THE ] Democratic Banner. i OUNN, N. C. ! WKUNESDA.Y, Feb, 19 1002. 1 IOCALJDOm ; _JCIIKI.II" 1 - 10 OV TRAINS LEAVING DUNN. Northbound Local Passen. gcr. No. TB, at 1:24 p. m._ No -10:45p.m. • ' 1 "Southbound Local Passen ger, No. 23, 3:40, p. m. No. j 3 i, 1*2:36, p.m. j ] f*~This paper positively ( will not accept for publication , from any one any notice of land , sale, or* administrator's notice , without cash with copy. This applies to all. Rates—medium ■ size $-.50; larger $3.00; ad- ] niinistrator s uotice six weeks $3.00. Hood & Grantham, Xunnally and Lowney's fine , candies fresh to-day. ___ __ ( The Wade Hardware Company. —Cotton to-day. —Mr. J. F. Motley is wear ing a broad smile —it is a girl. —The snow is now melting fast and it is sloppy underfoot. ( —We would be glad to get a ] correspondent at Lillington. —There was no preaching 1 in town Sunday on account of ( the snow, —Good many of the factories { have been shut down during the ■ bad weather. —We wish somebody at 1 Hire's Creek would wake I "S iocks" up. 1 —The snow has frozen out the news as well as good many } other things. I —On the fourth page of this issue you will find a proposition that we are making. Read it. —Hunting has been the ordt-r of the day since the snow came, Mr. Rabbit has had a hard | time. ; —Mr. J. W. Lane has an • "ad" in this issue.* When yoij 1 iped buggies or harness he hag 1 O £> i .»^j tiletlj. —Messrs. Hood & Grantham hive an "ad" in this issue. Hud it. They are making sonn liberal offers. « —Court adjourned Saturday to meet again on the first Mon day in April. Judge Allen will preside. —Those who were at Lill ington Saturday had some trouble in getting home on ac count of the snow. —Work on all of the build ings in town has been stopped for several days on account of the bad weather. :•'*.*** f 1 —Jo lpsf. weed's is-ue we re ported three deaths, and the same number appears in this issue. Five of these were over sixty years old. —When a man's trade is poor, he should advertise in THE BANNER and let the peo ple know he has not gone out of business. —Tfr 6 snow that fe)| Friday bighp seems to have been gen? eral, ahhough it was heavier in 1 some parts of the State than others. —Mr. J. D. Barnes, one? of , our enterprising and thoughtful merchants, had a car lor.d of wood brought up from G dwin Saturday for the poor in We are requested to ask the members of Lucknew Lodge to be present on next Tuesday niiht. Refreshments will be served and some goccl speeches male. Come out and enjoy the evening. ~-Ur. Clarence Jpno*., or Newport News, Ya., eye, ear, nose and throat specialist, will b" in Benson Feb. 24th and in Dunn Feb. 25th. He will be found at Dr. Goodwin's office while in Dunn. —There is a movement on foot to rent the old printing of fice and establish a gymnasium and reading fcpqm. " Tj}fs' something we need i n °P r and we hope it will recieve the hearty co-operation of our peo. pie. From such, many noble institutions have come. —There is nothing that we know of that our town needs wor-c than a fire company. With just a little cost to the town and a good organization it wight he the means of saving n. great deal of 1 property and probably lives. Let's take iome steps in this matter at nce. —The managers of the Opera House are to be commended upon the fact that they cancel led the engagement with the last compang that was to show, as it did not have the best reputation over the State. They are trying to give the people only first-class entertainments. Go to E. Lee for Hardware and Harness in New Brick Building. Clerk's Wise Suggestion ,4 I have lately been much troubled with dyspepsia, belch ing and sour stomach," writes M. S. Mead, leading pharmacist of Attleboro, Mass. 'T could eat haruly anything without suffering several hours. My clerk suggested I try Kodol Dyspepsia Cure which I did with most happy results. I have had no more trouble and when one can go to eating mince pie, cheese, candy and nuts after such a time, their digestion must be pretty good. I endorse Kodol Dyspepsia Cure heartily. "You don't have to diet. Eat all the good food you want but don't overload the stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digest your food. Hood Grantham. DIED. Last Monday evening at 1 :30 o'clock Mrs. Emiline Marks passed away at the residence of her son, Mr. S. G. Marks. She was in her 84th year and had for some time been in a feeble condition. For good many years she lived near Buie's Creek, but for some time she has been living in Dunn with her son. In early life she joined the Baptist church and had lived for her Master since that time, always bowing in humble sub mission to His will. Interment took place today near Buie's Creek at the family burying ground. She leaves three sons to mourn her death, Messrs W. H. Marks, of Indiana, L. H. Marks, of Buie's Creek, and S. G. Marks, of Dunn. In her death the community loses a noble christian woman, and one whose loving words and deeds of kindness will never be forgotten. We extend 01 r tenderest sympathy to the be reaved ones in this hour of grief. The Last Heard of it "Mv little boy took the croup one night and soon grew so bad you could hear him breathe all over the house," says F. D Reynolds, Mansfield, O "wc* feared he would die, but a few doses of One Minute Cough Cure quickly relieved him and he went to sleep. That's tlip last we heard of the croup. Now isn't a cough cure like :hat valuable?" One Minute Cough Cure is absolutely saft and acts immediately. For coughs, colds, croup, grip, bron chitis and all other throat and lung troubles it is a certain cure. Very pleasant to take. The little ones like it- Hood & Grantham, E, Lee's Haidware, moved to New Brick Store just across tl e ■street. FOR FIRE INSURANCE t • . —r-rr=Sep = GEO. K, GRANTHAM. He rep* resents good companies. Buggy and wagon Harness at cost. Lee's Hardware House. A Friend's Advice. t , .u* r •• # «■" MTakp 'CoJemjin's Guarantee,' eat what you want and be happy." A positive and per manent cure for all forms of indigestion, dyspepsia and con stipation. It purifies the blood and makes you feel like a new man. A guaranteed medicine. Price §Qc, large bottle, at drug- Look for E. L?e's Hardware and Harness House fronting two streets, Broad and Wilson. Hicks' Capudins, FOR HEADACHE, LA GRIPPE AND COLDS. Sold by Hood & Grantham and C. L. Wilson, Dunn, N. C, BLOOD-HOUNDS. Notify me at once when crime is committed. Guard the start ing point from intruders. Don't tell the old folks am} keep the "kids" at home'and I will sue l ceed. Prices right. J. J. Wilson, j Dunn, N, C. MENTION. Mr. 11. H. McKay, of Fay etteville, was in the city Sun day. Mr. P. F. Pope, of Battle boro, was in the city last week and paid us a pleasant call. Mr. N. B. Grantham, of Smithfield, was in the city a few hours Monday. Mr. J. R. Wooclall, traveling salesman for Fleshmon & Son is in the city. Miss Emma Lee, who has been at Ayden for some time, returned home Saturday. Miss Lucy Ford, of Warren ton, is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. M. Pittman. Mr. W. E. Murcliison, of Jonesboro, spent Sunday and Monday in town with friends. Mrs. L. F. Gay, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Young returned to her home at Weldon yesterday. Mr. W x F. Furpless, who has been buying cotton ou this market for J. H. Sloan, of Wil mington, left last week for Wil mington. Mr. N. G. Duncan, who has just received his liceuse to practice law, is in the city visit ing his brother Mr. W. H. Duncan. Mr. McD, Higgs, one of Dunn's young men, who is now with the Hicks' Chemical Co., of Raleigh, was in the city a few hours Monday in the inter est of his house. Mack is a hustliug young man and we are always glad to see him. Mr. E. F. Young returned from Raleigh last Friday, where he had been to attend the Good Roads Convention. He 6ays that it was a great convention aud meant a great deal for the State. Mr. Young is always wide-awake to every thing that teuds toward the upbuilding of the county and State. FOR RENT. A store house on Broad street the best stand iu Dunn for groceries and country produce. P. T. Massengill. E. Lee will for the next 60 days sell his stock of Har ness at manufacturer's cost. Teachers' Meeting. Will meet in the Dunn High School building Saturday, Feb. 22nd, at 10 o'clock a. m. All persons interested in the cause of education are respectfully in vited, In the forenoon address es by Messrs. J. C. Clitt'ord and W. A. Stewart and others. In the afternoon session gen eral discussion on school work, plans, methods etc. etc. J. D. EZZELL. Horse collars at the right price. Wade Hdw. Co. A CARD OF THANKS. As it is for me to thank every one in person, as I would like to do, I take this method of thankiug the good •jeople of Dunn for the many kindnesses rendered me and my family in the recent illness and death of my husband. I also wish to thank the Mason's for the beautiful emblem placed on his casket as it token of love aq4 respppt. Yours sincerly, MRS. DORA MEADOWS. WOOD FOR SALE. We have opened up a wood yard at our factory and can sup ply you in wood at any time you should need |t. fpFr pish a'nv length at $3 per- cord or no£ pet' load delivered. DUNN LUMIJER COMPANY. Emory Phillips, Mgr. Woodyard. I have 3 mules and one horse and buggy for sale cheap. 'p. T. > Wood's Seeds. ) \ Va. Second Crop j \ Seed Potatoes. > C These are the result of growing S two crops in the same year, the S \ first |)eujg S t Mafue Seed an# pjf seed > 5 selepted Hqm' Ihij plftPteu / t again \n July or AtigC>st: They \ / not only mjike their eiop earlier. / ) hut they also make a larger vield ) / and much surer crop than Maine ? or Northern-grown Seed. c / Our stock Is very superior and we ahvaya ship in full-sized double- > I head barrels. Wood's 1902 De- { / scriptive Catalogue gives very in- \ teresting information about Pota- I toes. Mailed upon request. P We have also large stocks of the ) best MAINE and NORTHERN- i ) GROW IS - / \ Potato price-list;. ) I T, W.Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, \ ? RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. MCD. HOLLIDAY, M. H. PRIVETT. Dunn Hardware & F"ur s Co. 88c Boy Dixie Plows 88c We are in the Hardware and Furniture business Our prices have always been " LEADERS! See us before you buy and you will be pleased. YOURS TO SERVE, • * i DUNN HARDWARE Business locals. Locals appearing in this .col umn will be charged 5c a line for each issue. It is a pleasure to open cans with our new opener. Try one. Wade Hdw. Co. Lantern with match safe at tachment. Wade Hdw. Co. WARM Bargains for a Cold Day. SPECTACLES at prime cost. JEWELRY at prime cost. LAMPS at prime cost. PICTURES at prime cost. You have room for these-we hftven't. HOOD 4 QRANTHAM, DRUUOISTS, SKBDSMEN AND BOOK DKAI.KRS. MOVED! I desre to iuform the public that I have moved my BEEF MARKET to the building formerly occu pied by the Dunn Grocery Qo , [next doot; to Gainpy $ Jordan, where J be glad to serve one and all in need of anything in my line. All orders filled promptly. "Come on good people' one and all, And buy your meats from my st.ill. To save you money I 'll do my best: Come get your's §rst—then te|l the rest, Since first I opened up my stall, My aim has bet u to please you all. My knives are sharp, my coun ters clean, I keep all kinds both fat and lean." . , Yours to serve, j B- M- FEARSALL Plows of all kinds that will plow well. Wade Hdw. Co. MAKE HOME HAPPK! 0—— —o If you wish to please your wife and make your home hap py, buy a Ball Bearing New Home Sewing Machine. Nona run lighter and it ©xcells all others in durability. It has less machinery to wear and conse quently it' is seldom out of fix. It is not only one of the best machines made but one of the cheapest on the market. Repairs of AH Kind. We carry parts an attach ments for all first class makes of machines. Any one desir ing repair work of any kind will please notify us and we will call and get the machine. Yours for business,. GAINEY & JORDAN. BREWER & CO. ->>> mmmmm Wlieu in need of FANCY GROCERIES you can always find them at our store. MESS GOODS. Our line is always up-to-date and will be glad to show you what we have when you are in town. We are anions to buy your country produce and will pay the top of the market, YOURS FOR BUSINESS, BREWER CO. Lane Co., old stand. J. W. LANE. S. W. GODWIN. Lane & Godwin, DUNN, N. C. Y>. XA yAOKW oa X/I XK XA X/I y/. y/. XN XA> We are now ready to sell the people goods. We have them and will sell them at'prices never lie£w4 of before. The goods were bought cheap and we will give our customers the advantage of it. Come and examine our goods and make our store headquarters. Yours to serve, Lane & Godwin. "INTERNATIONAL" CLOTH E5 ARE WINNERS. THE CLOTHES f -v, MADE BY £?'"'■ The International Tailoring Co. r) of New York and won approval from the first and they keep on v*;itai(ig THEIR POPULARITY HAS SPREAD ALL OVER THE UNITED STATES. THERE are strong reasons for this continued endorsement by good dressers. They are : QUALITY ALWAYS HIQH. tttß BEST. Wf* PERFECT. * PRICES LOWEST. THE COMPLETE LINE OF "INTERNATIONAL" SAMPLES CAN BE SEEN AT ' T. C. YOUNG & CO., Dunn, N. C. if,. ---gaafc. ..--'vr- STOP TBAX Mtas WHIN you CQUE TOJ tciwm AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK Everything to Eat and Wear at prices never heard of, both AND BB THill" ■ MOT"We are here for business and if VALUES F'or Every Dollar SPENT WITH US AND HONEST DEALINGS WILL GIVE IT TO US WE WILL HAVE IT. Shoes, ulothiiig, Gents' Wear, Our specialties. T*. C. YOUNG & Co. Fresh Groceries Arriving Daily.— " &EGJEPTION AT Store beginning^ at 6:30 a. m. and will continue every day except Sunday until 9:30 p. m. Everybody invited, but will be more beneficial to persons who wish to buy Builder's Hardware, Farming Uteucils, Crock ery, Tin and Enamel Ware. Glassware, Paints, Oils, and Mill Supplies. Our prices are entertaining, our Saws Saw and our Kuives cut. Will be glad to meet you whether you are in the . market for goods in our line or not. BRICK STORE.^f M. L. WADE, MANAGER. 1 NEW FIBM. I wish to inform my friends that I have this day bought the entire stock of goods, notes and accounts of Massengill, Marks & Co. I shall continue the business at the same stand until ray NE.W BRIGK BUILDING next door is completed. Then I shall move into the new store where I hope to be able to serve my customers in such manner as to make it to their interest to trade with me. Thanking my friends one and all for their patronage in the past and wishing them all a prosperous and happy New Year. lam as ever, Yours for business, P. T. IVEassengill. CannacLy & Young, DUNN, N. C. . I ' Pi - O I' I tiimw trim I We have moved our entire stock of Harness, Buggies,. Wagons etc., to D. J. Stone's old stand, where we will bo glad to serve our customers and friends. We will alwapa try to treat you right. We guarantee ?' CANNADY & YOUNG. 1!-A-PIAE /X VX VjC « 300 -/A Rf . /» vx yjo vacaoo vao Buy a PIANO and make home attractive. Buy a Standard Piano, a good Piano and thereby save money and trouble. Buy from a STANDARD RELIABLE HOUSE and run no risk. Buy it at lowest price for cash or on our easy plans of pay ment. Write for catalogue and our salesman will call on you. VVill put a PIANO OR FRGAN in your home to try. We are North Carolina factory representatives for a complete line of Pianos and Organs and guarantee best possible value. Write us for full particulars. Write today. DARNELL & THOMAS, Raleigh N C

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