THE Democratic Banner. DUNN,N.G. WEDNESDAY, June 4, 100*2. LOCAL DOTS. SCHKPUMC OK TRAINS LEAVING DUNN. Northbound Local Passen. „r. No. 73, at 1 :24 p. m. No- S-J, 10 :4a p. 111. Southbound Local Passen jyr. No. 23, 3:40, p. m. No. 35, 12 :30, p. m. t ?jS-This paper positively will not accept for publication front any one any notice of land H;de. or administrator's notice without cash with copy. This applies to all. Rates—medium size $2.50; larger $3.00; ad ministrator's notico six weeks jjCl.oO. Per Seeds —Borax —Insect Pow ders—Paris Green, etc., see Hood & Grantham, Druggists. The Wade Hardware Company. —Cotton 9c. to-day. House and lot fo«" sale. See R. M. Pearsall, Dunn, N C. We are glad to see Prof. J. 1). Ezzell out again after sever al days sickness. The year 1002 is nearly half gone. We can hardly real ize this fact. —Good inanv from here are attending the Federal court at this week. —tiood many of our citizen-* attended the convention at Lili ington Monday. —Mr. Troy Honeycutt, who has been confined to -his room for some little time is abie to be out again. —Mr. J. 11. A. Edwards had corn for dinner Monday that he raised in his garden. .Who can beat this? —Read the li-t takers notice in this issue and be prepared to list your taxes when ho is in vour section. —Rev. W. I>. Morton preach ed two excellent sermons at the Baptist church Sunday morn ing and night. —We are indeed glad to note that Dr. Harper is aide to be out and attend to his practice a;ain after several days confine ment from a bLLous attack. —Now is the time to adver tise so that you may get your goods before the people before the tobacco season opens. It will profit you. —ln this issue you will an article headed—"Another daily train desired." We hope our ci-iz MIS will take some steps along this line and aid in this movement. —Nearly all the schools in the State have closed and for the past few days the trains have been crowded with stu dents returning home. —Mr. R. M. Pearsall has just received a nice refrigerator to keep his fresh meats iu, so that he may be able to furnish his customers with something nice. —Work is progressing rapid ly on the Cotton deed Oil Mill. By the time the season opens for operation they expect to be ready to go to work. —Mr. Handy Warren, of Fitzgerald, Ga., was called to the bedside of his mother by a telegram Saturday, May 24th, but she died before he reached home. —We devote the latter part of the week to job work. It takes our entire time lirst of the week to get out the paper. We would be glad our patrons would take notice of this. —The dry weather is begin ning to elf'ect crops. So far the fanners have worked di ligently and have the best prospects for a bountiful harvest we have seen in this section for a decade. —Mr. J. D. Barnes has torn down the shelter that was in front of his store and is having it coat of paint put on, which will add much to the appear ance of his store. —lt is rumored that the At lantic Coast Line Railroad Co. will soon erect a new passenger depot for J)unn. The citizens of the town and travelling pub he will highly appreciate this addition to our travelling facil ities. —The neat and attractive brick store of P. T. Massengill is nearly completed. The cnants and Farmers Bank, one 01 the most thrifty and reliable institutions of our town; will take new quarters in a few days in their new bank building. 1 his will be one of the best ar ranged banks in the State. —Mr. J. L. Ludlow\ civil en gineer of Winston, was in the city this week making some es timates on the water works anil electric lights. —Miss Bettie Tripp, who lives near hero, died yesterday. Site had been sick for some dme. Iler many friends will be greived to learn of her death. —See the change in the 'ad' of Gainey & Jordan the up-tc date jewelers. They are always on the alert for bargains and give their customers the advan tage of thara. —We have just received a nice lot of stationery and are now ready to furnish you in most anything you need in this line. Don't send your work away, patronize home enter prises. —Mr. J no. W. Gooch, who has been on the road some time for Slater, Myers &, Co., of Richmond, Va , has opened tip a brokerage and insurance office here, llis many friends will be glad to of this fact. —Dr. J, C. Coggins, of Wil son, is conducting a meeting at the Disciple church ibis week. Dr. Coggins is an able minister and is preaching some excellent sermons. No doubt our people will be greatlv benefitted by his sermons.. We have not learned how long the meeting will con tinue. —lt was our pleasure on last Thursday night to hear the de lightful concert of "The Arion Trio," three young ladies of the Red Springs Seminar}*. We never attended a more enjoyable entertainment Their concert reflects credit upon this Semi nary. Misses Vardeli, Sey mour and Law are all pifted musicians and those who did not attend mi.-sod a rare treat. We hope to see them in our town again soon. WANTED—TraveI 1i n g agent to sell Acid Iron Mineral. Good territory. Salary or cum mission. Apply at once to J. A. COOK, Gen. Agt., Dunn, N. C. White lawns and other dress goods all new and up-to date at Brewer «fc Co. Summer pants and pant goods lower than the lowest at Brewer & Co. The llc«t Pj-esci-tjjiiaii lor JI«»- lariu Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply Iron, and Quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. Price 50c. List Vour Taxes. I will be at the following places on the days of June named for the purpose of re ceiving the tax list of polls and property of Averasboro town ship for the year 1902. Jones' School House, June 10th. Thomas McLamb's June 11th. Cicero Bare foot's June 12th. Averasboro, June 13th. Dunn, at Mayor's Oflice, June 14, IG, 17, 18, 10, 20 and 21. All tax payers are earnestly requested to meet me promptly at these places and list their polls, and all real and personal property owned l»y them on the first day of June, 1002. A. M. WOOD ALL. List Taker. All persons living in or own ing property in the town of Dunn are requested to list for town taxes on the days that I will be in Dunn. A. M. WOODALL, List-taker for Dnnn. June 4th. 2w. Hicks' Capudine, FOR HEADACHE, LA GRIPPE AND COLDS. Sold by Hood & Grantham and C. L. Wilson, Dunn, N. C. We have Gents and Ladies dress shoes from. per pair to $4. Call and see them. Brewer & Co. The best Molassess in town. Brewer & Co. We have what you want in shirts neck wear and Straw Hats all new and up-to-date. Brewer & Co. Nice line of of Patent Leather shoes and low cuts just received. Brewer & Co. To Cure n in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box, 25c. See our Hosiery, acceptional values all the way through. T. C. Young & Co. f>Ef*S6Nitfi MENTION; Mr. Brainerd Taylor returned last week from Wake Forest. Mi> Lloyd Wade is home again after- a session at the University of N. C. Mr. D. T. Oates and Dr. J. V. McGougan, of Fayetteville, wore in the city Sunday. Messrs. Colon Pearson and Tate Hudson returned Thurs day from Horner's school. Mr. W. F. Pearson attended the closing exercises ofHorner's school last week. Mr. Glenn Smith, of Wilson, spent Sunday in the city with his brother Mr. C. L. Smith Messrs. J. W. W. Thompson and B. W. Kincaid, of Wilson, spent Sunday in the city. Mr. N. Rico returned home last Saturday after spending several days in Nash county. Mr. A. V. Smith returned home last week after-a business trip of several days. Mr. J. E. Boyd, tobacconist of Warrenton arrived in the city last night. Mrs. J. M. Davis, of Linden was in the (ity a. few hours Sat urday en route to Red Springs. Miss Clyde Johnson, who has b»en at ihe Littleton Female College this session returned home Thursday. Messrs. Tyler and Alfred Mc- Lean returned from Chapel Hill last week where they have been attending the University. Misses Mab n l and Bessie Kennedy, of LaGrange, are visiting their sister, Mrs. Dr. O. L. Wilson. Hon. J. A. Brown, of Colum bus county, arrived Sunday night. He is a candidate for Congress in this district. Rev. J. N. Summerill, of Norfolk, Va., was in the city a few hours Monday en route to Salisbury to marry a couple. Mr. Frank 11. Stedman, sheriff of New Hanover count}*, made a trip to Lillington, Mon day, in the interest of Congress man John D. Bellamy. Mr. Alexander Webb, of Ra leigh, was in the city last weok looking after some matters per taining to the N. C. Home In surance Co. Mr. B. B. Jernigan and fam-i ily, who have been at Hawkins-) vile, Ga., f'»r some time have moved to Dunn. Mr. Jernigan is well known here and his many friends welcome him back. l'o:i KiiiOn Wiiiil Yost sir* k-. inu When you take Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic because the for mula is plainly printed on every bo:tie showing that it is simply iron and Quinine in a lastoiess form. No Cure, No Pay. 50c. Nice summer buggy robes. Prices right at E. Lee's. The following short para graphs are taken from the Mad ison County Record. They are some of the numerous sayings of Sam Jones. The Enterprise is a Republican organ and the Record is a Democratic paper, edited at the home of Senator Pritchard. It reads: Hurrah for Sam Jones! He says that it looks as if the devil, and the democrats were against God.—Enterprise. Sam also said, "don't you mossback republicans laugh, 1 have never got low enough down to join the radicals." ICE! ICEl! At Jernigan & Motley's Cash Market. Sunday hours for Ice from 0 to 10 a. m. and sto 6 p. m. at Jernigan & Motley's Cash Market. Mutton and all Pork Sausage and stall fed cattle at Jernigan & Motley's Cash Market. White Mountain Ice cream freezers at E. Lee's Hard ware- Store. There is none better and prices right. See me. One Trial Enough To convince any sufferer that DR. WORTHINGTON'S REM EDY will produce quicker and more satisfactory results than can possibly be obtained in any other manner. We can cure you of that pain, relieve you of all suffering, and put you on your feet, sound and well, if you will try our rem edy for your aches, and pains'. DR. WORTHINGTON'S REM EDY will cure Headache, Neu ralgia, Cramps, Diarrhoea, and all ailments of this character. Procure it to-day, to-morrow you'll need it. WORTH MORE THAN 25 CENTS, it't selling price at ! Hood & Grantham's. Moth HCllLidly. M. 11. P&IVETT. THE BEST, SOLD BY Dunn Hardware & Pur. Co. STEPHEN SON TOBACCO SPRAY OR. THE FARMERS FRIEND. Sold by DUNN HARDWARE & FURNITURE COMPANY. THE CHEAPEST LINE OF FURNITURE IN DUNN, Sold by DUNN-HARDWARE & FURNITURE COMPANY. RUBBER, LEATHER AND GANDY BELTING, ENGINE AND MILL SUPPLIES CHEAP AT DUNN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. Reduction in Tax Levy. The county commissioners mot in regular session at Lill rngton Monday and transacted regular routine business. In iiie afternoon they made settle ments with the Sheriff and Treasurer. So well have they managed the affairs of the icounty that, they deemed it no 1 necessary to levy so much tn> ; as for last year and reduced th« Tax levy this year 13 1-3 cents on the $lOO worth of property and 40 cents on the poll from that of last year. This reduc tion is equal to taking off the special tax on court house and compromise debt bonds. 4 String, Heavy Stick Brooms at Young's, cheap. Hammocks at cost at E. Lee Hardware House. Don't Molest Mai! Boxes. The United States Post Office Department has inaugurated the sy.-hmi of Rural Free De livery Mail routes. We have them here in our midst. The Government has to spend inon t'V to establish on« > of these routes. It puts up the n: iil boxes we see along the highway near town. These boxes ane not the property of tiie indi viduals. whose names th-y have; but the property of the Government. Congress in establishing this branch of the Post Oifiee De partment, made it a crime punishable bv imprisonment in the penitentiary to break down, injure or mutilate these boxes. We mention this for the purpose of directing the at tention of the public- to tins matter, hoping thcrr-bv to aid our people, especially the young men and boys, to understand (-hat these mail boxes cannot be tampered with. The courts will punish those who injure these boxes, the same as they would a person who injured the mails carried in any other mail er. Grain cradles that must be sold at E. Lee Hardware House itie C»upli am! W«rk» olf I lie Col*. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, No pay. Price, 25 cents. Mount Pelee, the modem Vesuvius of the Island of Martinque, near the Northern Coast of South America, wlic'i made such violent eruptions a short time ago, is still threat ening and terrifying the in habitants of the Island. The dust and cinders thrown off by the recent eruptions can be found along the wave-washed shores of the Atlantic Coast from Maine to Mexico. Misses Half Hose, the 2oc kind only 20c at Young's. FRANKLINS IVIACIC CURE FOII Sick and Nervous Headache and Neuralgia. Guaranteed to relieve or money refunded. Price 2£> cents. Endorsed by Clergymen, Law yers, Merchants and Busi ness men everywhere. At soda fountains r>f per dose. For sale by Hood & Grantham, Dunn, N. C. J.F.PHILLIPS. J.T.PHILLIPS. PHILLIPS & OOW DUNN, N. O. We are still here and are handling one of the nicest lines of Farley Oocm^s ever brought to town. Our goods are all fresh. We have had several years experience and know what to buy to suit our customers. You will find us next to J. F. Phillips' residence. COLD DRINKS. We can suit the most fastidious. We serve any kind of soft : drink you may wish. Give us a call and you will be our cus j tomer in the future. Yours for business, Phillips & Co. Robbery of the Ticket Office. Monday morning between the, hours of 12 and 4 o'clock the! ticket office at this place (Lum- i herton) was rubbed. The part} ) took a pane of glass out of the 1 sash and raising the window, | 'entered the olfice, There was about $4O missing. The cou pon ticket case stems to have i been turned over when th°y cn-j tered the building, spreading! the contents over the floor, j Both drawers of the ticket case | were left just as they pulled j them out. No clue to the rob-| bery could be had. —Robeson-; lan. Call and see our line of Laces 1 and Embroideries just received. ; Brewer it Co. A 11 KM. FRIEND. "I suffered from dyspepsia} and indigestion for fifteen! I years," says W. T. Sturdevant! of Merry Oaks, C. C. "After I! , luid tried many doctors and j i medicines to no avail one of my j j friends persuaded me to try j I Kodol. It gave immediate re-j ! lief. I can eat almost anything • I want now and my digestion is | good. I cheerfully recommend Kodol." "Don't try to cure (stomach 'trouble by dieting, i That only further weakens the j system. You need wholesome, i strengthening food. Kodol en ables you t» assimilate what | you eat by digesting it without \ the stomach's aid. Hood & Grantham. Buxton's Joke on Surry Man. Mr. J. C. Buxton is responsi- j ble for the following, wlfich the Charlott' Observer prints: "Sometime ago while at tending court in Surry I was at the table with the judge and other lawyers when a frowsy haired, rough-whiskered, dirty looking fellow came in and took a seat. Ilis coat was drawn about his neck and he appeared to be pulling through the last stages of a back-lot spree. The man opposite him at the table looked him over and asked: "John, ain't you kinder sham ed to come to the table looking like you do, with these gentle- | j men, the judge and the law-' lyers? I wouldn't thought you could have done it.' "Well,'said the fellow, 'I tell you, George, since the President of the country took dinner with a negro in Wash ington I've got so I ain't par ticular who I eat with. That the truth of it." I /s This Mule a Foot? Out at the Gingham Mills in I this city there is either a very I clever or a very foolish mule, i She works six days in the week I and rests on the Sabbath ; and the few daylight hours that this mule has been kept in her stall : after Sundayjiave been a period jof great agony for the animal. On the Sabbath she blinks and I sleeps and nothing short cf | force can make her leave her stall, but at the break of day Monday morning if somebody I doesn't come and take her out j and hitch her up to something I she goes stark raving mad. j Certainly the mule set an ex ample that mankind may fol low with profit—but is she a , fool ?—Charlotte Observer. Of course. Such a question ! i Anyhow, when anybody or any ! thing down this way acts after | that fashion (or he) is at once i labeled "danger," and the pub i lie warned to steer the other j way. Nice lot of Gents and Ladies slippers at low prices. Brewer & Co. Tangle foot for Hies at E. Lee Hardware House. 4 Great Criminal Desires to Marry. The notorious Jim Younger, who followed Quantrell's black flag into Lawrence, Kansas, and was one member of Jesse j James' outlaws, desires to j marry again, but after consult ing a lawyer. finds that he is "civilly dead" under the law of Minnesota, in which state he is confined in the penitentiary under sentence of life imprison ment. This is now the law in New York State which is only declaratory of the common law. This imprisonment in a num ber of states is only a ground for divorce if the prisoner is a married man. The old rule invalidated all executory contracts made by ; the prisoner. 1 Younger seems to have ac cumulated some property al though incarcerated for nearly thirty-two years in one of the most strictly disciplined prisons in the United States. ;i|Snoa stow EA«H no/, EM ■VIUOiISVO Have You Seen V i the Handsome Line of NECKWEAR, HATS T SHOES just opened at our store ? If not, do so at once and save money on your purchases. BALLARD'S OBLISK FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND TRY A BAG. Yours for business, T. C. YOUNG & CO. The St. Olair Line has all modern improvements. Every Stove guaranteed to give satisfaction, or the stove is ours, the money yours. Follow the Rush. Wade Hardware Company's Stare. IVE. L. WADE, MANAGER. jpy THORNTON'S BRICK STORE. 'Phone 27. 1 " 1 Prettiest Line of Hamburg Edgings, Insertions to match, and Swiss Em broideries ever displayed in Dunn, was opened up to-day. ! __ PER CENT, 25 LOWER I*-THAN THE USUAL PRICE. OF-Call and see them. P. T. IVCassengill. G. L. CANNADY. E. F. YOUNG. Come right along to Cannady Young's to gcr the' Best Harness in town, made of Andrew Cowan's Peerless Oak Tanned Leather. Can't be beat in the Unitod States. We have with us Rev. J. F. Owen, who will be glad to make and repair your harness. We also have with our business a first class Shoe Shop, and will do all kinds or shoe work cheap. We do all kiud of leather work and sell all kind of vehicles. ' We carry some machine harness with our business and we have all kinds of leather for sale, from shoe strings up to the nicest lace leather. If you want to be satisfied in harness and leather give us a call. Thanking you for past favors and a continuance of the same, we are Very Respectfully, CANNADY & V Oil RIG DUNN, N. C. . Don t i:O QET THAT Grainey & Jorclan, JEWELERS, are still at their same old stand, offering to their trade bar gains that you never heard of before. We handle everything in the Jewelery Line that a man wants. Come to see our goods. Repair Work. Why, we make you laugh at how well we do your work on your Watch, Clock or most anything else, and prices always suit. See us, we guarantee satisfaction. We are 7 ours to serve, ©AIIHEW & dQRIDAIS.

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