Buss. - Rallies. 1 handle BUGGIES of all makes in car load lots, andean SAVE YOU MONEY. Don't buy until you have seen me. I can fit you up with substantial Harness. Sell for cash or on time. J. W. LAIME, DUNN, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. LITERARY Annual expenses $lOO to $140; for non- I'LASSiCAL residents of the State $l6O. Faculty of SCIENTIFIC 30 numbers. Practice and Observation COMMERCIAL School of about 260 pupils. To secure board INDUSTRIAL in the dormitories all free-tuition applica- PEPAOOGICAL tions should be made before July 15th. MI MICAL Session opens September 19th. Correspondence invited frcm those desiring competent teachers and stenographers. catalogue and other infoimation address President CHARLES D. MCIVEK, Greensboro, N. C. A. P.. HAROLD. M. F. HATCHKR. Harold & Hatcher, ATTORNEYS AT LAW,— DUNN, N. C. Practice wherever service re quired. Prompt attention to .ail business. Collections a specialty Office oVer Demo h/katic Banker. I Edward W. Pou, F - H. Brooks. Pou & Brooks, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SMITHFIELD, N. C. Claims collected. Estates set tled. Practice in Johnston and adjoining counties. E. S. SMITH. M. F. HATCHKR. Smith & Hatcher, Attorneys-at-Law, DUNN, - - - N. C. I'irctkr in all tlie courts of tlie State. I'M mpt attention to all business entrusted, tCurtice in ilie old Post Office Building. 11. Ncl FAN. J.C.CLIFFORD McLean & Clifford, , DUNN, : : : s N. C. Offit* over J. J. Wade's Store. W. A, -STEWART. H.'.L. GODWIN mm k Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Uw, DUNN, N. C. wrn invcttce In State and Federal Court*}*it not for fun. W E- Mnrcliison, JONESBORO. N. C. Practices Law in Harnett, Moore and other counties, but not for^fun. Feb. *2O-ly. f. J BAR ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, Dunn, N. C. I'. H. McLean's Old Office on Railroad Street. IplffiS 41 FARMERS ™ MI, G. CAPITAL STOCK $20,000. Every accommodation offered to the public. E. F. YOUNG, President. V. L. STEPHENS, Cashier. J«« Uankkr, 1 year lor $l.OO. THE DEMOCRATIC BANNER. Vol. 11. TOWN DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. •1 Vi >dlst Church—Rev. W A. Forbes Pastor - rrl :es first Sunday night, and fourth Sun ■.f morning and night. Prayermeeting jvery Wednesday night. Sunday school every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, G. K. Orantham Superintendent Baptist Church.—Rev. W. C. Barrett, pastor. Services every second Sunday morning and night. Prayermeeting every Thursday night Sunday School every Sunday morning, J. C. Clifford Superintendent. 1 Presbyterian -Jc* 1- . Bines pastor. Services every first and fifth Sunday morning and night, Sundav school every Sunday morning, D. H. McLean, Superinten dent Disciple Church—Rev. D. H. Petree pas tor. Services every third Sunday morning and night. Prayer meeting every Tuesday night. Sunday School every Sunday evening at 3 o'clock, P. T. Massengill Supt. Free Will Baptist Church.—Elder R. '.C. fackson, pastor. Services every first Sun lay morning and night. Primitive Baptist.—Chnrch on Broad street Elder B. Wood, Pastor. Regular servi es on the third Sabbath morning, and Satur iay before, in each month at 11 o'elock. LODGE. Palmyra Lodge, No. 147, A. F. AA. M. Hall over Free Will Baptist church. F. P. Jones W. M.; W. A. Johnson, S. W.; E. A. Jones /. W.; J. G. Johnson, Secretary. Regular 'ommunlcations are held on the 3rd Satur day at 10 o'clock A.M., and on the Ist Friday | *t 7:30 o'clock p. m. in each month. All Ma sons in good standing are cordially invited to attend these communications. TOWN OFFICERS. M. T. Youug, Mayor. COMMIBBIONEBS V. L. Stephens, McD. Holliday, J. D. Barnes J. A. Taylor. W. H. Duncan, Policeman. OOCNTT OPFICBBS Sheriff, Silas A.Salmon. Clerk. Dr. J. H. Withers. Register of Deeds, A. O. Holloway. Treasurer, L. D. Matthews. Surveyor, D. P. McDonald. Coroner, Dr. J. F. McKay. Connty Examiner, Rev. J. 8. Black. Commissioners : E. F. Young, Chairman N A. Smith. T. A Harrington. About Producinq Great Men. The most interesting aspect of the subject of producing su premely great men is what may be called the superstitious as jpectofit. There is no other subject that we know as little about, few others about which so much has been written. The weariest weight of dull nonsense on the book-shelves of the world are the endless volumes whose authors pretend to give a logic al account of supremely great men. Why Shakespeare, was Shakespeare, why he came when he did, why he did, what he did—the "influences" that shaped his mind and the whole multitudinous folderol have wasted much time of industri ous men and simple readers. And in one sense it is perfect ly true that a democracy cannot aft'oid to be straining after the production of great men, even if it knew how to produce them : for the business of a democracy is to give every man a chance to develop what small or great measure of power is in him. The great men will take care of themselves when they come. How to entice nature to bring them forth—that is so far be yond us that Mr. Schurman's reproach seems academic and fantastical; and, if 4 'all our .higher institutions -of learning o o DUNN FOUNDRY, MACHINE AND METAL WORKS. 10000 eet f floor space c veied with brand new ard ponderous machinery and fixtures for all kinds of machinejand metal working.J JHLQffln FARQUHAR'S CENTER CRANK AJAX. "SHE IS A HUMMER." We are agents for the above Engine and all other styles of their Engines and Boilers from 4 to 000 horse power, also for FARQUHAR Saw Mills, and Threshing Engines. \ou can't afford not to get the Farquhar machinery. It is the best. The Farquhar Co. has been almost a "House-hold Word'' for half a century. They are one of the largest ma chine builders in the world. They have facilities unequaled in this couutry. &EW ©UIR PRICES AMD CATALOGUE. Building Irons, Store Proms, etc. All kinds of plow and other castings. Boiler patch steel. All kinds of Steam and Machine fittings continually on hand. tn—' TOBACCO FLUES. Ail Bt y le s, everything right. Freights equalized with other points. We buy all the cast iron we can get. See us about , „ ' Respectfully Yours, HE JOHN A. MAY ITGCO., DUNN, N. C. How's ifyK Your STDMHC'H ? Does It properly Digest wholesome &nd nvitritioviS food? Good Digestion is necessary to 1 v 1 perfect health. Perfect health is essential to happi ness. If Dyspepsia has a hold upon you, you are unfit for life's work. Cast off this dread disease. Coleman's Gu a. rein tee will positively cure all forms of in digestion and dyspepsia. Hundreds of users attest its curative powers. It will do for you what it has done for others. One dose gives relief. PRICB 50c. A BOTTLE. If your druggist doesn't sell it Ret another druggist. COLEMAN REMEDY CO., Oaimlla, Va.. 0. S. A. must bear the reproach," as he said, what a tas-k he lays on our institutions of learning! They may produce scholars, but scholars are mere hewers of wood and horny-handed sons of toil beside Great Men.—World's Work. Wife Wonts Cash or Husband. Rosa Becker began su.it against Caspar Becker and his wife, Amelia Becker, in Com mon Pleas Court No. 5, yester day, to recover $50,000 dam ages for the alleged alienation of the affections of the plain tiff's husband, John Bernard Becker, who is a son of the de fendants. Tlie plaintiff says she was married to the defend ant's son on September 25, 1900, and before a week had elapsed her husband's parents induced him by persuasions and coercions and scandalous stories to desert her, and that they transported him to parts unknown, alienated his affec tions and helped to conceal his whereabouts. Mrs. Becker is now the moth er of an infant child, on whose behalf, as well as her own, she brings the suit, alleging that the defendants have deprived her and the child of the natural love, society support and pro tection of a husband and father, and have subjected her and hex child to much suffering, humil iation and hardships.—Phila delphia fiecesd. OUIMIM, IM. C. JULY, 31 1901, HIE BAMfll Dili. CAPITAL STOCK $20,000. We offer unsurpassed advan tages, aud loan money on easy terms We will extend every accommodation consistent with conservative banking. L. J. BEST, President. J. W. PURDIE, Cashier. Saved Two From Death. "Our little daughter had an almost fatal attack of whooping: cough and bronchitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Haviland, of Ar monk, N. Y., "but when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece who had consumption in an advanced stage, also used this wonderful medicine and to-day she is per fectly well." Desperate throat and lung diseases yields to Dr. King,s New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. Infal lible for coughs and colds. 50c and $l.OO bottles guaranteed by C. L. Wilson. Trial bottles free. Wasted Time. The time wasted in waiting for other people would have sufficed to make any one of us learned in some science or some foreign tongue. Perhaps we have laid down some urgent work to meet an engagement, only to find that the one whom we are to meet has failed to come or to come at the appoint ed time. Waiting for meals, delayed trains and cars, for at tention and change in stores — these and many other time wasting annoyances belong to busy town life rather thau to the rural life, which we are taught in books to associate with carelessness in regard to the value of time. Annoying as these intervals of idleness must often be, it is a pity to make them worse by impa tience. Accepted as inevitable, they may often be of use in se curing us brief intervals of re freshing quiet in the strain of a busy day. Sometimes they are of use in observation, study or meditation. At the worst they ought to confirm us in the pur pose never to levy upon others an unwilling tax of time by our careless or self-indulgeut tardi ness.—Congregation alist. "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Dunn s Latest En terpuse. A Canning Factory. CAPACITY 1000 CANS PER DAY. I buy peaches and tomatoes. I sell tin cans and pack fruits to order. I use water, steam and syrup of sugar and pack fruits free from adulteration. Bring your peaches to me and I will save you money, labor, time and cost of glass jars. Fiuits prop erly packed in tin cans retain their origiual flavor. This is lost in glass jars. Deliver your peaches to me well assorted. "Presses" in boxes to themselves holding one bushel each. "Clearstones" in boxes holding one bushel each. Gather your peaches when just ripe. Let them be uniform in size and ripeness. Such peaches will bring good prices if they have any size. I shall employ none but neat packers and guarantee satisfac tion in prices, cleanliness and quality. You lose no fruits in tin cans. I teach you how to use the same tin can for any number of years. The tin can will not freeze or break and can be filled any number of times during the same season. All ladies who are interested in canned fruits and catchup are invited to visit the factory. Factory located near Main Street, East Dunn. June 18th 1901, G. I. SMITH, Proprietor. The Same Old Story J. A. Kelly relates an exper ience similar to that which has happened in almost every neigh borhood in the United States and has been told and re-told by thousands of others. He says : "Last summer I had an at tack of dysintery and purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I used according to di rections and with entirely satis factory results. The trouble was controlled much quicker than former attacks when I us ed other remedies." Mr. Kelly is a well known citizen of Hen derson, N. €. For sate by Hood Rules Governing Applications For Pardon. . Clerk of the Court J. 11. Withers received (he following notice from the Governor's Pri vate Secretary in reference to pardons: Raleigh, N. C., July 20, 'Ol - His Excellency, the Governor, has made the following rules with reference to applications for pardons: Rule 1. Notice must be given by the applicant for pardon, or someone in his or her behalf, for not less than two weeks, such notice 10 be inserted in a conspicuous place in some newspaper published in the county for two week®. If llinn is no paper published in the countv, then the same to b posted at three public places in the county as follows: At tin emnt house door, at the po-t -oftice door at the county wa\ and at the post«>ffk*e door near est the plare where the rrinn was committed, for which • pardon is asked. Rule 2. Such notice to be sub stantially as follows: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. > County, \ Notice is hereby given to the public that application will be made to the Governor of North Carolina for the pardon of I- •' at term of [the Superior Court of ■■ ■■ ! county, for the crime of , i and sentenced to for a term of ." Rule 3. The same require ments, with reference to notice, obtain in matters of commuta tions or respites as well as in pardons. Rule 4. Proof that the notice, as above required, has been giv en must accompany the peti tion or application for pardon. Rule 5. These rules take ef fect from and after this day. These rules are made that the greatest publicity possible may be given to all applications for pardons in order that all per sons interested may have an op portunity to be heard before the Governor;, P. M. Pearsall, - Private Secretary. The attention of parties ap plying for transcripts of rec ords, is called to the foregoing rules. By strict compliance with the same, delay will be avoided. J. H. Withers, Clerk Superior Court, Harnett Co. While Naa Turned Yellow. Great consternation was felt by the friends of M. A. Hogarty of Lexington, Ky., wheu they saw he was turning yellow. His skin slowly changed color, also his eyes, and he suffered terribly. His malady was yel low jaundice. He was treated by the best doctors, but without benefit. Then he was advised to try Electric Bitters, the won derful Stomach and Liver reme dy, and he writes : "After tak ing two bottles I was wholly cured." A trial proves its matchless merit for all stomach, liver and kidney troubles. On ly 25c, sold by Wilson, Drug gist. All this talk about European Tariff combination can be dis counted and squelched by a tar iff on tourists. A head tax of $lO,OOO on each American go ing to Europe would take the bread out of the mouths of the kickers over the water. —Jersey City "Journal." Jab CoMldM'lHaTe Nlaadll If he had itching piles. They are terribly annoying; but Bucklen Arnica Salve will cure the worst case of piles on earth. It has cured thousands. For injuries, pains or bodily erup tions it's the best salve in the world. Price 25c a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by C. L. Wilson. Some curious crank has rear ed up on his hind feet and ask ed, '*What does the Democratic party stand for?" We suppose because it is tired of running for nothing.—Yellow Jacket. Heal Tbyiteir. Ninety-nine of every hun dred people suffer to some ex tent from indigestion, heart burn, nervousness, constipa tion and dyspepsia. "Coleman's Guarantee" positively cures such cases. "Take it, eat what you want and be happy." Price 50c large bottle, at Hood & Grantham, druggists. TASS6S i SPRING SEASON of 1901. R. Gf. TAYLOR, m mm rati®. OF DUNN, N. C. t Announces that he is determined to do more business this vear than ever before. He has the goods and want* the custo mers to buy tbem. Prices are lower than ever. For everv DOLLAR lie will give you TWO DOLLARS worih of val re. Ho has determined to sell his stock of goods at once. Either for Cash or on Credit. lie can accommodate you to eredit on reasonable terms, 13c sure and sec hirv. "i ~EBR\ BBa \yf\ Fv \ /v'nllftcA!lU7 GkOVMINfr. GLOTHING-. GkOtMIMt. You can get what you want in this line. We have the larg est selection in the country and can fit any size. Prices made to please the customer. His stock is being added to daily and you will find SHOES! SHOES! 1500 Pairs of Ladies and Mens and Children Shoes. Ladies Kid Shoes, Ladies Vicis, Ladies Oxfords, Ladies Slippers, La dies Shoes for every day wear, Ladies Shoes and. Slippers from per pair up to $5 25. MENS SHOES ! Calf, Smooth Calf, Box Calf, Vicis, Dongolas, Russetts, Tans, Heavy Shoes lor ser vice, Brogans, Kids, Boys Shoes, Childrens Shoes. Shirts, Collars, Hosiery, Neckwear, Suspender*, Hats, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Fancy Hose, Umbrellas, Valises Satch els, Trunks. L i"~ NOTIONS! Everything in this line. Nothing loft out. Embroidery Laces, Braids, Hamburg and Swiss Embroidery and Insertion, Kid Gloves, Corsets, Hoisery, Towels, Damask*. Napkins", Rugs, Carpets, Matting, Bed Spreads, Counterpanes. \JJI Dress Trim ming there is a complete stock. Pearl Button?, Gilt Buttons, Silver Buttons, Silk Parasols, the fanciest and newest styles. GROCERIES, f 400 Bags of Fiour, 25 Bags of Coffee, 15 Barrels of Sugar, Rice, Tea, Tobacco, Suutf. Lye, Potash, Molasses. Salt, Bacon, Corn, Meal, Oats, Bran, Mill Food- Form Tools, Horse Collars, Bridles, Plows, Fertilizers, Guano, lvanit, Pluifcpbates, Guano Distributors, Cotton Planters, Lime, Cement,*'pl{»j»ter Parris, Hair and Builder's Material. UNDERTAKERS. In this line there is a complete line of Jiurial Goad*. From the smallest to the largest coflin. From the cheapest Coffin tQ the HandsomestCasketv Burial Robes for nou and women. A Handsome Hearse is kept with this, stock and will be sent out when needed. SU G. TAYIOR. Til# Rml Llnineit f«r Ktrnla«. Mr. F. H. Wells, the mer chant at Deer Park, Long Is land, N. Y., say 9: "I always recommend Chamberlain's Pain Balm as the best liniment for strains. I used it last winter for a severe lameness in (lie side, resulting from a strain, and was greatly pleased wii! the quick relief and cure it > fected." For sale by Hood i\ Grantham. Life, Love, Religion, the three are one. Tell me wh you love supremely and I w tell you your destiny. Our p! losopliy and our morali y mti lead us at last to one thought— the idea of God.—Fichte. When you want a modern u| to-date physic, try Cham be lain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. They are easy to take an pleasant in effect. Price, 2-> cents. Samples free at Hood «fc Grantham's drug store. * ■ ■■ OASTOnZA. YF TTE TIND Y«U Raw Boagfr rs- Subscribe to TIIE BANNER •aigrttfcc home xttm*. No 2©. "You can fool all the people tome of the time, and some of the people all the time; but you ; can't fool all the people all the time." WE DON'T want you fooled any of the time. Low priced paint will always fool you. It may look well when first put on but will not last It costs as much to put on a poor paint aa it does a good one. THE SHEM WW- WTUJ/UTS RANTS are made to fool no one.' They are honest Paints for hoaest peo ple. They cover most, lookbest, wear longest, ate most economv cal, and always full measure. SOLD BY L>u.ui Hardware & K.u uiture Co \ t Eat, drink and th n pay your wUci^pMt. I

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