J3CX3 THE 0 ato .t tbe Primiti 'It T M TY UNION nI.y night by (1U i Ul Mirort county. tuccking n w aietooaist church this weeic. breaching every afternoon at o :3U o'clock. Rev. Mr. HM. of Jonesboro is expected Fridav. and will preach. Friday night. The meet ing wiu continue over Sunday md CI . " aunaay r:gbt. Editors. QlRCUS, special. . . i,-. ir ;o tear mwr oe ,-hn order is given and rlen delivered. , 'i.,re v- ( jbKt'l on advertising )N- seems to a little on .imt .c,.lu... I COTfO sv b rder at L.hf lawyer js smiling. pecial at' en lion tins issue Wateb it. ! Tm, .l I . uuuiucry aepartment t. Thirty llr Young's store, under tbe management of Miss Addie Young. was a scene f beauty vesterdav. I hf nruninn n,.L. - i ... T-.x-VT'cr; 7 " "v piace ana all who ' I VlSlted t!i . ,,j,,lvulCi pronounced it tbe prettiest scene and mostbeauti into fully arranged opening they ha I ever attended. Miss Addie thoroughly tlnd prat on3. l. if..: . mt mj matte anu ars 1 1 . uer aepartment in the most tastey manner. QlRCUS, IRCUS QlRCUS, IRCUS IRCUS take the children Is gone but we eure still liere oiFering Bargains. Flotel Divine T;ie silver convention meets in ..i..0o hundred barrels of I ... Tl.inn .his rUODtb. , vt,.n next Sunday. iuim - i -George Vashin;tou Snooks" left Lite Democra's. See j his i : . r - 1 jiunicaUon on editorial page. T..r- l'wr pif. dav in the bistort T c. i. . au, I of the most influential and Drominent l1,u"" . . ... i Democrats of nr nmmtir -v-Gve hundred people in town. . , .. J "vu'c6 - I W ashington Snooks" comes out in a hseptembkrso far bas . been a communication Dublished in Tnir t . n tli T h A t liar m . k rrt I . r::ar summt-i v"' union this week, and bids farewpll ;jens. Mii. K. Young has had a Lrput up in front of his.- store hadJamuchto the appearance r Aberdeen have markets Husbands brinz vour wives, wives brinz vour husbands, wives and buss r? alAlral. . J . " . la ... .... ... "'cisu KNiai. rrom wuat w nan Dsnas Orin vour r.hildrpn ana All Piamine mv immense U'r r& ai-i-iinuii I . . - I o J J FC ' .1 learn it will nnf Ha i i I - (!rrf,, ,,ace .?... or M - "-r STOCK OF GOODS, . l..,..roO V ail-II 1L. " " 1' v-viovvi '!'. J' ' I themselves a hincv nmA.1 . I Sp1mtjr1 hi nitr tmt, hnvora wln cnerl I wrt wpaItq in iIia Nnrt.hfrn . "r til ft "J ' "J .. r ... " i fliat tliprp lift noon I .. . I . : i. : i : v.e " convention mixed ud with Rpnnhliw op usrams. 3iy go as were Dougut witu lue l AUir r Uf r , ana tnat is tue way i pro pose to se I them. I can sell you any kind of Dress you wish from five cent calico np well, any, price you wish to pay. - fisb cans and Populist', and say they will not attend, The Democrats are f our vouner Dconle are right about this, thev do not t, f f.i 1 ' ' I J " MW WMft f VV -a ol ""iiig to the Association mixed in conventions nor neither do they care to be mixed with them in the here after. Wk tavo noticed from our ex- cuanges me witudrawel of several promi ent Democrats, and now one Shoes and Boots have advanceed nearly fifty per cent but having bought my stock before the advance 1 wi 1 for the next 60 Days sell them at o!d prices is long as thev last, but they are selling so rapully tuer win not last over 30 days, so come right on and buy your winter Shoes. Our line of i i ' GENTS' AND BOYS HATS is the roost complete prettiest and cheapest eyer been shown in the town. jrs' laadiBj; at about 90 on an aver- to the old ship of Democracy upon wh eb he has sailed for many years. i Frost in New York on the 14th. George has departed and gone where .i II. .1 . ...... J 1 n.'lH VILA Inl'nnll. I. . 111 1 Ci)U?Uicrauie uuiuagc uj n uv;n. ami i , inmctu, me iriiiovr weep eiu and the whang doodle mornetb foreyer and frever. Messrs. Duke & Blanchard moved to Dunn Our stock of clothing' for men and boys has to be seen to be ap- preCiateCl, We inVlte yOU tO COme spent Monday at the Academy. and inspect it. POE ITEMS. Tbe devil Is runing a big business in this section. Mr .J, L. Hall of Falcon spent Sun day night and monday near here. Mr. W. P. Byrd spent Saturday night near Turlington. Miss Ida Condon of Hollly Springs is visiting inthis section. H. II. Poe. Esq. took a trip to Ral. eigb last week. Mr. Wilbur Hall spent Saturday and Sunday at bis home near, Falcon. One of our girls was "in honey up to her eyes Sunday night and Moos day. 31 rs Florence Shaw left Saturday to open a school near Turlington. Mr. "W. F. Pea son and wife of Dunn spent Sunday in this section. Snook sold three bales of cotton in Raleigh last Thursday for Mr. J. A. Matthews at 8 cts per pound. Why cant you Dunn people pay that much for it. We have a few liars, hypocrits. backbiters and rogues in this section. Clement Ansil" ( Golly Moses ) spent Sunday near Barclaysvilie. Old boy there must be some attract tion up there. We have some mean people in this section. During the protracted meet ing at Buie8 Creek some one went into Snook's home and took a nice umbrella. Since then some one has propped his gate open and let the fence down in different places and let hogs into the corn field, If you have anything against me come up and lets knock it out and don't try to damage my crop. Did you go to the circus? Mr. R, D. ' Dewar, of Winslow, HEADQUARTERS Look to your interest and save money. '"1 Harper & Hood are still at their old stand corner of R. R. and BROAD STREET where you will find the largest - ant most complete tock of FOR H RUGS'. 11 Drugs, Toilet Articles etc., to be found in the county. Also Fnncy and stick Candies, Stationery, School Books, i Lamns and LamrJ X ' HARPER & HOOD, DUNN, N. C. i . i xoods, Cizars. SnniT. Tobacco AcJ II of which wi offer at greatly rei liaced prices. , I rbe best variety of COLD DRINKS . ! 'very day. Thankin; all for past i favors, we jordlally invite a' I to come and ex imme goods and prices. jWe gaarau ee satisfaction. ! Remember the place. i f Mir THE BELLS TO RINGING pLAY THE FIDDLE AND BKATj I HE DRUM. T ETS ALL JOIN IN THE SINGING- - '!...; I 1 " I 'THERE'S ijOOD NEWi FOR EVERY ONE. I I f) BLOW THE TRU.MP.LT INSIDE OUT, ND SHOOT YOUR BIGGEST GUN, POR MASSENGILL IS STILL AT THE FRONT ww m . . Hi UHE APEST MAN IN DUNN. Our stock of General Merchandise is noCrnplete and Le Jrdially In vue our friends to call and iasoect our a a ... J ia - i:. . .. 4 . . P ' "uv FiCC. ueiow r.. uuu a iia i me leading articles which we carry: Calico, iPg3. . MrR. G. Taylor has had the tie of hi store remodeled, making . . i 1 l ;!) miprovtmeni in me general nrancc of things. .. JIk. C ao. . T. Hodges of this i:slii) has a five months old white later stock hog that weighs 100 k no v and is one of the finest i ever "brought in the Count. i " Tm: Clown said that Dunn! is and opened up a large line, of Gro. cerles and General Merchandise. Tuey occupy a store in the Lee bull ding next door to Mr. J, J. Wade. these gentlemen are merchants of lon experience in business and have located in Dunn for no other purpose tbun to deal honestly and justly with all. We are glad to welcome them to our town and hop they may find it both pleasant and profitable. Miss Delia, sister of Mr. ul&ncbard is also We have the largest and finest line of Millinery goods ever shown in Dunn. Miss Addie Young who is with us. spent two weeks in the North learning all the new styles and p'ckihg up bargains in her department. Onr GrraricL Opening took place on Tuesday b'ept. 24th, and proved to be the grandest evenin display of pretlj7 and 'attractive styles ever made in Dunn. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. Yours to Please, Mr. John Legett and Mr. George Harman 9pent Sunday and , Monday at Hope Mills. Quite a number of our people at tended the circus Saturday. Messrs. John and Walter Stewart ofTroyville, were in this section Sun COMING AND GOING- I -a . ; represented in Heaven. Thia wiiu tucui at tue present.; u that we haye the healthiest see on lie giooe. ! Mis Fv Barnes of Buie V khas uccepted a position in the isery store witli Mrs. J. H. Pope. lifll be pleased to have her call and see her. H P. Il l lS , DUNN, N- C mr27stf. hS1k. J. J. Cook has accepted a rianent position with air. .14 Vx. !r where he will be glad to wait iis friends when they come to rs. "a, but not too warm for many of p)8 to attend the baptizing; a' mi. Falcon must have some :at- ion for them, to cause them! to i psacli a trip. i "Mr I). McNMcK y of Dick in a to county, has accepted a pos a with Mr. T. K. Hood in the 't"re at Sraiihfield. Mack is a with an 'boy and has a position -'ei.l nun. Mr. John Pearson returned Fn 'fruai Haiti mose where be just T'-tted a course in Coraraeicial f n and business. He will leach branch in Hide's Creek Acade- ir uu. i-. ijyra uanuea us Ft-t of his tobacco which we think ery pretty article. A nice yel- r'or, smooihe and well cured. ' of Hametts fanners are try R'bacc culture this tear and so f 4lve been successful. I H It was remarkable that out of 11 Lirv'P ppnoo.l Iiapa loaf Htnr. "2 was not a sinzle fiaht that n3W to anvthinz and not any made at'all. This specks well trtown and we deem it worthy Wal mention. Oiu merchants all had a good J6 Saturday. We Lave heard ( merchan t who did considera iartising selling nearly out. 414 "bat printers ink will do! if 1 J?e it i' E Will snnn 1 1 o tn nnr rfWra PUitii a lot of new cuts which i'4Te ordered for the benefit C ao advertise in Tub iS will, Catch the pva n nicker 11 tractive -ad" with a . eooJ ABEside walk in front of piin 1 5 " J. , and we learn that a wire prevent isogs s'eep'ng un- Mr. Zcb Jeffrey returned Saturday, to the delight of his many friends. MUs Irene McKay and mother pent a few days in town this week. Mr. Mack Uoliiday was in town Saturday and took in the show. Prof. Clifford and Mr. Ed B illance are out again after a slight attack of fever. Mr. M. D. Higgs returned from South Carolina last Saturday. He saw the show. Mr John Talton of Joh.iston coun ty was in town a few days this week on his return from the association. Mr. Ralph Shaw of Lillingion ens tered s ho 1 at Lucknow Ins:itute last Monday. We are glad to have him with us. Mr. W. J Long of Buy's Creek and Mr. J A. Matthews of Ban larsviUe two of Hametts good farmers paid us a pltasan'w call while in low n last Thursday, Tcke Jim, John Joe and in fact take all your boys down to W. 1'.. Austin's Clothing Store, and let him St theni up in nice suits at prices never before heard of. Do you want good bread? If so buy your baking powders from J. J. Wilson. With each 5 cent package of Dixie Powders you get a nice Tea spoon made of wbito metal, silvered. With each 10 cent package a nice Table spcon of same quality, goods guaranteed first quality. The spoons are given fn-e and are worth the price of the Powders. Taese spoons are given to introduce the Baking Powder., and only a limited quantity are now on band. Call before they are gone. To Our Subscribers. We have never believed, in pub lishing aricles through the columns of newspapers dunning the subscrib ers, and ibis is. not intended as a dun but simply as a reminder. We have gone on through the summer without saying much about subscription, and have so far as we were able, done our duty, and spared no labor in giving the best paper we could get up, and now we shall appreciate your promptness in the payment of your subscription. We simply pub'ish this article that those who who are in arrears may come in when they come to town or send tbe amount. Hoping many may respond to this call, we beg to remain. Faithfully yours, Grantham & Pittman. Their Guide. When you come to Benson doa't fail to call and see me I have a fall line of Druas, Patent u.edicines and everything generally carried in a first class drug store, Prescriptions cares fully filled, call to see me. J. W. Benson. Benson. N. C WANTED Will some lady who does fine quilting please send her address with prices to Miss C. Harreix, Dunn. N. C. Hunting Show. Notwithstanding the lwat and dust last Saturday a large crowd came to town to witness the show. The crowd wus variously estimated, some say there were 3000, while others say there were more. We estimate , the crowd at 3500. This was the most people ever before seen in Dunn. The street parade took place at 10 :30, and the performance at I. :30 The ring riding was very good ins deed and the trapee performance as oiKd as we eyer witnessed. Taken altogether it was as good as any show for the admission fee. They left for Mai ion, S. C, about 7 :30. We hope they will pass this way again. Jona Bogs. Clement Ansil, Two Pumpkins and old Snooks attended the circus Saturday. Mr. Andrew Gregory is erecting a nice residence right near Buie's Creek Academy. Mr. John. S. earjon. who has been in Baltimore attending a Business College for, the past five months graduated last Wednesday and res turned home Friday with his diplo ma. He will take charge of the Busi ness Course at Buie's Creek now. On last Tuesday morning this We often become amused when community was shocked at tbe sad leading the Caucasian, for we find intelligence of the death of little Su little in it. (nothing of real worth) to die Harman, daughter of Mr, H. H, see how so many mislead people bold Harman, which occurred Mouday it up as a guiding star, as the truth night. She bad been sick only a few of the day. One says its doing more days and her death was, indeed. fur the great reform than any other i sad shock to the neighborhood. Cer paper published. Another"says our tainly God has plucked one of tbe people are going wild over the uns I fairest flowers of His garden. She answerable truths that it contains, and was one of the brightest, purest and hundreds of other just such foolish sweetest girls in this section. She articles appesr in its cohimns. If the was about ten 3rears old and had sore head ffiee seekers were blotted been a member of Buie's Creek church i off the face the earth, tbe Caucasian for some time. would be without a correspondent. Tbe teachers and students of Buie's and would contain nothing of inter Creek Academy and former students est. The readers of this sheet liavef will be pained to hear of her deuth. been mislead and many of them Gave for she was one of the brightest and fallen into a sta'e that has killed con smartest children that ever attended . . lit i ii ... m science. These people care nothing ftcnooi uere. Mie was Dunea lues for Democratic literature, and are go- day evening at Buie's Creek. inr on b indofoldd bv th fal We extend our sympathy to tbe nromises held un bv this miserable bereaved family in ibis their sad sheet, called the great refo mer of ihe hour of bereavement. day. We ask intelligent people to stop and think and pull this sheet from over their eyes and look things square in tbe face. The time is coming and is now at band when people must think intelligently and act as wise men. Men who think and keep themselves posted know how far short the party, of which this paper is the organ, fell short of i s pledges and bow corrupt it prov ed itself. Read papers that bold up bonest views and teach your children that the wise plan is to "prove all things and hold fast to that which is good." Let tbe Republican party forsake its wicked way and the Populist .its unrighteous deeds, already commits led, and return to tla w.iich bag ever proven itself the friend of tbe mass es Tbe Democratic party. W.l Ms Snooks, Is CLOTH I IMG STORE YES, opposite Jackson's ,bar on Broad Sr. tbe to Thi s good and we think aid Y,Vii. . .1.. r "f-" mj lug uorururb ui ." P e lf ihe oMicr churches NOTICE. All parties desiring Fire Insurance of any kind, dwellings, stores, gins Ac, will do well to consult me betore insuring. I represent only good companies. Respectfully. Sept 14 3 m. J. A. Taylor. Duclilen'w .trnirn Snlvo. 1 lie bet salve in the world for Cut?, Biutees, Sore-s Salt Kheum, Fever Sores Tetter, Chapped Hanks, Chillblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruption, and pos tively cures Piles, or no pay. It is guaranteed to gve perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Piice 2. cents per box. For sale by Harper A Hood. A Communication from a Texas correspondent will appear next week. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Haying qualified as Administratrix of Mies Mary Ann Mc-Ne II and Katha rine McNeill, deecaie'. late of Harnett County, North Carol' nt, this is to noti fy all persons having cliitns arainst the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 17th day of Sept, 1896, or this notice will be ple ided in bar of their recovery. Al! persuiw indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This I7lh day of ik-pt. 1695. Sarah M. Andrews, Atfuirx YES, he sells Clothing cheaper than any man in Dunn. hi? Clothing is fresh and he can give you prices that will astonish 3-ou. Giugbam, Twill Drapery, .. : t i fuiungs. 1 Zarioa Cloth, Satin Henrietta, batin J? ieurettes, ha' ins, Outings, Flannels, Flannelettes, Duck. Cheveo.s, Moleskins, Cas timers. Glenolden Cloth. Henrietta Cloth. Covert Cloth, Waterproof C!oth, Eider Down, Crepe St. Qui - tin, Russian Fleece, Crepon, . ! Taffeta Mcire, Cham brays, Cambric, Hair Cloth, Corset Jeans, Crenollne. Wigan, Pant Cloth, Demins, Sea Island Goods, Birds eye Goods, 10 4 Sheeting, A A Sheeting, Bleaching, Tickings, Plaids, Shirts, Shirtings, - Unde. shirts, Drawers, Pants, Suspenders, Half Hose. Gloves, Cuffs, Cuff Buttons, Collars, Scarfs. Neck Ties Winsor Ties Handkerchiefs Ladies Vests Corsets Corset clasps Stockings Baltmiials Garters Shirt waists Jersey waists Belts Buckles Bangs Side Combs Hair Pins Tuckiiig Combs Hooks and eyes uress .stays Needles Pins Pins safety Knitting Needles Knitting Coitou Ball Thread Cotton yarn Sewing silk Buttonhole Twist Embroidery Cotton Machine thread Thimbles Buttons . Braids . uraMs finishing I oat binding Pencils Envelopes Paper Tablets Writing pens Account books Ink Story books Pocket books Pocket glass Pocket .Rules Jewelry Pipes Towels Tidies Soap Face powders Cologne Tooth brjshcs Clothes brushes Brooms Umbrellas Trucks Valises Grips Grip straps Hamburgs Laces Swiss Muslin Linin Damask Ribbons ' Ribbon Velvet Tobacco che you fobacco smo ring .ing Cigars, Cheroots. Snuff l J Hats & Caps Bouts & Shoes Shoe-laces Shoe Over .shoe blacking Baskets j Buckets j Wadi board Sifters- j Lamps, wicki Ac, Pictures j Picture frames Ka?els .- j V Starch & Pearl ine Gold dui't' I Baking powders B;udrg & Ive Soda & Nutmegs Flour and Sugar Candy . j Coffee nd Rice Lard and Molasse Vinegar an I Syrup Meat and Meal Cheese and Fish Corn j ! Kerosene oil , Plow lii.es -V Bugey whips Buggv robes ; C un erpeans' Blankets Comforts j ; Bagging & Ties "Fire Dos j Ash Shovels j Pocket Knives :. Powder and Shot Caps j j Pumps and piping bpice and Pepper Dish pans Dippers Pitchers Plates S Cup and Saucers Butter dishes Sugar dished Syrup Pots j Tumblers & Goblets Oil clothes Napkins, and many things too tedious to uu i) tion. other All of the above goods were bought before the advance,; consequently we are able to sell at the same low prices as heretofore. a trial ' Yours for business. All we ask ' is J. Ai MASSENGILL & CO., 1 1 1 9. rar-27tf. DUNN, N. C BROWN'S SALOON D, McBRDUIN' 7-7 1 To get fresh pure liquors call on ! ; me. Water is a first-class drink in its place but it don't beat IT ALL BY ME. miii uuuii 11 iiiuuui are Invited to drink with me, . ! , what ever your eireumstances mav be. 1 , are good, where ever found, ' I If you w ant a drink call 011 ilcBrown. YES, a perfect fit of Black Clay norsteu for 3.rX, DRINKS C C can tit your boys too CO at a triil!,iz cot. before you bur, be can save you money. - YES Uid Yon Ever Try Eleefric Eitteis as a remedy for your trouble? If not get a bottle now and get relief. ThU medicine has been found to he trf-cuILarl v! aiLintet to f lie re. von had better see him ,,ef and cure of all female, complaint. exerting a wondenu d,rtCt mfluence giving itrengtii and tone to the organs. If you bare 1ms of appetite, constipa tion, headache, faintjng epell, or are nervous leeple, e? ei' ible, Inelancboly or troubled with 1 liFy t pells Electric Ditteis is tlie mediciiie rou Jieed. Health and ftieneth guaranteed by its ue. For Mle by IJarier & Bood. Large bottles fif t v cents. ' Don't forget the place, you right. in W. B AUSTIN'S CLOTH 1FG jlOUSC, DUNN, N. C He will treat LOST. One ling, swallow forks in each ear ai.d half moon overesch eir, 'Xj' or rerl. Tbe finder will be liberally reaiecl ns reiurnine tbe same to J C. Cox, Dunn, N. C. Any one wishimg to purchase a good light ruofc'msr. sewing machine seven, drawer brand new. will get a good bargain, by calling at lbi office. Terms made known when jo