filCi i"nri iij.jrm- f : ii :.!'""'.! ! . ; i j j , ... a, . ; -Mr - V - - ' I THE !Ui Gospel has its influence on my OuJ UU Uv UOL1) AM) . 11 .1 . .. . .1.1 . . i nnvnc teari. a cruse worns ui i-uiw" ) GOUNXY UNION-!.plientriih all their iMmpufb:ctr:,j i . ... -. . i r ". . - - -"- - - i li'tw im an. liiiw conteuilible are ii'i N MORE u-v and to expo t gold to meet iluir . in 'eb'edrrss in Li-ndon." thev fln; e cm e nr other bond issue. The syn- d'cate is in a. rns;tion where thev The &i.iir niifnf go!d i r,f..z a f(j pj,,, wUre j ; . .1 .. i . - i . . . . i . ..r . ; - i : ):btelbubk&; shnp!e zr,;a' ura' ,i"r'u ,M M"- r Miev can c-ue another bond issue or Fincred aeeo.dh.g to postal f'" ami sublime, sh-uhl he merely t.e i lH,rU re ,,e,,vv an, ron-mue. II is , ro, jn.t as they .lesire, ami where ti....f at the po.-totUce Atluum,.t., a., Utaed tha it 'id admb'ed by fri-ndi ...... t. .i.,,.. t:,o DUNN, Harnett County, N. C. j wie Cl)llJ!,arfe,l wj(h Scrip: ure ! Is iL eond c!as. matter. C.' K. GRANTHAM, i J. P. riTTMANv 1 Editors. tvotk of man?' It would bo easy to i ' .1.. ,i ... !. . i . r doZ'ii stimuli; mail uie cijmns i One of its nrs ..!?.. I.. .. ft . . n f t v . . t lll UiUiLUMV uu'Hb, iin ov iuc uij. i .,- , . e '. . ! nold must continue. ..ence, some of them enemies 0r juans sars the balance against, this Christ, of the great superiority of the"""1 8o" to be uUlX is S200' Bitle over other btjoks. ( 00.000. r.;d yold must do it. The - -mm w-.ry ! . K : 1 . .1 I. ; ., I . . T . I DlTOirs .A.'oi..nb'. The birth of the llible Tas divine, ? u'1B,lc'Hl ' , , M-H mmaUctioni Biuat reach uaoii , It - : , . it8 destiuv j ;hat "it mat'er a very little indeed eterral. God is its breath, its life, j me re. . .a uu,ovu,i,uu uu'ii cannot rlie. Ifwehad ample! otiJ20.000.C00.. Its only real import tance is that it i the h ggtst and ctlcfsof Church entailments and all other ! Cl.!"f nfc. which revenue 1 liiie. t".V i; r dcVlVVa, b charged i cit lr i: H i. ! W ' : il '1 I I 3 I Fnsitieds lrcali vill made to regular ed rent ht line, .1.4.4- " . - n.1.911 C rt" l.'d i... .itwi.1 I dimoatuiued until the ii.ilcrij lion it 1 aid UP- miiKt always have the . uoi. sule of f-Advci tiding rates furnished on Rp pncatitni. liVo f'd notices - inserted v:ithout trash it mtennfe. xo rmm:u!uoatifm will be Rcr.-pted iiidrss a'(e..miauieU by the writer . li;illK. BfA.AH nihf-rtisrnioMts insert-d four M,u ie . ks wilt be counu-.l one :n..i uii -be u..-erleu an". until oitleie:; ltc.ntinued when time U not t-peeitl.-il. th.e 1EFMS CF SUBSCRIPTiCK. Three Monti Moi:ih. One "Year Sent bv Mai) 25 Cents. 50 Cent1-. $1.00. Payable in advance. I1H NN, N. October 9, 1S95. 'I'llE TRUTH AND ISSPIRA TION OF THE BIBLE. . T'.ic men w space we might detain ti.j reader with the two evidences of tl.e Bible is inspired, is divine tue external to.u internal. We kt ow the Bible is au- ""Cnni?ZwlZlS j fuentx and genuine just as we know anything of other books profane and secular. We know that certain inen wrote certain books in the I r o Tea laments just as we know of the au thorship of the works of ar.liuity and all later books. Xenophon says Le wrote bis Memorabilia, Fiutarch says ne wrote his "Lives," Caesar sud t.;e wrote his Commentaries, Tnucydide says be wrote his History. These books were known to be their re spectire productions and were circii ' jated at the time. They art doi cred -j ited to any other writers. The world has accepted them as genuine, as au- thentic. bo with the books . of the two Testaments. But the subject is too full and we cannot go iDto it. ''Search the Scriptures" is tbe divine uoxiiiuacd. No man can di.i.jently study the Holy Scriptures for a long; Hire as an honest truth seeker, and look to God in proper for divine il luminat'oa and help to understand, without seeing tho truth and knowing that they are of God, His own bltss td revelation of bis will to the world -the one, the only light of the ages. The inspiration of the Almighty giveth him understand' og," A11. Scripture is giveu by insirrtion of God." That is what God says, aud he is bat a fool" who will question or deny. The excellence of the doc trines is proof of the origin of the Book of books. Take its precepts, its promises, its holy teachings, its majesty of Kyle and its sytoplicityof style; take all of the many pails and sea the strange, wonderful agreement and you have a most powerlul plea that they are from Heaven and cot oftheeurtb. The writers of the books tell us that the jv ere inspired of God to do the work. Tiiat, eyideiitw i c.)iiclu aive to a fair, ingenuous mind. These writers, be it remembered, authenti cated their mission a authors and teachers by vorkins miracles and iu other ways. Tuus their infallibility, their inspiralton, their complete equipment for the most particular wurk are fully vindicated and estate lished. If you reject their lcsti:uo n yen impeach their veracity and thu3 destroy the very foundation of Christianity. The words f Liirist CO most aciessible pile of American gold upon 'which foreign count; ies Can dnw." It holds that the real impor lance of tht continued dram f gold 'is its Ios to the Nation as 's eles ment of currency." It adds this: "liui it h1.o increases the ev'l of dependence by robbing us of il.a in strmnent of hssoc' aiion. by w:"ch we might retrieve our lossei under bet ter conditions. It is not the t?CHu ry. bit the people, and ejfpeoi-iJly the producing classes, whose indusirfal vitality is. dratned away with iho cut flow of gold " Mr, Cleveland has by Ycrro-Aog, added $182, 000,000 to the gou sop- nly, but therefore. increasiti lie debt $162.315 400. Butlhed keeps on in spite of thH the' can make their own terras President determined to tie the lands of the counfy can but obey. So long as ti.e members ol the syn dicate ate dextrous of higher prices for tecurties they will endeavor to prt vent the depletion of the-treasur gold reserve; but when thsy are pre pared for a coup. f.r a rre.".k in the market, or when the7can no longer protect' the trcasun, save at too reat cost, onoiher b nd isue will be forced.' -Wilmingt'-n Messenger. The best salve in the world for Cut?, j !iinie., Sore-, Salt Ilheum, Fever Sores j Tetter, Chapped Hanks, Chil'Ll-uns, Corns, and all Skin Eruption, and pos tively ernes Tiles, or no -pay. It is guaranteed to g've perfeet satisfaction -r money refunded. Vv'i'-y 2.") cents per box. For sale by Harper & Hood. Static ok North Car- m the S.i OI.1NA, Harnett County Vperior Court, Eujma E. Moore ChTirle-s Mojiv. I rei)ie.:i'ber Team K. I) ACTION FOP. DIVORCE.' It, appearing "to the ratisf t.-lion d the v., T .1 . 1 ? 1 ... A y '. piibx Co.irt that Chailes Moore tbed?fendant , . ' is a non Resident of llis State. It is t lQerti-ainJ(mlrrC(1 h;!f. uulji-!(,:U-oi, for -,x weeks b )rro-ri,i' i be made in tbe ('OL.NTY Unto'iv a news- , . . ... . ., ... rr oaner published i i the town of Dunn, N . and bona selling and the position of ; .tjfv5nK iiin to M,pKJ,r Mt thc. :u.xt this coun'.ry ha9 not been really ; term of said Court, at Lilliuston on the strengthened or improved by all this. ! Monday I.. l"" 3 1 ' , r.lead aiisvei or deiirir or .Jivlge will ie This is p'atn enough to a'l who are i rendered :is deniant'ed in the complaint .4,..i. " Ti, j,nri. i Witness. F. M. Iclvav Clerk of the S -.H has this view and who can truth ' .illy affirm it is not correci? ho wrote tl e New Testa- tnent were the men who were either with Christ or knew ot him J through those who lived much in the company and were taught of Christ. The Apos tles sullen d 'jot only the loss of ail things, but tii'ey sullertd martyrdom for the faith was in them. They were godly, faithful men who saw much of what they told and Were in npired of God to write the Records they prepared of Christ's acts and words, of his jife ai d sutTerings) In the New Testament they gave the generations to follow the faithful record of the facts as they occ urred, and set forth under the guidance f.nd inspiration of the Holy Spirit the irtuh as it is in Jcns. It is the era . l.odiment in living words of ."the ex j.ct liu h. k has in the clearest evi dence in i's'elft lhat, 4it is not man's ' doctrine, man's own unaided produc lion. It tells the whole truth and nothing out the truth. It tells the bad as well as the rod. It--paints vharacttrs faithfully, giving the exact . lineaments in clearest colors It doe nt gloss lives but reveals them. It i- jlod using mcii to write the Pves ot men and hence it is truth in plainness ana u recmess. me oa ; men are ne- . i,...ra nii , . "So long as Mr. Cleveland adheres o the gold standard and refuses to make use of the silver in tho treasury the Government will be al the mercy of 1he speculative cliques of New York who. by a combined raid on the' treasury, can force suspension of old payments, or another bond issue at any time. The President ha3 put himself in power of the syndicate, ir.d now. by merely threcitening to withdraw their rupportfrom the treas- perior Court of Harnett county, at office in I illington. FirtMondv iu -Sept., ISO. F. M. McKay, Clerk of Court. J. A. Spears, riaintifTs at-'v. NOTICE. Having qua'iried as Administrator npn the estate of Leu Ii irnes deeea-ed, So tioe is hereby iven to all jjer-ons hold ing- claims agai ist said estate to present the same for pavtnent. duly qualilied on or before the 20lh day of, C. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All per.-o is indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment of the s nne. G. XI. Lee. This 7. h day of Oct. 18'J . Adinr. F. I. Jones, Atty. Gv. I .M i h i i 14 - t'' .'"-rr it a v'jC 1 M, I B. GODWIN JR., SOLE ACT 9 3 ; fi-i? ism -' 5 ! ; i; a --"-- - -- - J ' ' - : 3 - jit'- I - ' ' hrjsfSW il Wff : r&K ' r. i Erl - i i i -3 3 -J. hJ ss re s - n I a a Z - v 3 5 J-4 a a z. r- kri . b. .a i 9 3 "2 IE WOW'QOKIE TO THE L i: K II A It I.. c o. h?d. Now the Vu can lo Crockery ware tponcy ware, II. F with the best selected stock of Hani ware we hav ever way to make money is w aav t that bv buying all your Han and Tinware of US. j m in ihe s irae old Stand, next door lo Mr Vnnna nd we invite you to conje in. If you wnnt t trade"we ill treat you honest and wait on you o iteW If vou do noi want to trade come in anyway, wc to make it pleasant for you and show you Stock, I throhgh SPECIAL ATTENTION 1 11 COUMRY MERCHANT come in a few days. The largest and nicest line We have bought largely in some lines and are abla to give jojbsrs ri39 i on many things i our lib? Good jist Keceivsd and coming in. 1 ton Shot. 10 K 3 Powder. 30. boxes Axes. jA car load of Stoves to jCrneker ! Crockery ! been brought to Dunn. One ton of Buck Lend. r..i.PP.i tiii. Machine Oil. LiraD Oil and many other thinjrs tol nuirr to mentin. Thanking the pubMe f rj their very liberal patronage and of the same la the future; we are Respectfully, LEE HARDWARE COMPANY DUNN. N, C. - - . ; 4p-ltf. 1 EUJE'S CREEK ACAD KM FOE'S, Harnett County, N. C. , diic FrERS a inoroiijru h.i.mucts vuumr, i.iviiitiii.j iviiv-iiTrjiiii.,, i umimiri Wild liini.ii-M Jr -hort band, and Typewriting; Telegraihr, Art, Vocal Music and Normal Course 25 THE CELEBRATED WINNER 1! - DUNN. . - TTortli Carolina. MTibed as well as the good. Did you ever think of who are the outhors ol the books of the Bible, who the and all Scripture is to be interpreted u the light of i he light of the wisdom of the Son of God "He is the Mes- . . '.- ,i en i 'i siab, the great Prop het, the infallible were, what position they filled, how , tl , l ,, -"o ' ., ' . leacher." Before Ik ascended on manifold their talents, what " clasi e they represeiiteu? The ords of God.s lHk are words written by kings, em high leading cap iiiy captive. He promises expressly io give His Dis ciples the Holy Spirit lo abide with Will sell yon pofult;- r.rd stylish full leather and silver trimmed any s hape bt.dy and color of paint witt the Companies guarantee for one year for $37 '' OO, heavy (rubber) imitation leather triminetl, same guaradiee f;r $35 00- fi A'l kinds of Wagons, road and plantation Carts, I can save 3011 raorev. See me bu fore you buy. Yours trulv, A. B. CODWiftl, JR. j.erors. princes, poets, sages, philoso j them forever, to teach, to bless, to i-he 8, military ?men, fishermen, scnol- j illuminate, and to 'guide them in all, o ators and statesmenby men , Lruth." So the Holy Spirit moved learned, learned in many things, be. j upon them and the righteous, beiiev fcttles the wifcdtim of Kgypt ai d the j ing men were moved to,write as they schools of n.bis. A Northern v wi iter did write, testifying of the truih. saysitf this truly most wonderful j Wilmington Messenger, liook : I j -It was written by men in exile, in, HONESTY IX POLITICS tuo desert, n sheolurdi'. tents, in! "green pas-urcs" and besides "still ! Mr. Theodore Roosevelt declares waters." Among its authors we Qud j tliat "! !iave ueen in practical poli the taxgathirer;, the herdsman, the j tics, and have taken my share o'f g.Uheicr of fruit ; we finu j hard knocks', and more and I j,oor men. rich iucn. statesmen, prach ; have come to beliive yiat decency rs, enes. captains, legislators. I XB gooil politics, and that the most judges: men of every grade and clast Practical is honest politics." The! ate lepresen cd in this wonderful vjlume, which js n reality a library. lillcd with history, g ;neahgy. ethnol- t:Ged not only by the general results' ogy, law, ethics, prophecy, poetry, el" politic il contest in our c..-iuti. oqueuce, medicines, sanitary ociejice, j uut a by the lesons to b-i der.ved; political economy, and perfect rules from the personal history, of success j ful public men. There is nothing I more certain than that iu politics, as 1 in everything else, the bwol policy isj 1 ixty six books wtre written iu n,i3 ' the one that appeals U the popular; wa by ordinary men." ' sense cf straightforward ss Jn the f U was in of pioductio;UhrouglJa3-erlion of lrn'P'es and purposes,' liueea huno.-ed years. It is as Tresn and in tbe "agement of tbe various , :.! powerful to-day as in any hour j tbinSs l,,al constitute what we call j b ..eihewoald received it: Holy men I calnagus-" TLU is borrow a ; iSoU spoke as ibov were muvwi by ! ,hr&se from Ssn settle, 1 e ..olv Ghost. cJil's own voice is !'-Lhe hngbfe jH.Iicy." It is one; St. Louis Globe Democrat argues that "this view of the matter is jus- for the couduct of pcrsoual and so cial life. Ii contain- all kinds of writ ing; but what a jumble it would be 1! l.cunt Uuouglj ail. The ln?st evidence I w!,kU wil1 r;n iu tho eni1' cr cveQ if 1 : .c have, that it is hoiu i H ne wno pract.ces u vr.ii g :, , ..hI and ol Gj i and by G .d u ha !"dtwn with self respect and in the cn-j 1..U10.I evuten.e. It is lis own clear j Joy ment of Uie respect of. the publ c. l.reiiagaoie wituts. "it bears its own J rise demagogue iq iy tsutveed To; a! i.utti. uiid tells its own story." jo ; tinie but any m1iuciI liie w;;Kh t.aa j .:i,.t.-vi v. i j .naive!ou- are th.-not bounty and patriotism at :Js teachings, oi lhe Scriptures lhat Ros- rnnt cannot le permanently success- teaii. the 'giticM t rencn hocialisi, ; . r tl utc nmt c;ne noouer . or; wroit-; -1 will couu 8 to jou tbat . r l" , r 'uiurair auo ann i nie the majestv of iIia Scripture strikes i server, and when be dies be leares tue with admiration, as the purity of, behind a meory wnicli ii a iteuch. c II c M D PI PI m H 1 a o m CO "I 40 4, - C - (2 O ii .k...wlo..n t t! famnna Tt rnnf nml SfMffn IllltilAaj T.fttn Ti . charge of the Business Dopaji tiucat. No better or more tlioroug 1 couj ti e State. Full Business Course, $23.00; Shorthand and Typewriting, $i.50 per month; Literary D;partment, $1.00 to $ .09. Board, ijicludi in "Club," $1 0J;iu private families, 97.01). Students may enter at any . . . ...... 1. .. . . . 1 :..i I . 2U1 students l-isi 3 ear. i' 01 - uhuuojj uc sttiu pv:ciai aitoouueeineiKs at KKVj. J. A. CAMPBl-MlL. P "5 5 0 ot-2tr. Silver vs. will try nr FRON N. (J by far that has Iver solicttinK a a 1 sir ivt'ii n a-lii iih'-. dres KINl'ii'.vl if - ci Cfc -, i. o . . C V e? S o - 5" o p o 3 WILL SELL Gold! i YOU LIQUORS FOR EI i HER. is being dis- E oyer th R S o r 1 0 c o- FOR The question that P U R cussed by tlie people all L 1 Q U O United States to-day, is how to get a CALL ON better a d safer currencyj Have you W. S. JACKSON, stopped to consider- that the best A Q E SM and purest Liquors is D U S N, s'lould drink if yu use it at all. N. C. ' . ir:r 110 other kind but pure liquor CQMMISIONKRS LV.tD : ,AlJ J ..! J f liv virtue or wo certain i-emiereu in the buperitfr C01 nett County of August Term Sept.'inber Term lSj., actions in said Court M. McL. Milvl-ithvjii w W. J. A. McNeill ami defend 4!it., and wJierei Keitheu was plaintiff aiid X ami yy. J. McNeill def sell by public auetii.n ('ourt House d.jor in I on Monday tluJ -Iph div 1 o e;oc, 1-. m , t 1 :u.l Johnson ville to vii-hip. !)ountletl hr the lands o Giles Mc.NHll and o:herk full iu the com duint in ni tion 011 lilf in hf otli e Curt, of sUitl County o 30 acres of land in Joh ship, Harneit ('oiinty, f the complaint in tin; sef T. what vou scribed ahove and lihttl ih th tice of said County an uiortgage executed lv X and Ma re ret. J. M-X McKeitben the 2;;tl thy and registered in liegistt nett County 111 p.eok F 539541. This Sept. 23rd ls:;.. 1 ,000,000 People in pentlii is ol j C. i M ml 11 V e. i Hill; f Iiit felt Hni iOII IJ.V ' olid 1 in eiJI ll il t of TS )i No., '."v. nun J l ill).'! I'llllt II IMI a tkoi eerta when It ill' a MS, I,. M 1 Hi I loll N. oy.. f 1 Ilar!ifu;:..u:'it" M-Xe deer Ii nauii-d .1 ntir. al die tnwi (TilnM i a r iii d l d.-ed . MeXi-i VIurd.M ui ) e , :h71 uf II I Fa.;. Kay, U-Mlier Wear 11 53 MOliTGAGK SALE OF VxLUA BLE LAND. lie VII-lllM rf tllrt - t-4.v nnnl.i!.,..,: :,. .. ileed of mortraire execiite.l to on, 1 are now open and ready for lnspec- Ery'm Jones and wife. Sarah Jones ou ! tion TO THE LADIES My Stock ot J. Uill 1 carefully selected ravj stock from the NORTHERN MARKETS, ami have, without a doubt the prettiest, an J most attractive stock of millinery and fancy goods ever be'ore bought. Geat pair.3 taken in buvjing er.ablus me to give you new. good, and late styles al remarkable low prices I take pleasure in making my store m O O r O Q 1 Maivh lUih 1S.)4 and recorded in th Registry of Harnett, county, XT. C. in B ok II No. 2 page 5f't, I "will, sell at public outcry to the hihe-t biTl-r foi e ih at the post otlice 'loor iu the town of fiuun. x. C. on Friday Oct. IS, LSJ" :it 11 o'olock a. hi., that tract of land ly ing- in Averasboro to'vnihi). HarneU ! county, X. ;., adj oi ii". th ; l un Is for j'erly ownetl hy J . A. Ta-. lor, -". T. D ir--font. J. . Let; ami ... hers, O'-cnpied now by Ervin Jones an 1 wife, eoiitaiiiing 2!) .u-ies more or less and tiesei ihed 'as io t..M 1. .... . 11 j 11 ' A certain or tr.-.ct of land lyic and hea- quarters for the ladies rrora the bt-ing iu Harnett county, state a foresail I. country.. You are cordially invited pi Avera-h .ro town-hip and dose ibed I ' ., , . J : and defme.1 a follows, to wit: dioin- I l" cal1 m ,f 3 "u w,8h to examine ; ing on ea-t J. A.Taylor, on the south j goods we will gladly show you ! and we.-t by S T Bur foot, on the noit.t I .. . 1 ;r a . ! by James Ve:i,v Lee and others fj I through our stock and if you do not ; tabling Twentv-niue acres, more or I "?-sh to buy call we will enter-' ;1. -f. It bein; part of Hie laud that ,;n . .... ; the ai 1 parties of the lo st p u tot from . ioopttnos eave,- , or a oetter ue-h My stock of Press Trimming I w - . - .... 1 v 4jj .iio. it; t i - , , j the records t l Harnett county, N: C. j ful1 and complete. , This sept. Z4:h 1S05. Miss Foy Bar js of Buie's Crek . E. F. oung, Mortgagee, i , , . I Sp-O-.vks. is with me this fall and will take a 1 1 : . 1 I : : delight iu showi Tg .on through. One and all are invited to call and see me. ThanL'ng you for past patronage, I remain, Very truly. MRS. J. II. POPE, Dunn, N. C. WLDougloSSnoe! PROCESS. $5,001 $4.oo $30 $150 BEST IN TH WORLD. 53.0U , For Men Wr W. X.. Dovrlan tbpea "'tov- r.. l.VO to 3.W m pair, Width. 1 1.3 f .iranrt. in K trie of other nuikefi. but on.-My! W. Km IMacIav bI4-i rrmnla I l.o nn no jinn Pjrim Take nointKtitiitc: n.iit nit i Ml. W. Ma. raslaMi, Ulutno J. A. MASSEN N. A1. SINCLAIR, 1 ' I I ATTORN'EY-AT-M 1 1 l FA Y ETt KV I LLK. X rracttce 111 State ami Fed Au"-l-CmJ ! D. II. t1 k.i ( . : 18 : HOTEL QIVINE, ! UXDER N EW MANAGEMENT. A.TTORNE YATIL AW : DUNN, j j . - Ottlee next d.,r to Will practice in a Collections promptly Oct. 1-1895. 44 u 1 - - A!l M.llM atlw hih uiTi.-f' ) 1 I !'. he P'rvt'-'j i t This is to inform the public that the i (above naaneil Hotel has been Renovat-d, ! Uefnriii-hed and Carpeted ' throughout ! j and I will p.ire no efloiN to plea.-e ! : .erv one wiio stops with me. S attention given to traveling m;n. up Soliciting public patronage Generally ' KememL'Cr if urn want t keep I am, yours to'ri'.ease. ; with your county new vou should JNO- A. OATE, Proprietor. subscribe for Thf Umo". 1 atie 1 I . 1 I .1 a i f j j " LUNN biSiA f CORRECItrjii,'EKL'4 - I jonT ' 56 to ( Oc. Fcr!'f' J Oals 50 toiide. ' t . ! eas j CO to "l ' i fodder ! 60c. " -unV ' , vChickens 10 to 20c. , Eggs j 10U . ;, ,Z- . r 1 Mut'er i 1 15 to 2 c " I h a,Vat. C R Vide COL 1 urenu; ml In - in 1 ' ' ' '

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