FOB MALARIA, CHILLS AND FEVER. The Best Prescription Is Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. The Formula Is Plainly Printed on Every Bottle, So That the People May Know Just What They Are Taking. Imitators do not advertise their formula knowing that you would not buy their medi cine if you knew what it contained. Grove's contains Iron and Quinine put up in correct proportions and is in a Tasteless form. The Iron acts as a tonic while the Quinine drives the malaria out of the system. Any reliable druggist will tell you that Grove's is the Original and that all other so-called "Taste less" chill tonics are imitations. An analysis of other chill tonics shows that Grove's is superior to all others in every respect. You are not experimenting when you take Grove's—its superiority and excellence having long been established. Grove's is the only Chill Cure sold throughout the entire malarial sections of the United States. No Cure, No Pay. Price, 50c. WILMIKGTON ANb Q D ELDOU AND BRANCHES AND ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. Nov. 19TH, 1900. TRAINS GOING SODTH. Leave Weldon 11:60 a, m., 8:58 p. m.; arrive Rocky Mount, 12:55 a. m.,9:f,2 p. m. Leave Tarboro, 18:21 a. in., B 00 pm. Leave Rocky Mount, 1:00 a. M., 9:52 p. m., 6 37 p. m., 5:40 am, 12:52 p. in. Leave Wilson, 1.58 a m, 10:25 pm, 6:20 am 2:40 pm., 716 pm. Leave Selina,2:ss a m. 11 10 p. in. Leave Fayetteville, 4:30 a m, 12x2 p m. Arrive Florence, 7:25 a m, 2:24 f m - Arrive Goldsboro 7 55 p. m. Leave Goldsboro. 7:01 am, 8:21 p in. Leave Magnolia, 8:09 a m, 4x5 pm. Arrive Wilmington, 9:40 a m. 5:50 d m, TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Floretce,9:4o am, 7:45 pm. >C Leave rayetteville, 12X0 a in, 9:45 p m. Leave Selma, 1.50 a m. 10 56 p. m. Arrive Wilson, 2:35 a m. 11:33 pm. Leave Wilmington, 6:50 p m. 9 45 a m, Leave Magnolia, 11:19 a in, 8:20 p m. Leave Goldsboro, SUO am, 12:30 am, 9:27 pm Leave Wilson,2-36 pm, 543 am, 11:33 am 10::;0 pm, 1:10 pm. Arrive Rocky Mount, 3: 30 p in, 12.-09 am. 6 25 am, 11:11 p m, 1:53 p m. Arrive Tarboro 7 04. a. m. Leave Tarboro, 12:21 p m. Leave Rocky Mount, 3:30 p m. 12:09 a m. Arrive Weldon, 4:32 p m, 1:00 am. »■'" Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Yadkin Davidson Main Line—Train leaves Wilming ton, 9 00 a. in., arrives Fayetteville 12 12 p. in.. leaves Fayetteville 12 25 p. m„ arrives Sanford 143 p. m. Returning leave Sanford 2MJ p. m., arrive Fayetteville 3 41p m., leave Fayetteville 346 p. m., arrives Wil mington 6 40 p. m Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Ben nettsville Branch Train leaves Ben nettsvilie 815 a.m., Maxtou 920 a. m.. Red Springs 953 a. in., Hope Mills 10 42 a.m. arrive Fayetteville 10 55. Returning leaver Fayetteville 440 p. m., Hope mills 4 55 p.m.. Red Spriugs 5-5 p.m., Maxton 615 p.m.. arrives Bennetts'ville 7 15 p. m. Connections at Fayetteville with .train No. 7S at Maxton with the Carolina Central Rail road. at Red Springs with the Red Springs aud Bow more railroad, at Sanford witn the Seaboard Air Line aud Southern Railway at Gulf with the Durham aud Charlotte Rail road. Train on Scotland Neck Branch road leaves Weldou 3:35 p m, Halifax 4:15 p;m arrive* Scotland Neck at 508 p m Greenville 6:57 p m, Kinston 7:55 pm. Returning leaves Kiustou 7 50 a m, Greenville 8 52 a m, arriving Halifax at 11:18 am, Weldon 11:33 a m, daily except ttaiday. Trains on Washington Branch leave Wash; lligtou 8:10 a m, and z:3O p m., arrive Parmelt 9:10 am, and 4:00 p ra, returning leave Par mele 9:35 a m. aud 6:30p m.. arrive Washington 11:00 a m, aud 7:30 p m, deily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro. N. C., daily, except Sunday, at 5:30 p m., Minday 4.15 p. m., arrives Plymouth 740 p. m., 610 p.m.. Returning leaves Plymouth daily except Sunday, 7 50 a. m., and Sunday 900 a. m.; ar rives at Tarboro 10 05 a. m.. 1100 a. m. Train on Midland NC Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C., daily except Sunday, 705 a m; ar rive Smithtteld N C., 810 am. Returning leaves Smithlield. N. C. 900 a. m. arrive* Goldsboro,N.o.lo 25 a.m. Trains on Nashville Branch leaves Rock} Mount at 9:30 a. m„340 pm arrives Nashville 10 10 a m, 4:03 p in. Spring Hope 10 40 am 425 p. m. Returning leave Spring Hope ll:0t a. in., 455 p m, Nashville llx! a. m, 525 p m, arrive at R-cky M >uiit 1145 am., 6 00pm, daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Brauch leaves Warsaw for Clinton ..aily, except Sunday, at 11:40 a. m. and 4:15 pm. Returning leaves Clinton 700 a m mud 2:50 p m. Train No. 78 make close connection at Wel don for all points North daily, all rail vit Richmond. H. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent. J. R. KENLY, T. M. EMERSON, General Manager. Traffic Manager. A Wonderful Invention. They cure dandruff, hair fall ing, headache etc., yet costs the same as an ordinary comb—Dr. "White's Electric Comb. The only patented Comb in the world. People, everywhere it has been introduced, are wild with delight. You simply comb your hair each day and the comb does the rest." This wonderful comb is simply un breakable itnd is made so that it is absolutely impossible to break or cut the hair. Sold ou a written guarantee to give per fect satisfaction in every respect. Send stamps for one. Ladies' size 50c. Gents' size 35c. Live men and women wanted everywhere to introduce this article. Sells on sight. Agents are wild with success. (See want column of this paper.) Address D. N. ROSE, General Mgr., Decatur, 111. t~"~ |RSSrguef| S A really healthy woman has lit- I ■ tie pain or discomfort at tne I ■ menstrua] period. No woman I ■ needs to hare any. Wine of jl ■ Cardui will quickly relieve those I ■ smarting menstrual pains and B B the dragging head, back andl side aches caused by falling of ■ the womb and irregular menses. I W!KE"€ARDU]| has brought permanent relief tol 1,000,000 women who suffered 9 every month. It makes the men-1 strual organs strong and healthy. fl It is the provision made by Na- jf ture to give women relief from the terrible aches and pains which g blight so many homes. S S GREENWOOD, LA., Oct. 14, 1903. 1 ■ I have been very sick for some timo. B ■ I taken with a severe pain in my g I s*?° a ?d could not get anv relief until R I ! bottle of Wine of Cardui. Be- S m *°. re * taken all of ft I was relieved W M I feel it my duty to say that you have a V B wonderful medicine. m 8 MRS. M. A. YOUNT. 9 B For ad-rice and literature, address, giving urmp- I M "The Ladi«s' Advisory Department," Tae ■ H Cnauanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tean. ■ A Gallon of PURIL LIINSEED OIL mixed with a gallon of ttOMMOT ZPamt makes 2 gallons of the VERT BEST PAINT in the WOULD exte nt your paint bill. Is FAB MORE Drr.ABLK than PURE WHITE LEAD and is ABSOLUTELY NOT POI SONOUS. IIAMMAR PAINT is made ot the BEST or PAINT MATERIAI«8 —such as all good painters nte, and is ground THICK, VEBY THICK. No trouble to mix, any boy can do it. It is the COMMON SENSE OF HOUSE PAINT. NO BETTER paint can be made at any coat, and is Quaiartftuf^ytuis HOT TO CRACK, BLISTER; PEEL or CHIP. i'. PAINT CO., St. Louis, Mo. Sold and guaranteed by DUNN HARDWARE AND FURNITURE CO. TOMB STONES. Any one desiring designs and estimates on tomb stones, wire fencing, for cemeteries, yard or any other purpose will do well to see or write I. xJ. SMITH, BENSON, N. C. 110 can furnish you designs and estimates on any cemetery fur nishings desired at remarkably low prices. He represents first class establishments. OASTOXIXA.. Bears the The Kind You Haw Always Bought That is what everybody says they get who sell Tobacco at. DUNN, ]ST. C. ' rsrr Jk ji.. This Warehouse is open every clay in the week except Sunday. You can get good prices on all grades whenever you come. Every sale lias my careful attention and it is my aim to make every pile'of tobacco bring its full value. Everybody who sold on the Star Warehouse floor at the Opening Sale went away speaking in highest terms. All we ask is a chance to show you what we # make your tobacco bring. We have no drummers but are paying the drummers' salary direct to the farmer. Come and bring your tobacco and we will make you feel good. STAR J. F. MOTLEY, Proprietor. -Sell Inr Tobacco Witli- A. V. SMITH -AT THE pLANTEBS W AREHOUSE, Dunn, N. C. To Tobacco Farmers: We had our Opening Sale on the first of August. The prices paid for tobacco on that day on the floor of the Planters Warehouse speak for themselves and everybody was happy with their sales. Some may say that we pay more than the market price, but if you want to get the highest prices for your tobacco always bring it to the Planters Warehouse. We expect, and will make every pound of tobacco placed on our floor sell for as high a price as in any warehouse in North Carolina. We know whereof we speak. We have orders for all grades, and also intend to buy a large stock. YOU KNOW THE REPUTATION OF THE DUNN MARKET FOR HIGH PRICES, and we will see that it shall still maintain that reputation. *High Prices and Hoßest Dealings Is Our Motto. Try us with a load and you will sell your entire crop of tobacco with us. Mf*Sales every day from now until the season closes. With a corps of good buyers, anxious for tobacco, we expect to sell more tobacco in Dunn this season than ever before. not allow others to induce you to carry your tobacco elsewhere, but drive to the Planters and get the highest prices. We mean what we say. Grade your tobacco and place it on the floor in good condition and we will have no trouble in pleasing you. With thanks for past patronage, I am, Yours to please, A. V. SMI IMe fteads The /announcement p P and || T Gr « art y leased fi* N°t because of his appointment to office JA 32 with a fat salary, but because he learns «/• iffl KAMI " v ~~* a fact equally gratifying, OJS f* /liiii 5e Company's j| gj 111 -1 Sample gook Vj Pllllll from which he selects the perfect-fitting clothes £»> IW lyj that make him the cynosure of all admiring 1A cH El lilt if eyes, has just reached town and he hurries to iJft u/s» 1 II 11 make an early selection. ROSE & COMPANY fVfl ll' ill il! 1 of Chicago, are the best Custom Tailors in the jfY «ft» II 1 I country and he knows it. These big Tailors Tyl 3Jt I I I get the cream of the trade in every town where (f/i wl.i | I there are good dressers because they show Us 3 mill 1 I nothing but the choicest selections of Fabrics. inJ 111 I I Their garments are popular because they put the 111 Cl,c Caiest Styles— OK Best Workmanship COT iMJ ill I sod the most dependable Linings and Trim- gjJ j>jJ JflM ¥l|l mings into them. If you want to put on the JJR VJ Jftr DM best-fitting made-to-measure suit you ever y[ R1 wore, come early and be measured. y, W soli uun J $ T. C. YOUNG CO. Financial Statement bf Harnett County. Statement of allowances by Board of Commissioners of Har nett County for one-half Fiscal Year 1900 and one-half Fiscal Year 1901, or from June 1, 1900 to June 1, 1901.- Keeping and repair of County Jail s|ss 46 Keeping Lillington Ferry tJj 10 Building and repairing bridges 422 yb Jurors and milage, 3 courts 11 Bills of cost, 3 courts 432 8C) Supt. of Health .. 75 00 Publication of Notices 49 90 Court House furnishings 133 82 List takers of 1900 140 70 Elections of 1900 362 15 Making up tax books of 1900. 274 80 Indigent pupils, deaf and dumb and blind, balance 10 00 Clerk Superior Court 87 32 Rebate on taxes of 1900 13 25 Examination and removal of insane _9 50 Summoning jurors and holding 3 courts 154 35 Express, hauling, etc 9 90 Commissioners service and milage 17145 Coroner's inquest 9 80 Attention to small-pox patients 25 00 County Home 136 4a Stationery and books of record 130 67 Register of Deeds 39 38 Outside poor 437 80 Clerk Board of Commissioners 157 40 County Attorney 100 00 Total $4321 67 Statement of orders issued in paj r ment of Allowances for Year June 1, 1900 to June 1, 1901, and also disposition of same. Orders and jury tickets cancelled by Board $4201 34 44 44 44 44 issued and uncancelled by Board. . 66 69 " 44 44 4 4 4 4 subject to order 53 64 Total .$4321 67 BOND STATEMENT. Statement of Bonds and interest Coupons Cancelled for year June 1,1900 to June 1, 1901. 2 interest Coupons, bonds 46 & 47 S2B 23 45 44 " 1350 00 Bonds Total interest Coupons Cancelled $1378.23 STATEMENT OF COUNTY INDEBTEDNESS. Statement of outstanding liabilities of the county of Harnett June 1, 1901. 45 bonds, each SSOO $22500 00 45 interest Coupons, Jan. 1, 1901 to June 1, 1901 675 00 Orders issued by Board and uncancelled from Dec. 5, 1898 to June 1, 1901 66 69 Allowances of Board from Dec. 5, 1898 to June 1, 1901 subject to order 53 64 Orders issued and outstanding, date of issue prior to Dec. 5, 1898, few if any at all. Total $23295 33 The above statement of the County indebtedness does not include the $12000.00 of bonds issued for building the bridge at Lillington, N. C., with this addition the entire County indebted ness would be : .$35295.33 No interest has accrued on the bridge bonds as they haven't yet been delivered to the purchasers, because the money is not needed until completion of the bridge work. I, Alvis C. Holloway, Register of Deeds of Harnett County, Ex-oflicio Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of said County, do hereby solemnly swear that the foregoing statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. A. C. HOLLOWAY, Register of Deeds, Ex-officio Clerk to Board. Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 17th day of July 1901. J. H. WITHERS, Clerk Superior Court. TREASURER'S STATEMENT. June 4, 1900 to June 1, 1901. RECEIPTS. Balance on hand June 4, 1900 $554 03 Received on General County Fund June 4, 1900 to June 1, 1901 5363 16 Total $5917 19 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid Co. orders, jury tickets, pauper orders and bridge orders and Commissioners, June 1, 1900 to June 1, 1901 $4857 05 Net amount on hand, all couuty funds SIO6O 14 $5917 19 TREASURER'S STATEMENT. Special Tax Fund for Court House and Funding Purposes. RECEIPTS. Bal. on hand June 4, 1900 $1063 63 Received June 1, 1900 to June 1, 1901 3134 00 Total $4197 63 DISBURSEMENTS. Int. on bonds to Jan. 1, 1901 ; $1378 23 Commissions , 78 35 Total $1456 58 Balance on hand June 1, 1901 $.2741 05 $4197 63 Respectfully submitted, L. D. MATTHEWS, Treasurer Harnett Co., N. C. NOTICE OF SALE Under Mortgage By virtue of the power and authority •fiven by a certain mortgage, executed by J. 1). McNeill, Win McNeill and 11. li. McNeill to me which is recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for ihe county of Harnett, in book Z no. 2 page 9. i lie following property will be sold at Public Auction, viz:— Bring a cei tain tract of land in Lill ington Township, Harnett county. Be ginning at a stake 10 feet from the -outhera Hue of the town of Lillingtou opposite southwest corner of Lot No. 6 in said town, inns thence S. 18 W 3 chains to the Ochiltree line, now Wil liams, thence said line N. 61 W C chains 53 links to the road or street, thence N 18 E 2 chains and 10 links to a corner of the edge of Main street, thence 572 E 0 chains and 13 links to the beginning, containing eight-tenth acres and being place where mortgagors resided Dec. 4. 1899 and for further description see Book F. No. 2 pages 484 & 5 Kegs, office of Harnett Co. Place of sale, t ourt House door at ; Lillingtou, N. C. I'ime of. side Aug. 30, 1901 at 12 o'clock M. Terms of sale cash. July 29,1901. L. J. Best, Mortgagee, Subscribe to THE BANNBB aud get the home news. WANTED—Ladies and Gen tlemen to introduce the "hot test" seller on earth. Dr. White's Electric Comb, patent ed 1899. Agents are coining money. Cures all forms of scalp ailments, headaches, etc., yet costs the same as an ordi nary comb. Send 50c in stamps for sample. D. N. Rose, Gen. Mgr., Decatur, 111, EXECUTION SALE. By virrue of an execution in my hands issued from the office of thd Clerk of the Superior Court of Harnett county, I will proceed to sell at the court house door in LiHington, Harriett county, N. C.. on the sth (lay of August 1901. the same being the first Monday of said month, one house and lot in the town of Dunn, N. C., occupied by Rev Dr, Harrell and family at the corner of Clinton and Cumberland streets and also two lots in said town, numbered 9 and 10 in block L. according to the original plan of said town of Dunn. Execution issued in favor of M. W. Har per against Eugene Harrell. Hour of sale one o'clock p. m. This let day of July 1901. . S. A. Salmon, Sheriff, ■ I For Infants and ChUdrtj i A! 1 Kind You Hsvb I - -91 Always Bought AwgetablePfeparaUonforAs- m * u ! ! similaling the Food andßegula- M _ - § ling the Stomachs and Bowels of M | gjgnajjujg j Promotes Digestion.Cheerfuh I /«/ [IT ; ; ness and Rest.Con tains neitlier 1 r JL W. IT Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. II U1 /j\ *\ If NOT NARCOTIC. || TiectpeafOIdJIrSAItUELPtTCIIER S | I/VP' PumfjJun Seed'' v Sr.] 1 V * Jlx.Senn* * I M m.^S SodutUSmi*- | JU _ Jiaise Sttd. *■ 1 9 A IPI % Ift Il\ 111 * 111 SuWJmp I I j - if hit6rp>WK flavor. / ijjn ■ ■■ _ Aperfect Remedy for Conslipa- |R I \| IV UOu Ron, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea 9 1 lif Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- 91 wg C#*m flu am !ness and Loss OF SLEEP. |K |" UIU V 6 I FacSunite Signature oF Ira _JSSL_| Thirty Years ■■■ ICASTfIRIA I EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. F § BJ| SH mm ■HI9 a | FID THE CKNTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. North Carolina leads. The Mc ravian church at Salem has been awarded the prize for hav ing the most beautiful churcl lawn in the United States. A prize was offered by the Churcl; Economist, an undenomination al paper published in New York.—News & Observer. If a husband and wife are un able to go away for the summei they can start a quarrel at home aud have a little outing. The laws of health require that the bowels move once fi day and one of the penalties oi violating this law is piles. Keei your bowels regular by taking a dose of Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver tablets when necessary and you will nevei have that severe punishment inflicted upon you. Price 21 cents. For sale by Hood £ Grantham. That TilVtl Spooling: You have is caused by worn out digestive organs. "Cole man's Guarantee" heals the parts, aids digestion and posi tively cures .all forms of Dys pepsia. Thousands of curec people recommend "Coleman's Guarantee" as an honest medi cine. Price 50c. large bottle a Hood & Grantham, druggists ANNOUNCEMENT. FATfETTEVILLE - DM ACADEMY FOR BOYS. Preparatory, Academic ant Scientific courses. Board ant Tuition moderate. FACULTY OP (ioon TEACHERS. Term nine months. Begin; Sept. IS, 1901. Jno. S. Simpson, Principal. P. O. DrawerS. Fayetteville, N. C UNDERTAKER m ' • Coffins, Caskets, Ladies' and Geuts' Robes and Burial goods. All kinds, colors and sizes, rang ing in price from $2 to S6O. We also have a nice hearse furnish ed at moderate prices on short notice. R. G. Taylor. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought A wise man has said: "In no kind of social organization ! are rights or liberties the pri mary concern. A family in • which it is the first business of .every member to assert his own I rights, or to magnify his liberty, [ will not be a united and happy j family. In the organic rela- Itions of the family, love and duty are fundamental—not rights and liberties." The vio lation of these fundamental principles leads to confusion.— Rural Visitor. * \ Cure Fop Cholera Infantum. "Last May," says Mrs. Cur tis Baker, of Bookwalter, Ohio, "an infant child of our neigh bor's was suffering from chol era infantum. The doctor had given up all hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy to the house, telling them I felt sure it would do. good if used according to direc tions. In two days time the child had fully recovered, and is now a year since) a vigorous, healthy girl. I have recommended this remedy fre quently and have never known it to fail in any single in stance." For sale by Hood A Grantham. A First Class Military School in Eastern Carolina. Debnam-Kinsey School, La Grange, N. C. Military, Literary - Scientific and Commercial School. Fifty-three boarding pupils; twelve counties and two States represented the past session. Commodious School Buildings, Barracks for Sixty Cadets. The school aims to strengthen cha'acter by developing latent talents and power. The individ ual needs of the Students are considered. The millitary training strengthens the manly traits, gives a sound body sind clear mind. Class room meth ods cultivate Observation, Con centration and Mental grasp. Athletics encouraged. No coin promise on liquor or tobacco. Expenses for the entire year of nine months, including tuition, room, fuel and lights, sllO. Payable quarterly in advance. No extras. J. E. Debnam, Supt. UNIVERSITY OF NlißlH C\RO!INA. THE HEAD Of the State's Educational System. Academic Department, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. Eighty-five scholarships. Free tuition to teachers and minis ters' sons. Loans for the needy. 527 Students. 43 Instructors. New Dormitories, Water Works, Central Heating System. $120,000 spent in improvements in 1900 and 1901. Fall term begins September 9, 1901. Address, F. P. Vknable, President. Chapel Hill, N. G.

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