THE Democratic Banner. j, IP. Ed iter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Three Months 25 Cents, Six Months 9.1 n i2* One Year $l.OO, Sent by Mail. Payable in advance^ PUBLISHED EVERY »IW. ■@*THB DEMOCRATIC BANNER is the ORIGINAL County Union, subscriber? will please take notice, "Entered according to postal regula tions at the postotfiee at Dnnn, N. C., as second class matter. DUNN, Harnett County, N. C. DUNN, N. C„ August 7, 1901. Tobacco Market. An Auspicious Opening. Last Wednesday was the Big Opening Day of the Dunn To bacco Market and if the prices paid on this day indicate any thing the weed will bring good prices on this market this sea son. The market promises to be a greater success this season than any previous year. The warehousemen are determined to make every grade of tobacco placed on their floor this season bring its full value. They have made a reputation in the past for paying good prices and treating the farmers polite and courteous and they will stand by it this season. The Dunn market promises to maintain its former record and is a hummer. "Competi tion is the life of trade" and our buyers are fully prepared to meet the competition. Dunn is among the best tobacco mar kets east of Durham, and if money and live buyers count for anyhting it will remain so. Prices on the opening day ranged from $5 to $4O per hun dred, and at this season the grades are not very high. No other market surrounding us can show a higher average than was paid in Dunn on the open ing day. Nearly twenty-five thousand pounds were sold and not one farmer went away dissatisfied with the prices and there were many here from all the surrounding counties. Among the visiting buyers on the floor we noticed Messrs. D. H. Bodenhamer, and B. H. Co zart, of Danville, Va., also Mr. Willis Ward, Rocky Mount. (These gentlemen said that Dunn was paying more for to bacco than any market they had visited.) This market has a full corps of buyers all of whom have large orders, plenty of money and want tobacco. Stand by the Dunn market and you will be financially benefited. Our warehousemen will look well to each and every ones interest. They do not intend to be second to any market in the State for high prices every day in the week. Both houses open every day. Bring your tobacco to Dunn and you make no mis take. Had we ever been inclined to question the progressiveness of Dunn, we can do so no long er. We see from a financial statement that the go ahead town collected $ll for dog tax last year, and then invested $5O in the same breed of animals.— Mount Olive Advertiser. Yes, Brother—we are pro gressive and you find at Dunn a market for everything pro duced. The Raleigh Post has the following paragraph, which we copy: "Mr. C.*W. Skinner, former ly of Halifax, removed to Har nett county a year ago, believ ing the soil of that county suit able to the cultivation of pea nuts. That his judgment was good is shown by the following from the Dunn Banner : " 'Mr. Chas. Skinner, who has a peanut farm near town showed us some of the peanuts grown on his farm Saturday. They are fine and much earlier than anywhere else. Mr. Skin ner says they are at least three weeks earlier than those grown on the farm in Halifax county. Mr. Skinner is an experienced peanut farmer, and is making a great success of the business this season.' " "Harnett county will yet develop into one of the most prosperous in the State. And somehow we believe that oil can be found below the surface there when bored for the proper depth." We want 1,000,000 feet of Oak lumber. Will pay $l5 for No. 1 ; $l2 for No. 2 ; $8 for Ho. 3. South Dunn M'f'g Co. B. C. A. DOTS. Mr. C. S, Bennett left for his home near Fayetteville Mon day. Mr. Chas. H. Wellons, of Four Oaks, spent Sunday here. Miss Eflie Andrews, one of our most lovely girls, after spending several days in Samp son, returned Monday. ; Miss Mamie Branch, of Ral eigh, is spending this week here with Miss Sallie Eunis. 1 Miss Daisy Shaw, of Lilling ton, is spending a few days here. Prof. J. R. Baggett, accompa . nied by Miss Allene Keeter, spent Sunday at Hectors Creek. Mr. Sandy Stewart, of Dunn, is spending this week here with his parents and friends. He has resigned his position with the Dunn Cash Racket and has accepted a more lucrative one , with Mr. R. G. Taylor. The B. C. A. Ball Team went up to Hector's Creek Saturday and got licked. The score was three to one in favor of Hectors Creek. ' Misses Minnie Parrish and Susan Ella Hodges spent Sun -1 day with their old B. C. A. friends. Mr. D. M. Hamilton, of the Dunn Lumber Co., spent Sun day here. Our people will do well to see him before buying their building material. Quite a crowd of our young people went up to the Belts Mineral Springs Saturday and had a fine little picnic of their own. All report a fine time. Rev. Berder Townsend, of Robeson, is here this week as sisting Rev. J. A. Campbell in a series of meetings which are being held here. The Summer School will close next Friday and the fall term will begin next Tuesday 13th inst. The protracted meeting at Neill's Creek closed last Tues day. Eighteen were received into t.'ie church by baptism and one by restoration. The meet ing at Pine Forest closed the same day with 11 added to the church. SNOOKS. I « , M Mother and Sixty-four Little Ones Meet Death. One day last week in Upper Little River township, near An tioch church, a young man named Geo. Parker, came across a large sting snake and pro ceeded to kill it which he suc ceeded in doing. He found with her G4 little snakes, all of which he killed. Harnett is a progressive county and will come to the front. Chair Factory For Dunn. Lumber is now being cut and the erection of a building will commence immediately for tho manufacture of chairs of all kinds, lounges, etc. The en terprise is under the direction and management of Mr. James Pearsall, one of Dunn's wide* awake and enterprising busi ness men, and we feel sure it will meet every success it de serves. The plant will be lo cated 011 Railroad street opposite the Fowler gin. For a long time we have claimed that an enterprise of this nature would pay in Dunn and we are glad to see our friends take hold of it. Dunn is a progressive town and the world should take knowl edge of the fact that we are fully abreast with the progres siveness of the times. What Next? Rev. W. W. Horton, colored, brought an egg of a curious shape into our office a few days ago. It seems that the hen had an idea of wanting to re lieve the old ox of his heavy yoke by laying a lighter one. The egg is exactly the shape of a yoke and about two inches long, perfect every way only in shape. If she had gone a little further and made the egg round like a rainbow, that completing the circuit, who knows but what we would have had an automobile or an electric motor of some kind. The old hen did well if these were her intentions, but she will have to go by the old rule : "If at first you don't succeed try try again." Died. Miss Bettie Tart, daughter of Mrs. Mollie Tart, and Mr. Na than Tart deceased, died at her home near here Monday night of last week. She was sick about two weeks of typhoid fe ver. She was about sixteen years of age. We extend sym pathy to the bereaved ones. That is what everybody says they get who sell Tobacco at #ii iTAi. - A : ; DTJNJST, IsT. C. J 1 This Warehouse is open every day in the week except Sunday. You can -jet good prices on all grades whenever you come. Every sale lias my careful attention and it is my aim to , make every pile of tobacco being its full value. Everybody who sold on the Star Warehouse floor at the Opening Sale went away speaking in highest, terms. All wo ask is a chance to show you what we make your tobacco bring. We have no drummers but are paying the drummers' salary direct to the farmer. Come and bring your tobacco and we will make you feel good. efTAR J. F. MOTLEY, Proprietor. pSTwro. j J)) * * * * * * * j|| I'l t jj) LI We desire to inform the public that we are now// /Jlocated in the NEW BRICK BUILDING RECENTLY TO ff ERECTED BY MR. W. I). THORNTON ON EAST Jj] v\ BROAD STREKT. We have plenty of room and omff i))oi the most complete lines of \\ I FURNITURE I til from to bo found in the county. New goods ar• |J \\riving nearly every day. Wo .sell at a margin ancjCjl f/ifind this the mcst satisfactory way io do business. Watch this space and vou will find it to your financial IJ vxinterest. QUICK SALES—SMALL PROFITS. Conufil //to see us. \\ Yours to please, | GLOBE FURNITURE CO. | -SI Yur Tin li . A.j V. SMITH -AT THE PL ANTE R B Sill USE, Dunn, IN". G. To Tobacco Farmers: We had our Opening Sale on tho first of August. The prices paid for tobacco on that clay on the floor of the Planters Warehouse speak for themselves and everybody was happy with their sales. Some may say that we pay more than the market price, but if you want to get the highest prices for your tobacco always bring it to the Planters Warehouse. We expect, and will make every pound of tobacco placed on our floor sell for as high a price as in any warehouse in North Carolina. We know whereof we speak. We have orders for all grades, and also intend to buy a large stock. YOU KNOW THE REPUTATION OF THE DUNN MARKET FOR HIGH PRICES, and we will see that it shall still maintain that reputation. High Prices and Honest Dealings • Is Our Motto. Try us with a load and you will sell your entire crop of tobacco with us. 1 eWSales every day from now until the season closes, f®-With a corps of good buyers, anxious for tobacco we expect to sell more tobacco in Dunn this season than ever before. not allow others to induce you to carry vour tobacco elsewhere, but drive to the Planters and get the highest prices. We mean what we say. n Grade your tobacco and place it on the floor in "ood condition and we will have 110 trouble in pleasing you. With thanks for past patronage, I am, Yours to please, TILL SHE FOUND THAT SHE HAD BOUGHT ijj HER TOILET ARTICLES, COMBS, SOAPS, DRUGS j ETC., AT THE WRONG PLACE. There Is INTo Place LIKE THE CORNER URXJI© STORE |[! ~ " To find the right article at the right price. Our expert prescription I work is still the leading !! feat lire of our business and ij jj I | ; nothing new escapes our jjj| iiiil . 11l !| notice. || jjli Yours to serve and please, |j *."■ i| TO OUIMIM, TO BUY OF 1 BAUCOM & CO., Your nice goods, for we handle the best goods and best styles. Don't forget our Millinery and Ladies Fancy Goods Department. We will please you on Ladies, Misses and Chil dren's Hats. We carry a full line of these gcods. We have had fully 10 Years Of Experience In this line of Goods and as we buy our Millinery Goods from ARMSTRONG, CATOR & CO., of Baltimore, The leading Millinery House in the United States and also our trimmer having had so much experience it enables us to sell the best styles, best quality at prices to please. Call on us before you buy that you may be pleased. Dress goods too numerous to name. TRIMMINGS ! TRIMMINGS I Don't forget cur j Dress Trimmings, Silks, Velvets, Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, Ein- I broideries, by the quantity. Closing out a fine line of Shoes, and Tailor Made Clothing, come for bargains. First come first serve. Yours Well Wishing, BAUGGM & GO. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. The following is a true statement of the receipts and dis bursements of the Town of Dunn, for the fiscal year ending Mav 31st 1001, as shown by the reports of the several officers uf the Town, charged with the collection and disbursement of the pub lit* funds thereof, to wit: RECEIPTS: Balance, May Ist 1000 $ 625 "39 Property tax 1561 00 Dog tax 1100 Goat tax 1 50 Livery tax 30 00 Barber tax 15 00 Peddler's tax ! 12 50 Rent on market house 30 40 II L Godwin, former Mayor 17 43 Sale of 6 Cemetery lots 60 00 Rent of Town Hall 12 50 Pines 134 00 Total Receipts $-2516 55 DISBURSEMENTS : Mayor's salary $ 00 00 Commissioners' salary j 42 00 For relief of Jacksonville sufferers ' 25 00 Printing 12 00 To tax lister 10 00 To McLean and Clifford, fee in Supreme Court 20 00 M L Wade, Clerk 6 07 J C Clifford, Clerk 15 00 Attorney's salary 50 00 Surveying I 900 Insurance 17 go Supplies (hardware, lumber, oil, pumps &c) .... 235 03 Street work 744 14 Purchase of dogs 50 00 Police force general and special 74 1 05 Lot for Hail and Market 300 00 Tax Collector's Commissions 77 55 [Taxes uncollected 90 10 Balance on hand 4 49 4 $2516 55 Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 20th dav of July 1901. O. P. SHELL, Sec'y, J. C. CLIFFORD, N. P. TO THE LADIES. If you want the best FRUIT AND VEGETABLE PRE SERVING MACHINE on the market, give your order to L. L. Turlington, Turlington, N. C. The machines are guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction. ATTENTION! If you need Clothing made to order, remodeled, cleaned and put in first-class condition, send your work to MRS. J. P. CAIRNES' residence on Broad street next to Mr. M. F.Gainey. jVAEB A PEEP AT T. C. YOUNG & Co's BEFORE BUYING ANYTHING IN 9 CLOTHING, # Gents' furnishings, Hats, Dry Goods and Notions. Shoes! Shoes! We have an Up-To-Date line in Men's fine goods From $l.OO to $5.00. SEE OUR LADIES' "Vicious 81.50," They are the best on the market for the money. '2IJL GROCERY' DEPARTMENT is Up-To-Date in every respect. Hay, Corn, Oats, and Feed Stuff always on hand in car lots at lowest possible prices. Call on us before placing your order. We guarantee satis faction. Yours to please, T. C. & C. F. Pope is with us and will be glad to see and serve his friends. Central Alain, i An Industrial and Training School for boys and young i men, will begin its annual session OCTOBER IST, 1901. Young men desiring to go to school and pay in part with work may write us AT ONCE, l Twenty-one are desired immediately; 6 for farm work, t> for carpenter's work, 4 for painting, 4 for masonry and plaster . ing and 1 or 2 for printing. , For further particulars address Rev. Cluis. R. Taylor, , Principal, Littleton, N. C. Reliable Goods, eliable Prices, eliable Time. o o This you set at GAINEY & JORDAN'S. When you buy you want to purchase from a reliable firm and want reliable goods. Grainey & Jordan Are thp old reliable Jewelry firm and carry nothing in stock but what is reliable, and goods that can be guaranteed. We do reliable repairing and will make prices right. Give us your patronage and we will TREAT YOU RIGHT. ALL MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Thanking you for past patronage and soliciting a coutiu uanceoftlie same, We are cy ours to serve, feAfgy & d©MA». FIUPS k IT ~ 'Phone No. 24. * MOVED. • You will now find Phillips & Co. in the store fronting Luck now Square, next door to W. 11. Blanchard. They carry in stock at all times, best Flour, Meal, Sugar, Coffee, Green and Roasted, Syrups, Finest Maple, and Molasses. ©mmE.® Goo©s. Peaches, Apples, Corn, Beans and Tomatoes. Canned Meats, Beef, Ham, Sausage, Salmon, etc. Preserves, Jellies, Teas, Chocolates of all kinds. Pickles ia kegs and in bottles. Condensed Milk, etc. CAKES fl.Nl> CI^ACKE^S. Ginger Snaps 5 cts, per pound. Orange Wafers 15 " " Jelly Cakes 15" " Oyster Crackers 5 " " Best Soda Crackers 10" " CANDIES. THE BEST OF ALL KINDS. Vegetables of all kinds. Butter and Cheese. Ice Cold Drinks. Tobacco from 25 to GO cents. Baskets, the best for 5 cents. Fresh roasted peanuts ways on hand. When you want anything call on Phillips & Co.

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