THE Democratic Banner. J. PITTMAIT, EDITOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Three Months Cents. Six Months 50 One Year $l.OO. Sent by Mail. Payable in advance. PHIED EVERY WEDNESDAY. B®*THE DEMOCRATIC BANNKR is the ORIGINAL County Union, subscribers will please take notice, Entered according to postal regula tions at the postofflce at Dunn, N. C., as second class matter. ~ DUNN, Harnett County, N. C. DUNN, N. C., July 31, 1901. What is a Democrat? •'Democracy is a sentiment not to be appalled, corrupted, or compromised; it knows no baseness; it cowers before no danger; it oppresses no weak ness. It is the sole conserva tor of liberty, labor and proper ty. It is the sentiment of equal rights, of equal obligations—the very spirit of liberty itself per vading the land." —Bill Allen. School Fund. The Constitution, Act IX, Section o, appropriates all fines for violation of the criminal laws of the State for establish ing and maintaining free public schools in the several counties— whether the fines are for viola tion of town ordinances, made misdemeanors by Sec. 3820 of the Code, or other criminal statutes. Where such fines are collected through the Mayor of a town, by virtue of his author ity as Justice of the Peace, they are to be accounted for to the Board of Education. These fines cannot be used for any other purpose whatso ever. It is the duty of the Board of Education to see to it that these fines are faithfully appropriated for maintaining free public schools in the coun ty. Magistrates, Clerk of Su perior Court and other officers in Harnett county into whoso hands these fines have been paid, be prepared to give an account of your stewartsliip in this matter. J. D. EZZELL, Chairman Board of Education of Harnett County. What Good Roads Do For a Community. Bad roads constitute the greatest drawback to rural life, and for the lack of good roads the farmers suffer more than any class. Those localities where good roads have been built are becoming richer, more prosperous and more thickly settled, while those which do not possess these advantages in transportation are either at a standstill or are becoming poor er and more sparsely settled. If these conditions continue, fruit ful farms may be abandoned and rich lands go to waste. Life on a farm often becomes, as a result of "bottomless roads," isolated and barren of social enjoyment and pleasures, and country people in some communities suffer such great disadvantage that ambition is checked, energy weakened and industry paralyzed. Good roads, like good streets, make habitation along them most desirable ; they economize time, add force in transporta tion of products, reduce wear and tear on horses, vehicles and harness, and enhance the mar ket value of real estate. They raise the value of farm land and farm products and tend to beau tify the country through which they pass ; they faciliate rural mail delivery and are a potent aid to education, religion and sociability. Charles Sumner once said: ' 'The road and the school master are the two most important agents in advancing civilization." The difference between good and bad roads is often equivo lent to the difference between profit and loss. Good roads have a money value to farmers as well as a political and social value, and leaving out conven ience, comfort and social and refined influences which good roads always enhance, and look ing at them only from the "al mighty dollar" side, they are found to pay handsome divi dends each year. People generally are beginiug to realize that road building is a public matter, and that the best interests of agriculture and the American people as a whole demand the construction of good roads, and that money wisely expended for this pur pose is sure to return.—Greens boro Telegram. Eat, drink and then pay up subscription. IN MEMORY OF CAPTAIN MAR SHAL VINSON PRINCE. MR. EDITOR : In the death of Captain Mar shal V. Prince the county of Harnett has lost one of its most honorable and useful citizens, and it is due his memory that the public attention shall be drawn to some of the events of lii 3 long and honorable life and to some of the public services he rendered to his Country while he was with us. This duty I have taken upon myself, as I knew him well, and to know him was to love and respect him, for he was verily a man in whom there was no guile. Capt. Prince was born July 2, 1832, and died on July 23, 1901, and hence was 70 years and 21 days of age when he was called to his reward. In early life he had the benefit of a good English education, hav ing been a pupil uudei my father Gen. A. D. McLean in his school at Summerville in this county. Capt. Prince's father died when he was a mere youth, and Gen. McLean was appointed his guardian at the request of his near relatives. This education fitted him well for the arduous and responsible duties of his busy life, for from early manhood he was the ad viser of his neighbors in all their business transactions, for they had implicit confidence, not only in his personal integ rity but in his judgment and business sagacity. After the death of the Hon. George W. Pfcgram the mantal of that man of God fell upon the shoulders of Capt. Prince, and most wor thily did he wear it, for his counsels were those of fence and good will among men. Captain Prince AY as married in 1807 to Elizabeth Rollins. There were born to them seven children, five of whom survive him—three sons and two daugh ters —children whose lives and characters bear the impress of their early christian training, for how true it is, that "as the tree is bent, the tree is inclined." Captain Prince held many positions of honor and trust at the hands of his confiding coun trymen. Before the war when quite a youug man he was elected captain of a volunteer militia company, and took great pride in uniforming and drilling his citizen soldiery. When the War between the States came on he was among the brave and fearless sons of the Old North State that went forth to battle for the Cause of the South. After the war and when civil government was per mitted to take the place of mili tary rule Captain Prince was elected Justice of the Peace or his section of the county, and served in this capacity al most continuously till his death. He was elected county com missioner for several terms and was chairman of the Board for four years. In 1891 he was elected to the House of Repre sentatives from Harnett county, and served with marked faith fulness and efficiency. Indeed in every position to which he was called he was always a conservative an d faithful public servant. Our county can poorly afford to lose such a son. When about thirty years of age Captain Prince connected himself with the Methodist church and was one of its most honored and trusted members. He performed his duties as an officer of the church with t.'ie same unwavering fidelity that characterized him in all the re lations of life. A good man is gone; let us emulate his example, for he was one of nature's noblemen ; faithful to God, to Country and to himself. "His life was and the elements do mixed in liim that Nature might stand lip And say to all the world. This was man." D. H. MCLEAN. Captured in Sampson. A man named Sion Williford, who has been living near Sa vannah, Ga., for several years, got into a difficulty out there, in which he shot another man, however the shot did not prove fatal. Williford ran away from Georgia and came to Sampson several weeks ago. A few days ago Williford was arrested and placed in Clinton jail, from there he was taken to Savannah where he will be tried at the November term of court for an assault with an intent to kill. Hon. D. H. McLean has been employed to defend Williford I'm going to offer for the next few weeks. Special in ducements in Ready Mixed Paints. I am now selliug as good Ready Mixed Paints as can be had auy where. Strictly guaranteed- E. Lee. i OPENING SHLE! FARMERS Wl BENSON, N, C: o o THE DOORS OF THE FARMERS WAREHOUSE WILL BE OPENED FOR THE SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO August 2nd, 100 l The management of this house will be in the hands of ROBT. T. FAUCETTE, of Durham, N. C., and to the farmers of Johnston and adjoining counties we wish to say that Mr. Fau cette has spent his entire life in the tobacco industry. He has yet to undertake a single enterprise in which the word failure had anything to do, and lie wishes to say to you, through us, that his highest interest and main object will be to convince all who sell their Tobacco at the Farmers Warehouse that he can and will get as much for their tobacco as they can get for the same on any market in North Carolina or Virginia. Our market will be attended by a LARGE CORPS OF BUYERS, Representing all the large American manufacturers, includ ing the American Tobacco Company, also all the main foreign buyers. We here and now ask you for and expect Your First Load, Feeling assured, should you give us your first load, that you will have no further trouble in deciding where to sell your Tobacco. fclfenJi Bolt T Ml C.T.Johnson, || IlUUli 1 1 lluuU .Uj AlonzoParrish, J 2 Manager. ANNOUNCEMENT. WMTILIi - DAVIDSON ACADEMY FOR BOYS. Preparatory, Academic and Scientific courses. Board and Tuition moderate. . .. FACULTY OF GOOD TEACIIKRS. Term nine months. Begins Sept. 18, 1901. JNO. S. SIMPSON, Principal. P. O. DrawerS. Fayetteville, N. C. A First Class Military School in Eastern Carolina. Debnam-Kinsey School, La Grange, N. C. Military, Literary - Scientific and Commercial School. Fifty-three boarding pupils ; twelve counties and two States represented the past session. Commodious School Buildings, Barracks for Sixty Cadets. The school aims to strengthen cha 1 acter by developing latent talents and power. The individ ual needs of the Students are considered. The millitary training strengthens the manly traits, gives a sound .body and clear mind. Class room meth ods cultivate Observation, Con centration and Mental grasp. Athletics encouraged. No com promise on liquor or tobacco. Expenses for the entire year of nine months, including tuition, room, fuel and lights, $llO. Payable quarterly in advance. No extras. J. E. Debnam, Supt. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH MOLINA. THE HEAD Of the State's Educational System. Academic Department, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. Eighty-five scholarships. Free tuition to teachers and minis ters' sons. Loans for the needy-. 527 Students. 43 Instructors. New Dormitories, Waterworks, (Jentral Heating System. $120,000 spent in improvements in 1900 and 1901. Fall term begins September 9, 1901. Address, F. P. VENABLE, President.! Chapel Hill, N. C^ Rural Free Delivery First. It is estimated that the sav ing effected by withdrawing the privilege of second class post age rates from publications and periodicals that are not legiti mately eutitled to them will amount to twenty million dol lars a year. Upon the basis of such saving a movement is on ; foot to reduce letter postage to 'one cent. Of course such a re duction would be hailed with I pleasure if it could be g'.ven af ter furnishing necessary quick mail facilities to all sections of the country. But there ought to be no reduction in letter post age until the rural free delivery is extended to take in every possible neighborhood in the United States. If twenty mill ions is saved by the new regula tions affecting second class mat ter, that money ought to be ap plied to extending the rural free delivery. It is the vital need of the times and the people in town and country alike prefer to have these routes honeycomb the United States to any reduc tion in letter postage. This is certainly true in North Caroli na which as yet has only eleven routes when it ought to have not less than five hundred to serve the various communities now having only the star route weekly mails.—News & Ob server. NOTICE OF SALE Under Mortgage By virtue of the power anil authority given by :i certain mortgage, executed by J. IX McNeill, Wm McNeill and H. L. McNeill to me which is recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for the county of Harnett, in book Z no. 2 pa»e 9, the following property will be sold at Public Auction, viz:— Being a ceitain tract of land in Llll tngton Township, Harnett countr. Be ginning at a stake 10 feet from the southern line of the town of LiUlneUHi opposite southwest corner of Lot No. 6 in said town, runs thence S. 18 TV 3 chains to the Ochiltree line, now Wil liams, thence said line N. Gl W G chains 53 links to the road or street, thence N 18 Ei 2 chains and Ifi links to a corner of the edge of Main street, thence S 72 E 6 chains and 13 Uriks to the beginning, containing eight-tenth acres and being same place where mortgagors resided Dec. 4. 1599 and for further description see Book F. No. 2 pages 484 & 5 Keg«. office of Harnett Co. Place of sale. Court House door at Lillingtou, N. C. Time of sale Aug. 30, 1901 at 12 o'clock M. Terms of sale cash. July 29,1901. L. J. Best, Mortgagee, NOTICE. On the 12th day of August 1901 at the depot in Dunn I will sell at public auction for cash the following personal properry, to wit: One milk cow, one watch and all other personal property belonging to the estate of W. J. Jorman, de ceased. This Bth day of Julv •1901. J J. C. SILLS, Adrar. This Banner, 1 year for $l.OO. j ' HAPPY " '! ||| TILL SHE FOUND THAT SHE HAD BOUGHT . HER TOILET ARTICLES, COMBS, SOAPS, ETC., AT THE WRONG PLACE. ft 1 ' :j There Is No Place , LIKE THE CORNER I DRUG STORE |j j To find the right article at the right price. ! Our expert prescription I work is still the leading feat ure of our business and | nothing new escapes our I notice. hi Yours to serve and please, =COME= TO DUIMIM, TO BUY OF* BAUCOM & CO., Your nice goods, for we handle the best goods and best styles. Don't forget our Millinery and Ladies Fancy Goods Department. We will please you on Ladies, Misses and Chil dren's Hats. We carry a full line of these goods. We have had fully 10 Years Of Experience In this line of Goods and as we buy our Millinery Goods from ARMSTRONG, CATOR & CO., of Baltimore, The leading Millinery House in the United States and also our trimmer having had so much experience it enables us to sell the best styles, best quality at prices to please. Call on us before you buy that you may be pleased. Dress goods too numerous to name. TRIMMINGS ! TRIMMINGS 1 Don't forget our Dress Trimmings, Silks, Velvets, Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, Em broideries, by the quantity. Closing out a fine line of Shoes, and Tailor Made Clothing, come for bargains. First come first serve. Yours Well Wishing, BAI-jgom GO. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. The following is a true statement of the receipts and dis bursements of the Town of Dunn, for the fiscal year ending May 31st 1901, as shown by the reports of the several officers of the Town, charged with the collection and disbursement of the pub lic funds thereof, to wit: RECEIPTS: Balance, May Ist 1900 *. $ 625 39 Property tax 156106 Dog tax 1100 Goat tax .. 1 50 Livery tax 30 00 Barber tax ?. 15 00 Peddler's tax 12 50 Rent on market house ,.. 36 40 II L Godwin, former Mayor 17 42 Sale of 6 Cemetery lots 60 00 Rent of Town Hall.. .. 12 50 Fines 134 00 Total Receipts $2516 55 DISBURSEMENTS: Mayor's salary $ 60 00 Commissioners' salary 42 00 For relief of Jacksonville sufferers 25 00 Printing 12 00 To tax lister «... I 10 00 To McLean and Clifford, fee in Supreme Court 20 00 M L Wade, Clerk - 6 67 J C Clifford, Clerk 15 00 Attorney's salary 50 00 Surveying 9 00 Insurance 17 86 Supplies (hardware, lumber, oil, pumps &c) 235 03 Street work '. ... 744 14 Purchase of dogs 1....... : 50 00 Police force general and special ; 741 55 Lot for Hall and Market 300 00 Tax Collector's Commissions | 77 55 Taxes uncollected I ; _ %jg Balance on hand 4 49 $2516 55 Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 29th dav of July 1901. J O. P. SHELL, Sec'y, J. C. CLIFFORD, N. P. TO THE LADIES. If you want the best FRUIT AND VEGETABLE PRE SERVING MACHINE on the market, give your order to L. L. Turlington, Turlington, N. C. The machines are guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction. Believing Dr. Seth Arnold's Balsam a reliable remedy for all bowel disordere, we hereby guarantee every 25f bottle sold by us to give satisfaction or money refunded. Hood & Grantham. T. C. YOUNG & Col BEFORE BUYING ANYTHING IN W # CLOTHING, § I Gents' furnishings, Hats, Qrl Goods and Notions. ■ Shoes! Shoesll "We have an Up-To-Date line in Men's fine goods From $l.OO to $5.00. I SEE OUR LADIES' K "Vicious 51.50," I They are the best on the market for the money B oiliL GROCERY DSPARTMEJ is Up-To-Date in every respect. Hay, Corn, Oats, andM Stuff always on hand in car lots ■ , at lowest possible pri ceSi I Call on us before placing your order. We guarantee shl faction. ■ Yours to please, 1 T. C. YOUNG & CO. I C. F. Pope is with us and will be glad to see and serve 1 friends. ■ Central Acuta!, An Industrial and Training School for boys and tocj men, will begin its annual session OCTOBER IST, 1901. Young men desiring to go to school and pay in part \ti work may write us AT ONCE, Twenty-one are desired immediately; G for farm wort, for carpenter's work, 4 for painting, 4 for masonry and pla>n iug and 1 or 2 for printing. For further particulars address Rev. Clias. R. Tavll Principal, Littleton, N. C. Reliable Goods, eliable Prices, eliable Time. o o This you get at G AINEY & JORDAN'S. When you bo you want to purchase from a reliable firm and want relial goods. Grainey iSr Jordan Are th« old reliable Jewelry firm and carry nothing in stock bo what is reliable, and goods that can be guaranteed. We do reliable repairing and will make prices right. Give us your patronage and we will TREAT YOU RIGHT. ALL MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION, Thanking you for past patronage and soliciting a contin uanceofthe same, We are cyonrs to serve, G AINED & JORDAN. PILLffST CO., 'Phone No. 24. * MOVED. * You will now find Phillips & Co. in the store fronting Luck now Square, next door to W. H. Blanchard. They carry i» stock at all times, best Flour, Meal, Sugar, Coffee, Green Roasted, Syrups, Finest Maple, and Molasses. ©AMEID G-0s IDS. Peaches, Apples, Corn, Beans and Tomatoes. Meats, Beef, Ham, Sausage, Salmon, etc. Preserves, Jellies, Teas, Chocolates of all kinds. Pickles i» kegs and in bottles. Condensed Milk, etc. CUKES ilN£> C^RCKE^S. Ginger Snaps 5 cts. per pound. Orange Wafers 15 " " Jelly Cakes 15" '« Oyster Crackers 5 " " Best Soda Crackers 10 " " CAIMDIES. THE BEST OF ALL KINDS. Vegetables of all kinds. Butter and Cheese. Ice Cold Tobacco from 25 to GO cents. . Baskets, the best for 5 cents. Fresh roasted peanuts s ways on hand. When you want anything call on Phillips & Co.

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