Du :hes. P.quea, Percales ant otiier patterns rt In connection with my RY GOODS I have ope ted a i -Tj-ILLIXEBY As'D JpAXCy avJ am preparel to give 3'ou the Ql"1"'"3 HATS -AND. BONNETS. Silk"- for Shbl waist and Dress Trimmings. Lace? andt Ribbons, Our line of Swiss, Nainsook and Hamburg embroideries $ni lnserlioQjes eel's in beauty and quality any ever .exhibited in Dunn- We can give you a ood article in Slippers. Hoiserv. Corsets, Corst-vTi-iti, Gloves, Fans and in fact ever y tiring Call and earrjipe our stock before purchasing elsewhere "j '; Yours' t PLKASK. ! . ' " j DUNN, 1ST- d. mrs27tf. ' : ' i -'''! CWM Over Obo SIIIHom People wear th H i,1 LM t& i VMk W. L. Douglas $3 and $4 Shoe. It 10: WC 'tf-i'? All ear Ae ar atlr ria?Hrf & tf:f- ' -dfY! VitM&i Tbcy give tb beat value for tt moa7. (T. f',-':'1 U''.V- " H I They equal coatomBhoealmatyle and fit f " Cj f&'i' ' X&M-- 1 - Vwi , i A Then wearing qoalltlaa u-e nasorpasaed. ft-'' N--?-- I The prices aro onrtorm atamped oo sole. mj& ;VJsM vvJ-v!. Krocx t to $3 aaved ver other ctalcea. 3 ffMfr: 1 iMf3LJ viftsV IT yow dealer cannot aupply yoa we ae. " JMhK kT S5.S4.53.50 CordoTaalrreB S'MiZ Wy Ea welled Calf and Itanreroe. 3 i&3AM &t S3.50Pcifc8Sfcoet. Stoles.. pms . NSfek S2& SI. 7S Eeyt'Sckw) Sheet tlT...'v"i-rnn, iCr3sS5s1a-L ' K If your dealer cannot nppj WM'S Id THE ISrQSsi 75u, write for catelo lfilltl'WE lit ' BroektOB.Maa FOR SALE BY E. - p.. YOUNQ, fAiyp-BARGAINS' ! iiOODS MUST We have ju?t pened an elegantand carefully selectedstock of Ladie Dress Goods and Trimmings at price lower than ever. We still carry the largest siock of white gooils and Laces'of any bouse in the county, and make a specialty of filling orders for burial" purp08'' When in need ot spool cotton, sewing and embroidery silk in all giiadep an p.il.ira TJpmomhpV that, kc arft bpftdnuftrtpri for pvprvt.hintr in this HOP u don't forget to look at our $ea Inland. pereaU for sbirt waists. SHOES. SHOES. SHOES. We claim to have the largest and in Dunn. We ais i have in stock f!i3;:i' ro r.arf- rt rrmi,ala Una give awa' a large and beaut. fnl picture free with avery 10 packt of j Ax Snuff that you buy. It is impossible to mention eve thing carne a General Mcrcharlise Store like ' hat 3'ou can call for and at prices We'thart nnr fripnd vrv Irin.lK- . . . , j j - a. -v. a o ( e aw V' KJ . ' . . -. cosiness oaiore jiurvUatrij elsewhere- Agutn tuanKin ojir and all and respectfully soliciting your patronage io the future. We remain, yours -not to bj downed, J. A. rASSElIG!LL & CO., of Drugs, lowest prjpes guarnWi,l are filled by a RegisUrediPharinacjst" 1NU LUKu rAi. Fresh stock- TARIFF OFF. itfunelj powdered, . GUARWTEEiD D, H. HOOD, Punn m 0. 'various DEPARTR1ENT , Q.OODS JJEPARTMEX'. latest novelties in Ladies, Mi 332s and needed to complete a ladies' wardrobj. & WILL BE SOLD. best selected'aiock of shoes of any a nice liwe of stylish straw hatf.j rrv.i r? r.a nnff And TobuCCOj gtore. yerf ours. Because, we have almost an that dsfy corr.p,etition. fir ihfir liharnl naironaee 1U l"e . . wl-U I VI V -- I e a w-" - ! . r-;nlU. WOO Aininmippmpiif illillll Uliuljlliull i i