THE Democratic Banner. - 1 dijn'n7N7C. WKDNESPVy, August 7, 1901 LOCAL LOTS. SCHEDULE OF TRAINS LEAVING DUNN. Northbound Local Passen. trpr. No. 78, at 1:05 p. m. No 3-2, 10:18 p.m. Southbound Local Passen- No. 23, 3 :40, p. m. No. 35, l-:04, p. in. fJfThis paper positively AV ill not accept for publication from any one any notice of land sale, or administrator's notice without cash with copy. This applies to all. Rates—medium s ize $2.50; larger $3.00; ad ministrator's notice six weeks $3.00. —Cotton to-day. —Splendid 'seasons through this section during the past week. —Rev. W. A. Forbes is con ducting a successful meeting at Black's Chapel this week. —The Globe Furniture store has an "ad" in this issue. Head it and give them a call. —Tobacco was selling right along on the Dunn market yes terday at 20 cents per pound. -Rev. J. N. H. Summerill, of Washington, N. C., will preach at the Presbyterian church next ;Sunday. —Capt. Killette is pushing •the work on the new buildings which are being erected on Broad street. —The Globe Furniture Co. moved into the new brick store recently built for Mr. W. D.Thornton. —The editor spent Monday in Lillington and while there added several new names to our subscription list. —We notice along the road leading to Lillington that crops .are looking very well. A great change has taken place within the last ten days. —Several of our citizen at tended the opening tobacco sale at iienson last Friday. They re port a large crowd and a good sale of tobacco. —Don't miss Hatch Bros, grand and big excursion from Dunn to Wilmington and Ocean View August 26th. Fare round trip only $1.75, last chance, for white people only. —Hatch Bros, will run their "last excursion of the season from Dunn to Wilmington and •Ocean View Beach on August 20tli. Everybody get ready and go. —Protracted services will be held by Rev. W. A. Forbes at Elevation and Benson, begin ning third Sunday in August. Services will be held at Eleva tion in the day and at Benson at night. —We are glad to see that some interest is being taken in the care of the streets. Let the good work go on, we wish to see the time when they will be 'Cleaned up every morning. —Rev. S. J. Porter, of Fay ♦etteville, arrived Monday and is assisting in the protracted ser vice at the Baptist church. The ■iervices will continue through this week. All are invited to •attend. —We received a letter from a ■subscriber a few weeks ago askiftg us to publish the pen sion list of Harnett county. While at Lillington Monday wc attempted to get the list but the clerk informed us that no record of the names had been kept. —THE BANNER staff returns thanks to Messrs. H. L. God win and J. Lloyd Wade for nice set-ups to melons. Let others do likewise. We always find time to serve the inner man when an opportunity is afford ed. —The Dunn High School has an "ad" in this issue. The fall term opens Sept. 2nd. If you have boys and girls to edu cate you can not do better than place them in this school. Prof. Kzzell is one of the best teach ers in the State and he will not •employ as assistants any except the best. Read the announce ment. —The Smitlifield second nine 'came down last Thursday and played two games with the sec ond nine of Dunn. The game Thursday was won by the visit ors by a score of 14 to 12. Fri day the game was called by the umpire, being forfeited by the Smitlifield team on account of several parties entering the dia mond while thegauie was going ou. 1 PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Enoch Lee, of Sloromb, Ala., was in town last week. Mr. W. R. Denning and sis ter, Miss Georgia, are visiting relatives in New Berry, S. C. Miss Stella Taylor is visiting friends in Elizabeth City this week - Misses Rena Bingham and Bettie Cobb, of Smitlifield, are visiting Mrs. G. K. Grantham. Mr. R. G. Taylor, wife and little baby returned yesterday from Wrightsville Beach. Mr. J. W. Prince Jr., of Ses soms, Ga.f spent a day in town last week with his brother Geo. E. Prince. Mr. Geo. E. Prince left Tues day for Chalk Level to spend a few days. His mother, Mrs. M. V. Prince, will return with ■ him and make Dunn her future home. —Tiekets for sale atE. Lee's Hardware Store for the Norfolk, Washington and Baltimore Ex ' cursion, Tuesday, August 13. Fare $3.00 from Dunn. —The Colored Institute is in session at Lillington this week. Prof. Byrd, of Smitlifield, is ! holding it. A great many col ored people from all parts of the county are attending. —The Board of Education was in session at Lillington Monday, and had much busi ■ ness before them. They re-ap pointed some of the old mitteemen together with new ones in each township in the county, except Averasboro, where three township trustees were appointed. The gentle men appointed to the place are Messrs. E. Lee, Andrew Tart and James Lucas. The Board will meet again on the 21st of August and apportion the school funds. Sericus Explosion. Yesterday morning about 11 o'clock a loud report was heard throughout the business part of town, followed by cries of dis tress. A great throng gathered at the place of the report, and it was found that one of the tanks ■ for the soda fountain at Hood . & Grantham's drug store had exploded while being charged. The tank was already charged but Mr. Shaw, the dispenser, thinking that it needed rj -1 charging took it out to the de -1 partment for charging and i turned on the gas. William ' Parker, a polite and trusty col ored boy, who has been in the . employ of Hood & Grantham for three years was assisting, and when the tank exploded a piece of it struck his right leg [ at the kneejoint and almost tore the leg off. Mr. Shaw was badly shocked aud received 1 some slight bruises, but was not hurt seriously. It was first ■ thought that the colored boy's leg would be to amputate, but Drs. Sexton and Highsmith, who dressed the wound, think they can save it. The directions for charging | the tanks are 175 pounds of , pressure, but this one had 300 , pounds or more, an oversight , on the part of those charging it. Nearly one side of the building iu which they were ■ working was blown off. New Enterprise. i _____ DUNN TO HAVE A TANNERY. I > Messrs. G. L. Cannady and - E. F. Young have commenced . the erection of a Tannery out at • Surles' Pond, about one mile ; from town. They have pur -1 chased all the latest processes and will be able to tan and make ready leather for the 5 market in about ten days. The ~ capacity of the tannery will be ' about 75 hides per week. They j will make a specialty of harness leather. They will be pre pared to tan anything from sole leather to the finest vici-kid. This will open up a good s market for all kind of hides. 5 They will be able to supply the f home demand for all kinds of - leather, and we trust eventually J will be the means of establish - ing a shoe factory in our midst. - Still we go forward, t [ NOTICE. At a recent meeting of the Board of Town Commissioners I it was ordered that contracts be let to the lowest bidder for e cleaning out and keeping in good condition the Privies in town. Sealed bids will be open e ed next Thursday Aug. Bth, at e 5 o'clock p. m., at Town Hall, f The Board reserves right to re ject any or all bids. _ By order of the Board, O. P. Shell, Soc'jr. JNO. T. LEA. W. T. MORGAN. E. T. HARRIS. BENSON, He C. LEA, MORGAN & CI, Proprietors. OPENING SALE;.: On August 2nd our opening sale occured. It was a pro nounced success. The Warehouse tioor was covered with all grades of tobacco. Good prices were secured and general satis faction was the expression of every farmer. Sales Every Day. You will find the BANNER WAREHOUSE open every day except Sunday, anxious to sell your tobacco . Give us a trial and we guarantee satisfaction. Our Motto : Good prices and general satisfaction. Every sale means good prices. Yours to please, IJELA, MORGAN & GO. —See the notice in this issuf asking for bids by the tow l Board. The bids are to b( opened to-morrow evening at the Town Hall. By all means don't get mar ried until you have bought your furniture from the Globe Fur niturne Co., on Main street. Young lady, tell your sweet heart to buy his furniture at Globe Furniture Co s. store. He can get bargains there. FOR RENT—One large two storv Store House, cut up inj rooms up stairs. Apply soon a-t E. Lee's Hardware Store, Sell your tobacco with A. V. Smith and R. B. Morgan Plan ters Warehouse, Dunn, N.C.j We have no drummers, we have; no pets. We sell your tobacco on its merits. We guarantee you the very highest market price for every pile of tobacco intrusted to our care. Don't forget our opening sale Thurs day August Ist. Just received a car load of Anchor Brand Lime. Equal to if not the best on the market. E. Lee. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the law firm of Smith & Barnes, practicing law in Dunn has this day dissolved by mutual con sent. This July 28th, 1901. E. S. SMITH, E J. BARNES. HON. M. W. RANSOM, Ex-U. S. Senator from North Carolina, "I take very great pleasure in recommending I)r. Worthington's Cholera and Di arrhoea Medicine. Dr. Worth ington was a gentleman of emi inent skill in his profession. I have observed for thirty years the effects of his medicine. It is my duty to state that it has proved almost an infallible rem edy. Hood & Grantham. Price 25c. We want 1,000,000 feet of Oak lumber. Will pay $l5 for No. 1; $l2 for No. 2; $8 for No. 3. South Dunn M'f'g Co. Croquet Sets, Refrigerators, Tee Cream Freezers and all S-immer Goof's will be sold strictly at cc st fo • the next few weeks. Call early before all are sold. F. Lee. I am going to close out all unseasonable goods at cost. E, Lee Hardware House. Don't Uc «vr! By the circus bill advertising of quack medicine concerns. Your druggist will tell you that • Coif man's Guarantee" is an honest medicine and guaranteed to cure all forms of Indigestioi and dyspepsia. Price 50c., large bottle, at Hood & Gran tham, druggists. 51.25 FOR k NEW SOU. Cleaning anil Dyeing by apt ha Pro cess; makes: them look perfectly new. Suits cleaned and pressed, tfS C>i»ts cleaned, dyed, and pressed, $l-25. Will take any kind of cast-oil clothing, shoes, hats, watches, pistols, guns, old gold and jewelry of any kind in ex change for work All kinds of Ladies* and Children's goods cleaned and dyed any color de sign. Second hand goods bought and Sold. Will ship all work with privilege of inspection ln-fore paying for them. HARRIS STEAM DYE WORKS, East Uargett Street, Raleigh, X. C. TURNIP SEED. 1911 wood ' s ® eed |3ol JN ow is the time to plant - RUT A * BAG AS. * HOOD & GRANTHAM, DI=UUGGIS*S AMD SEEDSMEN. DUNN HIGH SCHOOL O O Do not forget that the third session will begin SEPTEMBER 2, |£>CM. The faculty consists of experienced and well prepared instructors who will labor earnestly for your children. Tuition from $i to $3.50 per month. Instrumental music in charge of a most competent and experienced teacher. Students in the school will have the advantage of a course in elocution. We feel thankful to our friends and patrons for the encour agement they have given us; and hope by fair dealings, hard work and the one purpose of helping you to educate your son and daughter to merit a continuance of the same. For circulars and further information, write to J. D. EZZELL, Supt DUNN, N- C. d&i? m gr "tr IH Ci «l 1 Summer Goods LADIES' SLIPPERS AT LESS THAN COST TO CLOSE OUT. LADIES' DRESS GOODS AT ANY OLD PRICE. STRAW HATS. Straw hats almost given away to keep from carrying them over. mill FJJm Spring and Slimmer Pants and Pant Goods will l>e sold regardless of cost. A good line to select from. We also sell all kinds ol Groceries and Feed Stuff' such as corn, hay, oats, bran, ship stuff, meal, hulls, etc., and can make you prices lower than the lowest. Thankfully yours, BREWER & CO., Lane & Co., old stand. McD. HOLLIDAY, M n pj;jvKTT. Dunn Hardware and Co. Biiuler be sure you get Ball Bearing. They run easier, that i s why ball bearings are used. Gel our prices and terms on The Deering. Remember we have the best tobacco sprayer on the market. ®ttpt J|€w» & IFte?, (|on|pai)y.. Ita PoDularity Grows Daily- Hon. Dan Hugh McLean, of Dunn, N. C., writes: "It af fords me great pleasure to bear testimony to the great merit of Worthington's Remedy. It has been on sale in our town for a long time, and its popularity grows daily, as our people be come more familiar with its efficiency. Dr. Worthingtnn was indeed a benefactor to all who suffer from bowel troub les." I'm going to oiler for the next few weeks. Special in ducements in Ready Mixed Paints. I am now selling as good Ready Mixed Paints as can be had anywhere. Strictly guaranteed. E. Lee. Believing Dr. Seth Arnold's Balsam a reliable remedy for all bo wel disorders, we hereby guarantee every bottle sold by us to give satisfaction or money refunded. Hood & Grantham. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the law firm of Harold & Hatch er, practicing law in Dunn has this day dissolved by mutual consent. This Aug. 6, 1901. A. B. HAROLD, M. F. HATCHER. NOTICE. On the 12th day of August 1901 at the depot in Dunn I will sell at public auction for cash the following personal properry, to wit: One milk cow, one watch and all other personal property belonging to the estate of W. J. Jorman, de ceased. This Bth day of July 1901. J, C. SILLS, Adrnr, MOIMEV SAVED is Money Made. "V ou can clo this by buying your goods from G EO. E. PRINCE. Almost every day new goods are bring received. Among the latest are Black Silk Mulls with silk polka dot, Black Duchess. Silk finished Foulards, French Organdies in white and colors, also Black Lawns. SPECIALTIES. Hundreds of yards of Lawns, Ginghams, Percals, and (ill am brays at popular prices. Special attention is given to White Goods. See my Persian Lawns Organdies, Piquea, Dim ity and India Linon before buying. Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! Low cut shoes for men, women and children at low cut prices. Umbrellas from to $2.50. All over lace in white and black. In fact just the goods you are looking for. Geo. £. Prince. NO. 20. Dm Banali HOUSE. o o What is there in a name? Well in this caso th. r> is a good deal. At the head of this ad you will find the ian .• «>f my store which means a lot to you if you will come and GIVE ME A TRIAL. I can prove to you that everything in th#» h«'iis«« i- a bargain I shall eDdeavor to please and give you nic> fr sh g. oils, at Live and Let Live Friers. Live and let live is our Watch Word. I!in i ir« up. PHONE NO. 42. G. S. PHI J LIl'S, Proprietor. SPECIAL ### # # LADIES' SIMMER 0 R 3SS GOODjg AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. COME WHILE TiIEY LAST. CHEAT VARIETY OF GOODS TO SELECT FKOJL ALL THIS SEASON'S GOODS. STRAW HATS AT PRIME COST. Uome and get bargains as these goods must go to make loom for Fall Stock. Your* to j)l ase, LRYTONftPFARSON DUNN N U sgtTLocated opposite Lee's Hardware House.