' V!;uac;e ; CIRCULATION HARNETT CUMBERLAND, JOHNSTON, - ' SAMPSON Large circulation in each county. 1 LOGO.. '.ff - v -A fir ' o- -0 . -our " id" with .1 ec the results. MX A "Prove all things; holdfast that which is good." Vol. 9. DUIMIM, IL O. NOVEMBER 8, 1899. No. 41- m to mr-rK P4 y 9ssbsx - i tf M ? W V l 1 SELL YOUR TOBACCO WHERE YOU PLEASE jU T TRADE WITH .. mi. a Mi 5 I1U! FOR THEY ARE Nn fin nil frill Thin Pnnrln m M III hllllllS "DOING THE BUSINESS" New goods arriving on every freight, the cheapest and nicest we have over seen;- Tf you want to buy a suit of Clothes be sure to see us, for we are o Ho ring the "Cream of Clothing" AT "Butter Milk Prices." Tor, W. L. Douglas' Shoes, Double wear Collars, Fancy and Stylish 'Neckwear, we are strictly headquarters r Everything in DRV GOODS AND GROCERIES at reduced prices. - Summer Dress Goods at your own price. m m j m n m n r n m m P ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THE reighton W ur: OHUC Ladies. & ,. WARRANTED. ... Vfcr Of $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 tit Us PER jjj Perfect Fitting, Best Wearing and 2Hbsf pliable Shoe sold. i l For seventeen years our product has been a yjjf m standard Shoe for Wnmen anH is tn-Hav rnn. ccdf'd to be one of the most reliable and thor- JJJ i oiiprhly honest lines of Ladies' Footwear on HJ the American market. Sold through our au- Yf ? the S rized Agents. THE 'MAfcJJSENGILL All stvles. sizes and widths. to DltV GOODS CO. S it MADE BY m w. J. creignton & Co. J, LYNN, MASS. W Xone genuine itn- ! fij i y 6a- th is th a De-mark t stamped on Sole. it ili 5 n am ufiiil We are just in receipt of our NEW SAMPLES OF CARPER in all grades for the season. It wlil be to your advantage to make an early inspection- of them, even though you di5 not intend to purchase until later. You will find our goods and prices compare favorably with those of any house in the coun try, as we are direct agents for the largest manufacturers in the United States. See us for Oil Cloths, Rugs, Mats, China' Mattings, Napier Mattings, Lace Curtains, &c. fc fcfe fets eecctfet LADIES FINE SHOES. of every- description at anyT price you wish. We have two stores full of goods a?ad enough bought to fill them up again, so you see "we must sell cheap to make room for the other goods. To do this we shall offer for the next 30 days OUR ENTlilE LIN E OF EVERY THING at about 50 cents in the dollar, so come at once. We want your trade. We appreciate your trade, and we are doing everything we can to got your trade. We have got our prices cut down so low that We Can't be Undersold. Come to see us, we will guan tee to please both the eye and pocket. Yours truly, MASSENGILL DRY GOODS CO. Dium, JNr. C. Two BiQ Stores. lot of Whit temore's Tan and Black Polish just' received. Also every variety of shpe laces. i I n By Wm in a m U - ft IB?! K V w DO m Heavy i-nalties posed The taxes have now been due since September 1st. Those who have not already done so are requested to come forward and settle at once. THE LAWS OF 1899 require a Sheriff to make his settlements earlier than before, and in some cases m and suits are enjoined in consequence of failure of sheriff to settle. We cannot settle with the State and County unless the people settle with us. We dislike to have to resort to a process of law to get the taxes, but unless the taxes are paid and paid at once, this process will be necessary. I have visited the townships as required by law to receive the taxes. Not one of 30 has met us for the purpose of paying. Eor the accommodation of the public and to facilitate collections I will visit each of the townships again, during the hours on days named : . Anderson's Creek, at Westville, Nov. 14, 10 a. m.'to 1 p. m ; Brittoh & Johnson's Store, from 2 p. m. to 3 p.m. Barbecue, at Henry Morrison's, Nov. 15, 8 a. m. to 12 m ; EL D. Cameron's old place,. 2 p. m. 5 p. m. Upper Little River, at Benton McNeill's, Nov. 16, 10 a. m. to 12 m ; Turner's X Roads, 2 p. m. to 4 p. m. Buckhorn, at Prince & Spence's Store, Nov. 17, 9 a. m. to 12 m. , Hector's Creek, at Bradley's Store, Nov. 17, 2 p. m. to 5 p. in. Black River, at Angier, Nov. 18, 9 a. m. to 12 m. Neill's Creek, at W. M. Sexton's Store, Nov. 18, 2 p. m. to 4 p. m. ' Grove, at Troyville, Nov. 20, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m ; Turlington's X Roads, 3 p. m. to'5 p. m. Averasboro, at Dunn, Town Hall, Nov. 21, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Stewart's Creek, at Bunnlevel, Nov. 22, 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. On the 4th day of December each of the townships of the county will be put into the hands of a, competent deputy to collect all arrears. Having as I do a separate book for each township, with receipts already filled, every man without exception, who has not paid bv December 4th will have receipt and amount for collection in hands of deputy. Let each one meet me promptly at some one of the above places, settle his taxes and save costs and trouble. I will be in office at Court House, or haye deputy there, to receive taxes up to Dec 4th-, After that date I will not be in office regularly myself and will have no deputy at Court' House- Please inform your neighbor who may not read-this no cice. Yours respectfully, S. A. SALMON, Sheriff Harnett Co. 1 Plsase Post Conspicuously- EVILS OF MORMON ISM. A Reprint of a tract written by D. J. McMillan, U. D. Still llVlll". BrtlU . 1 JllUUgli UH VUi - U U tllllA X J .lOH I 111 I to say about niand President Woodruff sus-you and all honest Later Day the affairs of pended the ordinance of polyg- Saints could see the truth as I a dashing young bride. In later revelation respecting its and they have persuaded me to 1859 I was sealed to my eigh- doctrines or practices than seal another on ray return next teenth wife, Theresa Morse. I those above. On the contrary August, which I shall do." was sealed to her by order of their first apostle, Jeseph E. Mr. J. C. Neilson, late presi Brisham Yroun. Amassa Ly- Smith, while conducting the dent of the Denmark mission, man officiated at the ceremony. Mormon Conference at Ritch- becoming disgusted with the "I took my wives in the fol- -pne jast wife j g0fc was Ann fie1 d a few months ago, told the dishonesty and hypocrisy of that lowing order; .birst, Agatha Gordc-e. Brigham Young gave people that there was a law of church, sought and found light Ann YVoolsey: second, Nancy i1fir to me and I was sealed 'to the United States prohibiting and truth in the Word of God. Berry ; third, Louise Free (now jier n gait Lake City by Heber polygamy, but " that he had He was roughly dealt with by one of the wives of Daniel H. rj Kimball This was mv three wives, and that he obeyed the Mormon authorities for Wells),; fourth, Sarah. C. Will- nineteenth but as I was mar-God's law rather than the law apostatizing, and in answer to iams ;-fifth,-old Mrs. Woolsey rje(j t0 Mrs. Woolsey for of tlie land. The bishop told severe charges, wrote to Presi de was the mother f Agatha ner SOul's sake, and she was the Sunday schools that God dent Rudger Clawson of the Ann and Rachaei A. 1 mar- nfiar sixtv vears old when I had a hundred wives. Box LJder btake of Zion in ried her for her soul's sake, for married her I never considered In order to win converts to 1894, as follows : "My guilt is her salvation in the eternal jer really as a wife. True, I tlieir faitli they have managed simply this, that I have read state); sixth, Rachaei A. treated her well and gave her to create an impression that and studied the Bible, and have Woolsey (I was sealed to her at a tne rights of marriage, still they have discarded the practice through the mercy of God re the same time. that I was to her j never' count her as one of my of polygamy, and have decided e'eived light and kuowledge of mother); s e v e n t h, Andora wjves piiis is the reason I to be decent, law-abiding citi-Him and a testimony greater Woolsey (a sister of Rachaei) ; ciaim only eighteen true wives, zens. Believing them honest than the so much spoken of eighth, Polly Ann Workman; After 18G1 I never asked Brig- in this profession, Congress has Mormon " testimony." Mor ninth, Martha Berry; tenth, iam Young for another wife, admitted Utah to the Union as monism is the greatest imposi Delithea Morris. In 1848, j7 my -eighteen I have been a State. But Bishop Richard tion ever introduced among while at Council Bluffs, Brig- the fatherof sixty-four children. W. Hart, of the Mormon humanity. You will say that ham Young sealed me to three rj-en of m children are dead Church, in the fall of 1895, I am blind ; but I know that women in one night, viz., elev- orirj fift.v.f nnr nrp erill livintr Said I "Tliroush divine coin- vou are, and 1 only wish that enth, Nancy Armstrong (She Tnis j3 ajj j care was whattwe can a wiuow : sue mv own :lfits or the aflairs of pe left her first husband in len- my family." amy, but it has not been re-now see it. I believe in the nessee in order to be with the he Articles of Faith which pealed. This subject of plural Lord Jesus Christ and stand Mormon people) ; twelfth, Pol- p hove" been considering were marriages is very much misun- firmly on His side. He is my ly V. Young; thirteenth, Lou- written bv Joseph Smith their derstood. Not more than 15 Priesthood, my Savior and my I VonnfT-('these two were fiMf MnUf oWit cU-tr rovS ner cent of our people have Kins, and I know he has Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or-, gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. Sick Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps, and all other resul ts of i m perfect d i pes tion. Prepared by E. C DWltt A Co, Chicago For sale by Hood & Grantham, Druggists, Dunn, N. C. religious pretentions. A Church so intolerant and so hateful to humanity that its prayers are constantly for the destruction of peoples aud nations that are in every respect of humanity and charity equal to the people of Utah, is void of Christianity. I have spent twenty-seven of the best j-ears of my lifo in the service of this imposition and error, i regret it and hope that ray God and my Savior will forgive me, for I did it in sin cerity, thinking I was right, but 1 now see my itrnoranco." Reader, go to Utah if you want to ; you will find good people there who aro Christians. You will find a prosperous country, rich in natural re sources, which are being rapid ly developed where Gentilo en terprise and intelligence pre dominate; but don't I pray you, don't join the Mormons till you see them in their homes, hear them in their pulpits, and become acquainted with their history and their literature. If vou do vou will brine dis- ;race upon your name and add an unfortunate chapter to your . family history, which your children will be ashamed of to their latest generation. "Thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and aro not, and hast found them liars." Rev. ii ; 2. Story of a Slave. To be bound hand and foot or years by the chains of dis- . i m mm ease is tne worst lorm oi slav ery. George D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich., tells how such a slave was made free. He says : "My wife has been so lelpless for five years that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Electric Bitters, sho is won derfully improved and able to do her own work." This su preme remedy for female dis eases quickly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, head ache, backache, tainting and dizzy epells. This miracle working medicine is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down peo- le. Lvery bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by McKay Bros. & Skinner, Druggists. Business is Business. to ago. As a man connection with a dishonest The true meaning of more than one wile miline those articles has been explained prospers the church admonishes .Church. He is the only living sealed n(j illustrated by precept and him to take additional wives, High Priest, for, 'He liveth Union. sisters : next I was sealed ' mv fourteenth wife. Emi Vaughn. In 1851 I was se to mv fifteenth wife, Mary ieai PYnmnifi ns .ibove shown, from and he obeys as a tiroves. in looo i was seaieu tiat ay t0 this. But their uniy. in siaienoou, wneu au uuier mgu pnesis die un to my sixteenth wife, Mary missionaries will not tell you are free from Federal interfer- posters. He is the only Savior, Ann Williams. In 1S5S, Brig- tjie' truth about it all; they ence, the temple will witness and all other saviors, whether ham Young gave me my seven- w:jj allow you to learn it by the solemnization of the mar- on Mount Zion or elsewhere or teenth wife, Emma Batchelder, sad experience and so it comes riage rites that have been sus-otherwise, are engaged in the I was sealed to ner wnne a t0 Dass hat thousands of their penaea, ana uie penitentiary mosi proiane vanity auu irauu member of the Territorial Leg-vlPi,r nxonp turnincr nwav will no longer be filled with A church wherein islature. Brigham Young said from tr1P cTctPm in dirust men for obeying God's law. to feed and support that Isaac Haisht who was also at Yes this ceremonial will be re- not the Church of Christ. in the Legislature, and I, need- trolling nowpr in Utah but not sumed ; it has never been en- Church dishonest in its political j snmft vonrifr woman to renew i r:i. tirelvT -nsnended. our vitalitj, so he avp us bptJU tcJirjgs. It has received no wives, all of whp Jpe me, trusted as bejn honest imtslSHUc' Spare us just two minutes of . i 0 . ' 1 your time, ana alter you nave read this remember that we mean simply business and noth- ng more. On January 1st, 1900, we are going to adopt a new system in business, that of the cash in advance system, it will be strictly cash in advance to all, not even our uncles and mnts can get it on a credit. We are losing money every year and this is our only hope. If you want this paper after Janu ary 1st you must pay in ad vance, and we are certain it will suit most of our readers just as well. We will keep this notice before you until that time and hope all back subscrip- ! tion will be arranged and that you will take it for 1900. J. P. Pjttman, Proprietor no and Publisher The County Biimark's Iron Nerve Was the result of his splen did health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If you want these qual- the poor have ities and the success they bring, rt the rich isl"se Dr- KinS 8 flew Life 1'; - lhey develop every power oi Drain ana noay. uniy zoc a I have three declarations can scarcely be McKay Bros. & Skinner drug A