The Kind You Have Always in use for over 30 years, and has been made unaer nis pcr- Vj J7.- sonal supervision since its infancy. &tCu4 Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health r Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wrnd Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA -ALWAYS Bears the f he Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TOWN DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. Methodist Church-Rev. W A.Forbes Pastor .servk-eB llrst Sunday night, aud fourth Sun day morning and night. Frayermeetmg every Wednesday night. Sunday Hchcel every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, O. K. Urantham Huperiutendeut. Baptist Church. Rev. L. R. Carroll, pastor Hervices every second Sunday morning and night. Prayermeeting every Thursday night Sunday School every Sunday morning, J. A. Taylor Superintendent. Presbyterian Church -Rev. R. W. Hiiu, t.astor S-wices every first and fifth Sunday morning and night, Sunday school every Sunday morning, Ioug Smith Superinten dent. JMsciple Church-Rev. F. M. Summerell pas tor services every third Sunday morning ind ntghT enrtstiau Endeavor Society every Tuesday night. Sunday School every Sunday efening at 3 o'clock, McD. UolHiday Supt. Kree Will Baptist . Church. Elder R. C. Jackson, pastor. Services every first Sun day morning and night. Primitive Baptist. Church on Broad street Elder W.O. Turner, Pastor. Regular servi ces on the third Sabbath morning, and Satur day before, in each month at 11 o'clock. LODGE. t Kn 1 n. A. F. & A. M. Hail over Free Will Baptist church. F. P. Jon W. M ; W. A. Johnson, S. W.; E. A. Jone j v ' J Q. Johnson, Secretary. Regula communications are held on the 3rd Hatur day at 10 o'clock A. M., and on the 1st Frida at 7:30 o'clock p. m. in each month. All Ma 8ons in good standing are cordially invite to attend these communications. TOWN OFFICERS. J. F. Phillips, Mayor. COMMISSIONERS McP. Holliday, J. C. Cox, C. F. Pope, Br. F T. Moore. M. L. Wade, Policeman. County Officers. Sheriff, Silas A.Salmon. Clerk. Dr. J. H. Withers. Register of Deeds, A.C. Holloway. Treasurer, L. D. Matthews. Surveyor, D. P. McDonald. Coroner, Dr. J. F. McKay. County Examiner, Rev. J. A. Campbell. Commissioners: E. F. Young, Chairmai N. A. Smith. T. A. Harrington. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. I t MCLEAN. .Counsellor and Attorney i at Law, L DUNN, n. c. Practice in all Courts. Collections a Specialty W- E- Murchison, JONESBOKON. C. rract ices Law in Harnett, Mooie and other counties, but not for fun. Feb. 20-ly. Isaac A- Murchison, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Practices Law in Cumberland, Harnett ami anywhere services are wanted". J. C- CLIFFORD, Attorney at Law, DUNN, n. c. Will practice in all the court; of the State, where services desired. H. L GODWIN, Attorney-at-Law Dunk, - - N. 0. Will practice wherever services may , - i 1 1 ii' u '. be required Difficult collections promptly made. yjJ L. HUDSON. M. D. Physician and Surgeon, . Dunn, N. C. Office on N. E. Wilson St., second build ing from Broad St. Residence at junction of E. Broad and Llm Streets. Prompt attention to a'il calls from either Town or Country, day or night in 1 the various blanches of the profession.' .i .n . --I Bought, and which has been has borne the signature of Signature of ect. mcw vonit crrv. h P. JONES. W. A. STEWAK'J JONES & STEWART, Attorneys, Dunn, N. C Will nraeticfi anvwhere in btate or Federal Courts. Collections a specialty and prompt attention given. Oscar J- Spears, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, LlLTJfNGTON, N. C. Office in the Court House. General Practice in all State Courts. GET THE BEST When you are about to buy a Sewing Machine do not be deceived by alluring advertisement and be led to think you can get the best made finest finished and Mast Popular for a mere song. See to it that you buy from reliable manu facturers that have gained a reputation by honest and square dealing, you will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage and is Light Running There is none in the world that can equal in mechanical con struction, durability of working ?arts, fineness of finish, beauty n appearance, or has as man improvements as uie N BWHOMB It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike on both pides of needle (patented)., no other has it : New Stand (patented), driving wheel hinged on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE SEW HOME SEW1KG M&CHIHE CO. Obanob, Mass. Bostox, M ss. 28UmowSotrASK,H.T Chicago, Iix. St. Eons, Mo. Dallas. Texas. 6am Fbahcisco, Cal. Atlanta, ua. FOB SALE BY Gainey & Jordan, Dunn N. C. An Uncertain Disrasc. There is no disease more uncertain in itf nature than dyspepsia. Physicians say thai the symptoms of no two cases agree. If i' therefore most dillicult to make a coi-roH .iarnosis. No matter how .severe, or unrloi vvhatdjsguisedyspepsia attacks von. Brown.-' iron Bitters will cure it. Invaluable in all hseases of the stomach, Mool -and nerves Jrowns' Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers Mothers! THE discom forts and dangers of child-birth can De almost en tirely avoided. Wine of Cardui" rel ieves ex pectant moth ers. It give9 toneto the gen ital organs, and puts them in condition to do their work perfectly. That makes preg nancy less painful, shortens labor and hastens recovery after child-birth. It helps a woman bear strong healthy children. I has also 'bronght happiness to thousands of homes barren for years. A few doses often brings joy to loving hearts that long for a darling baby. No woman should neglect to try it for this trouble. It cures nine cases out of ten. All druggists sell Wine of Cardui. $i.oo per bottle. For advice In cases requirinr special directions, address, eiving- symptoms, t-atlies' Advisory Department." The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chatta nooga. Tean. Mrs. LOUISA HALE, of Jefferson., fays: "Whan I first took Wine of Cirdul we had been married three yean, but could not have any children. Mine months later I had a fine girl baby." Women Wage Earners. Figures furnished by the United States bureau of statis tics which, presumably, are ob tained from reliable sources, showitbat there are more than 2,50a;000women wage earners j0jin yittj 0f n0. 2422 Callow in this country. hill street. The man had shot Few persons would have sup- posed that they, were so many, and the number is steadily in- creasing. The variety,-as well as the extent, of the employments of women is surprising. The report referred to gives the following interesting infor- mation on mis poinc. Female teachers and profes- sors number 20,000, exclusive of teachers :of music, who are So, diy strong, ana iu,uuu ar tists and teachers of art. There are 1,143 women cler gymen. Journalists number 888, with 2,735 authors and literary per sons. Of chemists, assavers and metallurgists there are score, lacking one. two Lawyers who are not men number 208. Female detectives are 279 in number. Only two women have been discovered who are veterinary surgeons. In Texas a woman has the contract for carrying the mail from Kiffe to Serrinal Hall. Georgia has a woman mail carrier : sue travels a iorty mile t t m i route tri-weekiy. llie young i . in mi woman also manages a farm. rne cnamoer oi commerce, kl OiO III J. 1 Uli KJ V LI AAA J t Scotch women, and thev clear about $15,000 vearly, althouch the r annual rental is .155.000. ' Tn Nfiw OrWrw ntifi of tliP finest orchestras is composed fintiT-Rlv of wnir.An PnoHnrr trunks is a St. Louis woman's industry. A conservatory and rose gar den in Elmira, N. Y., is owned and managed by a woman. At the Young ITT 1 woman s Christian Association, Philadel phia, two young women are in charge of the elevators. 1T7 j w omen writ-servers are era- ployed with success. minaio nas a woman con j i i i tractor, wno is also a quarry owner ; she is the only female member of the building ex change. A Jersey City -woman makes her living painting signs. A Louisiana woman supports hersell by raising mint. , The woman manager of a aniornia insurance company i is credited with the largest sal-- ary paid to any -woman $10,- 000 a year. A French Canadian girl is making her bread by cobbling shoes at Lewiston, Me. A successful ranch owner in Kansas is a woman.. There is a saying to the effect that in Kansas there is no interest, no profession, no trade and no deal without a woman in it. In Boston are two large ad vertising agencies, the members of both firms being women. Exchange. Bad management keeps more peo ple io poor circumstances than anj oiher ore cause. To be successful one must look ahead and p'an ahead o that when a favorable opportunity presents itself he is ready tn take ad vantage of it- A little forethought will also save much expense and val uable time. A prudent and careful man will keep a bot'le of Chambtr ain's Colic, C! o!era and Diarrhoea HLemedy in the house, the shiftless fellow will wait until necessity com pels it and then ruin his best horse going for a doctor and have a big doctor bill to pay, besides; one pays out 25 cents, the other is out a bun dred dollars and then wonders wb his neighbor is getting richer while be is gettine iioorer. For sal a he McKay Bros. & Skinner. The President of the Repub lic of Fr"ance visits horse races n i t-h onounaay. trance is now onJ the brink of a revolution which may break . out any day. In this country base ball games are allowed in some places on Sunday and large crowds attend them. Is it any wonder, that nations professing to be chris tian, have troubles of their own. Desecrations of the Sabbath should not be indulged in light ly by nations, and the nation .'that allows citizens to do it will be punished therefor. If some reform is not had the days of our Republic are numbered. andWkliiey fVt cured t home with out pain Book of ji&r ticulars sent FQf ( 3 BR 6. M W00LLEY CO. IPIURfl Hf 3 kjo. .. ouice, 1M Jfextb Pror St Living With a Bulletin the Cen tre of His Brain. By means of the X-rays, the surgeons atf the uermau ios- t);tai vesterdav located a bullet in the centre of the brain of hlimself a week ago while clean- ;nr a nistol. aud it was not untn yesterday that the bullet could be found, Tne unusuai pace where the bullet has lodged makes it impossible to remove it, but the doctors hope the wound may- heal. Witt feels no pain and seems to have nerfect control of his faculties, but the injury has paralyzed fhp rat side of his face. Philadelphia Record, 15th. I was seriously afflicted with a cough for eeveral years, and last fall had a more severe cough than ever before. I have used many remedies without receiving much relief, and being recommended to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, by a friend, who, knowing me to be a pooi widow, gave it to me, I tried it, and with the most gratifying results. The first bottle relieved me very much and the second bottle has absolutely cured me. I have not had as good health for twenty years. Respectfully, Mrs Mary A. Beard, Olaremore, Ark Sold by McKay Bros. & Skinner. "New Phillippines.' Probably tne tact is. not gen- " - , - . ?raJ1J knowii that Texas was at onetime auu mauj jCaiB caiiea Uie " inw . A-mmpiJiues. n. i ii.. ivr Tu:n:,: j The hrst .settle in wnat. is now L exas was nittue uy r reucu em- igrants -in 1685. During the next zo years there was an in termittent struggle between the French and Spanish for su premacy, resulting in favor of the latter, and in 1814 the name of the New Phillippines was given to the country. This was its official name in Spanish rec ords for many years, and until the name of Texas, from a tribe of Indians, gradually came in vogue . Indianapolis Journ al . A Narrow Escape. Thankful Mrs. Ada E. words Hart, written by of Groton, S. D. "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs ; cough set in and finally termi- nated in Consumption. Four Doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a short time. 1 gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, 1 would meet my absent ones above. My husband was ad vised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Cougns and Colds. 1 gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles It has cured me, and thank -IT 11 uoa, i am saved and now a well and healthy woman Trial bottles free at McKay Bros. & Skinner s drug store. Regular size 50c. and $1.00 Guaranteed or price refunded. Yankee Brag. Apropos of the proposed "Anglo-American alliance," the story of Horace Greeley s neat rebuke of the Englishman who once agreed with him too liter ally may be worth telling. Mr Greeley, says Youth's Compan ion, was discussing, in a gener al company, the faults and needs of his own nation. "What this country needs," said he, in his piping voice and Yankee accent, "is a real good licking I " It happened that there was an Englishman present, and he promptly said,-with unmistak able English accent : "Quite right, Mr. Greeley, quite right. The country needs a 'licking.' " But Mr. Greeley, without glancing in the Englishman's direction, or seeming to pay any attention to the interrup tion, went on in the same squeaky tono : "But the trouble is, there's no nation that can give it to us i" Mr. P. Ketcham of Pike City, Cal., says: "During my brother's late sickness from sciatic rheumatism, Chamberlain's Pain Balm was the only remedy that gave him any relief." Many others have testified to the prompt relief from pain which this liniment affords. For sale by McKy Bros. & Skinner. Mind Your P's. Persons who patronize pa pers should pay promptly, for the pecuniary prospects of the press have a peculiar power in nushing forward public pros- neritv. If the printer is paid nrnm n Hv. and his nocket book f 1 J t x kept plethoric by prompt pay ing patrons, he puts his pen to his paper in peace, his para graphs are more pointed, he pttiUtO LAiC JiVLUl J Vi. O events in more pleasing colors, and the perusal of his paper is a pleasure to the people. Paste this piece of proverbial philosophy in some place where fell nfirsons can- perceive it. Exchange. - l : x An Associated Press dispatch from Ocala, Fla., Monday says : Two negroes were lynched at Dunnellon, last evening, by an infuriated mob of their own w color. Some weeks ago Mar shal Pavne was shot by a negro. Saturday the negro was cap tured and returned to Dunnel- Ion, when, it is supposed, some negroes were employed to take him down the river and drown him. Sundav evening the la borers of the Dunnellon Phos phate Mine heard of it, and at once organized to mete out sim- Uar justice to those implicated of the men, and were only pre vented from lynching nine oth ers by the appearance of Sheriff Nugent and an armed posse, who went down on a special train .from Ocala. The posse returned this evening and re ported everything quiet. Keep your money at home so far as possible, is an injunction we cannot lay too much stress upon. It will have much to do with making your city prosper ous. Surely, by spending mon ey away and working against your home people can never re sult in any possible good. All the effort that vou put forth to hurt home people reverts back on you, and when you spend money abroad that you should have spent here you simply fail to do that by which your home people's hands would have been strengthened. The merchant rents your store, your dwellings and spends his money with you, then is it not right that yon should spend your money with him? If it pays this great gov ernment to have a tariff toeep out foreign competition, then it would pay home people oa gen eral principles to spend their money at home. It is patriotic it is right and you should bu) everything at home it is possj ble to buy here. Winston Jour nal. IflfllMINGTON AND R. R WW ELDO DO AND BRANCHES AND ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY, OF SOUTH CAROLINA. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. June. 4th, 1899. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. i-eave Weldon 11:50 a, m., 43 p. m.; arrive KOCKy Mount, 12:55 a. m., 10:3(5 p. m. Leave Tarboro, 12:21 a. ni 6 00 pm. Leave Rocfry Mount, 1:00a. M., 10:36 p. m. 8 45p . m., 5:40 am, 12:52 p. m. Leave Wilson, 1.58 a m, 11:1 pm, 6:20am 2:40 p m., 710 pm. Leave Selma, 2:55 a m. - Leave Fayetteville, 4:30 p m, 1:10 p m. Arrive Florence, 7:25 a m, 3:15 p m. Arrive Goldaboro 7 50. p m. Leave Goldsboro, 7:01 a m, 3.-51 p m. Leave Magnolia, 8:09 a m, 4:?5 p;m. Arrive Wilmington, 9:40 a m, 5:50 p m, TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Florence, 9:40 am, 7:45 p m. Leave 'ayetteville, 12:20 a m, y:45 p m. Leave Selma, 1.50 p m. Arrive Wilson, 2:35 p m. 11:31 p m. Leave WilmiDgrton, 7:00 p m. 45 a m. Leave Magnolia, 11:19 a m, fr.34 p m. Leave Ooldsboro, 5 15 am, 12:30 am, 9:45 p m. ieave niisoD,j-,japm, o is am, i:3l am 10:38 p m, 1:16 p m. Arrive Rocky Mount, 3: 30 p m, 12:07 a m, 6 15 am, 11:35 p m, 1:53 p m. - Arrive Tarboro 7 04. a. m. Leave Tarboro, 12:21 p ni. Leave Rocky Mount, 3:30 p m. 12.-09 a m. Arrive Weldon. 4:32 r m. 1:00 a m. Train on Scotland Neck Branch road leaves Weldon 3:33 p m. Halifax 4:15 Scotland Neck at 5 08 p m, Greenville 6:57 p m ua,vu i 'On ui. rvt-mnuiijf leaves Kington 7 50 a m, Greenville 8 5 a m, arriving Halifax at 11:18 a m, Weld"n 11:33 a m, daily except Trains on Washington Branch leave Wash- liigton t:iu a m, and 2:30 p in., arrive Parmele 9:10 am, and 4:00 p m, returning leave Par- ui-;ie :,id am. ana eiaupm. arrive Washington ji.w a iu, ana :.w p m, aany except Sunday. xrain leaves rarboro, N. C., daily, except ouuuajr. lit s:iu p m., eunaay 4.15 p. in., arrives t-iymouin 7 40 p. m., oio p.m.. Returning leave9 Plvmouth dailv ixotnt ouuuajr , i a. m., anu suuuay UU a.m.; ar rives ai isruoro iu m a. ill. - iiuua. in Train on Midland N C Branch nni.u. toro, . c, daily except Sunday, 7 05 a m; ar rive Smithfleld N C, 610 am. Returninc leaves Smithfleld. N. O. 0 00 a. m. arrive Goldsboro. N. c. 10 S5 a. m. Trains on Nashville Branch leavoo Rnoir Mount at 9:30 a. m.. 3 40 vva arrives NaHhviii i0 10 a m, 4:03 p m. &rriner Hone 10J0m 4 25 p. m. Returning leave Spring Hone ll.-oJ a. m., 4 55 pm, Nashville ll.- a. m. & z5 n m arrive at Rf-cky ILunt 1145 am., 6 00pm daily except Snuday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton aily, except Sunday, at:10 a. m. and 4:15 p in. Keturniiisr leaves Clinton ijm m and 10 :25a m. Train No. 78 make close .mnnpctlnn r w.i. don for all points North daily, all rail vl Uicnmond. H. to. EMER80N, General Passenger Agent. J. R. KENLY, T. M. EMERSON, General Manager. Traffic Manager. DROPSY CT7SZD with vegetable Remedies. Have cored many thousand ra torn day at least two-thirds of all symptoms remov ed. Testimonials and III DATS treatment freo. DK. 8. H. WtEZJ'l MIS, Bos K. Atla&U. Ga. y J COUNTYUNIOW U PAPER FOR m 1 J JOB .PRINTING. Note Heads, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Envelopes, Cards, Dodgers, LEGAL BLANKS ! WE HAVE THEM. OYoii can get your Legal Blanks by calling or writing to us. We make prices right, and will be pleased to serve you. The Best Shoes .yy rJA for the Least Money Sold by THE MASSENGILL A Bix a slm A wk XX llHIS 1STHK HOME PEOPLE. HOME, STATE AND FOREIGN. w aro SubWntin1 ki,ul01 Statements, Tags, &c. U. L D6DGLAS Over Use 2IUUa Wl wear the W. L Dou.as3 and $4 Shoes. All ear m are eaally atlsfaiorr They give the test a je for the money. ucr cqui cusuwn scoes in style ana ni. Their wearing qualities are unsurpastiod. fl to ) sared tiTer other innkea. t your dealer cannot supply j ou we c; - . 35, S4, S3. CO Cordovan.rrtncb IZnamelled rairnna ikBDPii. S3.UO Police Shoes. aso;es.. S2.50 and S2 Worur.? 52 & S 1 . 7B Em' Schwl i If your dealer cannot "M I W. L. Dougiar, Brocktea. .Mot DRY GOODS CO., Dunn, N. C